SUBROUTINE med_interp_domain ( parent_grid , nested_grid ) 5,24
USE module_domain
USE module_configure
USE module_timing
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent_grid , nested_grid
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid
INTEGER nlev, msize
TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! Interface blocks
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! Interface definitions for EM CORE
! ----------------------------------------------------------
#if (EM_CORE == 1)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! These routines are supplied by module_dm.F from the
! external communication package (e.g. external/RSL)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part1 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid, config_flags &
# include "dummy_new_args.inc"
USE module_domain
USE module_configure
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid")
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid
TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
# include <dummy_new_decl.inc>
END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part1
SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "dummy_new_args.inc"
USE module_domain
USE module_configure
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid")
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: nested_grid
TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
# include <dummy_new_decl.inc>
END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part2
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! Interface definitions for NMM (placeholder)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
#if (NMM_CORE == 1 && NMM_NEST == 1)
! Added for the NMM core. This is gopal's doing.
SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part1 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid, config_flags &
# include "dummy_new_args.inc"
USE module_domain
USE module_configure
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid")
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid
TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
# include <dummy_new_decl.inc>
END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part1
SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "dummy_new_args.inc"
USE module_domain
USE module_configure
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid")
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: nested_grid
TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
# include <dummy_new_decl.inc>
END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part2
! End of gopal's doing.
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! Interface definitions for COAMPS (placeholder)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
#if (COAMPS_CORE == 1)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! End of Interface blocks
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! Executable code
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! Interpolation calls for EM CORE. The called
! routines below are supplied by module_dm.F
! from the external communications package (e.g. RSL)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
#if (EM_CORE == 1 && defined( DM_PARALLEL ))
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
# if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX))
CALL alloc_space_field
( grid, grid%id , 1 , 2 , .TRUE. , &
grid%sd31, grid%ed31, grid%sd32, grid%ed32, grid%sd33, grid%ed33, &
grid%sm31, grid%em31, grid%sm32, grid%em32, grid%sm33, grid%em33, &
grid%sp31, grid%ep31, grid%sp32, grid%ep32, grid%sp33, grid%ep33, &
grid%sp31x, grid%ep31x, grid%sp32x, grid%ep32x, grid%sp33x, grid%ep33x,&
grid%sp31y, grid%ep31y, grid%sp32y, grid%ep32y, grid%sp33y, grid%ep33y,&
grid%sm31x, grid%em31x, grid%sm32x, grid%em32x, grid%sm33x, grid%em33x, & ! x-xpose
grid%sm31y, grid%em31y, grid%sm32y, grid%em32y, grid%sm33y, grid%em33y & ! y-xpose
# endif
grid => parent_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
CALL interp_domain_em_part1
( grid , nested_grid%intermediate_grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "actual_new_args.inc"
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
CALL interp_domain_em_part2
( grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "actual_new_args.inc"
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
# if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX))
CALL dealloc_space_field
( grid )
# endif
! ------------------------------------------------------
! End of Interpolation calls for EM CORE.
! ------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Interpolation calls for NMM. (Placeholder)
! ------------------------------------------------------
#if (NMM_CORE == 1 && NMM_NEST == 1)
! Added for the NMM core. This is gopal's doing.
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
#if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX))
CALL ensure_space_field
( grid, grid%id , 1 , 2 , .TRUE. , &
grid%sd31, grid%ed31, grid%sd32, grid%ed32, grid%sd33, grid%ed33, &
grid%sm31, grid%em31, grid%sm32, grid%em32, grid%sm33, grid%em33, &
grid%sp31, grid%ep31, grid%sp32, grid%ep32, grid%sp33, grid%ep33, &
grid%sp31x, grid%ep31x, grid%sp32x, grid%ep32x, grid%sp33x, grid%ep33x,&
grid%sp31y, grid%ep31y, grid%sp32y, grid%ep32y, grid%sp33y, grid%ep33y,&
grid%sm31x, grid%em31x, grid%sm32x, grid%em32x, grid%sm33x, grid%em33x, & ! x-xpose
grid%sm31y, grid%em31y, grid%sm32y, grid%em32y, grid%sm33y, grid%em33y & ! y-xpose
nested_grid%intermediate_grid%interp_mp=parent_grid%interp_mp .or. nested_grid%interp_mp
grid => parent_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
CALL interp_domain_nmm_part1 ( grid , nested_grid%intermediate_grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "actual_new_args.inc"
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
CALL interp_domain_nmm_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "actual_new_args.inc"
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! End of gopal's doing
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------
! End of Interpolation calls for NMM.
! ------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Interpolation calls for COAMPS. (Placeholder)
! ------------------------------------------------------
#if (COAMPS_CORE == 1)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! End of Interpolation calls for COAMPS.
! ------------------------------------------------------
END SUBROUTINE med_interp_domain
SUBROUTINE med_interp_domain_small ( parent_grid , nested_grid ) 1,14
USE module_domain
USE module_configure
USE module_timing
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent_grid , nested_grid
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid
INTEGER nlev, msize
TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
#if (EM_CORE == 1)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_small_part1 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid, config_flags &
# include "dummy_new_args.inc"
USE module_domain
USE module_configure
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid")
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid
TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
# include <dummy_new_decl.inc>
END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_small_part1
SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_small_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "dummy_new_args.inc"
USE module_domain
USE module_configure
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid")
TYPE(domain), POINTER :: nested_grid
TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
# include <dummy_new_decl.inc>
END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_small_part2
! ----------------------------------------------------------
! Interpolation calls for EM CORE. The called
! routines below are supplied by module_dm.F
! from the external communications package (e.g. RSL)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
#if (EM_CORE == 1 && defined( DM_PARALLEL ))
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
# if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX))
CALL alloc_space_field
( grid, grid%id , 1 , 2 , .TRUE. , &
grid%sd31, grid%ed31, grid%sd32, grid%ed32, grid%sd33, grid%ed33, &
grid%sm31, grid%em31, grid%sm32, grid%em32, grid%sm33, grid%em33, &
grid%sp31, grid%ep31, grid%sp32, grid%ep32, grid%sp33, grid%ep33, &
grid%sp31x, grid%ep31x, grid%sp32x, grid%ep32x, grid%sp33x, grid%ep33x,&
grid%sp31y, grid%ep31y, grid%sp32y, grid%ep32y, grid%sp33y, grid%ep33y,&
grid%sm31x, grid%em31x, grid%sm32x, grid%em32x, grid%sm33x, grid%em33x, & ! x-xpose
grid%sm31y, grid%em31y, grid%sm32y, grid%em32y, grid%sm33y, grid%em33y & ! y-xpose
# endif
grid => parent_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
CALL interp_domain_em_small_part1 ( grid , nested_grid%intermediate_grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "actual_new_args.inc"
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
CALL interp_domain_em_small_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags &
# include "actual_new_args.inc"
grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid
CALL model_to_grid_config_rec
( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
# if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX))
CALL dealloc_space_field
( grid )
# endif
! ------------------------------------------------------
! End of Interpolation calls for EM CORE.
! ------------------------------------------------------
call wrf_debug
(0,'FILE: share/mediation_interp_domain.F ROUTINE: med_interp_domain_small CALLING: done ')
END SUBROUTINE med_interp_domain_small