!***************************************************************************** ! ! Routine to fill a grib2map structure (linked list). ! !*****************************************************************************subroutine load_grib2map(filename, msg, ierr) 3,1 USE grib2tbls_types
Implicit None character*(*), intent(in) :: filename character*(*), intent(inout) :: msg integer , intent(out) :: ierr integer :: status = 0 integer :: fileunit logical :: foundunit character*(maxLineSize) :: line integer :: firstval integer :: numtables = 0 character*(1) :: delim integer :: lastpos integer :: pos integer :: idx integer :: end logical :: lerr ! Open the file ! First pass: ! Scan the file to determine how many tables are included, and how many ! entries are in each table. ! ! Find an open fileunit foundunit = .false. do fileunit = 10,100 inquire(unit=fileunit,opened=lerr) if (lerr .eqv. .false.) then foundunit = .true. exit endif enddo if (foundunit .neqv. .true.) then write(msg, *)'Could not find unit to open ',filename ierr = -1 return endif ! Open the file open ( unit = fileunit, file=filename, status = 'old', iostat = status) if (status .ne. 0) then write(msg, *)'Could not open file ',filename ierr = -1 return endif ! Loop through each line to count the number of tables and entries in ! each table. READLINE: do ! ! Read the line, skip line if line is comment, blank or invalid ! read(fileunit,'(A)',iostat=status) line line = adjustl(line) if (status .lt. 0) then exit endif if (len_trim(line) .eq. 0) then cycle READLINE endif if (line(1:1) .eq. '#') then cycle READLINE endif ! ! Read the first value in the line ! read(line,*,iostat=status) firstval if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Skipping Invalid line in',trim(filename),':' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif ! ! If the first value is -1, weve found a new table. Allocate ! a new member in the linked list, and add the information ! to that member ! if (firstval .eq. -1) then numtables = numtables + 1 ! ! Create and allocate the next member of the linked list ! if (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(TblHead)) THEN ALLOCATE (TblHead, stat=status) if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Could not allocate space for TblHead' exit READLINE endif TblTail => TblHead else ALLOCATE (TblTail%next, STAT=status) if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Could not allocate space for TblTail%next, continuing' cycle READLINE endif TblTail%previous => TblTail TblTail => TblTail%next endif nullify(TblTail%next) nullify(TblTail%ParmHead) ! ! Parse the header line ! lastpos = 0 do idx = 1,5 pos = index(line(lastpos+1:maxLineSize), "|") if (pos .lt. 0) then print *,'Found invalid header line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' if (associated(TblTail%previous)) then TblTail => TblTail%previous else nullify(TblTail) endif cycle READLINE endif SELECT CASE (idx) CASE (1) ! Do nothing, since this is just the indicator value CASE (2) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%center if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid header line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif CASE (3) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%subcenter if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid header line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif CASE (4) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%MasterTblV if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid header line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif CASE (5) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%LocalTblV if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid header line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif END SELECT lastpos = lastpos+pos enddo #ifdef TEST ! Test print *,'Header Line: ' print *,TblTail%center, TblTail%subcenter, TblTail%MasterTblV, & TblTail%LocalTblV #endif ! ! We found the header, cycle so that the header is not interpereted ! as a parameter line. ! cycle READLINE endif if (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(TblTail%ParmHead)) then ALLOCATE (TblTail%ParmHead, stat=status) if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Could not allocate space for TblTail%ParmHead, continuing' cycle READLINE endif TblTail%ParmTail => TblTail%ParmHead else ALLOCATE (TblTail%ParmTail%next, STAT=status) if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Could not allocate space for TblTail%ParmTail%next, continuing' cycle READLINE endif TblTail%ParmTail%previous => TblTail%ParmTail TblTail%ParmTail => TblTail%ParmTail%next endif nullify(TblTail%ParmTail%next) ! ! Parse the Parameter line ! lastpos = 0 do idx = 1,7 pos = index(line(lastpos+1:maxLineSize), "|") if (pos .lt. 0) then print *,'Found invalid header line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' if (associated(TblTail%previous)) then TblTail => TblTail%previous else nullify(TblTail) endif cycle READLINE endif SELECT CASE (idx) CASE (1) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%ParmTail%Disc if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif CASE (2) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%ParmTail%Category if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif CASE (3) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%ParmTail%ParmNum if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif CASE (4) TblTail%ParmTail%WRFNameString = & trim(adjustl(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1))) CASE (5) TblTail%ParmTail%Description = & trim(adjustl(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1))) CASE (6) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%ParmTail%DecScl if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif CASE (7) read(line(lastpos+1:lastpos+pos-1),*,iostat=status) TblTail%ParmTail%BinScl if (status .ne. 0) then print *,'Found invalid line: ' print *,'''',trim(line),'''' cycle READLINE endif END SELECT lastpos = lastpos+pos enddo #ifdef TEST ! Test Code delim = '|' write(6,'(I4,A1,I4,A1,I4,A1,A12,A1,A42,A1,I4,A1,I4,A1)') & TblTail%ParmTail%Disc, delim, & TblTail%ParmTail%Category, delim, & TblTail%ParmTail%ParmNum, delim, & trim(TblTail%ParmTail%WRFNameString), delim, & trim(TblTail%ParmTail%Description), delim, & TblTail%ParmTail%DecScl, delim, & TblTail%ParmTail%BinScl, delim #endif ! ! Parse the WRFNameString ! status = 0 lastpos = 0 idx = 1 do while (pos .gt. 0) pos = index(TblTail%ParmTail%WRFNameString(lastpos+1:maxLineSize), ",") if (pos .le. 0) then end = lastpos+maxLineSize else end = lastpos+pos-1 endif read(TblTail%ParmTail%WRFNameString(lastpos+1:end),*) & TblTail%ParmTail%WRFNames(idx) lastpos = lastpos + pos idx = idx + 1 enddo TblTail%ParmTail%numWRFNames = idx-1 #ifdef TEST write(6,*)'WRFNames: ',& (trim(TblTail%ParmTail%WRFNames(idx)),' ', & idx=1,TblTail%ParmTail%numWRFNames) #endif enddo READLINE close ( unit = fileunit) end subroutine load_grib2map !***************************************************************************** ! ! Routine to find and return the grib2 information associated with a WRF ! parameter. ! !*****************************************************************************
subroutine get_parminfo(parmname, center, subcenter, MasterTblV, & 7,1 LocalTblV, Disc, Category, ParmNum, DecScl, BinScl, ierr) USE grib2tbls_types
Implicit None character*(*),intent(in) :: parmname integer ,intent(out) :: center, subcenter, MasterTblV, LocalTblV, & Disc, Category, ParmNum, DecScl, BinScl TYPE (grib2Entries_type), pointer :: ParmPtr TYPE (grib2tbls_type) , pointer :: TblPtr integer :: idx logical :: found integer :: ierr ! ! Loop through tables ! found = .false. TblPtr => TblHead TABLE : DO if ( .not. associated(TblPtr)) then exit TABLE endif ! ! Loop through parameters ! ParmPtr => TblPtr%ParmHead PARAMETER : DO if ( .not. associated(ParmPtr)) then exit PARAMETER endif ! ! Loop through WRF parameter names for the table parameter entry ! WRFNAME : do idx = 1,ParmPtr%numWRFNames if (parmname .eq. ParmPtr%WRFNames(idx)) then found = .true. exit TABLE endif enddo WRFNAME ParmPtr => ParmPtr%next ENDDO PARAMETER TblPtr => TblPtr%next ENDDO TABLE if (found) then center = TblPtr%center subcenter = TblPtr%subcenter MasterTblV = TblPtr%MasterTblV LocalTblV = TblPtr%LocalTblV Disc = ParmPtr%Disc Category = ParmPtr%Category ParmNum = ParmPtr%ParmNum DecScl = ParmPtr%DecScl BinScl = ParmPtr%BinScl ierr = 0 else ierr = 1 endif end subroutine get_parminfo !***************************************************************************** ! ! Routine to free the lists. ! !*****************************************************************************
subroutine free_grib2map() 2,1 USE grib2tbls_types
Implicit None TYPE (grib2Entries_type), pointer :: ParmPtr TYPE (grib2Entries_type), pointer :: ParmSave TYPE (grib2tbls_type) , pointer :: TblPtr TYPE (grib2tbls_type) , pointer :: TblSave TblPtr => TblHead TABLE : DO if ( .not. associated(TblPtr)) then exit TABLE endif ! ! Loop through parameters ! ParmPtr => TblPtr%ParmHead PARAMETER : DO if ( .not. associated(ParmPtr)) then exit PARAMETER endif ParmSave => ParmPtr%next deallocate(ParmPtr) ParmPtr => ParmSave ENDDO PARAMETER TblSave => TblPtr%next deallocate(TblPtr) TblPtr => TblSave ENDDO TABLE end subroutine free_grib2map