! on linux, compile wrf then compile as:
! pgf90 -Mfree -I ../../main -I ../../inc -I /usr/local/netcdf-pgi/include vort.F90 libwrfio_nf.a /usr/local/netcdf-pgi/lib/libnetcdf.a ../../main/libwrflib.a
! on AIX, compile wrf then compile as:
! /lib/cpp -C -P vort.F90 > vort.f
! mpxlf -qfree=f90 -I ../../share -I ../../main -I ../../inc -I /usr/local/netcdf/include vort.f libwrfio_nf.a /usr/local/netcdf/lib/libnetcdf.a ../../main/libwrflib.a
module read_util_module 2
subroutine arguments(v2file, lmore),2
implicit none
character(len=*) :: v2file
character(len=120) :: harg
logical :: lmore
integer :: ierr, i, numarg
numarg = command_argument_count()
i = 1
lmore = .false.
do while ( i < numarg)
call get_command_argument(number=i, value=harg)
print*, 'harg = ', trim(harg)
if (harg == "-v") then
i = i + 1
lmore = .true.
elseif (harg == "-h") then
call help
call get_command_argument(number=i, value=harg)
v2file = harg
end subroutine arguments
subroutine help 2
implicit none
character(len=120) :: cmd
call get_command_argument(number=0, value=cmd)
write(*,'(/,"Usage: ", A, " [-v] v2file ")') trim(cmd)
write(*,'(8x, "-v : Print extra info")')
write(*,'(8x, "v3file : MM5v3 file name to read.")')
write(*,'(8x, "-h : print this help message and exit.",/)')
end subroutine help
end module read_util_module
program readv3,40
use wrf_data
use read_util_module
use module_compute_geop
implicit none
#include "wrf_status_codes.h"
#include <netcdf.inc>
character(len=120) :: flnm
character(len=120) :: flnm2
character(len=120) :: arg3
character(len=19) :: DateStr
character(len=19) :: DateStr2
character(len=31) :: VarName
character(len=31) :: VarName2
integer dh1, dh2
integer :: flag, flag2
integer :: iunit, iunit2
integer :: i,j,k
integer :: levlim
integer :: cross
integer :: ndim, ndim2
integer :: WrfType, WrfType2
real :: time, time2
real*8 :: a, b
real*8 :: sum1, sum2, diff1, diff2, serr, perr, rms
integer, dimension(4) :: start_index, end_index, start_index2, end_index2, end_index_u, end_index_uz
integer , Dimension(3) :: MemS,MemE,PatS,PatE
character (len= 4) :: staggering, staggering2
character (len= 3) :: ordering, ordering2, ord
character (len=24) :: start_date, start_date2
character (len=24) :: current_date, current_date2
character (len=31) :: name, name2, tmpname
character (len=25) :: units, units2
character (len=46) :: description, description2
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: ph, phb, p, pb
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: height
integer :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
integer outcount
character (len=80), dimension(3) :: dimnames
character (len=80) :: SysDepInfo
integer :: l, n
integer :: ikdiffs, ifdiffs
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: data,data2
integer :: ierr, ierr2, ier, ier2, Status, Status_next_time, Status_next_time2, Status_next_var, Status_next_var_2
logical :: newtime = .TRUE.
logical :: justplot, efound
integer, external :: iargc
logical, external :: iveceq
levlim = -1
call ext_ncd_ioinit
call set_wrf_debug_level
( 1 )
Justplot = .true.
! get arguments
! if ( iargc() .ge. 2 ) then
call get_command_argument(number=1, value=flnm)
! call get_command_argument(number=2, value=flnm2)
ierr = 0
call ext_ncd_open_for_read
( trim(flnm), 0, 0, "", dh1, Status)
if ( Status /= 0 ) then
print*,'error opening ',flnm, ' Status = ', Status ; stop
! call ext_ncd_open_for_read( trim(flnm2), 0, 0, "", dh2, Status)
! if ( Status /= 0 ) go to 923
! goto 924
!923 continue
!! bounce here if second name is not openable -- this would mean that
!! it is a field name instead.
! print*,'could not open ',flnm2
! name = flnm2
! Justplot = .true.
!924 continue
! if ( iargc() .eq. 3 ) then
! call get_command_argument(number=3, value=arg3)
! read(arg3,*)levlim
! print*,'LEVLIM = ',LEVLIM
! endif
! else
! print*,'Usage: command file1 file2'
! stop
! endif
!print*,'Just plot ',Justplot
start_index = 1
end_index = 0
CALL ext_ncd_get_dom_ti_integer
CALL ext_ncd_get_dom_ti_integer
CALL ext_ncd_get_dom_ti_integer
ord = 'XZY'
staggering = ' '
ids=start_index(1); ide=end_index(1); jds=start_index(3); jde=end_index(3); kds=start_index(2); kde=end_index(2)
ims=start_index(1); ime=end_index(1); jms=start_index(3); jme=end_index(3); kms=start_index(2); kme=end_index(2)
its=start_index(1); ite=end_index(1)-1; jts=start_index(3); jte=end_index(3)-1; kts=start_index(2); kte=end_index(2)-1
end_index_u = end_index - 1
end_index_uz = end_index - 1
end_index_uz(2) = end_index_uz(2) + 1
if ( Justplot ) then
print*, 'flnm = ', trim(flnm)
call ext_ncd_get_next_time
(dh1, DateStr, Status_next_time)
DO WHILE ( Status_next_time .eq. 0 )
write(*,*)'Next Time ',TRIM(Datestr)
staggering = 'Z'
name = 'PH'
call ext_ncd_read_field
(dh1,DateStr,TRIM(name),ph,WRF_REAL,0,0,0,ord, &
staggering, dimnames , &
start_index,end_index_uz, & !dom
start_index,end_index, & !mem
start_index,end_index_uz, & !pat
name = 'PHB'
call ext_ncd_read_field
(dh1,DateStr,TRIM(name),phb,WRF_REAL,0,0,0,ord, &
staggering, dimnames , &
start_index,end_index_uz, & !dom
start_index,end_index, & !mem
start_index,end_index_uz, & !pat
staggering = ' '
name = 'P'
call ext_ncd_read_field
(dh1,DateStr,TRIM(name),p,WRF_REAL,0,0,0,ord, &
staggering, dimnames , &
start_index,end_index_u, & !dom
start_index,end_index, & !mem
start_index,end_index_u, & !pat
name = 'PB'
call ext_ncd_read_field
(dh1,DateStr,TRIM(name),pb,WRF_REAL,0,0,0,ord, &
staggering, dimnames , &
start_index,end_index_u, & !dom
start_index,end_index, & !mem
start_index,end_index_u, & !pat
CALL compute_500mb_height
( ph, phb, p, pb, &
height, &
ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte )
write(88,*)end_index_u(1),end_index_u(3),' height ',trim(Datestr)
do j = 1, end_index_u(3)
do i = 1, end_index_u(1)
write(88,*) height(i,j)
call ext_ncd_get_next_time
(dh1, DateStr, Status_next_time)
end program readv3
! stub for routine called by module_wrf_error (used by netcdf implementation of IO api)
SUBROUTINE wrf_abort 3