
(formerly mensch.org, proudly coded in HTML3 since 1997)

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This page is maintained by Brian Fiedler. I am a Professor Emeritus in the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma.

Semi-obligatory items:

Scientific and Mathematical sites that I maintain:

  • some of my animations of meteorological data and simulations

  • Energy and climate Summaries of my energy and climate seminars, and some other things.

  • A wikipedia article mostly written by me: Idealized greenhouse model

  • pageview analysis of wikipedia articles for which I made a substantial contribution, especially figures

  • A front end to the column radiation model

  • Some Mathematica Notebooks, from various courses I have taught.

  • An ancient LaTeX page. Although the page is ancient, a class file for writing an OU dissertation or thesis is stored here. The class file is up-to-date as of 15 December 2011.

    Public software that I wrote that might be useful or fun:

    Public software that I once maintained and thought was useful:

    Results of some of my ancient science projects:
