module module_gfs_funcphys 11
!$$$ Module Documentation Block
! Module: funcphys API for basic thermodynamic physics
! Author: Iredell Org: W/NX23 Date: 1999-03-01
! Abstract: This module provides an Application Program Interface
! for computing basic thermodynamic physics functions, in particular
! (1) saturation vapor pressure as a function of temperature,
! (2) dewpoint temperature as a function of vapor pressure,
! (3) equivalent potential temperature as a function of temperature
! and scaled pressure to the kappa power,
! (4) temperature and specific humidity along a moist adiabat
! as functions of equivalent potential temperature and
! scaled pressure to the kappa power,
! (5) scaled pressure to the kappa power as a function of pressure, and
! (6) temperature at the lifting condensation level as a function
! of temperature and dewpoint depression.
! The entry points required to set up lookup tables start with a "g".
! All the other entry points are functions starting with an "f" or
! are subroutines starting with an "s". These other functions and
! subroutines are elemental; that is, they return a scalar if they
! are passed only scalars, but they return an array if they are passed
! an array. These other functions and subroutines can be inlined, too.
! Program History Log:
! 1999-03-01 Mark Iredell
! 1999-10-15 Mark Iredell SI unit for pressure (Pascals)
! 2001-02-26 Mark Iredell Ice phase changes of Hong and Moorthi
! Public Variables:
! krealfp Integer parameter kind or length of reals (=kind_phys)
! Public Subprograms:
! gpvsl Compute saturation vapor pressure over liquid table
! fpvsl Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure over liquid
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! fpvslq Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure over liquid
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! fpvslx Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure over liquid
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! gpvsi Compute saturation vapor pressure over ice table
! fpvsi Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure over ice
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! fpvsiq Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure over ice
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! fpvsix Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure over ice
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! gpvs Compute saturation vapor pressure table
! fpvs Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! fpvsq Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! fpvsx Elementally compute saturation vapor pressure
! function result Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! gtdpl Compute dewpoint temperature over liquid table
! ftdpl Elementally compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdplq Elementally compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdplx Elementally compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdplxg Elementally compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) guess dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! gtdpi Compute dewpoint temperature table over ice
! ftdpi Elementally compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdpiq Elementally compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdpix Elementally compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdpixg Elementally compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) guess dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! gtdp Compute dewpoint temperature table
! ftdp Elementally compute dewpoint temperature
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdpq Elementally compute dewpoint temperature
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdpx Elementally compute dewpoint temperature
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! ftdpxg Elementally compute dewpoint temperature
! function result Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) guess dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! gthe Compute equivalent potential temperature table
! fthe Elementally compute equivalent potential temperature
! function result Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) LCL temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) LCL pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! ftheq Elementally compute equivalent potential temperature
! function result Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) LCL temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) LCL pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! fthex Elementally compute equivalent potential temperature
! function result Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) LCL temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) LCL pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! gtma Compute moist adiabat tables
! stma Elementally compute moist adiabat temperature and moisture
! the Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! tma Real(krealfp) parcel temperature in Kelvin
! qma Real(krealfp) parcel specific humidity in kg/kg
! stmaq Elementally compute moist adiabat temperature and moisture
! the Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! tma Real(krealfp) parcel temperature in Kelvin
! qma Real(krealfp) parcel specific humidity in kg/kg
! stmax Elementally compute moist adiabat temperature and moisture
! the Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! tma Real(krealfp) parcel temperature in Kelvin
! qma Real(krealfp) parcel specific humidity in kg/kg
! stmaxg Elementally compute moist adiabat temperature and moisture
! tg Real(krealfp) guess parcel temperature in Kelvin
! the Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! tma Real(krealfp) parcel temperature in Kelvin
! qma Real(krealfp) parcel specific humidity in kg/kg
! gpkap Compute pressure to the kappa table
! fpkap Elementally raise pressure to the kappa power.
! function result Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! p Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! fpkapq Elementally raise pressure to the kappa power.
! function result Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! p Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! fpkapo Elementally raise pressure to the kappa power.
! function result Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! p Real(krealfp) surface pressure in Pascals
! fpkapx Elementally raise pressure to the kappa power.
! function result Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! p Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! grkap Compute pressure to the 1/kappa table
! frkap Elementally raise pressure to the 1/kappa power.
! function result Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! pkap Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the 1/kappa power
! frkapq Elementally raise pressure to the kappa power.
! function result Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! pkap Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! frkapx Elementally raise pressure to the kappa power.
! function result Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! pkap Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! gtlcl Compute LCL temperature table
! ftlcl Elementally compute LCL temperature.
! function result Real(krealfp) temperature at the LCL in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! tdpd Real(krealfp) dewpoint depression in Kelvin
! ftlclq Elementally compute LCL temperature.
! function result Real(krealfp) temperature at the LCL in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! tdpd Real(krealfp) dewpoint depression in Kelvin
! ftlclo Elementally compute LCL temperature.
! function result Real(krealfp) temperature at the LCL in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! tdpd Real(krealfp) dewpoint depression in Kelvin
! ftlclx Elementally compute LCL temperature.
! function result Real(krealfp) temperature at the LCL in Kelvin
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! tdpd Real(krealfp) dewpoint depression in Kelvin
! gfuncphys Compute all physics function tables
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90
use module_gfs_machine
use module_gfs_physcons
implicit none
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! Public Variables
! integer,public,parameter:: krealfp=selected_real_kind(15,45)
integer,public,parameter:: krealfp=kind_phys
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! Private Variables
real(krealfp),parameter:: psatb=con_psat*1.e-5
integer,parameter:: nxpvsl=7501
real(krealfp) c1xpvsl,c2xpvsl,tbpvsl(nxpvsl)
integer,parameter:: nxpvsi=7501
real(krealfp) c1xpvsi,c2xpvsi,tbpvsi(nxpvsi)
integer,parameter:: nxpvs=7501
real(krealfp) c1xpvs,c2xpvs,tbpvs(nxpvs)
integer,parameter:: nxtdpl=5001
real(krealfp) c1xtdpl,c2xtdpl,tbtdpl(nxtdpl)
integer,parameter:: nxtdpi=5001
real(krealfp) c1xtdpi,c2xtdpi,tbtdpi(nxtdpi)
integer,parameter:: nxtdp=5001
real(krealfp) c1xtdp,c2xtdp,tbtdp(nxtdp)
integer,parameter:: nxthe=241,nythe=151
real(krealfp) c1xthe,c2xthe,c1ythe,c2ythe,tbthe(nxthe,nythe)
integer,parameter:: nxma=151,nyma=121
real(krealfp) c1xma,c2xma,c1yma,c2yma,tbtma(nxma,nyma),tbqma(nxma,nyma)
! integer,parameter:: nxpkap=5501
integer,parameter:: nxpkap=11001
real(krealfp) c1xpkap,c2xpkap,tbpkap(nxpkap)
integer,parameter:: nxrkap=5501
real(krealfp) c1xrkap,c2xrkap,tbrkap(nxrkap)
integer,parameter:: nxtlcl=151,nytlcl=61
real(krealfp) c1xtlcl,c2xtlcl,c1ytlcl,c2ytlcl,tbtlcl(nxtlcl,nytlcl)
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! Public Subprograms
public gpvsl,fpvsl,fpvslq,fpvslx
public gpvsi,fpvsi,fpvsiq,fpvsix
public gpvs,fpvs,fpvsq,fpvsx
public gtdpl,ftdpl,ftdplq,ftdplx,ftdplxg
public gtdpi,ftdpi,ftdpiq,ftdpix,ftdpixg
public gtdp,ftdp,ftdpq,ftdpx,ftdpxg
public gthe,fthe,ftheq,fthex
public gtma,stma,stmaq,stmax,stmaxg
public gpkap,fpkap,fpkapq,fpkapo,fpkapx
public grkap,frkap,frkapq,frkapx
public gtlcl,ftlcl,ftlclq,ftlclo,ftlclx
public gfuncphys
subroutine gpvsl 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gpvsl Compute saturation vapor pressure table over liquid
! Author: N Phillips W/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Computes saturation vapor pressure table as a function of
! temperature for the table lookup function fpvsl.
! Exact saturation vapor pressures are calculated in subprogram fpvslx.
! The current implementation computes a table with a length
! of 7501 for temperatures ranging from 180. to 330. Kelvin.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call gpvsl
! Subprograms called:
! (fpvslx) inlinable function to compute saturation vapor pressure
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,xinc,x,t
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! c1xpvsl=1.-xmin/xinc
do jx=1,nxpvsl
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function fpvsl(t)
function fpvsl(t)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvsl Compute saturation vapor pressure over liquid
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute saturation vapor pressure from the temperature.
! A linear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gpvsl. See documentation for fpvslx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is almost 6 decimal places.
! On the Cray, fpvsl is about 4 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: pvsl=fpvsl(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvsl Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvsl
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fpvslq(t)
function fpvslq(t)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvslq Compute saturation vapor pressure over liquid
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute saturation vapor pressure from the temperature.
! A quadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gpvsl. See documentation for fpvslx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is almost 9 decimal places.
! On the Cray, fpvslq is about 3 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell quadratic interpolation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: pvsl=fpvslq(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvslq Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvslq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj,dxj,fj1,fj2,fj3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fpvslx(t)
function fpvslx(t) 1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvslx Compute saturation vapor pressure over liquid
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Exactly compute saturation vapor pressure from temperature.
! The water model assumes a perfect gas, constant specific heats
! for gas and liquid, and neglects the volume of the liquid.
! The model does account for the variation of the latent heat
! of condensation with temperature. The ice option is not included.
! The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is integrated from the triple point
! to get the formula
! pvsl=con_psat*(tr**xa)*exp(xb*(1.-tr))
! where tr is ttp/t and other values are physical constants.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: pvsl=fpvslx(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvslx Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvslx
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
real(krealfp),parameter:: dldt=con_cvap-con_cliq
real(krealfp),parameter:: heat=con_hvap
real(krealfp),parameter:: xpona=-dldt/con_rv
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponb=-dldt/con_rv+heat/(con_rv*con_ttp)
real(krealfp) tr
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gpvsi 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gpvsi Compute saturation vapor pressure table over ice
! Author: N Phillips W/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Computes saturation vapor pressure table as a function of
! temperature for the table lookup function fpvsi.
! Exact saturation vapor pressures are calculated in subprogram fpvsix.
! The current implementation computes a table with a length
! of 7501 for temperatures ranging from 180. to 330. Kelvin.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: call gpvsi
! Subprograms called:
! (fpvsix) inlinable function to compute saturation vapor pressure
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,xinc,x,t
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! c1xpvsi=1.-xmin/xinc
do jx=1,nxpvsi
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function fpvsi(t)
function fpvsi(t)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvsi Compute saturation vapor pressure over ice
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute saturation vapor pressure from the temperature.
! A linear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gpvsi. See documentation for fpvsix for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is almost 6 decimal places.
! On the Cray, fpvsi is about 4 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: pvsi=fpvsi(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvsi Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvsi
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fpvsiq(t)
function fpvsiq(t)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvsiq Compute saturation vapor pressure over ice
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute saturation vapor pressure from the temperature.
! A quadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gpvsi. See documentation for fpvsix for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is almost 9 decimal places.
! On the Cray, fpvsiq is about 3 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell quadratic interpolation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: pvsi=fpvsiq(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvsiq Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvsiq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj,dxj,fj1,fj2,fj3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fpvsix(t)
function fpvsix(t) 1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvsix Compute saturation vapor pressure over ice
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Exactly compute saturation vapor pressure from temperature.
! The water model assumes a perfect gas, constant specific heats
! for gas and ice, and neglects the volume of the ice.
! The model does account for the variation of the latent heat
! of condensation with temperature. The liquid option is not included.
! The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is integrated from the triple point
! to get the formula
! pvsi=con_psat*(tr**xa)*exp(xb*(1.-tr))
! where tr is ttp/t and other values are physical constants.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: pvsi=fpvsix(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvsix Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvsix
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
real(krealfp),parameter:: dldt=con_cvap-con_csol
real(krealfp),parameter:: heat=con_hvap+con_hfus
real(krealfp),parameter:: xpona=-dldt/con_rv
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponb=-dldt/con_rv+heat/(con_rv*con_ttp)
real(krealfp) tr
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gpvs 6,7
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gpvs Compute saturation vapor pressure table
! Author: N Phillips W/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Computes saturation vapor pressure table as a function of
! temperature for the table lookup function fpvs.
! Exact saturation vapor pressures are calculated in subprogram fpvsx.
! The current implementation computes a table with a length
! of 7501 for temperatures ranging from 180. to 330. Kelvin.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: call gpvs
! Subprograms called:
! (fpvsx) inlinable function to compute saturation vapor pressure
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,xinc,x,t
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! c1xpvs=1.-xmin/xinc
do jx=1,nxpvs
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function fpvs(t)
function fpvs(t) 9
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvs Compute saturation vapor pressure
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute saturation vapor pressure from the temperature.
! A linear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gpvs. See documentation for fpvsx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is almost 6 decimal places.
! On the Cray, fpvs is about 4 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: pvs=fpvs(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvs Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvs
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fpvsq(t)
function fpvsq(t)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvsq Compute saturation vapor pressure
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute saturation vapor pressure from the temperature.
! A quadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gpvs. See documentation for fpvsx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is almost 9 decimal places.
! On the Cray, fpvsq is about 3 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell quadratic interpolation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: pvs=fpvsq(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvsq Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvsq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj,dxj,fj1,fj2,fj3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fpvsx(t)
function fpvsx(t) 5
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpvsx Compute saturation vapor pressure
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Exactly compute saturation vapor pressure from temperature.
! The saturation vapor pressure over either liquid and ice is computed
! over liquid for temperatures above the triple point,
! over ice for temperatures 20 degress below the triple point,
! and a linear combination of the two for temperatures in between.
! The water model assumes a perfect gas, constant specific heats
! for gas, liquid and ice, and neglects the volume of the condensate.
! The model does account for the variation of the latent heat
! of condensation and sublimation with temperature.
! The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is integrated from the triple point
! to get the formula
! pvsl=con_psat*(tr**xa)*exp(xb*(1.-tr))
! where tr is ttp/t and other values are physical constants.
! The reference for this computation is Emanuel(1994), pages 116-117.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: pvs=fpvsx(t)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! fpvsx Real(krealfp) saturation vapor pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpvsx
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t
real(krealfp),parameter:: tliq=con_ttp
real(krealfp),parameter:: tice=con_ttp-20.0
real(krealfp),parameter:: dldtl=con_cvap-con_cliq
real(krealfp),parameter:: heatl=con_hvap
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponal=-dldtl/con_rv
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponbl=-dldtl/con_rv+heatl/(con_rv*con_ttp)
real(krealfp),parameter:: dldti=con_cvap-con_csol
real(krealfp),parameter:: heati=con_hvap+con_hfus
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponai=-dldti/con_rv
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponbi=-dldti/con_rv+heati/(con_rv*con_ttp)
real(krealfp) tr,w,pvl,pvi
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(t.ge.tliq) then
elseif(t.lt.tice) then
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gtdpl 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gtdpl Compute dewpoint temperature over liquid table
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature table as a function of
! vapor pressure for inlinable function ftdpl.
! Exact dewpoint temperatures are calculated in subprogram ftdplxg.
! The current implementation computes a table with a length
! of 5001 for vapor pressures ranging from 1 to 10001 Pascals
! giving a dewpoint temperature range of 208 to 319 Kelvin.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call gtdpl
! Subprograms called:
! (ftdplxg) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,xinc,t,x,pv
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do jx=1,nxtdpl
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function ftdpl(pv)
function ftdpl(pv) 1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdpl Compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A linear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtdpl. See documentation for ftdplxg for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 0.0005 Kelvin
! for dewpoint temperatures greater than 250 Kelvin,
! but decreases to 0.02 Kelvin for a dewpoint around 230 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftdpl is about 75 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: tdpl=ftdpl(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdpl Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdpl
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdplq(pv)
function ftdplq(pv)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdplq Compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A quadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtdpl. see documentation for ftdplxg for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! the interpolation accuracy is better than 0.00001 Kelvin
! for dewpoint temperatures greater than 250 Kelvin,
! but decreases to 0.002 Kelvin for a dewpoint around 230 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftdplq is about 60 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell quadratic interpolation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: tdpl=ftdplq(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdplq Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdplq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj,dxj,fj1,fj2,fj3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdplx(pv)
function ftdplx(pv),2
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdplx Compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: exactly compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! An approximate dewpoint temperature for function ftdplxg
! is obtained using ftdpl so gtdpl must be already called.
! See documentation for ftdplxg for details.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: tdpl=ftdplx(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdplx Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Subprograms called:
! (ftdpl) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! (ftdplxg) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdplx
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
real(krealfp) tg
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdplxg(tg,pv)
function ftdplxg(tg,pv) 2
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdplxg Compute dewpoint temperature over liquid
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Exactly compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A guess dewpoint temperature must be provided.
! The water model assumes a perfect gas, constant specific heats
! for gas and liquid, and neglects the volume of the liquid.
! The model does account for the variation of the latent heat
! of condensation with temperature. The ice option is not included.
! The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is integrated from the triple point
! to get the formula
! pvs=con_psat*(tr**xa)*exp(xb*(1.-tr))
! where tr is ttp/t and other values are physical constants.
! The formula is inverted by iterating Newtonian approximations
! for each pvs until t is found to within 1.e-6 Kelvin.
! This function can be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: tdpl=ftdplxg(tg,pv)
! Input argument list:
! tg Real(krealfp) guess dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdplxg Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdplxg
real(krealfp),intent(in):: tg,pv
real(krealfp),parameter:: terrm=1.e-6
real(krealfp),parameter:: dldt=con_cvap-con_cliq
real(krealfp),parameter:: heat=con_hvap
real(krealfp),parameter:: xpona=-dldt/con_rv
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponb=-dldt/con_rv+heat/(con_rv*con_ttp)
real(krealfp) t,tr,pvt,el,dpvt,terr
integer i
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do i=1,100
if(abs(terr).le.terrm) exit
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gtdpi 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gtdpi Compute dewpoint temperature over ice table
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature table as a function of
! vapor pressure for inlinable function ftdpi.
! Exact dewpoint temperatures are calculated in subprogram ftdpixg.
! The current implementation computes a table with a length
! of 5001 for vapor pressures ranging from 0.1 to 1000.1 Pascals
! giving a dewpoint temperature range of 197 to 279 Kelvin.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: call gtdpi
! Subprograms called:
! (ftdpixg) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,xinc,t,x,pv
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do jx=1,nxtdpi
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function ftdpi(pv)
function ftdpi(pv) 1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdpi Compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A linear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtdpi. See documentation for ftdpixg for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 0.0005 Kelvin
! for dewpoint temperatures greater than 250 Kelvin,
! but decreases to 0.02 Kelvin for a dewpoint around 230 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftdpi is about 75 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: tdpi=ftdpi(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdpi Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdpi
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdpiq(pv)
function ftdpiq(pv)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdpiq Compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A quadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtdpi. see documentation for ftdpixg for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! the interpolation accuracy is better than 0.00001 Kelvin
! for dewpoint temperatures greater than 250 Kelvin,
! but decreases to 0.002 Kelvin for a dewpoint around 230 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftdpiq is about 60 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell quadratic interpolation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: tdpi=ftdpiq(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdpiq Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdpiq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj,dxj,fj1,fj2,fj3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdpix(pv)
function ftdpix(pv),2
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdpix Compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: exactly compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! An approximate dewpoint temperature for function ftdpixg
! is obtained using ftdpi so gtdpi must be already called.
! See documentation for ftdpixg for details.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: tdpi=ftdpix(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdpix Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Subprograms called:
! (ftdpi) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! (ftdpixg) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdpix
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
real(krealfp) tg
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdpixg(tg,pv)
function ftdpixg(tg,pv) 2
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdpixg Compute dewpoint temperature over ice
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Exactly compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A guess dewpoint temperature must be provided.
! The water model assumes a perfect gas, constant specific heats
! for gas and ice, and neglects the volume of the ice.
! The model does account for the variation of the latent heat
! of sublimation with temperature. The liquid option is not included.
! The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is integrated from the triple point
! to get the formula
! pvs=con_psat*(tr**xa)*exp(xb*(1.-tr))
! where tr is ttp/t and other values are physical constants.
! The formula is inverted by iterating Newtonian approximations
! for each pvs until t is found to within 1.e-6 Kelvin.
! This function can be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: tdpi=ftdpixg(tg,pv)
! Input argument list:
! tg Real(krealfp) guess dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdpixg Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdpixg
real(krealfp),intent(in):: tg,pv
real(krealfp),parameter:: terrm=1.e-6
real(krealfp),parameter:: dldt=con_cvap-con_csol
real(krealfp),parameter:: heat=con_hvap+con_hfus
real(krealfp),parameter:: xpona=-dldt/con_rv
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponb=-dldt/con_rv+heat/(con_rv*con_ttp)
real(krealfp) t,tr,pvt,el,dpvt,terr
integer i
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do i=1,100
if(abs(terr).le.terrm) exit
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gtdp 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gtdp Compute dewpoint temperature table
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature table as a function of
! vapor pressure for inlinable function ftdp.
! Exact dewpoint temperatures are calculated in subprogram ftdpxg.
! The current implementation computes a table with a length
! of 5001 for vapor pressures ranging from 0.5 to 1000.5 Pascals
! giving a dewpoint temperature range of 208 to 319 Kelvin.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: call gtdp
! Subprograms called:
! (ftdpxg) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,xinc,t,x,pv
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do jx=1,nxtdp
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function ftdp(pv)
function ftdp(pv) 1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdp Compute dewpoint temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A linear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtdp. See documentation for ftdpxg for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 0.0005 Kelvin
! for dewpoint temperatures greater than 250 Kelvin,
! but decreases to 0.02 Kelvin for a dewpoint around 230 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftdp is about 75 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: tdp=ftdp(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdp Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdp
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdpq(pv)
function ftdpq(pv)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdpq Compute dewpoint temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A quadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtdp. see documentation for ftdpxg for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! the interpolation accuracy is better than 0.00001 Kelvin
! for dewpoint temperatures greater than 250 Kelvin,
! but decreases to 0.002 Kelvin for a dewpoint around 230 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftdpq is about 60 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell quadratic interpolation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: tdp=ftdpq(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdpq Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdpq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj,dxj,fj1,fj2,fj3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdpx(pv)
function ftdpx(pv),2
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdpx Compute dewpoint temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: exactly compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! An approximate dewpoint temperature for function ftdpxg
! is obtained using ftdp so gtdp must be already called.
! See documentation for ftdpxg for details.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: tdp=ftdpx(pv)
! Input argument list:
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdpx Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Subprograms called:
! (ftdp) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature
! (ftdpxg) inlinable function to compute dewpoint temperature
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdpx
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pv
real(krealfp) tg
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftdpxg(tg,pv)
function ftdpxg(tg,pv) 3
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftdpxg Compute dewpoint temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Exactly compute dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure.
! A guess dewpoint temperature must be provided.
! The saturation vapor pressure over either liquid and ice is computed
! over liquid for temperatures above the triple point,
! over ice for temperatures 20 degress below the triple point,
! and a linear combination of the two for temperatures in between.
! The water model assumes a perfect gas, constant specific heats
! for gas, liquid and ice, and neglects the volume of the condensate.
! The model does account for the variation of the latent heat
! of condensation and sublimation with temperature.
! The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is integrated from the triple point
! to get the formula
! pvsl=con_psat*(tr**xa)*exp(xb*(1.-tr))
! where tr is ttp/t and other values are physical constants.
! The reference for this decision is Emanuel(1994), pages 116-117.
! The formula is inverted by iterating Newtonian approximations
! for each pvs until t is found to within 1.e-6 Kelvin.
! This function can be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 2001-02-26 Iredell ice phase
! Usage: tdp=ftdpxg(tg,pv)
! Input argument list:
! tg Real(krealfp) guess dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! pv Real(krealfp) vapor pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! ftdpxg Real(krealfp) dewpoint temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftdpxg
real(krealfp),intent(in):: tg,pv
real(krealfp),parameter:: terrm=1.e-6
real(krealfp),parameter:: tliq=con_ttp
real(krealfp),parameter:: tice=con_ttp-20.0
real(krealfp),parameter:: dldtl=con_cvap-con_cliq
real(krealfp),parameter:: heatl=con_hvap
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponal=-dldtl/con_rv
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponbl=-dldtl/con_rv+heatl/(con_rv*con_ttp)
real(krealfp),parameter:: dldti=con_cvap-con_csol
real(krealfp),parameter:: heati=con_hvap+con_hfus
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponai=-dldti/con_rv
real(krealfp),parameter:: xponbi=-dldti/con_rv+heati/(con_rv*con_ttp)
real(krealfp) t,tr,w,pvtl,pvti,pvt,ell,eli,el,dpvt,terr
integer i
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do i=1,100
if(t.ge.tliq) then
elseif(t.lt.tice) then
if(abs(terr).le.terrm) exit
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gthe 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gthe Compute equivalent potential temperature table
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute equivalent potential temperature table
! as a function of LCL temperature and pressure over 1e5 Pa
! to the kappa power for function fthe.
! Equivalent potential temperatures are calculated in subprogram fthex
! the current implementation computes a table with a first dimension
! of 241 for temperatures ranging from 183.16 to 303.16 Kelvin
! and a second dimension of 151 for pressure over 1e5 Pa
! to the kappa power ranging from 0.04**rocp to 1.10**rocp.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call gthe
! Subprograms called:
! (fthex) inlinable function to compute equiv. pot. temperature
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,xinc,yinc,x,y,pk,t
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do jy=1,nythe
do jx=1,nxthe
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function fthe(t,pk)
function fthe(t,pk) 3
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fthe Compute equivalent potential temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute equivalent potential temperature at the LCL
! from temperature and pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! A bilinear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gthe. see documentation for fthex for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema,
! except zero is returned for too cold or high LCLs.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 0.01 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, fthe is almost 6 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: the=fthe(t,pk)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) LCL temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) LCL pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! fthe Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fthe
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t,pk
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xj,yj,ftx1,ftx2
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(xj.ge.1..and.yj.ge.1.) then
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftheq(t,pk)
function ftheq(t,pk)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftheq Compute equivalent potential temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute equivalent potential temperature at the LCL
! from temperature and pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! A biquadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gthe. see documentation for fthex for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema,
! except zero is returned for too cold or high LCLs.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 0.0002 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftheq is almost 3 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell quadratic interpolation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: the=ftheq(t,pk)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) LCL temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) LCL pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! ftheq Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftheq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t,pk
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xj,yj,dxj,dyj
real(krealfp) ft11,ft12,ft13,ft21,ft22,ft23,ft31,ft32,ft33
real(krealfp) ftx1,ftx2,ftx3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(xj.ge.1..and.yj.ge.1.) then
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fthex(t,pk)
function fthex(t,pk) 2
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fthex Compute equivalent potential temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Exactly compute equivalent potential temperature at the LCL
! from temperature and pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! Equivalent potential temperature is constant for a saturated parcel
! rising adiabatically up a moist adiabat when the heat and mass
! of the condensed water are neglected. Ice is also neglected.
! The formula for equivalent potential temperature (Holton) is
! the=t*(pd**(-rocp))*exp(el*eps*pv/(cp*t*pd))
! where t is the temperature, pv is the saturated vapor pressure,
! pd is the dry pressure p-pv, el is the temperature dependent
! latent heat of condensation hvap+dldt*(t-ttp), and other values
! are physical constants defined in parameter statements in the code.
! Zero is returned if the input values make saturation impossible.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: the=fthex(t,pk)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) LCL temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) LCL pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! fthex Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fthex
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t,pk
real(krealfp) p,tr,pv,pd,el,expo,expmax
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(pd.gt.pv) then
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gtma 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gtma Compute moist adiabat tables
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute temperature and specific humidity tables
! as a function of equivalent potential temperature and
! pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power for subprogram stma.
! Exact parcel temperatures are calculated in subprogram stmaxg.
! The current implementation computes a table with a first dimension
! of 151 for equivalent potential temperatures ranging from 200 to 500
! Kelvin and a second dimension of 121 for pressure over 1e5 Pa
! to the kappa power ranging from 0.01**rocp to 1.10**rocp.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call gtma
! Subprograms called:
! (stmaxg) inlinable subprogram to compute parcel temperature
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,xinc,yinc,x,y,pk,the,t,q,tg
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do jy=1,nyma
do jx=1,nxma
call stmaxg
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental subroutine stma(the,pk,tma,qma)
subroutine stma(the,pk,tma,qma) 3
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: stma Compute moist adiabat temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute temperature and specific humidity of a parcel
! lifted up a moist adiabat from equivalent potential temperature
! at the LCL and pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! Bilinear interpolations are done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtma. See documentation for stmaxg for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 0.01 Kelvin
! and 5.e-6 kg/kg for temperature and humidity, respectively.
! On the Cray, stma is about 35 times faster than exact calculation.
! This subprogram should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell expand table
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call stma(the,pk,tma,qma)
! Input argument list:
! the Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! tma Real(krealfp) parcel temperature in Kelvin
! qma Real(krealfp) parcel specific humidity in kg/kg
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp),intent(in):: the,pk
real(krealfp),intent(out):: tma,qma
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xj,yj,ftx1,ftx2,qx1,qx2
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental subroutine stmaq(the,pk,tma,qma)
subroutine stmaq(the,pk,tma,qma)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: stmaq Compute moist adiabat temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute temperature and specific humidity of a parcel
! lifted up a moist adiabat from equivalent potential temperature
! at the LCL and pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! Biquadratic interpolations are done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtma. See documentation for stmaxg for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! the interpolation accuracy is better than 0.0005 Kelvin
! and 1.e-7 kg/kg for temperature and humidity, respectively.
! On the Cray, stmaq is about 25 times faster than exact calculation.
! This subprogram should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell quadratic interpolation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call stmaq(the,pk,tma,qma)
! Input argument list:
! the Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! tmaq Real(krealfp) parcel temperature in Kelvin
! qma Real(krealfp) parcel specific humidity in kg/kg
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp),intent(in):: the,pk
real(krealfp),intent(out):: tma,qma
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xj,yj,dxj,dyj
real(krealfp) ft11,ft12,ft13,ft21,ft22,ft23,ft31,ft32,ft33
real(krealfp) ftx1,ftx2,ftx3
real(krealfp) q11,q12,q13,q21,q22,q23,q31,q32,q33,qx1,qx2,qx3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental subroutine stmax(the,pk,tma,qma)
subroutine stmax(the,pk,tma,qma),2
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: stmax Compute moist adiabat temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Exactly compute temperature and humidity of a parcel
! lifted up a moist adiabat from equivalent potential temperature
! at the LCL and pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! An approximate parcel temperature for subprogram stmaxg
! is obtained using stma so gtma must be already called.
! See documentation for stmaxg for details.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call stmax(the,pk,tma,qma)
! Input argument list:
! the Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! tma Real(krealfp) parcel temperature in Kelvin
! qma Real(krealfp) parcel specific humidity in kg/kg
! Subprograms called:
! (stma) inlinable subprogram to compute parcel temperature
! (stmaxg) inlinable subprogram to compute parcel temperature
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp),intent(in):: the,pk
real(krealfp),intent(out):: tma,qma
real(krealfp) tg,qg
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
call stma
call stmaxg
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental subroutine stmaxg(tg,the,pk,tma,qma)
subroutine stmaxg(tg,the,pk,tma,qma) 2
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: stmaxg Compute moist adiabat temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: exactly compute temperature and humidity of a parcel
! lifted up a moist adiabat from equivalent potential temperature
! at the LCL and pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! A guess parcel temperature must be provided.
! Equivalent potential temperature is constant for a saturated parcel
! rising adiabatically up a moist adiabat when the heat and mass
! of the condensed water are neglected. Ice is also neglected.
! The formula for equivalent potential temperature (Holton) is
! the=t*(pd**(-rocp))*exp(el*eps*pv/(cp*t*pd))
! where t is the temperature, pv is the saturated vapor pressure,
! pd is the dry pressure p-pv, el is the temperature dependent
! latent heat of condensation hvap+dldt*(t-ttp), and other values
! are physical constants defined in parameter statements in the code.
! The formula is inverted by iterating Newtonian approximations
! for each the and p until t is found to within 1.e-4 Kelvin.
! The specific humidity is then computed from pv and pd.
! This subprogram can be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell exact computation
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call stmaxg(tg,the,pk,tma,qma)
! Input argument list:
! tg Real(krealfp) guess parcel temperature in Kelvin
! the Real(krealfp) equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
! pk Real(krealfp) pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! tma Real(krealfp) parcel temperature in Kelvin
! qma Real(krealfp) parcel specific humidity in kg/kg
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp),intent(in):: tg,the,pk
real(krealfp),intent(out):: tma,qma
real(krealfp),parameter:: terrm=1.e-4
real(krealfp) t,p,tr,pv,pd,el,expo,thet,dthet,terr
integer i
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do i=1,100
if(abs(terr).le.terrm) exit
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
subroutine gpkap 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram documentation block
! Subprogram: gpkap Compute coefficients for p**kappa
! Author: Phillips org: w/NMC2X2 Date: 29 dec 82
! Abstract: Computes pressure to the kappa table as a function of pressure
! for the table lookup function fpkap.
! Exact pressure to the kappa values are calculated in subprogram fpkapx.
! The current implementation computes a table with a length
! of 5501 for pressures ranging up to 110000 Pascals.
! Program History Log:
! 94-12-30 Iredell
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 1999-03-24 Iredell table lookup
! Usage: call gpkap
! Subprograms called:
! fpkapx function to compute exact pressure to the kappa
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,xinc,x,p
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do jx=1,nxpkap
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function fpkap(p)
function fpkap(p)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpkap raise pressure to the kappa power.
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Raise pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! A linear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gpkap. See documentation for fpkapx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy ranges from 9 decimal places
! at 100000 Pascals to 5 decimal places at 1000 Pascals.
! On the Cray, fpkap is over 5 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell standardized kappa,
! increased range and accuracy
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 1999-03-24 Iredell table lookup
! Usage: pkap=fpkap(p)
! Input argument list:
! p Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! fpkap Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpkap
real(krealfp),intent(in):: p
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fpkapq(p)
function fpkapq(p)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: fpkapq raise pressure to the kappa power.
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Raise pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! A quadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gpkap. see documentation for fpkapx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy ranges from 12 decimal places
! at 100000 Pascals to 7 decimal places at 1000 Pascals.
! On the Cray, fpkap is over 4 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell standardized kappa,
! increased range and accuracy
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 1999-03-24 Iredell table lookup
! Usage: pkap=fpkapq(p)
! Input argument list:
! p Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! fpkapq Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpkapq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: p
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj,dxj,fj1,fj2,fj3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
function fpkapo(p)
!$$$ Subprogram documentation block
! Subprogram: fpkapo raise surface pressure to the kappa power.
! Author: Phillips org: w/NMC2X2 Date: 29 dec 82
! Abstract: Raise surface pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! using a rational weighted chebyshev approximation.
! The numerator is of order 2 and the denominator is of order 4.
! The pressure range is 40000-110000 Pa and kappa is defined in fpkapx.
! The accuracy of this approximation is almost 8 decimal places.
! On the Cray, fpkap is over 10 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell standardized kappa,
! increased range and accuracy
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: pkap=fpkapo(p)
! Input argument list:
! p Real(krealfp) surface pressure in Pascals
! p should be in the range 40000 to 110000
! Output argument list:
! fpkapo Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpkapo
real(krealfp),intent(in):: p
integer,parameter:: nnpk=2,ndpk=4
real(krealfp):: cnpk(0:nnpk)=(/3.13198449e-1,5.78544829e-2,&
real(krealfp):: cdpk(0:ndpk)=(/1.,8.15968401e-2,5.72839518e-4,&
integer n
real(krealfp) pkpa,fnpk,fdpk
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do n=nnpk-1,0,-1
do n=ndpk-1,0,-1
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function fpkapx(p)
function fpkapx(p) 2
!$$$ Subprogram documentation block
! Subprogram: fpkapx raise pressure to the kappa power.
! Author: Phillips org: w/NMC2X2 Date: 29 dec 82
! Abstract: raise pressure over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power.
! Kappa is equal to rd/cp where rd and cp are physical constants.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 94-12-30 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: pkap=fpkapx(p)
! Input argument list:
! p Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! Output argument list:
! fpkapx Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) fpkapx
real(krealfp),intent(in):: p
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine grkap 1,2
!$$$ Subprogram documentation block
! Subprogram: grkap Compute coefficients for p**(1/kappa)
! Author: Phillips org: w/NMC2X2 Date: 29 dec 82
! Abstract: Computes pressure to the 1/kappa table as a function of pressure
! for the table lookup function frkap.
! Exact pressure to the 1/kappa values are calculated in subprogram frkapx.
! The current implementation computes a table with a length
! of 5501 for pressures ranging up to 110000 Pascals.
! Program History Log:
! 94-12-30 Iredell
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 1999-03-24 Iredell table lookup
! Usage: call grkap
! Subprograms called:
! frkapx function to compute exact pressure to the 1/kappa
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,xinc,x,p
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do jx=1,nxrkap
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function frkap(pkap)
function frkap(pkap)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: frkap raise pressure to the 1/kappa power.
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Raise pressure over 1e5 Pa to the 1/kappa power.
! A linear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in grkap. See documentation for frkapx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 7 decimal places.
! On the IBM, fpkap is about 4 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell standardized kappa,
! increased range and accuracy
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 1999-03-24 Iredell table lookup
! Usage: p=frkap(pkap)
! Input argument list:
! pkap Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! frkap Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) frkap
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pkap
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function frkapq(pkap)
function frkapq(pkap)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: frkapq raise pressure to the 1/kappa power.
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Raise pressure over 1e5 Pa to the 1/kappa power.
! A quadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in grkap. see documentation for frkapx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 11 decimal places.
! On the IBM, fpkap is almost 4 times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 94-12-30 Iredell standardized kappa,
! increased range and accuracy
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! 1999-03-24 Iredell table lookup
! Usage: p=frkapq(pkap)
! Input argument list:
! pkap Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! frkapq Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) frkapq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pkap
integer jx
real(krealfp) xj,dxj,fj1,fj2,fj3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function frkapx(pkap)
function frkapx(pkap) 1
!$$$ Subprogram documentation block
! Subprogram: frkapx raise pressure to the 1/kappa power.
! Author: Phillips org: w/NMC2X2 Date: 29 dec 82
! Abstract: raise pressure over 1e5 Pa to the 1/kappa power.
! Kappa is equal to rd/cp where rd and cp are physical constants.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 94-12-30 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: p=frkapx(pkap)
! Input argument list:
! pkap Real(krealfp) p over 1e5 Pa to the kappa power
! Output argument list:
! frkapx Real(krealfp) pressure in Pascals
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) frkapx
real(krealfp),intent(in):: pkap
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gtlcl 1,1
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gtlcl Compute equivalent potential temperature table
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute lifting condensation level temperature table
! as a function of temperature and dewpoint depression for function ftlcl.
! Lifting condensation level temperature is calculated in subprogram ftlclx
! The current implementation computes a table with a first dimension
! of 151 for temperatures ranging from 180.0 to 330.0 Kelvin
! and a second dimension of 61 for dewpoint depression ranging from
! 0 to 60 Kelvin.
! Program History Log:
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call gtlcl
! Subprograms called:
! (ftlclx) inlinable function to compute LCL temperature
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,xinc,yinc,x,y,tdpd,t
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do jy=1,nytlcl
do jx=1,nxtlcl
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
! elemental function ftlcl(t,tdpd)
function ftlcl(t,tdpd) 3
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftlcl Compute LCL temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute temperature at the lifting condensation level
! from temperature and dewpoint depression.
! A bilinear interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtlcl. See documentation for ftlclx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 0.0005 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftlcl is ? times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: tlcl=ftlcl(t,tdpd)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) LCL temperature in Kelvin
! tdpd Real(krealfp) dewpoint depression in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! ftlcl Real(krealfp) temperature at the LCL in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftlcl
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t,tdpd
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xj,yj,ftx1,ftx2
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftlclq(t,tdpd)
function ftlclq(t,tdpd)
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: ftlclq Compute LCL temperature
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute temperature at the lifting condensation level
! from temperature and dewpoint depression.
! A biquadratic interpolation is done between values in a lookup table
! computed in gtlcl. see documentation for ftlclx for details.
! Input values outside table range are reset to table extrema.
! The interpolation accuracy is better than 0.000003 Kelvin.
! On the Cray, ftlclq is ? times faster than exact calculation.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: tlcl=ftlclq(t,tdpd)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) LCL temperature in Kelvin
! tdpd Real(krealfp) dewpoint depression in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! ftlcl Real(krealfp) temperature at the LCL in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftlclq
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t,tdpd
integer jx,jy
real(krealfp) xj,yj,dxj,dyj
real(krealfp) ft11,ft12,ft13,ft21,ft22,ft23,ft31,ft32,ft33
real(krealfp) ftx1,ftx2,ftx3
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
function ftlclo(t,tdpd)
!$$$ Subprogram documentation block
! Subprogram: ftlclo Compute LCL temperature.
! Author: Phillips org: w/NMC2X2 Date: 29 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute temperature at the lifting condensation level
! from temperature and dewpoint depression. the formula used is
! a polynomial taken from Phillips mstadb routine which empirically
! approximates the original exact implicit relationship.
! (This kind of approximation is customary (inman, 1969), but
! the original source for this particular one is not yet known. -MI)
! Its accuracy is about 0.03 Kelvin for a dewpoint depression of 30.
! This function should be expanded inline in the calling routine.
! Program History Log:
! 91-05-07 Iredell made into inlinable function
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: tlcl=ftlclo(t,tdpd)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! tdpd Real(krealfp) dewpoint depression in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! ftlclo Real(krealfp) temperature at the LCL in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftlclo
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t,tdpd
real(krealfp),parameter:: clcl1= 0.954442e+0,clcl2= 0.967772e-3,&
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
! elemental function ftlclx(t,tdpd)
function ftlclx(t,tdpd) 1
!$$$ Subprogram documentation block
! Subprogram: ftlclx Compute LCL temperature.
! Author: Iredell org: w/NMC2X2 Date: 25 March 1999
! Abstract: Compute temperature at the lifting condensation level
! from temperature and dewpoint depression. A parcel lifted
! adiabatically becomes saturated at the lifting condensation level.
! The water model assumes a perfect gas, constant specific heats
! for gas and liquid, and neglects the volume of the liquid.
! The model does account for the variation of the latent heat
! of condensation with temperature. The ice option is not included.
! The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is integrated from the triple point
! to get the formulas
! pvlcl=con_psat*(trlcl**xa)*exp(xb*(1.-trlcl))
! pvdew=con_psat*(trdew**xa)*exp(xb*(1.-trdew))
! where pvlcl is the saturated parcel vapor pressure at the LCL,
! pvdew is the unsaturated parcel vapor pressure initially,
! trlcl is ttp/tlcl and trdew is ttp/tdew. The adiabatic lifting
! of the parcel is represented by the following formula
! pvdew=pvlcl*(t/tlcl)**(1/kappa)
! This formula is inverted by iterating Newtonian approximations
! until tlcl is found to within 1.e-6 Kelvin. Note that the minimum
! returned temperature is 180 Kelvin.
! Program History Log:
! 1999-03-25 Iredell
! Usage: tlcl=ftlclx(t,tdpd)
! Input argument list:
! t Real(krealfp) temperature in Kelvin
! tdpd Real(krealfp) dewpoint depression in Kelvin
! Output argument list:
! ftlclx Real(krealfp) temperature at the LCL in Kelvin
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
real(krealfp) ftlclx
real(krealfp),intent(in):: t,tdpd
real(krealfp),parameter:: terrm=1.e-4,tlmin=180.,tlminx=tlmin-5.
real(krealfp) tr,pvdew,tlcl,ta,pvlcl,el,dpvlcl,terr,terrp
integer i
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do i=1,100
if(abs(terr).le.terrm.or.tlcl.lt.tlminx) exit
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end function
subroutine gfuncphys 3,11
!$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block
! Subprogram: gfuncphys Compute all physics function tables
! Author: N Phillips w/NMC2X2 Date: 30 dec 82
! Abstract: Compute all physics function tables. Lookup tables are
! set up for computing saturation vapor pressure, dewpoint temperature,
! equivalent potential temperature, moist adiabatic temperature and humidity,
! pressure to the kappa, and lifting condensation level temperature.
! Program History Log:
! 1999-03-01 Iredell f90 module
! Usage: call gfuncphys
! Subprograms called:
! gpvsl compute saturation vapor pressure over liquid table
! gpvsi compute saturation vapor pressure over ice table
! gpvs compute saturation vapor pressure table
! gtdpl compute dewpoint temperature over liquid table
! gtdpi compute dewpoint temperature over ice table
! gtdp compute dewpoint temperature table
! gthe compute equivalent potential temperature table
! gtma compute moist adiabat tables
! gpkap compute pressure to the kappa table
! grkap compute pressure to the 1/kappa table
! gtlcl compute LCL temperature table
! Attributes:
! Language: Fortran 90.
implicit none
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
call gpvsl
call gpvsi
call gpvs
call gtdpl
call gtdpi
call gtdp
call gthe
call gtma
call gpkap
call grkap
call gtlcl
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
end subroutine
end module module_gfs_funcphys