your image should have been seen here!
IR satellite

to retrieve new images, enter YYYYMMDDHH:
Note the failure for 2011052300 because of missing satellite data at 201105230010. We cannot do much about that. Note the failure to retrieve the 500mb plot for any code with HH!=12 or HH!=00. Your task (1) is to select the 0 UTC or 12 UTC time nearest to the specified time. (If a tie, go to the lower time). Month and year changes and leap years can cause problems! See how time is handled with datetime and timedelta in this script. Your task (2) is to add the visible satellite image to the slide show. Also, change the default to 2011052301. Here is the result of the the completed task. Here is the Python source code that produced this page. Tips for completing the task are found within the source code.