MODULE module_positive_definite USE module_wrf_error
! frame CONTAINS
SUBROUTINE positive_definite_slab( f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte) IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(INOUT) :: f ! Local variables REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: line INTEGER :: j, k, i_end, j_end, k_end REAL :: fmin, ftotal_pre, rftotal_post ! Initialize variables i_end = ide-1 j_end = MIN(jte, jde-1) k_end = kte-1 ! Only do anything if we have to... IF (ANY(f(ids:i_end,kts:k_end,jts:j_end) < 0.)) THEN ! number of points in the X direction, not including U-stagger ALLOCATE(line(ide-ids)) DO j = jts, j_end DO k = kts, kte-1 !while_lt_0_loop: DO WHILE (ANY(f(ids:i_end,k,j) < 0.)) f_lt_0: IF (ANY(f(ids:i_end,k,j) < 0.)) THEN line(:) = f(ids:i_end,k,j) ! This is actually an integration over x assuming dx is constant ftotal_pre = SUM(line) ! If the total is negative, set everything to 0. and exit IF (ftotal_pre < 0.) THEN line(:) = 0. ELSE ! Value to add to array to make sure every element is > 0. fmin = MINVAL(line) line(:) = line(:) - fmin ! fmin is negative... rftotal_post = 1./SUM(line) line = line*ftotal_pre*rftotal_post ! The following error can naturally occur on 32-bit machines: !IF (SUM(line) /= ftotal_pre) THEN ! write(wrf_err_message,*) 'ERROR: module_positive_definite, ',& ! 'mismatching sums ',j,k,ftotal_pre,& ! SUM(line),fmin,1./rftotal_post ! write(*,*) line ! CALL wrf_error_fatal( wrf_err_message ) !END IF END IF f(ids:i_end,k,j) = line(:) END IF f_lt_0 !END DO while_lt_0_loop END DO END DO DEALLOCATE(line) END IF END SUBROUTINE positive_definite_slab !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SUBROUTINE positive_definite_sheet( f, f_total, nx, ny ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: nx, ny REAL, DIMENSION( nx, ny ), INTENT(INOUT) :: f REAL, DIMENSION( ny ), INTENT(IN) :: f_total ! Local variables REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: line INTEGER :: iy REAL :: fmin, rftotal_post, sum_line REAL, PARAMETER :: eps = 1.0e-15 ! Only do anything if we have to... IF (ANY(f < 0.)) THEN ALLOCATE(line(nx)) DO iy = 1, ny !while_lt_0_loop: DO WHILE (ANY(f(:,iy) < 0.)) f_lt_0: IF (ANY(f(:,iy) < 0.)) THEN line(:) = f(:,iy) ! If the total is negative, set everything to 0. and exit IF (f_total(iy) < 0.) THEN line(:) = 0. ELSE ! Value to add to array to make sure every element is > 0. fmin = MINVAL(line) line(:) = line(:) - fmin ! fmin is negative... sum_line = SUM(line) IF(sum_line > eps) THEN rftotal_post = 1./sum_line line = line*f_total(iy)*rftotal_post ELSE line(:) = 0. END IF ! The following error can naturally occur on 32-bit machines: !IF (SUM(line) /= f_total(iy)) THEN ! write(wrf_err_message,*) 'ERROR: module_positive_definite, ',& ! 'mismatching sums ',iy,f_total(iy), & ! SUM(line),fmin,1./rftotal_post ! write(*,*) line ! CALL wrf_error_fatal( wrf_err_message ) !END IF END IF f(:,iy) = line(:) END IF f_lt_0 !END DO while_lt_0_loop END DO DEALLOCATE(line) END IF END SUBROUTINE positive_definite_sheet END MODULE module_positive_definite