
   MODULE module_check_a_mundo 5

! Contains subroutines that check the consistency of some namelist 
! settings. Some namelist settings depend on other values in the 
! namelist. These subroutines reset the dependent values and write
! a message to stdout instead of detecting a fatal error and abort-
! ing on a parameter mis-match.  This works around depending on the
! user to set these specific settings in the namelist.
!   SUBROUTINE check_nml_consistency  :
!      Check namelist settings for consistency
!   SUBROUTINE set_physics_rconfigs:
!      Check namelist settings that determine memory allocations.

      USE module_state_description
      USE module_wrf_error
      USE module_configure





   SUBROUTINE  check_nml_consistency 5
! Check consistency of namelist settings


      LOGICAL :: exists
      LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
      INTEGER :: i, oops

! Set up the WRF Hydro namelist option to allow dynamic allocation of
! variables.
#ifdef WRF_HYDRO
   model_config_rec % wrf_hydro = 1
   model_config_rec % wrf_hydro = 0

! Check that all values of sf_surface_physics are the same for all domains

      DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i)     .NE. &
              model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i-1) ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: sf_surface_physics must be equal for all domains '
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '--- Fix sf_surface_physics in namelist.input '
            CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) )
         END IF

! If fractional_seaice = 0, and tice2tsk_if2cold = .true, nothing will happen

      IF ( ( model_config_rec%fractional_seaice .EQ. 0 ).AND. &
              ( model_config_rec%tice2tsk_if2cold ) ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: You set tice2tsk_if2cold = .true.,  but fractional_seaice = 0'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: tice2tsk_if2cold will have no effect on results.'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
      END IF

! Check that if fine_input_stream /= 0, io_form_auxinput2 must also be in use

      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%fine_input_stream(i) .NE. 0 ).AND. &
              ( model_config_rec%io_form_auxinput2 .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If fine_input_stream /= 0, io_form_auxinput2 must be /= 0'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_auxinput2 in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).'
            CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) )
         END IF

#if (EM_CORE == 1)

! Check for consistency in the Noah-MP options

      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(i) == NOAHMPSCHEME ) THEN

            ! Noah-MP does not work with the urban schemes

            IF ( model_config_rec%sf_urban_physics(i) /= 0 ) THEN
               WRITE(wrf_err_message, '(" --- ERROR:   Noah-MP LSM scheme (sf_surface_physics==", I2, ")")') NOAHMPSCHEME
               CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) )
               WRITE(wrf_err_message, '("              does not work with urban physics schemes")')
               CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) )

         END IF
      END DO

! Mills (2011) sea-ice albedo treatment only for Noah LSM and Noah-MP LSM
      IF ( model_config_rec%seaice_albedo_opt == 1 ) THEN
         DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
            IF ( ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(i) /= LSMSCHEME ) .AND. &
                 ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(i) /= NOAHMPSCHEME ) ) THEN

               write (wrf_err_message, '(" --- ERROR:   seaice_albedo_opt == 1 works only with ")')
               CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) )
               write (wrf_err_message, '("              sf_surface_physics == ", I2, " (Noah) or ", I2, " (Noah-MP).")') LSMSCHEME, NOAHMPSCHEME
               call wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) )

            END IF
         END DO

      END IF


#if (EM_CORE == 1)
! Check that if stochastic perturbations are turned on in any domain, 
! if so, set grid%stoch_force_global_opt=1 

   model_config_rec % stoch_force_global_opt=0  !also set in registry.stoch
 ! check if stochastic perturbations are turned on in any domain
   DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( model_config_rec % stoch_force_opt(i) .EQ. 1)  then 
           model_config_rec % stoch_force_global_opt=1 

! KRS: 9/12/2012
! Check if boundary perturbations is turned on and set to '1' (perturb_bdy=1).
! If so, make sure stoch_force_global_opt is also turned on. (stoch_force_opt=1)
   IF ( model_config_rec % perturb_bdy .EQ. 1 ) then
        model_config_rec % stoch_force_global_opt=1
      wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: perturb_bdy=1 option uses SKEBS pattern and may'
      CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
      wrf_err_message = '             increase computation time.'
      CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )

! If trajectory option is turned off, make sure the number of trajectories is 
! zero.
   IF ( ( model_config_rec%traj_opt .EQ. 0 ) .AND. &
        ( model_config_rec%num_traj .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
         WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,A)') '--- WARNING: traj_opt is zero, but ', &
                'num_traj is not zero; setting num_traj to zero.'
         CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
         model_config_rec%num_traj = 0 


#if (EM_CORE == 1)
! In program real, if hypsometric_opt = 2, adjust_heights cannot be set to .true. 
      IF ( model_config_rec%hypsometric_opt .EQ. 2 \
           .AND. model_config_rec%adjust_heights ) THEN
           WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,A)') '--- NOTE: hypsometric_opt is 2, ', &
                  'setting adjust_heights = F'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            model_config_rec%adjust_heights = .false.

! If sst_update = 0, set io_form_auxinput4 to 0 so WRF will not try to
! input the data; auxinput_interval must also be 0

      IF ( model_config_rec%sst_update .EQ. 0 ) THEN
         model_config_rec%io_form_auxinput4 = 0
         DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
            WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,A)') '--- NOTE: sst_update is 0, ', &
                  'setting io_form_auxinput4 = 0 and auxinput4_interval = 0 for all domains'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval(i)   = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_y(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_d(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_h(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_m(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_s(i) = 0
         IF ( model_config_rec%io_form_auxinput4 .EQ. 0 ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If sst_update /= 0, io_form_auxinput4 must be /= 0'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_auxinput4 in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).'
            CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) )
         END IF
      END IF

#if ((EM_CORE == 1) && (DA_CORE != 1))
! Check that if grid_sfdda is one, grid_fdda is also 1

      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%grid_sfdda(i) .EQ. 1 ).AND. &
              ( model_config_rec%grid_fdda (i) .NE. 1 ) ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If grid_sfdda = 1, then grid_fdda must also = 1 for that domain '
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '--- Change grid_fdda or grid_sfdda in namelist.input '
            CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) )
         END IF

! If grid_fdda or grid_sfdda is 0 for any domain, all interval and
! ending time information that domain must be set to zero.  For
! surface fdda, we also need to make sure that the PXLSM soil nudging
! switch is also zero.  Either surface fdda or soil nudging with the
! PX scheme are enough to allow the surface fdda file to be read.

      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom

         IF ( model_config_rec%grid_fdda(i) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
            WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6,A)') '--- NOTE: grid_fdda is 0 for domain ', &
                         i, ', setting gfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )

            model_config_rec%gfdda_end_y(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_end_d(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_end_h(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_end_m(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_end_s(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_interval(i)   = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_y(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_d(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_h(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_m(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_s(i) = 0
         END IF

         IF ( ( model_config_rec%grid_sfdda(i) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. &
              ( model_config_rec%pxlsm_soil_nudge(i) .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
            WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6,A)') &
                         '--- NOTE: both grid_sfdda and pxlsm_soil_nudge are 0 for domain ', &
                         i, ', setting sgfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )

            model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_y(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_d(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_h(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_m(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_s(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval(i)   = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_y(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_d(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_h(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_m(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_s(i) = 0
         END IF

         IF ( model_config_rec%obs_nudge_opt(i) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
            WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6,A)') '--- NOTE: obs_nudge_opt is 0 for domain ', &
                         i, ', setting obs nudging interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )

            model_config_rec%fdda_end(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval(i)   = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_y(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_d(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_h(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_m(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_s(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_end(i)   = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_y(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_d(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_h(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_m(i) = 0
            model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_s(i) = 0
         END IF

      ENDDO      ! Loop over domains

!  Only implement the mfshconv option if the QNSE PBL is activated.

      oops = 0
      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. QNSEPBLSCHEME ) .AND. &
              ( model_config_rec%mfshconv(i) .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
            model_config_rec%mfshconv(i) = 0
            oops = oops + 1
         END IF
      ENDDO      ! Loop over domains
      IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN
         wrf_err_message = 'bl_pbl_physics /= 4, implies mfshconv must be 0, resetting'
         CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
      END IF

!  shcu_physics = 3 (grimsshcuscheme) only works with YSU PBL.     

      oops = 0
      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. YSUSCHEME ) .AND. &
              ( model_config_rec%shcu_physics(i) .EQ. GRIMSSHCUSCHEME ) ) THEN
            model_config_rec%shcu_physics(i) = 0
            oops = oops + 1
         END IF
      ENDDO      ! Loop over domains
      IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN
         wrf_err_message = 'bl_pbl_physics /= 1, implies shcu_physics cannot be 3, resetting'
         CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
      END IF

!  shcu_physics = 3 (grimsshcuscheme) only works with YSU PBL.

      oops = 0
      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. YSUSCHEME ) .AND. &
              ( model_config_rec%gwd_opt .EQ. GWDOPT ) ) THEN
            model_config_rec%gwd_opt = 0
            oops = oops + 1
         END IF
      ENDDO      ! Loop over domains
      IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN
         wrf_err_message = 'bl_pbl_physics /= 1, implies shcu_physics cannot be 3, resetting'
         CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
      END IF

!  If analysis FDDA is turned off, reset the io_forms to zero so that
!  there is no chance that WRF tries to input the data.

      IF ( MAXVAL( model_config_rec%grid_fdda ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
         model_config_rec%io_form_gfdda = 0
         IF ( model_config_rec%io_form_gfdda .EQ. 0 ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If grid_fdda /= 0, io_form_gfdda must be /= 0'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_gfdda in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).'
            CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) )
         END IF
      END IF
      IF ( MAXVAL( model_config_rec%grid_sfdda ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
         model_config_rec%io_form_sgfdda = 0
         IF ( model_config_rec%io_form_sgfdda .EQ. 0 ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If grid_sfdda /= 0, io_form_sgfdda must be /= 0'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_sgfdda in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).'
            CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) )
         END IF
      END IF

! If we have asked for the pressure-level diagnostics, make sure we can output them

      IF ( model_config_rec%p_lev_diags .EQ. 1 ) THEN
         DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
            IF ( ( MAX ( model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval  (i) , &
                         model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_d(i) , &
                         model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_h(i) , &
                         model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_m(i) , &
                         model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_s(i) ) == 0 ) .OR. &
                 (  model_config_rec%io_form_auxhist23 == 0 ) ) THEN
               wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: p_lev_diags requires auxhist23 file information'
               CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
               wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: provide: auxhist23_interval (max_dom) and io_form_auxhist23'
               CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
               wrf_err_message = '--- Add supporting IO for stream 23 for pressure-level diags'
               CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) )
            END IF
         END DO
         DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
            model_config_rec%p_lev_interval(i) = model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval  (i)*   60 + &
                                                 model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_d(i)*86400 + &
                                                 model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_h(i)* 3600 + &
                                                 model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_m(i)*   60 + &
         END DO
      END IF

! For nwp_diagnostics = 1, history_interval must be used.           

      IF ( ( model_config_rec%nwp_diagnostics .NE. 0 ) .AND. &
           ( model_config_rec%history_interval(1) .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
         wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR:  nwp_diagnostics requires the use of "history_interval" namelist.'
         CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
         wrf_err_message = '---         Replace interval variable with "history_interval".'
         CALL wrf_error_fatal ( wrf_err_message )
      END IF

! Name change in the namelist.input file.  We used to only have the
! ocean mixed layer option (omlcall=1).  With the addition of a 3D ocean,
! now let's change the name of the option.  If the old name is present,
! tell the user to swap their namelist, and then stop.

      IF ( model_config_rec%omlcall .NE. 0 ) THEN
         wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR:  The namelist.input variable "omlcall" has been renamed.'
         CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
         wrf_err_message = '---         Replace "omlcall" with the new name "sf_ocean_physics".'
         CALL wrf_error_fatal ( wrf_err_message )
      END IF

! For adaptive time stepping, certain physics schemes are not allowed
! to have intermittent frequencies.  So, for those schemes below, we just
! turn the frequencies so that the schemes are called for each time step.

      IF ( model_config_rec%use_adaptive_time_step ) THEN
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. BMJSCHEME     ) .OR. &
              ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. SASSCHEME     ) .OR. &
              ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. OSASSCHEME    ) .OR. &
              ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. NSASSCHEME    ) .OR. &
              ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. TIEDTKESCHEME ) ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: If use_adaptive_time_step, must use cudt=0 for the following CU schemes:'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '---          BMJ, all SAS, Tiedtke' 
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            wrf_err_message = '---          CUDT=0 has been done for you.'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
               model_config_rec%cudt(i) = 0
            END DO
         END IF
      END IF

! The cu_rad_feedback namelist flag with the two Grell cumulus parameterization 
! schemes needs to have the namelist flag cu_diag=1

      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_rad_feedback(i) .EQV. .TRUE. )  .OR. &
              ( model_config_rec%cu_rad_feedback(i) .EQV. .true. ) ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: Turning on cu_rad_feedback also requires setting cu_diag== 1'
            CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
            model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) = 1
            model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) = 0
         END IF
      END DO

! The namelist flag cu_diag=1 must have one of the two Grell cumulus parameterizations
! turned on.  All other cumulus parameterizations need to have cu_diag=0
       DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) .EQ. G3TAVE ) THEN
          IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. GDSCHEME ) .AND. &
               ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. GFSCHEME ) .AND. &
               ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. G3SCHEME ) ) THEN
                wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Using cu_diag=1 requires use of one of the following CU schemes:'
                CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
                wrf_err_message = '---          Grell (G3) CU scheme' 
                CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )
                wrf_err_message = '---          Grell-Devenyi (GD) CU scheme' 
                CALL wrf_error_fatal ( wrf_err_message )
          END IF
         END IF
       END DO
! Test to see if we allocate space for the time series.

      IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
         CALL wrf_tsin_exist ( exists )
         IF ( exists ) THEN
            model_config_rec%process_time_series = 1
            model_config_rec%process_time_series = 0
         END IF
      END IF
      CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer(model_config_rec%process_time_series, 1)
! The three Grell cumulus parameterization schemes need to have the 
! namelist flag cu_diag=1, and all other cumulus schemes must have
! cu_diag=0.

      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. GDSCHEME ) .OR. &
              ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. GFSCHEME ) .OR. &
              ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. G3SCHEME ) ) THEN
            model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) = 1
            model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) = 0
         END IF
      END DO

!  Only implement the TEMF PBL scheme with the TEMP SFCLAY scheme.  

      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. TEMFPBLSCHEME ) .AND. &
              ( model_config_rec%sf_sfclay_physics(i) .NE. TEMFSFCSCHEME ) )  THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Using bl_pbl_physics=10 requires sf_sfclay_physics=10 '
            CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM(wrf_err_message) )
         ELSEIF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. TEMFPBLSCHEME ) .AND. &
                  ( model_config_rec%sf_sfclay_physics(i) .EQ. TEMFSFCSCHEME ) ) THEN
            wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Using sf_sfclay_physics=10 requires bl_pbl_physics=10 '
            CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM(wrf_err_message) )
         END IF
      ENDDO      ! Loop over domains

!  The CLM scheme may not even be compiled, so make sure it is not allowed
!  to be run if the code is not available.

#if !defined ( WRF_USE_CLM )
      oops = 0
      DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
         IF ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(i) .EQ. CLMSCHEME ) THEN
            oops = oops + 1 
         END IF
      ENDDO      ! Loop over domains
      IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN
         wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: The CLM surface scheme was requested in the namelist.input file.'
         CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) )
         wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: However, the WRF CLM scheme was not compiled in WRF.'
         CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) )
         wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Please place the -DWRF_USE_CLM option in configure.wrf file, and recompile.'
         CALL wrf_error_fatal ( wrf_err_message )
      END IF

!  Remapping namelist variables for gridded and surface fdda to aux streams 9 and 10.
!  Relocated here so that the remappings are after checking the namelist for inconsistencies.

#     include "../dyn_em/namelist_remappings_em.h"




   SUBROUTINE set_physics_rconfigs 5,3

! Some derived rconfig entries need to be set based on the value of other,
! non-derived entries before package-dependent memory allocation takes place.
! This works around depending on the user to set these specific settings in the
! namelist.


! Set the namelist parameters for the CAM radiation scheme if either 
! ra_lw_physics = CAMLWSCHEME or ra_sw_physics = CAMSWSCHEME.  

      IF (( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. CAMLWSCHEME ) .OR. & 
          ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. CAMSWSCHEME )) THEN
         model_config_rec % paerlev = 29
         model_config_rec % levsiz = 59
         model_config_rec % cam_abs_dim1 = 4 
         model_config_rec % cam_abs_dim2 = model_config_rec % e_vert(1)

         wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: CAM radiation is in use, setting:  ' // &
                           'paerlev=29, levsiz=59, cam_abs_dim1=4, cam_abs_dim2=e_vert'
         CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )

      END IF

! Set the namelist parameters for the RRTMG radiation scheme if either
! ra_lw_physics = RRTMG_LWSCHEME or ra_sw_physics = RRTMG_SWSCHEME.

      IF (( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_LWSCHEME ) .OR. &
          ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_SWSCHEME )) THEN
         model_config_rec % levsiz = 59
         model_config_rec % alevsiz = 12
         model_config_rec % no_src_types = 6

         wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: RRTMG radiation is in use, setting:  ' // &
                           'levsiz=59, alevsiz=12, no_src_types=6'
         CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )

      END IF

! Set namelist parameter num_soil_levels depending on the value of 
! sf_surface_physics

      IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. 0           ) &
           model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 5
      IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. SLABSCHEME  ) &
           model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 5
      IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. LSMSCHEME   ) &
           model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 4
      IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. NOAHMPSCHEME   ) &
           model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 4
      IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. RUCLSMSCHEME) &
           model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 6
      IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. PXLSMSCHEME ) &
           model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 2
      IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. CLMSCHEME ) &
           model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 10
      IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. 88          ) &
           model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 4

      WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6)') '--- NOTE: num_soil_layers has been set to ', &
                                             model_config_rec % num_soil_layers
      CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message )

   END SUBROUTINE set_physics_rconfigs


   END MODULE module_check_a_mundo
