! ! ! !module module_sf_scmflux 1 contains ! !------------------------------------------------------------------- !
subroutine scmflux(u3d, v3d, t3d, qv3d, p3d, dz8w, & 2 cp, rovcp, xlv, psfc, cpm, xland, & psim, psih, hfx, qfx, lh, tsk, flhc, flqc, & znt, gz1oz0, wspd, & julian_in, karman, p1000mb, & itimestep,chklowq, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte ) !------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte, itimestep ! real, intent(in) :: cp, rovcp, xlv, julian_in, karman, p1000mb ! real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) , & intent(in) :: u3d, & v3d, & t3d, & qv3d, & p3d, & dz8w real, dimension( ims:ime, jms:jme ) , & intent(in) :: psfc, & xland, & flhc, & flqc ! real, dimension( ims:ime, jms:jme ) , & intent(inout):: cpm, & znt, & gz1oz0, & wspd, & psim, & psih, & hfx, & qfx, & lh, & tsk,& chklowq ! local vars integer, parameter :: n_max = 1200 integer :: i, j, n, nm, nt, m real, parameter :: den = 1. real :: julian_s, julian_e, fc_int, & fm, fh, ch, dtdiff real, dimension( 1:n_max ) :: fc_qfx, fc_hfx, fc_julian !JP 0 ->1 real :: qfx_interp,hfx_interp ! JP real, dimension( its:ite, jts:jte) :: u2d, & v2d, & t2d, & qv2d, & p2d, & dz8w1d, & za, & thx, & thgb logical :: end_of_file ! !-----open scmflx_bdy and read the julian_s, julian_e, fc_int ! open(unit=11, file='scmflx_bdy', form='formatted', status='old') print*,'scmflx_bdy' read(11,*) julian_s, julian_e, fc_int ! end_of_file = .false. n=1 do while (.not. end_of_file) read(11,*,end=100) fc_hfx(n), fc_qfx(n) fc_julian(n)=julian_s+(n-1)*fc_int/86400. n=n+1 go to 110 100 end_of_file = .true. 110 continue enddo nt=n-1 close(11) ! !-----linear interpolation of the fluxes for each time step ! do n=1,nt if (julian_in.ge.fc_julian(n) .and. julian_in.lt.fc_julian(n+1)) then qfx_interp= fc_qfx(n) & +(fc_qfx(n+1)-fc_qfx(n))*(julian_in-fc_julian(n))/(fc_int/86400.) hfx_interp= fc_hfx(n) & +(fc_hfx(n+1)-fc_hfx(n))*(julian_in-fc_julian(n))/(fc_int/86400.) endif enddo ! !-----compute surface moisture and heat fluxes, in the unit of [W m-2] ! !-----compute skin temperature ! do j=jts,jte do i=its,ite u2d(i,j)=u3d(i,1,j) v2d(i,j)=v3d(i,1,j) t2d(i,j)=t3d(i,1,j) qv2d(i,j)=qv3d(i,1,j) p2d(i,j)=p3d(i,1,j) dz8w1d(i,j)=dz8w(i,1,j) za(i,j)=0.5*dz8w1d(i,j) enddo enddo do j=jts, jte do i=its, ite ! !-----compute surface moisture flux ! qfx(i,j)=qfx_interp/1000. qfx(i,j)=amax1(qfx(i,j),0.) lh(i,j)=xlv*qfx(i,j) ! !-----compute surface heat flux ! cpm(i,j)=cp*(1.+0.8*qv2d(i,j)) ! print*,'i j cpm xland qv2d',i,j,cpm(i,j),xland(i,j), qv2d(i,j) ! print*,hfx_interp if(xland(i,j)-1.5 .gt. 0.)then hfx(i,j)=hfx_interp*cpm(i,j) elseif(xland(i,j)-1.5 .lt. 0.)then hfx(i,j)=hfx_interp*cpm(i,j) hfx(i,j)=amax1(hfx(i,j),-250.) endif enddo enddo ! if (itimestep .eq. 1) then psih=0.0 psim=0.0 endif chklowq=1.0 !JP do j=jts,jte do i=its,ite gz1oz0(i,j)=alog(za(i,j)/znt(i,j)) fh=gz1oz0(i,j)-psih(i,j) fm=gz1oz0(i,j)-psim(i,j) ch=karman**2/fh/fm wspd(i,j)=sqrt(u2d(i,j)**2+v2d(i,j)**2) dtdiff=-hfx(i,j)/den/cpm(i,j)/ch/wspd(i,j) tsk(i,j)=t2d(i,j)-dtdiff enddo enddo end subroutine scmflux !------------------------------------------------------------------- end module module_sf_scmflux