#define WRF_PORT
#define MODAL_AERO
! Updated to CESM1.0.3 (CAM5.1.01) by Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov
! Common block and statement functions for saturation vapor pressure
! look-up procedure, J. J. Hack, February 1990
! Ported to WRF by William.Gustafson@pnl.gov, Nov. 2009
! Updated to version from CESM1_0_1, Nov. 2010
! Updated to version CESM1.0.3 (CAM5.1.01)- Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov
! $Id$
module wv_saturation 19,3
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
#ifndef WRF_PORT
use abortutils, only: endrun
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use module_cam_support
, only: endrun, iulog
use module_wrf_error
implicit none
! Public interfaces
public gestbl ! Initialization subroutine
public estblf ! saturation pressure table lookup
public aqsat ! Returns saturation vapor pressure
#ifndef WRF_PORT
public aqsatd ! Same as aqsat, but also returns a temperature derivitive
public vqsatd ! Vector version of aqsatd
public fqsatd ! Function version of vqsatd
public qsat_water ! saturation mixing ration with respect to liquid water
#ifndef WRF_PORT
public vqsat_water ! vector version of qsat_water
public qsat_ice ! saturation mixing ration with respect to ice
public vqsat_ice ! vector version of qsat_ice
public vqsatd_water
#ifndef WRF_PORT
public aqsat_water
public vqsatd2_water ! Variant of vqsatd_water to print out dqsdT
public vqsatd2_water_single ! Single value version of vqsatd2_water
public vqsatd2
public vqsatd2_single
public polysvp
! Data used by cldwat
public hlatv, tmin, hlatf, rgasv, pcf, cp, epsqs, ttrice
! Data
integer plenest ! length of saturation vapor pressure table
parameter (plenest=250)
! Table of saturation vapor pressure values es from tmin degrees
! to tmax+1 degrees k in one degree increments. ttrice defines the
! transition region where es is a combination of ice & water values
real(r8) estbl(plenest) ! table values of saturation vapor pressure
real(r8) tmin ! min temperature (K) for table
real(r8) tmax ! max temperature (K) for table
real(r8) ttrice ! transition range from es over H2O to es over ice
real(r8) pcf(6) ! polynomial coeffs -> es transition water to ice
real(r8) epsqs ! Ratio of h2o to dry air molecular weights
real(r8) rgasv ! Gas constant for water vapor
real(r8) hlatf ! Latent heat of vaporization
real(r8) hlatv ! Latent heat of fusion
real(r8) cp ! specific heat of dry air
real(r8) tmelt ! Melting point of water (K)
logical icephs ! false => saturation vapor press over water only
real(r8) function estblf( td ) 18
! Saturation vapor pressure table lookup
real(r8), intent(in) :: td ! Temperature for saturation lookup
real(r8) :: e ! intermediate variable for es look-up
real(r8) :: ai
integer :: i
e = max(min(td,tmax),tmin) ! partial pressure
i = int(e-tmin)+1
ai = aint(e-tmin)
estblf = (tmin+ai-e+1._r8)* &
estbl(i)-(tmin+ai-e)* &
end function estblf
subroutine gestbl(tmn ,tmx ,trice ,ip ,epsil , & 2,8
latvap ,latice ,rh2o ,cpair ,tmeltx )
! Purpose:
! Builds saturation vapor pressure table for later lookup procedure.
! Method:
! Uses Goff & Gratch (1946) relationships to generate the table
! according to a set of free parameters defined below. Auxiliary
! routines are also included for making rapid estimates (well with 1%)
! of both es and d(es)/dt for the particular table configuration.
! Author: J. Hack
#ifndef WRF_PORT
use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
use module_cam_support
, only: masterproc
use module_cam_gffgch
! Input arguments
real(r8), intent(in) :: tmn ! Minimum temperature entry in es lookup table
real(r8), intent(in) :: tmx ! Maximum temperature entry in es lookup table
real(r8), intent(in) :: epsil ! Ratio of h2o to dry air molecular weights
real(r8), intent(in) :: trice ! Transition range from es over range to es over ice
real(r8), intent(in) :: latvap ! Latent heat of vaporization
real(r8), intent(in) :: latice ! Latent heat of fusion
real(r8), intent(in) :: rh2o ! Gas constant for water vapor
real(r8), intent(in) :: cpair ! Specific heat of dry air
real(r8), intent(in) :: tmeltx ! Melting point of water (K)
!---------------------------Local variables-----------------------------
real(r8) t ! Temperature
integer n ! Increment counter
integer lentbl ! Calculated length of lookup table
integer itype ! Ice phase: 0 -> no ice phase
! 1 -> ice phase, no transition
! -x -> ice phase, x degree transition
logical ip ! Ice phase logical flag
! Set es table parameters
tmin = tmn ! Minimum temperature entry in table
tmax = tmx ! Maximum temperature entry in table
ttrice = trice ! Trans. range from es over h2o to es over ice
icephs = ip ! Ice phase (true or false)
! Set physical constants required for es calculation
epsqs = epsil
hlatv = latvap
hlatf = latice
rgasv = rh2o
cp = cpair
tmelt = tmeltx
lentbl = INT(tmax-tmin+2.000001_r8)
if (lentbl .gt. plenest) then
write(iulog,9000) tmax, tmin, plenest
#ifdef WRF_PORT
call wrf_message
call endrun
('GESTBL') ! Abnormal termination
end if
! Begin building es table.
! Check whether ice phase requested.
! If so, set appropriate transition range for temperature
if (icephs) then
if (ttrice /= 0.0_r8) then
itype = -ttrice
itype = 1
end if
itype = 0
end if
t = tmin - 1.0_r8
do n=1,lentbl
t = t + 1.0_r8
call gffgch
end do
do n=lentbl+1,plenest
estbl(n) = -99999.0_r8
end do
! Table complete -- Set coefficients for polynomial approximation of
! difference between saturation vapor press over water and saturation
! pressure over ice for -ttrice < t < 0 (degrees C). NOTE: polynomial
! is valid in the range -40 < t < 0 (degrees C).
! --- Degree 5 approximation ---
pcf(1) = 5.04469588506e-01_r8
pcf(2) = -5.47288442819e+00_r8
pcf(3) = -3.67471858735e-01_r8
pcf(4) = -8.95963532403e-03_r8
pcf(5) = -7.78053686625e-05_r8
! --- Degree 6 approximation ---
!-----pcf(1) = 7.63285250063e-02
!-----pcf(2) = -5.86048427932e+00
!-----pcf(3) = -4.38660831780e-01
!-----pcf(4) = -1.37898276415e-02
!-----pcf(5) = -2.14444472424e-04
!-----pcf(6) = -1.36639103771e-06
if (masterproc) then
#ifdef WRF_PORT
call wrf_message
end if
9000 format('GESTBL: FATAL ERROR *********************************',/, &
' TMAX, TMIN, AND PLENEST => ', 2f7.2, i3)
end subroutine gestbl
subroutine aqsat(t ,p ,es ,qs ,ii , & 4,2
ilen ,kk ,kstart ,kend )
! Purpose:
! Utility procedure to look up and return saturation vapor pressure from
! precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity
! (g/g),for input arrays of temperature and pressure (dimensioned ii,kk)
! This routine is useful for evaluating only a selected region in the
! vertical.
! Method:
! <Describe the algorithm(s) used in the routine.>
! <Also include any applicable external references.>
! Author: J. Hack
! Input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: ii ! I dimension of arrays t, p, es, qs
integer, intent(in) :: kk ! K dimension of arrays t, p, es, qs
integer, intent(in) :: ilen ! Length of vectors in I direction which
integer, intent(in) :: kstart ! Starting location in K direction
integer, intent(in) :: kend ! Ending location in K direction
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(ii,kk) ! Temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(ii,kk) ! Pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es(ii,kk) ! Saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs(ii,kk) ! Saturation specific humidity
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
real(r8) omeps ! 1 - 0.622
integer i, k ! Indices
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
do k=kstart,kend
do i=1,ilen
es(i,k) = estblf
! Saturation specific humidity
qs(i,k) = epsqs*es(i,k)/(p(i,k) - omeps*es(i,k))
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative values
! that can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs(i,k) = min(1.0_r8,qs(i,k))
if (qs(i,k) < 0.0_r8) then
qs(i,k) = 1.0_r8
es(i,k) = p(i,k)
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine aqsat
#ifndef WRF_PORT
subroutine aqsat_water(t ,p ,es ,qs ,ii , &,1
ilen ,kk ,kstart ,kend )
! Purpose:
! Utility procedure to look up and return saturation vapor pressure from
! precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity
! (g/g),for input arrays of temperature and pressure (dimensioned ii,kk)
! This routine is useful for evaluating only a selected region in the
! vertical.
! Method:
! <Describe the algorithm(s) used in the routine.>
! <Also include any applicable external references.>
! Author: J. Hack
! Input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: ii ! I dimension of arrays t, p, es, qs
integer, intent(in) :: kk ! K dimension of arrays t, p, es, qs
integer, intent(in) :: ilen ! Length of vectors in I direction which
integer, intent(in) :: kstart ! Starting location in K direction
integer, intent(in) :: kend ! Ending location in K direction
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(ii,kk) ! Temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(ii,kk) ! Pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es(ii,kk) ! Saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs(ii,kk) ! Saturation specific humidity
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
real(r8) omeps ! 1 - 0.622
integer i, k ! Indices
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
do k=kstart,kend
do i=1,ilen
! es(i,k) = estblf(t(i,k))
es(i,k) = polysvp
! Saturation specific humidity
qs(i,k) = epsqs*es(i,k)/(p(i,k) - omeps*es(i,k))
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative values
! that can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs(i,k) = min(1.0_r8,qs(i,k))
if (qs(i,k) < 0.0_r8) then
qs(i,k) = 1.0_r8
es(i,k) = p(i,k)
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine aqsat_water
subroutine aqsatd(t ,p ,es ,qs ,gam , &,1
ii ,ilen ,kk ,kstart ,kend )
! Purpose:
! Utility procedure to look up and return saturation vapor pressure from
! precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity
! (g/g).
! Method:
! Differs from aqsat by also calculating and returning
! gamma (l/cp)*(d(qsat)/dT)
! Input arrays temperature and pressure (dimensioned ii,kk).
! Author: J. Hack
! Input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: ii ! I dimension of arrays t, p, es, qs
integer, intent(in) :: ilen ! Vector length in I direction
integer, intent(in) :: kk ! K dimension of arrays t, p, es, qs
integer, intent(in) :: kstart ! Starting location in K direction
integer, intent(in) :: kend ! Ending location in K direction
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(ii,kk) ! Temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(ii,kk) ! Pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es(ii,kk) ! Saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs(ii,kk) ! Saturation specific humidity
real(r8), intent(out) :: gam(ii,kk) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
logical lflg ! True if in temperature transition region
integer i ! i index for vector calculations
integer k ! k index
real(r8) omeps ! 1. - 0.622
real(r8) trinv ! Reciprocal of ttrice (transition range)
real(r8) tc ! Temperature (in degrees C)
real(r8) weight ! Weight for es transition from water to ice
real(r8) hltalt ! Appropriately modified hlat for T derivatives
real(r8) hlatsb ! hlat weighted in transition region
real(r8) hlatvp ! hlat modified for t changes above freezing
real(r8) tterm ! Account for d(es)/dT in transition region
real(r8) desdt ! d(es)/dT
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
do k=kstart,kend
do i=1,ilen
es(i,k) = estblf
! Saturation specific humidity
qs(i,k) = epsqs*es(i,k)/(p(i,k) - omeps*es(i,k))
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative qs
! values which can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs(i,k) = min(1.0_r8,qs(i,k))
if (qs(i,k) < 0.0_r8) then
qs(i,k) = 1.0_r8
es(i,k) = p(i,k)
end if
end do
end do
! "generalized" analytic expression for t derivative of es
! accurate to within 1 percent for 173.16 < t < 373.16
trinv = 0.0_r8
if ((.not. icephs) .or. (ttrice.eq.0.0_r8)) go to 10
trinv = 1.0_r8/ttrice
do k=kstart,kend
do i=1,ilen
! Weighting of hlat accounts for transition from water to ice
! polynomial expression approximates difference between es over
! water and es over ice from 0 to -ttrice (C) (min of ttrice is
! -40): required for accurate estimate of es derivative in transition
! range from ice to water also accounting for change of hlatv with t
! above freezing where constant slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) =cpv - cw
tc = t(i,k) - tmelt
lflg = (tc >= -ttrice .and. tc < 0.0_r8)
weight = min(-tc*trinv,1.0_r8)
hlatsb = hlatv + weight*hlatf
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*tc
if (t(i,k) < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
if (lflg) then
tterm = pcf(1) + tc*(pcf(2) + tc*(pcf(3) + tc*(pcf(4) + tc*pcf(5))))
tterm = 0.0_r8
end if
desdt = hltalt*es(i,k)/(rgasv*t(i,k)*t(i,k)) + tterm*trinv
gam(i,k) = hltalt*qs(i,k)*p(i,k)*desdt/(cp*es(i,k)*(p(i,k) - omeps*es(i,k)))
if (qs(i,k) == 1.0_r8) gam(i,k) = 0.0_r8
end do
end do
go to 20
! No icephs or water to ice transition
10 do k=kstart,kend
do i=1,ilen
! Account for change of hlatv with t above freezing where
! constant slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*(t(i,k)-tmelt)
if (icephs) then
hlatsb = hlatv + hlatf
hlatsb = hlatv
end if
if (t(i,k) < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
desdt = hltalt*es(i,k)/(rgasv*t(i,k)*t(i,k))
gam(i,k) = hltalt*qs(i,k)*p(i,k)*desdt/(cp*es(i,k)*(p(i,k) - omeps*es(i,k)))
if (qs(i,k) == 1.0_r8) gam(i,k) = 0.0_r8
end do
end do
20 return
end subroutine aqsatd
subroutine vqsatd(t ,p ,es ,qs ,gam , & 2,1
len )
! Purpose:
! Utility procedure to look up and return saturation vapor pressure from
! precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity
! (g/g), and calculate and return gamma (l/cp)*(d(qsat)/dT). The same
! function as qsatd, but operates on vectors of temperature and pressure
! Method:
! Author: J. Hack
! Input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: len ! vector length
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(len) ! temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(len) ! pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es(len) ! saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs(len) ! saturation specific humidity
real(r8), intent(out) :: gam(len) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
!--------------------------Local Variables------------------------------
logical lflg ! true if in temperature transition region
integer i ! index for vector calculations
real(r8) omeps ! 1. - 0.622
real(r8) trinv ! reciprocal of ttrice (transition range)
real(r8) tc ! temperature (in degrees C)
real(r8) weight ! weight for es transition from water to ice
real(r8) hltalt ! appropriately modified hlat for T derivatives
real(r8) hlatsb ! hlat weighted in transition region
real(r8) hlatvp ! hlat modified for t changes above freezing
real(r8) tterm ! account for d(es)/dT in transition region
real(r8) desdt ! d(es)/dT
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
do i=1,len
es(i) = estblf
! Saturation specific humidity
qs(i) = epsqs*es(i)/(p(i) - omeps*es(i))
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative
! values that can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs(i) = min(1.0_r8,qs(i))
if (qs(i) < 0.0_r8) then
qs(i) = 1.0_r8
es(i) = p(i)
end if
end do
! "generalized" analytic expression for t derivative of es
! accurate to within 1 percent for 173.16 < t < 373.16
trinv = 0.0_r8
if ((.not. icephs) .or. (ttrice.eq.0.0_r8)) go to 10
trinv = 1.0_r8/ttrice
do i=1,len
! Weighting of hlat accounts for transition from water to ice
! polynomial expression approximates difference between es over
! water and es over ice from 0 to -ttrice (C) (min of ttrice is
! -40): required for accurate estimate of es derivative in transition
! range from ice to water also accounting for change of hlatv with t
! above freezing where const slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
tc = t(i) - tmelt
lflg = (tc >= -ttrice .and. tc < 0.0_r8)
weight = min(-tc*trinv,1.0_r8)
hlatsb = hlatv + weight*hlatf
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*tc
if (t(i) < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
if (lflg) then
tterm = pcf(1) + tc*(pcf(2) + tc*(pcf(3) + tc*(pcf(4) + tc*pcf(5))))
tterm = 0.0_r8
end if
desdt = hltalt*es(i)/(rgasv*t(i)*t(i)) + tterm*trinv
gam(i) = hltalt*qs(i)*p(i)*desdt/(cp*es(i)*(p(i) - omeps*es(i)))
if (qs(i) == 1.0_r8) gam(i) = 0.0_r8
end do
! No icephs or water to ice transition
10 do i=1,len
! Account for change of hlatv with t above freezing where
! constant slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*(t(i)-tmelt)
if (icephs) then
hlatsb = hlatv + hlatf
hlatsb = hlatv
end if
if (t(i) < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
desdt = hltalt*es(i)/(rgasv*t(i)*t(i))
gam(i) = hltalt*qs(i)*p(i)*desdt/(cp*es(i)*(p(i) - omeps*es(i)))
if (qs(i) == 1.0_r8) gam(i) = 0.0_r8
end do
end subroutine vqsatd
subroutine vqsatd_water(t ,p ,es ,qs ,gam , & 2,1
len )
! Input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: len ! vector length
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(len) ! temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(len) ! pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es(len) ! saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs(len) ! saturation specific humidity
real(r8), intent(out) :: gam(len) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
!--------------------------Local Variables------------------------------
integer i ! index for vector calculations
real(r8) omeps ! 1. - 0.622
real(r8) hltalt ! appropriately modified hlat for T derivatives
real(r8) hlatsb ! hlat weighted in transition region
real(r8) hlatvp ! hlat modified for t changes above freezing
real(r8) desdt ! d(es)/dT
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
do i=1,len
es(i) = polysvp
! Saturation specific humidity
qs(i) = epsqs*es(i)/(p(i) - omeps*es(i))
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative
! values that can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs(i) = min(1.0_r8,qs(i))
if (qs(i) < 0.0_r8) then
qs(i) = 1.0_r8
es(i) = p(i)
end if
end do
! No icephs or water to ice transition
do i=1,len
! Account for change of hlatv with t above freezing where
! constant slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*(t(i)-tmelt)
hlatsb = hlatv
if (t(i) < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
desdt = hltalt*es(i)/(rgasv*t(i)*t(i))
gam(i) = hltalt*qs(i)*p(i)*desdt/(cp*es(i)*(p(i) - omeps*es(i)))
if (qs(i) == 1.0_r8) gam(i) = 0.0_r8
end do
end subroutine vqsatd_water
function polysvp (T,type) 26
! Compute saturation vapor pressure by using
! function from Goff and Gatch (1946)
! Polysvp returned in units of pa.
! T is input in units of K.
! type refers to saturation with respect to liquid (0) or ice (1)
real(r8) dum
real(r8) T,polysvp
integer type
! ice
if (type.eq.1) then
! Goff Gatch equation (good down to -100 C)
polysvp = 10._r8**(-9.09718_r8*(273.16_r8/t-1._r8)-3.56654_r8* &
log10(273.16_r8/t)+0.876793_r8*(1._r8-t/273.16_r8)+ &
end if
! Goff Gatch equation, uncertain below -70 C
if (type.eq.0) then
polysvp = 10._r8**(-7.90298_r8*(373.16_r8/t-1._r8)+ &
5.02808_r8*log10(373.16_r8/t)- &
1.3816e-7_r8*(10._r8**(11.344_r8*(1._r8-t/373.16_r8))-1._r8)+ &
8.1328e-3_r8*(10._r8**(-3.49149_r8*(373.16_r8/t-1._r8))-1._r8)+ &
end if
end function polysvp
integer function fqsatd(t ,p ,es ,qs ,gam , len ),1
! Purpose:
! This is merely a function interface vqsatd.
! Input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: len ! vector length
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(len) ! temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(len) ! pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es(len) ! saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs(len) ! saturation specific humidity
real(r8), intent(out) :: gam(len) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! Call vqsatd
call vqsatd
(t ,p ,es ,qs ,gam , len )
fqsatd = 1
end function fqsatd
real(r8) function qsat_water(t,p)
! saturation mixing ratio w/respect to liquid water
real(r8) t ! temperature
real(r8) p ! pressure (Pa)
real(r8) es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa)
real(r8) ps, ts, e1, e2, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f
! real(r8) t0inv ! 1/273.
! data t0inv/0.003663/
! save t0inv
! es = 611.*exp(hlatv/rgasv*(t0inv-1./t))
ps = 1013.246_r8
ts = 373.16_r8
e1 = 11.344_r8*(1.0_r8 - t/ts)
e2 = -3.49149_r8*(ts/t - 1.0_r8)
f1 = -7.90298_r8*(ts/t - 1.0_r8)
f2 = 5.02808_r8*log10(ts/t)
f3 = -1.3816_r8*(10.0_r8**e1 - 1.0_r8)/10000000.0_r8
f4 = 8.1328_r8*(10.0_r8**e2 - 1.0_r8)/1000.0_r8
f5 = log10(ps)
f = f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5
es = (10.0_r8**f)*100.0_r8
qsat_water = epsqs*es/(p-(1.-epsqs)*es) ! saturation w/respect to liquid only
if(qsat_water < 0.) qsat_water = 1.
end function qsat_water
#ifndef WRF_PORT
subroutine vqsat_water(t,p,qsat_water,len)
! saturation mixing ratio w/respect to liquid water
integer, intent(in) :: len
real(r8) t(len) ! temperature
real(r8) p(len) ! pressure (Pa)
real(r8) qsat_water(len)
real(r8) es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa)
real(r8), parameter :: t0inv = 1._r8/273._r8
real(r8) coef
integer :: i
coef = hlatv/rgasv
do i=1,len
es = 611._r8*exp(coef*(t0inv-1./t(i)))
qsat_water(i) = epsqs*es/(p(i)-(1.-epsqs)*es) ! saturation w/respect to liquid only
if(qsat_water(i) < 0.) qsat_water(i) = 1.
end subroutine vqsat_water
real(r8) function qsat_ice(t,p)
! saturation mixing ratio w/respect to ice
real(r8) t ! temperature
real(r8) p ! pressure (Pa)
real(r8) es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa)
real(r8), parameter :: t0inv = 1._r8/273._r8
es = 611.*exp((hlatv+hlatf)/rgasv*(t0inv-1./t))
qsat_ice = epsqs*es/(p-(1.-epsqs)*es) ! saturation w/respect to liquid only
if(qsat_ice < 0.) qsat_ice = 1.
end function qsat_ice
subroutine vqsat_ice(t,p,qsat_ice,len)
! saturation mixing ratio w/respect to liquid water
integer,intent(in) :: len
real(r8) t(len) ! temperature
real(r8) p(len) ! pressure (Pa)
real(r8) qsat_ice(len)
real(r8) es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa)
real(r8), parameter :: t0inv = 1._r8/273._r8
real(r8) coef
integer :: i
coef = (hlatv+hlatf)/rgasv
do i=1,len
es = 611.*exp(coef*(t0inv-1./t(i)))
qsat_ice(i) = epsqs*es/(p(i)-(1.-epsqs)*es) ! saturation w/respect to liquid only
if(qsat_ice(i) < 0.) qsat_ice(i) = 1.
end subroutine vqsat_ice
! Sungsu
! Below two subroutines (vqsatd2_water,vqsatd2_water_single) are by Sungsu
! Replace 'gam -> dqsdt'
! Sungsu
subroutine vqsatd2_water(t ,p ,es ,qs ,dqsdt , &,1
len )
! Input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: len ! vector length
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(len) ! temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(len) ! pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es(len) ! saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs(len) ! saturation specific humidity
! real(r8), intent(out) :: gam(len) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! Sungsu
real(r8), intent(out) :: dqsdt(len) ! (d(qs)/dt)
! End by Sungsu
!--------------------------Local Variables------------------------------
integer i ! index for vector calculations
real(r8) omeps ! 1. - 0.622
real(r8) hltalt ! appropriately modified hlat for T derivatives
real(r8) hlatsb ! hlat weighted in transition region
real(r8) hlatvp ! hlat modified for t changes above freezing
real(r8) desdt ! d(es)/dT
! Sungsu
real(r8) gam(len) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! End by Sungsu
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
do i=1,len
es(i) = polysvp
! Saturation specific humidity
qs(i) = epsqs*es(i)/(p(i) - omeps*es(i))
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative
! values that can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs(i) = min(1.0_r8,qs(i))
if (qs(i) < 0.0_r8) then
qs(i) = 1.0_r8
es(i) = p(i)
end if
end do
! No icephs or water to ice transition
do i=1,len
! Account for change of hlatv with t above freezing where
! constant slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*(t(i)-tmelt)
hlatsb = hlatv
if (t(i) < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
desdt = hltalt*es(i)/(rgasv*t(i)*t(i))
gam(i) = hltalt*qs(i)*p(i)*desdt/(cp*es(i)*(p(i) - omeps*es(i)))
if (qs(i) == 1.0_r8) gam(i) = 0.0_r8
! Sungsu
dqsdt(i) = (cp/hltalt)*gam(i)
! End by Sungsu
end do
end subroutine vqsatd2_water
subroutine vqsatd2_water_single(t ,p ,es ,qs ,dqsdt),1
! Input arguments
real(r8), intent(in) :: t ! temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p ! pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es ! saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs ! saturation specific humidity
! real(r8), intent(out) :: gam ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! Sungsu
real(r8), intent(out) :: dqsdt ! (d(qs)/dt)
! End by Sungsu
!--------------------------Local Variables------------------------------
integer i ! index for vector calculations
real(r8) omeps ! 1. - 0.622
real(r8) hltalt ! appropriately modified hlat for T derivatives
real(r8) hlatsb ! hlat weighted in transition region
real(r8) hlatvp ! hlat modified for t changes above freezing
real(r8) desdt ! d(es)/dT
! Sungsu
real(r8) gam ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! End by Sungsu
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
! do i=1,len
es = polysvp
! Saturation specific humidity
qs = epsqs*es/(p - omeps*es)
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative
! values that can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs = min(1.0_r8,qs)
if (qs < 0.0_r8) then
qs = 1.0_r8
es = p
end if
! end do
! No icephs or water to ice transition
! do i=1,len
! Account for change of hlatv with t above freezing where
! constant slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*(t-tmelt)
hlatsb = hlatv
if (t < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
desdt = hltalt*es/(rgasv*t*t)
gam = hltalt*qs*p*desdt/(cp*es*(p - omeps*es))
if (qs == 1.0_r8) gam = 0.0_r8
! Sungsu
dqsdt = (cp/hltalt)*gam
! End by Sungsu
! end do
end subroutine vqsatd2_water_single
subroutine vqsatd2(t ,p ,es ,qs ,dqsdt , &,1
len )
! Sungsu : This is directly copied from 'vqsatd' but 'dqsdt' is output
! instead of gam for use in Sungsu's equilibrium stratiform
! macrophysics scheme.
! Purpose:
! Utility procedure to look up and return saturation vapor pressure from
! precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity
! (g/g), and calculate and return gamma (l/cp)*(d(qsat)/dT). The same
! function as qsatd, but operates on vectors of temperature and pressure
! Method:
! Author: J. Hack
! Input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: len ! vector length
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(len) ! temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(len) ! pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es(len) ! saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs(len) ! saturation specific humidity
! real(r8), intent(out) :: gam(len) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! Sungsu
real(r8), intent(out) :: dqsdt(len) ! (d(qs)/dt)
! End by Sungsu
!--------------------------Local Variables------------------------------
logical lflg ! true if in temperature transition region
integer i ! index for vector calculations
real(r8) omeps ! 1. - 0.622
real(r8) trinv ! reciprocal of ttrice (transition range)
real(r8) tc ! temperature (in degrees C)
real(r8) weight ! weight for es transition from water to ice
real(r8) hltalt ! appropriately modified hlat for T derivatives
real(r8) hlatsb ! hlat weighted in transition region
real(r8) hlatvp ! hlat modified for t changes above freezing
real(r8) tterm ! account for d(es)/dT in transition region
real(r8) desdt ! d(es)/dT
! Sungsu
real(r8) gam(len) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! End by Sungsu
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
do i=1,len
es(i) = estblf
! Saturation specific humidity
qs(i) = epsqs*es(i)/(p(i) - omeps*es(i))
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative
! values that can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs(i) = min(1.0_r8,qs(i))
if (qs(i) < 0.0_r8) then
qs(i) = 1.0_r8
es(i) = p(i)
end if
end do
! "generalized" analytic expression for t derivative of es
! accurate to within 1 percent for 173.16 < t < 373.16
trinv = 0.0_r8
if ((.not. icephs) .or. (ttrice.eq.0.0_r8)) go to 10
trinv = 1.0_r8/ttrice
do i=1,len
! Weighting of hlat accounts for transition from water to ice
! polynomial expression approximates difference between es over
! water and es over ice from 0 to -ttrice (C) (min of ttrice is
! -40): required for accurate estimate of es derivative in transition
! range from ice to water also accounting for change of hlatv with t
! above freezing where const slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
tc = t(i) - tmelt
lflg = (tc >= -ttrice .and. tc < 0.0_r8)
weight = min(-tc*trinv,1.0_r8)
hlatsb = hlatv + weight*hlatf
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*tc
if (t(i) < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
if (lflg) then
tterm = pcf(1) + tc*(pcf(2) + tc*(pcf(3) + tc*(pcf(4) + tc*pcf(5))))
tterm = 0.0_r8
end if
desdt = hltalt*es(i)/(rgasv*t(i)*t(i)) + tterm*trinv
gam(i) = hltalt*qs(i)*p(i)*desdt/(cp*es(i)*(p(i) - omeps*es(i)))
if (qs(i) == 1.0_r8) gam(i) = 0.0_r8
! Sungsu
dqsdt(i) = (cp/hltalt)*gam(i)
! End by Sungsu
end do
! No icephs or water to ice transition
10 do i=1,len
! Account for change of hlatv with t above freezing where
! constant slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*(t(i)-tmelt)
if (icephs) then
hlatsb = hlatv + hlatf
hlatsb = hlatv
end if
if (t(i) < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
desdt = hltalt*es(i)/(rgasv*t(i)*t(i))
gam(i) = hltalt*qs(i)*p(i)*desdt/(cp*es(i)*(p(i) - omeps*es(i)))
if (qs(i) == 1.0_r8) gam(i) = 0.0_r8
! Sungsu
dqsdt(i) = (cp/hltalt)*gam(i)
! End by Sungsu
end do
end subroutine vqsatd2
! Below routine is by Sungsu
subroutine vqsatd2_single(t ,p ,es ,qs ,dqsdt),1
! Sungsu : This is directly copied from 'vqsatd' but 'dqsdt' is output
! instead of gam for use in Sungsu's equilibrium stratiform
! macrophysics scheme.
! Purpose:
! Utility procedure to look up and return saturation vapor pressure from
! precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity
! (g/g), and calculate and return gamma (l/cp)*(d(qsat)/dT). The same
! function as qsatd, but operates on vectors of temperature and pressure
! Method:
! Author: J. Hack
! Input arguments
real(r8), intent(in) :: t ! temperature
real(r8), intent(in) :: p ! pressure
! Output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: es ! saturation vapor pressure
real(r8), intent(out) :: qs ! saturation specific humidity
! real(r8), intent(out) :: gam ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! Sungsu
real(r8), intent(out) :: dqsdt ! (d(qs)/dt)
! End by Sungsu
!--------------------------Local Variables------------------------------
logical lflg ! true if in temperature transition region
! integer i ! index for vector calculations
real(r8) omeps ! 1. - 0.622
real(r8) trinv ! reciprocal of ttrice (transition range)
real(r8) tc ! temperature (in degrees C)
real(r8) weight ! weight for es transition from water to ice
real(r8) hltalt ! appropriately modified hlat for T derivatives
real(r8) hlatsb ! hlat weighted in transition region
real(r8) hlatvp ! hlat modified for t changes above freezing
real(r8) tterm ! account for d(es)/dT in transition region
real(r8) desdt ! d(es)/dT
! Sungsu
real(r8) gam ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dt)
! End by Sungsu
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
! do i=1,len
es = estblf
! Saturation specific humidity
qs = epsqs*es/(p - omeps*es)
! The following check is to avoid the generation of negative
! values that can occur in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere
qs = min(1.0_r8,qs)
if (qs < 0.0_r8) then
qs = 1.0_r8
es = p
end if
! end do
! "generalized" analytic expression for t derivative of es
! accurate to within 1 percent for 173.16 < t < 373.16
trinv = 0.0_r8
if ((.not. icephs) .or. (ttrice.eq.0.0_r8)) go to 10
trinv = 1.0_r8/ttrice
! do i=1,len
! Weighting of hlat accounts for transition from water to ice
! polynomial expression approximates difference between es over
! water and es over ice from 0 to -ttrice (C) (min of ttrice is
! -40): required for accurate estimate of es derivative in transition
! range from ice to water also accounting for change of hlatv with t
! above freezing where const slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
tc = t - tmelt
lflg = (tc >= -ttrice .and. tc < 0.0_r8)
weight = min(-tc*trinv,1.0_r8)
hlatsb = hlatv + weight*hlatf
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*tc
if (t < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
if (lflg) then
tterm = pcf(1) + tc*(pcf(2) + tc*(pcf(3) + tc*(pcf(4) + tc*pcf(5))))
tterm = 0.0_r8
end if
desdt = hltalt*es/(rgasv*t*t) + tterm*trinv
gam = hltalt*qs*p*desdt/(cp*es*(p - omeps*es))
if (qs == 1.0_r8) gam = 0.0_r8
! Sungsu
dqsdt = (cp/hltalt)*gam
! End by Sungsu
! end do
! No icephs or water to ice transition
10 continue
!10 do i=1,len
! Account for change of hlatv with t above freezing where
! constant slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*(t-tmelt)
if (icephs) then
hlatsb = hlatv + hlatf
hlatsb = hlatv
end if
if (t < tmelt) then
hltalt = hlatsb
hltalt = hlatvp
end if
desdt = hltalt*es/(rgasv*t*t)
gam = hltalt*qs*p*desdt/(cp*es*(p - omeps*es))
if (qs == 1.0_r8) gam = 0.0_r8
! Sungsu
dqsdt = (cp/hltalt)*gam
! End by Sungsu
! end do
end subroutine vqsatd2_single
end module wv_saturation