! IMPORTANT: Best results are attained using the new 5th-order WENO advection option (4) for scalars:
! moist_adv_opt                       = 4,
! scalar_adv_opt                      = 4,
! (WENO = Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory)
! This module provides a 2-moment bulk microphysics scheme originally 
! developed by Conrad Ziegler (Zeigler, 1985, JAS) and modified/upgraded in 
! in Mansell, Zeigler, and Bruning (2010, JAS).  Two-moment adaptive sedimentation 
! follows Mansell (2010, JAS), using parameter infall = 2 for Method II (new default 
! because it is cheaper). Change to infall = 4 for slightly better size-sorting but
! more computationally expensive.
! Average graupel particle density is predicted, which affects fall speed as well. 
! Hail density prediction is by default disabled in this version, but may be enabled
! at some point if there is interest.
! Maintainer: Ted Mansell, National Severe Storms Laboratory <ted.mansell@noaa.gov>
! Microphysics References:
! Mansell, E. R., C. L. Ziegler, and E. C. Bruning, 2010: Simulated electrification of a small 
!   thunderstorm with two-moment bulk microphysics. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 171-194, doi:10. 1175/2009JAS2965.1.
! Ziegler, C. L., 1985: Retrieval of thermal and microphysical variables in observed convective storms. 
!    Part I: Model development and preliminary testing. J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 1487-1509.
! Sedimentation reference:
! Mansell, E. R., 2010: On sedimentation and advection in multimoment bulk microphysics. 
!    J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 3084-3094, doi:10.1175/2010JAS3341.1.
! Possible parameters to adjust:
!  ccn : base cloud condensation nuclei concentration (use namelist.input value "nssl_cccn")
!  alphah, alphahl : Size distribution shape parameters for graupel (h) and hail (hl)
!  infall : changes sedimentation options to see effects (see below)
! Note: Some parameters below apply to unreleased features.
!  2/19/2013: Update to sedimentation to reduce computational expense.

MODULE module_mp_nssl_2mom 2

  public nssl_2mom_driver
  public nssl_2mom_init
  private gamma,GAML02, GAML02d300, GAML02d500, fqvs, fqis
  private delbk, delabk
  private gammadp

  real, parameter :: warmonly = 0.0 ! testing parameter, set to 1.0 to reduce to warm-rain physics (ice variables stay zero)
! Params for dbz:
  integer  :: iuseferrier = 1  ! =1: use dry graupel only from Ferrier 1994; = 0: Use Smith (wet graupel)
  integer  :: idbzci      = 0
  integer  :: iusewetgraupel = 0 ! =1 to turn on use of QHW for graupel reflectivity (only for ZVDM -- mixedphase)
                                 ! =2 turn on for graupel density less than 300. only 
  integer  :: iusewethail = 0 ! =1 to turn on use of QHW for graupel reflectivity (only for ZVDM -- mixedphase)

! microphysics

  real, private :: rho_qr = 1000., cnor = 8.0e5  ! cnor is set in namelist!!  rain params
  real, private :: rho_qs =  100., cnos = 3.0e6  ! set in namelist!!  snow params
  real, private :: rho_qh =  500., cnoh = 4.0e5  ! set in namelist!!  graupel params
  real, private :: rho_qhl=  900., cnohl = 4.0e4 ! set in namelist!!  hail params

  real, private :: hldnmn = 500.0  ! minimum hail density (for variable density hail)

  real :: cnohmn  = 1.e-2 ! minimum intercept for 2-moment graupel (alphah < 0.5)
  real :: cnohlmn = 1.e-2 ! minimum intercept for 2-moment hail (alphahl < 0.5)
! Autoconversion parameters
  real   , private :: qcmincwrn      = 2.0e-3    ! qc threshold for autonconversion (LFO; for 10ICE use qminrncw for ircnw != 5)
  real   , private :: cwdiap         = 20.0e-6   ! threshold diameter of cloud drops (Ferrier 1994 autoconversion)
  real   , private :: cwdisp         = 0.15      ! assume droplet dispersion parameter (can be 0.3 for maritime)
  real   , private :: ccn            = 0.6e+09   ! Central plains CCN value
  real   , private :: qccn             ! ccn "mixing ratio"
  integer, private :: iauttim        = 1         ! 10-ice rain delay flag
  real   , private :: auttim         = 300.      ! 10-ice rain delay time
  real   , private :: qcwmntim       = 1.0e-5    ! 10-ice rain delay min qc for time accrual

! sedimentation flags  
! itfall -> 0 = 1st order fallout (other options removed)
! iscfall, infall -> fallout options for charge and number concentration, respectively
!                    1 = mass-weighted fall speed; 2 = number-weighted fallspeed.
  integer, private :: itfall = 0
  integer, private :: iscfall = 1
  integer, private :: irfall = -1
  integer, private :: infall = 4   ! 0 -> uses number-wgt for N; NO correction applied (results in excessive size sorting)
                          ! 1 -> uses mass-weighted fallspeed for N ALWAYS
                          ! 2 -> uses number-wgt for N and mass-weighted correction for N (Method II in Mansell, 2010 JAS)
                          ! 3 -> uses number-wgt for N and Z-weighted correction for N (Method I in Mansell, 2010 JAS)
                          ! 4 -> Hybrid of 2 and 3: Uses minimum N from each method (z-wgt and m-wgt corrections) (Method I+II in Mansell, 2010 JAS)
                          ! 5 -> uses number-wgt for N and uses average of N-wgt and q-wgt instead of Max.
  integer, private :: icdx = 3 ! (graupel) 0=Ferrier; 1=leave drag coef. cd fixed; 2=vary by density, 4=set by user with cdxmin,cdxmax,etc.
  integer, private :: icdxhl = 3 ! (hail) 0=Ferrier; 1=leave drag coef. cd fixed; 2=vary by density, 4=set by user with cdxmin,cdxmax,etc.
  real   , private :: cdhmin = 0.45, cdhmax = 0.8        ! defaults for graupel (icdx=4)
  real   , private :: cdhdnmin = 500., cdhdnmax = 800.0  ! defaults for graupel (icdx=4)
  real   , private :: cdhlmin = 0.45, cdhlmax = 0.6      ! defaults for hail (icdx=4)
  real   , private :: cdhldnmin = 500., cdhldnmax = 800.0  ! defaults for hail (icdx=4)

! input flags

  integer, private :: ndebug = -1, ncdebug = 0
  integer, private :: ipconc = 5
  integer, private :: ichaff = 0
  integer, private :: ilimit = 0
  real, private :: cimn = 1.0e3, cimx = 1.0e6

  real   , private :: ifrzg = 1.0 ! fraction of frozen drops going to graupel. 1=freeze all rain to graupel, 0=freeze all to hail
  integer, private :: irwfrz = 1 ! compute total rain that can freeze (checks heat budget)
  integer, private :: irimtim = 0 ! future use
!  integer, private :: infdo = 1   ! 1 = calculate number-weighted fall speeds
  real   , private :: rimc1 = 300.0, rimc2 = 0.44  ! rime density coeff. and power (Default Heymsfield and Pflaum, 1985)
  real   , private :: rimc3 = 170.0                ! minimum rime density
  real   , private :: rimtim = 120.0               ! cut-off rime time (10ICE)
  real   , private :: eqtot = 1.0e-9               ! threshold for mass budget reporting
  integer, private :: ireadmic = 0
  integer, private :: iccwflg = 1     ! sets max size of first droplets in parcel to 4 micron radius (in two-moment liquid)
                             ! (first nucleation is done with a KW sat. adj. step)
  integer, private :: issfilt = 0     ! flag to turn on filtering of supersaturation field
  integer, private :: irenuc = 1      ! =1 to always allow renucleation of droplets within the cloud 
                             ! i.e., not only at cloud base
  integer, private :: irenuc3d = 0      ! =1 to include horizontal gradient in renucleation of droplets within the cloud 
  real   , private :: cck = 0.6       ! exponent in Twomey expression 
  real   , private :: xcradmx = 40.0e-6,ciintmx = 1.0e6
  real   , private :: cwccn ! , cwmasn,cwmasx
  real   , private :: ccwmx
  integer, private :: idocw = 1, idorw = 1, idoci = 1, idoir = 1, idoip = 1, idosw = 1
  integer, private :: idogl = 1, idogm = 1, idogh = 1, idofw = 1, idohw = 1, idohl = 1
!  integer, private :: ido(3:14) = / 12*1 /

! 0,2, 5.00e-10, 1, 0, 0, 0      : itype1,itype2,cimas0,icfn,ihrn,ibfc,iacr
  integer, private :: itype1 = 0, itype2 = 2  ! controls Hallett-Mossop process
  integer, private :: icfn = 2                ! contact freezing: 0 = off; 1 = hack (ok for single moment); 2 = full Cotton/Meyers version
  integer, private :: ihrn = 0            ! Hobbs-Rangno ice multiplication (Ferrier, 1994; use in 10-ice only)
  integer, private :: ibfc = 0            ! Flag to use Bigg freezing on droplets (recommend default of 0 = off)
  integer, private :: iacr = 2            ! Flag for drop contact freezing with crytals 
                                 ! (0=off; 1=drops > 500micron diameter; 2 = > 300micron)
  integer, private :: ibfr = 2            ! Flag for Bigg freezing conversion of freezing drops to graupel 
                                 ! (1=min graupel size is vr1mm; 2=use min size of dfrz, 5= as for 2 and apply dbz conservation)
  integer, private :: iacrsize = 1        ! assumed min size of drops freezing by capture
                                 !  1: > 500 micron diam
                                 !  2: > 300 micron
                                 !  3: > 40 micron
  real   , private :: cimas0 = 6.62e-11   ! default mass of Hallett-Mossop crystals
                                 ! 6.62e-11kg results in half the diam. (60 microns) of old default value of 5.0e-10
  real   , private :: splintermass = 6.88e-13
  real   , private :: cfnfac = 0.1        ! Hack factor that goes with icfn=1
  integer, private :: iscni = 4           ! default option for ice crystal aggregation/conversion to snow
  logical, private :: imeyers5 = .false.  ! .false.=off, true=on for Meyers ice nucleation for temp > -5 C
  real   , private :: dmincw = 15.0e-6    ! minimum droplet diameter for collection for iehw=3
  integer, private :: iehw = 1            ! 0 -> ehw=ehw0; 1 -> old ehw; 2 -> test ehw with Mason table data
  integer, private :: iehlw = 1           ! 0 -> ehlw=ehlw0; 1 -> old ehlw; 2 -> test ehlw with Mason table data
                                 ! For ehw/ehlw = 1, ehw0/ehlw0 act as maximum limit on collection efficiency (defaults are 1.0)
  integer, private :: ierw = 1            ! for single-moment rain (LFO/Z) 
  real   , private :: ehw0 = 1.0          ! constant or max assumed graupel-droplet collection efficiency
  real   , private :: erw0 = 1.0          ! constant assumed rain-droplet collection efficiency
  real   , private :: ehlw0 = 1.0         ! constant or max assumed hail-droplet collection efficiency
  real   , private :: esilfo0 = 1.0       ! factor for LFO collection efficiency of snow for cloud ice.
  real   , private :: ehslfo0 = 1.0       ! factor for LFO collection efficiency of hail/graupel for snow.
  integer, private :: ircnw    = 5        ! single-moment warm-rain autoconversion option.  5= Ferrier 1994.
  real   , private :: qminrncw = 2.0e-3   ! qc threshold for rain autoconversion (NA for ircnw=5)
  integer, private :: iqcinit = 2         ! For ZVDxx schemes, flag to choose which way to initialize droplets
                                 ! 1 = Soong-Ogura adjustment
                                 ! 2 = Saturation adjustment to value of ssmxinit
                                 ! 3 = KW adjustment
  real   , private :: ssmxinit = 0.4      ! saturation percentage to adjust down to for initial cloud
                                 ! formation (ZVDxx scheme only)
  real   , private :: ewfac = 1.0         ! hack factor applied to graupel and hail collection eff. for droplets
  real   , private :: eii0 = 0.1 ,eii1 = 0.1  ! graupel-crystal coll. eff. parameters: eii0*exp(eii1*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))
                                     ! set eii1 = 0 to get a constant value of eii0
  real   , private :: eii0hl = 0.2 ,eii1hl = 0.0  ! hail-crystal coll. eff. parameters: eii0hl*exp(eii1hl*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))
                                     ! set eii1hl = 0 to get a constant value of eii0hl
  real   , private :: eri0 = 1.0   ! rain efficiency to collect ice crystals
  real   , private :: ehs0 = 0.1 ,ehs1 = 0.1  ! graupel-snow coll. eff. parameters: ehs0*exp(ehs1*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))
                                     ! set ehs1 = 0 to get a constant value of ehs0
  real   , private :: ess0 = 1.0 ,ess1 = 0.05 ! snow aggregation coefficients: ess0*exp(ess1*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))
                                     ! set ess1 = 0 to get a constant value of ess0
  real   , private :: ehsfrac = 1.0           ! multiplier for graupel collection efficiency in wet growth
  real   , private :: ehimin = 0.0 ! Minimum collection efficiency (graupel - ice crystal)
  real   , private :: ehimax = 1.0 ! Maximum collection efficiency (graupel - ice crystal)
  real   , private :: ehsmax = 0.5 ! Maximum collection efficiency (graupel - snow)
  integer, private :: iglcnvi = 1  ! flag for riming conversion from cloud ice to rimed ice/graupel
  integer, private :: iglcnvs = 2  ! flag for conversion from snow to rimed ice/graupel
  real   , private :: rz          ! reflectivity conservation factor for graupel/rain
                         ! now calculated in icezvd_dr.F from alphah and rnu
                         ! currently only used for graupel melting to rain
  real   , private :: rzhl        ! reflectivity conservation factor for hail/rain
                         ! now calculated in icezvd_dr.F from alphahl and rnu

  real   , private :: alphahacx = 0.0 ! assumed minimum shape parameter for zhacw and zhacr

  real   , private :: fconv = 1.0  ! factor to boost max graupel depletion by riming conversions in 10ICE
  real   , private :: rg0 = 400.0  ! reference graupel density for graupel fall speed
  integer, private :: rcond = 2    ! (Z only) rcond = 2 includes rain condensation in loop with droplet condensation
                                   ! 0 = no condensation on rain; 1 = bulk condensation on rain
  integer, parameter, private :: icond = 1    ! (Z only) icond = 1 calculates ice deposition (crystals and snow) BEFORE droplet condensation
                          ! icond = 2 does not work (intended to calc. dep in loop with droplet cond.)
  real   , private :: dfrz = 0.15e-3  ! minimum diameter of frozen drops from Bigg freezing (used for vfrz) for iacr > 1
                            ! and for ciacrf for iacr=4
  real   , private :: dmlt = 0.6e-3  ! nominal diameter for rain melting from graupel and hail
  integer, private :: ihmlt = 2      ! 1=old melting with vmlt; 2=new melting using mean volume diam of graupel/hail

  integer, private :: nsplinter = 0  ! number of ice splinters per freezing drop, if negative, then per resulting graupel particle
  integer, private :: isnwfrac = 0   ! 0= no snow fragmentation; 1 = turn on snow fragmentation (Schuur, 2000)

!  integer, private :: denscale = 1  ! 1=scale num. conc. and charge by air density for advection, 0=turn off for comparison
  logical, private :: mixedphase = .false.   ! .false.=off, true=on to include mixed phase graupel
  logical, private :: qsdenmod = .false.     ! true = modify snow density by linear interpolation of snow and rain density
  logical, private :: qhdenmod = .false.     ! true = modify graupel density by linear interpolation of graupel and rain density
  logical, private :: qsvtmod = .false.      ! true = modify snow fall speed by linear interpolation of snow and rain vt
  real   , private :: sheddiam   = 8.0e-03  ! minimum diameter of graupel before shedding occurs
  real    :: sheddiamlg = 10.0e-03  ! diameter of hail to use fwmlarge
  real    :: sheddiam0  = 20.0e-03  ! diameter of hail at which all water is shed

  real   , private :: fwms = 0.5 ! maximum liquid water fraction on snow
  real   , private :: fwmh = 0.5 ! maximum liquid water fraction on graupel
  real   , private :: fwmhl = 0.5 ! maximum liquid water fraction on hail
  real    :: fwmlarge = 0.2 ! maximum liquid water fraction on hail larger than sheddiam
  integer :: ifwmfall = 0   ! whether to interpolate toward rain fall speed for graupel and hail
                            ! when diam < sheddiam and liquid fraction is predicted (0=no, 1=yes)
  logical :: rescale_high_alpha = .false.  ! whether to rescale number. conc. when alpha = alphamax (3-moment only)
  logical :: rescale_low_alpha = .true.    ! whether to rescale Z (graupel/hail) when alpha = alphamin (3-moment only)
  logical :: rescale_low_alphar = .true.    ! whether to rescale Z for rain when alpha = alphamin (3-moment only)
  integer, private ::  ihlcnh = 1  ! which graupel -> hail conversion to use
                          ! 1 = Milbrandt and Yau (2005) using Ziegler 1985 wet growth diameter
                          ! 2 = Straka and Mansell (2005) conversion using size threshold
  real   , private :: hldia1 = 20.0e-3  ! threshold diameter for graupel -> hail conversion for ihlcnh = 2 option.

  integer, parameter :: lqmx = 30
  integer, parameter :: lt = 1
  integer, parameter :: lv = 2
  integer, parameter :: lc = 3
  integer, parameter :: lr = 4
  integer, parameter :: li = 5
  integer, parameter :: ls = 6
  integer, parameter :: lh = 7
  integer :: lhl = 8

  integer, private :: lccn = 9 ! 0 or 9, other indices adjusted accordingly
  integer, private :: lnc = 9
  integer, private :: lnr = 10
  integer, private :: lni = 11
  integer, private :: lns = 12
  integer, private :: lnh = 13
  integer, private :: lnhl = 0
  integer :: lvh = 15

  integer, private :: lhab = 8
  integer, private :: lg = 7

! Particle volume

  integer :: lvi = 0
  integer :: lvs = 0
  integer :: lvgl = 0
  integer :: lvgm = 0
  integer :: lvgh = 0
  integer :: lvf = 0
!  integer :: lvh = 16
  integer :: lvhl = 0

! liquid water fraction (not predicted here but tested for)
  integer :: lhw = 0
  integer :: lsw = 0
  integer :: lhlw = 0

! reflectivity (6th moment) ! not predicted here but may be tested against

  integer :: lzr = 0
  integer :: lzi = 0
  integer :: lzs = 0
  integer :: lzgl = 0
  integer :: lzgm = 0
  integer :: lzgh = 0
  integer :: lzf = 0
  integer :: lzh = 0
  integer :: lzhl = 0
  integer :: lne = 0 ! last varible for transforming
  real :: cnoh0 = 4.0e+5 
  real :: hwdn1 = 700.0

  real    :: alphai  = 0.0 ! shape parameter for ZIEG ice crystals ! not currently used
  real    :: alphas  = 0.0 ! shape parameter for ZIEG snow         ! used only for single moment
  real    :: alphar  = 0.0 ! shape parameter for rain (imurain=1 only)
  real, public :: alphah  = 0.0 ! set in namelist!! shape parameter for ZIEG graupel
  real    :: alphahl = 1.0 ! set in namelist!! shape parameter for ZIEG hail

  real    :: dmuh    = 1.0  ! power in exponential part (graupel)
  real    :: dmuhl   = 1.0  ! power in exponential part (hail)

  real :: alphamax = 15.
  real :: alphamin = 0.
  real :: rnumin = -0.8
  real :: rnumax = 15.0

  real            :: cnu = 0.0
  real, parameter :: rnu = -0.8, snu = -0.8, cinu = 0.0
!      parameter ( cnu = 0.0, rnu = -0.8, snu = -0.8, cinu = 0.0 )
  real xnu(lc:lqmx) ! 1st shape parameter (mass)
  real xmu(lc:lqmx) ! 2nd shape parameter (mass)
  real dnu(lc:lqmx) ! 1st shape parameter (diameter)
  real dmu(lc:lqmx) ! 2nd shape parameter (diameter)
  real ax(lc:lqmx)
  real bx(lc:lqmx)

      real da0 (lc:lqmx)          ! collection coefficients from Seifert 2005
      real dab0(lc:lqmx,lc:lqmx)  ! collection coefficients from Seifert 2005
      real dab1(lc:lqmx,lc:lqmx)  ! collection coefficients from Seifert 2005
      real da1 (lc:lqmx)          ! collection coefficients from Seifert 2005
      real bb  (lc:lqmx)

! max and min mean volumes
      real :: xvcmn, xvcmx = 2.89e-13  ! min, max droplet volumes
      real xvrmn, xvrmx0  ! min, max rain volumes
      real xvsmn, xvsmx  ! min, max snow volumes
      real xvfmn, xvfmx  ! min, max frozen drop volumes
      real xvgmn, xvgmx  ! min, max graupel volumes
      real xvhmn, xvhmx  ! min, max hail volumes
      real xvhlmn, xvhlmx  ! min, max lg hail volumes

      parameter( xvcmn=4.188e-18 )   ! mks  min volume = 1 micron radius
      parameter( xvrmn=0.523599*(80.e-6)**3, xvrmx0=0.523599*(6.e-3)**3 ) !( was 4.1887e-9 )  ! mks
      real     :: xvdmx = -1.0 ! 3.0e-3
      real     :: xvrmx
      parameter( xvsmn=0.523599*(0.1e-3)**3, xvsmx=0.523599*(10.e-3)**3 ) !( was 4.1887e-9 )  ! mks
      parameter( xvfmn=0.523599*(0.1e-3)**3, xvfmx=0.523599*(10.e-3)**3 )  ! mks xvfmx = (pi/6)*(10mm)**3
      parameter( xvgmn=0.523599*(0.1e-3)**3, xvgmx=0.523599*(10.e-3)**3 )  ! mks xvfmx = (pi/6)*(10mm)**3
      parameter( xvhmn=0.523599*(0.3e-3)**3, xvhmx=0.523599*(10.e-3)**3 )  ! mks xvfmx = (pi/6)*(10mm)**3
      parameter( xvhlmn=0.523599*(0.3e-3)**3, xvhlmx=0.523599*(25.e-3)**3 )  ! mks xvfmx = (pi/6)*(10mm)**3

! put ipelec here for now....
  integer :: ipelec = 0
!  gamma function lookup table
      integer ngm0,ngm1,ngm2
      parameter (ngm0=3001,ngm1=500,ngm2=500)
      real, parameter :: dgam = 0.01, dgami = 100.
      real gmoi(0:ngm0) ! ,gmod(0:ngm1,0:ngm2),gmdi(0:ngm1,0:ngm2)

      integer lsc(lc:lqmx)
      integer ln(lc:lqmx)
      integer ipc(lc:lqmx)
      integer lvol(lc:lqmx)
      integer lz(lc:lqmx)
      integer lliq(ls:lqmx)
      integer denscale(lc:lqmx) ! flag for density scaling (mixing ratio conversion)

      integer ido(lc:lqmx)
      logical ldovol

      real xdn0(lc:lqmx)
      real xdnmx(lc:lqmx), xdnmn(lc:lqmx)
      real cdx(lc:lqmx)
      real cno(lc:lqmx)
      real xvmn(lc:lqmx), xvmx(lc:lqmx)
      real qxmin(lc:lqmx)

      integer nqsat
      parameter (nqsat=1000001) ! (nqsat=20001)
      real fqsat,fqsati
      parameter (fqsat=0.002,fqsati=1./fqsat)
      real tabqvs(nqsat),tabqis(nqsat),dtabqvs(nqsat),dtabqis(nqsat)

!  constants
      real, parameter :: cp608 = 0.608          ! constant used in conversion of T to Tv
      real, parameter :: cv = 717.0             ! specific heat at constant volume - air
      real, parameter :: ar = 841.99666         ! rain terminal velocity power law coefficient (LFO)
      real, parameter :: br = 0.8               ! rain terminal velocity power law coefficient (LFO)
      real, parameter :: aradcw = -0.27544      !
      real, parameter :: bradcw = 0.26249e+06   !
      real, parameter :: cradcw = -1.8896e+10   !
      real, parameter :: dradcw = 4.4626e+14    !
      real, parameter :: bta1 = 0.6             ! beta-1 constant used for ice nucleation by deposition (Ferrier 94, among others)
      real, parameter :: cnit = 1.0e-02         ! No for ice nucleation by deposition (Cotton et al. 86)
      real, parameter :: dragh = 0.60           ! coefficient used to adjust fall speed for hail versus graupel (Pruppacher and Klett 78)
      real, parameter :: dnz00 = 1.225          ! reference/MSL air density
      real, parameter :: rho00 = 1.225          ! reference/MSL air density
!      cs = 4.83607122       ! snow terminal velocity power law coefficient (LFO)
!      ds = 0.25             ! snow terminal velocity power law coefficient (LFO)
!  new values for  cs and ds
      real, parameter :: cs = 12.42             ! snow terminal velocity power law coefficient 
      real, parameter :: ds = 0.42              ! snow terminal velocity power law coefficient 
      real, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793
      real, parameter :: piinv = 1./pi
      real, parameter :: pid4 = pi/4.0

      real, parameter :: gr = 9.8

!  constants
      real, parameter :: c1f3 = 1.0/3.0

      real, parameter :: cai = 21.87455
      real, parameter :: caw = 17.2693882
      real, parameter :: cbi = 7.66
      real, parameter :: cbw = 35.86

      real, parameter :: tfr = 273.15, tfrh = 233.15
      real, parameter :: cp = 1004.0, rd = 287.04
      real, parameter :: cpi = 1./cp
      real, parameter :: cap = rd/cp, poo = 1.0e+05

      real, parameter :: rw = 461.5              ! gas const. for water vapor
      real, parameter :: advisc0 = 1.832e-05     ! reference dynamic viscosity (SMT; see Beard & Pruppacher 71)
      real, parameter :: advisc1 = 1.718e-05     ! dynamic viscosity constant used in thermal conductivity calc
      real, parameter :: tka0 = 2.43e-02         ! reference thermal conductivity
      real, parameter :: tfrcbw = tfr - cbw
      real, parameter :: tfrcbi = tfr - cbi

      real, parameter ::  bfnu0 = (rnu + 2.0)/(rnu + 1.0) 
      real :: ventr, ventrn, ventc, c1sw

      real, parameter :: cwmasn = 5.23e-13   ! minimum mass, defined by radius of 5.0e-6
      real, parameter :: cwmasn5 =  5.23e-13
      real, parameter :: cwradn = 5.0e-6     ! minimum radius
      real, parameter :: cwmasx = 5.25e-10   ! maximum mass, defined by radius of 50.0e-6
      real, parameter :: cwc1 = 6.0/(pi*1000.)

      real :: cckm,ccne,ccnefac,cnexp
      integer :: na = 9

      real gf4p5, gf4ds, gf4br
      real gfcinu1, gfcinu1p47, gfcinu2p47
      real :: cwchtmp0 = 1.0
      real :: cwchltmp0 = 1.0

      integer :: imurain      = 3 ! 3 for gamma-volume, 1 for gamma-diameter DSD for rain.
      integer :: izwisventr   = 2 ! =1 for old Ziegler rwvent, =2 for Wisner-style rwvent (imurain=3)
      integer :: iresetmoments = 1 ! if >0, then set all moments to zero when one of them is zero (3-moment only)
      real    :: cxmin = 1.e-4  ! threshold cutoff for number concentration
      real    :: zxmin = 1.e-28 ! threshold cutoff for reflectivity moment
      integer :: ithompsoncnoh = 0 ! For single moment graupel only
                               ! 0 = fixed intercept
                               ! 1 = intercept based on graupel mass

      integer :: ivhmltsoak = 1   ! 0=off, 1=on : flag to simulate soaking (graupel/hail) during melting 
                             ! when liquid fraction is not predicted
  real    :: hlcnhdia = 1.e-3 ! threshold diameter for graupel -> hail conversion for ihlcnh = 1 option.
  real    :: hlcnhqmin = 0.1e-3 ! minimum graupel mass content for graupel -> hail conversion (ihlcnh = 1)
  integer :: icvhl2h = 0   ! allow conversion of hail back to graupel when hail density gets close to minimum allowed
! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################


! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

  implicit none
  real :: t
  fqvs = exp(caw*(t-273.15)/(t-cbw))

  implicit none
  real :: t
  fqis = exp(cai*(t-273.15)/(t-cbi))

SUBROUTINE nssl_2mom_init(ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, nssl_params, ipctmp, mixphase,ihvol,idonictmp) 4,16
  implicit none
   integer, intent(in) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme
   real,    intent(in), dimension(20) :: nssl_params
   integer, intent(in) :: ipctmp,mixphase,ihvol
   logical, optional, intent(in) :: idonictmp
     real    :: arg, temq
     integer :: igam
     integer :: il,j,l
     integer :: ltmp
! set some global values from namelist input
      ccn = nssl_params(1)
      cwccn = ccn
      alphah   = nssl_params(2)
      alphahl  = nssl_params(3)
      cnoh     = nssl_params(4)
      cnohl    = nssl_params(5)
      cnor     = nssl_params(6)
      cnos     = nssl_params(7)
      rho_qh   = nssl_params(8)
      rho_qhl  = nssl_params(9)
      rho_qs   = nssl_params(10)

! Build lookup table for saturation mixing ratio (Soong and Ogura 73)

      do l = 1,nqsat
      temq = 163.15 + (l-1)*fqsat
      tabqvs(l) = exp(caw*(temq-273.15)/(temq-cbw))
      dtabqvs(l) = ((-caw*(-273.15 + temq))/(temq - cbw)**2 + & 
     &                 caw/(temq - cbw))*tabqvs(l)
      tabqis(l) = exp(cai*(temq-273.15)/(temq-cbi))
      dtabqis(l) = ((-cai*(-273.15 + temq))/(temq - cbi)**2 + & 
     &                 cai/(temq - cbi))*tabqis(l)
      end do

! fill in the complete gamma function lookup table
     gmoi(0) = 1.e32
     do igam = 1,ngm0
      arg = dgam*igam
      gmoi(igam) = gamma(arg)
     end do

      lhab = 8
      IF ( ihvol == -1 ) lhab = 7  ! turns off hail -- option for single moment, only!!

      lccn = 0
      lnc = 0
      lnr = 0
      lni = 0
      lns = 0
      lnh = 0
      lnhl = 0
      lvh = 0
      lvhl = 0
      lzr = 0
      lzh = 0
      lzhl = 0
      lsw = 0
      lhw = 0
      lhlw = 0
      denscale(:) = 0
!      lccn = 9

    ipconc = ipctmp
    IF ( ipconc == 0 ) THEN
       IF ( ihvol >= 0 ) THEN
       lvh = 9
       ltmp = 9
       denscale(lvh) = 1
       ELSE ! no hail
       ltmp = lhab
       lhl = 0
    ELSEIF ( ipconc == 5 ) THEN
      lccn = 9
      lnc = 10
      lnr = 11
      lni = 12
      lns = 13
      lnh = 14
      lnhl = 15
      lvh = 16
      ltmp = lvh
      denscale(lccn:lvh) = 1
      IF ( ihvol == 1 ) THEN
       lvhl = ltmp+1
       ltmp = lvhl
       denscale(lvhl) = 1
      IF ( mixedphase ) THEN
      lsw  = ltmp+1
      lhw  = ltmp+2
      lhlw = ltmp+3
      ltmp = lhlw
    ELSEIF ( ipconc >= 6 ) THEN
      lccn = 9
      lnc = 10
      lnr = 11
      lni = 12
      lns = 13
      lnh = 14
      lnhl = 15
      IF ( ipconc == 6 ) THEN
      lzh = 16
      lvh = 17
      ELSEIF ( ipconc == 7 ) THEN
      lzh = 16
      lzr = 17
      lvh = 18
      ELSEIF ( ipconc == 8 ) THEN
      lzr = 16
      lzh = 17
      lzhl = 18
      lvh = 19
      ltmp = lvh
      denscale(lccn:lvh) = 1
      IF ( ihvol == 1 ) THEN
       lvhl = ltmp+1
       ltmp = lvhl
       denscale(lvhl) = 1
      IF ( mixedphase ) THEN
      lsw  = ltmp+1
      lhw  = ltmp+2
      lhlw = ltmp+3
      ltmp = lhlw
      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'nssl_2mom_init: Invalid value of ipctmp' )
      na = ltmp
      ln(lc) = lnc
      ln(lr) = lnr
      ln(li) = lni
      ln(ls) = lns
      ln(lh) = lnh
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) ln(lhl) = lnhl

      ipc(lc) = 2
      ipc(lr) = 3
      ipc(li) = 1
      ipc(ls) = 4
      ipc(lh) = 5
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) ipc(lhl) = 5
      ldovol = .false.
      lvol(:) = 0
      lvol(li) = lvi
      lvol(ls) = lvs
      lvol(lh) = lvh
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. lvhl .gt. 1 ) lvol(lhl) = lvhl
      lne = Max(lnh,lnhl)
      lne = Max(lne,lvh)
      lne = Max(lne,lvhl)
      lne = Max(lne,na)
      DO il = lc,lhab
        ldovol = ldovol .or. ( lvol(il) .gt. 1 )
!      write(0,*) 'nssl_2mom_init: ldovol = ',ldovol
      lz(:) = 0
      lz(lr) = lzr
      lz(li) = lzi
      lz(ls) = lzs
      lz(lh) = lzh
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. lzhl > 1 ) lz(lhl) = lzhl
      lliq(:) = 0
      lliq(ls) = lsw
      lliq(lh) = lhw
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) lliq(lhl) = lhlw
      IF ( icdx > 0 ) THEN
        bx(lh) = 0.5
        ax(lh) = 75.7149
        bx(lh) = 0.37 ! 0.6
        ax(lh) = 19.3
!      bx(lh) = 0.6
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
        IF (icdxhl > 0 ) THEN
         bx(lhl) = 0.5
         ax(lhl) = 75.7149
        ax(lhl) = 206.984
        bx(lhl) = 0.6384

      xnu(lc) = 0.0
      xmu(lc) = 1.
      xnu(lr) = -0.8
      xmu(lr) = 1.

      xnu(li) = 0.0
      xmu(li) = 1.

      dnu(lc) = 3.*xnu(lc) + 2. ! alphac
      dmu(lc) = 3.*xmu(lc)

      dnu(lr) = 3.*xnu(lr) + 2. ! alphar
      dmu(lr) = 3.*xmu(lr)
      dnu(ls) = -0.4 ! alphas
      dmu(ls) = 3.

      xnu(ls) = -0.8
      xmu(ls) = 1.

      dnu(lh) = alphah
      dmu(lh) = dmuh

      xnu(lh) = (dnu(lh) - 2.)/3.
      xmu(lh) = dmuh/3.
      rz =  ((4 + alphah)*(5 + alphah)*(6 + alphah)*(1. + xnu(lr)))/ & 
     &  ((1 + alphah)*(2 + alphah)*(3 + alphah)*(2. + xnu(lr)))

!      IF ( ipconc .lt. 5 ) alphahl = alphah
      rzhl =  ((4 + alphahl)*(5 + alphahl)*(6 + alphahl)*(1. + xnu(lr)))/ & 
     &  ((1 + alphahl)*(2 + alphahl)*(3 + alphahl)*(2. + xnu(lr)))

!      write(0,*) 'rz,rzhl = ', rz,rzhl
      IF ( ipconc .lt. 4 ) THEN

      dnu(ls) = alphas
      dmu(ls) = 1.

      xnu(ls) = (dnu(ls) - 2.)/3.
      xmu(ls) = 1./3.
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN

      dnu(lhl) = alphahl
      dmu(lhl) = dmuhl

      xnu(lhl) = (dnu(lhl) - 2.)/3.
      xmu(lhl) = dmuhl/3.

      cno(lc)  = 1.0e+08
      IF ( li .gt. 1 ) cno(li)  = 1.0e+08
      cno(lr)  = cnor 
      IF ( ls .gt. 1 ) cno(ls)  = cnos ! 8.0e+06 
      IF ( lh .gt. 1 ) cno(lh)  = cnoh ! 4.0e+05
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) cno(lhl)  = cnohl ! 4.0e+05
!  density maximums and minimums
      xdnmx(:) = 900.0
      xdnmx(lr) = 1000.0
      xdnmx(lc) = 1000.0
      xdnmx(li) =  917.0
      xdnmx(ls) =  300.0
      xdnmx(lh) =  900.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) xdnmx(lhl) = 900.0
      xdnmn(:) = 900.0
      xdnmn(lr) = 1000.0
      xdnmn(lc) = 1000.0
      xdnmn(li) =  100.0
      xdnmn(ls) =  100.0
      xdnmn(lh) =  170.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) xdnmn(lhl) = hldnmn

      xdn0(:) = 900.0
      xdn0(lc) = 1000.0
      xdn0(li) = 900.0
      xdn0(lr) = 1000.0
      xdn0(ls) = rho_qs ! 100.0
      xdn0(lh) = rho_qh ! (0.5)*(xdnmn(lh)+xdnmx(lh))
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) xdn0(lhl) = rho_qhl ! 800.0

!  Set terminal velocities...
!    also set drag coefficients
      cdx(lr) = 0.60
      cdx(lh) = 0.8 ! 1.0 ! 0.45
      cdx(ls) = 2.00
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) cdx(lhl) = 0.45
      ido(lc) = idocw
      ido(lr) = idorw 
      ido(li) = idoci
      ido(ls) = idosw
      ido(lh)  = idohw
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) ido(lhl) = idohl

      IF ( irfall .lt. 0 ) irfall = infall
      IF ( lzr > 0 ) irfall = 0

      qccn = ccn/rho00
      xvcmx = (4./3.)*pi*xcradmx**3

! set max rain diameter
      IF ( xvdmx .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        xvrmx = 0.523599*(xvdmx)**3
        xvrmx = xvrmx0

! load max/min diameters
      xvmn(lc) = xvcmn
      xvmn(lr) = xvrmn
      xvmn(ls) = xvsmn
      xvmn(lh) = xvhmn

      xvmx(lc) = xvcmx
      xvmx(lr) = xvrmx
      xvmx(ls) = xvsmx
      xvmx(lh) = xvhmx
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      xvmn(lhl) = xvhlmn
      xvmx(lhl) = xvhlmx

      IF ( lhl < 1 ) ifrzg = 1

      ventr   = Gamma(rnu + 4./3.)/(rnu + 1.)**(1./3.)/Gamma(rnu + 1.)
      ventrn =  Gamma(rnu + 1.5 + br/6.)/Gamma(rnu + 1.)  ! adapted from Wisner et al. 1972; for second term in rwvent
      ventc   = Gamma(cnu + 4./3.)/(cnu + 1.)**(1./3.)/Gamma(cnu + 1.)
      c1sw = Gamma(snu + 4./3.)*(snu + 1.0)**(-1./3.)/gamma(snu + 1.0) 

  ! set threshold mixing ratios
      qxmin(:) = 1.0e-12
      qxmin(lc) = 1.e-9
      qxmin(lr) = 1.e-7
      IF ( li > 1 ) qxmin(li) = 1.e-12
      IF ( ls > 1 ) qxmin(ls) = 1.e-7
      IF ( lh > 1 ) qxmin(lh) = 1.e-7
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) qxmin(lhl) = 1.e-7
      IF ( lc .gt. 1 .and. lnc .gt. 1 ) qxmin(lc) = 1.0e-13
      IF ( lr .gt. 1 .and. lnr .gt. 1 ) qxmin(lr) = 1.0e-12

      IF ( li .gt. 1 .and. lni .gt. 1 ) qxmin(li ) = 1.0e-13
      IF ( ls .gt. 1 .and. lns .gt. 1 ) qxmin(ls ) = 1.0e-13
      IF ( lh .gt. 1 .and. lnh .gt. 1 ) qxmin(lh ) = 1.0e-12
      IF ( lhl.gt. 1 .and. lnhl.gt. 1 ) qxmin(lhl) = 1.0e-9

  ! constants for droplet nucleation
      cckm = cck-1.
      ccnefac =  (1.63/(cck * beta(3./2., cck/2.)))**(cck/(cck + 2.0))
      cnexp   = (3./2.)*cck/(cck+2.0)
! ccne is all the factors with w in eq. A7 in Mansell et al. 2010 (JAS).  The constant changes
! if k (cck) is changed!
      ccne = ccnefac*1.e6*(1.e-6*Abs(cwccn))**(2./(2.+cck))
      IF ( cwccn .lt. 0.0 ) THEN
      cwccn = Abs(cwccn)
      ccwmx = cwccn
      ccwmx = cwccn*1.4

!  Set collection coefficients (Seifert and Beheng 05)
      bb(:) = 1.0/3.0
      bb(li) = 0.3429
      DO il = lc,lhab
        da0(il) = delbk(bb(il), xnu(il), xmu(il), 0)
        da1(il) = delbk(bb(il), xnu(il), xmu(il), 1)
!        write(0,*) 'il, da0, da1, xnu, xmu = ', il, da0(il), da1(il), xnu(il), xmu(il)

      dab0(:,:) = 0.0
      dab1(:,:) = 0.0
      DO il = lc,lhab
        DO j = lc,lhab
          IF ( il .ne. j ) THEN
            dab0(il,j) = delabk(bb(il), bb(j), xnu(il), xnu(j), xmu(il), xmu(j), 0)
            dab1(il,j) = delabk(bb(il), bb(j), xnu(il), xnu(j), xmu(il), xmu(j), 1)
!           write(0,*) 'il, j, dab0, dab1 = ',il, j, dab0(il,j), dab1(il,j)

        gf4br = gamma(4.0+br)
        gf4ds = gamma(4.0+ds)
        gf4p5 = gamma(4.0+0.5)
        gfcinu1 = gamma(cinu + 1.0)
        gfcinu1p47 = gamma(cinu + 1.47167)
        gfcinu2p47 = gamma(cinu + 2.47167)

        IF ( lh  .gt. 1 ) cwchtmp0 = 6.0/pi*gamma( (xnu(lh) + 1.)/xmu(lh) )/gamma( (xnu(lh) + 2.)/xmu(lh) )
        IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) cwchltmp0 = 6.0/pi*gamma( (xnu(lhl) + 1)/xmu(lhl) )/gamma( (xnu(lhl) + 2)/xmu(lhl) )
END SUBROUTINE nssl_2mom_init

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

SUBROUTINE nssl_2mom_driver(qv, qc, qr, qi, qs, qh, qhl, ccw, crw, cci, csw, chw, chl,  & 4,4
                              cn, vhw, vhl,                                             &
                              th, pii, p, w, dn, dz, dtp, itimestep,                    &
                              RAINNC, RAINNCV, SNOWNC, SNOWNCV, GRPLNC, GRPLNCV,        &
                              SR,HAILNC, HAILNCV,  dbz, vzf,compdbz,                    &
                              diagflag,                                                 &
                              ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,                                &  ! domain dims
                              ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,                                &  ! memory dims
                              its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)                                   ! tile dims

      implicit none

 !Subroutine arguments:
      integer, intent(in):: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,                                   &
                            ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,                                   &
                            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
      real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout)::                        &
      real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), optional, intent(inout)::                        &
      real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), optional, intent(inout):: dbz, vzf, cn
      real, dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme), optional, intent(inout):: compdbz
      real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(in)::                           &
      real, dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme), intent(inout)::                                 &
                            RAINNC,RAINNCV,SNOWNC,SNOWNCV,GRPLNC,GRPLNCV,SR        ! accumulated precip (NC) and rate (NCV)

      real, dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme), optional, intent(inout)::                                 &
                            HAILNC,HAILNCV ! accumulated precip (NC) and rate (NCV)
      real, intent(in)::    dtp
      integer, intent(in):: itimestep !, ccntype
      logical, optional, intent(in) :: diagflag
! local variables
!     integer, parameter :: na = 16
     real, dimension(its:ite, 1, kts:kte, na) :: an
     real, dimension(its:ite, 1, kts:kte) :: t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9
     real, dimension(its:ite, 1, kts:kte) :: dn1,t00,t77,ssat,pn,wn,dz2d,dz2dinv,dbz2d,vzf2d
     real, dimension(its:ite, 1, na) :: xfall
     integer, parameter :: nor = 0, ng = 0
     integer :: nx,ny,nz
     integer ix,jy,kz,i,j,k,il
     integer :: infdo
     real :: ssival, ssifac, t8s, t9s, qvapor
     integer :: ltemq
     double precision :: dp1
     integer :: jye, lnb
     integer :: imx,kmx
     real    :: dbzmx
     integer :: vzflag0 = 0
     logical :: makediag
     logical,save :: cleardiag = .true.
      real, parameter :: cnin20 = 1.0e3
      real, parameter :: cnin10 = 5.0e1
      real, parameter :: cnin1a = 4.5
      real, parameter :: cnin2a = 12.96
      real, parameter :: cnin2b = 0.639

     IF ( present( vzf ) ) vzflag0 = 1
     IF ( cleardiag ) THEN
       cleardiag = .false.
       IF ( present( dbz ) ) THEN
       DO jy = jts,jte
         DO kz = kts,kte
           DO ix = its,ite
             dbz(ix,kz,jy) = 0.0

     makediag = .true.
     IF ( present( diagflag ) ) THEN
      makediag = diagflag
      IF ( diagflag ) cleardiag = .true.
!     write(0,*) 'N2M: makediag = ',makediag
     nx = ite-its+1
     ny = 1         ! set up as 2D slabs
     nz = kte-kts+1
! set up CCN array and some other static local values
     IF ( itimestep == 1 ) THEN
      IF ( itimestep == 1 .and. present( cn ) ) THEN
        DO jy = jts,jte
         DO kz = kts,kte
           DO ix = its,ite
             cn(ix,kz,jy) = qccn 
     ENDIF ! itimestep == 1

! sedimentation settings

      infdo = 2
      IF ( infall .ne. 1 .or. iscfall .ge. 2 ) THEN
         infdo = 1
         infdo = 0

      IF ( infall .ge. 3 .or. ipconc .ge. 6 ) THEN
         infdo = 2

      RAINNCV(its:ite,jts:jte) = 0.
      SNOWNCV(its:ite,jts:jte) = 0.
      GRPLNCV(its:ite,jts:jte) = 0.
      IF ( present( HAILNCV ) ) THEN ! for WRF 3.1 compatibility
        HAILNCV(its:ite,jts:jte) = 0.
      SR(its:ite,jts:jte)      = 0.

     lnb = Max(lh,lhl)+1 ! lnc
!     IF ( lccn > 1 ) lnb = lccn

       jye = jte
     IF ( present( compdbz ) .and. makediag ) THEN
     DO jy = jts,jye
       DO ix = its,ite
        compdbz(ix,jy) = -3.0
     DO jy = jts,jye
     xfall(:,:,:) = 0.0
   ! copy from 3D array to 2D slab
       DO kz = kts,kte
        DO ix = its,ite
          an(ix,1,kz,lt)   = th(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,lv)   = qv(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,lc)   = qc(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,lr)   = qr(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,li)   = qi(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,ls)   = qs(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,lh)   = qh(ix,kz,jy)
          IF ( lhl > 1 ) an(ix,1,kz,lhl)  = qhl(ix,kz,jy)
          IF ( lccn > 1 ) THEN
           IF ( present( cn ) ) THEN
            an(ix,1,kz,lccn) = cn(ix,kz,jy)
            an(ix,1,kz,lccn) = qccn
          IF ( ipconc >= 5 ) THEN
          an(ix,1,kz,lnc)  = ccw(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,lnr)  = crw(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,lni)  = cci(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,lns)  = csw(ix,kz,jy)
          an(ix,1,kz,lnh)  = chw(ix,kz,jy)
          IF ( lhl > 1 ) an(ix,1,kz,lnhl) = chl(ix,kz,jy)
          IF ( lvh > 0 ) an(ix,1,kz,lvh)  = vhw(ix,kz,jy)
          IF ( lvhl > 0 .and. present( vhl ) ) an(ix,1,kz,lvhl)  = vhl(ix,kz,jy)

          t0(ix,1,kz) = th(ix,kz,jy)*pii(ix,kz,jy) ! temperature (Kelvin)
          t1(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t2(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t3(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t4(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t5(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t6(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t7(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t8(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t9(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          t00(ix,1,kz) = 380.0/p(ix,kz,jy)
          t77(ix,1,kz) = pii(ix,kz,jy)
          dbz2d(ix,1,kz) = 0.0
          vzf2d(ix,1,kz) = 0.0

          dn1(ix,1,kz) = dn(ix,kz,jy)
          pn(ix,1,kz) = p(ix,kz,jy)
          wn(ix,1,kz) = w(ix,kz,jy)
          dz2d(ix,1,kz) = dz(ix,kz,jy)
          dz2dinv(ix,1,kz) = 1./dz(ix,kz,jy)
         ltemq = Int( (t0(ix,1,kz)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5 )
         ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
! saturation mixing ratio
      t8s = t00(ix,1,kz)*tabqvs(ltemq)  !saturation mixing ratio wrt water
      t9s = t00(ix,1,kz)*tabqis(ltemq)  !saturation mixing ratio wrt ice

!  calculate rate of nucleation
      ssival = Min(t8s,max(an(ix,1,kz,lv),0.0))/t9s  ! qv/qvi

      if ( ssival .gt. 1.0 ) then
      if ( t0(ix,1,kz).le.268.15 ) then
       dp1 = cnin20*exp( Min( 57.0 ,(cnin2a*(ssival-1.0)-cnin2b) ) )
       t7(ix,1,kz) = Min(dp1, 1.0d30)
      end if
!   Default value of imeyers5 turns off nucleation by Meyer at higher temperatures
!  This is really from Ferrier (1994), eq. 4.31 - 4.34
      IF ( imeyers5 ) THEN
      if ( t0(ix,1,kz).lt.tfr .and. t0(ix,1,kz).gt.268.15 ) then
      qvapor = max(an(ix,1,kz,lv),0.0) 
      ssifac = 0.0
      if ( (qvapor-t9s) .gt. 1.0e-5 ) then
      if ( (t8s-t9s) .gt. 1.0e-5 ) then
      ssifac = (qvapor-t9s) /(t8s-t9s)
      ssifac = ssifac**cnin1a   
      end if
      end if
      t7(ix,1,kz) = cnin10*ssifac*exp(-(t0(ix,1,kz)-tfr)*bta1)
      end if
      end if


   ! transform from number mixing ratios to number conc.
     DO il = lnb,na
       IF ( denscale(il) == 1 ) THEN
         DO kz = kts,kte
          DO ix = its,ite
           an(ix,1,kz,il) = an(ix,1,kz,il)*dn(ix,kz,jy)
     ENDDO ! il

! sedimentation
      xfall(:,:,:) = 0.0

      call sediment1d(dtp,nx,ny,nz,an,na,nor,nor,xfall,dn1,dz2d,dz2dinv, &
     &                    t0,t7,infdo,jy,its,jts)
! copy xfall to appropriate places...

       DO ix = its,ite
         IF ( lhl > 1 ) THEN
         RAINNCV(ix,jy) = dtp*dn1(ix,1,1)*(xfall(ix,1,lr) + xfall(ix,1,ls)*1000./xdn0(lr) + &
              &            xfall(ix,1,lh)*1000./xdn0(lr) + xfall(ix,1,lhl)*1000./xdn0(lr) )
         RAINNCV(ix,jy) = dtp*dn1(ix,1,1)*(xfall(ix,1,lr) + xfall(ix,1,ls)*1000./xdn0(lr) + &
              &            xfall(ix,1,lh)*1000./xdn0(lr) )
         SNOWNCV(ix,jy) = dtp*dn1(ix,1,1)*xfall(ix,1,ls)*1000./xdn0(lr)
         GRPLNCV(ix,jy) = dtp*dn1(ix,1,1)*xfall(ix,1,lh)*1000./xdn0(lr)
         RAINNC(ix,jy)  = RAINNC(ix,jy) + RAINNCV(ix,jy)
         SNOWNC(ix,jy)  = SNOWNC(ix,jy) + SNOWNCV(ix,jy)
         IF ( lhl > 1 ) THEN
           IF ( present( HAILNC ) ) THEN
             HAILNCV(ix,jy) = dtp*dn1(ix,1,1)*xfall(ix,1,lhl)*1000./xdn0(lr)
             HAILNC(ix,jy)  = HAILNC(ix,jy) + HAILNCV(ix,jy)
             GRPLNCV(ix,jy) = dtp*dn1(ix,1,1)*xfall(ix,1,lhl)*1000./xdn0(lr)
         GRPLNC(ix,jy)  = GRPLNC(ix,jy) + GRPLNCV(ix,jy)
         IF ( present( HAILNC ) ) THEN
           SR(ix,jy)      = (SNOWNCV(ix,jy)+HAILNCV(ix,jy)+GRPLNCV(ix,jy))/(RAINNCV(ix,jy)+1.e-12)
           SR(ix,jy)      = (SNOWNCV(ix,jy)+GRPLNCV(ix,jy))/(RAINNCV(ix,jy)+1.e-12)
   ! call nssl_2mom_gs: main gather-scatter routine to calculate microphysics

      call nssl_2mom_gs   &
     &  (nx,ny,nz,na,jy   &
     &  ,nor,nor          &
     &  ,dtp,dz2d       &
     &  ,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9      &
     &  ,an,dn1,t77                  &
     &  ,pn,wn,0                   &
     &  ,t00,t77,                             &
     &   ventr,ventc,c1sw,1,ido,    &
     &   xdnmx,xdnmn,lsc,               &
     &   ln,ipc,lvol,lz,lliq,   &
     &   cdx,                              &
     &   xdn0,dbz2d)
 ! droplet nucleation/condensation/evaporation
     &  (nx,ny,nz,na,jy & 
     &  ,nor,nor & 
     &  ,dtp,dz2d & 
     &  ,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9 & 
     &  ,an,dn1,t77 & 
     &  ,pn,wn & 
     &  ,ssat,t00,t77,dbz2d)

! compute diagnostic S-band reflectivity if needed
     IF ( present( dbz ) .and. makediag ) THEN
   ! calc dbz

! write(0,*) 'N2M: call radardd02'

      call radardd02(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,an,t0,         &
     &    dbz2d,dn1,nz,cnoh,rho_qh,ipconc, 0)

       DO kz = kts,kte
        DO ix = its,ite
         dbz(ix,kz,jy) = dbz2d(ix,1,kz)
         IF ( present( vzf ) ) THEN
           vzf(ix,kz,jy) = vzf2d(ix,1,kz)
          IF ( present( compdbz ) ) THEN
            compdbz(ix,jy) = Max( compdbz(ix,jy), dbz2d(ix,1,kz) )

! transform concentrations back to mixing ratios
     DO il = lnb,na
      IF ( denscale(il) == 1 ) THEN
       DO kz = kts,kte
        DO ix = its,ite
         an(ix,1,kz,il) = an(ix,1,kz,il)/dn(ix,kz,jy)
     ENDDO ! il
   ! copy 2D slabs back to 3D
       DO kz = kts,kte
        DO ix = its,ite
         th(ix,kz,jy)  = an(ix,1,kz,lt)
         qv(ix,kz,jy)  = an(ix,1,kz,lv)
         qc(ix,kz,jy)  = an(ix,1,kz,lc)
         qr(ix,kz,jy)  = an(ix,1,kz,lr)
         qi(ix,kz,jy)  = an(ix,1,kz,li)
         qs(ix,kz,jy)  = an(ix,1,kz,ls)
         qh(ix,kz,jy)  = an(ix,1,kz,lh)
         IF ( lhl > 1 ) qhl(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lhl)
         IF ( present( cn ) .and. lccn > 1 ) THEN
           cn(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lccn)
         IF ( ipconc >= 5 ) THEN
          ccw(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lnc)
          crw(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lnr)
          cci(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lni)
          csw(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lns)
          chw(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lnh)
          IF ( lhl > 1 ) chl(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lnhl)

         IF ( lvh > 0 )  vhw(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lvh)
         IF ( lvhl > 0 .and. present( vhl ) ) vhl(ix,kz,jy) = an(ix,1,kz,lvhl)

     ENDDO ! jy

END SUBROUTINE nssl_2mom_driver

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################


      implicit none
      real xx
      integer j

! Double precision ser,stp,tmp,x,y,cof(6)

      real*8 ser,stp,tmp,x,y,cof(6)
      SAVE cof,stp
      DATA cof,stp/76.18009172947146d+0,  &
     &            -86.50532032941677d0,   &
     &             24.01409824083091d0,   &
     &             -1.231739572450155d0,  &
     &              0.1208650973866179d-2,&
     &             -0.5395239384953d-5,   &
     &              2.5066282746310005d0/

      IF ( xx <= 0.0 ) THEN
        write(0,*) 'Argument to gamma must be > 0!! xx = ',xx
      x = xx
      y = x
      tmp = x + 5.5d0
      tmp = (x + 0.5d0)*Log(tmp) - tmp
      ser = 1.000000000190015d0
      DO j=1,6
        y = y + 1.0d0
        ser = ser + cof(j)/y
      END DO
      gamma = Exp(tmp + log(stp*ser/x))

!**************************** GAML02 *********************** 
!  This calculates Gamma(0.2,x)/Gamma[0.2], where is a ratio
!   It is used for qiacr with the gamma of volume to calculate what 
!   fraction of drops exceed a certain size (this version is for 40 micron drops)
! **********************************************************

      real FUNCTION GAML02(x) 
      implicit none
      integer ig, i, ii, n, np
      real x
      integer ng
      real gamxg(ng), xg(ng)
      DATA xg/0.01,0.02,0.025,0.04,0.075,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.,2.,10./ 
      DATA gamxg/  &
     &  7.391019203578037e-8,0.02212726874591478,0.06959352407989682, &
     &  0.2355654024970809,0.46135930387500346,0.545435791452399,     &
     &  0.7371571313308203,                                           &
     &  0.8265676632204345,0.8640182781845841,0.8855756211304151,     &
     &  0.9245079225301251,                                           &
     &  0.9712578342732681/
      IF ( x .ge. xg(ng) ) THEN
        gaml02 = xg(ng)
      IF ( x .lt. xg(1) ) THEN
        gaml02 = 0.0
      DO ii = 1,ng-1
        i = ng - ii
        n = i
        np = n + 1
        IF ( x .ge. xg(i) ) THEN
!         GOTO 2 
          gaml02 = gamxg(N)+((X-XG(N))/(XG(NP)-XG(N)))* &
     &            ( gamxg(NP) - gamxg(N) ) 

!**************************** GAML02d300 *********************** 
!  This calculates Gamma(0.2,x)/Gamma[0.2], where is a ratio
!   It is used for qiacr with the gamma of volume to calculate what 
!   fraction of drops exceed a certain size (this version is for 300 micron drops) (see zieglerstuff.nb)
! **********************************************************

      real FUNCTION GAML02d300(x) 
      implicit none
      integer ig, i, ii, n, np
      real x
      integer ng
      real gamxg(ng), xg(ng)
      DATA xg/0.04,0.075,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.,2.,10./ 
      DATA gamxg/                           &
     &  0.0,                                  &
     &  7.391019203578011e-8,0.0002260640810600053,  &
     &  0.16567071824457152,                         &
     &  0.4231369044918005,0.5454357914523988,       &
     &  0.6170290936864555,                           &
     &  0.7471346054110058,0.9037156157718299 /
      IF ( x .ge. xg(ng) ) THEN
        GAML02d300 = xg(ng)
      IF ( x .lt. xg(1) ) THEN
        GAML02d300 = 0.0
      DO ii = 1,ng-1
        i = ng - ii
        n = i
        np = n + 1
        IF ( x .ge. xg(i) ) THEN
!         GOTO 2 
          GAML02d300 = gamxg(N)+((X-XG(N))/(XG(NP)-XG(N)))*  &
     &            ( gamxg(NP) - gamxg(N) ) 

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

!**************************** GAML02 *********************** 
!  This calculates Gamma(0.2,x)/Gamma[0.2], where is a ratio
!   It is used for qiacr with the gamma of volume to calculate what 
!   fraction of drops exceed a certain size (this version is for 500 micron drops) (see zieglerstuff.nb)
! **********************************************************

      real FUNCTION GAML02d500(x) 
      implicit none
      integer ig, i, ii, n, np
      real x
      integer ng
      real gamxg(ng), xg(ng)
      DATA xg/0.04,0.075,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.,2.,10./ 
      DATA gamxg/  &
     &  0.0,0.0,   &
     &  2.2346039e-13, 0.0221272687459,  &
     &  0.23556540,  0.38710348,         &
     &  0.48136183,0.6565833,            &
     &  0.86918315 /
      IF ( x .ge. xg(ng) ) THEN
        GAML02d500 = xg(ng)
      IF ( x .lt. xg(1) ) THEN
        GAML02d500 = 0.0
      DO ii = 1,ng-1
        i = ng - ii
        n = i
        np = n + 1
        IF ( x .ge. xg(i) ) THEN
!         GOTO 2 
          GAML02d500 = gamxg(N)+((X-XG(N))/(XG(NP)-XG(N)))*  &
     &            ( gamxg(NP) - gamxg(N) ) 

! #####################################################################

! #####################################################################

        real function BETA(P,Q) 2,3
!       ==========================================
!       Purpose: Compute the beta function B(p,q)
!       Input :  p  --- Parameter  ( p > 0 )
!                q  --- Parameter  ( q > 0 )
!       Output:  BT --- B(p,q)
!       Routine called: GAMMA for computing â(x)
!       ==========================================
!        IMPLICIT real (A-H,O-Z)
        implicit none
        double precision p1,gp,q1,gq, ppq,gpq
        real p,q
        p1 = p
        q1 = q
        END function BETA

! #####################################################################

!       ==================================================
!       Purpose: Compute gamma function â(x)
!       Input :  x  --- Argument of â(x)
!                       ( x is not equal to 0,-1,-2,úúú)
!       Output:  GA --- â(x)
!       ==================================================
        implicit none
        double precision, parameter :: PI=3.141592653589793D0
        double precision :: x,ga,z,r,gr
        integer :: k,m1,m
        double precision :: G(26)
        IF (X.EQ.INT(X)) THEN
           IF (X.GT.0.0D0) THEN
              DO 10 K=2,M1
10               GA=GA*K
           IF (DABS(X).GT.1.0D0) THEN
              DO 15 K=1,M
15               R=R*(Z-K)
           DATA G/1.0D0,0.5772156649015329D0,                  &
     &          -0.6558780715202538D0, -0.420026350340952D-1,  &
     &          0.1665386113822915D0,-.421977345555443D-1,     &
     &          -.96219715278770D-2, .72189432466630D-2,       &
     &          -.11651675918591D-2, -.2152416741149D-3,       &
     &          .1280502823882D-3, -.201348547807D-4,          &
     &          -.12504934821D-5, .11330272320D-5,             &
     &          -.2056338417D-6, .61160950D-8,                 &
     &          .50020075D-8, -.11812746D-8,                   &
     &          .1043427D-9, .77823D-11,                       &
     &          -.36968D-11, .51D-12,                          &
     &          -.206D-13, -.54D-14, .14D-14, .1D-15/
           DO 20 K=25,1,-1
20            GR=GR*Z+G(K)
           IF (DABS(X).GT.1.0D0) THEN
              IF (X.LT.0.0D0) GA=-PI/(X*GA*DSIN(PI*X))

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

      Function delbk(bb,nu,mu,k) 2
!  Purpose: Caluculates collection coefficients following Siefert (2006)
!  delbk is equation (90) (b collecting b -- self-collection)
!  mass-diameter relationship: D = a*x**(b), where x = particle mass
!  general distribution: n(x) = A*x**(nu)*Exp(-lam*x**(mu))
!  where
!      A = mu*N/(Gamma((nu+1)/mu)) *lam**((nu+1)/mu)
!      lam = ( Gamma((nu+1)/mu)/Gamma((nu+2)/mu) * xbar )**(-mu)
!     where  xbar = L/N  (mass content)/(number concentration) = q*rhoa/N

      implicit none
      real delbk, gamma
      real nu, mu, bb
      integer k
      real tmp, del
      real x1, x2, x3, x4
      integer i

        tmp = ((1.0 + nu)/mu)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        x1 = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = ((2.0 + nu)/mu)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        x2 = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = ((1.0 + 2.0*bb + k + nu)/mu)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        x3 = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami
!      delbk =  &
!     &  ((Gamma((1.0 + nu)/mu)/Gamma((2.0 + nu)/mu))**(2.0*bb + k)* &
!     &    Gamma((1.0 + 2.0*bb + k + nu)/mu))/Gamma((1.0 + nu)/mu)

      delbk =  &
     &  ((x1/x2)**(2.0*bb + k)* &
     &    x3)/x1
      END  Function delbk
! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################
! Equation (91) in Seifert and Beheng (2006) ("a" collecting "b")

      Function delabk(ba,bb,nua,nub,mua,mub,k) 2
      implicit none
      real delabk, gamma
      real nua, mua, ba
      integer k
      real nub, mub, bb
      integer i
      real tmp,del
      real g1pnua, g2pnua, g1pbapnua, g1pbbpk, g1pnub, g2pnub
        tmp = (1. + nua)/mua
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        IF ( i+1 > ngm0 ) THEN
          write(0,*) 'delabk: i+1 > ngm0!!!!',i,ngm0,nua,mua,tmp
        g1pnua = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami
!        write(91,*) 'delabk: g1pnua,gamma = ',g1pnua,Gamma((1. + nua)/mua)

        tmp = ((2. + nua)/mua)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        g2pnua = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = ((1. + ba + nua)/mua)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        g1pbapnua = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = ((1. + nub)/mub)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        g1pnub = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = ((2 + nub)/mub)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        g2pnub = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = ((1. + bb + k + nub)/mub)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        g1pbbpk = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

      delabk =  &
     &  (2.*(g1pnua/g2pnua)**ba*     &
     &    g1pbapnua*                                               &
     &    (g1pnub/g2pnub)**(bb + k)*                                &
     &    g1pbbpk)/                                                &
     &  (g1pnua*g1pnub)              
      END Function delabk

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################


      subroutine sediment1d(dtp,nx,ny,nz,an,na,nor,norz,xfall,dn,dz3d,dz3dinv, & 1,10
     &                    t0,t7,infdo,jslab,its,jts)
! Sedimentation driver -- column by column
!  Written by ERM 10/2011
      implicit none
      integer nx,ny,nz,nor,norz,ngt,jgs,na,ia
      integer id ! =1 use density, =0 no density
      integer :: its,jts ! SW point of local tile
      integer ng1
      parameter(ng1 = 1)

      real an(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz,na)
      real dn(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real dz3d(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real dz3dinv(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t0(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t7(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)

!      real gz(-nor+ng1:nz+nor),z1d(-nor+ng1:nz+nor,4)
      real dtp
      real xfall(nx,ny,na)  ! array for stuff landing on the ground
      real xfall0(nx,ny)    ! dummy array
      integer infdo
      integer jslab ! which line of xfall to use
      integer ix,jy,kz,ndfall,n,k,il,in
      real tmp, vtmax, dtptmp, dtfrac
      real, parameter :: dz = 200.

      real :: xvt(nz+1,nx,3,lc:lhab) ! (nx,nz,2,lc:lhab) ! 1=mass-weighted, 2=number-weighted
      real :: tmpn(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real :: tmpn2(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real :: z(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz,lr:lhab)
      real :: db1(nx,nz+1),dtz1(nz+1,nx,0:1),dz2dinv(nz+1,nx),db1inv(nx,nz+1)
      real :: rhovtzx(nz,nx)

      integer,parameter :: ngs = 128 
      integer :: ngscnt,mgs,ipconc0
      real ::  qx(ngs,lv:lhab) 
      real ::  qxw(ngs,ls:lhab) 
      real ::  cx(ngs,lc:lhab) 
      real ::  xv(ngs,lc:lhab) 
      real ::  vtxbar(ngs,lc:lhab,3) 
      real ::  xmas(ngs,lc:lhab) 
      real ::  xdn(ngs,lc:lhab) 
      real ::  xdia(ngs,lc:lhab,3) 
      real ::  vx(ngs,li:lhab) 
      real ::  alpha(ngs,lr:lhab) 
      real ::  zx(ngs,lr:lhab) 
      logical :: hasmass(nx,lc+1:lhab)

      integer igs(ngs),kgs(ngs)
      real rho0(ngs),temcg(ngs)

      real temg(ngs)
      real rhovt(ngs)
      real cwnc(ngs),cinc(ngs)
      real fadvisc(ngs),cwdia(ngs),cipmas(ngs)
      real cimasn,cimasx,cnina(ngs),cimas(ngs)
      real cnostmp(ngs)


      integer :: ixb, jyb, kzb
      integer :: ixe, jye, kze
      integer :: plo, phi

      logical :: debug_mpi = .TRUE.

! ###################################################################

      kzb = 1
      kze = nz

      ixb = 1
      ixe = nx

      jy = 1
      jgs = jy

!  zero the precip flux arrays (2d)

      xvt(:,:,:,:) = 0.0

      if ( ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'dbg = 3a'

      DO kz = kzb,kze
      DO ix = ixb,ixe
       db1(ix,kz) = dn(ix,jy,kz)
       db1inv(ix,kz) = 1./dn(ix,jy,kz)
       rhovtzx(kz,ix) = Sqrt(rho00*db1inv(ix,kz) )

      DO kz = kzb,kze
      DO ix = ixb,ixe
       dtz1(kz,ix,0) = dz3dinv(ix,jy,kz)
       dtz1(kz,ix,1) = dz3dinv(ix,jy,kz)*db1inv(ix,kz) 
       dz2dinv(kz,ix) = dz3dinv(ix,jy,kz)

      IF ( lzh .gt. 1 ) THEN
      DO kz = kzb,kze
      DO ix = ixb,ixe
        an(ix,jy,kz,lzh) = Max( 0., an(ix,jy,kz,lzh) )

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'dbg = 3a2'

! loop over columns
      DO ix = ixb,ixe

      call ziegfall1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,norz,na,dtp,jgs,ix, & 
     &  xvt, rhovtzx, & 
     &  an,dn,ipconc,t0,t7,cwmasn,cwmasx, & 
     &  cwradn, & 
     &  qxmin,xdnmx,xdnmn,cdx,cno,xdn0,xvmn,xvmx, & 
     &  ngs,qx,qxw,cx,xv,vtxbar,xmas,xdn,xdia,vx,alpha,zx,igs,kgs, &
     &  rho0,temcg,temg,rhovt,cwnc,cinc,fadvisc,cwdia,cipmas,cnina,cimas, &
     &  cnostmp,             &
     &  infdo,0)

! loop over each species and do sedimentation for all moments
     DO il = lc+1,lhab

!       IF ( .not. hasmass(ix,il) ) CYCLE

!      plo = nz
!      phi = 0

      vtmax = 0.0
      do kz = kzb,kze
      vtmax = Max(vtmax,xvt(kz,ix,1,il)*dz2dinv(kz,ix))
      vtmax = Max(vtmax,xvt(kz,ix,2,il)*dz2dinv(kz,ix))
      vtmax = Max(vtmax,xvt(kz,ix,3,il)*dz2dinv(kz,ix))

      IF ( vtmax == 0.0 ) CYCLE

      IF ( dtp*vtmax .lt. 0.7 ) THEN ! check whether multiple steps are needed.
        ndfall = 1
!        ndfall = Max(2, Int(dtp*vtmax/0.7) + 1)
        ndfall = 1+Int(dtp*vtmax + 0.301)
      IF ( ndfall .gt. 1 ) THEN
        dtptmp = dtp/Real(ndfall)
!        write(0,*) 'subdivide fallout on its,jts = ',its,jts
!        write(0,*) 'for il,jsblab,c = ',il,jslab,dtp*vtmax
        dtptmp = dtp
      dtfrac = dtptmp/dtp

      DO n = 1,ndfall

      IF ( n .ge. 2 ) THEN
!  zero the precip flux arrays (2d)
!      xvt(:,:,:,il) = 0.0
      call ziegfall1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,norz,na,dtp,jgs,ix, & 
     &  xvt, rhovtzx, & 
     &  an,dn,ipconc,t0,t7,cwmasn,cwmasx, & 
     &  cwradn, & 
     &  qxmin,xdnmx,xdnmn,cdx,cno,xdn0,xvmn,xvmx, & 
     &  ngs,qx,qxw,cx,xv,vtxbar,xmas,xdn,xdia,vx,alpha,zx,igs,kgs, &
     &  rho0,temcg,temg,rhovt,cwnc,cinc,fadvisc,cwdia,cipmas,cnina,cimas, &
     &  cnostmp,             &
     &  infdo,il)

      ENDIF ! (n .ge. 2)

        IF ( il >= lr .and. ( infall .eq. 3 .or. infall .eq. 4 ) .and. ln(il) > 0 ) THEN
           IF ( (il .eq. lr .and. irfall .eq. infall .and. lzr < 1) .or. (il .ge. lh .and. lz(il) .lt. 1 ) ) THEN
            call calczgr1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,an,ixe,kze, & 
     &         z,db1,jgs,ipconc, dnu(il), il, ln(il), qxmin(il), xvmn(il), xvmx(il), lvol(il), xdn0(il), ix )

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'dbg = 1b'

! mixing ratio

      call fallout1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,dtptmp,dtfrac,jgs,xvt(1,1,1,il), & 
     &             an,db1,il,1,xfall,dtz1,ix)

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'dbg = 3c'

! volume

      IF ( ldovol .and. il >= li ) THEN
        IF ( lvol(il) .gt. 1 ) THEN
         call fallout1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,dtptmp,dtfrac,jgs,xvt(1,1,1,il), & 
     &              an,db1,lvol(il),0,xfall,dtz1,ix)

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'dbg = 3d'

      IF ( ipconc .gt. 0 ) THEN !{
        IF ( ipconc .ge. ipc(il) ) THEN

      IF ( ( infall .ge. 2 .or. (infall .eq. 0 .and. il .lt. lh) ) .and. lz(il) .lt. 1) THEN !{
! load number conc. into tmpn to do fallout by mass-weighted mean fall speed
!  to put a lower bound on number conc.

        IF ( ( infall .eq. 3 .or. infall .eq. 4 ) .and. ( il .eq. lh .or. il .eq. lhl .or.  & 
     &      ( il .eq. lr .and. irfall .eq. infall) ) ) THEN

          DO kz = kzb,kze
!            DO ix = ixb,ixe
              tmpn2(ix,jy,kz) = z(ix,kz,il)
!            ENDDO
          DO kz = kzb,kze
!            DO ix = ixb,ixe
              tmpn(ix,jy,kz) = an(ix,jy,kz,ln(il))
!            ENDDO
          DO kz = kzb,kze
!            DO ix = ixb,ixe
              tmpn(ix,jy,kz) = an(ix,jy,kz,ln(il))
!            ENDDO


      ENDIF !}

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'dbg = 3f'

       in = 2
       IF ( infall .eq. 1 ) in = 1

         call fallout1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,dtptmp,dtfrac,jgs,xvt(1,1,in,il), & 
     &        an,db1,ln(il),0,xfall,dtz1,ix)

         IF ( lz(il) .lt. 1 ) THEN ! if not 3-moment, run one of the correction schemes
         IF ( (infall .ge. 2 .or. infall .eq. 3) .and. .not. (infall .eq. 0 .and. il .ge. lh) & 
     &       .and. ( il .eq. lr .or. (il .ge. li .and. il .le. lhab) )) THEN
!     :        .or. il .eq. lhl )) THEN
           xfall0(:,jgs) = 0.0

           IF ( ( infall .eq. 3 .or. infall .eq. 4 ) .and.  & 
     &        ( il .ge. lh .or. (il .eq. lr .and. irfall .eq. infall) ) ) THEN
             call fallout1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,1,dtptmp,dtfrac,jgs,xvt(1,1,3,il), & 
     &         tmpn2,db1,1,0,xfall0,dtz1,ix)
             call fallout1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,1,dtptmp,dtfrac,jgs,xvt(1,1,1,il), & 
     &         tmpn,db1,1,0,xfall0,dtz1,ix)
             call fallout1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,1,dtptmp,dtfrac,jgs,xvt(1,1,1,il), & 
     &         tmpn,db1,1,0,xfall0,dtz1,ix)

           IF ( ( infall .eq. 3 .or. infall .eq. 4 ) .and. ( (il .eq. lr .and. irfall .eq. infall) & 
     &            .or. il .ge. lh ) ) THEN
! "Method I" - dbz correction

             call calcnfromz1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,an,tmpn2,ixe,kze, & 
     &       z,db1,jgs,ipconc, dnu(il), il, ln(il), qxmin(il), xvmn(il), xvmx(il),tmpn,  & 
     &       lvol(il), rho_qh, infall, ix)

           ELSEIF ( infall .eq. 5 .and. il .ge. lh .or. ( il == lr .and. irfall == 5 ) ) THEN

             DO kz = kzb,kze
!              DO ix = ixb,ixe
               an(ix,jgs,kz,ln(il)) = Max( an(ix,jgs,kz,ln(il)), 0.5* ( an(ix,jgs,kz,ln(il)) + tmpn(ix,jy,kz) ))
!              ENDDO

           ELSEIF ( .not. (il .eq. lr .and. irfall .eq. 0) ) THEN
! "Method II" M-wgt N-fallout correction

             DO kz = kzb,kze
!              DO ix = ixb,ixe

               an(ix,jgs,kz,ln(il)) = Max( an(ix,jgs,kz,ln(il)), tmpn(ix,jy,kz) )
!              ENDDO
           ENDIF ! lz(il) .lt. 1


      ENDIF !}

      ENDDO ! n=1,ndfall
      ENDDO ! il
      ENDDO ! ix


! #####################################################################

! #####################################################################


      subroutine fallout1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,dtp,dtfrac,jgs,vt,   & 6
     &  a,db1,ia,id,xfall,dtz1,ixcol)
! First-order, upwind fallout scheme
!  Written by ERM 6/10/2011
      implicit none
      integer nx,ny,nz,nor,ngt,jgs,na,ia
      integer id ! =1 use density, =0 no density
      integer ng1
      parameter(ng1 = 1)
      integer :: ixcol

!      real dz3dinv(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor)
!      real a(nx,ny,nz,na)
      real a(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor,na) ! quantity to be 'advected'
      real vt(nz+1,nx)  ! terminal speed for a
      real dtp,dtfrac
      real cmax
      real xfall(nx,ny,na)  ! array for stuff landing on the ground
      real db1(nx,nz+1),dtz1(nz+1,nx,0:1)

! Local
      integer ix,jy,kz,n,k
      integer iv1,iv2
      real tmp
      integer imn,imx,kmn,kmx
      real qtmp1(nz+1)


      integer :: ixb, jyb, kzb
      integer :: ixe, jye, kze

      logical :: debug_mpi = .TRUE.

! ###################################################################

      jy = 1

      iv1 = 0
      iv2 = 0

      imn = nx
      imx = 1
      kmn = nz
      kmx = 1

      cmax = 0.0

      kzb = 1
      kze = nz

      ixb = ixcol
      ixe = ixcol
      ix  = ixcol

      qtmp1(nz+1) = 0.0
      DO kz = kzb,kze
!        DO ix = ixb,ixe
!         cmax = Max(cmax, vt(ix,kz)*dz3dinv(ix,jy,kz)) 
         IF ( id == 1 ) THEN
         qtmp1(kz) = a(ix,jgs,kz,ia)*vt(kz,ix)*db1(ix,kz)
         qtmp1(kz) = a(ix,jgs,kz,ia)*vt(kz,ix)
         IF ( a(ix,jgs,kz,ia) .ne. 0.0 ) THEN
!           imn = Min(ix,imn)
!           imx = Max(ix,imx)
           kmn = Min(kz,kmn)
           kmx = Max(kz,kmx)
!        ENDDO
      kmn = Max(1,kmn-1)
! first check if fallout is worth doing
!      IF ( cmax .eq. 0.0 .or. imn .gt. imx ) THEN
!        RETURN
!      ENDIF
      IF ( kmn == 1 ) THEN
      kz = 1
!      do ix = imn,imx ! 1,nx-1
         xfall(ix,jy,ia) = xfall(ix,jy,ia) + a(ix,jgs,kz,ia)*vt(kz,ix)*dtfrac
!      enddo

      do kz = 1,nz
!      do ix = 1,nx
        a(ix,jgs,kz,ia) =  a(ix,jgs,kz,ia) + dtp*dtz1(kz,ix,id)*(qtmp1(kz+1) - qtmp1(kz) )
!      enddo


! ##############################################################################
! ##############################################################################

      subroutine calczgr1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,a,ixe,kze,              & 1
     &    z,db,jgs,ipconc, alpha, l,ln, qmin, xvmn,xvmx, lvol, rho_qh, ixcol)

      implicit none

      integer nx,ny,nz,nor,na,ngt,jgs
      integer :: ixcol
      integer, parameter :: norz = 3
      real a(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-nor+1:nz+nor,na)
      real z(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:nz+nor,lr:lhab)   ! reflectivity
      real db(nx,nz+1)  ! air density
!      real gt(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-nor+1:nz+nor,ngt)
      integer ixe,kze
      real    alpha
      real    qmin
      real    xvmn,xvmx
      integer ipconc
      integer l   ! index for q
      integer ln  ! index for N
      integer lvol ! index for volume
      real    rho_qh
      integer ix,jy,kz
      real vr,qr,nrx,rd,xv,g1,zx,chw,xdn
      jy = jgs
      ix = ixcol
      IF ( l .eq. lh .or. l .eq. lhl .or. ( l .eq. lr .and. imurain == 1 )  ) THEN
      DO kz = 1,kze
          IF (  a(ix,jy,kz,l) .gt. qmin .and. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) .gt. 1.e-15 ) THEN
            IF ( lvol .gt. 1 ) THEN
                IF ( a(ix,jy,kz,lvol) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
                  xdn = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/a(ix,jy,kz,lvol)
                  xdn = Min( 900., Max( 170., xdn ) )
                  xdn = rho_qh
                xdn = rho_qh

            IF ( l == lr ) xdn = 1000.

            qr = a(ix,jy,kz,l)
            xv = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/(xdn*a(ix,jy,kz,ln))
            chw = a(ix,jy,kz,ln)

             IF ( xv .lt. xvmn .or. xv .gt. xvmx ) THEN
              xv = Min( xvmx, Max( xvmn,xv ) )
              chw = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/(xv*xdn)

             g1 = (6.0 + alpha)*(5.0 + alpha)*(4.0 + alpha)/  &
     &            ((3.0 + alpha)*(2.0 + alpha)*(1.0 + alpha))
             zx = g1*db(ix,kz)**2*(a(ix,jy,kz,l))*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/chw
!             z(ix,kz,l)  = 1.e18*zx*(6./(pi*1000.))**2
             z(ix,kz,l)  = zx*(6./(pi*1000.))**2
!          IF ( ny.eq.2 .and. kz .ge. 25 .and. kz .le. 29 .and. z(ix,kz,l) .gt. 0. ) THEN
!             write(*,*) 'calczgr: z,dbz,xdn = ',ix,kz,z(ix,kz,l),10*log10(z(ix,kz,l)),xdn
!          ENDIF
            z(ix,kz,l) = 0.0
      ELSEIF ( l .eq. lr .and. imurain == 3) THEN

      xdn = 1000.
      DO kz = 1,kze
          IF (  a(ix,jy,kz,l) .gt. qmin .and. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) .gt. 1.e-15 ) THEN

            vr = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/(xdn*a(ix,jy,kz,ln))
!            z(ix,kz,l) = 3.6e18*(rnu+2.0)*a(ix,jy,kz,ln)*vr**2/(rnu+1.0)
            z(ix,kz,l) = 3.6*(rnu+2.0)*a(ix,jy,kz,ln)*vr**2/(rnu+1.0)
!            qr = a(ix,jy,kz,lr)
!            nrx = a(ix,jy,kz,lnr)
            z(ix,kz,l) = 0.0
      END subroutine calczgr1d

! ##############################################################################
! ##############################################################################
!  Subroutine to correct number concentration to prevent reflectivity growth by 
!  sedimentation in 2-moment ZXX scheme.
!  Calculation is in a slab (constant jgs)

      subroutine calcnfromz1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,a,t0,ixe,kze,    & 1
     &    z0,db,jgs,ipconc, alpha, l,ln, qmin, xvmn,xvmx,t1, &
     &    lvol, rho_qh, infall, ixcol)

      implicit none

      integer nx,ny,nz,nor,na,ngt,jgs,ixcol

      real a(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-nor+1:nz+nor,na)  ! sedimented N and q
      real t0(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-nor+1:nz+nor)    ! sedimented reflectivity
      real t1(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-nor+1:nz+nor)    ! sedimented N (by Vm)
!      real gt(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-nor+1:nz+nor,ngt)
      real z0(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:nz+nor,lr:lhab)   ! initial reflectivity

      real db(nx,nz+1)  ! air density
      integer ixe,kze
      real    alpha
      real    qmin
      real    xvmn,xvmx
      integer ipconc
      integer l   ! index for q
      integer ln  ! index for N
      integer lvol ! index for volume
      real    rho_qh
      integer infall
      integer ix,jy,kz
      double precision vr,qr,nrx,rd,g1,zx,chw,z,znew,zt,zxt
      real xv,xdn
      integer :: ndbz, nmwgt, nnwgt, nwlessthanz
      ndbz = 0
      nmwgt = 0
      nnwgt = 0
      nwlessthanz = 0

      jy = jgs
      ix = ixcol
      IF ( l .eq. lh .or. l .eq. lhl .or. ( l == lr .and. imurain == 1 ) ) THEN
             g1 = (6.0 + alpha)*(5.0 + alpha)*(4.0 + alpha)/  &
     &            ((3.0 + alpha)*(2.0 + alpha)*(1.0 + alpha))
      DO kz = 1,kze

          IF (   t0(ix,jy,kz) .gt. 0. ) THEN ! {
            IF ( lvol .gt. 1 ) THEN
               IF ( a(ix,jy,kz,lvol) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
                 xdn = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/a(ix,jy,kz,lvol)
                 xdn = Min( 900., Max( 170., xdn ) )
                 xdn = rho_qh
               xdn = rho_qh
            IF ( l == lr ) xdn = 1000.
            qr = a(ix,jy,kz,l)
            xv = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/(xdn*a(ix,jy,kz,ln))
            chw = a(ix,jy,kz,ln)

             IF ( xv .lt. xvmn .or. xv .gt. xvmx ) THEN
              xv = Min( xvmx, Max( xvmn,xv ) )
              chw = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/(xv*xdn)

             zx = g1*db(ix,kz)**2*( a(ix,jy,kz,l))*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/chw
             z  = zx*(6./(pi*1000.))**2

           IF ( (z .gt. t0(ix,jy,kz) .and. z .gt. 0.0 .and.  &
     &           t0(ix,jy,kz) .gt. z0(ix,kz,l) )) THEN !{
            zx = t0(ix,jy,kz)/((6./(pi*1000.))**2)
            nrx =  g1*db(ix,kz)**2*( a(ix,jy,kz,l))*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/zx
            IF ( infall .eq. 3 ) THEN
              IF ( nrx .gt. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) ) THEN
                ndbz = ndbz + 1
                IF ( t1(ix,jy,kz) .lt. ndbz ) nwlessthanz = nwlessthanz + 1
                nnwgt = nnwgt + 1
              a(ix,jy,kz,ln) = Max( real(nrx), a(ix,jy,kz,ln) )
             IF (  nrx .gt. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) .and. t1(ix,jy,kz) .gt. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) ) THEN
              IF ( nrx .lt. t1(ix,jy,kz)  ) THEN
                ndbz = ndbz + 1
                nmwgt = nmwgt + 1
                IF ( t1(ix,jy,kz) .lt. ndbz ) nwlessthanz = nwlessthanz + 1
              nnwgt = nnwgt + 1
              a(ix,jy,kz,ln) = Max(Min( real(nrx), t1(ix,jy,kz) ), a(ix,jy,kz,ln) )

           ELSE ! } {
            IF ( t1(ix,jy,kz) .gt. 0 .and. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) .gt. 0 ) THEN
              IF ( t1(ix,jy,kz) .gt. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) ) THEN
                nmwgt = nmwgt + 1
                nnwgt = nnwgt + 1
            a(ix,jy,kz,ln) = Max(t1(ix,jy,kz), a(ix,jy,kz,ln) )
            nrx = a(ix,jy,kz,ln)

           ENDIF ! }
           ! }
          ELSE ! {
            IF ( t1(ix,jy,kz) .gt. 0 .and. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) .gt. 0 ) THEN
              IF ( t1(ix,jy,kz) .gt. a(ix,jy,kz,ln) ) THEN
                nmwgt = nmwgt + 1
                nnwgt = nnwgt + 1
          ENDIF! }
      ELSEIF ( l .eq. lr .and. imurain == 3) THEN

      xdn = 1000.
      DO kz = 1,kze
          IF (  t0(ix,jy,kz) .gt. 0. ) THEN

            vr = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/(xdn*a(ix,jy,kz,ln))
            z = 3.6*(rnu+2.0)*a(ix,jy,kz,ln)*vr**2/(rnu+1.0)
             IF ( z .gt. t0(ix,jy,kz) .and. z .gt. 0.0 .and.  &
     &          t0(ix,jy,kz) .gt. 0.0                         &
     &          .and. t0(ix,jy,kz) .gt. z0(ix,kz,l) ) THEN

            vr = db(ix,kz)*a(ix,jy,kz,l)/(xdn)
            chw =  a(ix,jy,kz,ln)
            nrx =   3.6*(rnu+2.0)*vr**2/((rnu+1.0)*t0(ix,jy,kz))
            IF ( infall .eq. 3 ) THEN
              a(ix,jy,kz,ln) = Max( real(nrx), a(ix,jy,kz,ln) )
            ELSEIF ( infall .eq. 4 ) THEN
              a(ix,jy,kz,ln) = Max( Min( real(nrx), t1(ix,jy,kz)), a(ix,jy,kz,ln) )

            a(ix,jy,kz,ln) = Max(t1(ix,jy,kz), a(ix,jy,kz,ln) )
            a(ix,jy,kz,ln) = Max(t1(ix,jy,kz), a(ix,jy,kz,ln) )
      END subroutine calcnfromz1d

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################
! Subroutine for explicit cloud condensation and droplet nucleation

     &  (nx,ny,nz,na,jyslab & 
     &  ,nor,norz & 
     &  ,dtp,dz3d & 
     &  ,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9 & 
     &  ,an,dn,p2 & 
     &  ,pn,w & 
     &  ,ssfilt,t00,t77,tmp3d)

   implicit none

      integer :: nx,ny,nz,na
      integer :: ng
      integer :: nor,norz, jyslab ! ,nht,ngt,igsr
      real    :: dtp  ! time step

! external temporary arrays
      real t00(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t77(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)

      real t0(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t1(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t2(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t3(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t4(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t5(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t6(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t7(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t8(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real t9(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)

      real p2(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)  ! perturbation Pi
      real pn(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real an(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz,na)
      real dn(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)

      real w(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
!      real qv(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)

      real ssfilt(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
      real dz3d(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)

      real tmp3d(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+1:nz+norz)
    ! local

!  declarations microphysics and for gather/scatter
      integer nxmpb,nzmpb,nxz
      integer jgs,mgs,ngs,numgs,inumgs
      parameter (ngs=50)
      integer ngscnt,igs(ngs),kgs(ngs)
      integer kgsp(ngs),kgsm(ngs)
      integer nsvcnt
      integer ix,jy,kz,i,n
      integer ixb,ixe,jyb,jye,kzb,kze
      integer itile,jtile,ktile
      integer ixend,jyend,kzend,kzbeg
      integer nxend,nyend,nzend,nzbeg

! Variables for Ziegler warm rain microphysics

      real ccnc(ngs)
      real sscb  ! 'cloud base' SS threshold
      parameter ( sscb = 2.0 )
      integer idecss  ! flag to turn on (=1) decay of ssmax when no cloud or ice crystals
      parameter ( idecss = 1 )
      integer iba ! flag to do condensation/nucleation in 1st or 2nd loop
                  ! =0 to use ad to calculate SS
                  ! =1 to use an at end of main jy loop to calculate SS
      parameter (iba = 1)
      integer ifilt   ! =1 to filter ssat, =0 to set ssfilt=ssat
      parameter ( ifilt = 0 ) 
      real temp1,temp2 ! ,ssold
      real ssmax(ngs)       ! maximum SS experienced by a parcel
      real ssmx
      real dnnet,dqnet
!      real cnu,rnu,snu,cinu
!      parameter ( cnu = 0.0, rnu = -0.8, snu = -0.8, cinu = 0.0 )
      real ventrx(ngs)
      real ventrxn(ngs)
      real volb, t2s
      real, parameter :: aa1 = 9.44e15, aa2 = 5.78e3  ! a1 in Ziegler

      real ec0, ex1, ft, rhoinv(ngs)
      real chw, g1

      real ac1,bc, taus, c1,d1,e1,f1,p380,tmp,tmp2 ! , sstdy, super
      real x,y,del,r,rtmp
      real bs
      real v1, v2
      real d1r, d1i, d1s, e1i
      integer nc ! condensation step
      real dtcon,dtcon1,dtcon2 ! condensation time step (dtcon*nc = dtp)
      real delta
      integer ltemq1,ltemq1m ! ,ltemq1m2
      real dqv,qv1,ss1,ss2,qvs1,dqvs,dtemp,dt1   ! temporaries for condensation

      real ssi1, ssi2, dqvi, dqvis, dqvii,qis1
      real dqvr, dqc, dqr, dqi, dqs
      real qv1m,qvs1m,ss1m,ssi1m,qis1m
      real cwmastmp 
      real  dcloud,dcloud2 ! ,as, bs
      real cn(ngs) 

      integer ltemq
      integer il

      real  es(ngs) ! ss(ngs),
      real  eis(ngs)
      real ssf(ngs),ssfkp1(ngs),ssfkm1(ngs),ssat0(ngs)
      real ssfjp1(ngs),ssfjm1(ngs)
      real ssfip1(ngs),ssfim1(ngs)

      real supcb, supmx
      parameter (supcb=0.5,supmx=238.0)
      real r2dxm, r2dym, r2dzm
      real dssdz, dssdy, dssdx
!      real tqvcon
      real epsi,d
      parameter (epsi = 0.622, d = 0.266)
      real r1,qevap ! ,slv
      real vr,nrx,qr,z1,rdi,alp,xnutmp,xnuc
      real ctmp, ccwtmp
      real f5, qvs0  ! Kessler condensation factor
      real    :: t0p1, t0p3
      real qvex
!      real, dimension(ngs) :: temp, tempc, elv, elf, els, pqs, theta, temg, temcg
      real dqvcnd(ngs),dqwv(ngs),dqcw(ngs),dqci(ngs)
!      real delqci(ngs) ! ,delqip(ngs)
      real temp(ngs),tempc(ngs)
      real temg(ngs),temcg(ngs),theta(ngs),qvap(ngs) ! ,tembzg(ngs)
      real temgx(ngs),temcgx(ngs)
      real qvs(ngs),qis(ngs),qss(ngs),pqs(ngs)
      real felv(ngs),felf(ngs),fels(ngs)
      real gamw(ngs),gams(ngs)   !   qciavl(ngs),
      real tsqr(ngs),ssi(ngs),ssw(ngs)
      real cc3(ngs),cqv1(ngs),cqv2(ngs)
      real qcwtmp(ngs),qtmp

      real fvent(ngs) !,fraci(ngs),fracl(ngs)
      real fwvdf(ngs),ftka(ngs),fthdf(ngs)
      real fadvisc(ngs),fakvisc(ngs)
      real fci(ngs),fcw(ngs)
      real fschm(ngs),fpndl(ngs)

      real pres(ngs)
      real pk(ngs)
      real rho0(ngs),pi0(ngs)
      real rhovt(ngs)
      real thetap(ngs),theta0(ngs),qwvp(ngs),qv0(ngs)
      real thsave(ngs)
      real qss0(ngs)
      real fcqv1(ngs)
      real wvel(ngs),wvelkm1(ngs)

      real wvdf(ngs),tka(ngs) 
      real advisc(ngs)
      real rwvent(ngs)

      real :: qx(ngs,lv:lhab)
      real :: cx(ngs,lc:lhab)
      real :: xv(ngs,lc:lhab)
      real :: xmas(ngs,lc:lhab)
      real :: xdn(ngs,lc:lhab)
      real :: xdia(ngs,lc:lhab,3)
      real :: alpha(ngs,lr:lhab)
      logical zerocx(lc:lqmx)

      integer, parameter :: iunit = 0
      real :: frac, hwdn, tmpg
      itile = nx
      jtile = ny
      ktile = nz
      ixend = nx
      jyend = ny
      kzend = nz
      nxend = nx + 1
      nyend = ny + 1
      nzend = nz
      kzbeg = 1
      nzbeg = 1
      IF ( ipconc <= 1 ) GOTO 2200

!  Ziegler nucleation 

      ssfilt(:,:,:) = 0.0

      jy = 1
      do kz = 1,nz-1
        do ix = 1,nx

         temp1 = an(ix,jy,kz,lt)*t77(ix,jy,kz)
         t0(ix,jy,kz) = temp1
         ltemq = Int( (temp1-163.15)/fqsat+1.5 )
         ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )

          c1 = t00(ix,jy,kz)*tabqvs(ltemq)

          ssfilt(ix,jy,kz) = 100.*(an(ix,jy,kz,lv)/c1 - 1.0)  ! from "new" values


     jy = 1 ! working on a 2d slab
!  VERY IMPORTANT:  SET jgs = jy

      jgs = jy
!..Gather microphysics  
      if ( ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_DR: Gather stage'

      nxmpb = 1
      nzmpb = 1
      nxz = nx*nz
      numgs = nxz/ngs + 1

      do 2000 inumgs = 1,numgs

      ngscnt = 0

      kzb = nzmpb
      kze = nz-2
 !     if (kzbeg .le. nzmpb .and. kzend .gt. nzmpb) kzb = nzmpb

      ixb = nxmpb
      ixe = itile
!      if (ixbeg .le. nxmpb .and. ixend .gt. nxmpb) ixb = nxmpb

      do kz = kzb,kze
      do ix = nxmpb,nx

      pqs(1) = 380.0/pn(ix,jy,kz)
      theta(1) = an(ix,jy,kz,lt) 
      temg(1) = t0(ix,jy,kz) 

      temcg(1) = temg(1) - tfr
      ltemq = (temg(1)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
      ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
      qvs(1) = pqs(1)*tabqvs(ltemq)
      qis(1) = pqs(1)*tabqis(ltemq)

      qss(1) = qvs(1)

      if ( temg(1) .lt. tfr ) then
      end if
      if ( temg(1) .gt. tfrh .and.  & 
     &   ( an(ix,jy,kz,lv)  .gt. qss(1) .or. & 
     &     an(ix,jy,kz,lc)  .gt. qxmin(lc)   .or.  & 
     &     ( an(ix,jy,kz,lr)  .gt. qxmin(lr) .and. rcond == 2 )  & 
     &     )) then
      ngscnt = ngscnt + 1
      igs(ngscnt) = ix
      kgs(ngscnt) = kz
      if ( ngscnt .eq. ngs ) goto 2100
      end if
      end do  !ix
      nxmpb = 1
      end do  !kz
!      if ( jy .eq. (ny-jstag) ) iend = 1
 2100 continue
      if ( ngscnt .eq. 0 ) go to 29998

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_DR: dbg = 8'
      qx(:,:) = 0.0
      cx(:,:) = 0.0

      xv(:,:) = 0.0
      xmas(:,:) = 0.0

      alpha(:,lr) = xnu(lr)

!  define temporaries for state variables to be used in calculations
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qx(mgs,lv) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lv)
       DO il = lc,lhab
        qx(mgs,il) = max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),il), 0.0) 

       qcwtmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,lc)

      theta0(mgs) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lt) ! 
      thetap(mgs) = 0.0
      theta(mgs) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lt)
      qv0(mgs) =  qx(mgs,lv)
      qwvp(mgs) = qx(mgs,lv) - qv0(mgs) 

       pres(mgs) = pn(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
       rho0(mgs) = dn(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
       rhoinv(mgs) = 1.0/rho0(mgs)
       pi0(mgs) = p2(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
       temg(mgs) = t0(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
       pk(mgs) = t77(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) ! ( pres(mgs) / poo ) ** cap
       temcg(mgs) = temg(mgs) - tfr
       qss0(mgs) = (380.0)/(pres(mgs))
       pqs(mgs) = (380.0)/(pres(mgs))
       ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
       ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
       qvs(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqvs(ltemq)
       qis(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqis(ltemq)
        qvap(mgs) = max( (qwvp(mgs) + qv0(mgs)), 0.0 )
        es(mgs) = 6.1078e2*tabqvs(ltemq)
        qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)

        temgx(mgs) = min(temg(mgs),313.15)
        temgx(mgs) = max(temgx(mgs),233.15)
        felv(mgs) = 2500837.367 * (273.15/temgx(mgs))**((0.167)+(3.67e-4)*temgx(mgs))
        temcgx(mgs) = min(temg(mgs),273.15)
        temcgx(mgs) = max(temcgx(mgs),223.15)
        temcgx(mgs) = temcgx(mgs)-273.15
        felf(mgs) = 333690.6098 + (2030.61425)*temcgx(mgs) - (10.46708312)*temcgx(mgs)**2
        fels(mgs) = felv(mgs) + felf(mgs)
        fcqv1(mgs) = 4098.0258*felv(mgs)*cpi

      wvdf(mgs) = (2.11e-05)*((temg(mgs)/tfr)**1.94)* & 
     &  (101325.0/pn(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)))                            ! diffusivity of water vapor, Hall and Pruppacher (76)
      advisc(mgs) = advisc0*(416.16/(temg(mgs)+120.0))* & 
     &  (temg(mgs)/296.0)**(1.5)                         ! dynamic viscosity (SMT; see Beard & Pruppacher 71)
      tka(mgs) = tka0*advisc(mgs)/advisc1                 ! thermal conductivity


! load concentrations
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,li) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lni), 0.0)
       end do
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,lc) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnc), 0.0)
        IF ( lccn .gt. 1 ) THEN
          ccnc(mgs) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lccn)
       end do
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,lr) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnr), 0.0)
       end do
      end if

!  Set density
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_DR: Set density'

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        xdn(mgs,lc) = xdn0(lc)
        xdn(mgs,lr) = xdn0(lr)
      end do

      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
      wvel(mgs) = (0.5)*(w(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)+1) & 
     &                  +w(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)))
      wvelkm1(mgs) = (0.5)*(w(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)) & 
     &                  +w(igs(mgs),jgs,Max(1,kgs(mgs)-1)))

      ssat0(mgs)  = ssfilt(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))
      ssf(mgs)    = ssfilt(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))
      ssfkp1(mgs) = ssfilt(igs(mgs),jgs,Min(nz-1,kgs(mgs)+1))
      ssfkm1(mgs) = ssfilt(igs(mgs),jgs,Max(1,kgs(mgs)-1))


!  cloud water variables

      if ( ndebug .gt. 0 )print*,'ICEZVD_DR: Set cloud water variables'

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      xv(mgs,lc) = 0.0
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 .and. cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 1.0e6 ) THEN
        xmas(mgs,lc) = & 
     &    min( max(qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/cx(mgs,lc),cwmasn),cwmasx )
        xv(mgs,lc) = xmas(mgs,lc)/xdn(mgs,lc)
       IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.01 ) THEN
        xmas(mgs,lc) = & 
     &     min( max(qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/cx(mgs,lc),xdn(mgs,lc)*xvmn(lc)), & 
     &      xdn(mgs,lc)*xvmx(lc) )
        cx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lc)
       ELSEIF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. cx(mgs,lc) .le. 0.01 ) THEN
        xmas(mgs,lc) = xdn(mgs,lc)*4.*pi/3.*(5.0e-6)**3
        cx(mgs,lc) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/xmas(mgs,lc)
        xmas(mgs,lc) = cwmasn
      xdia(mgs,lc,1) = (xmas(mgs,lc)*cwc1)**c1f3

      end do
! rain
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      if ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) then
      if ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) then
        xv(mgs,lr) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*Max(1.0e-9,cx(mgs,lr)))
!      parameter( xvmn(lr)=2.8866e-13, xvmx(lr)=4.1887e-9 )  ! mks
        IF ( xv(mgs,lr) .gt. xvmx(lr) ) THEN
          xv(mgs,lr) = xvmx(lr)
          cx(mgs,lr) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xvmx(lr)*xdn(mgs,lr))
        ELSEIF ( xv(mgs,lr) .lt. xvmn(lr) ) THEN
          xv(mgs,lr) = xvmn(lr)
          cx(mgs,lr) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xvmn(lr)*xdn(mgs,lr))

        xmas(mgs,lr) = xv(mgs,lr)*xdn(mgs,lr)
        xdia(mgs,lr,1) = (xmas(mgs,lr)*cwc1)**(1./3.)
!        rwrad(mgs) = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)

! Inverse exponential version:
!        xdia(mgs,lr,1) =
!     >  (qx(mgs,lr)*rho0(mgs)
!     > /(pi*xdn(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lr)))**(0.333333)
        xdia(mgs,lr,1) = & 
     &  (qx(mgs,lr)*rho0(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,lr)*cno(lr)))**(0.25) 
      end if
        xdia(mgs,lr,1) = 1.e-9
!        rwrad(mgs) = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
      end if

      end do

!  Ventilation coefficients

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt

      fadvisc(mgs) = advisc0*(416.16/(temg(mgs)+120.0))* & 
     &  (temg(mgs)/296.0)**(1.5)

      fakvisc(mgs) = fadvisc(mgs)*rhoinv(mgs)

      fwvdf(mgs) = (2.11e-05)*((temg(mgs)/tfr)**1.94)* & 
     &  (101325.0/(pres(mgs)))
      fschm(mgs) = (fakvisc(mgs)/fwvdf(mgs))

      fvent(mgs) = (fschm(mgs)**(1./3.)) * (fakvisc(mgs)**(-0.5))

      end do

!  Ziegler nucleation 
! cloud evaporation, condensation, and nucleation
!  sqsat -> qss(mgs)
      DO mgs=1,ngscnt
        dcloud = 0.0
        IF ( temg(mgs) .le. tfrh ) THEN
      IF( ssat0(mgs) .GT. 0. .OR. ssf(mgs) .GT. 0. ) GO TO 620
!6/4      IF( qvap(mgs) .EQ. qss(mgs) ) GO TO 631
      IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .LE. 0. ) GO TO 631
! convert input 'cp' to cgs
      R1=1./(1. + caw*(273.15 - cbw)*qss(mgs)*felv(mgs)/ & 
     &            (cp*(temg(mgs) - cbw)**2))
      QEVAP= Min( qx(mgs,lc), R1*(qss(mgs)-qvap(mgs)) )
      IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .LT. QEVAP ) THEN ! GO TO 63
        qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) + qx(mgs,lc)
        thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) - felv(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/(cp*pi0(mgs))
!        t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) = t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) - (qx(mgs,lc))/dtp*felv(mgs)/(cp*pi0(mgs)) !* &
!!     &                 dx*dy*dz3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
        qx(mgs,lc) = 0.
        cx(mgs,lc) = 0.
        qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) + QEVAP
        qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) - QEVAP
        IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .le. 0. ) cx(mgs,lc) = 0.
        thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) - felv(mgs)*QEVAP/(CP*pi0(mgs))
!        t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) = t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) - (qevap)/dtp*felv(mgs)/(cp*pi0(mgs)) !* &
!!     &                 dx*dy*dz3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))

      GO TO 631



        IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .GT. qxmin(lc) .and. cx(mgs,lc) .ge. 1. ) THEN

!       ac1 =  xdn(mgs,lc)*elv(kgs(mgs))**2*epsi/
!     :        (tka(kgs(mgs))*rw*temg(mgs)**2)
! took out xdn factor because it cancels later...
       ac1 =  felv(mgs)**2*epsi/(tka(mgs)*rw*temg(mgs)**2)

!       bc = xdn(mgs,lc)*rw*temg(mgs)/
!     :       (epsi*wvdf(kgs(mgs))*es(mgs))
! took out xdn factor because it cancels later...
       bc =   rw*temg(mgs)/(epsi*wvdf(mgs)*es(mgs))

!       bs = rho0(mgs)*((rd*temg(mgs)/(epsi*es(mgs)))+
!     :             (epsi*elv(kgs(mgs))**2/(pres(mgs)*temg(mgs)*cp)))

!       taus = Min(dtp, xdn(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)*(ac1+bc)/
!     :        (4*pi*0.89298*BS*0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)*cx(mgs,lc)*xdn(mgs,lc)))

      IF ( ssf(mgs) .gt. 0.0 .or. ssat0(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       IF ( ny .le. 2 ) THEN
!        print*, 'undershoot: ',ssf(mgs),
!     :   ( (qx(mgs,lv) - dcloud)/c1 - 1.0)*100.

       IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) ) THEN

         IF ( xdia(mgs,lc,1) .le. 0.0 ) THEN
          xmas(mgs,lc) = cwmasn
          xdia(mgs,lc,1) = (xmas(mgs,lc)*cwc1)**c1f3 
        d1 = (1./(ac1 + bc))*4.0*pi*ventc & 
     &        *0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)*cx(mgs,lc)*rhoinv(mgs)
         d1 = 0.0

       IF ( rcond .eq. 2 .and. qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) .and. cx(mgs,lr) > 1.e-9 ) THEN
!       rwvent(mgs) = ventr*(1.6 + 124.9*(1.e-3*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr))**.2046)
!  Following Wisner et al. (1972) but using gamma of volume. Note that Ferrier's rain fall speed does not integrate with gamma of volume, so using Vr = ar*d^br
          rwvent(mgs) =   &
     &  (0.78*ventr + 0.308*ventrn*fvent(mgs)   &
     &   *Sqrt((ar*rhovt(mgs)))   &
     &    *(xdia(mgs,lr,1)**((1.0+br)/2.0)) )

       d1r = (1./(ac1 + bc))*4.0*pi*rwvent(mgs) & 
     &        *0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)*cx(mgs,lr)*rhoinv(mgs)
       d1r = 0.0
       e1  = felv(mgs)/(CP*pi0(mgs))
       f1 = pk(mgs) ! (pres(mgs)/poo)**cap

!  fifth trial to see what happens: 
       ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
       ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
       ltemq1 = ltemq 
       temp1 = temg(mgs)
       p380 = 380.0/pres(mgs)
!       taus = Max( 0.05*dtp, Min(taus, 0.25*dtp ) )
!       nc = NInt(dtp/Min(1.0,0.5*taus))
!       dtcon = dtp/float(nc)
       ss1 = qx(mgs,lv)/qvs(mgs)
       ss2 = ss1
       temp2 = temp1
       qv1 = qx(mgs,lv)
       qvs1 = qvs(mgs)
       qis1 = qis(mgs)
       dt1 = 0.0

!          dtcon = Max(dtcon,0.2)
!          nc = Nint(dtp/dtcon)

       ltemq1 = ltemq 
! want to start out with a small time step to handle the steep slope
! and fast changes, then can switch to a larger step (dtcon2) for the
! rest of the big time step.
! base the initial time step (dtcon1) on the slope (delta)
       IF ( Abs(ss1 - 1.0) .gt. 1.e-5 ) THEN
         delta = 0.5*(qv1-qvs1)/(d1*(ss1 - 1.0))
         delta = 0.1*dtp
! delta is the extrapolated time to get halfway from qv1 to qvs1
! want at least 5 time steps to the halfway point, so multiply by 0.2
! for the initial time step
       dtcon1 = Min(0.05,0.2*delta)
       nc = Max(5,2*NInt( (dtp-4.0*dtcon1)/delta))
       dtcon2 = (dtp-4.0*dtcon1)/nc

       n = 1
       dt1 = 0.0
       nc = 0
       dqc = 0.0
       dqr = 0.0
       dqi = 0.0
       dqs = 0.0
       RK2c: DO WHILE ( dt1 .lt. dtp ) 
          nc = 0
          IF ( n .le. 4 ) THEN
            dtcon = dtcon1
            dtcon = dtcon2
 609       dqv  = -(ss1 - 1.)*d1*dtcon
           dqvr = -(ss1 - 1.)*d1r*dtcon
            dtemp = -0.5*e1*f1*(dqv + dqvr)
!          print*,'RK2c dqv1 = ',dqv
! calculate midpoint values:
           ltemq1m = ltemq1 + Nint(dtemp*fqsat + 0.5)
           IF ( ltemq1m .lt. 1 .or. ltemq1m .gt. nqsat ) THEN
             write(0,*) 'STOP in icezvd_dr line 3790 '
             write(0,*) ' ltemq1m,icond = ',ltemq1m,icond
             write(0,*) ' dtemp,e1,f1,dqv,dqvr = ', dtemp,e1,f1,dqv,dqvr
             write(0,*) ' d1,d1r,dtcon,ss1 = ',d1,d1r,dtcon,ss1
             write(0,*) ' dqc, dqr = ',dqc,dqr
             write(0,*) ' qv,qc,qr = ',qx(mgs,lv)*1000.,qx(mgs,lc)*1000.,qx(mgs,lr)*1000.
             write(0,*) ' i, j, k = ',igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)
             write(0,*) ' dtcon1,dtcon2,delta = ',dtcon1,dtcon2,delta
             write(0,*) ' nc,dtp = ',nc,dtp
             write(0,*) ' rwvent,xdia,crw = ', rwvent(mgs),xdia(mgs,lr,1),cx(mgs,lr)
             write(0,*) ' xvr,xmasr,xdnr,cwc1 = ',xv(mgs,lr),xmas(mgs,lr),xdn(mgs,lr),cwc1
            dqvs = dtemp*p380*dtabqvs(ltemq1m)
            qv1m = qv1 + dqv + dqvr
!          qv1mr = qv1r + dqvr

            qvs1m = qvs1 + dqvs
            ss1m = qv1m/qvs1m

    ! check for undersaturation when no ice is present, if so, then reduce time step
          IF ( ss1m .lt. 1.  .and. (dqvii + dqvis) .eq. 0.0 ) THEN
            dtcon = (0.5*dtcon)
            IF ( dtcon .ge. dtcon1 ) THEN
             GOTO 609
! calculate full step:
          dqv  = -(ss1m - 1.)*d1*dtcon
          dqvr = -(ss1m - 1.)*d1r*dtcon

!          print*,'RK2a dqv1m = ',dqv
          dtemp = -e1*f1*(dqv + dqvr)
          ltemq1 = ltemq1 + Nint(dtemp*fqsat + 0.5)
           IF ( ltemq1 .lt. 1 .or. ltemq1 .gt. nqsat ) THEN
             write(0,*) 'STOP in icezvd_dr line 3856 '
             write(0,*) ' ltemq1m,icond = ',ltemq1m,icond
             write(0,*) ' dtemp,e1,dqv,dqvr = ', dtemp,e1,dqv,dqvr
          dqvs = dtemp*p380*dtabqvs(ltemq1)

          qv1 = qv1 + dqv + dqvr

          dqc = dqc - dqv
          dqr = dqr - dqvr

          qvs1 = qvs1 + dqvs
          ss1 = qv1/qvs1
          temp1 = temp1 + dtemp
          IF ( temp2 .eq. temp1 .or. ss2 .eq. ss1 .or.  & 
     &           ss1 .eq. 1.00 .or.  & 
     &      ( n .gt. 10 .and. ss1 .lt. 1.0005 ) ) THEN
!           print*,'RK2c break'
           ss2 = ss1
           temp2 = temp1
           dt1 = dt1 + dtcon
           n = n + 1
       ENDDO RK2c
        dcloud = dqc ! qx(mgs,lv) - qv1
        thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + e1*(DCLOUD + dqr)
        qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) - (DCLOUD + dqr)
        qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) + DCLOUD
        qx(mgs,lr) = qx(mgs,lr) + dqr
!        t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) = t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) + (DCLOUD + dqr)/dtp*felv(mgs)/(cp*pi0(mgs)) !* &
!!     &                 dx*dy*dz3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))

        theta(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + theta0(mgs)
        temg(mgs) = theta(mgs)*f1
        ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
        ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
        qvs(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqvs(ltemq)
        es(mgs) = 6.1078e2*tabqvs(ltemq)
      ENDIF  ! dcloud .gt. 0.

      ELSE  ! qc .le. qxmin(lc)

        IF ( ssf(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN ! .and.  ssmax(mgs) .lt. sscb ) THEN

          IF ( iqcinit == 1 ) THEN
         qvs0   = 380.*exp(17.27*(temg(mgs)-273.)/(temg(mgs)- 36.))/pk(mgs)

         dcloud = Max(0.0, (qx(mgs,lv)-qvs0) / (1.+qvs0*f5/(temg(mgs)-36.)**2) )
          ELSEIF ( iqcinit == 3 ) THEN
              R1=1./(1. + caw*(273.15 - cbw)*qss(mgs)*felv(mgs)/ & 
     &             (cp*(temg(mgs) - cbw)**2))
            DCLOUD=R1*(qvap(mgs) - qvs(mgs))  ! KW model adjustment; 
                              ! this will put mass into qc if qv > sqsat exists
          ELSEIF ( iqcinit == 2 ) THEN
!              R1=1./(1. + caw*(273.15 - cbw)*qss(mgs)*felv(mgs)/
!     :             (cp*(temg(mgs) - cbw)**2))
!            DCLOUD=R1*(qvap(mgs) - qvs(mgs))  ! KW model adjustment; 
                              ! this will put mass into qc if qv > sqsat exists
         ssmx = ssmxinit

          IF ( ssf(mgs) > ssmx ) THEN
           CALL QVEXCESS(ngs,mgs,qwvp,qv0,qx(1,lc),pres,thetap,theta0,dcloud, & 
     &      pi0,tabqvs,nqsat,fqsat,cbw,fcqv1,felv,ssmx,pk,ngscnt)
            dcloud = 0.0
            dcloud = 0.0

        thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + felv(mgs)*DCLOUD/(CP*pi0(mgs))
        qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) - DCLOUD
        qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) + DCLOUD

!        t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) = t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) + (DCLOUD)/dtp*felv(mgs)/(cp*pi0(mgs)) ! * &
!!     &                 dx*dy*dz3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))

        theta(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + theta0(mgs)
        temg(mgs) = theta(mgs)*pk(mgs) !( pres(mgs) / poo ) ** cap
!        temg(mgs) = theta2temp( theta(mgs), pres(mgs) )
        ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
        ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
        qvs(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqvs(ltemq)
        es(mgs) = 6.1078e2*tabqvs(ltemq)

        END IF ! qc .gt. 0.

!        ES=EES(PIB(K)*PT)
!        SQSAT=EPSI*ES/(PB(K)*1000.-ES)

!      T=PIB(K)*PT
!      ES=1.E3*PB(K)*QV/EPSI

      IF ( wvel(mgs) .le. 0. ) GO TO 616
      IF ( cx(mgs,lc) .le. 0. )  GO TO 613                             !TWOMEY (1959) Nucleation
      IF ( kzbeg-1+kgs(mgs) .GT. 1 .and. qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc)) GO TO 613  !TWOMEY (1959) Nucleation
      IF ( kzbeg-1+kgs(mgs) .eq. 1 .and. wvel(mgs) .gt. 0. ) GO TO 613         !TWOMEY (1959) Nucleation
  616 IF ( ssf(mgs) .LE. SUPCB .AND. wvel(mgs) .GT. 0. ) GO TO 631 !... weakly saturated updraft
      IF ( kzbeg-1+kgs(mgs) .GT. 1 .AND. kzbeg-1+kgs(mgs) .LT. nzend-1 .AND.  & 
     &    (ssfkp1(mgs) .GE. SUPMX .OR. & 
     &     ssf(mgs)    .GE. SUPMX .OR. & 
     &     ssfkm1(mgs) .GE. SUPMX)) GO TO 631                      !... too much vapour
      IF (ssf(mgs) .LT. 1.E-10 .OR. ssf(mgs) .GE. SUPMX) GO TO 631 !... at the extremes for ss

! get here if ( qc > 0 and ss > supcb) or (w < 0)

      if (ndebug .gt. 0) write(0,*) "ICEZVD_DR: Entered Ziegler Cloud Nucleation" !mpidebug

      IF ( irenuc >= 0 ) THEN

        IF ( kzend == nzend ) THEN
          t0p3 = t0(igs(mgs),jgs,Min(kze,kgs(mgs)+3))
          t0p1 = t0(igs(mgs),jgs,Min(kze,kgs(mgs)+1))
          t0p3 = t0(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)+3)
          t0p1 = t0(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)+1)

      IF ( ( ssf(mgs) .gt. ssmax(mgs) .or.  irenuc .eq. 1 ) & 
     &   .and.  ( ( lccn .lt. 1 .and.  & 
     &            cx(mgs,lc) .lt. cwccn*(Min(1.0,rho0(mgs)))) .or. & 
     &    ( lccn .gt. 1 .and. ccnc(mgs) .gt. 0. )   ) & 
     &    ) THEN
      IF( kzbeg-1+kgs(mgs) .GT. 1 .AND. kzbeg-1+kgs(mgs) .LT. nzend-1 & 
     &  .and. ssf(mgs) .gt. 0.0 & 
     &  .and. ssfkp1(mgs) .LT. SUPMX .and. ssfkp1(mgs) .ge. 0.0  &
     &  .AND. ssfkm1(mgs) .LT. SUPMX .AND. ssfkm1(mgs) .ge. 0.0  & 
     &  .AND. ssfkp1(mgs) .gt. ssfkm1(mgs)  & 
     &  .and. t0p3 .gt. 233.2) THEN
          DSSDZ = (ssfkp1(mgs) - ssfkm1(mgs))*R2DZM
! otherwise check for cloud base condition with updraft:
        ELSEIF( kzbeg-1+kgs(mgs) .GT. 1 .AND. kzbeg-1+kgs(mgs) .LT. nzend-1 &
!        IF( kgs(mgs) .GT. 1 .AND. kgs(mgs) .LT. NZ-1 & 
     &  .and. ssf(mgs) .gt. 0.0  .and. wvel(mgs) .gt. 0.0 & 
     &  .and. ssfkp1(mgs) .gt. 0.0   &
     &  .AND. ssfkm1(mgs) .le. 0.0 .and. wvelkm1(mgs) .gt. 0.0 & 
     &  .AND. ssf(mgs) .gt. ssfkm1(mgs)  & 
     &  .and. t0p1 .gt. 233.2) THEN
         DSSDZ = 2.*(ssf(mgs) - ssfkm1(mgs))*R2DZM  ! 1-sided difference

!CLZ  IF(wijk.LE.0.) CN=CCN*ssfilt(ix,jy,kz)**CCK
! note: CCN -> cwccn, DELT -> dtp
      c1 = Max(0.0, rho0(mgs)*(qx(mgs,lv) - qss(mgs))/ & 
     &        (xdn(mgs,lc)*(4.*pi/3.)*(4.e-6)**3))
      IF ( lccn .lt. 1 ) THEN
       CN(mgs) = cwccn*CCK*ssf(mgs)**CCKM*dtp*   &
     & Max(0.0,    &
     &         (wvel(mgs)*DSSDZ) )      ! probably the vertical gradient dominates
      CN(mgs) =  &
!     :   Min(Min(c1,ccnc(mgs)), cwccn*CCK*ssf(mgs)**CCKM*dtp*
!     :   Min(ccnc(mgs), cwccn*CCK*ssf(mgs)**CCKM*dtp*
!     &    ( cwccn*CCK*ssf(mgs)**CCKM*dtp*   &
     &    Min(ccnc(mgs), ccnc(mgs)*CCK*ssf(mgs)**CCKM*dtp*   &
     & Max(0.0,    &
     &         (  wvel(mgs)*DSSDZ) )  )
!      IF ( cn(mgs) .gt. 0 ) ccnc(mgs) = ccnc(mgs) - cn(mgs)
      IF ( cn(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       IF ( ccnc(mgs) .lt. 5.e7 .and. cn(mgs) .ge. 5.e7 ) THEN
          cn(mgs) = 5.e7
          ccnc(mgs) = 0.0
       ELSEIF ( cn(mgs) .gt. ccnc(mgs) ) THEN
         cn(mgs) = ccnc(mgs)
         ccnc(mgs) = 0.0
      cx(mgs,lc) = cx(mgs,lc) + cn(mgs)
      ccnc(mgs) = Max(0.0, ccnc(mgs) - cn(mgs))

      ENDIF ! irenuc >= 0

      IF( cx(mgs,lc) .GT. 0. .AND. qx(mgs,lc) .LE. qxmin(lc)) cx(mgs,lc)=0.
      GO TO 631

!.... S. TWOMEY (1959)
! Note: get here if there is no previous cloud water and w > 0.
      cn(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ssmax(mgs) .lt. sscb .and. qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc)) THEN
       CN(mgs) =   CCNE*wvel(mgs)**cnexp ! 0.3465
        IF ( ny .le. 2 .and. cn(mgs) .gt. 0.0    &
     &                    .and. ncdebug .ge. 1 ) THEN
          print*, 'CN: ',cn(mgs)*1.e-6, cx(mgs,lc)*1.e-6, qx(mgs,lc)*1.e3,   &
     &       wvel(mgs), dcloud*1.e3
          IF ( cn(mgs) .gt. 1.0 ) print*, 'cwrad = ',   &
     &       1.e6*(rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/cn(mgs)*cwc1)**c1f3,   &
     &   igs(mgs),kgs(mgs),temcg(mgs),    &
     &   1.e3*an(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)-1,lc)
        IF ( iccwflg .eq. 1 ) THEN
          cn(mgs) = Min(cwccn, Max(cn(mgs),   &
     &       rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/(xdn(mgs,lc)*(4.*pi/3.)*(4.e-6)**3)))
       cn(mgs) = 0.0

      IF ( cn(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       IF ( cn(mgs) .gt. ccnc(mgs) ) THEN
         cn(mgs) = ccnc(mgs)
         ccnc(mgs) = 0.0
!      cx(mgs,lc) = cx(mgs,lc) + cn(mgs)
      ccnc(mgs) = Max(0.0, ccnc(mgs) - cn(mgs))

      IF( CN(mgs) .GT. cx(mgs,lc) ) cx(mgs,lc) = CN(mgs)
      IF( cx(mgs,lc) .GT. 0. .AND. qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc) ) THEN
        cx(mgs,lc) = 0.
        cx(mgs,lc) = Min(cx(mgs,lc),rho0(mgs)*Max(0.0,qx(mgs,lc))/cwmasn)


! Check for supersaturation greater than ssmx and adjust down
       ssmx = 1.1
       qv1 = qv0(mgs) + qwvp(mgs)
       qvs1 = qvs(mgs)

       IF ( qv1 .gt. (ssmx*qvs1) ) THEN
         ss1 = qv1/qvs1

        ssmx = 100.*(ssmx - 1.0)

        CALL QVEXCESS(ngs,mgs,qwvp,qv0,qx(1,lc),pres,thetap,theta0,qvex,   &
     &    pi0,tabqvs,nqsat,fqsat,cbw,fcqv1,felv,ssmx,pk,ngscnt)

        IF ( qvex .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + felv(mgs)*qvex/(CP*pi0(mgs))

!        t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) = t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) + (qvex)/dtp*felv(mgs)/(cp*pi0(mgs)) !* &
!!     &                 dx*dy*dz3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))

        qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) - qvex
        qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) + qvex
        cn(mgs) = Min( ccwmx, qvex/Max( cwmasn5, xmas(mgs,lc) )  )
        ccnc(mgs) = Max( 0.0, ccnc(mgs) - cn(mgs) )
        cx(mgs,lc) = cx(mgs,lc) + cn(mgs)
!        write(iunit,*) 'theta = ',theta0(mgs) + thetap(mgs)

!        temg(mgs) = theta(mgs)*( pres(mgs) / poo ) ** cap



! Calculate droplet volume and check if it is within bounds.
!  Adjust if necessary

      cx(mgs,lc) = Min( ccwmx, cx(mgs,lc) )
      IF( cx(mgs,lc) .GT. 1.0e7 .AND. qx(mgs,lc) .GT. qxmin(lc)) THEN
        xmas(mgs,lc) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/(cx(mgs,lc))

      xmas(mgs,lc) = Min( xmas(mgs,lc), cwmasx )
      xmas(mgs,lc) = Max( xmas(mgs,lc), cwmasn )

      IF( cx(mgs,lc) .GT. 10.e6 .AND. qx(mgs,lc) .GT. qxmin(lc) ) GO TO 681
        ccwtmp = cx(mgs,lc)
        cwmastmp = xmas(mgs,lc)
       xmas(mgs,lc) = Max(xmas(mgs,lc), cwmasn)
       IF(qx(mgs,lc) .GT. qxmin(lc) .AND. cx(mgs,lc) .le. 0.) THEN
          cx(mgs,lc) = Min(0.5*cwccn,rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/xmas(mgs,lc))
          xmas(mgs,lc) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/cx(mgs,lc)
      IF(cx(mgs,lc) .GT. 0. .AND. qx(mgs,lc) .GT. qxmin(lc))    &
     &        xmas(mgs,lc) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/cx(mgs,lc)
      IF(qx(mgs,lc) .GT. qxmin(lc) .AND. xmas(mgs,lc) .LT. cwmasn)    &
     &          xmas(mgs,lc) = cwmasn
      IF(qx(mgs,lc) .GT. qxmin(lc) .AND. xmas(mgs,lc) .GT. cwmasx)    &
     &    xmas(mgs,lc) = cwmasx
      IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) ) THEN
        cx(mgs,lc) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/Max(cwmasn,xmas(mgs,lc))

      IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 .and. rcond == 2 ) THEN

        IF(cx(mgs,lr) .GT. 0. .AND. qx(mgs,lr) .GT. qxmin(lr))    &
     &       xv(mgs,lr)=rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lr))
        IF(xv(mgs,lr) .GT. xvmx(lr)) xv(mgs,lr) = xvmx(lr)
        IF(xv(mgs,lr) .LT. xvmn(lr)) xv(mgs,lr) = xvmn(lr)


      ENDDO ! mgs

! ################################################################
      DO mgs=1,ngscnt
      IF ( ssf(mgs) .gt. ssmax(mgs)    &
     &  .and. ( idecss .eq. 0 .or. qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc)) ) THEN
        ssmax(mgs) = ssf(mgs)

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lt) = theta0(mgs) + thetap(mgs) 
      an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lv) =  qv0(mgs) + qwvp(mgs) 
!      tmp3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) = tmp3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) + t9(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) !  pi0(mgs) ! wvdf(mgs) ! ssf(mgs) ! cn(mgs)
       if ( ido(lc) .eq. 1 )  then
        an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lc) = qx(mgs,lc) +    &
     &    min( an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lc), 0.0 )  
!        qx(mgs,lc) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lc)
       end if

       if ( ido(lr) .eq. 1 .and. rcond == 2 )  then
        an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lr) = qx(mgs,lr) +    &
     &    min( an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lr), 0.0 )  
!        qx(mgs,lr) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lr)
       end if

       IF (  ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
        an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnc) = Max(cx(mgs,lc) , 0.0)
        IF ( lccn .gt. 1 ) THEN
          an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lccn) = Max(0.0, Min( ccwmx, ccnc(mgs) ) )
       IF (  ipconc .ge. 3 .and. rcond == 2 ) THEN
        an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnr) = Max(cx(mgs,lr) , 0.0)
      end do

29998 continue

      if ( kz .gt. nz-1 .and. ix .ge. nx) then
        if ( ix .ge. nx ) then
         go to 2200 ! exit gather scatter
         nzmpb = kz
        nzmpb = kz 
      end if

      if ( ix .ge. nx ) then
        nxmpb = 1
        nzmpb = kz+1
       nxmpb = ix+1
      end if

 2000 continue ! inumgs
 2200 continue
!  end of gather scatter (for this jy slice)

! Redistribute inappreciable cloud particles and charge
! Redistribution everywhere in the domain...
      frac = 1.0 ! 0.25 ! 1.0 ! 0.2
!  alternate test version for ipconc .ge. 3
!  just vaporize stuff to prevent noise in the number concentrations

      do kz = 1,nz
      do jy = 1,1
      do ix = 1,nx
      DO il = lc,lhab
        IF ( ln(il) > 1 ) zerocx(il) = ( an(ix,jy,kz,ln(il)) < cxmin )

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      if ( an(ix,jy,kz,lhl) .lt. frac*qxmin(lhl) .or. zerocx(lhl) ) then

!        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lhl) .gt. 0 ) THEN
          an(ix,jy,kz,lv) = an(ix,jy,kz,lv) + an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)
          an(ix,jy,kz,lhl) = 0.0
!        ENDIF

        IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN ! .and. an(ix,jy,kz,lnh) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
          an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl) = 0.0

        IF ( lvhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl) = 0.0

        IF ( lhlw .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lhlw) = 0.0
        IF ( lzhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lzhl) = 0.0
       IF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1 ) THEN  ! check density
        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
         tmp = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl)
         tmp = 0.5*( xdnmn(lhl) + xdnmx(lhl) )
          an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/tmp

!          tmp = 850.
!          an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/tmp
!        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lhl) .gt. 1.0e-3 ) THEN
!          write(iunit,*) 'HAILdr: dn,q,c,v = ',tmp,an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)*1000.,
!     :       an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl), an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl)
!          write(iunit,*) 'lvhl = ',lvhl
!        ENDIF
        IF ( tmp .gt. xdnmx(lhl) .or. tmp .lt. xdnmn(lhl) ) THEN
          tmp = Min( xdnmx(lhl), Max( xdnmn(lhl) , tmp ) )
          an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/tmp
       IF ( ipconc == 5 .and.  an(ix,jy,kz,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) .and.  alphahl .le. 0.1 .and. lnhl .gt. 1 .and. lzhl == 0 ) THEN
         IF ( lvhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
           hwdn = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl)
           hwdn = xdn0(lhl)
           tmp = (hwdn*an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl))/(dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl))
           tmpg = an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl)*(tmp*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
           IF ( tmpg .lt. cnohlmn ) THEN
             tmp = ( (hwdn)/(dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl))*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
              an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl) = (cnohlmn/tmp)**(3./4.)
!      ELSE  ! check mean size here?
      end if
      ENDIF !lhl

      if ( an(ix,jy,kz,lh) .lt. frac*qxmin(lh) .or. zerocx(lh) ) then

!        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lh) .gt. 0 ) THEN
          an(ix,jy,kz,lv) = an(ix,jy,kz,lv) + an(ix,jy,kz,lh)
          an(ix,jy,kz,lh) = 0.0
!        ENDIF

        IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN ! .and. an(ix,jy,kz,lnh) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
          an(ix,jy,kz,lnh) = 0.0

        IF ( lvh .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) = 0.0
        IF ( lhw .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lhw) = 0.0
        IF ( lzh .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lzh) = 0.0
       IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 ) THEN  ! check density
        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
         tmp = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvh)
         tmp = rho_qh
          an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/tmp

        IF (  tmp .lt. xdnmn(lh) ) THEN
          tmp = Max( xdnmn(lh), tmp ) 
          an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/tmp
        IF ( tmp .gt. xdnmx(lh) .and. lhw .le. 0 ) THEN ! no liquid allowed on graupel
          tmp = Min( xdnmx(lh), tmp )
          an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/tmp
        ELSEIF ( tmp .gt. xdnmx(lh) .and. lhw .gt. 1 ) THEN  ! allow for liquid on graupel
          IF ( tmp .gt. xdnmx(lh) .and. an(ix,jy,kz,lhw) .lt. qxmin(lh) ) THEN
            tmp = Min( xdnmx(lh), tmp )
            an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/tmp
          ELSEIF ( tmp .gt. xdnmx(lr) ) THEN
            tmp =  xdnmn(lr) 
            an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/tmp
        IF ( lhw .gt. 1 ) THEN ! check if basically pure water
          IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lhw) .gt. 0.98*an(ix,jy,kz,lh) ) THEN
           tmp = xdnmx(lr)
           an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/tmp

       IF ( ipconc == 5 .and.  an(ix,jy,kz,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) .and.  alphah .le. 0.1 .and. lnh .gt. 1 .and. lzh == 0 ) THEN
         IF ( lvh .gt. 1 ) THEN
           IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
             hwdn = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvh)
             hwdn = xdn0(lh)
           hwdn = Max( xdnmn(lh), hwdn )
           hwdn = xdn0(lh)
           tmp = (hwdn*an(ix,jy,kz,lnh))/(dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh))
           tmpg = an(ix,jy,kz,lnh)*(tmp*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
           IF ( tmpg .lt. cnohmn ) THEN
!           tmpg = an(ix,jy,kz,lnh)*( (hwdn*an(ix,jy,kz,lnh))/(dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh))*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
!           tmpg = an(ix,jy,kz,lnh)**(4./3.)*( (hwdn)/(dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh))*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
             tmp = ( (hwdn)/(dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh))*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
              an(ix,jy,kz,lnh) = (cnohmn/tmp)**(3./4.)
      end if

      if ( an(ix,jy,kz,ls) .lt.  frac*qxmin(ls)  .or. zerocx(ls)  & ! .or.  an(ix,jy,kz,lns) .lt. 0.1 ! .and.
     &         ) then
      IF ( t0(ix,jy,kz) .lt. 273.15 ) THEN
!        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,ls) .gt. 0 ) THEN
          an(ix,jy,kz,lv) = an(ix,jy,kz,lv) + an(ix,jy,kz,ls)
          an(ix,jy,kz,ls) = 0.0
!        ENDIF
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN ! .and. an(ix,jy,kz,lns) .gt. 0.0  ) THEN ! 
!          an(ix,jy,kz,lni) = an(ix,jy,kz,lni) + an(ix,jy,kz,lns)
          an(ix,jy,kz,lns) = 0.0
        IF ( lvs .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lvs) = 0.0

        IF ( lsw .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lsw) = 0.0

!        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,ls) .gt. 0 ) THEN
          an(ix,jy,kz,lv) = an(ix,jy,kz,lv) + an(ix,jy,kz,ls)
          an(ix,jy,kz,ls) = 0.0
!        ENDIF

        IF ( lvs .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lvs) = 0.0

        IF ( lsw .gt. 1 ) THEN
           an(ix,jy,kz,lsw) = 0.0

        IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN ! .and. an(ix,jy,kz,lns) .gt. 0.0  ) THEN ! 
!          an(ix,jy,kz,lnr) = an(ix,jy,kz,lnr) + an(ix,jy,kz,lns)
          an(ix,jy,kz,lns) = 0.0

      ELSEIF ( lvol(ls) .gt. 1 ) THEN  ! check density
        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lvs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
          tmp = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvs)
          IF ( tmp .gt. xdnmx(ls) .or. tmp .lt. xdnmn(ls) ) THEN
            tmp = Min( xdnmx(ls), Max( xdnmn(ls), tmp ) )
            an(ix,jy,kz,lvs) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)/tmp
          tmp = rho_qs
          an(ix,jy,kz,lvs) = dn(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)/tmp

      end if

      if ( an(ix,jy,kz,lr) .lt. frac*qxmin(lr)  .or. zerocx(lr)  &
     &  ) then
        an(ix,jy,kz,lv) = an(ix,jy,kz,lv) + an(ix,jy,kz,lr)
        an(ix,jy,kz,lr) = 0.0
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
!          an(ix,jy,kz,lnc) = an(ix,jy,kz,lnc) + an(ix,jy,kz,lnr)
          an(ix,jy,kz,lnr) = 0.0
      end if

!  for qci
      IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,li) .le. frac*qxmin(li) .or. zerocx(li)   & ! .or.  an(ix,jy,kz,lni) .lt. 0.1
     &    ) THEN
      an(ix,jy,kz,lv) = an(ix,jy,kz,lv) + an(ix,jy,kz,li)
      an(ix,jy,kz,li)= 0.0
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) THEN
         an(ix,jy,kz,lni) = 0.0
!  for qcw
      IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lc) .le. frac*qxmin(lc) .or. zerocx(lc)   &
     &       ) THEN
      an(ix,jy,kz,lv) = an(ix,jy,kz,lv) + an(ix,jy,kz,lc)
      an(ix,jy,kz,lc)= 0.0
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
        IF ( lccn .gt. 1 ) THEN
         an(ix,jy,kz,lccn) =     &
     &      Min( ccwmx, an(ix,jy,kz,lccn) + Max(0.0,an(ix,jy,kz,lnc)) )
         an(ix,jy,kz,lnc) = 0.0


      end do
      end do
      end do
      IF ( ndebug .ge. 1 ) write(6,*) 'END OF ICEZVD_DR'

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

      SUBROUTINE QVEXCESS(ngs,mgs,qwvp0,qv0,qcw1,pres,thetap0,theta0, & 2
     &    qvex,pi0,tabqvs,nqsat,fqsat,cbw,fcqv1,felv,ss1,pk,ngscnt)
!  Purpose: find the amount of vapor that can be condensed to liquid

      implicit none

      integer ngs,mgs,ngscnt
      real theta2temp
      real qvex
      integer nqsat
      real fqsat, cbw
      real ss1  ! 'target' supersaturation
!  input arrays
      real qv0(ngs), qcw1(ngscnt), pres(ngs), qwvp0(mgs)
      real thetap0(ngs), theta0(ngs)
      real fcqv1(ngs), felv(ngs), pi0(ngs)
      real pk(ngs)
      real tabqvs(nqsat)
! Local stuff
      integer itertd
      integer ltemq
      real gamss
      real theta(ngs), qvap(ngs), pqs(ngs), qcw(ngs), qwv(ngs)
      real qcwtmp(ngs), qss(ngs), qvs(ngs), qwvp(ngs)
      real dqcw(ngs), dqwv(ngs), dqvcnd(ngs)
      real temg(ngs), temcg(ngs), thetap(ngs)
      real tfr
      parameter ( tfr = 273.15 )
      real cp, rd
      parameter ( cp = 1004.0, rd = 287.04 )
      real cpi
      parameter ( cpi = 1./cp )
      real poo,cap
      parameter ( cap = rd/cp, poo = 1.0e+05 )
!  Modified Straka adjustment (nearly identical to Tao et al. 1989 MWR)
!  set up temperature and vapor arrays
      pqs(mgs) = (380.0)/(pres(mgs))
      thetap(mgs) = thetap0(mgs)
      theta(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + theta0(mgs)
      qwvp(mgs) = qwvp0(mgs)
      qvap(mgs) = max( (qwvp0(mgs) + qv0(mgs)), 0.0 )
      temg(mgs) = theta(mgs)*pk(mgs) ! ( pres(mgs) / poo ) ** cap
!      temg(mgs) = theta2temp( theta(mgs), pres(mgs) )
!  reset temporaries for cloud particles and vapor
      qwv(mgs) = max( 0.0, qvap(mgs) )
      qcw(mgs) = max( 0.0, qcw1(mgs) )
      qcwtmp(mgs) = qcw(mgs)
      temcg(mgs) = temg(mgs) - tfr
      ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
      ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )

      qvs(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqvs(ltemq)
      qss(mgs) = (0.01*ss1 + 1.0)*qvs(mgs)
!  iterate  adjustment
      do itertd = 1,2
!  calculate super-saturation
      dqcw(mgs) = 0.0
      dqwv(mgs) = ( qwv(mgs) - qss(mgs) )
!  evaporation and sublimation adjustment
      if( dqwv(mgs) .lt. 0. ) then           !  subsaturated
        if( qcw(mgs) .gt. -dqwv(mgs) ) then  ! check if qc can make up all of the deficit
          dqcw(mgs) = dqwv(mgs)
          dqwv(mgs) = 0.
        else                                 !  otherwise make all qc available for evap
          dqcw(mgs) = -qcw(mgs)
          dqwv(mgs) = dqwv(mgs) + qcw(mgs)
        end if
        qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) - ( dqcw(mgs)  )  ! add to perturbation vapor
        qcw(mgs) = qcw(mgs) + dqcw(mgs)

        thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) +  &
     &                cpi/pi0(mgs)*  &
     &                (felv(mgs)*dqcw(mgs) )

      end if  ! dqwv(mgs) .lt. 0. (end of evap/sublim)
! condensation/deposition
      IF ( dqwv(mgs) .ge. 0. ) THEN
      dqvcnd(mgs) = dqwv(mgs)/(1. + fcqv1(mgs)*qss(mgs)/  &
     &  ((temg(mgs)-cbw)**2))
      dqcw(mgs) = dqvcnd(mgs)
      thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) +  &
     &   (felv(mgs)*dqcw(mgs) )    &
     & / (pi0(mgs)*cp)
      qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) - ( dqvcnd(mgs) )
      qcw(mgs) = qcw(mgs) + dqcw(mgs)
      END IF !  dqwv(mgs) .ge. 0.

      theta(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + theta0(mgs)
      temg(mgs) = theta(mgs)*pk(mgs) ! ( pres(mgs) / poo ) ** cap
!      temg(mgs) = theta2temp( theta(mgs), pres(mgs) )
      qvap(mgs) = Max((qwvp(mgs) + qv0(mgs)), 0.0)
      temcg(mgs) = temg(mgs) - tfr
!      tqvcon = temg(mgs)-cbw
      ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
      ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
      qvs(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqvs(ltemq)
      qcw(mgs) = max( 0.0, qcw(mgs) )
      qwv(mgs) = max( 0.0, qvap(mgs))
      qss(mgs) = (0.01*ss1 + 1.0)*qvs(mgs)
      end do
!  end the saturation adjustment iteration loop
      qvex = Max(0.0, qcw(mgs) - qcw1(mgs) )


! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

!#include "sam.def.h"
!#define ICE10
!#define ELEC
!#define SAM
! Things to do:
!  Test using exponential formulation for rain fall speed.  If there is little change
!  from the quadratic, it would be less complicated to use.
!  Contact nucleation needs to be fixed up to be similar to Cotton et al. 1986 and Meyers et al 1992.
! The following are done?
!  Fix Rain evaporation for gamma function (ipconc >= 3)
!  convert cloud ice to snow as in Ferrier 1994 (change only mass in cloud ice),
!    then can try turning off direct conversion from cloud ice to graupel and rimed ice
!  look at an iterative check on overdepletion;  need to be careful with two-moment
!  check ice supersaturation in two-moment.  Getting enough deposition, or need 
!      to do sat adj. when cloud droplets are all gone?
! new comment
! Fix use of gt for SWM IN FALLOUT ROUTINES
!  How to remove hl for ipconc=5?  Need to preprocess?
!   When the charging rates are moved to a subroutine, need to move the
!   call to be after the wet growth calculations -- or at least the 
!   splashing stuff.  Think about this....
!  Think about what to do with cracif
!    Replace qv0 with qx(mgs,lv)? No. qv0 is base val
! Need to look at limiting supersaturation to 1 or so by nucleation/condensation
!  put in temperature-dependent function for homogeneous freezing

      subroutine nssl_2mom_gs   & 1,1
     &  (nx,ny,nz,na,jyslab  &
     &  ,nor,norz          &
     &  ,dtp,gz       &
     &  ,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9      &
     &  ,an,dn,p2                  &
     &  ,pn,w,iunit                   &
     &  ,t00,t77,                             &
     &   ventr,ventc,c1sw,jgs,ido,    &
     &   xdnmx,xdnmn,lsc,               &
     &   ln,ipc,lvol,lz,lliq,   &
     &   cdx,                              &
     &   xdn0,tmp3d)

!     Ziegler 1985 parameterized microphysics (also Zrnic et al. 1993)
!     1)  cloud water
!     2)  rain
!     3)  column ice 
!     6)  snow
!     11) graupel/hail
! Notes:
!  4/27/2009: allows for liquid water to be advected on snow and graupel particles using flag "mixedphase"
!  3/14/2007: (APS) added qproc temp to make microphysic process timeseries
!  10/17/2006: added flag (iehw) to select how to calculate ehw
!  10/5/2006: switched chacr to integrated version rather than assuming that average rain
!             drop mass does not change.  This acts to reduce rain size somewhat via graupel
!             collection.
!             Use Mason data for ehw, with scaling toward ehw=1 as air density decreases.
!  10/3/2006: Turned off Meyers nucleation for T > -5 (can turn on with imeyers5 flag)
!             Turned off contact nucleation in updrafts
!  7/24/2006:  Turned on Meyers nucleation for -5 < T < 0
!  5/12/2006:  Converted qsacw/csacw and qsaci/csaci to Z93
!  5/12/2006:  Put a threshold on Bigg rain freezing.  If the frozen drops
!              have an average volume less than xvhmn, then the drops are put
!              into snow instead of graupel/hail.
!              Fixed bug when vapor deposition was limited.
!  5/13/2006:  Note that qhacr has a large effect, but Z85 did not include it.
!              Turned off qsacr (set to zero).
!  9/14/2007: erm: recalculate vx(lh) after setting xdn(lh) in case xdn was out of allowed range.
!             added parameter rimc3 for minimum rime density.  Default value set at 170. kg/m**3
!             instead of previous use of 100.  (Farley, 1987)
!  general declarations
      implicit none
!      integer icond 
!      parameter ( icond = 2 )

      integer jyslab
      integer ng1
      integer iunit !,iunit0
      parameter(ng1 = 1)
      real qvex
!      character*100 line
!      integer istat1
      integer iraincv, icgxconv
      parameter ( iraincv = 1, icgxconv = 1)
      real ffrz

      real qcitmp,cirdiatmp ! ,qiptmp,qirtmp
      real ccwtmp,ccitmp ! ,ciptmp,cirtmp
      real cpqc,cpci ! ,cpip,cpir
      real cpqc0,cpci0 ! ,cpip0,cpir0
      real scfac ! ,cpip1
      double precision dp1
!      real delqnw, delqxw
!      real :: tindmn = 233, tindmx = 298.0  ! min and max temperatures where inductive charging is allowed
      double precision frac
!      real rar  ! rime accretion rate as calculated from qxacw

! a few vars for time-split fallout      
      real vtmax
      integer n,ndfall
!      logical lsavetime  !  flag that it is time to save stuff (open a
                         !  file and call the save subroutine )
!      character*80 savename
!      integer   isaveunit,isaveunit2
      double precision chgneg,chgpos,sctot
      real temgtmp
      integer nx,ny,nz,na,nba,nv
!      integer ng
      integer nor,norz,istag,jstag,kstag ! ,nht,ngt,igsr
      integer iwrite
      real dtp,dx,dy,dz
!      real dzc(nz)                         ! 1/dz(k)
      real gz(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)

      real dv

      real dtptmp
!      integer nxl,nyl,nzl

      integer itest,nidx,id1,jd1,kd1
      parameter (itest=1)
      parameter (nidx=10)
      parameter (id1=1,jd1=1,kd1=1)
      integer ierr
      integer iend

      integer ix,jy,kz, il, ic, ir, icp1, irp1
      integer i,j
      real slope1, slope2
      real x1, x2
!      integer nxm,nym,nzm
      real eps,eps2
      parameter (eps=1.e-20,eps2=1.e-5)
!  electrical permitivity of air C / (N m**2) -  check the units
      real eperao
      parameter (eperao  = 8.8592e-12 )
      real ec,eci  ! fundamental unit of charge
      parameter (ec = 1.602e-19)
      parameter (eci = 1.0/ec)
!  Other elec. vars
      real  temele
      real  trev
!      parameter (trever=-15.)  ! read it in instead


      integer lsc(lc:lhab)
      integer ln(lc:lhab)
      integer ipc(lc:lhab)
      integer lvol(lc:lhab)
      integer lz(lc:lhab)
      integer lliq(ls:lhab)
      logical ldovol, ishail, ltest
! temporary arrays-self contained-sizes
!      integer iex,iey,iez,iemag,ipot
!      parameter (iex=1,iey=2,iez=3,iemag=4,ipot=5)
!      integer neelec
!  wind indicies
      integer mu,mv,mw
      parameter (mu=1,mv=2,mw=3)
!  conversion parameters
      integer mqcw,mqxw,mtem,mrho,mtim
      parameter (mqcw=21,mqxw=21,mtem=21,mrho=5,mtim=6)

      real xftim,xftimi,yftim, xftem,yftem, xfqcw,yfqcw, xfqxw,yfqxw
      parameter (xftim=0.05,xftimi = 1./xftim,yftim=1.)
      parameter (xftem=0.5,yftem=1.)
      parameter (xfqcw=2000.,yfqcw=1.)
      parameter (xfqxw=2000.,yfqxw=1.)
! moved def of fwm to micro_module
!      real fwm ! maximum liquid water fraction on precipitating ice 
!      parameter (fwm=0.5)
!  charge fallout arrays
!      real xfall(nx,ny,na) !, xfalltot(nx,ny,na)
!      real xfall0(nx,ny)
!      real gt0(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:1+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor,ngt)

! params read in from inmicro
!      integer iptemp
!      parameter ( iptemp = 0 )
!      integer iptemp0

      real dtfac
      parameter ( dtfac = 1.0 )


!      real dtrim


!      integer nsave
      integer ido(lc:lqmx)
!      integer idocw, idorw, idoci, idoir, idoip, idosw
!      integer idogl, idogm, idogh, idofw, idohw, idohl
!      integer iexy(ls:lhab,lc:ls)
      integer iexy(lc:lqmx,lc:lqmx)

!      integer ieswi, ieswir, ieswip, ieswc, ieswr
!      integer ieglsw, iegli, ieglir, ieglip, ieglc, ieglr
!      integer iegmsw, iegmi, iegmir, iegmip, iegmc, iegmr
!      integer ieghsw, ieghi, ieghir, ieghip, ieghc, ieghr
!      integer iefwsw, iefwi, iefwir, iefwip, iefwc, iefwr
!      integer iehwsw, iehwi, iehwir, iehwip, iehwc, iehwr
!      integer iehlsw, iehli, iehlir, iehlip, iehlc, iehlr
!      real delqnsa, delqxsa, delqnsb, delqxsb, delqnia, delqxia
!      real delqnra, delqxra

       real delqnxa(lc:lqmx)
       real delqxxa(lc:lqmx)
!      real scippmx,scwppmx

! external temporary arrays
      real t00(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t77(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)

      real t0(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t1(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t2(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t3(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t4(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t5(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t6(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t7(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t8(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real t9(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)

      real p2(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)  ! perturbation Pi
      real pn(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
      real an(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz,na)
      real dn(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)
!      real an(nx,ny,nz,na)
!      real vn(-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz,-nor+1:nx+nor,nv)
      real w(-nor+1:nx+nor,-nor+1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)

      real tmp3d(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-norz+ng1:nz+norz)

!  declarations microphyscs and for gather/scatter
      integer nxmpb,nzmpb,nxz
      integer jgs,mgs,ngs,numgs
      parameter (ngs=50) !500)
      integer, parameter :: ngsz = 500
      integer ntt
      parameter (ntt=300)

      integer ngscnt,igs(ngs),kgs(ngs)
      integer kgsp(ngs),kgsm(ngs),kgsm2(ngs)
!      integer nsvcnt
!      integer isave(ntt)
      integer ncuse
      parameter (ncuse=0)
      integer il0(ngs),il5(ngs),il2(ngs),il3(ngs),imixedphase
!      integer il1m(ngs),il2m(ngs),il3m(ngs),il4m(ngs),il5m(ngs)
      real cai,caw,cbi,cbw
      real tdtol,temsav,tfrcbw,tfrcbi,thnuc
      real tfr,tfrh
      parameter ( tfr = 273.15, tfrh = 233.15)
      real cp, rd
      parameter ( cp = 1004.0, rd = 287.04 )
      real cpi
      parameter ( cpi = 1./cp )
      real poo,cap
      parameter ( cap = rd/cp, poo = 1.0e+05 )

!      real tmxs(ntt),xmxs(ntt),xmns(ntt)
!  Ice Multiplication Arrays.
      real  fimt1(ngs),fimta(ngs),fimt2(ngs) !,qmul1(ngs),qmul2(ngs)
      real xcwmas
!  gamma function
!      integer ngm0,ngm1,ngm2
!      parameter (ngm0=3000,ngm1=500,ngm2=500)
!      real gmoi(0:ngm0) ! ,gmod(0:ngm1,0:ngm2),gmdi(0:ngm1,0:ngm2)
! Variables for Ziegler warm rain microphysics

      real ccnc(ngs)
      real sscb  ! 'cloud base' SS threshold
      parameter ( sscb = 2.0 )
      integer idecss  ! flag to turn on (=1) decay of ssmax when no cloud or ice crystals
      parameter ( idecss = 1 )
      integer iba ! flag to do condensation/nucleation in 1st or 2nd loop
                  ! =0 to use ad to calculate SS
                  ! =1 to use an at end of main jy loop to calculate SS
      parameter (iba = 1)
      integer ifilt   ! =1 to filter ssat, =0 to set ssfilt=ssat
      parameter ( ifilt = 0 ) 
      real temp1,temp2 ! ,ssold
      real :: mwat, mice, dice, mwshed, fwmax, fw, mwcrit
      real ssmax(ngs)       ! maximum SS experienced by a parcel
      real ssmx
      real dnnet,dqnet
!      real cnu,rnu,snu,cinu
!      parameter ( cnu = 0.0, rnu = -0.8, snu = -0.8, cinu = 0.0 )
      real bfnu, bfnu0
      parameter ( bfnu0 = (rnu + 2.0)/(rnu + 1.0)  )
      real ventr, ventc
      real volb, aa1, aa2
      double precision t2s, xdp
      double precision xl2p(ngs),rb(ngs)
      parameter ( aa1 = 9.44e15, aa2 = 5.78e3 ) ! a1 in Ziegler
! snow parameters:
      real cexs, cecs
      parameter ( cexs = 0.1, cecs = 0.5 )
      real rvt      ! ratio of collection kernels (Zrnic et al, 1993)
      parameter ( rvt = 0.104 )
      real kfrag    ! rate coefficent for collisional splintering (Schuur & Rutledge 00b)
      parameter ( kfrag = 1.0e-6 )
      real mfrag    ! assumed ice fragment mass for collisional splintering (Schuur & Rutledge 00b)
      parameter ( mfrag = 1.0e-10)
      double precision cautn(ngs), rh(ngs), nh(ngs)
      real ex1, ft, rhoinv(ngs)
      double precision ec0(ngs)
!      integer kbound
      real ac1,bc, taus, c1,d1,e1,f1,p380,tmp,tmp2 ! , sstdy, super
      real chgtmp,fac
      real x,y,del,r,rtmp
      real fqt !charge separation as fn of temperature from Dong and Hallett 1992
      real bs
      real v1, v2
      real d1r, d1i, d1s, e1i
      real c1sw   ! integration factor for snow melting with snu = -0.8
      real, parameter :: vr1mm = 5.23599e-10 ! volume of 1mm diameter sphere (m**3)
      real, parameter :: vr4p5mm = 5.23599e-10*(4.5/1.)**3 ! volume of 4.5mm diameter sphere (m**3) (Rasmussen et al. 1984b, JAS)
      real vmlt
      real rhosm
      parameter ( rhosm = 500. )
      integer nc ! condensation step
      real dtcon,dtcon1,dtcon2 ! condensation time step (dtcon*nc = dtp)
      real delta
      integer ltemq1,ltemq1m ! ,ltemq1m2
      real dqv,qv1,ss1,ss2,qvs1,dqvs,dtemp,dt1   ! temporaries for condensation
!      real  dtemp2,ss1m2
      real ssi1, ssi2, dqvi, dqvis, dqvii,qis1
      real dqvr, dqc, dqr, dqi, dqs
      real qv1m,qvs1m,ss1m,ssi1m,qis1m
      real cwmastmp 
      real  dcloud,dcloud2 ! ,as, bs
      real cn(ngs) 
!      real xvc(ngs), xvr(ngs)
      double precision xvc, xvr
!      real xvs(ngs),xvgl(ngs),xvgm(ngs),xvgh(ngs),xvf(ngs)
!      real xvh(ngs),xvhl(ngs)
      real mwfac
!      parameter ( mwfac = 6.0**(1./3.) ) 
!      ! factor for mass-weighted rain volume diameter
!      real wijk ! wvel
      real  es(ngs) ! ss(ngs),
      real  eis(ngs)

      real rwmasn,rwmasx

      real vgra,vfrz
      parameter ( vgra = 0.523599*(1.0e-3)**3 )
      real epsi,d
      parameter (epsi = 0.622, d = 0.266)
      real r1,qevap ! ,slv
      real vr,nrx,chw,g1,qr,z,z1,rdi,alp,xnutmp,xnuc,g1r
      real, parameter :: rhofrz = 900.   ! density of graupel from newly-frozen rain
      real, parameter :: rimedens = 500. ! default rime density
!      real svc(ngs)  !  droplet volume
!  contact freezing nucleation
      real raero,kaero !assumd aerosol radius, thermal conductivity
      parameter ( raero = 3.e-7, kaero = 5.39e-3 ) 
      real kb   ! Boltzman constant  J K-1
      parameter (kb = 1.3807e-23)
      real knud(ngs),knuda(ngs) !knudsen number and correction factor
      real gtp(ngs)  !G(T,p) = 1/(a' + b')  Cotton 72b
      real dfar(ngs) !aerosol diffusivity
      real fn1(ngs),fn2(ngs),fnft(ngs)
      real ccia(ngs)
      real ctfzbd(ngs),ctfzth(ngs),ctfzdi(ngs)

!  misc
      real ni,nr,d0

      real dqvcnd(ngs),dqwv(ngs),dqcw(ngs),dqci(ngs)
!      real delqci(ngs) ! ,delqip(ngs)
      real tempc(ngs)
      real temg(ngs),temcg(ngs),theta(ngs),qvap(ngs) ! ,tembzg(ngs)
      real temgkm1(ngs), temgkm2(ngs)
      real temgx(ngs),temcgx(ngs)
      real qvs(ngs),qis(ngs),qss(ngs),pqs(ngs)
      real elv(ngs),elf(ngs),els(ngs)
      real tsqr(ngs),ssi(ngs),ssw(ngs)
!      real qcwdif(ngs) ! ,dcwnc
      real qcwtmp(ngs),qtmp,qtot(ngs) ! ,cwnc(ngs)
      real qcond(ngs)
      real ctmp, sctmp
      real cwmasn,cwmasx
      real cwmasn5
      real cwradn
!      real cinccn(nz)
!      real cinc(ngs)    !  ,qcitmp(ngs)
      real cimasn,cimasx,ccimx
      real pid4
      real ar,br,cs,ds,gf7,gf6,gf5,gf4,gf3,gf2,gf1
      real gf73rds, gf83rds
      real gf43rds, gf53rds
      real aradcw,bradcw,cradcw,dradcw,cwrad,rwrad,rwradmn
      parameter ( rwradmn = 50.e-6 )
      real dh0
      real clionpmx,clionnmx
      parameter (clionpmx=1.e9,clionnmx=1.e9) ! Takahashi 84
      real cionp(ngs),cionn(ngs),clionp(ngs),clionn(ngs)
!  other arrays
      real fwet1(ngs),fwet2(ngs)   !   ,fwet3(ngs)
      real fmlt1(ngs),fmlt2(ngs)   !   ,fmlt3(ngs)
      real fvds(ngs),fvce(ngs),fiinit(ngs) ! ,fcinit(ngs)
      real fvent(ngs),fraci(ngs),fracl(ngs)
      real fai(ngs),fav(ngs),fbi(ngs),fbv(ngs)
      real felv(ngs),fels(ngs),felf(ngs)
      real felvs(ngs),felss(ngs)      !   ,felfs(ngs)
      real fwvdf(ngs),ftka(ngs),fthdf(ngs)
      real fadvisc(ngs),fakvisc(ngs)
      real fci(ngs),fcw(ngs)
      real fschm(ngs),fpndl(ngs)
      real fgamw(ngs),fgams(ngs)
      real fcqv1(ngs),fcqv2(ngs),fcc3(ngs)  
      real fcci(ngs), fcip(ngs)
      real :: sfm1(ngs),sfm2(ngs)
      real :: gfm1(ngs),gfm2(ngs)
      real :: hfm1(ngs),hfm2(ngs)

      logical :: wetsfc(ngs),wetsfchl(ngs)
      logical :: wetgrowth(ngs), wetgrowthhl(ngs)

       real qitmp(ngs)
      real rzxh(ngs), rzxhl(ngs), rzxhlh(ngs)
       real :: qx(ngs,lv:lhab)
       real :: qxw(ngs,ls:lhab)
       real :: cx(ngs,lc:lhab)
       real :: cxmxd(ngs,lc:lhab)
       real :: qxmxd(ngs,lv:lhab)
       real :: scx(ngs,lc:lhab)
       real :: xv(ngs,lc:lhab)
!       real :: xsfca(ngs,lc:lhab)
       real :: vtxbar(ngs,lc:lhab,3)
       real :: xmas(ngs,lc:lhab)
       real :: xdn(ngs,lc:lhab)
       real :: xdia(ngs,lc:lhab,3)
       real :: rarx(ngs,ls:lhab)
       real :: vx(ngs,li:lhab)
       real :: rimdn(ngs,li:lhab)
       real :: raindn(ngs,li:lhab)
       real :: alpha(ngs,lr:lhab)
       real :: dab0lh(ngs,lc:lhab,lr:lhab)
       real :: dab1lh(ngs,lc:lhab,lr:lhab)
       real :: zx(ngs,lr:lhab)
       real :: zxmxd(ngs,lr:lhab)
       real :: g1x(ngs,lr:lhab)
      real ventrx(ngs)
      real ventrxn(ngs)
      real g1shr, alphashr
      real g1mlr, alphamlr
      real swvent(ngs),hwvent(ngs),rwvent(ngs),hlvent(ngs)
      real civent(ngs)
      real xmascw(ngs)
      real xdnmx(lc:lhab), xdnmn(lc:lhab)
      real dnmx
      real cilen(ngs) ! ,ciplen(ngs)
      real rwcap(ngs),swcap(ngs)
      real hwcap(ngs)
      real hlcap(ngs)
      real cicap(ngs)

      real qvimxd(ngs)
      real qimxd(ngs),qcmxd(ngs),qrmxd(ngs),qsmxd(ngs),qhmxd(ngs),qhlmxd(ngs)
      real cimxd(ngs),ccmxd(ngs),crmxd(ngs),csmxd(ngs),chmxd(ngs)
      real cionpmxd(ngs),cionnmxd(ngs)
      real clionpmxd(ngs),clionnmxd(ngs)

      real chmul1(ngs),chlmul1(ngs),csmul1(ngs),csmul(ngs) ! ,cfmul1(ngs)
      real qhmul1(ngs),qhlmul1(ngs),qsmul1(ngs),qsmul(ngs) ! ,qfmul1(ngs)
      real csplinter(ngs),qsplinter(ngs)
      real csplinter2(ngs),qsplinter2(ngs)
!  concentration arrays...

      real :: chlcnh(ngs), vhlcnh(ngs), vhlcnhl(ngs)
      real cracif(ngs), ciacrf(ngs)
      real cracr(ngs)

      real ciint(ngs), crfrz(ngs), crfrzf(ngs), crfrzs(ngs)

      real cicint(ngs)  !  , ciracir(ngs), ciaci(ngs)
      real cipint(ngs) !, cipacwi(ngs)
      real ciacw(ngs), cwacii(ngs) ! , cwaci(ngs)
      real ciacr(ngs), craci(ngs)
      real csacw(ngs) !,   cwacs(ngs)
      real csacr(ngs) ! ,   cracs(ngs)
      real csaci(ngs),   csacs(ngs)
      real cracw(ngs) ! ,cwacr(ngs)
      real chacw(ngs), chacr(ngs)
      real :: chlacw(ngs) ! = 0.0
      real chaci(ngs), chacs(ngs)
      real :: chlacr(ngs)
      real :: chlaci(ngs), chlacs(ngs)

      real crcnw(ngs) ! ,ciacwi(ngs)
      real cidpv(ngs),cisbv(ngs)
      real cimlr(ngs)

      real chlsbv(ngs), chldpv(ngs)
      real chlmlr(ngs), chlmlrr(ngs) ! ,chlcev(ngs),chldsv(ngs)
      real chlshr(ngs), chlshrr(ngs)

      real chdpv(ngs),chsbv(ngs) ! chcnv(ngs),chevv(ngs),
      real chmlr(ngs),chcev(ngs) !,chdsv(ngs)
      real chmlrr(ngs)
      real chshr(ngs), chshrr(ngs)

      real csdpv(ngs),cssbv(ngs) ! cscnv(ngs),csevv(ngs),
      real csmlr(ngs),cscev(ngs) !,csdsv(ngs)
      real csshr(ngs) ! cswet(ngs),csdry(ngs),

      real crcev(ngs) ! ,crmlr(ngs)
      real crshr(ngs)
! arrays for w-ac-x ;  x-ac-w
      real qrcnw(ngs), qwcnr(ngs)
      real zrcnw(ngs),zracr(ngs),zracw(ngs),zrcev(ngs)

      real qracw(ngs) ! qwacr(ngs),
      real qiacw(ngs) !, qwaci(ngs)

      real qsacw(ngs) ! ,qwacs(ngs),
      real qhacw(ngs) ! qwach(ngs),
      real :: qhlacw(ngs) ! = 0.0
      real vhacw(ngs), vsacw(ngs), vhlacw(ngs), vhlacr(ngs)

      real qsacws(ngs)

!  arrays for x-ac-r and r-ac-x; 
!      real qfacr(ngs) ! ,qracf(ngs)
!      real qaacr(ngs),qraca(ngs)
      real qsacr(ngs),qracs(ngs)
      real qhacr(ngs) ! ,qrach(ngs)
      real vhacr(ngs), zhacr(ngs), zhacrf(ngs), zrach(ngs)
      real qiacr(ngs),qraci(ngs)
      real ziacr(ngs)

      real qracif(ngs),qiacrf(ngs)

      real :: qhlacr(ngs) ! = 0.0

      real qsacrs(ngs) !,qracss(ngs)
!  ice - ice interactions
      real qsaci(ngs)


      real qhaci(ngs)

      real qhacs(ngs)

      real :: qhlaci(ngs) ! = 0.0

      real :: qhlacs(ngs) ! = 0.0
!  conversions
      real qrfrz(ngs) ! , qirirhr(ngs)
      real zrfrz(ngs), zrfrzf(ngs)
      real ziacrf(ngs), zhcnsh(ngs), zhcnih(ngs)
      real zhacw(ngs), zhacs(ngs)
      real zhmlr(ngs), zhdsv(ngs), zhsbv(ngs), zhlcnh(ngs), zhshr(ngs)
      real zhmlrr(ngs),zhlmlrr(ngs),zhshrr(ngs),zhlshrr(ngs)
      real zsmlr(ngs), zsmlrr(ngs), zsshr(ngs)

      real zhlacw(ngs), zhlacs(ngs), zhlacr(ngs)
      real zhlmlr(ngs), zhldsv(ngs), zhlsbv(ngs), zhlshr(ngs)

      real vrfrzf(ngs), viacrf(ngs)
      real qrfrzs(ngs), qrfrzf(ngs)
      real qwfrz(ngs), qwctfz(ngs)
      real cwfrz(ngs), cwctfz(ngs)
      real qwfrzc(ngs), qwctfzc(ngs)
      real cwfrzc(ngs), cwctfzc(ngs)
      real qwfrzp(ngs), qwctfzp(ngs)
      real cwfrzp(ngs), cwctfzp(ngs)
      real xcolmn(ngs), xplate(ngs)
      real ciihr(ngs), qiihr(ngs)
      real cicichr(ngs), qicichr(ngs)
      real cipiphr(ngs), qipiphr(ngs)
      real qscni(ngs), cscni(ngs), cscnis(ngs)
      real qscnvi(ngs), cscnvi(ngs), cscnvis(ngs)
!      real qscnir(ngs),cscnir(ngs)
!      real qscnip(ngs),cscnip(ngs)
!      real qscnx(ngs,nhab)
      real qhcns(ngs), chcns(ngs), chcnsh(ngs), vhcns(ngs)
      real qhcni(ngs), chcni(ngs), chcnih(ngs), vhcni(ngs)
      real qiint(ngs),qipipnt(ngs),qicicnt(ngs)
!      real qsfw(ngs),qsfi(ngs)
!      real timflg(ngs)
!      real ssifac(ngs)
      real cninm(ngs),cnina(ngs),cninp(ngs),wvel(ngs),wvelkm1(ngs)
      real uvel(ngs),vvel(ngs)
      real qidpv(ngs),qisbv(ngs) ! qicnv(ngs),qievv(ngs),
      real qimlr(ngs),qidsv(ngs),qidsvp(ngs) ! ,qicev(ngs)

      real qfdpv(ngs),qfsbv(ngs) ! qfcnv(ngs),qfevv(ngs),
      real qfmlr(ngs),qfdsv(ngs) ! ,qfcev(ngs)
      real qfwet(ngs),qfdry(ngs),qfshr(ngs)
      real qfshrp(ngs)
      real :: qhldpv(ngs), qhlsbv(ngs) ! qhlcnv(ngs),qhlevv(ngs),
      real :: qhlmlr(ngs), qhldsv(ngs) 
      real :: qhlwet(ngs), qhldry(ngs), qhlshr(ngs) 
!      real :: qhlshrp(ngs)
      real :: qrfz(ngs),qsfz(ngs),qhfz(ngs),qhlfz(ngs)
      real qhdpv(ngs),qhsbv(ngs) ! qhcnv(ngs),qhevv(ngs),
      real qhmlr(ngs),qhdsv(ngs),qhcev(ngs),qhcndv(ngs),qhevv(ngs)
      real qhlcev(ngs), chlcev(ngs)
      real qhwet(ngs),qhdry(ngs),qhshr(ngs)
      real qhshrp(ngs)
      real qhshh(ngs) !accreted water that remains on graupel
      real qhmlh(ngs) !melt water that remains on graupel
      real qhfzh(ngs) !water that freezes on mixed-phase graupel
      real qhlfzhl(ngs) !water that freezes on mixed-phase hail

      real vhfzh(ngs) ! change in volume from water that freezes on mixed-phase graupel
      real vhlfzhl(ngs) !  change in volume from water that freezes on mixed-phase hail

      real vhshdr(ngs) !accreted water that leaves on graupel (mixedphase)
      real vhlshdr(ngs) !accreted water that leaves on hail (mixedphase)
      real vhmlr(ngs) !melt water that leaves graupel (single phase)
      real vhlmlr(ngs) !melt water that leaves hail (single phase)
      real vhsoak(ngs) !  aquired water that seeps into graupel.
      real vhlsoak(ngs) !  aquired water that seeps into hail.
      real qsdpv(ngs),qssbv(ngs) ! qscnv(ngs),qsevv(ngs),
      real qsmlr(ngs),qsdsv(ngs),qscev(ngs),qscndv(ngs),qsevv(ngs)
      real qswet(ngs),qsdry(ngs),qsshr(ngs)
      real qsshrp(ngs)
      real qsfzs(ngs)
      real qipdpv(ngs),qipsbv(ngs) ! qipcnv(ngs),qipevv(ngs),
      real qipmlr(ngs),qipdsv(ngs) ! ,qipcev(ngs)
!      real qipshr(ngs) ! qipwet(ngs),qipdry(ngs),
!      real qipshrp(ngs)
      real qirdpv(ngs),qirsbv(ngs) ! qircnv(ngs),qirevv(ngs),
      real qirmlr(ngs),qirdsv(ngs),qirmlw(ngs)  ! ,qircev(ngs)
!      real qirshr(ngs) ! qirwet(ngs),qirdry(ngs),
!      real qirshrp(ngs)
      real qgldpv(ngs),qglsbv(ngs) ! qglcnv(ngs),qglevv(ngs),
      real qglmlr(ngs),qgldsv(ngs) ! ,qglcev(ngs)
      real qglwet(ngs),qgldry(ngs),qglshr(ngs)
      real qglshrp(ngs)
      real qgmdpv(ngs),qgmsbv(ngs) ! qgmcnv(ngs),qgmevv(ngs),
      real qgmmlr(ngs),qgmdsv(ngs) ! ,qgmcev(ngs)
      real qgmwet(ngs),qgmdry(ngs),qgmshr(ngs)
      real qgmshrp(ngs)
      real qghdpv(ngs),qghsbv(ngs) ! qghcnv(ngs),qghevv(ngs),
      real qghmlr(ngs),qghdsv(ngs) ! ,qghcev(ngs)
      real qghwet(ngs),qghdry(ngs),qghshr(ngs)
      real qghshrp(ngs)
      real qrztot(ngs),qrzmax(ngs),qrzfac(ngs)
      real qrcev(ngs)
      real qrshr(ngs)
!      real ffglwg(ngs),ffgmwg(ngs),ffghwg(ngs),ffswwg(ngs)
!      real ffhwwg(ngs),ffagwg(ngs),fffwwg(ngs),ffciwg(ngs)

      real fsw(ngs),fhw(ngs),fhlw(ngs) !liquid water fractions

      real qhcnf(ngs) ! ,qhcnhl(ngs),qhlcnhx(ngs)
      real :: qhlcnh(ngs) ! = 0.0 
      real qhcngh(ngs),qhcngm(ngs),qhcngl(ngs)
      real :: qhcnhl(ngs), chcnhl(ngs), zhcnhl(ngs), vhcnhl(ngs) ! conversion of low-density hail back to graupel
!      real exwidia(nhab),exwwdia(nhab)

      real eiw(ngs),eii(ngs),eiri(ngs),eipir(ngs) ! eww(ngs),
      real erw(ngs),esw(ngs),eglw(ngs),eghw(ngs),efw(ngs)
      real ehxw(ngs),ehlw(ngs),egmw(ngs),ehw(ngs) ! eaw(ngs),
      real err(ngs),esr(ngs),eglr(ngs),eghr(ngs),efr(ngs)
      real ehxr(ngs),ehlr(ngs),egmr(ngs) ! ,eipr(ngs),ear(ngs)
      real eri(ngs),esi(ngs),egli(ngs),eghi(ngs),efi(ngs)
      real ehxi(ngs),ehli(ngs),egmi(ngs),ehi(ngs) ! eai(ngs),
      real ers(ngs),ess(ngs),egls(ngs),eghs(ngs),efs(ngs),ehs(ngs)
      real ehscnv(ngs)
      real ehxs(ngs),ehls(ngs),egms(ngs),egmip(ngs) ! eas(ngs),

      real ew(8,6)
      real cwr(8,2)  ! radius and inverse of interval
      data cwr / 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0,  8.0,  10.0, 15.0,  20.0 , & ! radius
     &           1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5,  0.5,   0.2,  0.2,  1.  /   ! inverse of interval
      integer icwr(ngs), igwr(ngs), irwr(ngs), ihlr(ngs)
      real grad(6,2) ! graupel radius and inverse of interval
      data grad / 100., 200., 300., 400., 600., 1000.,   &
     &            1.e-2,1.e-2,1.e-2,5.e-3,2.5e-3, 1.    /
!droplet radius: 2     3     4     6     8    10    15    20
      data ew /0.03, 0.07, 0.17, 0.41, 0.58, 0.69, 0.82, 0.88,  & ! 100
!     :         0.07, 0.13, 0.27, 0.48, 0.65, 0.73, 0.84, 0.91,  ! 150
     &         0.10, 0.20, 0.34, 0.58, 0.70, 0.78, 0.88, 0.92,  & ! 200
     &         0.15, 0.31, 0.44, 0.65, 0.75, 0.83, 0.96, 0.91,  & ! 300
     &         0.17, 0.37, 0.50, 0.70, 0.81, 0.87, 0.93, 0.96,  & ! 400
     &         0.17, 0.40, 0.54, 0.71, 0.83, 0.88, 0.94, 0.98,  & ! 600
     &         0.15, 0.37, 0.52, 0.74, 0.82, 0.88, 0.94, 0.98 / ! 1000
!     :         0.11, 0.34, 0.49, 0.71, 0.83, 0.88, 0.94, 0.95 / ! 1400
      real da0lh(ngs)
      real da0lhl(ngs)

      real va0 (lc:lqmx)          ! collection coefficients from Seifert 2005
      real vab0(lc:lqmx,lc:lqmx)  ! collection coefficients from Seifert 2005
      real vab1(lc:lqmx,lc:lqmx)  ! collection coefficients from Seifert 2005
      real va1 (lc:lqmx)          ! collection coefficients from Seifert 2005

!      save va0, vab0, vab1, va1
!      real alpha(lc:lqmx) ! shape parameter
!      save alpha
      real ehip(ngs),ehlip(ngs),ehlir(ngs)
      real erir(ngs),esir(ngs),eglir(ngs),egmir(ngs),eghir(ngs)
      real efir(ngs),ehir(ngs),eirw(ngs),eirir(ngs),ehr(ngs)
      real erip(ngs),esip(ngs),eglip(ngs),eghip(ngs)
      real efip(ngs),eipi(ngs),eipw(ngs),eipip(ngs)
!  arrays for production terms
      real ptotal(ngs) ! , pqtot(ngs) 
      real pqcwi(ngs),pqcii(ngs),pqrwi(ngs)
      real pqswi(ngs),pqhwi(ngs),pqwvi(ngs)
      real pqgli(ngs),pqghi(ngs),pqfwi(ngs)
      real pqgmi(ngs),pqhli(ngs) ! ,pqhxi(ngs)
      real pqiri(ngs),pqipi(ngs) ! pqwai(ngs),
      real pqlwsi(ngs),pqlwhi(ngs),pqlwhli(ngs)
      real pvhwi(ngs), pvhwd(ngs)
      real pvhli(ngs), pvhld(ngs)
      real pvswi(ngs), pvswd(ngs)
      real pqcwd(ngs),pqcid(ngs),pqrwd(ngs)
      real pqswd(ngs),pqhwd(ngs),pqwvd(ngs)
      real pqgld(ngs),pqghd(ngs),pqfwd(ngs)
      real pqgmd(ngs),pqhld(ngs) ! ,pqhxd(ngs)
      real pqird(ngs),pqipd(ngs) ! pqwad(ngs),
      real pqlwsd(ngs),pqlwhd(ngs),pqlwhld(ngs)
!      real pqxii(ngs,nhab),pqxid(ngs,nhab)
      real  pctot(ngs)
      real  pcipi(ngs), pcipd(ngs)
      real  pciri(ngs), pcird(ngs)
      real  pccwi(ngs), pccwd(ngs)
      real  pccii(ngs), pccid(ngs)
      real  pcrwi(ngs), pcrwd(ngs)
      real  pcswi(ngs), pcswd(ngs)
      real  pchwi(ngs), pchwd(ngs)
      real  pchli(ngs), pchld(ngs)
      real  pcfwi(ngs), pcfwd(ngs)
      real  pcgli(ngs), pcgld(ngs)
      real  pcgmi(ngs), pcgmd(ngs)
      real  pcghi(ngs), pcghd(ngs)

      real  pzrwi(ngs), pzrwd(ngs)
      real  pzhwi(ngs), pzhwd(ngs)
      real  pzhli(ngs), pzhld(ngs)
      real  pzswi(ngs), pzswd(ngs)

!  other arrays
!      real wvdf(ngs),tka(ngs) !,akvisc(ngs),ci(ngs),cw(ngs),thdf(ngs)
      real dqisdt(ngs) !,advisc(ngs) !dqwsdt(ngs), ,schm(ngs),pndl(ngs)

      real qss0(ngs)

      real advisc0,advisc1,tka0

      real qsacip(ngs)
      real pres(ngs)
      real pk(ngs)
      real rho0(ngs),pi0(ngs)
      real rhovt(ngs)
      real thetap(ngs),theta0(ngs),qwvp(ngs),qv0(ngs)
      real thsave(ngs)
!      real pceds(ngs) ! ,ppceds(ngs),pmceds(ngs)
!      real qwfzi(ngs) ! ,qimlw(ngs)
      real ptwfzi(ngs),ptimlw(ngs)
      real psub(ngs),pvap(ngs),pfrz(ngs),ptem(ngs),pmlt(ngs),pevap(ngs),pdep(ngs)
      real cnostmp(ngs)   ! for diagnosed snow intercept
!      real fload(ngs)
!      character*80 filnam
!      character*15 rrshcm
!      character*2  headr1
!      character*5  rstime
!      character*6  rstime
!      character*2  nmliter
!  iholef = 1 to do hole filling technique version 1
!  which uses all hydrometerors to do hole filling of all hydrometeors
!  iholef = 2 to do hole filling technique version 2
!  which uses an individual hydrometeror species to do hole 
!  filling of a species of a hydrometeor
!  iholen = interval that hole filling is done
      integer  iholef
      integer  iholen
      parameter (iholef = 1)
      parameter (iholen = 1)
      real  cqtotn,cqtotn1
      real  cctotn
      real  citotn
      real  crtotn
      real  cstotn
      real  cvtotn
      real  cftotn
      real  cgltotn
      real  cghtotn
      real  chtotn
      real  cqtotp,cqtotp1
      real  cctotp
      real  citotp
      real  ciptotp
      real  crtotp
      real  cstotp
      real  cvtotp
      real  cftotp
      real  chltotp
!      real  chxtotp
      real  cgltotp
      real  cgmtotp
      real  cghtotp
      real  chtotp
      real  cqfac
      real  ccfac
      real  cifac
      real  cipfac
      real  crfac
      real  csfac
      real  cvfac
      real  cffac
      real  cglfac
      real  cghfac
      real  chfac
      real ssifac, qvapor
!   Miscellaneous variables
      integer ireadqf,lrho,lqsw,lqgl,lqgm ,lqgh ! ,ltim,ltem,lqcw,lqfw
      integer lqrw 
      real vt
      real arg  ! gamma is a function  
      real erbnd1, fdgt1, costhe1
      real qeps
      real dyi2,dzi2,cp608,cv,bta1,cnit,dragh,dnz00,rho00,pii
      real qccrit,gf4br,gf4ds,gf4p5, gf3ds, gf1ds,gr

!      real cnoi,cnoip,cnoir,cnor,cnos,cnogl,cnogm,cnogh,cnof,cnoh
!      real cnohl,
!      real rwdnmx,cwdnmx,cidnmx,xidnmx,swdnmx,gldnmx,gmdnmx
!      real cirdn0, cwdn0, rwdn0, swdn0, gldn0
!      real gmdn0, ghdn0, fwdn0, hwdn0, hldn0
      real xdn0(lc:lhab)
!      real ghdnmx,fwdnmx,hwdnmx,hldnmx,rwdnmn,cwdnmn,xidnmn,cidnmn
!      real swdnmn,gldnmn,gmdnmn,ghdnmn,fwdnmn
      integer l ,ltemq,inumgs, idelq ! , ib
!      real hwdnmn,hldnmn,
      real c1f3,brz,arz,rw,temq ! ,cmn,cmi40,cmi50
!      real ri50,vti50,bsfw,cm50a,a,cm40b,cm50b
      real ssival,tqvcon
      real cdx(lc:lhab)
      real cnox
      real cval,aval,eval,fval,gval ,qsign,ftelwc,qconkq
      real qconm,qconn,cfce15,gf8,gf4i,gf3p5,gf1a,gf1p5,qdiff,argrcnw
      real c4,bradp,bl2,bt2,dtrh,hrifac, hdia0,hdia1,civenta,civentb
      real civentc,civentd,civente,civentf,civentg,cireyn,xcivent
      real cipventa,cipventb,cipventc,cipventd,cipreyn,cirventa
      real cirventb
      integer igmrwa,igmrwb,igmswa, igmswb,igmfwa,igmfwb,igmhwa,igmhwb
      real rwventa ,rwventb,swventa,swventb,fwventa,fwventb,fwventc
      real hwventa,hwventb 
      real    hwventc, hlventa, hlventb,  hlventc
      real  glventa, glventb, glventc 
      real   gmventa, gmventb,  gmventc, ghventa, ghventb, ghventc 

      real  dzfacp,  dzfacm,  cmassin,  cwdiar ! , cwmasr
      real  rimmas, rhobar
      real   argtim, argqcw, argqxw, argtem
      real   frcswsw, frcswgl, frcswgm, frcswgh, frcswfw, frcswsw1
      real   frcglgl, frcglgm, frcglgh,  frcglfw, frcglgl1
      real   frcgmgl, frcgmgm, frcgmgh,  frcgmfw, frcgmgm1
      real   frcghgl, frcghgm, frcghgh,  frcghfw,  frcghgh1
      real   frcfwgl, frcfwgm, frcfwgh, frcfwfw,  frcfwfw1
      real   frcswrsw, frcswrgl,  frcswrgm,  frcswrgh, frcswrfw
      real   frcswrsw1
      real   frcrswsw, frcrswgl, frcrswgm, frcrswgh, frcrswfw
      real  frcrswsw1 
      real  frcglrgl, frcglrgm, frcglrgh,  frcglrfw, frcglrgl1
      real  frcrglgl  
      real  frcrglgm,  frcrglgh, frcrglfw, frcrglgl1  
      real  frcgmrgl, frcgmrgm, frcgmrgh, frcgmrfw,  frcgmrgm1
      real  frcrgmgl, frcrgmgm,  frcrgmgh, frcrgmfw, frcrgmgm1
      real  sum,  qweps,  gf2a, gf4a, dqldt, dqidt, dqdt
      real frcghrgl, frcghrgm, frcghrgh, frcghrfw, frcghrgh1, frcrghgl
      real frcrghgm, frcrghgh,  frcrghfw, frcrghgh1
      real    a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6
      real   gamss
      real cdw, cdi, denom1, denom2, delqci1, delqip1 ! , dtz1, dtz2
      real cirtotn,  ciptotn, cgmtotn, chltotn,  cirtotp
      real  cgmfac, chlfac,  cirfac
      integer igmhla, igmhlb, igmgla, igmglb, igmgma,  igmgmb
      integer igmgha, igmghb
      integer idqis, item, itim0 ! ,  itim
      integer  iqgl, iqgm, iqgh, iqrw, iqsw ! ,iqcw, iqfw
      integer  itertd, ia
      real tau, ewtmp
      integer cntnic_noliq
      real     q_noliqmn, q_noliqmx
      real     scsacimn, scsacimx
!   arrays for temporary bin space

      integer nbin
      parameter (nbin=50)  ! number of mass bins for bin model
      real rn(nbin) !,rd(nbin),rm(nbin)
      real rq(nbin),vtr(nbin) !,rdrd(nbin)
       real vtra(nbin)
       real hmmin,hjo
!       parameter ( hjo = 0.8*7.5*nbin/(41.) )
       parameter (hmmin = 1.e-11, hjo = 0.8*7.5 )
       integer itile,jtile,ktile
      integer ixend,jyend,kzend,kzbeg
      integer nxend,nyend,nzend,nzbeg

! ####################################################################
!  Start routine
! ####################################################################

      itile = nx
      jtile = ny
      ktile = nz
      ixend = nx
      jyend = ny
      kzend = nz
      nxend = nx + 1
      nyend = ny + 1
      nzend = nz
      kzbeg = 1
      nzbeg = 1
      istag = 0
      jstag = 0
      kstag = 1

      imixedphase = 0
      IF ( mixedphase ) imixedphase = 1

!  slope intercepts
      IF ( ngs .lt. nz ) THEN
!       write(0,*) 'Error in ICEZVD: Must have ngs .ge. nz!'
!       STOP
      cntnic_noliq = 0
      q_noliqmn = 0.0
      q_noliqmx = 0.0
      scsacimn = 0.0
      scsacimx = 0.0
      ldovol = .false.
      DO il = lc,lhab
        ldovol = ldovol .or. ( lvol(il) .gt. 1 )

!      DO il = lc,lhab
!        write(iunit,*) 'delqnxa(',il,') = ',delqnxa(il)
!      ENDDO
!  density maximums and minimums

!  Set terminal velocities...
!    also set drag coefficients



!  electricity constants
!  mixing ratio epsilon
      qeps  = 1.0e-20

!  rebound efficiency (erbnd)
!  constants
      cai = 21.87455
      caw = 17.2693882
      cbi = 7.66
      cbw = 35.86

      cp608 = 0.608
      cv = 717.0
      ar = 841.99666  
      br = 0.8
      aradcw = -0.27544
      bradcw = 0.26249e+06
      cradcw = -1.8896e+10
      dradcw = 4.4626e+14
      bta1 = 0.6
      cnit = 1.0e-02
      dragh = 0.60
      dnz00 = 1.225
      rho00 = 1.225
!      cs = 4.83607122
!      ds = 0.25
!  new values for  cs and ds
      cs = 12.42
      ds = 0.42
      pii = piinv ! 1./pi
      pid4 = pi/4.0 
!      qscrit = 6.0e-04
      gf1 = 1.0 ! gamma(1.0)
      gf1p5 = 0.8862269255  ! gamma(1.5)
      gf2 = 1.0 ! gamma(2.0)
      gf3 = 2.0 ! gamma(3.0)
      gf3p5 = 3.32335097 ! gamma(3.5)
      gf4 = 6.00 ! gamma(4.0)
      gf5 = 24.0 ! gamma(5.0)
      gf6 = 120.0 ! gamma(6.0)
      gf7 = 720.0 ! gamma(7.0)
      gf4br = 17.837861981813607 ! gamma(4.0+br)
      gf4ds = 10.41688578110938 ! gamma(4.0+ds)
      gf4p5 = 11.63172839656745 ! gamma(4.0+0.5)
      gf3ds = 3.0458730354120997 ! gamma(3.0+ds)
      gf1ds = 0.8863557896089221 ! gamma(1.0+ds)
      gr = 9.8
      gf43rds = 0.8929795116 ! gamma(4./3.)
      gf53rds = 0.9027452930 ! gamma(5./3.)
      gf73rds = 1.190639349 ! gamma(7./3.)
      gf83rds = 1.504575488 ! gamma(8./3.)
!  constants
      c1f3 = 1.0/3.0
!  general constants for microphysics
      brz = 100.0
      arz = 0.66
      cai = 21.87455
      caw = 17.2693882
      cbi = 7.66
      cbw = 35.86
      vfrz = 0.523599*(dfrz)**3 
      vmlt = 0.523599*(dmlt)**3 


      tdtol = 1.0e-05
      thnuc = 233.15
      rw = 461.5              ! gas const. for water vapor
      advisc0 = 1.832e-05
      advisc1 = 1.718e-05    ! dynamic viscosity
      tka0 = 2.43e-02        ! thermal conductivity
      tfrcbw = tfr - cbw
      tfrcbi = tfr - cbi
!  cw constants in mks units
!      cwmasn = 4.25e-15  ! radius of 1.0e-6
      cwmasn = 5.23e-13  ! radius of 5.0e-6
      cwmasn5 =  5.23e-13
      cwradn = 5.0e-6
      cwmasx = 5.25e-10  ! radius of 50.0e-6
      mwfac = 6.0**(1./3.)
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
        cwmasn = xvmn(lc)*1000.
        cwradn = 1.0e-6
        cwmasx = xvmx(lc)*1000.
        rwmasn = xvmn(lr)*1000.
        rwmasx = xvmx(lr)*1000.

!  ci constants in mks units
      cimasn = 6.88e-13 ! 12 microns for  0.1871*(xmas(mgs,li)**(0.3429))
      cimasx = 1.0e-8   ! 338 microns
      ccimx = 5000.0e3   ! max of 5000 per liter

!  constants for paramerization
!  set save counter (number of saves):  nsvcnt
!      nsvcnt = 0
      iend = 0
!      timetd1 = etime(tarray)
!      timetd1 = tarray(1)

!$     ndebug = -1
! cmic$  cncall
!  start jy loop

!      do 9999 jy = 1,ny-jstag
!  VERY IMPORTANT:  SET jy = jgs
      jy = jgs
      IF ( ipconc < 2 ) THEN ! Make a copy of cloud droplet mixing ratio to use for homogeneous freezing
        DO kz = 1,nz
         DO ix = 1,nx
           t9(ix,jy,kz) = an(ix,jy,kz,lc)

!..Gather microphysics  
      if ( ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: ENTER GATHER STAGE'
      nxmpb = 1
      nzmpb = 1
      nxz = nx*nz
      numgs = nxz/ngs + 1
!      write(0,*) 'ICEZVD_GS: ENTER GATHER STAGE: nx,nz,nxz,numgs,ngs = ',nx,nz,nxz,numgs,ngs
      do 1000 inumgs = 1,numgs
      ngscnt = 0
      do kz = nzmpb,nz-kstag-1 
      do ix = nxmpb,nx

      pqs(1) = t00(ix,jy,kz)
!      pqs(kz) = t00(ix,jy,kz)

      theta(1) = an(ix,jy,kz,lt) 
      temg(1) = t0(ix,jy,kz)
      temcg(1) = temg(1) - tfr
      tqvcon = temg(1)-cbw
      ltemq = (temg(1)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
      ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
      qvs(1) = pqs(1)*tabqvs(ltemq)
      qis(1) = pqs(1)*tabqis(ltemq)

      qss(1) = qvs(1)
!      IF ( jy .eq. 1 .and. ix .eq. 24 ) THEN
!       write(91,*) 'kz,qv,th: ',kz,an(ix,jy,kz,lv),an(ix,jy,kz,lt),pqs(kz),tabqvs(ltemq),qvs(kz)
!      ENDIF
      if ( temg(1) .lt. tfr ) then
!      if( qcw(kz) .le. qxmin(lc) .and. qci(kz) .gt. qxmin(li)) 
!     >  qss(kz) = qis(kz)
!      if( qcw(kz) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. qci(kz) .gt. qxmin(li))
!     >   qss(kz) = (qcw(kz)*qvs(kz) + qci(kz)*qis(kz)) /
!     >   (qcw(kz) + qci(kz))
      qss(1) = qis(1)
!       IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lv)  .gt. qss(kz) ) THEN
!       write(iunit,*) 'qss exceeded at ',ix,jy,kz,qss(kz),an(ix,jy,kz,lv),temg(kz)
!       write(iunit,*) 'other temg = ',theta(kz)*(pinit(kz)+p2(ix,jy,kz))
!       ENDIF
      end if
      ishail = .false.
      IF ( lhl > 1 ) THEN
        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)  .gt. qxmin(lhl) ) ishail = .true.
      if ( an(ix,jy,kz,lv)  .gt. qss(1) .or.   &
     &     an(ix,jy,kz,lc)  .gt. qxmin(lc)   .or.    &
     &     an(ix,jy,kz,li)  .gt. qxmin(li)   .or.   &
     &     an(ix,jy,kz,lr)  .gt. qxmin(lr)   .or.   &
     &     an(ix,jy,kz,ls)  .gt. qxmin(ls)   .or.   &
     &     an(ix,jy,kz,lh)  .gt. qxmin(lh)   .or.  ishail ) then
      ngscnt = ngscnt + 1
      igs(ngscnt) = ix
      kgs(ngscnt) = kz
      if ( ngscnt .eq. ngs ) goto 1100
      end if
      enddo !ix
      nxmpb = 1
      enddo !kz
 1100 continue

      if ( ngscnt .eq. 0 ) go to 9998

      if ( ndebug .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'ICEZVD_GS: dbg = 5'

      xv(:,:) = 0.0
!      xsfca(:,:) = 0.0
      xmas(:,:) = 0.0
      vtxbar(:,:,:) = 0.0
      xdia(:,:,:) = 0.0
      raindn(:,:) = 900.
      cx(:,:) = 0.0
      DO il = li,lhab
        DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
          rimdn(mgs,il)  = rimedens ! xdn0(il)
!  define temporaries for state variables to be used in calculations
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      kgsm(mgs) = max(kgs(mgs)-1,1)
      kgsm2(mgs) = Max(kgs(mgs)-2,1)
      kgsp(mgs) = min(kgs(mgs)+1,nz-1)
      theta0(mgs) = 0.0 
      thetap(mgs) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lt) - theta0(mgs)
      theta(mgs) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lt)
      qv0(mgs) = 0.0
      qwvp(mgs) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lv)  - qv0(mgs)

      pres(mgs) = pn(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
      rho0(mgs) = dn(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
      rhoinv(mgs) = 1.0/rho0(mgs)
      rhovt(mgs) = Sqrt(rho00/rho0(mgs))
      pi0(mgs) = p2(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) ! pinit(kgs(mgs))
      temg(mgs) = t0(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
      temgkm1(mgs) = t0(igs(mgs),jy,kgsm(mgs))
      temgkm2(mgs) = t0(igs(mgs),jy,kgsm2(mgs))
      pk(mgs)   = p2(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) ! t77(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
      temcg(mgs) = temg(mgs) - tfr
      qss0(mgs) = (380.0)/(pres(mgs))
      pqs(mgs) = (380.0)/(pres(mgs))
      ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
      ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
      qvs(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqvs(ltemq)
      qis(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqis(ltemq)
      es(mgs)  = 6.1078e2*tabqvs(ltemq)
      eis(mgs) = 6.1078e2*tabqis(ltemq)
      cnostmp(mgs) = cno(ls)
      il5(mgs) = 0
      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr ) then 
      il5(mgs) = 1
      end if
      enddo !mgs

! zero arrays that are used but not otherwise set (tm)
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
         qhshr(mgs) = 0.0 
       end do
!  set temporaries for microphysics variables
      DO il = lv,lhab
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        qx(mgs,il) = max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),il), 0.0) 
      end do

      qxw(:,:) = 0.0

!  set shape parameters
      DO il = lc,lhab
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        IF ( il .ge. lg ) alpha(mgs,il) = dnu(il)
        IF ( il == lr ) alpha(mgs,il) = xnu(lr)
        DO ic = lr,lhab
        dab0lh(mgs,il,ic) = dab0(ic,il)
        dab1lh(mgs,il,ic) = dab1(ic,il)
      end do
!      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
        da0lh(:) = da0(lh)
        IF ( lzh < 1 .or. lzhl < 1 ) THEN
          rzxhlh(:) = rzhl/rz
        ELSEIF ( lzh > 1 .and. lzhl > 1 ) THEN
          rzxhlh(:) = 1.
        IF ( lzr > 1 ) THEN
          rzxh(:) = 1.
          rzxhl(:) = 1.
          rzxh(:) = rz
          rzxhl(:) = rzhl
 !     ENDDO
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
        da0lhl(mgs) = da0(lhl)
      ventrx(:) = ventr
      ventrxn(:) = ventrn

!  set concentrations
!      ssmax = 0.0
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,li) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lni), 0.0)
        IF ( qx(mgs,li) .le. qxmin(li) .or. cx(mgs,li) .le. 0.0 ) THEN
          cx(mgs,li) = 0.0
          an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lni) = 0.0
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) +  qx(mgs,li)
          qx(mgs,li) = 0.0
       end do
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,lc) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnc), 0.0)
        cx(mgs,lc) = Min( ccwmx, cx(mgs,lc) )
        IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc) .or. cx(mgs,lc) .le. 0.0  ) THEN
          cx(mgs,lc) = 0.0
          an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnc) = 0.0
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) +  qx(mgs,lc)
          qx(mgs,lc) = 0.0
        IF ( lccn .gt. 1 ) THEN
         ccnc(mgs) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lccn)
         ccnc(mgs) = 0.0
       end do
!       ELSE
!       cx(mgs,lc) = Abs(ccn)
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,lr) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnr), 0.0)
        IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .le. qxmin(lr) .or. cx(mgs,lr) .le. 0.0 ) THEN
          cx(mgs,lr) = 0.0
          an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnr) = 0.0
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) +  qx(mgs,lr)
          qx(mgs,lr) = 0.0
        IF ( cx(mgs,lr) .eq. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,lr) .lt. 3.0*qxmin(lr) ) THEN
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) + qx(mgs,lr)
          qx(mgs,lr) = 0.0
          cx(mgs,lr) = Max( 1.e-9, cx(mgs,lr) )
       IF ( .not. ( cx(mgs,lr) < 1.e30 .and. cx(mgs,lr) > -1.e20 ) ) THEN
         write(0,*) 'icezvd_gs: problem with cx(mgs,lr)! ',qx(mgs,lr),cx(mgs,lr)
       end do
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,ls) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lns), 0.0)
        IF ( qx(mgs,ls) .le. qxmin(ls) .or. cx(mgs,ls) .le. 0.0 ) THEN
          cx(mgs,ls) = 0.0
          an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lns) = 0.0
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) +  qx(mgs,ls)
          qx(mgs,ls) = 0.0
        IF ( cx(mgs,ls) .eq. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,ls) .lt. 3.0*qxmin(ls) ) THEN
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) + qx(mgs,ls)
          qx(mgs,ls) = 0.0
          cx(mgs,ls) = Max( 1.e-9, cx(mgs,ls) )

         IF ( ilimit .ge. ipc(ls) ) THEN
            tmp = (xdn0(ls)*cx(mgs,ls))/(rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls))
            tmp2 = (tmp*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
            cnox = cx(mgs,ls)*(tmp2)
         IF ( cnox .gt. 3.0*cno(ls) ) THEN
           cx(mgs,ls) = 3.0*cno(ls)/tmp2
       end do
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt

        cx(mgs,lh) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnh), 0.0)
        IF ( qx(mgs,lh) .le. qxmin(lh) .or. cx(mgs,lh) .le. 0.0 ) THEN
          cx(mgs,lh) = 0.0
          an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnh) = 0.0
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) +  qx(mgs,lh)
          qx(mgs,lh) = 0.0
        IF ( cx(mgs,lh) .eq. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,lh) .lt. 3.0*qxmin(lh) ) THEN
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) + qx(mgs,lh) 
          qx(mgs,lh) = 0.0
          cx(mgs,lh) = Max( 1.e-9, cx(mgs,lh) )
         IF ( ilimit .ge. ipc(lh) ) THEN
            tmp = (xdn0(lh)*cx(mgs,lh))/(rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lh))
            tmp2 = (tmp*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
            cnox = cx(mgs,lh)*(tmp2)
         IF ( cnox .gt. 3.0*cno(lh) ) THEN
           cx(mgs,lh) = 3.0*cno(lh)/tmp2
       end do
      end if

      if ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ipconc .ge. 5 ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt

        cx(mgs,lhl) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnhl), 0.0)
        IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .le. qxmin(lhl) .or. cx(mgs,lhl) .le. 0.0 ) THEN
          cx(mgs,lhl) = 0.0
          an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnhl) = 0.0
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) +  qx(mgs,lhl)
          qx(mgs,lhl) = 0.0
        IF ( cx(mgs,lhl) .eq. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,lhl) .lt. 3.0*qxmin(lhl) ) THEN
          qx(mgs,lv) = qx(mgs,lv) + qx(mgs,lhl) 
          qx(mgs,lhl) = 0.0
          cx(mgs,lhl) = Max( 1.e-9, cx(mgs,lhl) )
         IF ( ilimit .ge. ipc(lhl) ) THEN
            tmp = (xdn0(lhl)*cx(mgs,lhl))/(rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lhl))
            tmp2 = (tmp*(3.14159))**(1./3.)
            cnox = cx(mgs,lhl)*(tmp2)
         IF ( cnox .gt. 3.0*cno(lhl) ) THEN
           cx(mgs,lhl) = 3.0*cno(lhl)/tmp2
       end do
      end if

! Set mean particle volume
      IF ( ldovol ) THEN
      vx(:,:) = 0.0
       DO il = li,lhab
        IF ( lvol(il) .ge. 1 ) THEN
          DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
            vx(mgs,il) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lvol(il)), 0.0)

!  set factors
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      ssi(mgs) = qx(mgs,lv)/qis(mgs)
      ssw(mgs) = qx(mgs,lv)/qvs(mgs)
      tsqr(mgs) = temg(mgs)**2
      temgx(mgs) = min(temg(mgs),313.15)
      temgx(mgs) = max(temgx(mgs),233.15)
      felv(mgs) = 2500837.367 * (273.15/temgx(mgs))**((0.167)+(3.67e-4)*temgx(mgs))
      temcgx(mgs) = min(temg(mgs),273.15)
      temcgx(mgs) = max(temcgx(mgs),223.15)
      temcgx(mgs) = temcgx(mgs)-273.15

! felf = latent heat of fusion, fels = LH of sublimation, felv = LH of vaporization
      felf(mgs) = 333690.6098 + (2030.61425)*temcgx(mgs) - (10.46708312)*temcgx(mgs)**2
      fels(mgs) = felv(mgs) + felf(mgs)
      felvs(mgs) = felv(mgs)*felv(mgs)
      felss(mgs) = fels(mgs)*fels(mgs)
      fgamw(mgs) = felv(mgs)*cpi/pi0(mgs)
      fgams(mgs) = fels(mgs)*cpi/pi0(mgs)
      fcqv1(mgs) = 4098.0258*pi0(mgs)*fgamw(mgs)
      fcqv2(mgs) = 5807.6953*pi0(mgs)*fgams(mgs)
      fcc3(mgs) = cpi*felf(mgs)/pi0(mgs)
!  fwvdf = water vapor diffusivity
      fwvdf(mgs) = (2.11e-05)*((temg(mgs)/tfr)**1.94)*(101325.0/(pres(mgs)))
! fadvisc = 1/Reynolds number
      fadvisc(mgs) = advisc0*(416.16/(temg(mgs)+120.0))*(temg(mgs)/296.0)**(1.5)
      fakvisc(mgs) = fadvisc(mgs)*rhoinv(mgs)
      temcgx(mgs) = min(temg(mgs),273.15)
      temcgx(mgs) = max(temcgx(mgs),233.15)
      temcgx(mgs) = temcgx(mgs)-273.15
      fci(mgs) = (2.118636 + 0.007371*(temcgx(mgs)))*(1.0e+03)
      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.15 ) then
      temcgx(mgs) = min(temg(mgs),273.15)
      temcgx(mgs) = max(temcgx(mgs),233.15)
      temcgx(mgs) = temcgx(mgs)-273.15
      fcw(mgs) = 4203.1548  + (1.30572e-2)*((temcgx(mgs)-35.)**2)   &
     &                 + (1.60056e-5)*((temcgx(mgs)-35.)**4)
      end if
      if ( temg(mgs) .ge. 273.15 ) then
      temcgx(mgs) = min(temg(mgs),308.15)
      temcgx(mgs) = max(temcgx(mgs),273.15)
      temcgx(mgs) = temcgx(mgs)-273.15
      fcw(mgs) = 4243.1688  + (3.47104e-1)*(temcgx(mgs)**2)
      end if
      ftka(mgs) = tka0*fadvisc(mgs)/advisc1  ! thermal conductivity
!      fthdf(mgs) = ftka(mgs)*cpi*rhoinv(mgs)
      fschm(mgs) = (fakvisc(mgs)/fwvdf(mgs))  ! Schmidt number
!      fpndl(mgs) = (fakvisc(mgs)/fthdf(mgs))  ! Prandl number (not used)
      fai(mgs) = (fels(mgs)**2)/(ftka(mgs)*rw*temg(mgs)**2)
      fbi(mgs) = (1.0/(rho0(mgs)*fwvdf(mgs)*qis(mgs)))
      fav(mgs) = (felv(mgs)**2)/(ftka(mgs)*rw*temg(mgs)**2)
      fbv(mgs) = (1.0/(rho0(mgs)*fwvdf(mgs)*qvs(mgs)))
      end do       
!   ice habit fractions
!  Set density
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: Set density'

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        xdn(mgs,li) = xdn0(li)
        xdn(mgs,lc) = xdn0(lc)
        xdn(mgs,lr) = xdn0(lr)
        xdn(mgs,ls) = xdn0(ls)
        xdn(mgs,lh) = xdn0(lh)
        IF ( lvol(ls) .gt. 1 ) THEN
         IF ( vx(mgs,ls) .gt. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,ls) .gt. qxmin(ls) ) THEN
           xdn(mgs,ls) = Min( xdnmx(ls), Max( xdnmn(ls), rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls)/vx(mgs,ls) ) )

        IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 ) THEN
         IF ( vx(mgs,lh) .gt. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) ) THEN
           IF ( mixedphase ) THEN 
             dnmx = xdnmx(lh)
           xdn(mgs,lh) = Min( dnmx, Max( xdnmn(lh), rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lh)/vx(mgs,lh) ) )
           vx(mgs,lh) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lh)/xdn(mgs,lh)

        IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN

          xdn(mgs,lhl) = xdn0(lhl)

          IF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1 ) THEN
           IF ( vx(mgs,lhl) .gt. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) ) THEN

           IF ( mixedphase .and. lhlw > 1 ) THEN 
             dnmx = xdnmx(lhl)

             xdn(mgs,lhl) = Min( dnmx, Max( xdnmn(lhl), rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lhl)/vx(mgs,lhl) ) )
             vx(mgs,lhl) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lhl)/xdn(mgs,lhl)

! adjust density for wet snow and graupel (Ferrier 94)
! (aps): for the time being, do not adjust density until we keep track of fully melted snow/graupel
!        IF (mixedphase) THEN
          IF (qsdenmod) THEN
           IF(fsw(mgs) .gt. 0.01) THEN
            xdn(mgs,ls) = (1.-fsw(mgs))*rho_qs + fsw(mgs)*rho_qr        !Ferrier: 100./(1.-fsw(mgs))
            IF(fsw(mgs) .eq. 1.) xdn(mgs,ls) = rho_qr   ! fsw = 1 means it's liquid water, yo!
          IF (qhdenmod) THEN
!          IF(fhw(mgs) .gt. 0.01) THEN
!           IF(fhw(mgs) .lt. 1.) xdn(mgs,lh) = rho_qh / (1. - fhw(mgs))       !Ferrier: 400./(1.-fsw(mgs))
!           IF(fhw(mgs) .eq. 1.) xdn(mgs,lh) = rho_qr   ! fhw = 1 means it's liquid water, yo!
!          ENDIF
!        ENDIF

      end do

!  set some values for ice nucleation
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      wvel(mgs) = (0.5)*(w(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)+1)   &
     &                  +w(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)))
      wvelkm1(mgs) = (0.5)*(w(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))   &
     &                  +w(igs(mgs),jgs,Max(1,kgs(mgs)-1)))
      kgsm(mgs) = max(kgs(mgs)-1,1)
      kgsp(mgs) = min(kgs(mgs)+1,nz-1)
      cninm(mgs) = t7(igs(mgs),jgs,kgsm(mgs))
      cnina(mgs) = t7(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))
      cninp(mgs) = t7(igs(mgs),jgs,kgsp(mgs))
      end do

!  Set a couple of cloud variables...

!      SUBROUTINE setvt(ngscnt,qx,qxmin,cx,rho0,rhovt,xdia,cno,
!     :                 xmas,xdn,xvmn,xvmx,xv,cdx,
!     :                 ipconc,ndebug)
!      SUBROUTINE setvtz(ngscnt,qx,qxmin,qxw,cx,rho0,rhovt,xdia,cno, &
!     &                 xmas,vtxbar,xdn,xvmn,xvmx,xv,cdx,            &
!     &                 ipconc1,ndebug1,ngs,nz,kgs,cwnccn,fadvisc,   &
!     &                 cwmasn,cwmasx,cwradn,cnina,cimna,cimxa,      &
!     &                 itype1a,itype2a,temcg,infdo,alpha)

      call setvtz(ngscnt,ngs,qx,qxmin,qxw,cx,rho0,rhovt,xdia,cno,cnostmp,   &
     &                 xmas,vtxbar,xdn,xvmn,xvmx,xv,cdx,   &
     &                 ipconc,ndebug,ngs,nz,kgs,fadvisc,   &
     &                 cwmasn,cwmasx,cwradn,cnina,cimn,cimx,   &
     &                 itype1,itype2,temcg,0,alpha,0)


!  Set number concentrations (need xdia from setvt)
      if ( ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: Set concentration'
      if ( ipconc .lt. 5 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt

      IF ( ipconc .lt. 3 ) THEN
!      cx(mgs,lr) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lh) )  then
!      cx(mgs,lr) = cno(lr)*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
!      xv(mgs,lr) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lr))
      end if

      IF ( ipconc .lt. 4 ) THEN
!      tmp = cx(mgs,ls)
!      cx(mgs,ls) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,ls) .gt. qxmin(ls) )  then
!      cx(mgs,ls) = cno(ls)*xdia(mgs,ls,1)
!      xv(mgs,ls) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls)/(xdn(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,ls))
      end if
      ENDIF ! ( ipconc .lt. 4 )

      IF ( ipconc .lt. 5 ) THEN 

!      cx(mgs,lh) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) )  then
!      cx(mgs,lh) = cno(lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)
!      xv(mgs,lh) = Max(xvmn(lh), rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lh)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*cx(mgs,lh)) )
!      xdia(mgs,lh,3) = (xv(mgs,lh)*6./pi)**(1./3.) 
      end if

      ENDIF ! ( ipconc .lt. 5 )

      end do
      end if
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
        rb(mgs) = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)*((1./(1.+cnu)))**(1./6.)
        xl2p(mgs) = Max(0.0d0, 2.7e-2*xdn(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lc)*xv(mgs,lc)*   &
     &           ((0.5e20*rb(mgs)**3*xdia(mgs,lc,1))-0.4) )
        IF ( rb(mgs) .gt. 3.51e-6 ) THEN
!          rh(mgs) = Max( 0.5d0*xdia(mgs,lc,1), 6.3d-4/(1.d6*(rb(mgs) - 3.5d-6)) )
          rh(mgs) = Max( 41.d-6, 6.3d-4/(1.d6*(rb(mgs) - 3.5d-6)) )
          rh(mgs) = 41.d-6
        IF ( xl2p(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
          nh(mgs) = 4.2d9*xl2p(mgs)
          nh(mgs) = 1.e30
!  maximum depletion tendency by any one source
      if( ndebug .ge. 0 ) THEN
!mpi!        write(iunit,*) 'Set depletion max/min1'
!       call flush(iunit)
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qvimxd(mgs) = 0.70*(qx(mgs,lv)-qis(mgs))/dtp ! depletion by all vap. dep to ice.
      qvimxd(mgs) = max(qvimxd(mgs), 0.0)
!      qimxd(mgs)  = 0.20*qx(mgs,li)/dtp
!      qcmxd(mgs)  = 0.20*qx(mgs,lc)/dtp
!      qrmxd(mgs)  = 0.20*qx(mgs,lr)/dtp
!      qsmxd(mgs)  = 0.20*qx(mgs,ls)/dtp
!      qhmxd(mgs)  = 0.20*qx(mgs,lh)/dtp

      frac = 0.1d0
      qimxd(mgs)  = frac*qx(mgs,li)/dtp
      qcmxd(mgs)  = frac*qx(mgs,lc)/dtp
      qrmxd(mgs)  = frac*qx(mgs,lr)/dtp
      qsmxd(mgs)  = frac*qx(mgs,ls)/dtp
      qhmxd(mgs)  = frac*qx(mgs,lh)/dtp
      IF ( lhl > 1 ) qhlmxd(mgs)  = frac*qx(mgs,lhl)/dtp
      end do
      if( ndebug .ge. 0 ) THEN
!mpi!        write(iunit,*) 'Set depletion max/min2'
!       call flush(iunit)

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      if ( qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc) ) then
      ccmxd(mgs)  = 0.20*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
        ccmxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp
        ccmxd(mgs)  = frac*qx(mgs,lc)/(xmas(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)*dtp)
      end if
      if ( qx(mgs,li) .le. qxmin(li) ) then
      cimxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,li)/dtp
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) THEN
        cimxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,li)/dtp
        cimxd(mgs)  = frac*qx(mgs,li)/(xmas(mgs,li)*rho0(mgs)*dtp)
      end if
      crmxd(mgs)  = 0.10*cx(mgs,lr)/dtp
      csmxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,ls)/dtp
      chmxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,lh)/dtp

      ccmxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp
      cimxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,li)/dtp
      crmxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,lr)/dtp
      csmxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,ls)/dtp
      chmxd(mgs)  = frac*cx(mgs,lh)/dtp
      qxmxd(mgs,lv) = Max(0.0, 0.1*(qx(mgs,lv) - qvs(mgs))/dtp)
      DO il = lc,lhab
       qxmxd(mgs,il) = frac*qx(mgs,il)/dtp
       cxmxd(mgs,il) = frac*cx(mgs,il)/dtp

      end do
!  microphysics source terms (1/s) for mixing ratios 
!  Collection efficiencies:
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: Set collection efficiencies'
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      erw(mgs) = 0.0
      esw(mgs) = 0.0
      ehw(mgs) = 0.0
      ehlw(mgs) = 0.0
!      ehxw(mgs) = 0.0
      err(mgs) = 0.0
      esr(mgs) = 0.0
      il2(mgs) = 0
      il3(mgs) = 0
      ehr(mgs) = 0.0
      ehlr(mgs) = 0.0
!      ehxr(mgs) = 0.0
      eri(mgs) = 0.0
      esi(mgs) = 0.0
      ehi(mgs) = 0.0
      ehli(mgs) = 0.0
!      ehxi(mgs) = 0.0
      ers(mgs) = 0.0
      ess(mgs) = 0.0
      ehs(mgs) = 0.0
      ehls(mgs) = 0.0
      ehscnv(mgs) = 0.0
!      ehxs(mgs) = 0.0
      eiw(mgs) = 0.0
      eii(mgs) = 0.0
      icwr(mgs) = 1
      IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) ) THEN
       cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
      DO il = 1,8
         IF ( cwrad .ge. 1.e-6*cwr(il,1) ) icwr(mgs) = il

      irwr(mgs) = 1
      IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
         rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,3)  ! changed to mean volume diameter (10/6/06)
      DO il = 1,6
         IF ( rwrad .ge. 1.e-6*grad(il,1) ) irwr(mgs) = il

      igwr(mgs) = 1
!      IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
!         rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
! setting erw = 1 always, so now use igwr for graupel
      IF ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) ) THEN
         rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lh,3)  ! changed to mean volume diameter (10/6/06)
      DO il = 1,6
         IF ( rwrad .ge. 1.e-6*grad(il,1) ) igwr(mgs) = il

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN ! hail is turned on
      ihlr(mgs) = 1
      IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) ) THEN
         rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)  ! changed to mean volume diameter (10/6/06)
      DO il = 1,6
         IF ( rwrad .ge. 1.e-6*grad(il,1) ) ihlr(mgs) = il

!  Ice-Ice: Collection (cxc) efficiencies
      if ( qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) then
!      IF ( ipconc .ge. 14 ) THEN
!       eii(mgs)=0.1*exp(0.1*temcg(mgs))
!       if ( temg(mgs) .lt. 243.15 .and. qx(mgs,lc) .gt. 1.e-6 ) then
!        eii(mgs)=0.1
!       end if
!      ELSE
        eii(mgs) = exp(0.025*Min(temcg(mgs),0.0))  ! alpha1 from LFO83 (21)
!      ENDIF
      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. 273.15 ) eii(mgs) = 1.0
      end if
!  Ice-cloud water: Collection (cxc) efficiencies
      eiw(mgs) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,li).gt.qxmin(li) .and. qx(mgs,lc).gt.qxmin(lc) ) then
      if (xdia(mgs,lc,1).gt.15.0e-06 .and. xdia(mgs,li,1).gt.30.0e-06) then
! erm 5/10/2007 test following change:
!      if (xdia(mgs,lc,1).gt.12.0e-06 .and. xdia(mgs,li,1).gt.50.0e-06) then
      eiw(mgs) = 0.5
      end if
      if ( temg(mgs) .ge. 273.15 ) eiw(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
!  Rain: Collection (cxc) efficiencies
      if ( qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr) .and. qx(mgs,lc).gt.qxmin(lc) ) then

       IF ( lnr .gt. 1 ) THEN
       erw(mgs) = 1.0

!      cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
!      erw(mgs) =
!     >  min((aradcw + cwrad*(bradcw + cwrad*
!     <  (cradcw + cwrad*(dradcw)))), 1.0)
!       IF ( xdia(mgs,lc,1) .lt. 2.4e-06 .or. xdia(mgs,lr,1) .le. 50.0e-6 ) THEN
!          erw(mgs)=0.0
!       ENDIF
!       erw(mgs) = ew(icwr(mgs),igwr(mgs))
! interpolate along droplet radius
       ic = icwr(mgs)
       icp1 = Min( 8, ic+1 )
       ir = irwr(mgs)
       irp1 = Min( 6, ir+1 )
       cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
       rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
       slope1 = (ew(icp1, ir  ) - ew(ic,ir  ))*cwr(ic,2)
       slope2 = (ew(icp1, irp1) - ew(ic,irp1))*cwr(ic,2)

!       write(iunit,*) 'slop1: ',slope1,slope2,ew(ic,ir),cwr(ic,2)

       x1 = ew(ic,  ir) + slope1*Max(0.0, (cwrad - cwr(ic,1)) )
       x2 = ew(icp1,ir) + slope2*Max(0.0, (cwrad - cwr(ic,1)) )
       slope1 = (x2 - x1)*grad(ir,2)
       erw(mgs) = Max(0.0, x1 + slope1*Max(0.0, (rwrad - grad(ir,1)) ))
!       write(iunit,*) 'erw: ',erw(mgs),1.e6*cwrad,1.e6*rwrad,ic,ir,x1,x2
!       write(iunit,*)
       erw(mgs) = Max(0.0, erw(mgs) )
       IF ( rwrad .lt. 50.e-6 ) THEN
         erw(mgs) = 0.0
       ELSEIF (  rwrad .lt. 100.e-6 ) THEN  ! linear change from zero at 50 to erw at 100 microns
         erw(mgs) = erw(mgs)*(rwrad - 50.e-6)/50.e-6
      end if
      IF ( cx(mgs,lc) .le. 0.0 ) erw(mgs) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr) .and. qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr) ) then
      end if
      if ( qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr) .and. qx(mgs,ls).gt.qxmin(ls) ) then
      end if
      if ( qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr) .and. qx(mgs,li).gt.qxmin(li) ) then
!        IF ( vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) .gt. vtxbar(mgs,li,1) .and. 
!     :       xdia(mgs,lr,3) .gt. 200.e-6 .and. xdia(mgs,li,3) .gt. 100.e-6 ) THEN
         eri(mgs) = eri0
!      cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,li,3)
!      eri(mgs) =
!     >  1.0*min((aradcw + cwrad*(bradcw + cwrad*
!     <  (cradcw + cwrad*(dradcw)))), 1.0)
!         ENDIF
!       if ( xdia(mgs,li,1) .lt. 10.e-6 ) eri(mgs)=0.0
       if ( xdia(mgs,li,1) .lt. 40.e-6 ) eri(mgs)=0.0
      end if
!  Snow aggregates: Collection (cxc) efficiencies
! Modified by ERM with a linear function for small droplets and large
! snow agg. based numerical data from Wang and Ji (1992) in P&K 1997, which
! allows collection of very small droplets, albeit at low efficiency.  But slow 
! fall speeds of snow make up for the efficiency.
      esw(mgs) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,ls).gt.qxmin(ls) .and. qx(mgs,lc).gt.qxmin(lc) ) then
        esw(mgs) = 0.5
        if ( xdia(mgs,lc,1) .gt. 15.e-6 .and. xdia(mgs,ls,1) .gt. 100.e-6) then
          esw(mgs) = 0.5
        ELSEIF ( xdia(mgs,ls,1) .ge. 500.e-6 ) THEN
          esw(mgs) = Min(0.5, 0.05 + (0.8-0.05)/(40.e-6)*xdia(mgs,lc,1) )
      end if
      if ( qx(mgs,ls).gt.qxmin(ls) .and. qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr)  &
     &     .and. temg(mgs) .lt. tfr - 1.   &
     &                               ) then
      IF ( qx(mgs,ls) < 1.e-4 .and. qx(mgs,lr) < 1.e-4 ) il2(mgs) = 1
      end if
      IF ( ipconc < 3 .and. temg(mgs) < tfr .and. qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr) .and. qx(mgs,lr) < 1.e-4 ) THEN
        il3(mgs) = 1
      if ( qx(mgs,ls).gt.qxmin(ls) ) then
      IF ( ipconc .lt. 4 ) THEN
        ess(mgs) = 0.0
!        ess(mgs)=0.1*exp(0.1*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))
!        ess(mgs)=min(0.1,ess(mgs))
        ess(mgs) = ess0*Exp(ess1*Min( temcg(mgs), 0.0 ) )
      end if
      if ( qx(mgs,ls).gt.qxmin(ls) .and. qx(mgs,li).gt.qxmin(li) ) then
!      IF ( ipconc .lt. 4 ) THEN
      IF ( ipconc .le. 3 ) THEN
       esi(mgs) =  exp(0.025*min(temcg(mgs),0.0)) ! LFO
!       esi(mgs) =  Min(0.5, exp(0.025*min(temcg(mgs),0.0)) ) ! LFO
!       esi(mgs)=0.5*exp(0.1*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))  ! 10ice
!      ELSE ! zrnic/ziegler 1993
!      esi(mgs)= 0.1 ! 0.5*exp(0.1*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))
!      ENDIF
      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. 273.15 ) esi(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
!  Graupel: Collection (cxc) efficiencies
       xmascw(mgs) = xmas(mgs,lc)
      if ( qx(mgs,lh).gt.qxmin(lh) .and. qx(mgs,lc).gt.qxmin(lc) ) then
       IF ( iehw .eq. 0 ) THEN
       ehw(mgs) = ehw0  ! default value is 1.0
       ELSEIF ( iehw .eq. 1 ) THEN
      cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
      ehw(mgs) = Min( ehw0,    &
     &  ewfac*min((aradcw + cwrad*(bradcw + cwrad*   &
     &  (cradcw + cwrad*(dradcw)))), 1.0) )
       ELSEIF ( iehw .eq. 2 ) THEN
       ic = icwr(mgs)
       icp1 = Min( 8, ic+1 )
       ir = igwr(mgs)
       irp1 = Min( 6, ir+1 )
       cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
       rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lh,3)  ! changed to mean volume diameter
       slope1 = (ew(icp1, ir  ) - ew(ic,ir  ))*cwr(ic,2)
       slope2 = (ew(icp1, irp1) - ew(ic,irp1))*cwr(ic,2)
!        write(iunit,*) 'slop1: ',slope1,slope2,ew(ic,ir),cwr(ic,2)

       x1 = ew(ic,  ir) + slope1*Max(0.0, (cwrad - cwr(ic,1)) )
       x2 = ew(icp1,ir) + slope2*Max(0.0, (cwrad - cwr(ic,1)) )
       slope1 = (x2 - x1)*grad(ir,2)
       ehw(mgs) = Max( 0.0, Min( 1.0, x1 + slope1*Max(0.0, (rwrad - grad(ir,1)) ) ) )
       ehw(mgs) = Min( ehw0, ehw(mgs) )

!       write(iunit,*) 'ehw: ',ehw(mgs),1.e6*cwrad,1.e6*rwrad,ic,ir,x1,x2
!       write(iunit,*)

!       ehw(mgs) = Max( 0.2, ehw(mgs) )
!  assume that ehw = 1 for zero air resistance (rho0 = 0.0) and extrapolate toward that
!      ehw(mgs) = ehw(mgs) + (ehw(mgs) - 1.0)*(rho0(mgs) - rho00)/rho00
!      ehw(mgs) = ehw(mgs) + (1.0 - ehw(mgs))*((Max(0.0,rho00 - rho0(mgs)))/rho00)**2

       ELSEIF ( iehw .eq. 3 ) THEN ! use fraction of droplets greater than dmincw diameter
         ehw(mgs) = Exp(- (dmincw/xdia(mgs,lc,1))**3)
         xmascw(mgs) = xmas(mgs,lc) + xdn0(lc)*(pi*dmincw**3/6.0) ! this is the average mass of the droplets with d > dmincw
      if ( xdia(mgs,lc,1) .lt. 2.4e-06 ) ehw(mgs)=0.0
      end if
      if ( qx(mgs,lh).gt.qxmin(lh) .and. qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr)    &
     &     .and. temg(mgs) .lt. tfr    &
     &                               ) then
!      ehr(mgs) = Exp(-(40.e-6)**3/xv(mgs,lr))*Exp(-40.e-6/xdia(mgs,lh,1))
      ehr(mgs) = 1.0
      end if
      IF ( qx(mgs,ls).gt.qxmin(ls) ) THEN
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN
        ehscnv(mgs) = ehs0*exp(ehs1*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))
        ehscnv(mgs) = exp(0.09*min(temcg(mgs),0.0))
        if ( qx(mgs,lh).gt.qxmin(lh)  ) then
          ehs(mgs) = ehscnv(mgs)
        end if
      if ( qx(mgs,lh).gt.qxmin(lh) .and. qx(mgs,li).gt.qxmin(li) ) then
      ehi(mgs) = Min( ehimax, Max( ehi(mgs), ehimin ) )
      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. 273.15 ) ehi(mgs) = 0.0
      end if

!  Hail: Collection (cxc) efficiencies
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      if ( qx(mgs,lhl).gt.qxmin(lhl) .and. qx(mgs,lc).gt.qxmin(lc) ) then
       IF ( iehw == 3 ) iehlw = 3
       IF ( iehlw .eq. 0 ) THEN
       ehlw(mgs) = ehlw0  ! default value is 1.0
       ELSEIF ( iehlw .eq. 1 ) THEN
      cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
      ehlw(mgs) = Min( ehlw0,    &
     &  ewfac*min((aradcw + cwrad*(bradcw + cwrad*   &
     &  (cradcw + cwrad*(dradcw)))), 1.0) )
       ELSEIF ( iehlw .eq. 2 ) THEN
       ic = icwr(mgs)
       icp1 = Min( 8, ic+1 )
       ir = ihlr(mgs)
       irp1 = Min( 6, ir+1 )
       cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
       rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)  ! changed to mean volume diameter
       slope1 = (ew(icp1, ir  ) - ew(ic,ir  ))*cwr(ic,2)
       slope2 = (ew(icp1, irp1) - ew(ic,irp1))*cwr(ic,2)
       x1 = ew(ic,  ir) + slope1*(cwrad - cwr(ic,1))
       x2 = ew(icp1,ir) + slope2*(cwrad - cwr(ic,1))
       slope1 = (x2 - x1)*grad(ir,2)
       ehlw(mgs) = Max( 0.0, Min( 1.0, x1 + slope1*(rwrad - grad(ir,1)) ) )
       ehlw(mgs) = Min( ehlw0, ehlw(mgs) )
!       ehw(mgs) = Max( 0.2, ehw(mgs) )
!  assume that ehw = 1 for zero air resistance (rho0 = 0.0) and extrapolate toward that
!      ehw(mgs) = ehw(mgs) + (ehw(mgs) - 1.0)*(rho0(mgs) - rho00)/rho00
!      ehlw(mgs) = ehlw(mgs) + (1.0 - ehlw(mgs))*((Max(0.0,rho00 - rho0(mgs)))/rho00)**2

       ELSEIF ( iehlw .eq. 3 ) THEN ! use fraction of droplets greater than 15 micron diameter
         ehlw(mgs) = Exp(- (dmincw/xdia(mgs,lc,1))**3)
      if ( xdia(mgs,lc,1) .lt. 2.4e-06 ) ehlw(mgs)=0.0
      end if
      if ( qx(mgs,lhl).gt.qxmin(lhl) .and. qx(mgs,lr).gt.qxmin(lr)    &
     &     .and. temg(mgs) .lt. tfr    &
     &                               ) then
        ehlr(mgs) = 1.0
      end if
      IF ( qx(mgs,ls).gt.qxmin(ls) ) THEN
        if ( qx(mgs,lhl).gt.qxmin(lhl)  ) then
          ehls(mgs) = ehscnv(mgs)
        end if
      if ( qx(mgs,lhl).gt.qxmin(lhl) .and. qx(mgs,li).gt.qxmin(li) ) then
      ehli(mgs) = Min( ehimax, Max( ehli(mgs), ehimin ) )
      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. 273.15 ) ehli(mgs) = 1.0
      end if
      ENDIF ! lhl .gt. 1

      ENDDO  ! mgs loop for collection efficiencies

!  Set flags for plates vs. columns
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      xplate(mgs) = 0.0 
      xcolmn(mgs) = 1.0
!      if ( temcg(mgs) .lt. 0. .and. temcg(mgs) .ge. -4. ) then
!      xplate(mgs) = 1.0 
!      xcolmn(mgs) = 0.0
!      end if
!      if ( temcg(mgs) .lt. -4. .and. temcg(mgs) .ge. -9. ) then
!      xplate(mgs) = 0.0 
!      xcolmn(mgs) = 1.0
!      end if
!      if ( temcg(mgs) .lt. -9. .and. temcg(mgs) .ge. -22.5 ) then
!      xplate(mgs) = 1.0 
!      xcolmn(mgs) = 0.0
!      end if
!      if ( temcg(mgs) .lt. -22.5 .and. temcg(mgs) .ge. -90. ) then
!      xplate(mgs) = 0.0 
!      xcolmn(mgs) = 1.0
!      end if
      end do
!  Collection growth equations....
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'Collection: rain collects xxxxx'      
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qracw(mgs) =  0.0
      IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) .and. erw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
      IF ( ipconc .lt. 3 ) THEN
       IF ( erw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,lr) .gt. 1.e-7 ) THEN
       vt = (ar*(xdia(mgs,lc,1)**br))*rhovt(mgs)
       qracw(mgs) =    &
     &   (0.25)*pi*erw(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lr) &
!     >  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &  *Max(0.0, vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vt)   &
     &  *(  gf3*xdia(mgs,lr,2)    &
     &    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,lr,1)*xdia(mgs,lc,1)    &
     &    + gf1*xdia(mgs,lc,2) )  
!       qracw(mgs) = 0.0
!      write(iunit,*) 'qracw,cx =',qracw(mgs),1.e6*xdia(mgs,lr,1),erw(mgs)
!      write(iunit,*) 'qracw,cx =',qracw(mgs),cx(mgs,lc),kgs(mgs),cx(mgs,lr),1.e6*xdia(mgs,lr,1),vtxbar(mgs,lr,1),vt
!      write(iunit,*) 'vtr: ',vtxbar(mgs,lr,1), ar*gf4br/6.0*xdia(mgs,lr,1)**br, rhovt(mgs), 
!     :         ar*gf4br/6.0*xdia(mgs,lr,1)**br * rhovt(mgs)

       rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
        IF ( rwrad .gt. rh(mgs) ) THEN ! .or. cx(mgs,lr) .gt. nh(mgs) ) THEN
         IF ( rwrad .gt. rwradmn ) THEN
!      DM1CCC=A2*XNC*XNR*XVC*(((CNU+2.)/(CNU+1.))*XVC+XVR)       ! (A12)
           qracw(mgs) = erw(mgs)*aa2*cx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lc)*xmas(mgs,lc)*   &
     &        ((cnu + 2.)*xv(mgs,lc)/(cnu + 1.) + xv(mgs,lr))/rho0(mgs) !*rhoinv(mgs)

!      DM1CCC=A1*XNC*XNR*(((CNU+3.)*(CNU+2.)/(CNU+1.)**2)*XVC**3+ ! (A14)
!     1 ((RNU+2.)/(RNU+1.))*XVC*XVR**2)

           qracw(mgs) = aa1*cx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lc)*xdn(mgs,lc)*   &
     &        ((cnu + 3.)*(cnu + 2.)*xv(mgs,lc)**3/(cnu + 1.)**2 +    &
     &         (alpha(mgs,lr) + 2.)*xv(mgs,lc)*xv(mgs,lr)**2/(alpha(mgs,lr) + 1.))/rho0(mgs) !*rhoinv(mgs)

!           xvc = xv(mgs,lc)*(1.e6)
!           xvr = xv(mgs,lr)*1.e6
!           qracw(mgs) = 1.e-18*(aa1*xvc*cx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lc)*xdn(mgs,lc)*
!     :        ((cnu + 3.)*(cnu + 2.)*xvc**2/(cnu + 1.)**2 + 
!     :         (alpha(mgs,lr) + 2.)*xvr**2/(alpha(mgs,lr) + 1.))/rho0(mgs)) !*rhoinv(mgs)
!       qracw(mgs) = Min(qracw(mgs), qx(mgs,lc))
       qracw(mgs) = Min(qracw(mgs), qcmxd(mgs))
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qraci(mgs) = 0.0
      craci(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( eri(mgs) .gt. 0.0 .and. iacr .ge. 1 ) THEN
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
           tmp = eri(mgs)*aa2*cx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,li)*   &
     &        ((cinu + 2.)*xv(mgs,li)/(cinu + 1.) + xv(mgs,lr))
        qraci(mgs) = Min( qxmxd(mgs,li), tmp*xmas(mgs,li)*rhoinv(mgs) )
        craci(mgs) = Min( cxmxd(mgs,li), tmp )

!       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))**2 + 
!     :            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)*vtxbar(mgs,li,1) )
!          qraci(mgs) = 0.25*pi*eri(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)*qx(mgs,li)*vt*
!     :         (  da0(lr)*xdia(mgs,lr,3)**2 +  
!     :            dab1(lr,li)*xdia(mgs,lr,3)*xdia(mgs,li,3) + 
!     :            da1(li)*xdia(mgs,li,3)**2 ) 
!       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))**2 + 
!     :            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)*vtxbar(mgs,li,1) )
!          craci(mgs) = 0.25*pi*eri(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,li)*vt*
!     :         (  da0(lr)*xdia(mgs,lr,3)**2 +  
!     :            dab0(lr,li)*xdia(mgs,lr,3)*xdia(mgs,li,3) + 
!     :            da0(li)*xdia(mgs,li,3)**2 ) 
!          qraci(mgs) = Min( qraci(mgs), qxmxd(mgs,li) )
!          craci(mgs) = Min( craci(mgs), cxmxd(mgs,li) )

          qraci(mgs) =    &
     &     min(   &
     &     (0.25)*pi*eri(mgs)*qx(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,lr)   &
     &    *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))   &
     &    *(  gf3*xdia(mgs,lr,2)    &
     &      + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,lr,1)*xdia(mgs,li,1)    &
     &      + gf1*xdia(mgs,li,2) )     &
     &    , qimxd(mgs))
      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. 268.15 ) then
      qraci(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qracs(mgs) =  0.0
      IF ( ers(mgs) .gt. 0.0 .and. ipconc < 3 ) THEN
      qracs(mgs) =      &
     &   min(     &
     &   ((0.25)*pi/gf4)*ers(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,lr)     &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))     &
     &  *(  gf6*gf1*xdia(mgs,ls,2)     &
     &    + 2.0*gf5*gf2*xdia(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,lr,1)      &
     &    + gf4*gf3*xdia(mgs,lr,2) )      &
     &  , qsmxd(mgs))
      end do

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'Collection: snow collects xxxxx'
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qsacw(mgs) =  0.0
      csacw(mgs) =  0.0
      vsacw(mgs) =  0.0
      IF ( esw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN

       IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN
!     *    (((CNU+2.)/(CNU+1.))*XVC+XVS)/RO

!        tmp = esw(mgs)*rvt*aa2*cx(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,lc)*
!     :        ((cnu + 2.)*xv(mgs,lc)/(cnu + 1.) + xv(mgs,ls))
        tmp = 1.0*rvt*aa2*cx(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,lc)*   &
     &        ((cnu + 2.)*xv(mgs,lc)/(cnu + 1.) + xv(mgs,ls))
        qsacw(mgs) = Min( qxmxd(mgs,lc), tmp*xmas(mgs,lc)*rhoinv(mgs) )
        csacw(mgs) = Min( cxmxd(mgs,lc), tmp )

          IF ( lvol(ls) .gt. 1 ) THEN
             IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.15) THEN
             rimdn(mgs,ls) = rimc1*(-((0.5)*(1.e+06)*xdia(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &                *((0.60)*vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))   &
     &                /(temg(mgs)-273.15))**(rimc2)
             rimdn(mgs,ls) = Min( Max( rimc3, rimdn(mgs,ls) ), 900.0 )
             rimdn(mgs,ls) = 1000.

           vsacw(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qsacw(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,ls)


!        qsacw(mgs) = cecs*aa2*cx(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,lc)*xmas(mgs,lc)*
!     :        ((cnu + 2.)*xv(mgs,lc)/(cnu + 1.) + xv(mgs,ls))*rhoinv(mgs)
!      qsacw(mgs) =
!     >   min( 
!     >   ((0.25)*pi)*esw(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,ls)
!     >  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))
!     >  *(  gf3*xdia(mgs,ls,2) 
!     >    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,lc,1) 
!     >    + gf1*xdia(mgs,lc,2) )  
!     <  , qcmxd(mgs))

            vt = abs(vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1)) 

          qsacw(mgs) = 0.25*pi*esw(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)*qx(mgs,lc)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0(ls)*xdia(mgs,ls,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1(ls,lc)*xdia(mgs,ls,3)*xdia(mgs,lc,3) +    &
     &            da1(lc)*xdia(mgs,lc,3)**2 ) 
        qsacw(mgs) = Min( qsacw(mgs), qxmxd(mgs,ls) )
        csacw(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qsacw(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lc)
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qsaci(mgs) = 0.0
      csaci(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN
      IF ( esi(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
!     *  (((CINU+2.)/(CINU+1.))*VCIP+XVS)/RO

        tmp = esi(mgs)*rvt*aa2*cx(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,li)*   &
     &        ((cinu + 2.)*xv(mgs,li)/(cinu + 1.) + xv(mgs,ls))
        qsaci(mgs) = Min( qxmxd(mgs,li), tmp*xmas(mgs,li)*rhoinv(mgs) )
        csaci(mgs) = Min( cxmxd(mgs,li), tmp )

!      qsaci(mgs) = 
!     >   min(
!     >   ((0.25)*pi)*esi(mgs)*qx(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,ls)
!     >  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))
!     >  *(  gf3*xdia(mgs,ls,2) 
!     >    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,li,1) 
!     >    + gf1*xdia(mgs,li,2) )  
!     <  , qimxd(mgs))
      ELSE ! 
      IF ( esi(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
      qsaci(mgs) =    &
     &   min(   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi)*esi(mgs)*qx(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,ls)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))   &
     &  *(  gf3*xdia(mgs,ls,2)    &
     &    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,li,1)    &
     &    + gf1*xdia(mgs,li,2) )     &
     &  , qimxd(mgs))
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qsacr(mgs) = 0.0
      qsacrs(mgs) = 0.0
      csacr(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( esr(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
!       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lr,1))**2 + 
!     :            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)*vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) )
!       qsacr(mgs) = esr(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)*vt*
!     :     qx(mgs,lr)*0.25*pi*
!     :      (3.02787*xdia(mgs,lr,2) + 
!     :       3.30669*xdia(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,lr,1) + 
!     :       2.*xdia(mgs,ls,2))
!        qsacr(mgs) = Min( qsacr(mgs), qrmxd(mgs) )
!        csacr(mgs) = qsacr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)/qx(mgs,lr)
!        csacr(mgs) = min(csacr(mgs),crmxd(mgs))
       qsacr(mgs) =   &
     &   min(   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi/gf4)*esr(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,ls)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))   &
     &  *(  gf6*gf1*xdia(mgs,lr,2)   &
     &    + 2.0*gf5*gf2*xdia(mgs,lr,1)*xdia(mgs,ls,1)    &
     &    + gf4*gf3*xdia(mgs,ls,2) )    &
     &  , qrmxd(mgs))
      end do
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'Collection: graupel collects xxxxx'
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhacw(mgs) = 0.0
      rarx(mgs,lh) = 0.0
      vhacw(mgs) = 0.0
      vhsoak(mgs) = 0.0
      zhacw(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( .false. ) THEN
        vtmax = (gz(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))/dtp)
        vtxbar(mgs,lh,1) = Min( vtmax, vtxbar(mgs,lh,1))
        vtxbar(mgs,lh,2) = Min( vtmax, vtxbar(mgs,lh,2))
        vtxbar(mgs,lh,3) = Min( vtmax, vtxbar(mgs,lh,3))
      IF ( ehw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN

        IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN

        IF ( .false. ) THEN  
        qhacw(mgs) = (ehw(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lh)*pi*   &
     &    abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))*   &
     &    (2.0*xdia(mgs,lh,1)*(xdia(mgs,lh,1) +    &
     &         xdia(mgs,lc,1)*gf73rds) +    &
     &      xdia(mgs,lc,2)*gf83rds))/4.     
         ELSE  ! using Seifert coefficients
            vt = abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1)) 

          qhacw(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehw(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*qx(mgs,lc)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lh(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1lh(mgs,lc,lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)*xdia(mgs,lc,3) +    &
     &            da1(lc)*xdia(mgs,lc,3)**2 ) 
          qhacw(mgs) = Min( qhacw(mgs), 0.5*qx(mgs,lc)/dtp )
         IF ( lzh .gt. 1 ) THEN
          tmp = qx(mgs,lh)/cx(mgs,lh)
!!          g1 = (6.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))*(5.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))*(4.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))/
!!     :         ((3.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))*(2.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))*(1.0 + alpha(mgs,lh)))
!          alp = Max( 1.0, alpha(mgs,lh)+1. )
!          g1 = (6.0 + alp)*(5.0 + alp)*(4.0 + alp)/
!     :         ((3.0 + alp)*(2.0 + alp)*(1.0 + alp))
!          zhacw(mgs) =  g1*(6.*rho0(mgs)/(pi*1000.))**2*( 2.*( qx(mgs,lh)/cx(mgs,lh)) * qhacw(mgs) )
         qhacw(mgs) =    &
     &   min(   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi)*ehw(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lh)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &  *(  gf3*xdia(mgs,lh,2)    &
     &    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,lh,1)*xdia(mgs,lc,1)    &
     &    + gf1*xdia(mgs,lc,2) )     &
     &    , 0.5*qx(mgs,lc)/dtp)
!     <  , qxmxd(mgs,lc))
!     <  , qcmxd(mgs))

          IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 .or. lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN ! calculate rime density for graupel volume and/or for graupel conversion to hail
             IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.15) THEN
             rimdn(mgs,lh) = rimc1*(-((0.5)*(1.e+06)*xdia(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &                *((0.60)*vtxbar(mgs,lh,1))   &
     &                /(temg(mgs)-273.15))**(rimc2)
             rimdn(mgs,lh) = Min( Max( rimc3, rimdn(mgs,lh) ), 900.0 )
             rimdn(mgs,lh) = 1000.
             IF ( lvol(lh) > 1 ) vhacw(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhacw(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,lh)

        IF ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) .and. ipelec .gt. 0 ) THEN
         rarx(mgs,lh) =     &
     &    qhacw(mgs)*1.0e3*rho0(mgs)/((pi/2.0)*xdia(mgs,lh,2)*cx(mgs,lh))
      end do   
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhaci(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ehi(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       IF (  ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)*vtxbar(mgs,li,1) )

          qhaci(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehi(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*qx(mgs,li)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lh(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1lh(mgs,li,lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)*xdia(mgs,li,3) +    &
     &            da1(li)*xdia(mgs,li,3)**2 ) 
          qhaci(mgs) = Min( qhaci(mgs), qimxd(mgs) )
        qhaci(mgs) =    &
     &  min(   &
     &  ((0.25)*pi)*ehi(mgs)*qx(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,lh)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))   &
     &  *(  gf3*xdia(mgs,lh,2)    &
     &    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,lh,1)*xdia(mgs,li,1)    &
     &    + gf1*xdia(mgs,li,2) )     &
     &  , qimxd(mgs))
      end do   
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhacs(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ehs(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)*vtxbar(mgs,ls,1) )

          qhacs(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehs(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*qx(mgs,ls)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lh(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1lh(mgs,ls,lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)*xdia(mgs,ls,3) +    &
     &            da1(ls)*xdia(mgs,ls,3)**2 ) 
          qhacs(mgs) = Min( qhacs(mgs), qsmxd(mgs) )

         qhacs(mgs) =   &
     &   min(   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi/gf4)*ehs(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,lh)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))   &
     &  *(  gf6*gf1*xdia(mgs,ls,2)   &
     &    + 2.0*gf5*gf2*xdia(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)   &
     &    + gf4*gf3*xdia(mgs,lh,2) )   &
     &  , qsmxd(mgs))
      end do   
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhacr(mgs) = 0.0
      vhacr(mgs) = 0.0
      chacr(mgs) = 0.0
      zhacr(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( temg(mgs) .gt. tfr ) raindn(mgs,lh) = 1000.0

      IF ( ehr(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lr,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)*vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) )
!       qhacr(mgs) = ehr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*vt*
!     :     qx(mgs,lr)*0.25*pi*
!     :      (3.02787*xdia(mgs,lr,2) + 
!     :       3.30669*xdia(mgs,lh,1)*xdia(mgs,lr,1) + 
!     :       2.*xdia(mgs,lh,2))
       qhacr(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*qx(mgs,lr)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lh(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1lh(mgs,lr,lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)*xdia(mgs,lr,3) +    &
     &            da1(lr)*xdia(mgs,lr,3)**2 ) 
!       IF ( qhacr(mgs) .gt. 0. .or. tmp .gt. 0.0 ) print*,'qhacr= ',qhacr(mgs),tmp
!!        qhacr(mgs) = Min( qhacr(mgs), qrmxd(mgs) )
!!        chacr(mgs) = qhacr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)/qx(mgs,lr)
!!        chacr(mgs) = min(chacr(mgs),crmxd(mgs))
        qhacr(mgs) = Min( qhacr(mgs), qxmxd(mgs,lr) )
!        chacr(mgs) = Min( qhacr(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lr), cxmxd(mgs,lr) )

!       chacr(mgs) = ehr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*vt*
!     :     cx(mgs,lr)*0.25*pi*
!     :      (0.69874*xdia(mgs,lr,2) + 
!     :       1.24001*xdia(mgs,lh,1)*xdia(mgs,lr,1) + 
!     :       2.*xdia(mgs,lh,2))
!        chacr(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*cx(mgs,lr)*vt*
!     :         (  da0lh(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)**2 +  
!     :            dab0lh(mgs,lr)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)*xdia(mgs,lr,3) + 
!     :            da0(lr)*xdia(mgs,lr,3)**2 ) 

!       IF ( qhacr(mgs) .gt. 0. .or. tmp .gt. 0.0 ) print*,'chacr= ',chacr(mgs),tmp

        chacr(mgs) = qhacr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)/qx(mgs,lr)
        chacr(mgs) = min(chacr(mgs),crmxd(mgs))
      IF ( lzh .gt. 1 ) THEN
          tmp = qx(mgs,lh)/cx(mgs,lh)
!          g1 = (6.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))*(5.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))*(4.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))/
!     :         ((3.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))*(2.0 + alpha(mgs,lh))*(1.0 + alpha(mgs,lh)))
!          alp = Max( 1.0, alpha(mgs,lh)+1. )
!          g1 = (6.0 + alp)*(5.0 + alp)*(4.0 + alp)/
!     :         ((3.0 + alp)*(2.0 + alp)*(1.0 + alp))
!        zhacr(mgs) =  g1*(6.*rho0(mgs)/(pi*1000.))**2*( 2.*( tmp ) * qhacr(mgs) - tmp**2 * chacr(mgs) )
!        zhacr(mgs) =  g1*(6.*rho0(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,lh)))**2*( 2.*( tmp ) * qhacr(mgs) )
      qhacr(mgs) =   &
     &   min(   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi/gf4)*ehr(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lh)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lr,1))   &
     &  *(  gf6*gf1*xdia(mgs,lr,2)   &
     &    + 2.0*gf5*gf2*xdia(mgs,lr,1)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)   &
     &    + gf4*gf3*xdia(mgs,lh,2) )   &
     &  , qrmxd(mgs))
        IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 ) THEN
         vhacr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhacr(mgs)/raindn(mgs,lh)
      end do   

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'Collection: hail collects xxxxx'

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhlacw(mgs) = 0.0
      vhlacw(mgs) = 0.0
      vhlsoak(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl > 1 .and. .true.) THEN
        vtmax = (gz(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))/dtp)
        vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1) = Min( vtmax, vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1))
        vtxbar(mgs,lhl,2) = Min( vtmax, vtxbar(mgs,lhl,2))
        vtxbar(mgs,lhl,3) = Min( vtmax, vtxbar(mgs,lhl,3))

      IF ( lhl > 0 ) THEN
      rarx(mgs,lhl) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ehlw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
!        IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN

            vt = abs(vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1)) 

          qhlacw(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehlw(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*qx(mgs,lc)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lhl(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1lh(mgs,lc,lhl)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)*xdia(mgs,lc,3) +    &
     &            da1(lc)*xdia(mgs,lc,3)**2 ) 

          qhlacw(mgs) = Min( qhlacw(mgs), 0.5*qx(mgs,lc)/dtp )

          IF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1 ) THEN
             IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.15) THEN
             rimdn(mgs,lhl) = rimc1*(-((0.5)*(1.e+06)*xdia(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &                *((0.60)*vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1))   &
     &                /(temg(mgs)-273.15))**(rimc2)
             rimdn(mgs,lhl) = Min( Max( rimc3, rimdn(mgs,lhl) ), 900.0 )
             rimdn(mgs,lhl) = 1000.
             vhlacw(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlacw(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,lhl)


        IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) .and. ipelec .gt. 0 ) THEN
         rarx(mgs,lhl) =     &
     &    qhlacw(mgs)*1.0e3*rho0(mgs)/((pi/2.0)*xdia(mgs,lhl,2)*cx(mgs,lhl))
      end do   

      qhlaci(:) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1  ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( ehli(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       IF (  ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)*vtxbar(mgs,li,1) )

          qhlaci(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehli(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*qx(mgs,li)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lhl(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1lh(mgs,li,lhl)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)*xdia(mgs,li,3) +    &
     &            da1(li)*xdia(mgs,li,3)**2 ) 
          qhlaci(mgs) = Min( qhlaci(mgs), qimxd(mgs) )
      end do  
      qhlacs(:) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( ehls(mgs) .gt. 0.0) THEN
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)*vtxbar(mgs,ls,1) )

          qhlacs(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehli(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*qx(mgs,ls)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lhl(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1lh(mgs,ls,lhl)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)*xdia(mgs,ls,3) +    &
     &            da1(ls)*xdia(mgs,ls,3)**2 ) 
          qhlacs(mgs) = Min( qhlacs(mgs), qsmxd(mgs) )

      end do   

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhlacr(mgs) = 0.0
      chlacr(mgs) = 0.0
      vhlacr(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. temg(mgs) .gt. tfr ) raindn(mgs,lhl) = 1000.0

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ehlr(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lr,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)*vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) )
       qhlacr(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehlr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*qx(mgs,lr)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lhl(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1lh(mgs,lr,lhl)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)*xdia(mgs,lr,3) +    &
     &            da1(lr)*xdia(mgs,lr,3)**2 ) 
!       IF ( qhacr(mgs) .gt. 0. .or. tmp .gt. 0.0 ) print*,'qhacr= ',qhacr(mgs),tmp
!!        qhacr(mgs) = Min( qhacr(mgs), qrmxd(mgs) )
!!        chacr(mgs) = qhacr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)/qx(mgs,lr)
!!        chacr(mgs) = min(chacr(mgs),crmxd(mgs))
        qhlacr(mgs) = Min( qhlacr(mgs), qxmxd(mgs,lr) )

        chlacr(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehlr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*cx(mgs,lr)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lhl(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab0(lhl,lr)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)*xdia(mgs,lr,3) +    &
     &            da0(lr)*xdia(mgs,lr,3)**2 ) 

        chlacr(mgs) = min(chlacr(mgs),crmxd(mgs))

        IF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1 ) THEN
         vhlacr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlacr(mgs)/raindn(mgs,lhl)
      end do  

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'Collection: Cloud collects xxxxx'

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'Collection: cloud ice collects xxxx2'      
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qiacw(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( eiw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,li,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,li,1)*vtxbar(mgs,lc,1) )

          qiacw(mgs) = 0.25*pi*eiw(mgs)*cx(mgs,li)*qx(mgs,lc)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0(li)*xdia(mgs,li,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab1(li,lc)*xdia(mgs,li,3)*xdia(mgs,lc,3) +    &
     &            da1(lc)*xdia(mgs,lc,3)**2 ) 
       qiacw(mgs) = Min( qiacw(mgs), qxmxd(mgs,lc) )
      end do
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'Collection: cloud ice collects xxxx8'      
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qiacr(mgs) = 0.0
      qiacrf(mgs) = 0.0
      ciacr(mgs) = 0.0
      ciacrf(mgs) = 0.0
      viacrf(mgs) = 0.0
      csplinter(mgs) = 0.0
      qsplinter(mgs) = 0.0
      csplinter2(mgs) = 0.0
      qsplinter2(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( iacr .ge. 1 .and. eri(mgs) .gt. 0.0    &
     &     .and. temg(mgs) .le. 270.15 ) THEN
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
       ni = 0.0
         IF ( xdia(mgs,li,1) .ge. 10.e-6 ) THEN
          ni = ni + cx(mgs,li)*Exp(- (40.e-6/xdia(mgs,li,1))**3 )
!   Set nr to the number of drops greater than 40 microns.
         arg = 1000.*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
!         nr = cx(mgs,lr)*gaml02( arg )
!        IF ( iacr .eq. 1 ) THEN
         IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
           IF ( iacrsize .eq. 1 ) THEN
            nr = cx(mgs,lr)*gaml02d500( arg )  ! number greater than 500 microns in diameter
           ELSEIF ( iacrsize .eq. 2 ) THEN
            nr = cx(mgs,lr)*gaml02d300( arg )  ! number greater than 300 microns in diameter
           ELSEIF ( iacrsize .eq. 3 ) THEN
            nr = cx(mgs,lr)*gaml02( arg ) ! number greater than 40 microns in diameter
           ELSEIF ( iacrsize .eq. 4 ) THEN
            nr = cx(mgs,lr) ! all raindrops
         nr = cx(mgs,lr)*gaml02( arg )
!        ELSEIF ( iacr .eq. 2 ) THEN
!         nr = cx(mgs,lr)*gaml02d300( arg )  ! number greater than 300 microns in diameter
!        ENDIF
       IF ( ni .gt. 0.0 .and. nr .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       d0 = xdia(mgs,lr,1)
       qiacr(mgs) = xdn(mgs,lr)*rhoinv(mgs)*   &
     &     (0.217239*(0.522295*(d0**5) +    &
     &      49711.81*(d0**6) -    &
     &      1.673016e7*(d0**7)+    &
     &      2.404471e9*(d0**8) -    &
     &      1.22872e11*(d0**9))*ni*nr)
      qiacr(mgs) = Min( qrmxd(mgs), qiacr(mgs) )
      ciacr(mgs) =   &
     &   (0.217239*(0.2301947*(d0**2) +    &
     &      15823.76*(d0**3) -    &
     &      4.167685e6*(d0**4) +    &
     &      4.920215e8*(d0**5) -    &
     &      2.133344e10*(d0**6))*ni*nr)
      ciacr(mgs) = Min( crmxd(mgs), ciacr(mgs) )
!      ciacr(mgs) = qiacr(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)/qx(mgs,lr)
       IF ( iacr .eq. 1 .or. iacr .eq. 3 ) THEN
         ciacrf(mgs) = Min(ciacr(mgs), qiacr(mgs)/(1.0*vr1mm*1000.0)*rho0(mgs) ) ! *rzxh(mgs)
       ELSEIF ( iacr .eq. 2 ) THEN
         ciacrf(mgs) = ciacr(mgs) ! *rzxh(mgs)
       ELSEIF ( iacr .eq. 4 ) THEN
         ciacrf(mgs) = Min(ciacr(mgs), qiacr(mgs)/(1.0*vfrz*1000.0)*rho0(mgs) ) ! *rzxh(mgs)
       ELSEIF ( iacr .eq. 5 ) THEN
         ciacrf(mgs) = ciacr(mgs)*rzxh(mgs)
!      crfrzf(mgs) = Min(crfrz(mgs), qrfrz(mgs)/(bfnu*27.0*vr1mm*1000.0)*rho0(mgs) ) ! rzxh(mgs)*crfrz(mgs)
      qiacr(mgs) =    &
     &  min(        &
     &   ((0.25/gf4)*pi)*eri(mgs)*cx(mgs,li)*qx(mgs,lr)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))   &
     &  *(  gf6*gf1*xdia(mgs,lr,2)    &
     &    + 2.0*gf5*gf2*xdia(mgs,lr,1)*xdia(mgs,li,1)    &
     &    + gf4*gf3*xdia(mgs,li,2) )     &
     &  , qrmxd(mgs)) 
!      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. 268.15 ) then
!      qiacr(mgs) = 0.0
!      ciacr(mgs) = 0.0
!      end if
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) THEN
        IF ( nsplinter .ge. 0 ) THEN
          csplinter(mgs) = nsplinter*ciacr(mgs)
          csplinter(mgs) = -nsplinter*ciacrf(mgs)
        qsplinter(mgs) = Min(0.1*qiacr(mgs), csplinter(mgs)*splintermass/rho0(mgs) ) ! makes splinters smaller if too much mass is taken from graupel
      qiacrf(mgs) = qiacr(mgs)

      IF ( lvol(lh) > 1 ) THEN
         viacrf(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qiacrf(mgs)/rhofrz
      end do

! snow aggregation here
      if ( ipconc .ge. 4 .or. ipelec .ge. 100 ) then ! 
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      csacs(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ess(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
!      csacs(mgs) = -a2*eps*ess(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)**2*xv(mgs,ls)
      csacs(mgs) = rvt*aa2*ess(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)**2*xv(mgs,ls)
      csacs(mgs) = min(csacs(mgs),csmxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: conc 11'
      if ( ipconc .ge. 2 .or. ipelec .ge. 9 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      ciacw(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( eiw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        ciacw(mgs) = qiacw(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lc)
      ciacw(mgs) = min(ciacw(mgs),ccmxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: conc 18'
      if ( ipconc .ge. 2 .or. ipelec .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
       cracw(mgs) = 0.0
       cracr(mgs) = 0.0
       ec0(mgs) = 1.e9
      IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr)    &
     &      .and. qracw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN

       IF ( ipconc .lt. 3 ) THEN
        IF ( erw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        cracw(mgs) =   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi)*erw(mgs)*cx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lr)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &  *(  gf1*xdia(mgs,lc,2)   &
     &    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,lc,1)*xdia(mgs,lr,1)   &
     &    + gf3*xdia(mgs,lr,2) )
       ELSE ! IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 .and. 
        IF ( 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1) .gt. rh(mgs) ) THEN !  .or. cx(mgs,lr) .gt. nh(mgs) ) THEN
!        IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
        IF ( 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1) .gt. rwradmn ) THEN ! 50.e-6 ) THEN
!      DM0CCC=A2*XNC*XNR*(XVC+XVR)                               ! (A11)
          cracw(mgs) = aa2*cx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lc)*(xv(mgs,lc) + xv(mgs,lr))
!      DM0CCC=A1*XNC*XNR*(((CNU+2.)/(CNU+1.))*XVC**2+            ! (A13)
!     1 ((RNU+2.)/(RNU+1.))*XVR**2)
          cracw(mgs) = aa1*cx(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lc)*   &
     &        ((cnu + 2.)*xv(mgs,lc)**2/(cnu + 1.) +    &
     &         (alpha(mgs,lr) + 2.)*xv(mgs,lr)**2/(alpha(mgs,lr) + 1.))
! Rain self collection (cracr) and break-up (factor of ec0)
        ec0(mgs) = 2.e9
        IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
        rwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
        IF ( xdia(mgs,lr,1) .gt. 2.0e-3 ) THEN
          ec0(mgs) = 0.0
          cracr(mgs) = 0.0
          IF ( xdia(mgs,lr,1) .lt. 6.1e-4 ) THEN
            ec0(mgs) = 1.0
            ec0(mgs) = Exp(-50.0*(50.0*(xdia(mgs,lr,1) - 6.0e-4)))
          IF ( rwrad .ge. 50.e-6 ) THEN
            cracr(mgs) = ec0(mgs)*aa2*cx(mgs,lr)**2*xv(mgs,lr)
            cracr(mgs) = ec0(mgs)*aa1*(cx(mgs,lr)*xv(mgs,lr))**2*   &
     &                   (alpha(mgs,lr) + 2.)/(alpha(mgs,lr) + 1.)
!          cracr(mgs) = Min(cracr(mgs),crmxd(mgs))
!      cracw(mgs) = min(cracw(mgs),ccmxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if
!  Graupel
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: conc 22ii'
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 .or. ipelec .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      chacw(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN
       IF ( qhacw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 .and. xmas(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN

!  This is the explict version of chacw, which turns out to be very close to the
!  approximation that the droplet size does not change, to within a few percent.
!  This may _not_ be the case for cnu other than zero!
!          chacw(mgs) = (ehw(mgs)*cx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lh)*(pi/4.)*
!     :    abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))*
!     :    (2.0*xdia(mgs,lh,1)*(xdia(mgs,lh,1) + 
!     :         xdia(mgs,lc,1)*gf43rds) + 
!     :      xdia(mgs,lc,2)*gf53rds))

!          chacw(mgs) = Min( chacw(mgs), 0.6*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp )

!        chacw(mgs) = qhacw(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lc)
        chacw(mgs) = qhacw(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmascw(mgs)
!        chacw(mgs) = min(chacw(mgs),cxmxd(mgs,lc))
        chacw(mgs) = Min( chacw(mgs), 0.5*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp )
        qhacw(mgs) = 0.0
      chacw(mgs) =   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi)*ehw(mgs)*cx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lh)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &  *(  gf1*xdia(mgs,lc,2)   &
     &    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,lc,1)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)   &
     &    + gf3*xdia(mgs,lh,2) )
      chacw(mgs) = min(chacw(mgs),0.5*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp)
!      chacw(mgs) = min(chacw(mgs),cxmxd(mgs,lc))
!      chacw(mgs) = min(chacw(mgs),ccmxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: conc 22kk'
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 .or. ipelec .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      chaci(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ehi(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)*vtxbar(mgs,li,1) )

          chaci(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehi(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*cx(mgs,li)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lh(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab0lh(mgs,li,lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)*xdia(mgs,li,3) +    &
     &            da0(li)*xdia(mgs,li,3)**2 ) 
        chaci(mgs) =   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi)*ehi(mgs)*cx(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,lh)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))   &
     &  *(  gf1*xdia(mgs,li,2)   &
     &    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,li,1)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)   &
     &    + gf3*xdia(mgs,lh,2) )
        chaci(mgs) = min(chaci(mgs),cimxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: conc 22nn'
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 .or. ipelec .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      chacs(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ehs(mgs) .gt. 0 ) THEN
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)*vtxbar(mgs,ls,1) )

          chacs(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehs(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*cx(mgs,ls)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lh(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab0lh(mgs,ls,lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)*xdia(mgs,ls,3) +    &
     &            da0(ls)*xdia(mgs,ls,3)**2 ) 
      chacs(mgs) =   &
     &   ((0.25)*pi)*ehs(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,lh)   &
     &  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lh,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))   &
     &  *(  gf3*gf1*xdia(mgs,ls,2)   &
     &    + 2.0*gf2*gf2*xdia(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)   &
     &    + gf1*gf3*xdia(mgs,lh,2) )
      chacs(mgs) = min(chacs(mgs),csmxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if

!  Hail
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: conc 22ii'
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 .or. ipelec .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      chlacw(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN
       IF ( qhlacw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 .and. xmas(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN

!  This is the explict version of chacw, which turns out to be very close to the
!  approximation that the droplet size does not change, to within a few percent.
!  This may _not_ be the case for cnu other than zero!
!          chlacw(mgs) = (ehlw(mgs)*cx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lhl)*(pi/4.)*
!     :    abs(vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))*
!     :    (2.0*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)*(xdia(mgs,lhl,1) + 
!     :         xdia(mgs,lc,1)*gf43rds) + 
!     :      xdia(mgs,lc,2)*gf53rds))

!          chlacw(mgs) = Min( chlacw(mgs), 0.6*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp )

!        chlacw(mgs) = qhlacw(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lc)
        chlacw(mgs) = qhlacw(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmascw(mgs)
!        chlacw(mgs) = min(chlacw(mgs),cxmxd(mgs,lc))
        chlacw(mgs) = Min( chlacw(mgs), 0.5*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp )
        qhlacw(mgs) = 0.0
!      ELSE
!      chlacw(mgs) =
!     >   ((0.25)*pi)*ehlw(mgs)*cx(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lhl)
!     >  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,lc,1))
!     >  *(  gf1*xdia(mgs,lc,2)
!     >    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,lc,1)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)
!     >    + gf3*xdia(mgs,lhl,2) )
!      chlacw(mgs) = min(chlacw(mgs),0.5*cx(mgs,lc)/dtp)
!      chlacw(mgs) = min(chlacw(mgs),cxmxd(mgs,lc))
!      chlacw(mgs) = min(chlacw(mgs),ccmxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: conc 22kk'
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 .or. ipelec .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      chlaci(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ehli(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)*vtxbar(mgs,li,1) )

          chlaci(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehli(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*cx(mgs,li)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lhl(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab0(lhl,li)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)*xdia(mgs,li,3) +    &
     &            da0(li)*xdia(mgs,li,3)**2 ) 
!       ELSE
!        chlaci(mgs) =
!     >   ((0.25)*pi)*ehli(mgs)*cx(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,lhl)
!     >  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,li,1))
!     >  *(  gf1*xdia(mgs,li,2)
!     >    + 2.0*gf2*xdia(mgs,li,1)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)
!     >    + gf3*xdia(mgs,lhl,2) )
        chlaci(mgs) = min(chlaci(mgs),cimxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'ICEZVD_GS: conc 22nn'
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 .or. ipelec .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      chlacs(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ehls(mgs) .gt. 0 ) THEN
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

       vt = Sqrt((vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))**2 +    &
     &            0.04*vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)*vtxbar(mgs,ls,1) )

          chlacs(mgs) = 0.25*pi*ehls(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*cx(mgs,ls)*vt*   &
     &         (  da0lhl(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)**2 +     &
     &            dab0(lhl,ls)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)*xdia(mgs,ls,3) +    &
     &            da0(ls)*xdia(mgs,ls,3)**2 ) 
!       ELSE
!      chlacs(mgs) =
!     >   ((0.25)*pi)*ehls(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,lhl)
!     >  *abs(vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1)-vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))
!     >  *(  gf3*gf1*xdia(mgs,ls,2)
!     >    + 2.0*gf2*gf2*xdia(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)
!     >    + gf1*gf3*xdia(mgs,lhl,2) )
      chlacs(mgs) = min(chlacs(mgs),csmxd(mgs))
      end do
      end if
! Ziegler (1985) autoconversion
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
        zrcnw(mgs) = 0.0
        qrcnw(mgs) = 0.0
        crcnw(mgs) = 0.0
        cautn(mgs) = 0.0
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      qracw(mgs) = 0.0
!      cracw(mgs) = 0.0
       IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 1000. .and. temg(mgs) .gt. tfrh+4. ) THEN
         volb = xv(mgs,lc)*(1./(1.+CNU))**(1./2.)
         cautn(mgs) = Min(ccmxd(mgs),   &
     &      ((CNU+2.)/(CNU+1.))*aa1*cx(mgs,lc)**2*xv(mgs,lc)**2)
         cautn(mgs) = Max( 0.0d0, cautn(mgs) )
         IF ( rb(mgs) .le. 7.51d-6 ) THEN
           t2s = 1.d30
!           cautn(mgs) = 0.0
!         XL2P=2.7E-2*XNC*XVC*((1.E12*RB**3*RC)-0.4)
!        T2S=3.72E-3/(((1.E4*RB)-7.5)*XNC*XVC) 
!           t2s = 3.72E-3/(((1.e6*rb)-7.5)*cx(mgs,lc)*xv(mgs,lc))
!           t2s = 3.72/(((1.e6*rb(mgs))-7.5)*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc))
           t2s = 3.72/(1.e6*(rb(mgs)-7.500d-6)*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc))

           qrcnw(mgs) = Max( 0.0d0, xl2p(mgs)/(t2s*rho0(mgs)) )
           crcnw(mgs) = Max( 0.0d0, Min(3.5e9*xl2p(mgs)/t2s,0.5*cautn(mgs)) )
           IF ( crcnw(mgs) < 1.e-30 ) qrcnw(mgs) = 0.0

           IF ( lzr > 1 .and. qrcnw(mgs) > 0.0 ) THEN
!             vr = rho0(mgs)*qrcnw(mgs)/(1000.*crcnw(mgs))
!             zrcnw(mgs) = 36.*(xnu(lr)+2.0)*crcnw(mgs)*vr**2/((xnu(lr)+1.0)*pi**2)
             vr = rho0(mgs)*qrcnw(mgs)/(1000.)
             zrcnw(mgs) = 36.*(xnu(lc)+2.0)*vr**2/(crcnw(mgs)*(xnu(lc)+1.0)*pi**2)

!           IF (  crcnw(mgs) .gt. cautn(mgs) .and. crcnw(mgs) .gt. 1.0 )
!     :          THEN
!             print*, 'crcnw,cautn ',crcnw(mgs)/cautn(mgs),
!     :          crcnw(mgs),cautn(mgs),igs(mgs),kgs(mgs),t2s,qx(mgs,lr)
!             print*, '            ',qx(mgs,lc),cx(mgs,lc),0.5e6*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
!             print*, '            ',rho0(mgs)*qrcnw(mgs)/crcnw(mgs),
!     :         1.e6*(( 3/(4.*pi))*rho0(mgs)*qrcnw(mgs)/
!     :       (crcnw(mgs)*xdn(mgs,lr)))**(1./3.),rh(mgs)*1.e6,rwrad(mgs)
!           ELSEIF ( crcnw(mgs) .gt. 1.0 .and. cautn(mgs) .gt. 0.) THEN
!             print*, 'crcnw,cautn ',crcnw(mgs)/cautn(mgs),
!     :          crcnw(mgs),cautn(mgs),igs(mgs),kgs(mgs),t2s
!             print*, '            ',rho0(mgs)*qrcnw(mgs)/crcnw(mgs),
!     :  1.e6*(( 3*pi/4.)*rho0(mgs)*qrcnw(mgs)/
!     :   (crcnw(mgs)*xdn(mgs,lr)))**(1./3.)
!           ENDIF
!           crcnw(mgs) = Min(cautn(mgs),3.5e9*xl2p(mgs)/t2s)
!           IF ( qrcnw(mgs) .gt. 0.3e-2 ) THEN
!            print*, 'QRCNW'
!            print*, qrcnw(mgs),crcnw(mgs),cautn(mgs)
!            print*, xl2p,t2s,rho0(mgs),xv(mgs,lc),cx(mgs,lc),qx(mgs,lc)
!            print*, rb,0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1),mgs,igs(mgs),kgs(mgs)
!           ENDIF
!           qrcnw(mgs) = Min(qrcnw(mgs),qcmxd(mgs))


!  Berry 1968 auto conversion for rain (Orville & Kopp 1977)
      if ( ircnw .eq. 4 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      sconvmix(lcw,mgs) = 0.0
      qrcnw(mgs) =  0.0
      qdiff = max((qx(mgs,lc)-qminrncw),0.0)
      if ( qdiff .gt. 0.0 .and. xdia(mgs,lc,1) .gt. 20.0e-6 ) then
      argrcnw =   &
     &  ((1.2e-4)+(1.596e-12)*(cx(mgs,lc)*1.0e-6)   &
     &  /(cwdisp*qdiff*1.0e-3*rho0(mgs)))
      qrcnw(mgs) = (rho0(mgs)*1e-3)*(qdiff**2)/argrcnw
!      sconvmix(lcw,mgs) = max(sconvmix(lcw,mgs),0.0)
      qrcnw(mgs) = (max(qrcnw(mgs),0.0))
      end if
      end do
!  Berry 1968 auto conversion for rain (Ferrier 1994)
      if ( ircnw .eq. 5 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qrcnw(mgs) = 0.0
      qrcnw(mgs) =  0.0
      qccrit = (pi/6.)*(cx(mgs,lc)*cwdiap**3)*xdn(mgs,lc)/rho0(mgs)
      qdiff = max((qx(mgs,lc)-qccrit),0.)
      if ( qdiff .gt. 0.0 .and. cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 1.0 ) then
      argrcnw = &
!     >  ((1.2e-4)+(1.596e-12)*cx(mgs,lc)/(cwdisp*rho0(mgs)*qdiff))   &
     &  ((1.2e-4)+(1.596e-12)*cx(mgs,lc)*1.0e-3/(cwdisp*rho0(mgs)*qdiff))
      qrcnw(mgs) = &
!     >  timflg(mgs)*rho0(mgs)*(qdiff**2)/argrcnw   &
     &  1.0e-3*rho0(mgs)*(qdiff**2)/argrcnw
      qrcnw(mgs) = Min(qxmxd(mgs,lc), (max(qrcnw(mgs),0.0)) )
!      write(iunit,*) 'qrcnw,cx =',qrcnw(mgs),cx(mgs,lc),mgs,1.e3*qx(mgs,lc),cno(lr)
      end if
      end do
      end if
!  kessler auto conversion for rain.
      if ( ircnw .eq. 2 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qrcnw(mgs) = 0.0
      qrcnw(mgs) = (0.001)*max((qx(mgs,lc)-qminrncw),0.0)
      end do
      end if
!  c4 = pi/6
!  c1 = 0.12-0.32 for colorado storms...typically 0.3-0.4
!  berry reinhart type conversion (proctor 1988)
      if ( ircnw .eq. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qrcnw(mgs) = 0.0
      c1 = 0.2
      c4 = pi/(6.0)
      bradp =    &
     & (1.e+06) * ((c1/(0.38))**(1./3.)) * (xdia(mgs,lc,1)*(0.5))
      bl2 =   &
     & (0.027) * ((100.0)*(bradp**3)*(xdia(mgs,lc,1)*(0.5)) - (0.4))
      bt2 = (bradp -7.5) / (3.72)
      qrcnw(mgs) = 0.0
      if ( bl2 .gt. 0.0 .and. bt2 .gt. 0.0 ) then
      qrcnw(mgs) = bl2 * bt2 * rho0(mgs)   &
     &  * qx(mgs,lc) * qx(mgs,lc)
      end if
      end do
      end if
      ENDIF  !  ( ipconc .ge. 2 )

!  Bigg Freezing of Rain
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'conc 27a'
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt 
      qrfrz(mgs) = 0.0
      qrfrzs(mgs) = 0.0
      qrfrzf(mgs) = 0.0
      vrfrzf(mgs) = 0.0
      crfrz(mgs) = 0.0
      crfrzs(mgs) = 0.0
      crfrzf(mgs) = 0.0
      zrfrz(mgs)  = 0.0
      zrfrzf(mgs)  = 0.0
      qwcnr(mgs) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) .and. temcg(mgs) .lt. 0. ) then
!      brz = 100.0
!      arz = 0.66
       IF ( ipconc .lt. 3 ) THEN
       qrfrz(mgs) =    &
     &  min(   &
     &  (20.0)*(pi**2)*brz*(xdn(mgs,lr)/rho0(mgs))   &
     &   *cx(mgs,lr)*(xdia(mgs,lr,1)**6)   &
     &   *(exp(max(-arz*temcg(mgs), 0.0))-1.0)   &
     &  , qrmxd(mgs))
        qrfrzf(mgs) = qrfrz(mgs)

!       ELSEIF ( ipconc .ge. 3 .and. xv(mgs,lr) .gt. 1.1*xvmn(lr) ) THEN
       ELSEIF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
!         tmp = brz*cx(mgs,lr)*(Exp(Max( -arz*temcg(mgs), 0.0 )) - 1.0)
!         crfrz(mgs) = xv(mgs,lr)*tmp
         tmp = xv(mgs,lr)*brz*cx(mgs,lr)*(Exp(Max( -arz*temcg(mgs), 0.0 )) - 1.0)
         IF ( .false. .and. tmp .gt. cxmxd(mgs,lr) ) THEN
!           write(iunit,*) 'Bigg Freezing problem!',mgs,igs(mgs),kgs(mgs)
!           write(iunit,*)  'tmp, cx(lr), xv = ',tmp, cx(mgs,lr), xv(mgs,lr), (Exp(Max( -arz*temcg(mgs), 0.0 )) - 1.0)
!           write(iunit,*)  'qr,temcg = ',qx(mgs,lr)*1000.,temcg(mgs)
           crfrz(mgs) = cxmxd(mgs,lr) ! cx(mgs,lr)/dtp
           qrfrz(mgs) = qxmxd(mgs,lr) ! qx(mgs,lr)/dtp
!           STOP
         crfrz(mgs) = tmp
 !        crfrzfmx = cx(mgs,lr)*Exp(-4./3.*pi*(40.e-6)**3/xv(mgs,lr))
 !        IF ( crfrz(mgs) .gt. crfrzmx ) THEN
 !          crfrz(mgs) = crfrzmx
 !          qrfrz(mgs) = bfnu*xmas(mgs,lr)*rhoinv(mgs)*crfrzmx
 !          qwcnr(mgs) = cx(mgs,lr) - crfrzmx
 !        ELSE
         IF ( lzr < 1 ) THEN
          bfnu = bfnu0
          bfnu = 1.0 ! (alpha(mgs,lr)+2.0)/(alpha(mgs,lr)+1.)
         qrfrz(mgs) = bfnu*xmas(mgs,lr)*rhoinv(mgs)*crfrz(mgs)
         qrfrz(mgs) = Min( qrfrz(mgs), 1.*qx(mgs,lr)/dtp ) ! qxmxd(mgs,lr) )
         crfrz(mgs) = Min( crfrz(mgs), 1.*cx(mgs,lr)/dtp ) !cxmxd(mgs,lr) )
         qrfrz(mgs) = Min( qrfrz(mgs), qx(mgs,lr) )
         qrfrzf(mgs) = qrfrz(mgs)
         IF ( crfrz(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
!          IF ( xdia(mgs,lr,1) .lt. 200.e-6 ) THEN
!           IF ( xv(mgs,lr) .lt. xvmn(lh) ) THEN
           IF ( ipconc .ge. 14 .and. 1.e-3*rho0(mgs)*qrfrz(mgs)/crfrz(mgs) .lt. xvmn(lh) ) THEN
             qrfrzs(mgs) = qrfrz(mgs)
             crfrzs(mgs) = crfrz(mgs) ! *rzxh(mgs)
!           crfrz(mgs) = Min( crfrz(mgs), 0.1*cx(mgs,lr)/dtp ) ! cxmxd(mgs,lr) )
!           qrfrz(mgs) = Min( qrfrz(mgs), 0.1*qx(mgs,lr)/dtp ) ! qxmxd(mgs,lr) )
             qrfrzf(mgs) = qrfrz(mgs)
!             crfrzf(mgs) = Min( qrfrz(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*vgra), crfrz(mgs) )
            IF ( ibfr .le. 1 ) THEN
             crfrzf(mgs) = Min(crfrz(mgs), qrfrz(mgs)/(bfnu*1.0*vr1mm*1000.0)*rho0(mgs) ) ! rzxh(mgs)*crfrz(mgs)
            ELSEIF ( ibfr .eq. 5 ) THEN
             crfrzf(mgs) = Min(crfrz(mgs), qrfrz(mgs)/(bfnu*vfrz*1000.0)*rho0(mgs) )*rzxh(mgs)  !*crfrz(mgs)
             crfrzf(mgs) = Min(crfrz(mgs), qrfrz(mgs)/(bfnu*vfrz*1000.0)*rho0(mgs) ) ! rzxh(mgs)*crfrz(mgs)
!             crfrzf(mgs) = Min(crfrz(mgs), qrfrz(mgs)/(bfnu*xvmn(lh)*1000.0)*rho0(mgs) ) ! rzxh(mgs)*crfrz(mgs)
!            IF ( lz(lr) > 1 .and. lz(lh) > 1 ) THEN
!              crfrzf(mgs) = crfrz(mgs)
!            ENDIF
!         crfrz(mgs) = Min( cxmxd(mgs,lr), rho0(mgs)*qrfrz(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lr) )
          IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 ) THEN
           vrfrzf(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qrfrzf(mgs)/rhofrz
          crfrz(mgs) = 0.0
          qrfrz(mgs) = 0.0

        IF ( lzh .gt. 1 .or. lzr .gt. 1 ) THEN
          tmp = qx(mgs,lr)/cx(mgs,lr)
          IF ( lzr .gt. 1 ) THEN
            zrfrz(mgs) = 3.6476*rho0(mgs)**2*(alpha(mgs,lr)+2.)/(xdn0(lr)**2*(alpha(mgs,lr)+1.)) *  &
     &       ( 2.*tmp * qrfrz(mgs) - tmp**2 * crfrz(mgs)  )
          IF ( lzh .gt. 1 ) THEN
            zrfrzf(mgs) = 3.6476*rho0(mgs)**2*(alpha(mgs,lr)+2.)/(xdn0(lr)**2*(alpha(mgs,lr)+1.)) *  &
     &       ( 2.*tmp * qrfrzf(mgs) - tmp**2 * crfrzf(mgs)  )
        IF ( nsplinter .ne. 0 ) THEN
          IF ( nsplinter .gt. 0 ) THEN
            tmp = nsplinter*crfrz(mgs)
            tmp = -nsplinter*crfrzf(mgs)
          csplinter2(mgs) = tmp
          qsplinter2(mgs) = Min(0.1*qrfrz(mgs), tmp*splintermass/rho0(mgs) ) ! makes splinters smaller if too much mass is taken from graupel

!          csplinter(mgs) = csplinter(mgs) + tmp
!          qsplinter(mgs) = qsplinter(mgs) + Min(0.1*qrfrz(mgs), tmp*splintermass/rho0(mgs) ) ! makes splinters smaller if too much mass is taken from graupel
!         IF ( temcg(mgs) .lt. -31.0 ) THEN
!           qrfrz(mgs) = qx(mgs,lr)/dtp + qrcnw(mgs)
!           qrfrzf(mgs) = qrfrz(mgs)
!           crfrz(mgs) = cx(mgs,lr)/dtp + crcnw(mgs)
!           crfrzf(mgs) = Min(crfrz(mgs), qrfrz(mgs)/(bfnu*1.0*vr1mm*1000.0)*rho0(mgs) ) ! rzxh(mgs)*crfrz(mgs)
!         ENDIF
!         qrfrz(mgs) = 6.0*xdn(mgs,lr)*xv(mgs,lr)**2*tmp*rhoinv(mgs)
!         qrfrz(mgs) = Min( qrfrz(mgs), ffrz*qrmxd(mgs) )
!         crfrz(mgs) = Min( crmxd(mgs), ffrz*crfrz(mgs))
!         crfrz(mgs) = Min(crmxd(mgs),qrfrz(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lr))
!      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. 268.15 ) then
!      end if
      end if
      end do
!  Homogeneous freezing of cloud drops to ice crystals
!  following Bigg (1953) and Ferrier (1994).
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'conc 25b'
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qwfrz(mgs) = 0.0
      cwfrz(mgs) = 0.0
      qwfrzc(mgs) = 0.0
      cwfrzc(mgs) = 0.0
      qwfrzp(mgs) = 0.0
      cwfrzp(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ibfc .ge. 1 ) THEN
      if ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 1. .and.   &
     &     .not. (ipconc .ge. 2 .and. xdia(mgs,lc,1) .lt. 10.e-6) ) then
      qwfrz(mgs) = ((2.0)*(brz)/(xdn(mgs,lc)*cx(mgs,lc)))   &
     &  *(exp(max(-arz*temcg(mgs), 0.0))-1.0)   &
     &  *rho0(mgs)*(qx(mgs,lc)**2)
      qwfrz(mgs) = max(qwfrz(mgs), 0.0)
      qwfrz(mgs) = min(qwfrz(mgs),qcmxd(mgs))
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
         cwfrz(mgs) = 0.5*qwfrz(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lc)
         cwfrz(mgs) = Min(cwfrz(mgs),ccmxd(mgs))
         cwfrz(mgs) = qwfrz(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,li)
      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. 268.15 ) then
      qwfrz(mgs) = 0.0
      cwfrz(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
      end if
      if ( xplate(mgs) .eq. 1 ) then
      qwfrzp(mgs) = qwfrz(mgs)
      cwfrzp(mgs) = cwfrz(mgs)
      end if
      if ( xcolmn(mgs) .eq. 1 ) then
      qwfrzc(mgs) = qwfrz(mgs)
      cwfrzc(mgs) = cwfrz(mgs)
      end if
!     qwfrzp(mgs) = 0.0
!     qwfrzc(mgs) = qwfrz(mgs)
      end do 
!  Contact freezing nucleation:  factor is to convert from L-1
!  T < -2C:  via Meyers et al. JAM July, 1992 (31, 708-721)
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'conc 25a'
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt

       ccia(mgs) = 0.0
       cwctfz(mgs) = 0.0
       qwctfz(mgs) = 0.0
       ctfzbd(mgs) = 0.0
       ctfzth(mgs) = 0.0
       ctfzdi(mgs) = 0.0
       cwctfzc(mgs) = 0.0
       qwctfzc(mgs) = 0.0
       cwctfzp(mgs) = 0.0
       qwctfzp(mgs) = 0.0
       IF ( icfn .ge. 1 ) THEN
       IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. 271.15  .and. qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc)) THEN

!       find available # of ice nuclei & limit value to max depletion of cloud water
        IF ( icfn .ge. 2 ) THEN
         ccia(mgs) = exp( 4.11 - (0.262)*temcg(mgs) )  ! in m-3, see Walko et al. 1995
         !ccia(mgs) = Min(cwctfz(mgs), ccmxd(mgs) )

!       now find how many of these collect cloud water to form IN 
!       Cotton et al 1986
         knud(mgs) = 2.28e-5 * temg(mgs) / ( pres(mgs)*raero ) !Walko et al. 1995
         knuda(mgs) = 1.257 + 0.4*exp(-1.1/knud(mgs))          !Pruppacher & Klett 1997 eqn 11-16
         gtp(mgs) = 1. / ( fai(mgs) + fbi(mgs) )               !Byers 65 / Cotton 72b
         dfar(mgs) = kb*temg(mgs)*(1.+knuda(mgs)*knud(mgs))/(6.*pi*fadvisc(mgs)*raero) !P&K 1997 eqn 11-15
         fn1(mgs) = 2.*pi*xdia(mgs,lc,1)*cx(mgs,lc)*ccia(mgs) 
         fn2(mgs) = -gtp(mgs)*(ssw(mgs)-1.)*felv(mgs)/pres(mgs)
         fnft(mgs) = 0.4*(1.+1.45*knud(mgs)+0.4*knud(mgs)*exp(-1./knud(mgs)))*(ftka(mgs)+2.5*knud(mgs)*kaero)      &
     &              / ( (1.+3.*knud(mgs))*(2*ftka(mgs)+5.*knud(mgs)*kaero+kaero) )

!      Brownian diffusion
         ctfzbd(mgs) = fn1(mgs)*dfar(mgs)

!      Thermophoretic contact nucleation
         ctfzth(mgs) = fn1(mgs)*fn2(mgs)*fnft(mgs)/rho0(mgs)
!      Diffusiophoretic contact nucleation         
         ctfzdi(mgs) = fn1(mgs)*fn2(mgs)*rw*temg(mgs)/(felv(mgs)*rho0(mgs))
         cwctfz(mgs) = max( ctfzbd(mgs) + ctfzth(mgs) + ctfzdi(mgs) , 0.)

!      Sum of the contact nucleation processes
!         IF ( cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 50.e6) write(6,*) 'ctfzbd,etc = ',ctfzbd(mgs),ctfzth(mgs),ctfzdi(mgs)
!         IF ( wvel(mgs) .lt. -0.05 ) write(6,*) 'ctfzbd,etc = ',ctfzbd(mgs),ctfzth(mgs),ctfzdi(mgs),cx(mgs,lc)*1e-6,wvel(mgs)
!         IF ( ssw(mgs) .lt. 1.0 .and. cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 1.e6 .and. cwctfz(mgs) .gt. 1. ) THEN
!          write(6,*) 'ctfzbd,etc = ',ctfzbd(mgs),ctfzth(mgs),ctfzdi(mgs),cx(mgs,lc)*1e-6,wvel(mgs),fn1(mgs),fn2(mgs)
!          write(6,*) 'more = ',nstep,ssw(mgs),dfar(mgs),gtp(mgs),felv(mgs),pres(mgs)
!         ENDIF
        ELSEIF ( icfn .eq. 1 ) THEN
         IF ( wvel(mgs) .lt. -0.05 ) THEN ! older kludgy version
           cwctfz(mgs) = cfnfac*exp( (-2.80) - (0.262)*temcg(mgs) ) 
           cwctfz(mgs) = Min((1.0e3)*cwctfz(mgs), ccmxd(mgs) )  !convert to m-3
        ENDIF   ! icfn
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
         cwctfz(mgs) = Min( cwctfz(mgs)/dtp, ccmxd(mgs) )
         qwctfz(mgs) = xmas(mgs,lc)*cwctfz(mgs)/rho0(mgs)
         qwctfz(mgs) = (cimasn)*cwctfz(mgs)/(dtp*rho0(mgs))
         qwctfz(mgs) = max(qwctfz(mgs), 0.0)
         qwctfz(mgs) = min(qwctfz(mgs),qcmxd(mgs))

        if ( xplate(mgs) .eq. 1 ) then
         qwctfzp(mgs) = qwctfz(mgs)
         cwctfzp(mgs) = cwctfz(mgs)
        end if
        if ( xcolmn(mgs) .eq. 1 ) then
         qwctfzc(mgs) = qwctfz(mgs)
         cwctfzc(mgs) = cwctfz(mgs)
        end if
!     qwctfzc(mgs) = qwctfz(mgs)
!     qwctfzp(mgs) = 0.0
       end if
       ENDIF ! icfn
      end do
! Hobbs-Rangno ice enhancement (Ferrier, 1994)
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'conc 23a'
      dtrh = 300.0
      hrifac = (1.e-3)*((0.044)*(0.01**3))
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      ciihr(mgs) = 0.0
      qiihr(mgs) = 0.0
      cicichr(mgs) = 0.0
      qicichr(mgs) = 0.0
      cipiphr(mgs) = 0.0
      qipiphr(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ihrn .ge. 1 ) THEN
      if ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) ) then
      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.15 ) then
!      write(iunit,'(3(1x,i3),3(1x,1pe12.5))')
!     : igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs),cx(mgs,lc),rho0(mgs),qx(mgs,lc)
!      write(iunit,'(1pe15.6)')
!     :  log(cx(mgs,lc)*(1.e-6)/(3.0)),
!     :  ((1.e-3)*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)),
!     :  (cx(mgs,lc)*(1.e-6)),
!     : ((1.e-3)*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc))/(cx(mgs,lc)*(1.e-6)),
!     : (alog(cx(mgs,lc)*(1.e-6)/(3.0)) *
!     >  ((1.e-3)*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc))/(cx(mgs,lc)*(1.e-6))) 

      IF ( Log(cx(mgs,lc)*(1.e-6)/(3.0)) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
      ciihr(mgs) = ((1.69e17)/dtrh)   &
     & *(log(cx(mgs,lc)*(1.e-6)/(3.0)) *   &
     &  ((1.e-3)*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc))/(cx(mgs,lc)*(1.e-6)))**(7./3.)
      ciihr(mgs) = ciihr(mgs)*(1.0e6)
      qiihr(mgs) = hrifac*ciihr(mgs)/rho0(mgs)
      qiihr(mgs) = max(qiihr(mgs), 0.0)
      qiihr(mgs) = min(qiihr(mgs),qcmxd(mgs))
      if ( xplate(mgs) .eq. 1 ) then
      qipiphr(mgs) = qiihr(mgs)
      cipiphr(mgs) = ciihr(mgs)
      end if
      if ( xcolmn(mgs) .eq. 1 ) then
      qicichr(mgs) = qiihr(mgs)
      cicichr(mgs) = ciihr(mgs)
      end if
!     qipiphr(mgs) = 0.0
!     qicichr(mgs) = qiihr(mgs)
      end if
      end if
      ENDIF ! ihrn
      end do
!  simple frozen rain to hail conversion.  All of the 
!  frozen rain larger than 5.0e-3 m in diameter are converted
!  to hail.  This is done by considering the equation for
!  frozen rain mixing ratio:
!  qfw = [ cno(lf) * pi * fwdn / (6 rhoair) ] 
!         /inf
!      *  |     fwdia*3 exp(-dia/fwdia) d(dia)
!         /Do
!  The amount to be reclassified as hail is the integral above from
!  Do to inf where Do is 5.0e-3 m.
!  qfauh = [ cno(lf) * pi * fwdn / (6 rhoair) ] 

      hdia0 = 300.0e-6
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qscnvi(mgs) = 0.0
      cscnvi(mgs) = 0.0
      cscnvis(mgs) = 0.0
!      IF ( .false. ) THEN
!      IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr .and. ssi(mgs) .gt. 1.01 .and. qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
      IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr .and. qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 .and. .false. ) THEN
         if ( cx(mgs,li) .gt. 10. .and. xdia(mgs,li,1) .gt. 50.e-6 ) then !{
         cirdiatmp =   &
     &  (qx(mgs,li)*rho0(mgs)   &
     & /(pi*xdn(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,li)))**(1./3.)
          IF ( cirdiatmp .gt. 100.e-6 ) THEN !{
          qscnvi(mgs) =   &
     &  ((pi*xdn(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,li)) / (6.0*rho0(mgs)*dtp))   &
     & *exp(-hdia0/cirdiatmp)   &
     & *( (hdia0**3) + 3.0*(hdia0**2)*cirdiatmp   &
     &  + 6.0*(hdia0)*(cirdiatmp**2) + 6.0*(cirdiatmp**3) )
      qscnvi(mgs) =   &
     &  min(qscnvi(mgs),qimxd(mgs))
          IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN
            cscnvi(mgs) = Min( cimxd(mgs), cx(mgs,li)*Exp(-hdia0/cirdiatmp))
         ENDIF  ! }
        end if ! }
       ELSEIF ( ipconc .lt. 4 ) THEN

        qscnvi(mgs) = 0.001*eii(mgs)*max((qx(mgs,li)-1.e-3),0.0)
        qscnvi(mgs) = min(qscnvi(mgs),qxmxd(mgs,li))
        cscnvi(mgs) = qscnvi(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,li)
        cscnvis(mgs) = 0.5*cscnvi(mgs)

!      ENDIF
      end do

!  Ventilation coeficients
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      fvent(mgs) = (fschm(mgs)**(1./3.)) * (fakvisc(mgs)**(-0.5))
      end do
      if ( ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'civent'
      civenta = 1.258e4
      civentb = 2.331
      civentc = 5.662e4
      civentd = 2.373
      civente = 0.8241
      civentf = -0.042
      civentg = 1.70

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( icond .eq. 1 .or. temg(mgs) .le. tfrh    &
     &      .or. (qx(mgs,lr) .le. qxmin(lr) .and. qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc)) ) THEN
      IF ( qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
      cireyn =   &
     &  (civenta*xdia(mgs,li,1)**civentb   &
     &  +civentc*xdia(mgs,li,1)**civentd)   &
     &  /   &
     &  (civente*xdia(mgs,li,1)**civentf+civentg)
      xcivent = (fschm(mgs)**(1./3.))*((cireyn/fakvisc(mgs))**0.5)
      if ( xcivent .lt. 1.0 ) then
      civent(mgs) = 1.0 + 0.14*xcivent**2
      end if
      if ( xcivent .ge. 1.0 ) then
      civent(mgs) = 0.86 + 0.28*xcivent
      end if
       civent(mgs) = 0.0
      ENDIF ! icond .eq. 1
      end do
      igmrwa = 100.0*2.0
      igmrwb = 100.*((5.0+br)/2.0)
      rwventa = (0.78)*gmoi(igmrwa)  ! 0.78
      rwventb = (0.308)*gmoi(igmrwb) ! 0.562825
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
          IF ( izwisventr == 1 ) THEN
            rwvent(mgs) = ventrx(mgs)*(1.6 + 124.9*(1.e-3*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr))**.2046)
!  Following Wisner et al. (1972) but using gamma of volume. Note that Ferrier's rain fall speed does not integrate with gamma of volume, so using Vr = ar*d^br
          rwvent(mgs) =   &
     &  (0.78*ventrx(mgs) + 0.308*ventrxn(mgs)*fvent(mgs)   &
     &   *Sqrt((ar*rhovt(mgs)))   &
     &    *(xdia(mgs,lr,1)**((1.0+br)/2.0)) )
         rwvent(mgs) =   &
     &  (rwventa + rwventb*fvent(mgs)   &
     &   *Sqrt((ar*rhovt(mgs)))   &
     &    *(xdia(mgs,lr,1)**((1.0+br)/2.0)) )
       rwvent(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
      igmswa = 100.0*2.0
      igmswb = 100.*((5.0+ds)/2.0)
      swventa = (0.78)*gmoi(igmswa)
      swventb = (0.308)*gmoi(igmswb)
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( qx(mgs,ls) .gt. qxmin(ls) ) THEN
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN
      swvent(mgs) = 0.65 + 0.44*fvent(mgs)*Sqrt(vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)*xdia(mgs,ls,1))
! 10-ice version:
       swvent(mgs) =   &
     &  (swventa + swventb*fvent(mgs)   &
     &   *Sqrt((cs*rhovt(mgs)))   &
     &   *(xdia(mgs,ls,1)**((1.0+ds)/2.0)) )
      swvent(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
      igmhwa = 100.0*2.0
      igmhwb = 100.0*2.75
      hwventa = (0.78)*gmoi(igmhwa)
      hwventb = (0.308)*gmoi(igmhwb)
      hwventc = (4.0*gr/(3.0*cdx(lh)))**(0.25)
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) ) THEN
       IF ( .false. .or. alpha(mgs,lh) .eq. 0.0 ) THEN
        hwvent(mgs) =   &
     &  ( hwventa + hwventb*hwventc*fvent(mgs)   &
     &    *((xdn(mgs,lh)/rho0(mgs))**(0.25))   &
     &    *(xdia(mgs,lh,1)**(0.75)))
       ELSE ! Ferrier 1994, eq. B.36
       ! linear interpolation of complete gamma function
        tmp = 2. + alpha(mgs,lh)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        x = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = 2.5 + alpha(mgs,lh) + 0.5*bx(lh)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        y = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = 1 + alpha(mgs,lh)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        tmp = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami
        hwvent(mgs) =    &
     &  ( 0.78*x +    &
     &    0.308*fvent(mgs)*y*(xdia(mgs,lh,1)**(0.5 + 0.5*bx(lh)))*   &
     &            Sqrt(xdn(mgs,lh)*ax(lh)*rhovt(mgs)/rg0))/tmp
      hwvent(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
      hlvent(:) = 0.0

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      igmhwa = 100.0*2.0
      igmhwb = 100.0*2.75
      hwventa = (0.78)*gmoi(igmhwa)
      hwventb = (0.308)*gmoi(igmhwb)
      hwventc = (4.0*gr/(3.0*cdx(lhl)))**(0.25)
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) ) THEN

       IF ( .false. .or. alpha(mgs,lhl) .eq. 0.0 ) THEN
        hlvent(mgs) =   &
     &  ( hwventa + hwventb*hwventc*fvent(mgs)   &
     &    *((xdn(mgs,lhl)/rho0(mgs))**(0.25))   &
     &    *(xdia(mgs,lhl,1)**(0.75)))
       ELSE ! Ferrier 1994, eq. B.36
       ! linear interpolation of complete gamma function
        tmp = 2. + alpha(mgs,lhl)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        x = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = 2.5 + alpha(mgs,lhl) + 0.5*bx(lhl)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        y = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = 1 + alpha(mgs,lhl)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        tmp = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami
        hlvent(mgs) =    &
     &  ( 0.78*x +    &
     &    0.308*fvent(mgs)*y*(xdia(mgs,lhl,1)**(0.5 + 0.5*bx(lhl)))*   &
     &            Sqrt(ax(lhl)*rhovt(mgs)))/tmp
!     :            Sqrt(xdn(mgs,lhl)*ax(lhl)*rhovt(mgs)/rg0))/tmp
      end do
!  Wet growth constants
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      fwet1(mgs) =   &
     & (2.0*pi)*   &
     & ( felv(mgs)*fwvdf(mgs)*rho0(mgs)*(qss0(mgs)-qx(mgs,lv))   &
     &  -ftka(mgs)*temcg(mgs) )   &
     & / ( rho0(mgs)*(felf(mgs)+fcw(mgs)*temcg(mgs)) )
      fwet2(mgs) =   &
     &  (1.0)-fci(mgs)*temcg(mgs)   &
     & / ( felf(mgs)+fcw(mgs)*temcg(mgs) )
      end do 
!  Melting constants
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      fmlt1(mgs) = (2.0*pi)*   &
     &  ( felv(mgs)*fwvdf(mgs)*(qss0(mgs)-qx(mgs,lv))   &
     &   -ftka(mgs)*temcg(mgs)/rho0(mgs) )    &
     &  / (felf(mgs))
      fmlt2(mgs) = -fcw(mgs)*temcg(mgs)/felf(mgs) 
      end do
!  Vapor Deposition constants
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      fvds(mgs) =    &
     &  (4.0*pi/rho0(mgs))*(ssi(mgs)-1.0)*   &
     &  (1.0/(fai(mgs)+fbi(mgs)))
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      fvce(mgs) =    &
     &  (4.0*pi/rho0(mgs))*(ssw(mgs)-1.0)*   &
     &  (1.0/(fav(mgs)+fbv(mgs)))
      end do
!  deposition, sublimation, and melting of snow, graupel and hail
      qsmlr(:) = 0.0
      qimlr(:) = 0.0
      qhmlr(:) = 0.0
      qhlmlr(:) = 0.0
      qhfzh(:) = 0.0
      qhlfzhl(:) = 0.0
      vhfzh(:) = 0.0
      vhlfzhl(:) = 0.0
      qsfzs(:) = 0.0
      zsmlr(:) = 0.0
      zhmlr(:) = 0.0
      zhmlrr(:) = 0.0
      zhshr(:) = 0.0
      zhlmlr(:) = 0.0
      zhlshr(:) = 0.0

      zhshrr(:) = 0.0
      zhlmlrr(:) = 0.0
      zhlshrr(:) = 0.0

      csmlr(:) = 0.0
      chmlr(:) = 0.0
      chmlrr(:) = 0.0
      chlmlr(:) = 0.0
      chlmlrr(:) = 0.0

      if ( .not. mixedphase ) then !{
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( temg(mgs) .gt. tfr ) THEN
      IF (  qx(mgs,ls) .gt. qxmin(ls) ) THEN
      qsmlr(mgs) =   &
     &   min(   &
     &  (c1sw*fmlt1(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)*swvent(mgs)*xdia(mgs,ls,1) ) & ! /rhosm    &
     &   , 0.0 )
!       IF ( qx(mgs,ls) .gt. 0.1e-4 ) print*,'qsmlr: ',qsmlr(mgs),qx(mgs,ls),cx(mgs,ls),fmlt1(mgs),
!     :        temcg(mgs),swvent(mgs),xdia(mgs,ls,1),qss0(mgs)-qx(mgs,lv)
!      ELSE
!       qsmlr(mgs) = 0.0
!      ENDIF
! 10ice version:
!     >   min(
!     >  (fmlt1(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)*swvent(mgs)*xdia(mgs,ls,1) +
!     >   fmlt2(mgs)*(qsacr(mgs)+qsacw(mgs)) )
!     <   , 0.0 )

      IF (  qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) ) THEN
      qhmlr(mgs) =   &
     &   min(   &
     &  fmlt1(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*hwvent(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)   &
     &  + fmlt2(mgs)*(qhacr(mgs)+qhacw(mgs))    &
     &   , 0.0 )
       IF ( ivhmltsoak > 0 .and. qhmlr(mgs) < 0.0 .and. lvol(lh) > 1 .and. xdn(mgs,lh) .lt. xdnmx(lh) ) THEN
         ! act as if 100% of the meltwater were soaked into the graupel
           v1 = (1. - xdn(mgs,lh)/xdnmx(lh))*(vx(mgs,lh) + rho0(mgs)*qhmlr(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lh) )/(dtp) ! volume available for filling
           v2 = -1.0*rho0(mgs)*qhmlr(mgs)/xdnmx(lh)  ! volume of melted ice if it were refrozen in the matrix
           vhsoak(mgs) = Min(v1,v2)


      IF ( lhl .gt. 1  .and. lhlw < 1 ) THEN
       IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) ) THEN
        qhlmlr(mgs) =   &
     &   min(   &
     &  fmlt1(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*hlvent(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)   &
     &  + fmlt2(mgs)*(qhlacr(mgs)+qhlacw(mgs))    &
     &   , 0.0 )

       IF ( ivhmltsoak > 0 .and.  qhlmlr(mgs) < 0.0 .and. lvol(lhl) > 1 .and. xdn(mgs,lhl) .lt. xdnmx(lhl) ) THEN
         ! act as if 50% of the meltwater were soaked into the graupel
           v1 = (1. - xdn(mgs,lhl)/xdnmx(lhl))*(vx(mgs,lhl) + rho0(mgs)*qhlmlr(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lhl) )/(dtp) ! volume available for filling
           v2 = -1.0*rho0(mgs)*qhlmlr(mgs)/xdnmx(lhl)  ! volume of melted ice if it were refrozen in the matrix
           vhlsoak(mgs) = Min(v1,v2)

!      qimlr(mgs)  = max( qimlr(mgs), -qimxd(mgs) ) 
!      qsmlr(mgs)  = max( qsmlr(mgs),  -qsmxd(mgs) ) 
! erm 5/10/2007 changed to next line:
      if ( .not. mixedphase ) qsmlr(mgs)  = max( qsmlr(mgs),  Min( -qsmxd(mgs), -0.7*qx(mgs,ls)/dtp ) ) 
      if ( .not. mixedphase ) qhmlr(mgs)  = max( qhmlr(mgs),  Min( -qhmxd(mgs), -0.5*qx(mgs,lh)/dtp ) ) 
!      qhmlr(mgs)  = max( max( qhmlr(mgs),  -qhmxd(mgs) ) , -0.5*qx(mgs,lh)/dtp ) !limits to 1/2 qh or max depletion
      qhmlh(mgs)  = 0.

      ! Rasmussen and Heymsfield say melt water remains on graupel up to 9 mm before shedding

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. lhlw < 1 ) qhlmlr(mgs)  = max( qhlmlr(mgs),  Min( -qxmxd(mgs,lhl), -0.5*qx(mgs,lhl)/dtp ) )

      end do

      endif  ! } not mixedphase
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      cimlr(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,li)/(qx(mgs,li)+1.e-20))*qimlr(mgs)

      IF ( .not. mixedphase ) THEN
      IF ( xdia(mgs,ls,1) .gt. 1.e-6 .and. -qsmlr(mgs) .ge. 0.5*qxmin(ls) .and. ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN
      csmlr(mgs)  = rho0(mgs)*qsmlr(mgs)/(xv(mgs,ls)*rhosm)
      csmlr(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,ls)/(qx(mgs,ls)+1.e-20))*qsmlr(mgs)

!      IF ( xdia(mgs,lh,1) .gt. 1.e-6 .and. Abs(qhmlr(mgs)) .ge. qxmin(lh) ) THEN
!      chmlr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhmlr(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)**3)  ! out of hail
!      chmlr(mgs) = Max( chmlr(mgs), -chmxd(mgs) )
!      ELSE
       chmlr(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,lh)/(qx(mgs,lh)+1.e-20))*qhmlr(mgs)
!      ENDIF

     IF ( chmlr(mgs) < 0.0 ) THEN
      IF ( ihmlt .eq. 1 ) THEN
        chmlrr(mgs)  = Max( chmlr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhmlr(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*vmlt) ) ! into rain 
      ELSEIF ( ihmlt .eq. 2 ) THEN
        IF ( xv(mgs,lh) .gt. 0.0 .and. chmlr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 ) THEN
!        chmlrr(mgs) = Min( chmlr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhmlr(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*xv(mgs,lh)) ) ! into rain 
! guess what, this is the same as chmlr: rho0*qhmlr/xmas(lh) --> cx/qx = rho0/xmas
!        chmlrr(mgs) =  rho0(mgs)*qhmlr(mgs)/(Min(xdn(mgs,lr)*xvmx(lr), xdn(mgs,lh)*xv(mgs,lh)))  ! into rain 
        chmlrr(mgs) =  chmlr(mgs)  ! allow huge drops for now -- take care of artificial breakup later
        chmlrr(mgs) = chmlr(mgs)
      ELSEIF ( ihmlt .eq. 0 ) THEN
        chmlrr(mgs) = chmlr(mgs)
      ENDIF ! chmlr(mgs) < 0.0

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. lhlw < 1 .and. .not. mixedphase .and. qhlmlr(mgs) < 0.0 ) THEN ! {
!      IF ( xdia(mgs,lhl,1) .gt. 1.e-6 .and. Abs(qhlmlr(mgs)) .ge. qxmin(lhl) ) THEN
!      chlmlr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlmlr(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,lhl)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)**3)  ! out of hail
!      chlmlr(mgs) = Max( chlmlr(mgs), -cxmxd(mgs,lhl) )
!      ELSE
      chlmlr(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,lhl)/(qx(mgs,lhl)+1.e-20))*qhlmlr(mgs)
!      ENDIF
      IF ( ihmlt .eq. 1 ) THEN
        chlmlrr(mgs)  = Max( chlmlr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhlmlr(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*vmlt) ) ! into rain 
      ELSEIF ( ihmlt .eq. 2 ) THEN
        IF ( xv(mgs,lhl) .gt. 0.0 .and. chlmlr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 ) THEN
!        chlmlrr(mgs) = Min( chlmlr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhlmlr(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lhl)*xv(mgs,lhl)) ) ! into rain 
        chlmlrr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlmlr(mgs)/(Min(xdn(mgs,lr)*xvmx(lr), xdn(mgs,lhl)*xv(mgs,lhl)))  ! into rain 
        chlmlrr(mgs) = chlmlr(mgs)
      ELSEIF ( ihmlt .eq. 0 ) THEN
        chlmlrr(mgs) = chlmlr(mgs)
      ENDIF ! }

      ENDIF ! .not. mixedphase

! 10ice versions:
!      chmlr(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,lh)/(qx(mgs,lh)+1.e-20))*qhmlr(mgs)
!      chmlrr(mgs) = chmlr(mgs)
      end do
      end if  

!  deposition/sublimation of ice
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
      rwcap(mgs) = (0.5)*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
      swcap(mgs) = (0.5)*xdia(mgs,ls,1)
      hwcap(mgs) = (0.5)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) hlcap(mgs) = (0.5)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)

      if ( qx(mgs,li).gt.qxmin(li) .and. xdia(mgs,li,1) .gt. 0.0 ) then
! from Cotton, 1972 (Part II)
        cilen(mgs)   = 0.4764*(xdia(mgs,li,1))**(0.958)
        cval = xdia(mgs,li,1)
        aval = cilen(mgs)
        eval = Sqrt(1.0-(aval**2)/(cval**2))
        fval = min(0.99,eval)
        gval = alog( abs( (1.+fval)/(1.-fval) ) )
        cicap(mgs) = cval*fval / gval
       cicap(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
      qhldsv(:) = 0.0
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( icond .eq. 1 .or. temg(mgs) .le. tfrh    &
     &      .or. (qx(mgs,lr) .le. qxmin(lr) .and. qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc)) ) THEN
        qidsv(mgs) =   &
     &    fvds(mgs)*cx(mgs,li)*civent(mgs)*cicap(mgs)
        qsdsv(mgs) =   &
     &    fvds(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)*swvent(mgs)*swcap(mgs)
!        IF ( ny .eq. 2 .and. igs(mgs) .eq. 302 .and. temg(mgs) .le. tfrh+10 .and. qx(mgs,lv) .gt. qis(mgs)
!     :       .and. qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
!         print*,'qidsv = ',nstep,kgs(mgs),qidsv(mgs),temg(mgs)-tfrh,100.*(qx(mgs,lv)/qis(mgs) - 1.),1.e6*xdia(mgs,li,1),
!     :            fvds(mgs),civent(mgs),cicap(mgs)
!        ENDIF
        qidsv(mgs) = 0.0
        qsdsv(mgs) = 0.0
        qhdsv(mgs) =   &
     &    fvds(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*hwvent(mgs)*hwcap(mgs)

        IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) qhldsv(mgs) = fvds(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*hlvent(mgs)*hlcap(mgs)
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( icond .eq. 1 .or. temg(mgs) .le. tfrh    &
     &      .or. (qx(mgs,lr) .le. qxmin(lr) .and. qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc)) ) THEN
!        qisbv(mgs) = max( min(qidsv(mgs), 0.0), -qimxd(mgs) )
!        qssbv(mgs) = max( min(qsdsv(mgs), 0.0), -qsmxd(mgs) )
! erm 5/10/2007:
        qisbv(mgs) = max( min(qidsv(mgs), 0.0),  Min( -qimxd(mgs), -0.7*qx(mgs,li)/dtp ) )
        qssbv(mgs) = max( min(qsdsv(mgs), 0.0),  Min( -qsmxd(mgs), -0.7*qx(mgs,ls)/dtp ) )
        qidpv(mgs) = Max(qidsv(mgs), 0.0)
        qsdpv(mgs) = Max(qsdsv(mgs), 0.0)
        qisbv(mgs) = 0.0
        qssbv(mgs) = 0.0
        qidpv(mgs) = 0.0
        qsdpv(mgs) = 0.0

      qhsbv(mgs) = max( min(qhdsv(mgs), 0.0), -qhmxd(mgs) )

      qhdpv(mgs) = Max(qhdsv(mgs), 0.0)

      qhlsbv(mgs) = 0.0
      qhldpv(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN 
        qhlsbv(mgs) = max( min(qhldsv(mgs), 0.0), -qxmxd(mgs,lhl) )
        qhldpv(mgs) = Max(qhldsv(mgs), 0.0)
      temp1 = qidpv(mgs) + qsdpv(mgs) + qhdpv(mgs) + qhldpv(mgs)
      IF ( temp1 .gt. qvimxd(mgs) ) THEN
      frac = qvimxd(mgs)/temp1
      qidpv(mgs) = frac*qidpv(mgs)
      qsdpv(mgs) = frac*qsdpv(mgs)
      qhdpv(mgs) = frac*qhdpv(mgs)
      qhldpv(mgs) = frac*qhldpv(mgs)

!        IF ( ny .eq. 2 .and. igs(mgs) .eq. 302 .and. temg(mgs) .le. tfrh+10 .and. qx(mgs,lv) .gt. qis(mgs)
!     :       .and. qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
!         print*,'qidpv,frac = ',kgs(mgs),qidpv(mgs),frac
!        ENDIF

      end do
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      cssbv(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,ls)/(qx(mgs,ls)+1.e-20))*qssbv(mgs)
      cisbv(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,li)/(qx(mgs,li)+1.e-20))*qisbv(mgs)
      chsbv(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,lh)/(qx(mgs,lh)+1.e-20))*qhsbv(mgs)
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) chlsbv(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,lhl)/(qx(mgs,lhl)+1.e-20))*qhlsbv(mgs)
      csdpv(mgs)  = 0.0 ! (cx(mgs,ls)/(qx(mgs,ls)+1.e-20))*qsdpv(mgs)
      cidpv(mgs) =  0.0 ! (cx(mgs,li)/(qx(mgs,li)+1.e-20))*qidpv(mgs)
      chdpv(mgs)  = 0.0 ! (cx(mgs,lh)/(qx(mgs,lh)+1.e-20))*qhdpv(mgs)
      chldpv(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
      end if

!  Aggregation of crystals
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'conc 29a'
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt 
      qscni(mgs) =  0.0
      cscni(mgs) = 0.0
      cscnis(mgs) = 0.0
      if ( ipconc .ge. 4 .and. iscni .ge. 1 .and. qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) then
        IF ( iscni .eq. 1 ) THEN
         qscni(mgs) =    &
     &      pi*rho0(mgs)*((0.25)/(6.0))   &
     &      *eii(mgs)*(qx(mgs,li)**2)*(xdia(mgs,li,2))   &
     &      *vtxbar(mgs,li,1)/xmas(mgs,li)
         cscni(mgs) = Min(cimxd(mgs),qscni(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,li))
         cscnis(mgs) = 0.5*cscni(mgs)
        ELSEIF ( iscni .eq. 2 .or. iscni .eq. 4 ) THEN  ! Zeigler 1985/Zrnic 1993, sort of
          IF ( qidpv(mgs) .gt. 0.0 .and.  xdia(mgs,li,3) .ge. 100.e-6 ) THEN
!            IF ( xdia(mgs,ls,3) .gt. xdia(mgs,li,3) ) THEN
!              qscni(mgs) = Max(0.1,xdia(mgs,li,3)/xdia(mgs,ls,3))*qidpv(mgs)
! erm 9/5/08 changed max to min
              qscni(mgs) = Min(0.5, xdia(mgs,li,3)/200.e-6)*qidpv(mgs)
!            ELSE
!              qscni(mgs) = 0.1*qidpv(mgs)
!            ENDIF
            cscni(mgs) = 0.5*Min(cimxd(mgs),qscni(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/Max(xdn(mgs,ls)*xvsmn,xmas(mgs,li)))
!            cscni(mgs) = Min(cimxd(mgs),qscni(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,li) )
!            IF ( xdia(mgs,ls,3) .le. 200.e-6 ) THEN
              cscnis(mgs) = cscni(mgs)
!            ELSE
!              cscnis(mgs) = 0.0
!            ENDIF
           IF ( iscni .ne. 4 ) THEN
! erm 9/5/08 commented second line and added xv to 1st line (zrnic et al 1993)
             tmp = ess(mgs)*rvt*aa2*cx(mgs,li)*cx(mgs,li)*xv(mgs,li)
!     :         ((cinu + 2.)*xv(mgs,li)/(cinu + 1.) + xv(mgs,li))

!           csacs(mgs) = rvt*aa2*ess(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)**2*xv(mgs,ls)
             qscni(mgs) = qscni(mgs) + Min( qxmxd(mgs,li), 2.0*tmp*xmas(mgs,li)*rhoinv(mgs) )
             cscni(mgs) = cscni(mgs) + Min( cxmxd(mgs,li), 2.0*tmp )
             cscnis(mgs) = cscnis(mgs) + Min( cxmxd(mgs,li), tmp )
        ELSEIF ( iscni .eq. 3 ) THEN ! LFO
           qscni(mgs) = 0.001*eii(mgs)*max((qx(mgs,li)-1.e-3),0.0)
           qscni(mgs) = min(qscni(mgs),qxmxd(mgs,li))
           cscni(mgs) = qscni(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,li)
           cscnis(mgs) = 0.5*cscni(mgs)
!           write(iunit,*) 'qscni, qi = ',qscni(mgs),qx(mgs,li),igs(mgs),kgs(mgs)

      ELSEIF ( ipconc < 4 ) THEN ! LFO
           qscni(mgs) = 0.001*eii(mgs)*max((qx(mgs,li)-1.e-3),0.0)
           qscni(mgs) = min(qscni(mgs),qxmxd(mgs,li))
      else ! 10-ice version
      if ( qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) then
          qscni(mgs) =    &
     &    pi*rho0(mgs)*((0.25)/(6.0))   &
     &    *eii(mgs)*(qx(mgs,li)**2)*(xdia(mgs,li,2))   &
     &    *vtxbar(mgs,li,1)/xmas(mgs,li)
         cscni(mgs) = Min(cimxd(mgs),qscni(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,li))
        end if
      end if
      end do

!  compute dry growth rate of snow, graupel, and hail
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qsdry(mgs)  = qsacr(mgs)    + qsacw(mgs)   &
     &            + qsaci(mgs)
      qhdry(mgs)  = qhaci(mgs)    + qhacs(mgs)   &
     &            + qhacr(mgs)   &
     &            + qhacw(mgs)
      qhldry(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      qhldry(mgs)  = qhlaci(mgs)    + qhlacs(mgs)   &
     &               + qhlacr(mgs)   &
     &               + qhlacw(mgs)
      end do
!  set wet growth and shedding
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      qswet(mgs) =
!     >  ( xdia(mgs,ls,1)*swvent(mgs)*cx(mgs,ls)*fwet1(mgs)
!     >  + fwet2(mgs)*(qsaci(mgs)+qsacir(mgs)
!     >               +qsacip(mgs)) )
!      qswet(mgs) = max( 0.0, qswet(mgs))
!      IF ( dnu(lh) .ne. 0. ) THEN
!        qhwet(mgs) = qhdry(mgs)
!      ELSE
        qhwet(mgs) =   &
     &    ( xdia(mgs,lh,1)*hwvent(mgs)*cx(mgs,lh)*fwet1(mgs)   &
     &   + fwet2(mgs)*(qhaci(mgs) + qhacs(mgs)) )
       qhwet(mgs) = max( 0.0, qhwet(mgs))
!      ENDIF

       qhlwet(mgs) = 0.0
       IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
       qhlwet(mgs) =   &
     &    ( xdia(mgs,lhl,1)*hlvent(mgs)*cx(mgs,lhl)*fwet1(mgs)   &
     &   + fwet2(mgs)*(qhlaci(mgs) + qhlacs(mgs)) )
       qhlwet(mgs) = max( 0.0, qhlwet(mgs))
!      qhlwet(mgs) = qhldry(mgs)
      end do
! shedding rate
      qsshr(:)  =  0.0
      qhshr(:)  =  0.0
      qhlshr(:) =  0.0
      qhshh(:)  =  0.0
      csshr(:)  =  0.0
      chshr(:)  =  0.0
      chlshr(:)  =  0.0
      chshrr(:)  =  0.0
      chlshrr(:)  =  0.0
      vhshdr(:)  = 0.0
      vhlshdr(:)  = 0.0
      wetsfc(:)  = .false.
      wetgrowth(:)  = .false.
      wetsfchl(:)  = .false.
      wetgrowthhl(:)  = .false.

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhshr(mgs)  = Min( 0.0, qhwet(mgs) - qhdry(mgs) )  ! water that freezes should never be more than what sheds

      qhlshr(mgs)  =  Min( 0.0, qhlwet(mgs) - qhldry(mgs) )

! limit wet growth to only higher density particles
      qsshr(mgs)  =  0.0
!  no shedding for temperatures < 243.15 
      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. 243.15 ) then
       qsshr(mgs)  =  0.0
       qhshr(mgs)  =  0.0
       qhlshr(mgs) =  0.0
       vhshdr(mgs)  = 0.0
       vhlshdr(mgs)  = 0.0
       wetsfc(mgs) = .false.
       wetgrowth(mgs) = .false.
       wetsfchl(mgs) = .false.
       wetgrowthhl(mgs) = .false.
      end if
!  shed all at temperatures > 273.15
      if ( temg(mgs) .gt. tfr ) then

       qsshr(mgs)   = -qsdry(mgs)
       qhlshr(mgs)  = -qhldry(mgs)

       qhshr(mgs)  = -qhdry(mgs)
       vhshdr(mgs)  = -vhacw(mgs) - vhacr(mgs)
       vhlshdr(mgs)  = -vhlacw(mgs)
       qhwet(mgs)  = 0.0
       qhlwet(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
!      if (qhshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. temg(mgs) < tfr  ) THEN
        wetsfc(mgs) =  (qhshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. temg(mgs) < tfr ) .or. ( qhmlr(mgs) < -qxmin(lh) .and.  temg(mgs) > tfr )
        wetgrowth(mgs) = (qhshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. temg(mgs) < tfr )
!      ENDIF

      if (qhlshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. temg(mgs) < tfr ) THEN
        wetsfchl(mgs) = (qhlshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. temg(mgs) < tfr ) .or. ( qhlmlr(mgs) < -qxmin(lhl) .and.  temg(mgs) > tfr )
        wetgrowthhl(mgs) = (qhlshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. temg(mgs) < tfr )

      end do
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      csshr(mgs)  = 0.0 ! (cx(mgs,ls)/(qx(mgs,ls)+1.e-20))*Min(0.0,qsshr(mgs))
      chshr(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,lh)/(qx(mgs,lh)+1.e-20))*qhshr(mgs)
      IF ( temg(mgs) < tfr ) THEN
         chshrr(mgs) = Min( chshr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhshr(mgs)/(xdn0(lr)*vr4p5mm) ) ! maximum of 4.5mm drops from shedding
         chshrr(mgs) = Min( chshr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhshr(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*xvmx(lr)) ) ! limit to maximum size allowed for rain
!        chlmlrr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlmlr(mgs)/(Min(xdn(mgs,lr)*xvmx(lr), xdn(mgs,lhl)*xv(mgs,lhl)))  ! into rain 
      chlshr(mgs) = 0.0
      chlshrr(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN 
         chlshr(mgs)  = (cx(mgs,lhl)/(qx(mgs,lhl)+1.e-20))*qhlshr(mgs)
        IF ( temg(mgs) < tfr ) THEN
          chlshrr(mgs) = Min( chlshr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhlshr(mgs)/(xdn0(lr)*vr4p5mm) ) ! maximum of 4.5mm drops from shedding
!         chlshrr(mgs) = Min( chlshr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhlshr(mgs)/(xdn0(lr)*vr1mm) ) ! maximum of 1mm drops from shedding
           chlshrr(mgs) = Min( chlshr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhlshr(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*xvmx(lr)) ) ! limit to maximum size allowed for rain
!        chlmlrr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlmlr(mgs)/(Min(xdn(mgs,lr)*xvmx(lr), xdn(mgs,lhl)*xv(mgs,lhl)))  ! into rain 
      end do
      end if

!  final decisions
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!  Snow
      if ( qsshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 ) then
      qsdpv(mgs) = 0.0
      qssbv(mgs) = 0.0
      qsshr(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
!     if ( qsdry(mgs) .lt. qswet(mgs) ) then
!     qswet(mgs) = 0.0
!     else
!     qsdry(mgs) = 0.0
!     end if 

! zero the shedding rates when wet snow/graupel included.
! shedding of wet snow/graupel is calculated after summing other sources/sinks.
      if (mixedphase) then
        qsshr(mgs) = 0.0
        qhshr(mgs) = 0.0
        csshr(mgs) = 0.0
        chshr(mgs) = 0.0
        chshrr(mgs) = 0.0
        vhshdr(mgs) = 0.0
        IF ( lhlw > 1 ) THEN
          qhlshr(mgs) = 0.0
          vhlshdr(mgs) = 0.0
          chlshr(mgs) = 0.0
          chlshrr(mgs) = 0.0
      end if

!  graupel
      if ( wetgrowth(mgs) .or. (mixedphase .and. fhw(mgs) .gt. 0.05 .and. temg(mgs) .gt. 243.15) ) then

! soaking (when not advected liquid water film with graupel)

        IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 .and. .not. mixedphase) THEN
        ! rescale volumes to maximum density
         rimdn(mgs,lh) = xdnmx(lh)
         raindn(mgs,lh) = xdnmx(lh)
         vhacw(mgs) = qhacw(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,lh)
         vhacr(mgs) = qhacr(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/raindn(mgs,lh)
!        IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 .and. wetgrowth(mgs) ) THEN
         IF ( xdn(mgs,lh) .lt. xdnmx(lh) ) THEN
         ! soak some liquid into the graupel
!           v1 = xdnmx(lh)*vx(mgs,lh)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*dtp) ! volume available for filling
           v1 = (1. - xdn(mgs,lh)/xdnmx(lh))*vx(mgs,lh)/(dtp) ! volume available for filling
!            tmp = (vx(mgs,lh)/rho0(mgs))*(xdnmx(lh) - xdn(mgs,lh)) ! max mixing ratio of liquid water that can be added
           v2 = rho0(mgs)*qhwet(mgs)/xdnmx(lh)  ! volume of frozen accretion
           vhsoak(mgs) = Min(v1,v2)

         vhshdr(mgs) = Min(0.0, rho0(mgs)*qhwet(mgs)/xdnmx(lh) - vhacw(mgs) - vhacr(mgs) )
        ELSEIF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1  .and. mixedphase ) THEN
!         vhacw(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhacw(mgs)/xdn0(lr)
!         vhacr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhacr(mgs)/xdn0(lr)

      qhdpv(mgs) = 0.0
!      qhsbv(mgs) = 0.0
      chdpv(mgs) = 0.0
!      chsbv(mgs) = 0.0

! collection efficiency modification

      IF ( ehi(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        qhaci(mgs) = Min(qimxd(mgs),qhaci(mgs)/ehi(mgs))  ! effectively sets collection eff to 1
      IF ( ehs(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
!        qhacs(mgs) = Min(qsmxd(mgs),qhacs(mgs)/ehs(mgs))  ! effectively sets collection eff to 1
        qhacs(mgs) = qhacs(mgs)/ehs(mgs)                   ! divide out the collection efficiency
        ehs(mgs) = min(ehsfrac*ehs(mgs),ehsmax)            ! modify it
        qhacs(mgs) = Min(qsmxd(mgs),qhacs(mgs)*ehs(mgs))   ! plug it back in

! be sure to catch particles with wet surfaces but not in wet growth to turn off Hallett-Mossop
      wetsfc(mgs) = .true.

!        qhshr(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
!  hail
!      if ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. qhlshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 ) then
      if ( wetgrowthhl(mgs) .or. (mixedphase .and. fhlw(mgs) .gt. 0.05 .and. temg(mgs) .gt. 243.15) ) then
!      if ( wetgrowthhl(mgs) ) then

      qhldpv(mgs) = 0.0
!      qhlsbv(mgs) = 0.0
      chldpv(mgs) = 0.0
!      chlsbv(mgs) = 0.0

        IF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1  .and. .not. mixedphase ) THEN
!        IF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1 .and. wetgrowthhl(mgs) ) THEN

         rimdn(mgs,lhl) = xdnmx(lhl) 
         raindn(mgs,lhl) = xdnmx(lhl) 
         vhlacw(mgs) = qhlacw(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,lhl)
         vhlacr(mgs) = qhlacr(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/raindn(mgs,lhl)

         IF ( xdn(mgs,lhl) .lt. xdnmx(lhl) ) THEN
         ! soak some liquid into the hail
!           v1 = xdnmx(lhl)*vx(mgs,lhl)/(xdn(mgs,lhl)*dtp) ! volume available for filling
           v1 = (1. - xdn(mgs,lhl)/xdnmx(lhl))*vx(mgs,lhl)/(dtp) ! volume available for filling
!            tmp = (vx(mgs,lhl)/rho0(mgs))*(xdnmx(lhl) - xdn(mgs,lhl)) ! max mixing ratio of liquid water that can be added
           v2 = rho0(mgs)*qhlwet(mgs)/xdnmx(lhl)  ! volume of frozen accretion
           IF ( v1 > v2 ) THEN ! all the frozen stuff fits in
             vhlsoak(mgs) = v2
           ELSE  ! fill up the available space
             vhlsoak(mgs) = v1
!           vhlacw(mgs) = 0.0
!           vhlacr(mgs) = Max( 0.0, v2 - v1 )
           vhlsoak(mgs) = 0.0
!           vhlacw(mgs) = 0.0
!           vhlacr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlwet(mgs)/raindn(mgs,lhl)

         vhlshdr(mgs) = Min(0.0, rho0(mgs)*qhlwet(mgs)/xdnmx(lhl) - vhlacw(mgs) - vhlacr(mgs) )

        ELSEIF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1  .and. mixedphase ) THEN
!         vhlacw(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlacw(mgs)/xdn0(lr)
!         vhlacr(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlacr(mgs)/xdn0(lr)

      IF ( ehli(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        qhlaci(mgs) = Min(qimxd(mgs),qhlaci(mgs)/ehli(mgs))
      IF ( ehls(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        qhlacs(mgs) = Min(qsmxd(mgs),qhlacs(mgs)/ehls(mgs))
!      qhlwet(mgs) = 1.0

! be sure to catch particles with wet surfaces but not in wet growth to turn off Hallett-Mossop
      wetsfchl(mgs) = .true.

!      qhlshr(mgs) = 0.0
!      qhlwet(mgs) = 0.0
      end if

      end do
! Ice -> graupel conversion
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhcni(mgs) = 0.0
      chcni(mgs) = 0.0
      chcnih(mgs) = 0.0
      vhcni(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( iglcnvi .ge. 1 ) THEN
      IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.0 .and. qiacw(mgs) - qidpv(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        tmp = rimc1*(-((0.5)*(1.e+06)*xdia(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &                *((0.60)*vtxbar(mgs,li,1))   &
     &                /(temg(mgs)-273.15))**(rimc2)
        tmp = Min( Max( rimc3, tmp ), 900.0 )
        !  Assume that half the volume of the embryo is rime with density 'tmp'
        !  m = rhoi*(V/2) + rhorime*(V/2) = (rhoi + rhorime)*V/2
        !  V = 2*m/(rhoi + rhorime)
!        print*, 'rime dens = ',tmp
        IF ( tmp .ge. 200.0 .or. iglcnvi >= 2 ) THEN
          r = Max( 0.5*(xdn(mgs,li) + tmp), xdnmn(lh) )
!          r = Max( r, 400. )
          qhcni(mgs) = (qiacw(mgs) - qidpv(mgs)) ! *float(iglcnvi)
          chcni(mgs) = cx(mgs,li)*qhcni(mgs)/qx(mgs,li)
!          chcnih(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhcni(mgs)/(1.6e-10)
          chcnih(mgs) = Min(chcni(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhcni(mgs)/(r*xvmn(lh)) )
!          vhcni(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*2.0*qhcni(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,li) + tmp)
          vhcni(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhcni(mgs)/r

      qhlcnh(:) = 0.0
      chlcnh(:) = 0.0
      vhlcnh(:) = 0.0
      vhlcnhl(:) = 0.0
      zhlcnh(:) = 0.0

      qhcnhl(:) = 0.0
      chcnhl(:) = 0.0
      vhcnhl(:) = 0.0
      zhcnhl(:) = 0.0

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1  ) THEN
      IF ( ihlcnh == 1 ) THEN
!  Graupel (h) conversion to hail (hl) based on Milbrandt and Yau 2005b
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
!        IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ipconc .ge. 5 .and. qx(mgs,lh) .gt. 1.0e-3 .and.
!     :        xdn(mgs,lh) .gt. 750. .and. qhshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and.
!     :        xdia(mgs,lh,3) .gt. 1.e-3 ) THEN
        IF (  wetgrowth(mgs) .and. (xdn(mgs,lh) .gt. hldnmn .or. lvh < 1 ) .and.  & ! correct this when hail gets turned on
!        IF (  ( qhshr(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .or. rimdn(mgs,lh) .gt. 800. ) .and.   &
     &        rimdn(mgs,lh) .gt. 800. .and.   &
     &        xdia(mgs,lh,3) .gt. hlcnhdia .and. qx(mgs,lh) .gt. hlcnhqmin ) THEN
!     :        xdia(mgs,lh,3) .gt. 2.e-3 .and. qx(mgs,lh) .gt. 1.0e-3 ) THEN ! 0823.2008 erm test
!        IF ( xdia(mgs,lh,3) .gt. 1.e-3 ) THEN
        IF ( qhacw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 .and. qhacw(mgs) .gt. qhaci(mgs) .and. temg(mgs) .le. tfr-2.0 ) THEN
        ! dh0 is the diameter dividing wet growth from dry growth (Ziegler 1985), modified by MY05
!          dh0 = 0.01*(exp(temcg(mgs)/(1.1e4*(qx(mgs,lc)+qx(mgs,lr)) - 
!     :           1.3e3*qx(mgs,li) + 1.0e-3 ) ) - 1.0)
          x = (1.1e4*(rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)) - 1.3e3*rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,li) + 1.0e-3 )
          IF ( x > 1.e-20 ) THEN
          arg = Min(70.0, (-temcg(mgs)/x )) ! prevent overflow of the exp function in 32 bit
          dh0 = 0.01*(exp(arg) - 1.0)
           dh0 = 1.e30
!          dh0 = Max( dh0, 5.e-3 )
!         IF ( dh0 .gt. 0.0 ) write(0,*) 'dh0 = ',dh0
!         IF ( dh0 .gt. 1.0e-4 ) THEN
         IF ( xdia(mgs,lh,3)/dh0 .gt. 0.1 ) THEN 
!         IF ( xdia(mgs,lh,3) .lt. 20.*dh0 .and. dh0 .lt. 2.0*xdia(mgs,lh,3) ) THEN 
           tmp = qhacw(mgs) + qhacr(mgs) + qhaci(mgs) + qhacs(mgs)
!           qtmp = Min( 1.0, xdia(mgs,lh,3)/(2.0*dh0) )*(tmp)
           qtmp = Min( 100.0, xdia(mgs,lh,3)/(2.0*dh0) )*(tmp)
           IF ( .false. .and. qx(mgs,lhl) + qtmp*dtp .lt. 0.5e-3 ) THEN
             hdia1 = Max(dh0, xdia(mgs,lh,3) )
            qtmp = qtmp + Min(qxmxd(mgs,lh), Max( 0.0,   &
     &      ((pi*xdn(mgs,lh)*cx(mgs,lh)) / (6.0*rho0(mgs)*dtp))   &
     &      *exp(-hdia1/xdia(mgs,lh,1))   &
     &      *( (hdia1**3) + 3.0*(hdia1**2)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)   &
     &      + 6.0*(hdia1)*(xdia(mgs,lh,1)**2) + 6.0*(xdia(mgs,lh,1)**3) ) ) )

!c           qtmp = Min( qxmxd(mgs,lh), qtmp )
!c           tmp = tmp + Min( 0.5e-3/dtp, qtmp )
!           write(0,*) 'dh0 = ',dh0,tmp,qx(mgs,lh)*1000.
!           qhlcnh(mgs) = Min( 0.5*(qx(mgs,lh))+tmp, xdia(mgs,lh,3)/(2.0*dh0)*(tmp) )
!           qhlcnh(mgs) = Min(  qxmxd(mgs,lh), xdia(mgs,lh,3)/(2.0*dh0)*(tmp) )
           qhlcnh(mgs) = Min(  qxmxd(mgs,lh), qtmp )
           IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN
!           dh0 = Max( xdia(mgs,lh,3), Min( dh0, 5.e-3 ) ) ! don't create hail greater than 5mm diam. unless the graupel is larger
           dh0 = Min( dh0, 10.e-3 ) ! don't create hail greater than 10mm diam., which is the max graupel size
!           IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) > 0.1e-3 ) dh0 = xdia(mgs,lhl,3) ! when enough hail is established, don't dilute the size
           chlcnh(mgs) = Min( cxmxd(mgs,lh), rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,lh)*dh0**3/6.0) )
!           chlcnh(mgs) = Min( chlcnh(mgs), (1./8.)*rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*xv(mgs,lh)) )
!           chlcnh(mgs) = Min( chlcnh(mgs), (1./2.)*rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*xv(mgs,lh)) )
           r = rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*xv(mgs,lh))  ! number of graupel particles at mean volume diameter
!           chlcnh(mgs) = Min( Max( 1./8.*r , chlcnh(mgs)), r )
!           chlcnh(mgs) = Min( chlcnh(mgs), r )
           chlcnh(mgs) = Max( chlcnh(mgs), r )
!           chlcnh(mgs) =  r 
           vhlcnh(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lh)
           vhlcnhl(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/Max(xdnmn(lhl), xdn(mgs,lh))
!           write(0,*) 'qhlcnh = ',qhlcnh(mgs)*1000.,chlcnh(mgs)
!         write(0,*) 'graupel to hail conversion not complete! STOP!'
!         STOP
      ELSEIF ( ihlcnh == 2 ) THEN ! 10-ice type conversion 

! Staka and Mansell (2005) type conversion -- assuming alphah = 0 for now!
!      hldia1 is set in micro_module and namelist
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      qhlcnh(mgs) = 0.0
!      chlcnh(mgs) = 0.0
      if ( wetgrowth(mgs) .and. temg(mgs) .lt. tfr-5. .and. qx(mgs,lh) > qxmin(lh) ) then
      if ( qhacw(mgs).gt.1.e-6 .and. xdn(mgs,lh) > 700. ) then
      qhlcnh(mgs) =                                                   &
        ((pi*xdn(mgs,lh)*cx(mgs,lh)) / (6.0*rho0(mgs)*dtp))           &
       *exp(-hldia1/xdia(mgs,lh,1))                                    &
       *( (hldia1**3) + 3.0*(hldia1**2)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)                  &
        + 6.0*(hldia1)*(xdia(mgs,lh,1)**2) + 6.0*(xdia(mgs,lh,1)**3) ) 
      qhlcnh(mgs) =   min(qhlcnh(mgs),qhmxd(mgs))
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN
        chlcnh(mgs) = Min( cxmxd(mgs,lh), cx(mgs,lh)*Exp(-hldia1/xdia(mgs,lh,1)))
!        chlcnh(mgs) = Min( cxmxd(mgs,lh), rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/(2.0*xmas(mgs,lh) ))
           vhlcnh(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lh)
           vhlcnhl(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhlcnh(mgs)/Max(xdnmn(lhl), xdn(mgs,lh))
      end if
      end if
      end do
      ENDIF ! lhl > 1

! Ziegler snow conversion to graupel
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qhcns(mgs) = 0.0
      chcns(mgs) = 0.0
      chcnsh(mgs) = 0.0
      vhcns(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN
        IF ( qx(mgs,ls) .gt. qxmin(ls) .and. qsacw(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN

!      DATA VGRA/1.413E-2/  ! this is the volume (cm**3) of a 3mm diam. sphere
!    vgra = 1.4137e-8 m**3

!     / (RO*QI)))*DNNET + (XNS**2*VGRA*ROS/(RO*QI**2))*DQNET)
!      IF(DNSCNV.LT.0.) DNSCNV=0.
!      QH=QH+DT*QIHC
!      QI=QI-DT*QIHC
        IF ( iglcnvs .eq. 1 ) THEN  ! Zrnic, Ziegler et al (1993)
        dnnet = cscnvis(mgs) + cscnis(mgs) - csacs(mgs)
        dqnet = qscnvi(mgs) + qscni(mgs) + qsacw(mgs) + qsdpv(mgs) + qssbv(mgs)
        a3 = 1./(rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls))
        a1 = Exp( - xdn(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,ls)*vgra*a3 )  ! EXP(-(ROS*XNS*VGRA/(RO*QI)))
        a2 =  (1.-(cx(mgs,ls)*vgra*xdn(mgs,ls)*a3))*dnnet
        a4 = cx(mgs,ls)**2*vgra*xdn(mgs,ls)*a3/qx(mgs,ls)*dqnet
        chcns(mgs) = Max( 0.0, a1*(a2 + a4) )
        chcns(mgs) = Min( chcns(mgs), cxmxd(mgs,ls) )
        chcnsh(mgs) = chcns(mgs)
        qhcns(mgs) = Min( xdn(mgs,ls)*vgra*rhoinv(mgs)*chcns(mgs), qxmxd(mgs,ls) )
        vhcns(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhcns(mgs)/Max(xdn(mgs,ls),xdnmn(lh))
!        vhcns(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhcns(mgs)/Max(xdn(mgs,ls),400.)
        ELSEIF ( iglcnvs .ge. 2  ) THEN  ! treat like ice crystals, i.e., check for rime density (ERM)
          IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.0 .and. qsacw(mgs) - qsdpv(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
        tmp = rimc1*(-((0.5)*(1.e+06)*xdia(mgs,lc,1))   &
     &                *((0.60)*vtxbar(mgs,ls,1))   &
     &                /(temg(mgs)-273.15))**(rimc2)
        tmp = Min( Max( rimc3, tmp ), 900.0 )
        !  Assume that half the volume of the embryo is rime with density 'tmp'
        !  m = rhoi*(V/2) + rhorime*(V/2) = (rhoi + rhorime)*V/2
        !  V = 2*m/(rhoi + rhorime)
!        print*, 'rime dens = ',tmp
        IF ( tmp .ge. 200.0 .or. iglcnvs >= 3 ) THEN
          r = Max( 0.5*(xdn(mgs,ls) + tmp), xdnmn(lh) )
!          r = Max( r, 400. )
          qhcns(mgs) = (qsacw(mgs) - qsdpv(mgs))
          chcns(mgs) = cx(mgs,ls)*qhcns(mgs)/qx(mgs,ls)
!          chcnih(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhcni(mgs)/(1.6e-10)
          chcnsh(mgs) = Min(chcns(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qhcns(mgs)/(r*xvmn(lh)) )
!          vhcni(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*2.0*qhcni(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,li) + tmp)
          vhcns(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhcns(mgs)/r

       ELSE ! single moment lfo

        qhcns(mgs) = 0.001*ehscnv(mgs)*max((qx(mgs,ls)-6.e-4),0.0)
        qhcns(mgs) = min(qhcns(mgs),qxmxd(mgs,ls))
        IF ( lvol(lh) .ge. 1 ) vhcns(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*qhcns(mgs)/Max(xdn(mgs,ls),400.)
!  heat budget for rain---not all rain that collects ice can freeze
      if ( irwfrz .gt. 0 .and. .not. mixedphase) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!  compute total rain that freeze when it interacts with cloud ice
      qrztot(mgs) = qrfrz(mgs) + qiacr(mgs) + qsacr(mgs)
!  compute the maximum amount of rain that can freeze
!  Used to limit freezing to 4*qrmxd, but now allow all rain to freeze if possible
      qrzmax(mgs) =   &
     &  ( xdia(mgs,lr,1)*rwvent(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)*fwet1(mgs) )
      qrzmax(mgs) = max(qrzmax(mgs), 0.0)
      qrzmax(mgs) = min(qrztot(mgs), qrzmax(mgs))
      qrzmax(mgs) = min(qx(mgs,lr)/dtp, qrzmax(mgs))
      IF ( temcg(mgs) < -30. ) THEN ! allow all to freeze if T < -30 because fwet becomes invalid (negative)
        qrzmax(mgs) = qx(mgs,lr)/dtp
!      qrzmax(mgs) = min(4.*qrmxd(mgs), qrzmax(mgs))
!  compute the correction factor
!      IF ( qrztot(mgs) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
      IF ( qrztot(mgs) .gt. qrzmax(mgs) .and. qrztot(mgs) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
        qrzfac(mgs) = qrzmax(mgs)/(qrztot(mgs))
        qrzfac(mgs) = 1.0
      qrzfac(mgs) = min(1.0, qrzfac(mgs))
      end do
! now correct the above sources
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      if ( temg(mgs) .le. 273.15 .and. qrzfac(mgs) .lt. 1.0 ) then
      qrfrz(mgs)   = qrzfac(mgs)*qrfrz(mgs)
      qrfrzs(mgs)  = qrzfac(mgs)*qrfrzs(mgs)
      qrfrzf(mgs)  = qrzfac(mgs)*qrfrzf(mgs)
      qiacr(mgs)   = qrzfac(mgs)*qiacr(mgs)
      qsacr(mgs)   = qrzfac(mgs)*qsacr(mgs)
      qiacrf(mgs)  = qrzfac(mgs)*qiacrf(mgs)
      crfrz(mgs)   = qrzfac(mgs)*crfrz(mgs)
      crfrzf(mgs)  = qrzfac(mgs)*crfrzf(mgs)
      crfrzs(mgs)  = qrzfac(mgs)*crfrzs(mgs)
      ciacr(mgs)   = qrzfac(mgs)*ciacr(mgs)
      ciacrf(mgs)  = qrzfac(mgs)*ciacrf(mgs)

      IF ( lzh .gt. 1 ) THEN
        zrfrzf(mgs) = 3.6476*rho0(mgs)**2*(alpha(mgs,lr)+2.)/(xdn0(lr)**2*(alpha(mgs,lr)+1.)) * &
        ( 2.*tmp * qrfrzf(mgs) - tmp**2 * crfrzf(mgs)  )
       vrfrzf(mgs)  = qrzfac(mgs)*vrfrzf(mgs)
       viacrf(mgs)  = qrzfac(mgs)*viacrf(mgs)
      end if
      end do
      end if
!  evaporation of rain
      qrcev(:) = 0.0
      crcev(:) = 0.0

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
      qrcev(mgs) =   &
     &  fvce(mgs)*cx(mgs,lr)*rwvent(mgs)*rwcap(mgs)
! this line to allow condensation on rain:
      IF ( rcond .eq. 1 ) THEN
        qrcev(mgs) = min(qrcev(mgs), qxmxd(mgs,lv))
! this line to have evaporation only:
        qrcev(mgs) = min(qrcev(mgs), 0.0)

      qrcev(mgs) = max(qrcev(mgs), -qrmxd(mgs))
!      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.15 ) qrcev(mgs) = 0.0
      IF ( qrcev(mgs) .lt. 0. ) THEN
!        qrcev(mgs) =   -qrmxd(mgs)
!        crcev(mgs) = (rho0(mgs)/(xmas(mgs,lr)+1.e-20))*qrcev(mgs)
      crcev(mgs) = (cx(mgs,lr)/(qx(mgs,lr)))*qrcev(mgs)
         crcev(mgs) = 0.0
!      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. 273.15 ) crcev(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
! evaporation/condensation of wet graupel and snow
      qscev(:) = 0.0
      cscev(:) = 0.0
      qhcev(:) = 0.0
      chcev(:) = 0.0
      qhlcev(:) = 0.0
      chlcev(:) = 0.0

!  ICE MULTIPLICATION: Two modes (rimpa, and rimpb)
!  (following Cotton et al. 1986)
      chmul1(:) =  0.0
      chlmul1(:) =  0.0
      csmul1(:) = 0.0
      qhmul1(:) =  0.0
      qhlmul1(:) =  0.0
      qsmul1(:) =  0.0

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
       ltest =  qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh)
       IF ( lhl > 1 )  ltest =  ltest .or. qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl)
      IF ( (itype1 .ge. 1 .or. itype2 .ge. 1 )   &
     &              .and. qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc)) THEN
      if ( temg(mgs) .ge. 265.15 .and. temg(mgs) .le. 271.15 ) then
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 0 ) THEN
        IF ( xv(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.0     &
     &     .and.  ltest &
!     .and. itype2 .ge. 2    &
     &       ) THEN
!  Ziegler et al. 1986 Hallett-Mossop process.  VSTAR = 7.23e-15 (vol of 12micron radius)
         ex1 = (1./250.)*Exp(-7.23e-15/xv(mgs,lc))
       IF ( itype2 .le. 2 ) THEN
         ft = Max(0.0,Min(1.0,-0.11*temcg(mgs)**2 - 1.1*temcg(mgs)-1.7))
        IF ( temg(mgs) .ge. 265.15 .and. temg(mgs) .le. 267.15 ) THEN
          ft = 0.5
        ELSEIF (temg(mgs) .ge. 267.15 .and. temg(mgs) .le. 269.15 ) THEN
          ft = 1.0
        ELSEIF (temg(mgs) .ge. 269.15 .and. temg(mgs) .le. 271.15 ) THEN
          ft = 0.5
          ft = 0.0
!        rhoinv = 1./rho0(mgs)
!        DNSTAR = ex1*cglacw(mgs)
       IF ( ft > 0.0 ) THEN
        IF ( itype2 > 0 ) THEN
         IF ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) .and. (.not. wetsfc(mgs))  ) THEN
          chmul1(mgs) = (ft*ex1*chacw(mgs))
          qhmul1(mgs) = cimas0*chmul1(mgs)*rhoinv(mgs)
         IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
           IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) .and. (.not. wetsfchl(mgs))  ) THEN
            chlmul1(mgs) = (ft*ex1*chlacw(mgs))
            qhlmul1(mgs) = cimas0*chlmul1(mgs)*rhoinv(mgs)
        ENDIF ! itype2

        IF ( itype1 > 0 ) THEN
         IF ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) .and. (.not. wetsfc(mgs))  ) THEN
          tmp = ft*(3.5e+08)*rho0(mgs)*qhacw(mgs)
          chmul1(mgs) = chmul1(mgs) + tmp
          qhmul1(mgs) = qhmul1(mgs) + cimas0*tmp*rhoinv(mgs)
         IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
           IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) .and. (.not. wetsfchl(mgs)) ) THEN
            tmp = ft*(3.5e+08)*rho0(mgs)*qhlacw(mgs)
            chlmul1(mgs) = chlmul1(mgs) + tmp
            qhlmul1(mgs) = qhlmul1(mgs) + cimas0*tmp*rhoinv(mgs)
        ENDIF ! itype1
        ENDIF ! ft

        ENDIF ! xv(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.0 .and.

       ELSE ! ipconc .lt. 2
!  define the temperature function
      fimt1(mgs) = 0.0
! Cotton et al. (1986) version
      if ( temg(mgs) .ge. 268.15 .and. temg(mgs) .le. 270.15 ) then
        fimt1(mgs) = 1.0 -(temg(mgs)-268.15)/2.0
      elseif (temg(mgs) .le. 268.15 .and. temg(mgs) .ge. 265.15 ) then
        fimt1(mgs) = 1.0 +(temg(mgs)-268.15)/3.0
        fimt1(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
! Ferrier (1994) version
      if ( temg(mgs) .ge. 265.15 .and. temg(mgs) .le. 267.15 ) then
        fimt1(mgs) = 0.5
      elseif (temg(mgs) .ge. 267.15 .and. temg(mgs) .le. 269.15 ) then
        fimt1(mgs) = 1.0
      elseif (temg(mgs) .ge. 269.15 .and. temg(mgs) .le. 271.15 ) then
        fimt1(mgs) = 0.5
        fimt1(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
!   type I:  350 splinters are formed for every 1e-3 grams of cloud
!            water accreted by graupel/hail (note converted to MKS units)
!            3.5e+8 has units of 1/kg
      IF ( itype1 .ge. 1 ) THEN
       fimta(mgs) = (3.5e+08)*rho0(mgs)
       fimta(mgs) = 0.0

!   type II:  1 splinter formed for every 250 cloud droplets larger than
!             24 micons in diameter (12 microns in radius) accreted by
!             graupel/hail
      fimt2(mgs) = 0.0
      xcwmas = xmas(mgs,lc) * 1000.
      IF ( itype2 .ge. 1 ) THEN
      if ( xcwmas.lt.1.26e-9 ) then
        fimt2(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
      if ( xcwmas .le. 3.55e-9 .and. xcwmas .ge. 1.26e-9 ) then
        fimt2(mgs) = (2.27)*alog(xcwmas) + 13.39
      end if
      if ( xcwmas .gt. 3.55e-9 ) then
        fimt2(mgs) = 1.0
      end if

      fimt2(mgs) = min(fimt2(mgs),1.0)
      fimt2(mgs) = max(fimt2(mgs),0.0)
!     qhmul2 = 0.0
!     qsmul2 = 0.0
!     qhmul2 =
!    >  (4.0e-03)*fimt1(mgs)*fimt2(mgs)*qhacw(mgs)
!     qsmul2 =
!    >  (4.0e-03)*fimt1(mgs)*fimt2(mgs)*qsacw(mgs)
!      cimas0 = (1.0e-12)
!      cimas0 = 2.5e-10
      IF ( .not. wetsfc(mgs) ) THEN
      chmul1(mgs) =  fimt1(mgs)*(fimta(mgs) +   &
     &                           (4.0e-03)*fimt2(mgs))*qhacw(mgs)
      qhmul1(mgs) =  chmul1(mgs)*(cimas0/rho0(mgs))

         IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
           IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) .and. (.not. wetsfchl(mgs)) ) THEN
            tmp = fimt1(mgs)*(fimta(mgs) +   &
     &                           (4.0e-03)*fimt2(mgs))*qhlacw(mgs)
            chlmul1(mgs) =  tmp
            qhlmul1(mgs) = cimas0*tmp*rhoinv(mgs)

!      qsmul1(mgs) =  csmul1(mgs)*(cimas0/rho0(mgs))
      ENDIF ! ( ipconc .ge. 2 )
      end if ! (in temperature range)
      ENDIF ! ( itype1 .eq. 1 .or. itype2 .eq. 1)
      end do
!     end if
!     end do
!   Lo and Passarelli 82 / Willis and Heymsfield 89 / Schuur and Rutledge 00b
!   using kfrag as fragmentation rate (s-1) / 500 microns as char mean diam for max snow mix ratio
      csmul(:) = 0.0
      qsmul(:) = 0.0
      IF ( isnwfrac /= 0 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
       IF (temg(mgs) .gt. 265.0) THEN !{
        if (xdia(mgs,ls,1) .gt. 100.e-6 .and. xdia(mgs,ls,1) .lt. 2.0e-3) then  ! equiv diameter 100microns to 2mm

        tmp = rhoinv(mgs)*pi*xdn(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,ls)*(500.e-6)**3
        qsmul(mgs) = Max( kfrag*( qx(mgs,ls) - tmp ) , 0.0 )

        qsmul(mgs) = Min( qxmxd(mgs,li), qsmul(mgs) )
        csmul(mgs) = Min( cxmxd(mgs,li), rho0(mgs)*qsmul(mgs)/mfrag )

       ENDIF !}

!  frozen rain-rain interaction....
!  rain-ice interaction
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qracif(mgs) = qraci(mgs)
      cracif(mgs) = craci(mgs)
!      ciacrf(mgs) = ciacr(mgs)
      end do
!  vapor to pristine ice crystals   UP
!  compute the nucleation rate
!     do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!     idqis = 0
!     if ( ssi(mgs) .gt. 1.0 ) idqis = 1
!     fiinit(mgs) = (felv(mgs)**2)/(cp*rw)
!     dqisdt(mgs) = (qx(mgs,lv)-qis(mgs))/
!    >  (1.0 + fiinit(mgs)*qis(mgs)/tsqr(mgs))
!     qidsvp(mgs) = dqisdt(mgs)
!     cnnt = min(cnit*exp(-temcg(mgs)*bta1),1.0e+09)
!     qiint(mgs) = 
!    >  il5(mgs)*idqis*(1.0/dtp)
!    <  *min((6.88e-13)*cnnt/rho0(mgs), 0.25*dqisdt(mgs)) 
!     end do
!  Meyers et al. (1992; JAS) and Ferrier (1994) primary ice nucleation
      cmassin = cimasn  ! 6.88e-13
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qiint(mgs) = 0.0
      ciint(mgs) = 0.0
      qicicnt(mgs) = 0.0
      cicint(mgs) = 0.0
      qipipnt(mgs) = 0.0
      cipint(mgs) = 0.0
      if ( ( temg(mgs) .lt. 268.15 .or.  &
!     : ( imeyers5 .and. temg(mgs) .lt.  273.0) ) .and.    &
     & ( imeyers5 .and. temg(mgs) .lt.  272.0 .and. temgkm2(mgs) .lt. tfr) ) .and.    &
     &    ciintmx .gt. (cx(mgs,li))  &
!     :    .and. cninm(mgs) .gt. 0.   &
     &     ) then
      fiinit(mgs) = (felv(mgs)**2)/(cp*rw)
      dqisdt(mgs) = (qx(mgs,lv)-qis(mgs))/   &
     &  (1.0 + fiinit(mgs)*qis(mgs)/tsqr(mgs))
!      qidsvp(mgs) = dqisdt(mgs)
      idqis = 0
      if ( ssi(mgs) .gt. 1.0 ) THEN
      idqis = 1 
      dzfacp = max( float(kgsp(mgs)-kgs(mgs)), 0.0 )
      dzfacm = max( float(kgs(mgs)-kgsm(mgs)), 0.0 )
      qiint(mgs) =   &
     &  idqis*il5(mgs)   &
     &  *(cmassin/rho0(mgs))   &
     &  *max(0.0,wvel(mgs))   &
     &  *max((cninp(mgs)-cninm(mgs)),0.0)/gz(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))   &
     &  /((dzfacp+dzfacm))

      qiint(mgs) = min(qiint(mgs), max(0.25*dqisdt(mgs),0.0)) 
      ciint(mgs) = qiint(mgs)*rho0(mgs)/cmassin

! limit new crystals so it does not increase the current concentration
!  above ciintmx 20,000 per liter (2.e7 per m**3)
!      ciintmx = 1.e9
      IF ( ciint(mgs) .gt. (ciintmx - (cx(mgs,li)))) THEN
        ciint(mgs) = Max(0.0, ciintmx - (cx(mgs,li)) )
        qiint(mgs) = ciint(mgs)*cmassin/rho0(mgs)
      if ( xplate(mgs) .eq. 1 ) then
      qipipnt(mgs) = qiint(mgs)
      cipint(mgs) = ciint(mgs)
      end if
      if ( xcolmn(mgs) .eq. 1 ) then
      qicicnt(mgs) = qiint(mgs)
      cicint(mgs) = ciint(mgs)
      end if
!     qipipnt(mgs) = 0.0
!     qicicnt(mgs) = qiint(mgs)
      end if
      end do

!  vapor to cloud droplets   UP
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'dbg = 8'
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'Collection: set 3-component'
!  time for riming....
!     rimtim = 240.0
!     dtrim = rimtim
!     xacrtim  = 120.0
!     tranfr = 0.50
!     tranfw = 0.50
!  coefficients for riming
!     rimc1 = 300.00
!     rimc2 = 0.44
!  zero som arrays
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qrshr(mgs) = 0.0
      qsshrp(mgs) = 0.0
      qhshrp(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
!  first sum all of the shed rain
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qrshr(mgs) = qsshr(mgs) + qhshr(mgs) + qhlshr(mgs)
      crshr(mgs) = chshrr(mgs)/rzxh(mgs) + chlshrr(mgs)/rzxhl(mgs)
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
!       crshr(mgs) = Max(crshr(mgs), rho0(mgs)*qrshr(mgs)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*vr1mm) )
      end do 

      IF ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) THEN
!  concentration production terms
!  YYY
!       DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
       pccwi(:) = 0.0
       pccwd(:) = 0.0
       pccii(:) = 0.0
       pccid(:) = 0.0
       pcrwi(:) = 0.0
       pcrwd(:) = 0.0
       pcswi(:) = 0.0
       pcswd(:) = 0.0
       pchwi(:) = 0.0
       pchwd(:) = 0.0
       pchli(:) = 0.0
       pchld(:) = 0.0
!       ENDDO
!  Cloud ice
!      IF ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) THEN

      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pccii(mgs) =   &
     &   il5(mgs)*cicint(mgs) &
!     >  +il5(mgs)*cidpv(mgs)
!     >  +il5(mgs)*(cwacii(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(cwfrzc(mgs)+cwctfzc(mgs)   &
     &  +cicichr(mgs))   &
     &  +chmul1(mgs)   &
     &  +chlmul1(mgs)    &
     &  + csplinter(mgs) + csplinter2(mgs)   &
!     >  + nsplinter*(crfrzf(mgs) + crfrz(mgs))
     &  +csmul(mgs)
      pccid(mgs) =   &
     &   il5(mgs)*(-cscni(mgs) - cscnvi(mgs) & ! - cwaci(mgs)   &
     &  -craci(mgs)    &
     &  -csaci(mgs)   &
     &  -chaci(mgs) - chlaci(mgs)   &
     &  -chcni(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*cisbv(mgs)   &
     &  -(1.-il5(mgs))*cimlr(mgs)
      end do
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      qiint(mgs) = 0.0
!      cicint(mgs) = 0.0
!      qicicnt(mgs) = 0.0
      pccii(mgs) =   &
     &   il5(mgs)*cicint(mgs)  &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(cwfrzc(mgs)+cwctfzc(mgs)   &
     &  +cicichr(mgs))   &
     &  +chmul1(mgs)   &
     &  +chlmul1(mgs)    &
     &  + csplinter(mgs) + csplinter2(mgs)   &
     &  +csmul(mgs)
      pccid(mgs) =   &
!     &   il5(mgs)*(-cscni(mgs) - cscnvi(mgs) & ! - cwaci(mgs)   &
!     &  -craci(mgs)    &
!     &  -csaci(mgs)   &
!     &  -chaci(mgs) - chlaci(mgs)   &
!     &  -chcni(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*cisbv(mgs)   &
     &  -(1.-il5(mgs))*cimlr(mgs)
      end do
      ENDIF ! warmonly

!      ENDIF ! ( ipconc .ge. 1 )
!  Cloud water
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pccwi(mgs) =  (0.0) ! + (1-il5(mgs))*(-cirmlw(mgs))
      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN
      pccwd(mgs) =    &
     &  - cautn(mgs) +   &
     &  il5(mgs)*(-ciacw(mgs)-cwfrzp(mgs)-cwctfzp(mgs)   &
     &  -cwfrzc(mgs)-cwctfzc(mgs)   &
     &   )   &
     &  -cracw(mgs) -csacw(mgs)  -chacw(mgs) - chlacw(mgs)
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
      pccwd(mgs) =    &
     &  - cautn(mgs) +   &
     &  il5(mgs)*(  &
     & -ciacw(mgs)-cwfrzp(mgs)-cwctfzp(mgs)   &
     &  -cwfrzc(mgs)-cwctfzc(mgs)   &
     &   )   &
     &  -cracw(mgs) -chacw(mgs) -chlacw(mgs) 
!       tmp3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) = crcnw(mgs)

!       cracw(mgs) = 0.0 ! turn off accretion
!       qracw(mgs) = 0.0
!       crcev(mgs) = 0.0 ! turn off evap
!       qrcev(mgs) = 0.0 ! turn off evap
!       cracr(mgs) = 0.0 ! turn off self collection
!       cautn(mgs) = 0.0 
!       crcnw(mgs) = 0.0
!       qrcnw(mgs) = 0.0
      pccwd(mgs) =    &
     &  - cautn(mgs) -cracw(mgs)
      IF ( -pccwd(mgs)*dtp .gt. cx(mgs,lc) ) THEN
!       write(0,*) 'OUCH! pccwd(mgs)*dtp .gt. ccw(mgs) ',pccwd(mgs),cx(mgs,lc)
!       write(0,*) 'qc = ',qx(mgs,lc)
!       write(0,*) -ciacw(mgs)-cwfrzp(mgs)-cwctfzp(mgs)-cwfrzc(mgs)-cwctfzc(mgs)
!       write(0,*)  -cracw(mgs) -csacw(mgs)  -chacw(mgs)
!       write(0,*) - cautn(mgs)
       frac = -cx(mgs,lc)/(pccwd(mgs)*dtp)
       pccwd(mgs) = -cx(mgs,lc)/dtp
        ciacw(mgs)   = frac*ciacw(mgs)
        cwfrzp(mgs)  = frac*cwfrzp(mgs)
        cwctfzp(mgs) = frac*cwctfzp(mgs)
        cwfrzc(mgs)  = frac*cwfrzc(mgs)
        cwctfzc(mgs) = frac*cwctfzc(mgs)
        cracw(mgs)   = frac*cracw(mgs)
        csacw(mgs)   = frac*csacw(mgs)
        chacw(mgs)   = frac*chacw(mgs)
        cautn(mgs)   = frac*cautn(mgs)
        IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) chlacw(mgs)   = frac*chlacw(mgs)
!       STOP

      end do
      ENDIF ! ipconc

!  Rain
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt

      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN
      pcrwi(mgs) = &
!     >   cracw(mgs) +    &
     &   crcnw(mgs)   &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*(   &
     &    -chmlrr(mgs)/rzxh(mgs)   &
     &    -chlmlrr(mgs)/rzxhl(mgs)   &
     &    -csmlr(mgs) )   &
     &  -crshr(mgs)             !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
      pcrwd(mgs) =   &
     &   il5(mgs)*(-ciacr(mgs) - crfrz(mgs) ) & ! - cipacr(mgs))
!     >  -csacr(mgs)   &
     &  - chacr(mgs) - chlacr(mgs)   &
     &  +crcev(mgs)   &
     &  - cracr(mgs)
!     >  -il5(mgs)*ciracr(mgs)
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
       pcrwi(mgs) = &
     &   crcnw(mgs)   &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*(   &
     &    -chmlrr(mgs)/rzxh(mgs)    &
     &    -chlmlrr(mgs)/rzxhl(mgs)   &
     &    -csmlr(mgs)     &
     &   - cimlr(mgs) )   &
     &  -crshr(mgs)             !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
      pcrwd(mgs) =   &
     &   il5(mgs)*( - crfrz(mgs) ) & ! - cipacr(mgs))
     &  - chacr(mgs)    &
     &  - chlacr(mgs)    &
     &  +crcev(mgs)   &
     &  - cracr(mgs)
      pcrwi(mgs) =   &
     &   crcnw(mgs)
      pcrwd(mgs) =   &
     &  +crcev(mgs)   &
     &  - cracr(mgs)
!        tmp3d(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) = vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) ! crcnw(mgs) ! (pcrwi(mgs) + pcrwd(mgs))
!        pcrwi(mgs) = 0.0
!        pcrwd(mgs) = 0.0
!        qrcnw(mgs) = 0.0

      frac = 0.0
      IF ( -pcrwd(mgs)*dtp .gt. cx(mgs,lr) ) THEN
!       write(0,*) 'OUCH! pcrwd(mgs)*dtp .gt. crw(mgs) ',pcrwd(mgs)*dtp,cx(mgs,lr),mgs,igs(mgs),kgs(mgs)
!       write(0,*) -ciacr(mgs) 
!       write(0,*) -crfrz(mgs)
!       write(0,*) -chacr(mgs)
!       write(0,*)  crcev(mgs)
!       write(0,*)  -cracr(mgs)
       frac =  -cx(mgs,lr)/(pcrwd(mgs)*dtp)
       pcrwd(mgs) = -cx(mgs,lr)/dtp
        ciacr(mgs) = frac*ciacr(mgs)
        crfrz(mgs) = frac*crfrz(mgs)
        crfrzf(mgs) = frac*crfrzf(mgs)
        chacr(mgs) = frac*chacr(mgs)
        crcev(mgs) = frac*crcev(mgs)
        cracr(mgs) = frac*cracr(mgs)
!       STOP

      end do

      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN

!  Snow
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN ! 

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pcswi(mgs) =   &
     &   il5(mgs)*(cscnis(mgs) + cscnvis(mgs) )    &
     &  + crfrzs(mgs)
      pcswd(mgs) = &
!     :  cracs(mgs)     &
     &  -chacs(mgs) - chlacs(mgs)   &
     &  -chcns(mgs)   &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*csmlr(mgs) + csshr(mgs) & ! + csshrp(mgs)
!     >  +il5(mgs)*(cssbv(mgs))   &
     &   + cssbv(mgs)   &
     &  - csacs(mgs)
      end do

!  Graupel
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN ! 
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pchwi(mgs) =   &
     &  +ifrzg*(crfrzf(mgs)   &
     & +il5(mgs)*(ciacrf(mgs) ))    &
     & + chcnsh(mgs) + chcnih(mgs)

      pchwd(mgs) =   &
     &  (1-il5(mgs))*chmlr(mgs) &
!     >  + il5(mgs)*chsbv(mgs)   &
     &  + chsbv(mgs)   &
     &  - il5(mgs)*chlcnh(mgs)
      end do

!  Hail
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN ! 
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pchli(mgs) = (1.0-ifrzg)*(crfrzf(mgs) +il5(mgs)*(ciacrf(mgs) ))  &
     & + chlcnh(mgs) *rzxhlh(mgs)

      pchld(mgs) =   &
     &  (1-il5(mgs))*chlmlr(mgs)   &
!     >  + il5(mgs)*chlsbv(mgs)   &
     &  + chlsbv(mgs)
!      IF ( pchli(mgs) .ne. 0. .or. pchld(mgs) .ne. 0 ) THEN
!       write(0,*) 'dr: pchli,pchld = ', pchli(mgs),pchld(mgs), igs(mgs),kgs(mgs)
!      ENDIF
      end do

      ENDIF ! (ipconc .ge. 5 )
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN

!  Graupel
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN ! 
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pchwi(mgs) =   &
     &  +ifrzg*(crfrzf(mgs) ) 

      pchwd(mgs) =   &
     &  (1-il5(mgs))*chmlr(mgs) &
     &  - il5(mgs)*chlcnh(mgs) 
      end do
!  Hail
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN ! 
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pchli(mgs) = & ! (1.0-ifrzg)*(crfrzf(mgs) +il5(mgs)*(ciacrf(mgs) ))  &
     & + chlcnh(mgs) *rzxhl(mgs)/rzxh(mgs)

      pchld(mgs) =   &
     &  (1-il5(mgs))*chlmlr(mgs) !  &
!     >  + il5(mgs)*chlsbv(mgs)   &
!     &  + chlsbv(mgs)
!      IF ( pchli(mgs) .ne. 0. .or. pchld(mgs) .ne. 0 ) THEN
!       write(0,*) 'dr: pchli,pchld = ', pchli(mgs),pchld(mgs), igs(mgs),kgs(mgs)
!      ENDIF
      end do

      ENDIF ! ipconc >= 5
      ENDIF ! warmonly


!  Balance and checks for continuity.....within machine precision...
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pctot(mgs)   = pccwi(mgs) +pccwd(mgs) +   &
     &               pccii(mgs) +pccid(mgs) +   &
     &               pcrwi(mgs) +pcrwd(mgs) +   &
     &               pcswi(mgs) +pcswd(mgs) +   &
     &               pchwi(mgs) +pchwd(mgs) +   &
     &               pchli(mgs) +pchld(mgs)
      end do
      ENDIF ! ( ipconc .ge. 1 )
!  production terms for mass
       pqwvi(:) = 0.0
       pqwvd(:) = 0.0
       pqcwi(:) = 0.0
       pqcwd(:) = 0.0
       pqcii(:) = 0.0
       pqcid(:) = 0.0
       pqrwi(:) = 0.0
       pqrwd(:) = 0.0
       pqswi(:) = 0.0
       pqswd(:) = 0.0
       pqhwi(:) = 0.0
       pqhwd(:) = 0.0
       pqhli(:) = 0.0
       pqhld(:) = 0.0
       pqlwsi(:) = 0.0
       pqlwsd(:) = 0.0
       pqlwhi(:) = 0.0
       pqlwhd(:) = 0.0
       pqlwhli(:) = 0.0
       pqlwhld(:) = 0.0
!  Vapor
      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqwvi(mgs) =    &
     &  -Min(0.0, qrcev(mgs))   &
     &  -Min(0.0, qhcev(mgs))   &
     &  -Min(0.0, qhlcev(mgs))   &
     &  -Min(0.0, qscev(mgs))   &
!     >  +il5(mgs)*(-qhsbv(mgs) - qhlsbv(mgs) )   &
     &  -qhsbv(mgs) - qhlsbv(mgs)   &
     &  -qssbv(mgs)    &
     &  -il5(mgs)*qisbv(mgs)
      pqwvd(mgs) =     &
     &  -Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))   &
     &  -Max(0.0, qhcev(mgs))   &
     &  -Max(0.0, qhlcev(mgs))   &
     &  -Max(0.0, qscev(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(-qiint(mgs)   &
     &  -qhdpv(mgs) -qsdpv(mgs) - qhldpv(mgs))   &
     &  -il5(mgs)*qidpv(mgs)
      end do
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqwvi(mgs) =    &
     &  -Min(0.0, qrcev(mgs)) &
     &  -il5(mgs)*qisbv(mgs)
      pqwvd(mgs) =     &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(-qiint(mgs)   &
!     &  -qhdpv(mgs) ) & !- qhldpv(mgs))   &
     &  -qhdpv(mgs) - qhldpv(mgs))   &
!     &  -qhdpv(mgs) -qsdpv(mgs) - qhldpv(mgs))   &
     &  -Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))     &
     &  -il5(mgs)*qidpv(mgs)
      end do

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqwvi(mgs) =    &
     &  -Min(0.0, qrcev(mgs))
      pqwvd(mgs) =     &
     &  -Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))
      end do

      ENDIF ! warmonly
!  Cloud water
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqcwi(mgs) =  (0.0) + qwcnr(mgs)

      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN
      pqcwd(mgs) =    &
     &  il5(mgs)*(-qiacw(mgs)-qwfrzc(mgs)-qwctfzc(mgs))   &
     &  -il5(mgs)*(qicichr(mgs))   &
     &  -qracw(mgs) -qsacw(mgs) -qrcnw(mgs) -qhacw(mgs) - qhlacw(mgs)
!     >  -il5(mgs)*(qwfrzp(mgs)+qwctfzp(mgs))
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
      pqcwd(mgs) =    &
     &  il5(mgs)*(-qiacw(mgs)-qwfrzc(mgs)-qwctfzc(mgs))   &
!     &  il5(mgs)*(-qwfrzc(mgs)-qwctfzc(mgs))   &
     &  -il5(mgs)*(qicichr(mgs))   &
     &  -qracw(mgs) -qrcnw(mgs) -qhacw(mgs) -qhlacw(mgs) 
      pqcwd(mgs) =    &
     &  -qracw(mgs) - qrcnw(mgs) 
      IF ( pqcwd(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. -pqcwd(mgs)*dtp .gt. qx(mgs,lc) ) THEN

       frac = -Max(0.0,qx(mgs,lc))/(pqcwd(mgs)*dtp)
       pqcwd(mgs) = -qx(mgs,lc)/dtp
        qiacw(mgs)   = frac*qiacw(mgs)
!        qwfrzp(mgs)  = frac*qwfrzp(mgs)
!        qwctfzp(mgs) = frac*qwctfzp(mgs)
        qwfrzc(mgs)  = frac*qwfrzc(mgs)
        qwctfzc(mgs) = frac*qwctfzc(mgs)
        qracw(mgs)   = frac*qracw(mgs)
        qsacw(mgs)   = frac*qsacw(mgs)
        qhacw(mgs)   = frac*qhacw(mgs)
        vhacw(mgs)   = frac*vhacw(mgs)
        qrcnw(mgs)   = frac*qrcnw(mgs)
        IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
          qhlacw(mgs)   = frac*qhlacw(mgs)
          vhlacw(mgs)   = frac*vhlacw(mgs)
!        IF ( lzh .gt. 1 ) zhacw(mgs) = frac*zhacw(mgs)

!       STOP

      end do
!  Cloud ice
      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqcii(mgs) =     &
     &   il5(mgs)*qicicnt(mgs)    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*qidpv(mgs)    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*qiacw(mgs)   & ! (qiacwi(mgs)+qwacii(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qwfrzc(mgs)+qwctfzc(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qicichr(mgs))   &
     &  +qsmul(mgs)               &
     &  +qhmul1(mgs) + qhlmul1(mgs)   &
     & + qsplinter(mgs) + qsplinter2(mgs)
!     > + cimas0*nsplinter*(crfrzf(mgs) + crfrz(mgs))/rho0(mgs)

      pqcid(mgs) =     &
     &   il5(mgs)*(-qscni(mgs) - qscnvi(mgs)    & ! -qwaci(mgs)    &
     &  -qraci(mgs)    &
     &  -qsaci(mgs) )   &
     &  -qhaci(mgs)   &
     &  -qhlaci(mgs)    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*qisbv(mgs)    &
     &  +(1.-il5(mgs))*qimlr(mgs)   &
     &  - qhcni(mgs)
      end do

      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqcii(mgs) =     &
     &   il5(mgs)*qicicnt(mgs)     &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qwfrzc(mgs)+qwctfzc(mgs))   &
!     &  +il5(mgs)*(qicichr(mgs))   &
!     &  +qsmul(mgs)               &
     &  +qhmul1(mgs) + qhlmul1(mgs)   &
     & + qsplinter(mgs) + qsplinter2(mgs) &
     &  +il5(mgs)*qidpv(mgs)    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*qiacw(mgs)  ! & ! (qiacwi(mgs)+qwacii(mgs))   &
!     &  +il5(mgs)*(qwfrzc(mgs)+qwctfzc(mgs))   &
!     &  +il5(mgs)*(qicichr(mgs))   &
!     &  +qsmul(mgs)               &
!     &  +qhmul1(mgs) + qhlmul1(mgs)   &
!     & + qsplinter(mgs) + qsplinter2(mgs)

      pqcid(mgs) =     &
!     &   il5(mgs)*(-qscni(mgs) - qscnvi(mgs)    & ! -qwaci(mgs)    &
!     &  -qraci(mgs)    &
!     &  -qsaci(mgs) )   &
!     &  -qhaci(mgs)   &
!     &  -qhlaci(mgs)    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*qisbv(mgs)    &
     &  +(1.-il5(mgs))*qimlr(mgs)  ! &
!     &  - qhcni(mgs)
      end do
!  Rain

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN
      pqrwi(mgs) =     &
     &   qracw(mgs) + qrcnw(mgs) + Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))   &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*(   &
     &    -qhmlr(mgs)                 &            !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
     &    -qsmlr(mgs)  - qhlmlr(mgs)     &
     &    -qimlr(mgs))   &
     &    -qsshr(mgs)       &                      !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
     &    -qhshr(mgs)       &                      !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
     &    -qhlshr(mgs)
      pqrwd(mgs) =     &
     &  il5(mgs)*(-qiacr(mgs)-qrfrz(mgs))    &
     &  - qsacr(mgs) - qhacr(mgs) - qhlacr(mgs) - qwcnr(mgs)   &
     &  + Min(0.0,qrcev(mgs))
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
      pqrwi(mgs) =     &
     &   qracw(mgs) + qrcnw(mgs) + Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))   &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*(   &
     &    -qhmlr(mgs)                 &            !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
     &    -qhshr(mgs)                 &           !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
     &    -qhlmlr(mgs)                 &            !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
     &    -qhlshr(mgs) )                           !null at this point when wet snow/graupel included
      pqrwd(mgs) =     &
     &  il5(mgs)*(-qrfrz(mgs))    &
     &   - qhacr(mgs)    &
     &   - qhlacr(mgs)    &
     &  + Min(0.0,qrcev(mgs))
      pqrwi(mgs) =     &
     &   qracw(mgs) + qrcnw(mgs) + Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))  
      pqrwd(mgs) =  Min(0.0,qrcev(mgs))
      ENDIF ! warmonly
 !      IF ( pqrwd(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. -(pqrwd(mgs) + pqrwi(mgs))*dtp .gt. qx(mgs,lr)  ) THEN
      IF ( pqrwd(mgs) .lt. 0.0 .and. -(pqrwd(mgs) + pqrwi(mgs))*dtp .gt. qx(mgs,lr)  ) THEN

       frac = (-qx(mgs,lr) + pqrwi(mgs)*dtp)/(pqrwd(mgs)*dtp)
!       pqrwd(mgs) = -qx(mgs,lr)/dtp  + pqrwi(mgs)

       pqwvi(mgs) = pqwvi(mgs)    &
     &  + Min(0.0, qrcev(mgs))   &
     &  - frac*Min(0.0, qrcev(mgs))
       pqwvd(mgs) =  pqwvd(mgs)   &
     &  + Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))   &
     &  - frac*Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))
       qiacr(mgs)  = frac*qiacr(mgs)
       qiacrf(mgs) = frac*qiacrf(mgs)
       viacrf(mgs) = frac*viacrf(mgs)
       qrfrz(mgs)  = frac*qrfrz(mgs) 
       qrfrzs(mgs) = frac*qrfrzs(mgs) 
       qrfrzf(mgs) = frac*qrfrzf(mgs)
       vrfrzf(mgs) = frac*vrfrzf(mgs)
       qsacr(mgs)  = frac*qsacr(mgs)
       qhacr(mgs)  = frac*qhacr(mgs)
       vhacr(mgs)  = frac*vhacr(mgs)
       qrcev(mgs)  = frac*qrcev(mgs)
       qhlacr(mgs) = frac*qhlacr(mgs)
       vhlacr(mgs) = frac*vhlacr(mgs)
!       qhcev(mgs)  = frac*qhcev(mgs)

      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN
       pqrwd(mgs) =     &
     &  il5(mgs)*(-qiacr(mgs)-qrfrz(mgs) - qsacr(mgs))    &
     &  - qhacr(mgs) - qhlacr(mgs) - qwcnr(mgs)   &
     &  + Min(0.0,qrcev(mgs))
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
      pqrwd(mgs) =     &
     &  il5(mgs)*(-qrfrz(mgs))    &
     &   - qhacr(mgs)    &
     &   - qhlacr(mgs)    &
     &  + Min(0.0,qrcev(mgs))
       pqrwd(mgs) =  Min(0.0,qrcev(mgs))
      ENDIF ! warmonly

!       STOP
      end do

      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN

!  Snow
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqswi(mgs) =     &
     &   il5(mgs)*(qscni(mgs)+qsaci(mgs)+qsdpv(mgs)   &
     &   + qscnvi(mgs) + qrfrzs(mgs) + il2(mgs)*qsacr(mgs))   &
     &   + il3(mgs)*(qiacrf(mgs)+qracif(mgs)) &
     &   + Max(0.0, qscev(mgs))   &
     &   + qsacw(mgs) + qsacr(mgs)
      pqswd(mgs) =    &
!     >  -qfacs(mgs) ! -qwacs(mgs)   &
     &  -qracs(mgs)*(1-il2(mgs)) -qhacs(mgs) - qhlacs(mgs)   &
     &  -qhcns(mgs)   &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*qsmlr(mgs) + qsshr(mgs)    &    !null at this point when wet snow included
!     >  +il5(mgs)*(qssbv(mgs))   &
     &  + (qssbv(mgs))   &
     &  + Min(0.0, qscev(mgs))  &
     &  -qsmul(mgs)
      end do 
!  Graupel
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqhwi(mgs) =    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*ifrzg*(qrfrzf(mgs)  + (1-il3(mgs))*(qiacrf(mgs)+qracif(mgs)))   &
     &  + (1-il2(mgs))*(qracs(mgs) + qsacr(mgs))  &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qhdpv(mgs))   &
     &  +Max(0.0, qhcev(mgs))   &
     &  +qhacr(mgs)+qhacw(mgs)   &
     &  +qhacs(mgs)+qhaci(mgs)   &
     &  + qhcns(mgs) + qhcni(mgs)
      pqhwd(mgs) =     &
     &   qhshr(mgs)                &    !null at this point when wet graupel included
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*qhmlr(mgs)   &    !null at this point when wet graupel included
!     >  +il5(mgs)*qhsbv(mgs)   &
     &  + qhsbv(mgs)   &
     &  + Min(0.0, qhcev(mgs))   &
     &  -qhmul1(mgs) - qhlcnh(mgs)   &
     &  - qsplinter(mgs) - qsplinter2(mgs)
!     > - cimas0*nsplinter*(crfrzf(mgs) + crfrz(mgs))/rho0(mgs)
      end do

!  Hail
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqhli(mgs) =    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qhldpv(mgs) + (1.0-ifrzg)*(qiacrf(mgs)+qrfrzf(mgs)  + qracif(mgs)))   &
     &  +Max(0.0, qhlcev(mgs))   &
     &  +qhlacr(mgs)+qhlacw(mgs)   &
     &  +qhlacs(mgs)+qhlaci(mgs)   &
     &  + qhlcnh(mgs)
      pqhld(mgs) =     &
     &   qhlshr(mgs)    &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*qhlmlr(mgs)    &
!     >  +il5(mgs)*qhlsbv(mgs)   &
     &  + qhlsbv(mgs)   &
     &  + Min(0.0, qhlcev(mgs))   &
     &  -qhlmul1(mgs)
      end do
      ENDIF ! lhl

      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
!  Graupel
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqhwi(mgs) =    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*ifrzg*(qrfrzf(mgs) )   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qhdpv(mgs))   &
     &  +qhacr(mgs)+qhacw(mgs)   
      pqhwd(mgs) =     &
     &   qhshr(mgs)                &    !null at this point when wet graupel included
     &  - qhlcnh(mgs)   &
     &  - qhmul1(mgs)   &
     &  - qsplinter(mgs) - qsplinter2(mgs) &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*qhmlr(mgs)        !null at this point when wet graupel included
       end do

!  Hail
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqhli(mgs) =    &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qhldpv(mgs) ) & ! + (1.0-ifrzg)*(qiacrf(mgs)+qrfrzf(mgs)  + qracif(mgs)))   &
     &  +qhlacr(mgs)+qhlacw(mgs)   &
!     &  +qhlacs(mgs)+qhlaci(mgs)   &
     &  + qhlcnh(mgs)
      pqhld(mgs) =     &
     &   qhlshr(mgs)    &
     &  +(1-il5(mgs))*qhlmlr(mgs)    &
!     >  +il5(mgs)*qhlsbv(mgs)   &
     &  + qhlsbv(mgs)   &
     &  -qhlmul1(mgs)
      end do
      ENDIF ! lhl
      ENDIF ! warmonly

!  Liquid water on snow and graupel

      vhmlr(:) = 0.0
      vhlmlr(:) = 0.0
      vhfzh(:) = 0.0
      vhlfzhl(:) = 0.0

      IF ( mixedphase ) THEN
      ELSE ! set arrays for non-mixedphase graupel
!        vhshdr(:) = 0.0
        vhmlr(:) = qhmlr(:) ! not actually volume, but treated as q in rate equation
!        vhsoak(:) = 0.0

!        vhlshdr(:) = 0.0
        vhlmlr(:) = qhlmlr(:) ! not actually volume, but treated as q in rate equation
!        vhlmlr(:) = rho0(:)*qhlmlr(:)/xdn(:,lhl) 
!        vhlsoak(:) = 0.0
      ENDIF  ! mixedphase

!  Snow volume
      IF ( lvol(ls) .gt. 1 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      pvswi(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*( pqswi(mgs) )/xdn0(ls)
      pvswi(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*(    &
!aps     >   il5*qsfzs(mgs)/xdn(mgs,ls)   &
!aps     >  -il5*qsfzs(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lr)   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qscni(mgs)+qsaci(mgs)+qsdpv(mgs)   &
     &   + qscnvi(mgs) + qrfrzs(mgs))/xdn0(ls)   &
     &    + (qsacr(mgs))/rimdn(mgs,ls) ) + vsacw(mgs)
!     >   + (qsacw(mgs) + qsacr(mgs))/rimdn(mgs,ls) )
      pvswd(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*( pqswd(mgs) )/xdn0(ls)  &
!     >  -qhacs(mgs)
!     >  -qhcns(mgs)
!     >  +(1-il5(mgs))*qsmlr(mgs) + qsshr(mgs) 
!     >  +il5(mgs)*(qssbv(mgs))
     &   -rho0(mgs)*qsmul(mgs)/xdn0(ls)
!aps     >   +rho0(mgs)*(1-il5(mgs))*(
!aps     >             qsmlr(mgs)/xdn(mgs,ls)
!aps     >    +(qscev-qsmlr(mgs))/xdn(mgs,lr) )
      end do 

!aps      IF (mixedphase) THEN
!aps        pvswd(mgs) = pvswd(mgs)
!aps     >   + rho0(mgs)*qsshr(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lr)
!aps      ENDIF

!  Graupel volume
      IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 ) THEN
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      pvhwi(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*( (pqhwi(mgs) )/xdn0(lh) )
!      pvhwi(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*( (pqhwi(mgs) - il5(mgs)*qrfrzf(mgs) )/xdn0(lh) ! 
!     :  +  il5(mgs)*qrfrzf(mgs)/rhofrz )
      pvhwi(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*(   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*( qracif(mgs))/rhofrz   &
!erm     >  + il5(mgs)*qhfzh(mgs)/rhofrz !aps: or use xdnmx(lh)?   &
     &  + (  il5(mgs)*qhdpv(mgs)   &
     &     + qhacs(mgs) + qhaci(mgs) )/xdnmn(lh) )   &
     &  +   rho0(mgs)*Max(0.0, qhcev(mgs))/1000.   & ! only used in mixed phase: evaporation of liquid water coating
!     >     + qhacs(mgs) + qhaci(mgs) )/xdn0(ls) )   &
     &  + vhcns(mgs)   &
     &  + vhacr(mgs) + vhacw(mgs)  + vhfzh(mgs)   & ! qhacw(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,lh)
!     >  + vhfrh(mgs)   &
     &  + vhcni(mgs) + viacrf(mgs) + vrfrzf(mgs)
!     >  +qhacr(mgs)/raindn(mgs,lh) + qhacw(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,lh)
!      pvhwd(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*(pqhwd(mgs) )/xdn0(lh)

      pvhwd(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*(   &
!     >   qhshr(mgs)/xdn0(lr)   &
!     >  - il5(mgs)*qhfzh(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lr)   &
     &  +( (1-il5(mgs))*vhmlr(mgs)    &
!     >     +il5(mgs)*qhsbv(mgs)   &
     &     + qhsbv(mgs)   &
     &     + Min(0.0, qhcev(mgs))   &
     &     -qhmul1(mgs) )/xdn(mgs,lh) )   &
     &  - vhlcnh(mgs) + vhshdr(mgs) - vhsoak(mgs)

!      IF (mixedphase) THEN
!       pvhwd(mgs) = pvhwd(mgs) 
!     >  + rho0(mgs)*qhshr(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lh) !xdn(mgs,lr)
!      ENDIF

      IF ( .false. .and. ny .eq. 2 .and. kgs(mgs) .eq. 9 .and. igs(mgs) .eq. 19 ) THEN

      write(iunit,*)   'Graupel at ',igs(mgs),kgs(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qrfrzf(mgs), qrfrzf(mgs) - qrfrz(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qiacrf(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qracif(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhcns',qhcns(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhcni',qhcni(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*(qhdpv(mgs))
      write(iunit,*)   'qhacr ',qhacr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhacw', qhacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhacs', qhacs(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhaci', qhaci(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'pqhwi = ',pqhwi(mgs)
      write(iunit,*) 'qhcev',qhcev(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhshr',qhshr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  'qhmlr', (1-il5(mgs))*qhmlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhsbv', qhsbv(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhlcnh',-qhlcnh(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'qhmul1',-qhmul1(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'pqhwd = ', pqhwd(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)  'Volume'
      write(iunit,*)  'pvhwi',pvhwi(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'vhcns', vhcns(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  'vhacr,vhacw',vhacr(mgs), vhacw(mgs) ! qhacw(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,lh)
      write(iunit,*)  'vhcni',vhcni(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  'pvhwd',pvhwd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  'vhlcnh,vhshdr,vhsoak ', vhlcnh(mgs),  vhshdr(mgs), vhsoak(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  'vhmlr', vhmlr(mgs)
!      write(iunit,*)  
!      write(iunit,*)  
!      write(iunit,*)  
      write(iunit,*)  'Concentration'
      write(iunit,*)   pchwi(mgs),pchwd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  crfrzf(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  chcns(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  ciacrf(mgs)


!  Hail volume
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      IF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1 ) THEN
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pvhli(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*(   &
     &  + (  il5(mgs)*qhldpv(mgs)   &
!     &  +    Max(0.0, qhlcev(mgs))   &
!     &     + qhlacs(mgs) + qhlaci(mgs) )/xdnmn(lhl) )   & ! xdn0(ls) )   &
     &     + qhlacs(mgs) + qhlaci(mgs) )/xdnmn(lh) )   &  ! yes, this is 'lh' on purpose
     &  +   rho0(mgs)*Max(0.0, qhlcev(mgs))/1000.   &
     &  + vhlcnhl(mgs)   &
     &  + vhlacr(mgs) + vhlacw(mgs) + vhlfzhl(mgs) ! qhlacw(mgs)/rimdn(mgs,lhl)
      pvhld(mgs) = rho0(mgs)*(   &
     &  +(  qhlsbv(mgs)   &
     &     + Min(0.0, qhlcev(mgs))   &
     &     -qhlmul1(mgs) )/xdn(mgs,lhl) ) &
!     &   + vhlmlr(mgs)                    &
     &   + rho0(mgs)*(1-il5(mgs))*vhlmlr(mgs)/xdn(mgs,lhl)  &
     &   + vhlshdr(mgs) - vhlsoak(mgs)

      if ( ndebug .ge. 1 ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      ptotal(mgs) = 0.
      ptotal(mgs) = ptotal(mgs)    &
     &  + pqwvi(mgs) + pqwvd(mgs)   &
     &  + pqcwi(mgs) + pqcwd(mgs)   &
     &  + pqcii(mgs) + pqcid(mgs)   &
     &  + pqrwi(mgs) + pqrwd(mgs)   &
     &  + pqswi(mgs) + pqswd(mgs)   &
     &  + pqhwi(mgs) + pqhwd(mgs)   &
     &  + pqhli(mgs) + pqhld(mgs)

      if ( ( (ndebug .ge. 1  ) .and. abs(ptotal(mgs)) .gt. eqtot )   &
!      if ( (  abs(ptotal(mgs)) .gt. eqtot )
!     :    .or. pqswi(mgs)*dtp .gt. 1.e-3
!     :    .or. pqhwi(mgs)*dtp .gt. 1.e-3
!     :     .or. dtp*(pqrwi(mgs)+pqrwd(mgs)) .gt. 10.0e-3 
!     :     .or. dtp*(pccii(mgs)+pccid(mgs)) .gt. 1.e7 
!     :     .or. dtp*(pcipi(mgs)+pcipd(mgs)) .gt. 1.e7    &
     &  .or.  .not. (ptotal(mgs) .lt. 1.0 .and.   &
     &            ptotal(mgs) .gt. -1.0)    ) then
      write(iunit,*) 'YIKES! ','ptotal1',mgs,igs(mgs),jgs,   &
     &       kgs(mgs),ptotal(mgs)
      write(iunit,*) 't7: ', t7(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))
      write(iunit,*)  'cci,ccw,crw,rdia: ',cx(mgs,li),cx(mgs,lc),cx(mgs,lr),0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
      write(iunit,*)  'qc,qi,qr : ',qx(mgs,lc),qx(mgs,li),qx(mgs,lr)
      write(iunit,*)  'rmas, qrcalc : ',xmas(mgs,lr),xmas(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lr)/rho0(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  'vti,vtc,eiw,vtr: ',vtxbar(mgs,li,1),vtxbar(mgs,lc,1),eiw(mgs),vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)
      write(iunit,*)  'cidia,cwdia,qcmxd: ', xdia(mgs,li,1),xdia(mgs,lc,1),qcmxd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  'snow: ',qx(mgs,ls),cx(mgs,ls),swvent(mgs),vtxbar(mgs,ls,1),xdia(mgs,ls,1)
      write(iunit,*)  'graupel: ',qx(mgs,lh),cx(mgs,lh),hwvent(mgs),vtxbar(mgs,lh,1),xdia(mgs,lh,1)
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) write(iunit,*)  'hail: ',qx(mgs,lhl),cx(mgs,lhl),hlvent(mgs),vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1),xdia(mgs,lhl,1)
      write(iunit,*)  'li: ',xdia(mgs,li,1),xdia(mgs,li,2),xmas(mgs,li),qx(mgs,li),   &
     &         vtxbar(mgs,li,1)
      write(iunit,*)  'rain cx,xv : ',cx(mgs,lr),xv(mgs,lr)
      write(iunit,*)  'temcg = ', temcg(mgs)

      write(iunit,*)  pqwvi(mgs) ,pqwvd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  pqcwi(mgs) ,pqcwd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  pqcii(mgs) ,pqcid(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  pqrwi(mgs) ,pqrwd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  pqswi(mgs) ,pqswd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  pqhwi(mgs) ,pqhwd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  pqhli(mgs) ,pqhld(mgs)
      write(iunit,*) 'END OF OUTPUT OF SOURCE AND SINK'

!  print production terms
      write(iunit,*)   'Vapor'
      write(iunit,*)   -Min(0.0,qrcev(mgs))
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qhsbv(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qhlsbv(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qssbv(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qisbv(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)    'pqwvi= ', pqwvi(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -Max(0.0,qrcev(mgs))
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qiint(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qhdpv(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qhldpv(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qsdpv(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qidpv(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)    'pqwvd = ', pqwvd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'Cloud ice'
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qicicnt(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qidpv(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qiacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qwfrz(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qwctfz(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qicichr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhmul1(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhlmul1(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'pqcii = ', pqcii(mgs)  
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qscni(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qscnvi(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qraci(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qsaci(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qhaci(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qhlaci(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qisbv(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   (1.-il5(mgs))*qimlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qhcni(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   'pqcid = ', pqcid(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   ' Conc:'
      write(iunit,*)   pccii(mgs),pccid(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs),cicint(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   cwacii(mgs),cwfrzc(mgs),cwctfzc(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   cicichr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   chmul1(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   chlmul1(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   csmul(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'Cloud water'
      write(iunit,*)   'pqcwi =', pqcwi(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qiacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qwfrzc(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qwctfzc(mgs)
!      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qwfrzp(mgs)
!      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qwctfzp(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qiihr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qicichr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*qipiphr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -qracw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -qsacw(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -qrcnw(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -qhacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -qhlacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'pqcwd = ', pqcwd(mgs) 

      write(iunit,*)  'Concentration:'
      write(iunit,*)   -cautn(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -cracw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -csacw(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -chacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  -ciacw(mgs)   
      write(iunit,*)  -cwfrzp(mgs)  
      write(iunit,*)  -cwctfzp(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)  -cwfrzc(mgs)  
      write(iunit,*)  -cwctfzc(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   pccwd(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)      'Rain '
      write(iunit,*)      qracw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)      qrcnw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)      Max(0.0, qrcev(mgs))
      write(iunit,*)       -(1-il5(mgs))*qhmlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)       -(1-il5(mgs))*qhlmlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)       -(1-il5(mgs))*qsmlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)       -(1-il5(mgs))*qimlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)       -qrshr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)       'pqrwi = ', pqrwi(mgs)    
      write(iunit,*)        -qsshr(mgs)     
      write(iunit,*)        -qhshr(mgs)     
      write(iunit,*)        -qhlshr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        -il5(mgs)*qiacr(mgs),qiacr(mgs), qiacrf(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        -il5(mgs)*qrfrz(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        -qsacr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        -qhacr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        -qhlacr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        qrcev(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)       'pqrwd = ', pqrwd(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)       'fhw, fhlw = ',fhw(mgs),fhlw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        'qrzfac = ', qrzfac(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  'Rain concentration'
      write(iunit,*)  pcrwi(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)    crcnw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)    1-il5(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -chmlr(mgs),-csmlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)     -crshr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  pcrwd(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)    il5(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -ciacr(mgs),-crfrz(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)   -csacr(mgs),-chacr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   +crcev(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   cracr(mgs)
!      write(iunit,*)   -il5(mgs)*ciracr(mgs)

      write(iunit,*)   'Snow'
      write(iunit,*)        il5(mgs)*qscni(mgs), qscnvi(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        il5(mgs)*qsaci(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        il5(mgs)*qrfrzs(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        il5(mgs)*qsdpv(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        qsacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        qsacr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        'pqswi = ',pqswi(mgs)  
      write(iunit,*)        -qhcns(mgs)
!      write(iunit,*)        -qracs(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        -qhacs(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)        -qhlacs(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)       (1-il5(mgs))*qsmlr(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)       qsshr(mgs) 
!      write(iunit,*)       qsshrp(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)       il5(mgs)*(qssbv(mgs))
      write(iunit,*)       'pqswd = ', pqswd(mgs)  
      write(iunit,*)   'Graupel'
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qrfrzf(mgs), qrfrzf(mgs) - qrfrz(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qiacrf(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qracif(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhcns(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhcni(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*(qhdpv(mgs))
      write(iunit,*)   qhacr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhacs(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhaci(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'pqhwi = ',pqhwi(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhshr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   (1-il5(mgs))*qhmlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs),qhsbv(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -qhlcnh(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   -qhmul1(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   'pqhwd = ', pqhwd(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)  'Concentration'
      write(iunit,*)   pchwi(mgs),pchwd(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  crfrzf(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  chcns(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  ciacrf(mgs)

      write(iunit,*)   'Hail'
      write(iunit,*)   qhlcnh(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*(qhldpv(mgs))
      write(iunit,*)   qhlacr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhlacw(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhlacs(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhlaci(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   pqhli(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   qhlshr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   (1-il5(mgs))*qhlmlr(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   il5(mgs)*qhlsbv(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)   pqhld(mgs) 
      write(iunit,*)  'Concentration'
      write(iunit,*)   pchli(mgs),pchld(mgs)
      write(iunit,*)  chlcnh(mgs)
!  Balance and checks for continuity.....within machine precision...
      write(iunit,*) 'END OF OUTPUT OF SOURCE AND SINK'
      write(iunit,*) 'PTOTAL',ptotal(mgs)
      end if
      end do

      end if ! ( nstep/12*12 .eq. nstep )

!  latent heating from phase changes (except qcw, qci cond, and evap)
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      IF ( warmonly < 0.5 ) THEN
      pfrz(mgs) =    &
     &  (1-il5(mgs))*   &
     &  (qhmlr(mgs)+qsmlr(mgs)+qhlmlr(mgs))   & !+qhmlh(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qhfzh(mgs)+qsfzs(mgs)+qhlfzhl(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(1-imixedphase)*(   &
     &   qsacw(mgs)+qhacw(mgs) + qhlacw(mgs)   &
     &  +qsacr(mgs)+qhacr(mgs) + qhlacr(mgs)   &
     &  +qsshr(mgs)   &
     &  +qhshr(mgs)   &
     &  +qhlshr(mgs) +qrfrz(mgs)+qiacr(mgs)  &
     &  )  &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qwfrz(mgs)    &
     &  +qwctfz(mgs)+qiihr(mgs)   &
     &  +qiacw(mgs))
      pmlt(mgs) =    &
     &  (1-il5(mgs))*   &
     &  (qhmlr(mgs)+qsmlr(mgs)+qhlmlr(mgs))    !+qhmlh(mgs))   
      psub(mgs) =    &
     &   il5(mgs)*(   &
     &  + qsdpv(mgs) + qhdpv(mgs)   &
     &  + qhldpv(mgs)    &
     &  + qidpv(mgs) + qisbv(mgs) )   &
     &   + qssbv(mgs)  + qhsbv(mgs) + qhlsbv(mgs)   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qiint(mgs))
      pvap(mgs) =    &
     &   qrcev(mgs) + qhcev(mgs) + qscev(mgs) + qhlcev(mgs)
      pevap(mgs) =    &
     &   Min(0.0,qrcev(mgs)) + Min(0.0,qhcev(mgs)) + Min(0.0,qscev(mgs)) + Min(0.0,qhlcev(mgs))
      pdep(mgs) =    &
     &   il5(mgs)*(   &
     &  + qsdpv(mgs) + qhdpv(mgs)   &
     &  + qhldpv(mgs)    &
     &  + qidpv(mgs)  )   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qiint(mgs))
      ELSEIF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
      pfrz(mgs) =    &
     &  (1-il5(mgs))*   &
     &  (qhmlr(mgs)+qhlmlr(mgs))   & !+qhmlh(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qhfzh(mgs)+qhlfzhl(mgs))   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(   &
     &  +qhshr(mgs)   &
     &  +qhlshr(mgs)   &
     &  +qrfrz(mgs)+qwfrz(mgs)   &
     &  +qwctfz(mgs)+qiihr(mgs)   &
     &  +qiacw(mgs)                &
     & +qhacw(mgs) + qhlacw(mgs)   &
     & +qhacr(mgs) + qhlacr(mgs)  ) 
      psub(mgs) =  0.0 +  &
     &   il5(mgs)*(   &
     &  + qhdpv(mgs)   &
     &  + qhldpv(mgs)    &
     &  + qidpv(mgs) + qisbv(mgs) )   &
     &  +il5(mgs)*(qiint(mgs))
      pvap(mgs) =    &
     &   qrcev(mgs) + qhcev(mgs) + qhlcev(mgs) ! + qscev(mgs) 
      pfrz(mgs) = 0.0
      psub(mgs) = 0.0
      pvap(mgs) = qrcev(mgs)
      ENDIF ! warmonly
      ptem(mgs) =    &
     &  (cpi/pi0(mgs))*   &
     &  (felf(mgs)*pfrz(mgs)   &
     &  +fels(mgs)*psub(mgs)    &
     &  +felv(mgs)*pvap(mgs))
      thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + dtp*ptem(mgs)
      end do

!  sum the sources and sinks for qwvp, qcw, qci, qrw, qsw
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) +        &
     &   dtp*(pqwvi(mgs)+pqwvd(mgs)) 
      qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) +   &
     &   dtp*(pqcwi(mgs)+pqcwd(mgs)) 
!      IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. 10.0e-3 )  THEN
!       print*, 'RAIN1a: ',igs(mgs),kgs(mgs),qx(mgs,lr)
!      ENDIF
      qx(mgs,lr) = qx(mgs,lr) +   &
     &   dtp*(pqrwi(mgs)+pqrwd(mgs)) 
!      IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. 10.0e-3 ) THEN
!        print*, 'RAIN1b: ',igs(mgs),kgs(mgs),qx(mgs,lr)
!        print*, pqrwi(mgs),pqrwd(mgs)
!       ENDIF
      qx(mgs,li) = qx(mgs,li) +   &
     &   dtp*(pqcii(mgs)+pqcid(mgs)) 
      qx(mgs,ls) = qx(mgs,ls) +   &
     &   dtp*(pqswi(mgs)+pqswd(mgs)) 
      qx(mgs,lh) = qx(mgs,lh) +    &
     &   dtp*(pqhwi(mgs)+pqhwd(mgs)) 
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      qx(mgs,lhl) = qx(mgs,lhl) +    &
     &   dtp*(pqhli(mgs)+pqhld(mgs))
!       IF ( pqhli(mgs) .gt. 1.e-8 ) write(0,*) ' pqhli,qx(lhl) = ',pqhli(mgs),qx(mgs,lhl)

      end do

! sum sources for particle volume

      IF ( ldovol ) THEN

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt

      IF ( lvol(ls) .gt. 1 ) THEN
      vx(mgs,ls) = vx(mgs,ls) +    &
     &   dtp*(pvswi(mgs)+pvswd(mgs)) 
      IF ( lvol(lh) .gt. 1 ) THEN
      vx(mgs,lh) = vx(mgs,lh) +    &
     &   dtp*(pvhwi(mgs)+pvhwd(mgs)) 
!     >   rho0(mgs)*dtp*(pqhwi(mgs)+pqhwd(mgs))/xdn0(lh)

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
      IF ( lvol(lhl) .gt. 1 ) THEN
      vx(mgs,lhl) = vx(mgs,lhl) +    &
     &   dtp*(pvhli(mgs)+pvhld(mgs)) 
!     >   rho0(mgs)*dtp*(pqhwi(mgs)+pqhwd(mgs))/xdn0(lh)
      ENDIF  ! ldovol
! concentrations
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1  ) then
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      cx(mgs,li) = cx(mgs,li) +   &
     &   dtp*(pccii(mgs)+pccid(mgs)) 
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
      cx(mgs,lc) = cx(mgs,lc) +   &
     &   dtp*(pccwi(mgs)+pccwd(mgs)) 
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN
      cx(mgs,lr) = cx(mgs,lr) +   &
     &   dtp*(pcrwi(mgs)+pcrwd(mgs)) 
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN
      cx(mgs,ls) = cx(mgs,ls) +   &
     &   dtp*(pcswi(mgs)+pcswd(mgs)) 
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN
      cx(mgs,lh) = cx(mgs,lh) +    &
     &   dtp*(pchwi(mgs)+pchwd(mgs)) 
       IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
        cx(mgs,lhl) = cx(mgs,lhl) +    &
     &     dtp*(pchli(mgs)+pchld(mgs)) 
!      IF ( pchli(mgs) .ne. 0. .or. pchld(mgs) .ne. 0 ) THEN
!       write(0,*) 'dr: cx,pchli,pchld = ', cx(mgs,lhl),pchli(mgs),pchld(mgs), igs(mgs),kgs(mgs)
!      ENDIF
      end do
      end if
! start saturation adjustment
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'conc 30a'
!      include 'sam.jms.satadj.sgi'
!  Modified Straka adjustment (nearly identical to Tao et al. 1989 MWR)
!  set up temperature and vapor arrays
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      pqs(mgs) = (380.0)/(pres(mgs))
      theta(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + theta0(mgs)
      qvap(mgs) = max( (qwvp(mgs) + qv0(mgs)), 0.0 )
      temg(mgs) = theta(mgs)*pk(mgs) ! ( pres(mgs) / poo ) ** cap
      end do
!  melting of cloud ice
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qcwtmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,lc)
      ptimlw(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qitmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,li)
      if( temg(mgs) .gt. tfr .and.   &
     &    qitmp(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) then
      qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) + qitmp(mgs)
      pfrz(mgs) = pfrz(mgs) - qitmp(mgs)/dtp
      pmlt(mgs) = pmlt(mgs) - qitmp(mgs)/dtp
      scx(mgs,lc) = scx(mgs,lc) + scx(mgs,li)
      thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) -   &
     &  fcc3(mgs)*qitmp(mgs)
      ptimlw(mgs) = -fcc3(mgs)*qitmp(mgs)/dtp
      cx(mgs,lc) = cx(mgs,lc) + cx(mgs,li)
      qx(mgs,li) = 0.0
      cx(mgs,li) = 0.0
      scx(mgs,li) = 0.0
      vx(mgs,li) = 0.0
      qitmp(mgs) = 0.0
      end if
      end do

!      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      qimlw(mgs) = (qcwtmp(mgs)-qx(mgs,lc))/dtp
!      end do
!  homogeneous freezing of cloud water
      IF ( warmonly < 0.8 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qcwtmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,lc)
      ptwfzi(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      if( temg(mgs) .lt. tfrh ) THEN
!       write(0,*) 'GS: mgs,temp,qc,qi = ',mgs,temg(mgs),temcg(mgs),qx(mgs,lc),qx(mgs,li)
!      ENDIF

      qtmp = 0.0
      ctmp = 0.0
      frac = 0.0
      if( temg(mgs) .lt. thnuc + 2. .and.    &
     &  qx(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.0 ) then
      frac = Max( 0.25, Min( 1., ((thnuc + 2.) - temg(mgs) )/4.0 ) )
      qtmp = frac*qx(mgs,lc) 
      qx(mgs,li) = qx(mgs,li) + qtmp ! qx(mgs,lc)
      pfrz(mgs) = pfrz(mgs) + qtmp/dtp
!      IF ( lvol(li) .gt. 1 ) vx(mgs,li) = vx(mgs,li) + rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/xdn0(li)
      IF ( lvol(li) .gt. 1 ) vx(mgs,li) = vx(mgs,li) + rho0(mgs)*qtmp/xdn0(li)

      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
        ctmp = frac*cx(mgs,lc)
!        cx(mgs,li) = cx(mgs,li) + cx(mgs,lc)
        cx(mgs,li) = cx(mgs,li) + ctmp
      ELSE ! (ipconc .lt. 2 )
        IF ( t9(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)-1) .gt. qx(mgs,lc) ) THEN
           qtmp = frac*t9(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)-1)  

!           cx(mgs,lc) = cx(mgs,lc)*qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/qtmp
           ctmp = cx(mgs,lc)*qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/qtmp
           cx(mgs,lc) = Max(0.0,wvel(mgs))*dtp*cwccn   &
     &      /gz(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))
          cx(mgs,lc) = cwccn
       IF ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) cx(mgs,li) = Min(ccimx, cx(mgs,li) + cx(mgs,lc))

      sctmp = frac*scx(mgs,lc)
!      scx(mgs,li) = scx(mgs,li) + scx(mgs,lc)
      scx(mgs,li) = scx(mgs,li) + sctmp
!      thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + fcc3(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)
!      ptwfzi(mgs) = fcc3(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/dtp
!      qx(mgs,lc) = 0.0
!      cx(mgs,lc) = 0.0
!      scx(mgs,lc) = 0.0
      thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + fcc3(mgs)*qtmp
      ptwfzi(mgs) = fcc3(mgs)*qtmp/dtp
      qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) - qtmp
      cx(mgs,lc) = cx(mgs,lc) - ctmp
      scx(mgs,lc) = scx(mgs,lc) - sctmp
      end if
      end do
      ENDIF ! warmonly
!      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!      qwfzi(mgs) = (qcwtmp(mgs)-qx(mgs,lc))/dtp   ! Not used?? (ERM)
!      end do
!  reset temporaries for cloud particles and vapor
      qcond(:) = 0.0
      IF ( ipconc .le. 1 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qx(mgs,lv) = max( 0.0, qvap(mgs) )
      qx(mgs,lc) = max( 0.0, qx(mgs,lc) )
      qx(mgs,li) = max( 0.0, qx(mgs,li) )
      qitmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,li) 
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qcwtmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,lc)
      qitmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,li) 
      theta(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + theta0(mgs)
      temgtmp = temg(mgs)
      temg(mgs) = theta(mgs)*(p2(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs)) ) ! *pk(mgs) ! ( pres(mgs) / poo ) ** cap
      temsav = temg(mgs)
      thsave(mgs) = thetap(mgs)
      temcg(mgs) = temg(mgs) - tfr
      tqvcon = temg(mgs)-cbw
      ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
      ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
!      IF ( ltemq .lt. 1 .or. ltemq .gt. nqsat ) THEN
!        write(iunit,*) 'out of range ltemq!',temgtmp,temg(mgs),
!     :      thetap(mgs),theta0(mgs),pres(mgs),theta(mgs),
!     :      ltemq,igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)
!        write(iunit,*) an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lt),
!     :   ab(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lt),
!     :   t0(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
!        write(iunit,*) fcc3(mgs),qx(mgs,lc),qitmp(mgs),dtp,ptem(mgs)
!        STOP
!      END IF
      qvs(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqvs(ltemq)
      qis(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqis(ltemq)
!      qss(kz) = qvs(kz)
!      if ( temg(kz) .lt. tfr ) then
!      if( qcw(kz) .le. qxmin(lc) .and. qci(kz) .gt. qxmin(li)) 
!     >  qss(kz) = qis(kz)
!      if( qcw(kz) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. qci(kz) .gt. qxmin(li))
!     >   qss(kz) = (qcw(kz)*qvs(kz) + qci(kz)*qis(kz)) /
!     >   (qcw(kz) + qci(kz))
!      qss(kz) = qis(kz)
!      end if
! dont get enough condensation with qcw .le./.gt. qxmin(lc)
!      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr ) then
!      if( qx(mgs,lc) .ge. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .le. qxmin(li) )
!     >  qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)
!      if( qx(mgs,lc) .eq. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))
!     >  qss(mgs) = qis(mgs)
!      if( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))
!     >   qss(mgs) = (qx(mgs,lc)*qvs(mgs) + qitmp(mgs)*qis(mgs)) /
!     >   (qx(mgs,lc) + qitmp(mgs))
!      else
!      qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)
!      end if
      qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)
      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr ) then
      if( qx(mgs,lc) .ge. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .le. qxmin(li) )   &
     &  qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)
      if( qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc) .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))   &
     &  qss(mgs) = qis(mgs)
      if( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))   &
     &   qss(mgs) = (qx(mgs,lc)*qvs(mgs) + qitmp(mgs)*qis(mgs)) /   &
     &   (qx(mgs,lc) + qitmp(mgs))
      end if
      end do
!  iterate  adjustment
      do itertd = 1,2
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!  calculate super-saturation
      qitmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,li)
      fcci(mgs) = 0.0
      fcip(mgs) = 0.0
      dqcw(mgs) = 0.0
      dqci(mgs) = 0.0
      dqwv(mgs) = ( qx(mgs,lv) - qss(mgs) )
!  evaporation and sublimation adjustment
      if( dqwv(mgs) .lt. 0. ) then           !  subsaturated
        if( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. -dqwv(mgs) ) then  ! check if qc can make up all of the deficit
          dqcw(mgs) = dqwv(mgs)
          dqwv(mgs) = 0.
        else                                 !  otherwise make all qc available for evap
          dqcw(mgs) = -qx(mgs,lc)
          dqwv(mgs) = dqwv(mgs) + qx(mgs,lc)
        end if
        if( qitmp(mgs) .gt. -dqwv(mgs) ) then  ! check if qi can make up all the deficit
          dqci(mgs) = dqwv(mgs)
          dqwv(mgs) = 0.
        else                                  ! otherwise make all ice available for sublimation
          dqci(mgs) = -qitmp(mgs)
          dqwv(mgs) = dqwv(mgs) + qitmp(mgs)
        end if
       qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) - ( dqcw(mgs) + dqci(mgs) )  ! add to perturbation vapor
! This next line removed 3/19/2003 thanks to Adam Houston,
!  who found the bug in the 3-ICE code
!      qwvp(mgs) = max(qwvp(mgs), 0.0) 
      qitmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,li)
      IF ( qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
        fcci(mgs) = qx(mgs,li)/(qitmp(mgs))
        fcci(mgs) = 0.0
      qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) + dqcw(mgs)
      qx(mgs,li) = qx(mgs,li) + dqci(mgs) * fcci(mgs)
      thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) +   &
     &  cpi/pi0(mgs)*   &
     &  (felv(mgs)*dqcw(mgs) +fels(mgs)*dqci(mgs))

      end if  ! dqwv(mgs) .lt. 0. (end of evap/sublim)
! condensation/deposition
      IF ( dqwv(mgs) .ge. 0. ) THEN
!      write(iunit,*) 'satadj: mgs,iter = ',mgs,itertd,dqwv(mgs),qss(mgs),qx(mgs,lv),qx(mgs,lc)
        qitmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,li)
        fracl(mgs) = 1.0
        fraci(mgs) = 0.0
        if ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr .and. temg(mgs) .gt. thnuc ) then
          fracl(mgs) = max(min(1.,(temg(mgs)-233.15)/(20.)),0.0)
          fraci(mgs) = 1.0-fracl(mgs)
        end if
        if ( temg(mgs) .le. thnuc ) then
           fraci(mgs) = 1.0
           fracl(mgs) = 0.0
         end if
        fraci(mgs) = 1.0-fracl(mgs)
       gamss = (felv(mgs)*fracl(mgs) + fels(mgs)*fraci(mgs))   &
     &      / (pi0(mgs)*cp)
      IF ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr ) then
        IF (qx(mgs,lc) .ge. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .le. qxmin(li) ) then
         dqvcnd(mgs) = dqwv(mgs)/(1. + fcqv1(mgs)*qss(mgs)/   &
     &  ((temg(mgs)-cbw)**2))
        END IF
        IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .eq. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li) ) then
          dqvcnd(mgs) = dqwv(mgs)/(1. + fcqv2(mgs)*qss(mgs)/   &
     &  ((temg(mgs)-cbi)**2))
        END IF
        IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li) ) then
         cdw = caw*pi0(mgs)*tfrcbw/((temg(mgs)-cbw)**2)
         cdi = cai*pi0(mgs)*tfrcbi/((temg(mgs)-cbi)**2)
         denom1 = qx(mgs,lc) + qitmp(mgs)
         denom2 = 1.0 + gamss*   &
     &    (qx(mgs,lc)*qvs(mgs)*cdw + qitmp(mgs)*qis(mgs)*cdi) / denom1
         dqvcnd(mgs) =  dqwv(mgs) / denom2
        END IF 

      ENDIF  !  temg(mgs) .lt. tfr
      if ( temg(mgs) .ge. tfr ) then
      dqvcnd(mgs) = dqwv(mgs)/(1. + fcqv1(mgs)*qss(mgs)/   &
     &  ((temg(mgs)-cbw)**2))
      end if
      IF ( qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
        fcci(mgs) = qx(mgs,li)/(qitmp(mgs))
        fcci(mgs) = 0.0
      dqcw(mgs) = dqvcnd(mgs)*fracl(mgs)
      dqci(mgs) = dqvcnd(mgs)*fraci(mgs)
      thetap(mgs) = thetap(mgs) +   &
     &   (felv(mgs)*dqcw(mgs) + fels(mgs)*dqci(mgs))   &
     & / (pi0(mgs)*cp)
      qwvp(mgs) = qwvp(mgs) - ( dqvcnd(mgs) )
      qx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc) + dqcw(mgs)
      IF ( qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
        qx(mgs,li) = qx(mgs,li) + dqci(mgs)*fcci(mgs)
        qitmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,li)
!      delqci(mgs) =  dqci(mgs)*fcci(mgs)
      END IF !  dqwv(mgs) .ge. 0.
      end do
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      qitmp(mgs) = qx(mgs,li)
      theta(mgs) = thetap(mgs) + theta0(mgs)
      temg(mgs) = theta(mgs)*pk(mgs) ! ( pres(mgs) / poo ) ** cap
      qvap(mgs) = Max((qwvp(mgs) + qv0(mgs)), 0.0)
      temcg(mgs) = temg(mgs) - tfr
      tqvcon = temg(mgs)-cbw
      ltemq = (temg(mgs)-163.15)/fqsat+1.5
      ltemq = Min( nqsat, Max(1,ltemq) )
      qvs(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqvs(ltemq)
      qis(mgs) = pqs(mgs)*tabqis(ltemq)
      qx(mgs,lc) = max( 0.0, qx(mgs,lc) )
      qitmp(mgs) = max( 0.0, qitmp(mgs) )
      qx(mgs,lv) = max( 0.0, qvap(mgs))
!      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr ) then
!      if( qx(mgs,lc) .ge. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .le. qxmin(li) )
!     >  qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)
!c      if( qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc) .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))
!      if( qx(mgs,lc) .eq. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))
!     >  qss(mgs) = qis(mgs)
!c      if( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))
!      if( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))
!     >  qss(mgs) = (qx(mgs,lc)*qvs(mgs) + qitmp(mgs)*qis(mgs)) /
!     > (qx(mgs,lc) + qitmp(mgs))
!      else
!      qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)
!      end if
      qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)
      if ( temg(mgs) .lt. tfr ) then
      if( qx(mgs,lc) .ge. 0.0 .and. qitmp(mgs) .le. qxmin(li) )   &
     &  qss(mgs) = qvs(mgs)
      if( qx(mgs,lc) .le. qxmin(lc) .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))   &
     &  qss(mgs) = qis(mgs)
      if( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. qitmp(mgs) .gt. qxmin(li))   &
     &   qss(mgs) = (qx(mgs,lc)*qvs(mgs) + qitmp(mgs)*qis(mgs)) /   &
     &   (qx(mgs,lc) + qitmp(mgs))
      end if
!      pceds(mgs) = (thetap(mgs) - thsave(mgs))/dtp
!      write(iunit,*) 'satadj2: mgs,iter = ',mgs,itertd,dqwv(mgs),qss(mgs),qx(mgs,lv),qx(mgs,lc)
      end do
!  end the saturation adjustment iteration loop
      end do

     ENDIF ! ( ipconc .le. 1 )
!  spread the growth owing to vapor diffusion onto the
!  ice crystal categories using the

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'conc 30b'
!  end of saturation adjustment
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      t0(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs)) =  temg(mgs)
      end do
! Load the save arrays

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'gs 11'

      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lt) =    &
     &  theta0(mgs) + thetap(mgs) 
      an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lv) = qwvp(mgs) 
      DO il = lc,lhab
        IF ( ido(il) .eq. 1 ) THEN
         an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),il) = qx(mgs,il) +   &
     &     min( an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),il), 0.0 )
         qx(mgs,il) = an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),il)

      end do

      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) then
      DO il = lc,lhab

        IF ( ipconc .ge. ipc(il) ) THEN

         IF (  ipconc .ge. 4 .and. ipc(il) .ge. 4 ) THEN
           DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
            IF ( qx(mgs,il) .le. 0.0 ) THEN
              cx(mgs,il) = 0.0
              xv(mgs,il) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,il)/(xdn(mgs,il)*Max(1.0e-9,cx(mgs,il)))
!              IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. il .eq. lhl ) THEN
!               write(0,*) 'dr: xv,cx,qx,xdn,ln = ',xv(mgs,il),cx(mgs,il),qx(mgs,il),xdn(mgs,il),ln(il)
!              ENDIF
              IF ( xv(mgs,il) .lt. xvmn(il) .or. xv(mgs,il) .gt. xvmx(il) ) THEN
                xv(mgs,il) = Min( xvmx(il), Max( xvmn(il),xv(mgs,il) ) )
                cx(mgs,il) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,il)/(xv(mgs,il)*xdn(mgs,il))

!              IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. il .eq. lhl ) THEN
!               write(0,*) 'dr: xv,cx,= ',xv(mgs,il),cx(mgs,il)
!              ENDIF


          DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
            an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),ln(il)) = Max(cx(mgs,il), 0.0)

      IF (  ipconc .ge. 2 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        IF ( lccn > 1 ) THEN
        an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lccn) = Max(0.0, Min(ccwmx,ccnc(mgs)) )
      end do
      ELSEIF ( ipconc .eq. 0 .and. lni .gt. 1 ) THEN
          DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
            an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lni) = Max(cx(mgs,li), 0.0)

      end if 

      IF ( ldovol ) THEN
       DO il = li,lhab
        IF ( lvol(il) .ge. 1 ) THEN
          DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
           an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lvol(il)) = Max( 0.0, vx(mgs,il) )
      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'gs 12'

      if (ndebug .gt. 0 ) print*,'gs 13'
 9998 continue

      if ( kz .gt. nz-1 .and. ix .ge. nx) then
        if ( ix .ge. nx ) then
         go to 1200 ! exit gather scatter
         nzmpb = kz
        nzmpb = kz 
      end if

      if ( ix .ge. nx ) then
        nxmpb = 1
        nzmpb = kz+1
       nxmpb = ix+1
      end if
 1000 continue
 1200 continue
!  end of gather scatter (for this jy slice)

      end subroutine nssl_2mom_gs

! ##############################################################################

      SUBROUTINE setvtz(ngscnt,ngs0,qx,qxmin,qxw,cx,rho0,rhovt,xdia,cno,cnostmp, & 2
     &                 xmas,vtxbar,xdn,xvmn0,xvmx0,xv,cdx,            &
     &                 ipconc1,ndebug1,ngs,nz,kgs,fadvisc,   &
     &                 cwmasn,cwmasx,cwradn,cnina,cimna,cimxa,      &
     &                 itype1a,itype2a,temcg,infdo,alpha,ildo)
      implicit none
!      include 'sam.index.ion.h'
!      include 'swm.index.zieg.h'
      integer ngscnt,ngs0,ngs,nz
!      integer infall    ! whether to calculate number-weighted fall speeds
      real xv(ngs0,lc:lhab)
      real qx(ngs0,lv:lhab)
      real qxw(ngs0,ls:lhab)
      real cx(ngs0,lc:lhab)
      real vtxbar(ngs0,lc:lhab,3)
      real xmas(ngs0,lc:lhab)
      real xdn(ngs0,lc:lhab)
      real xdia(ngs0,lc:lhab,3)
      real xvmn0(lc:lhab), xvmx0(lc:lhab)
      real qxmin(lc:lhab)
      real cdx(lc:lhab)
      real alpha(ngs0,lr:lhab)
      real rho0(ngs),rhovt(ngs),temcg(ngs)
      real cno(lc:lhab)
      real cnostmp(ngs)
      real cwc1, cimna, cimxa
      real cnina(ngs)
      integer kgs(ngs)
      real fadvisc(ngs)
      real fsw
      integer ipconc1
      integer ndebug1
      integer, intent (in) :: itype1a,itype2a,infdo
      integer, intent (in) :: ildo ! which species to do, or all if ildo=0
! Local vars

      real cd
      real cwc0 ! ,cwc1
      real :: cwch(ngscnt), cwchl(ngscnt)
      real :: cwchtmp,cwchltmp,xnutmp
      real pii
      real cimasx,cimasn
      real cwmasn,cwmasx,cwradn
      real cwrad
      real vr,rnux
      real alp
      real ccimx

      integer mgs
      real arx,frx,vtrain,fw
      real fwlo,fwhi,rfwdiff
      real ar,br,cs,ds
!      real gf4p5, gf4ds, gf4br, ifirst, gf1ds
!      real gfcinu1, gfcinu1p47, gfcinu2p47
      real gr
      real rwrad,rwdia
      real mwfac
      integer il

!      save gf4p5, gf4ds, gf4br, ifirst, gf1ds
!      save gfcinu1, gfcinu1p47, gfcinu2p47
!      data ifirst /0/
      real bta1,cnit
      parameter ( bta1 = 0.6, cnit = 1.0e-02 )
      real x,y,tmp,del
      real aax
      real mwt
      real, parameter :: rho00 = 1.225
      integer i

      integer l1, l2

! set values
!      cwmasn = 5.23e-13  ! radius of 5.0e-6
!      cwradn = 5.0e-6
!      cwmasx = 5.25e-10  ! radius of 50.0e-6

      fwlo = 0.2                ! water fraction to start weighting toward rain fall speed
      fwhi = 0.4                ! water fraction at which rain fall speed only is used
      rfwdiff = 1./(fwhi - fwlo)
!      pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
      pii = piinv ! 1.0/pi

      arx = 10.
      frx = 516.575 ! raind fit parameters for arx*(1 - Exp(-fx*d)), where d is rain diameter in meters.

      ar = 841.99666  
      br = 0.8
      gr = 9.8
!  new values for  cs and ds
      cs = 12.42
      ds = 0.42

      IF ( ildo == 0 ) THEN
        l1 = lc
        l2 = lhab
        l1 = ildo
        l2 = ildo

!      IF ( ifirst .eq. 0 ) THEN
!        ifirst = 1
!        gf4br = gamma(4.0+br)
!        gf4ds = gamma(4.0+ds)
!!        gf1ds = gamma(1.0+ds)
!        gf4p5 = gamma(4.0+0.5)
!        gfcinu1 = gamma(cinu + 1.0)
!        gfcinu1p47 = gamma(cinu + 1.47167)
!        gfcinu2p47 = gamma(cinu + 2.47167)
        IF ( lh  .gt. 1 ) THEN
          IF ( dmuh == 1.0 ) THEN
            cwchtmp = ((3. + dnu(lh))*(2. + dnu(lh))*(1.0 + dnu(lh)))**(-1./3.)
            cwchtmp = 6.0*pii*gamma( (xnu(lh) + 1.)/xmu(lh) )/gamma( (xnu(lh) + 2.)/xmu(lh) )
        IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
          IF ( dmuhl == 1.0 ) THEN
            cwchltmp = ((3. + dnu(lhl))*(2. + dnu(lhl))*(1.0 + dnu(lhl)))**(-1./3.)
            cwchltmp = 6.0*pii*gamma( (xnu(lhl) + 1)/xmu(lhl) )/gamma( (xnu(lhl) + 2)/xmu(lhl) )

        IF ( ipconc .le. 5 ) THEN
          IF ( lh  .gt. 1 ) cwch(:) =  cwchtmp 
          IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) cwchl(:) = cwchltmp
          DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
          IF ( lh  .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lh ) ) THEN
           IF ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) ) THEN
            IF ( dmuh == 1.0 ) THEN
              cwch(mgs) = ((3. + alpha(mgs,lh))*(2. + alpha(mgs,lh))*(1.0 + alpha(mgs,lh)))**(-1./3.)
             xnutmp = (alpha(mgs,lh) - 2.0)/3.0
             cwch(mgs) =  6.0*pii*gamma( (xnutmp + 1.)/xmu(lh) )/gamma( (xnutmp + 2.)/xmu(lh) )
             cwch(mgs) = cwchtmp
          IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lhl ) ) THEN
           IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) ) THEN
            IF ( dmuhl == 1.0 ) THEN
              cwchl(mgs) = ((3. + alpha(mgs,lhl))*(2. + alpha(mgs,lhl))*(1.0 + alpha(mgs,lhl)))**(-1./3.)
             xnutmp = (alpha(mgs,lhl) - 2.0)/3.0
             cwchl(mgs) = 6.0*pii*gamma( (xnutmp + 1)/xmu(lhl) )/gamma( (xnutmp + 2)/xmu(lhl) )
             cwchl(mgs) = cwchltmp
!      ENDIF

      cimasn = 6.88e-13 
      cimasx = 1.0e-8
      ccimx = 5000.0e3   ! max of 5000 per liter

      cwc1 = 6.0/(pi*1000.)
      cwc0 = pii ! 6.0*pii
      mwfac = 6.0**(1./3.)

      if (ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set scale diameter'

!  cloud water variables
! ################################################################
      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set cloud water variables'
      IF ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lc ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      xv(mgs,lc) = 0.0
      IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) ) THEN !{
      IF ( ipconc .ge. 2 .and. cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 1.0e6 ) THEN !{
        xmas(mgs,lc) =  &
     &    min( max(qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/cx(mgs,lc),cwmasn),cwmasx )
        xv(mgs,lc) = xmas(mgs,lc)/xdn(mgs,lc)
       IF ( ipconc .lt. 2 ) THEN
         cx(mgs,lc) = rho0(mgs)*ccn/rho00 ! scales to local density, relative to standard air density
       IF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. cx(mgs,lc) .gt. 0.01 ) THEN !{
        xmas(mgs,lc) =  &
     &     min( max(qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/cx(mgs,lc),xdn(mgs,lc)*xvmn(lc)), &
     &      xdn(mgs,lc)*xvmx(lc) )
        xv(mgs,lc) = xmas(mgs,lc)/xdn(mgs,lc)
        cx(mgs,lc) = qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lc)
       ELSEIF ( qx(mgs,lc) .gt. qxmin(lc) .and. cx(mgs,lc) .le. 0.01 ) THEN
        xmas(mgs,lc) = xdn(mgs,lc)*4.*pi/3.*(5.0e-6)**3
        cx(mgs,lc) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lc)/xmas(mgs,lc)
        xmas(mgs,lc) = cwmasn
! do not define ccw here! it can feed back to ccn!!!    cx(mgs,lc) = 0.0 ! cwnc(mgs)
       ENDIF !}
      ENDIF !}
!      IF ( ipconc .lt. 2 ) THEN
!        xmas(mgs,lc) = &
!     &    min( max(qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/cwnc(mgs),cwmasn),cwmasx )
!        cx(mgs,lc) = Max(1.0,qx(mgs,lc)*rho0(mgs)/xmas(mgs,lc))
!      ELSE
!        cwnc(mgs) = an(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs),lnc)
!        cx(mgs,lc) = cwnc(mgs)
!      ENDIF
      xdia(mgs,lc,1) = (xmas(mgs,lc)*cwc1)**(1./3.)
      xdia(mgs,lc,2) = xdia(mgs,lc,1)**2
      xdia(mgs,lc,3) = xdia(mgs,lc,1)
      cwrad = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lc,1)
      IF ( fadvisc(mgs) > 0.0 ) THEN
      vtxbar(mgs,lc,1) =  &
     &   (2.0*gr*xdn(mgs,lc) *(cwrad**2)) &
     &  /(9.0*fadvisc(mgs))
       vtxbar(mgs,lc,1) = 0.0

       xmas(mgs,lc) = cwmasn
       IF ( ipconc .le. 1 ) cx(mgs,lc) = 0.01
       xdia(mgs,lc,1) = 2.*cwradn
       xdia(mgs,lc,2) = 4.*cwradn**2
       vtxbar(mgs,lc,1) = 0.0
      ENDIF !} qcw .gt. qxmin(lc)
      end do

! cloud ice variables
! columns
! ################################################################
      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set cip'
      IF ( li .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == li ) ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
       xdn(mgs,li)  = 900.0
      IF ( ipconc .eq. 0 ) THEN
!       cx(mgs,li) = min(cnit*exp(-temcg(mgs)*bta1),1.e+09)
        cx(mgs,li) = cnina(mgs)
       IF ( cimna .gt. 1.0 ) THEN
         cx(mgs,li) = Max(cimna,cx(mgs,li))
       IF ( cimxa .gt. 1.0 ) THEN
         cx(mgs,li) = Min(cimxa,cx(mgs,li))
! erm 3/28/2002
       IF ( itype1a .ge. 1 .or. itype2a .ge. 1 ) THEN
        cx(mgs,li) = Max(cx(mgs,li),qx(mgs,li)*rho0(mgs)/cimasx)
        cx(mgs,li) = Min(cx(mgs,li),qx(mgs,li)*rho0(mgs)/cimasn)
       cx(mgs,li) = max(1.0e-20,cx(mgs,li))
!       cx(mgs,li) = Min(ccimx, cx(mgs,li))

      ELSEIF ( ipconc .ge. 1 ) THEN
        IF ( qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
         cx(mgs,li) = Max(cx(mgs,li),qx(mgs,li)*rho0(mgs)/cimasx)
         cx(mgs,li) = Min(cx(mgs,li),qx(mgs,li)*rho0(mgs)/cimasn)
!         cx(mgs,li) = Max(1.0,cx(mgs,li))
      IF ( qx(mgs,li) .gt. qxmin(li) ) THEN
      xmas(mgs,li) = &
     &     max( qx(mgs,li)*rho0(mgs)/cx(mgs,li), cimasn )
!     &  min( max(qx(mgs,li)*rho0(mgs)/cx(mgs,li),cimasn),cimasx )
!      if ( temcg(mgs) .gt. 0.0 ) then
!      xdia(mgs,li,1) = 0.0
!      else
      if ( xmas(mgs,li) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN ! cimasn ) then
!c      xdia(mgs,li,1) = 0.4892*(xmas(mgs,li)**(0.4554))
!       xdia(mgs,li,1) = 0.1871*(xmas(mgs,li)**(0.3429))

!       xdia(mgs,li,1) = (132.694*5.40662/xmas(mgs,li))**(-1./2.9163)  ! for inverse exponential distribution
       xdia(mgs,li,1) = 0.1871*(xmas(mgs,li)**(0.3429))
       xdia(mgs,li,3) = 0.1871*(xmas(mgs,li)**(0.3429))
      end if
!      end if
!      xdia(mgs,li,1) = max(xdia(mgs,li,1), 5.e-6)
!      xdia(mgs,li,1) = min(xdia(mgs,li,1), 1000.e-6)

       IF ( ipconc .ge. 0 ) THEN
!      vtxbar(mgs,li,1) = rhovt(mgs)*49420.*40.0005/5.40662*xdia(mgs,li,1)**(1.415) ! mass-weighted
!      vtxbar(mgs,li,1) = (4.942e4)*(xdia(mgs,li,1)**(1.4150))
        xv(mgs,li) = xmas(mgs,li)/xdn(mgs,li)
        tmp = (67056.6300748612*rhovt(mgs))/  &
     &   (((1.0 + cinu)/xv(mgs,li))**0.4716666666666667*gfcinu1)
        vtxbar(mgs,li,2) = tmp*gfcinu1p47
        vtxbar(mgs,li,1) = tmp*gfcinu2p47/(1. + cinu)
        vtxbar(mgs,li,3) = vtxbar(mgs,li,1) 
!      vtxbar(mgs,li,1) = vtxbar(mgs,li,2)*(1.+cinu)/(1. + cinu)
!      xdn(mgs,li)   = min(max(769.8*xdia(mgs,li,1)**(-0.0140),300.0),900.0)
!      xdn(mgs,li) = 900.0
        xdia(mgs,li,2) = xdia(mgs,li,1)**2
!      vtxbar(mgs,li,1) = vtxbar(mgs,li,1)*rhovt(mgs)
         xdia(mgs,li,1) = max(xdia(mgs,li,1), 10.e-6)
         xdia(mgs,li,1) = min(xdia(mgs,li,1), 1000.e-6)
         vtxbar(mgs,li,1) = (4.942e4)*(xdia(mgs,li,1)**(1.4150))
!      xdn(mgs,li)   = min(max(769.8*xdia(mgs,li,1)**(-0.0140),300.0),900.0)
         xdn(mgs,li) = 900.0
         xdia(mgs,li,2) = xdia(mgs,li,1)**2
         vtxbar(mgs,li,1) = vtxbar(mgs,li,1)*rhovt(mgs)
         xv(mgs,li) = xmas(mgs,li)/xdn(mgs,li)
       ENDIF ! ipconc gt 3
       xmas(mgs,li) = 1.e-13
       xdn(mgs,li)  = 900.0
       xdia(mgs,li,1) = 1.e-7
       xdia(mgs,li,2) = (1.e-14)
       vtxbar(mgs,li,1) = 0.0
!       cicap(mgs) = 0.0
!       ciat(mgs) = 0.0
      end do
      ENDIF ! li .gt. 1

! ################################################################
      IF ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lr ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      if ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) then
!      IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. 10.0e-3 ) &
!     &  print*, 'RAIN1: ',igs(mgs),kgs(mgs),qx(mgs,lr)
      if ( ipconc .ge. 3 ) then
        xv(mgs,lr) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*Max(1.0e-11,cx(mgs,lr)))
        IF ( xv(mgs,lr) .gt. xvmx(lr) ) THEN
          xv(mgs,lr) = xvmx(lr)
          cx(mgs,lr) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xvmx(lr)*xdn(mgs,lr))
        ELSEIF ( xv(mgs,lr) .lt. xvmn(lr) ) THEN
          xv(mgs,lr) = xvmn(lr)
          cx(mgs,lr) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xvmn(lr)*xdn(mgs,lr))
       IF ( .not. ( cx(mgs,lr) < 1.e30 .and. cx(mgs,lr) > -1.e20 ) ) THEN
         write(0,*) 'setvt: problem with cx(mgs,lr)! ',qx(mgs,lr),cx(mgs,lr),xvmx(lr),xdn(mgs,lr),rho0(mgs)
         write(0,*) 'mgs,ngs,ngscnt,ngs0 = ',mgs,ngs,ngscnt,ngs0

        xmas(mgs,lr) = xv(mgs,lr)*xdn(mgs,lr)
        xdia(mgs,lr,3) = (xmas(mgs,lr)*cwc1)**(1./3.) ! xdia(mgs,lr,1)
        IF ( imurain == 3 ) THEN
!          xdia(mgs,lr,1) = (6.*pii*xv(mgs,lr)/(alpha(mgs,lr)+1.))**(1./3.)
          xdia(mgs,lr,1) = xdia(mgs,lr,3) ! formulae for Ziegler (1985) use mean volume diameter, not lambda**(-1)
        ELSE ! imurain == 1, Characteristic diameter (1/lambda)
          xdia(mgs,lr,1) = (6.*pii*xv(mgs,lr)/((alpha(mgs,lr)+3.)*(alpha(mgs,lr)+2.)*(alpha(mgs,lr)+1.)))**(1./3.)
!        rwrad(mgs) = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)

! Inverse exponential version:
!        xdia(mgs,lr,1) =
!     &  (qx(mgs,lr)*rho0(mgs)
!     & /(pi*xdn(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lr)))**(0.333333)
        xdia(mgs,lr,1) = &
     &  (qx(mgs,lr)*rho0(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,lr)*cno(lr)))**(0.25) 
        xmas(mgs,lr) = xdn(mgs,lr)*(pi/6.)*xdia(mgs,lr,1)**3
        xdia(mgs,lr,3) = (xmas(mgs,lr)*cwc1)**(1./3.)
        cx(mgs,lr) = cno(lr)*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
        xv(mgs,lr) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lr)/(xdn(mgs,lr)*cx(mgs,lr))
      end if
        xdia(mgs,lr,1) = 1.e-9
        xdia(mgs,lr,3) = 1.e-9
        xmas(mgs,lr) = xdn(mgs,lr)*(pi/6.)*xdia(mgs,lr,1)**3
!        rwrad(mgs) = 0.5*xdia(mgs,lr,1)
      end if
      xdia(mgs,lr,2) = xdia(mgs,lr,1)**2
!      xmas(mgs,lr) = xdn(mgs,lr)*(pi/6.)*xdia(mgs,lr,1)**3
      end do
! ################################################################

      IF ( ls .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == ls ) ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt 
      if ( qx(mgs,ls) .gt. qxmin(ls) ) then
      if ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) then ! 

        xv(mgs,ls) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls)/(xdn(mgs,ls)*Max(1.0e-9,cx(mgs,ls)))
!      parameter( xvmn(lr)=2.8866e-13, xvmx(lr)=4.1887e-9 )  ! mks
        xmas(mgs,ls) = xv(mgs,ls)*xdn(mgs,ls)

        IF ( xv(mgs,ls) .lt. xvmn(ls) .or. xv(mgs,ls) .gt. xvmx(ls) ) THEN
          xv(mgs,ls) = Min( xvmx(ls), Max( xvmn(ls),xv(mgs,ls) ) )
          xmas(mgs,ls) = xv(mgs,ls)*xdn(mgs,ls)
          cx(mgs,ls) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls)/(xmas(mgs,ls))

        xdia(mgs,ls,1) = (xv(mgs,ls)*cwc0*6.0)**(1./3.)
        xdia(mgs,ls,3) = xdia(mgs,ls,1)

        xdia(mgs,ls,1) =  &
     &    (qx(mgs,ls)*rho0(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,ls)*cnostmp(mgs)))**(0.25) 
        cx(mgs,ls) = cnostmp(mgs)*xdia(mgs,ls,1)
        xv(mgs,ls) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,ls)/(xdn(mgs,ls)*cx(mgs,ls))
        xdia(mgs,ls,3) = (xv(mgs,ls)*cwc0*6.0)**(1./3.)
      end if
      xdia(mgs,ls,1) = 1.e-9
      cx(mgs,ls) = 0.0
      end if
      xdia(mgs,ls,2) = xdia(mgs,ls,1)**2
!      swdia3(mgs) = xdia(mgs,ls,2)*xdia(mgs,ls,1)
!      xmas(mgs,ls) = xdn(mgs,ls)*(pi/6.)*swdia3(mgs)
      end do
      ENDIF ! ls .gt 1
! ################################################################

      IF ( lh .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lh ) ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt 
      if ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) ) then
      if ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) then

        xv(mgs,lh) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lh)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*Max(1.0e-9,cx(mgs,lh)))
        xmas(mgs,lh) = xv(mgs,lh)*xdn(mgs,lh)

        IF ( xv(mgs,lh) .lt. xvmn(lh) .or. xv(mgs,lh) .gt. xvmx(lh) ) THEN
          xv(mgs,lh) = Min( xvmx(lh), Max( xvmn(lh),xv(mgs,lh) ) )
          xmas(mgs,lh) = xv(mgs,lh)*xdn(mgs,lh)
          cx(mgs,lh) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lh)/(xmas(mgs,lh))

         xdia(mgs,lh,3) = (xv(mgs,lh)*6.*pii)**(1./3.) ! mwfac*xdia(mgs,lh,1) ! (xv(mgs,lh)*cwc0*6.0)**(1./3.)
         IF ( dmuh == 1.0 ) THEN
           xdia(mgs,lh,1) = cwch(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lh,3)
           xdia(mgs,lh,1) = (xv(mgs,lh)*cwch(mgs))**(1./3.)

      xdia(mgs,lh,1) =  &
     &  (qx(mgs,lh)*rho0(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,lh)*cno(lh)))**(0.25) 
      cx(mgs,lh) = cno(lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)
      xv(mgs,lh) = Max(xvmn(lh), rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lh)/(xdn(mgs,lh)*cx(mgs,lh)) )
      xdia(mgs,lh,3) = (xv(mgs,lh)*6./pi)**(1./3.) 
      end if
      xdia(mgs,lh,1) = 1.e-9
      end if
      xdia(mgs,lh,2) = xdia(mgs,lh,1)**2
!      hwdia3(mgs) = xdia(mgs,lh,2)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)
!      xmas(mgs,lh) = xdn(mgs,lh)*(pi/6.)*hwdia3(mgs)
      end do

! ################################################################

      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lhl ) ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt 
      if ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) ) then
      if ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) then

        xv(mgs,lhl) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lhl)/(xdn(mgs,lhl)*Max(1.0e-9,cx(mgs,lhl)))
        xmas(mgs,lhl) = xv(mgs,lhl)*xdn(mgs,lhl)
!        write(0,*) 'setvt: xv = ',xv(mgs,lhl),xdn(mgs,lhl),cx(mgs,lhl),xmas(mgs,lhl),qx(mgs,lhl)

        IF ( xv(mgs,lhl) .lt. xvmn(lhl) .or. xv(mgs,lhl) .gt. xvmx(lhl) ) THEN
          xv(mgs,lhl) = Min( xvmx(lhl), Max( xvmn(lhl),xv(mgs,lhl) ) )
          xmas(mgs,lhl) = xv(mgs,lhl)*xdn(mgs,lhl)
          cx(mgs,lhl) = rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lhl)/(xmas(mgs,lhl))

        xdia(mgs,lhl,3) = (xv(mgs,lhl)*6./pi)**(1./3.) ! mwfac*xdia(mgs,lh,1) ! (xv(mgs,lh)*cwc0*6.0)**(1./3.)
         IF ( dmuhl == 1.0 ) THEN
           xdia(mgs,lhl,1) = cwchl(mgs)*xdia(mgs,lhl,3)
           xdia(mgs,lhl,1) = (xv(mgs,lhl)*cwchl(mgs))**(1./3.)
!        write(0,*) 'setvt: xv = ',xv(mgs,lhl),xdn(mgs,lhl),cx(mgs,lhl),xdia(mgs,lhl,3)
      xdia(mgs,lhl,1) = &
     &  (qx(mgs,lhl)*rho0(mgs)/(pi*xdn(mgs,lhl)*cno(lhl)))**(0.25) 
      cx(mgs,lhl) = cno(lhl)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)
      xv(mgs,lhl) = Max(xvmn(lhl), rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,lhl)/(xdn(mgs,lhl)*cx(mgs,lhl)) )
      xdia(mgs,lhl,3) = (xv(mgs,lhl)*6./pi)**(1./3.) 
      end if
      xdia(mgs,lhl,1) = 1.e-9
      end if
      xdia(mgs,lhl,2) = xdia(mgs,lhl,1)**2
!      hwdia3(mgs) = xdia(mgs,lh,2)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)
!      xmas(mgs,lh) = xdn(mgs,lh)*(pi/6.)*hwdia3(mgs)
      end do
!  Set terminal velocities...
!    also set drag coefficients (moved to start of subroutine)
!      cdx(lr) = 0.60
!      cdx(lh) = 0.45
!      cdx(lhl) = 0.45
!      cdx(lf) = 0.45
!      cdx(lgh) = 0.60
!      cdx(lgm) = 0.80
!      cdx(lgl) = 0.80
!      cdx(lir) = 2.00
      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set terminal velocities'
! ################################################################
      IF ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lr ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      if ( qx(mgs,lr) .gt. qxmin(lr) ) then
      IF ( ipconc .lt. 3 ) THEN
        vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) = (ar*gf4br/6.0)*(xdia(mgs,lr,1)**br)*rhovt(mgs)
!        write(91,*) 'vtxbar: ',vtxbar(mgs,lr,1),mgs,gf4br,xdia(mgs,lr,1),rhovt(mgs)
        IF ( imurain == 1 ) THEN ! DSD of Diameter
          alp = alpha(mgs,lr)
          IF ( infdo .ge. 1 ) THEN
            vtxbar(mgs,lr,2) = rhovt(mgs)*arx*(1.0 - (1.0 + frx*xdia(mgs,lr,1))**(-alp - 1.0) ) ! number weighted
            vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) = rhovt(mgs)*arx*(1.0 - (1.0 + frx*xdia(mgs,lr,1))**(-alp - 4.0) ) ! mass weighted
          IF ( infdo .ge. 2 ) THEN
            vtxbar(mgs,lr,3) = rhovt(mgs)*arx*(1.0 - (1.0 + frx*xdia(mgs,lr,1))**(-alp - 7.0) ) ! z-weighted
!          write(91,*) 'setvt: alp,vn,vm,vz = ',alp,vtxbar(mgs,lr,2), vtxbar(mgs,lr,1), vtxbar(mgs,lr,3),alpha(mgs,lr)

        ELSEIF ( imurain == 3 ) THEN ! DSD of Volume
        IF ( lzr < 1 ) THEN ! not 3-moment rain
        rwdia = Min( xdia(mgs,lr,1), 8.0e-3 )
         vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) = rhovt(mgs)*6.0*pii*( 0.04771 + 3788.0*rwdia -  &
     &        1.105e6*rwdia**2 + 1.412e8*rwdia**3 - 6.527e9*rwdia**4)
        IF ( infdo .ge. 1 ) THEN
         vtxbar(mgs,lr,2) = (0.09112 + 2714.0*rwdia - 4.872e5*rwdia**2 +  &
     &            4.495e7*rwdia**3 - 1.626e9*rwdia**4)*rhovt(mgs)
        IF ( infdo .ge. 2 ) THEN ! Z-weighted fall speed
        vtxbar(mgs,lr,3)  = rhovt(mgs)*(  &
     &       0.0911229 +                  &
     &  9246.494*(rwdia) -               &
     &  3.2839926e6*(rwdia**2) +          &
     &  4.944093e8*(rwdia**3) -          &
     &  2.631718e10*(rwdia**4) )
        ELSE ! 3-moment rain, gamma-volume

        vr = xv(mgs,lr)
        rnux = alpha(mgs,lr)
        IF ( infdo .ge. 1 ) THEN ! number-weighted
        vtxbar(mgs,lr,2) = rhovt(mgs)*                             &
     &     (((1. + rnux)/vr)**(-1.333333)*                         &
     &    (0.0911229*((1. + rnux)/vr)**1.333333*Gamma(1. + rnux) + &
     &      (5430.3131*(1. + rnux)*Gamma(4./3. + rnux))/           &
     &       vr - 1.0732802e6*((1. + rnux)/vr)**0.6666667*         &
     &       Gamma(1.666667 + rnux) +                              &
     &      8.584110982429507e7*((1. + rnux)/vr)**(1./3.)*         &
     &       Gamma(2. + rnux) -                                    &
     &      2.3303765697228556e9*Gamma(7./3. + rnux)))/            &
     &  Gamma(1. + rnux)

!  mass-weighted
       vtxbar(mgs,lr,1)  = rhovt(mgs)*                                                 &
     &   (0.0911229*(1 + rnux)**1.3333333333333333*Gamma(2. + rnux) +                  &
     &    5430.313059683277*(1 + rnux)*vr**0.3333333333333333*                         &
     &     Gamma(2.333333333333333 + rnux) -                                           &
     &    1.0732802065650471e6*(1 + rnux)**0.6666666666666666*vr**0.6666666666666666*  &
     &     Gamma(2.6666666666666667 + rnux) +                                          &
     &    8.584110982429507e7*(1 + rnux)**0.3333333333333333*vr*Gamma(3 + rnux) -      &
     &    2.3303765697228556e9*vr**1.3333333333333333*                                 &
     &     Gamma(3.333333333333333 + rnux))/                                           &
     &  ((1 + rnux)**2.333333333333333*Gamma(1 + rnux))      
        IF ( infdo .ge. 2 ) THEN ! Z-weighted fall speed
        vtxbar(mgs,lr,3)  =   rhovt(mgs)*                                          &
     &  ((1. + rnux)*(0.0911229*(1 + rnux)**1.3333333333333333*Gamma(3. + rnux) +  &
     &      5430.313059683277*(1 + rnux)*vr**0.3333333333333333*                   &
     &       Gamma(3.3333333333333335 + rnux) -                                    &
     &      1.0732802065650471e6*(1 + rnux)**0.6666666666666666*                   &
     &       vr**0.6666666666666666*Gamma(3.6666666666666665 + rnux) +             &
     &      8.5841109824295e7*(1 + rnux)**0.3333333333333333*vr*Gamma(4. + rnux) - &
     &      2.3303765697228556e9*vr**1.3333333333333333*                           &
     &       Gamma(4.333333333333333 + rnux)))/                                    &
     &  ((1 + rnux)**3.3333333333333335*(2 + rnux)*Gamma(1 + rnux))
!         write(0,*) 'setvt: mgs,lzr,infdo = ',mgs,lzr,infdo
!         write(0,*) 'vt1,2,3 = ',vtxbar(mgs,lr,1),vtxbar(mgs,lr,2),vtxbar(mgs,lr,3)
       ENDIF ! imurain

!        IF ( rwrad*mwfac .gt. 6.0e-4  ) THEN
!          vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) = 20.1*Sqrt(100.*rwrad*mwfac)*rhovt(mgs)
!        ELSE
!          vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) = 80.0e2*rwrad*rhovt(mgs)*mwfac
!        ENDIF
!        IF ( rwrad .gt. 6.0e-4  ) THEN
!          vtxbar(mgs,lr,2) = 20.1*Sqrt(100.*rwrad)*rhovt(mgs)
!        ELSE
!          vtxbar(mgs,lr,2) = 80.0e2*rwrad*rhovt(mgs)
!        ENDIF
      ENDIF ! ipconc
      else  ! qr < qrmin
      vtxbar(mgs,lr,1) = 0.0
      vtxbar(mgs,lr,2) = 0.0
      end if
      end do
      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set rain vt'
! ################################################################
!  SNOW !Zrnic et al. (1993)
      IF ( ls .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == ls ) ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      if ( qx(mgs,ls) .gt. qxmin(ls) ) then
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN
         if ( mixedphase .and. qsvtmod ) then
          vtxbar(mgs,ls,1) = 5.72462*rhovt(mgs)*(xv(mgs,ls))**(1./12.)
          vtxbar(mgs,ls,2) = 4.04091*rhovt(mgs)*(xv(mgs,ls))**(1./12.)
          vtxbar(mgs,ls,3) = vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)
         vtxbar(mgs,ls,1) = (cs*gf4ds/6.0)*(xdia(mgs,ls,1)**ds)*rhovt(mgs)
         vtxbar(mgs,ls,2) = vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)
      vtxbar(mgs,ls,1) = 0.0
      end if
      end do
      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set snow vt'
      ENDIF ! ls .gt. 1
! ################################################################
!  GRAUPEL !Wisner et al. (1972)
      IF ( lh .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lh ) ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      vtxbar(mgs,lh,1) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,lh) .gt. qxmin(lh) ) then
       IF ( icdx .eq. 1 ) THEN
         cd = cdx(lh)
       ELSEIF ( icdx .eq. 2 ) THEN
!         cd = Max(0.6, Min(1.0, 0.6 + 0.4*(xdnmx(lh) - xdn(mgs,lh))/(xdnmx(lh)-xdnmn(lh)) ) )
!         cd = Max(0.6, Min(1.0, 0.6 + 0.4*(900.0 - xdn(mgs,lh))/(900. - 300.) ) )
         cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.0, 0.45 + 0.35*(800.0 - Max( 500., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(800. - 500.) ) )
!         cd = Max(0.55, Min(1.0, 0.55 + 0.25*(800.0 - Max( 500., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(800. - 500.) ) )
       ELSEIF ( icdx .eq. 3 ) THEN
!         cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.0, 0.45 + 0.55*(800.0 - Max( 300., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(800. - 300.) ) )
         cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.2, 0.45 + 0.55*(800.0 - Max( 170.0, Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(800. - 170.0) ) )
       ELSEIF ( icdx .eq. 4 ) THEN
         cd = Max(cdhmin, Min(cdhmax, cdhmin + (cdhmax-cdhmin)* &
     &        (cdhdnmax - Max( cdhdnmin, Min( cdhdnmax, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(cdhdnmax - cdhdnmin) ) )
       ELSEIF ( icdx .eq. 5 ) THEN
         cd = cdx(lh)*(xdn(mgs,lh)/rho_qh)**(2/3)
      IF ( alpha(mgs,lh) .eq. 0.0 .and. icdx > 0 ) THEN
      vtxbar(mgs,lh,1) = (gf4p5/6.0)*  &
     &  Sqrt( (xdn(mgs,lh)*xdia(mgs,lh,1)*4.0*gr) /  &
     &    (3.0*cd*rho0(mgs)) )
        tmp = 4. + alpha(mgs,lh) + bx(lh)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        x = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = 4. + alpha(mgs,lh)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        y = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami
!        aax = Max( 1.0, Min(2.0, (xdn(mgs,lh)/400.) ) )
!        vtxbar(mgs,lh,1) =  rhovt(mgs)*aax*ax(lh)*(xdia(mgs,lh,1)**bx(lh)*x)/y
        IF ( icdx > 0 ) THEN
          aax = Sqrt(4.0*xdn(mgs,lh)*gr/(3.0*cd*rho00))
          vtxbar(mgs,lh,1) =  rhovt(mgs)*aax* Sqrt(xdia(mgs,lh,1)) * x/y
          vtxbar(mgs,lh,1) =  rhovt(mgs)*ax(lh)*(xdia(mgs,lh,1)**bx(lh)*x)/y          

!     &    Gamma(4.0 + dnu(lh) + 0.6))/Gamma(4. + dnu(lh))

      end if
      end do
      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set hail vt'
      ENDIF ! lh .gt. 1
! ################################################################
      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lhl ) ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1) = 0.0
      if ( qx(mgs,lhl) .gt. qxmin(lhl) ) then

       IF ( icdxhl .eq. 1 ) THEN
         cd = cdx(lhl)
       ELSEIF ( icdxhl .eq. 3 ) THEN
!         cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.0, 0.45 + 0.55*(800.0 - Max( 300., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lhl) ) ) )/(800. - 300.) ) )
         cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.2, 0.45 + 0.55*(800.0 - Max( 170.0, Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lhl) ) ) )/(800. - 170.0) ) )
       ELSEIF ( icdxhl .eq. 4 ) THEN
         cd = Max(cdhlmin, Min(cdhlmax, cdhlmin + (cdhlmax-cdhlmin)*  &
     &       (cdhldnmax - Max( cdhldnmin, Min( cdhldnmax, xdn(mgs,lhl) ) ) )/(cdhldnmax - cdhldnmin) ) )
!         cd = Max(0.6, Min(1.0, 0.6 + 0.4*(900.0 - xdn(mgs,lhl))/(900. - 300.) ) )
!        cd = Max(0.5, Min(0.8, 0.5 + 0.3*(xdnmx(lhl) - xdn(mgs,lhl))/(xdnmx(lhl)-xdnmn(lhl)) ) )
         cd = Max(0.45, Min(0.6, 0.45 + 0.15*(800.0 - Max( 500., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lhl) ) ) )/(800. - 500.) ) )

      IF ( alpha(mgs,lhl) .eq. 0.0 .and. icdxhl > 0 ) THEN
      vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1) = (gf4p5/6.0)* &
     &  Sqrt( (xdn(mgs,lhl)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)*4.0*gr) / &
     &    (3.0*cd*rho0(mgs)) )
        tmp = 4. + alpha(mgs,lhl) + bx(lhl)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        x = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        tmp = 4. + alpha(mgs,lhl)
        i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
        del = tmp - dgam*i
        y = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

        IF ( icdxhl > 0 ) THEN
          aax = Sqrt(4.0*xdn(mgs,lhl)*gr/(3.0*cd*rho00))
          vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1) =  rhovt(mgs)*aax* Sqrt(xdia(mgs,lhl,1)) * x/y
         vtxbar(mgs,lhl,1) =  rhovt(mgs)*(ax(lhl)*xdia(mgs,lhl,1)**bx(lhl)*x)/y
!     &    Gamma(4.0 + dnu(lh) + 0.6))/Gamma(4. + dnu(lh))

      end if
      end do
      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set hail vt'
      ENDIF ! lhl .gt. 1

      IF ( infdo .ge. 1 ) THEN

!      DO il = lc,lhab
!      IF ( il .ne. lr ) THEN
        DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
          vtxbar(mgs,lc,2) = vtxbar(mgs,lc,1)
        IF ( li .gt. 1 ) THEN
!          vtxbar(mgs,li,2) = rhovt(mgs)*49420.*1.25447*xdia(mgs,li,1)**(1.415) ! n-wgt (Ferrier 94)
!          vtxbar(mgs,li,2) = vtxbar(mgs,li,1)

! test print stuff...
!          IF ( xdia(mgs,li,1) .gt. 200.e-6 ) THEN
!            tmp = (xv(mgs,li)*cwc0)**(1./3.)
!            x = rhovt(mgs)*49420.*40.0005/5.40662*tmp**(1.415)
!            y = rhovt(mgs)*49420.*1.25447*tmp**(1.415)
!            write(6,*) 'Ice fall: ',vtxbar(mgs,li,1),x,y,tmp,xdia(mgs,li,1)
!          ENDIF
!          vtxbar(mgs,ls,2) = vtxbar(mgs,ls,1)

        IF ( lg .gt. lr ) THEN

        DO il = lg,lhab
         IF ( ildo == 0 .or. ildo == il ) THEN

            DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
             IF ( qx(mgs,il) .gt. qxmin(il) ) THEN
              IF ( il .eq. lh .or. ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. il .eq. lhl ) ) THEN

              IF ( il .eq. lh ) THEN ! {
               IF ( icdx .eq. 1 ) THEN
                 cd = cdx(lh)
               ELSEIF ( icdx .eq. 2 ) THEN
!                 cd = Max(0.6, Min(1.0, 0.6 + 0.4*(xdnmx(lh) - xdn(mgs,lh))/(xdnmx(lh)-xdnmn(lh)) ) )
!                 cd = Max(0.6, Min(1.0, 0.6 + 0.4*(900.0 - xdn(mgs,lh))/(900. - 300.) ) )
                 cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.0, 0.45 + 0.35*(800.0 - Max( 500., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(800. - 500.) ) )
!                 cd = Max(0.55, Min(1.0, 0.55 + 0.25*(800.0 - Max( 500., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(800. - 500.) ) )
               ELSEIF ( icdx .eq. 3 ) THEN
!                 cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.0, 0.45 + 0.55*(800.0 - Max( 170.0, Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(800. - 170.0) ) )
                 cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.2, 0.45 + 0.55*(800.0 - Max( 170.0, Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(800. - 170.0) ) )
               ELSEIF ( icdx .eq. 4 ) THEN
                 cd = Max(cdhmin, Min(cdhmax, cdhmin + (cdhmax-cdhmin)* &
     &            (cdhdnmax - Max( cdhdnmin, Min( cdhdnmax, xdn(mgs,lh) ) ) )/(cdhdnmax - cdhdnmin) ) )
               ELSEIF ( icdx .eq. 5 ) THEN
                 cd = cdx(lh)*(xdn(mgs,lh)/rho_qh)**(2/3)
              ELSEIF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. il .eq. lhl ) THEN
               IF ( icdxhl .eq. 1 ) THEN
                 cd = cdx(lhl)
               ELSEIF ( icdxhl .eq. 3 ) THEN
!               cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.0, 0.45 + 0.55*(800.0 - Max( 300., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lhl) ) ) )/(800. - 300.) ) )
                cd = Max(0.45, Min(1.2, 0.45 + 0.55*(800.0 - Max( 170.0, Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lhl) ) ) )/(800. - 170.0) ) )
               ELSEIF ( icdxhl .eq. 4 ) THEN
                cd = Max(cdhlmin, Min(cdhlmax, cdhlmin + (cdhlmax-cdhlmin)*  &
     &               (cdhldnmax - Max( cdhldnmin, Min( cdhldnmax, xdn(mgs,lhl) ) ) )/(cdhldnmax - cdhldnmin) ) )
!                cd = Max(0.6, Min(1.0, 0.6 + 0.4*(900.0 - xdn(mgs,lhl))/(900. - 300.) ) )
!                cd = Max(0.5, Min(0.8, 0.5 + 0.3*(xdnmx(lhl) - xdn(mgs,lhl))/(xdnmx(lhl)-xdnmn(lhl)) ) )
                 cd = Max(0.45, Min(0.6, 0.45 + 0.15*(800.0 - Max( 500., Min( 800.0, xdn(mgs,lhl) ) ) )/(800. - 500.) ) )
              ENDIF ! }

               IF ( alpha(mgs,il) .eq. 0. .and. infdo .lt. 2 .and.   &
               ( ( il==lh .and. icdx > 0 ) .or. ( il==lhl .and. icdxhl > 0 ) ) ) THEN ! {
                 vtxbar(mgs,il,2) =   &
     &              Sqrt( (xdn(mgs,il)*xdia(mgs,il,1)*pi*gr) / &
     &                (3.0*cd*rho0(mgs)) )

               tmp = 1. + alpha(mgs,il) + bx(il)
               i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
               del = tmp - dgam*i
               x = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami
               tmp = 1. + alpha(mgs,il)
               i = Int(dgami*(tmp))
               del = tmp - dgam*i
               y = gmoi(i) + (gmoi(i+1) - gmoi(i))*del*dgami

                 IF ( il .eq. lh  .or. il .eq. lhl) THEN ! {
                   IF ( ( il==lh .and. icdx > 0 ) ) THEN
                     aax = Sqrt(4.0*xdn(mgs,il)*gr/(3.0*cd*rho00))
                     vtxbar(mgs,il,2) =  rhovt(mgs)*aax* xdia(mgs,il,1)**0.5 * x/y
!                   ELSE
!                     aax = ax(il)
!                     vtxbar(mgs,il,2) =  rhovt(mgs)*ax(il)*(xdia(mgs,il,1)**bx(il)*x)/y          
!                   ENDIF

                   ELSEIF ( ( il==lhl .and. icdxhl > 0 ) ) THEN
                     aax = Sqrt(4.0*xdn(mgs,il)*gr/(3.0*cd*rho00))
                     vtxbar(mgs,il,2) =  rhovt(mgs)*aax* xdia(mgs,il,1)**0.5 * x/y
                     aax = ax(il)
                     vtxbar(mgs,il,2) =  rhovt(mgs)*ax(il)*(xdia(mgs,il,1)**bx(il)*x)/y          

!                  vtxbar(mgs,il,2) =  &
!     &               rhovt(mgs)*(xdn(mgs,il)/400.)*(75.715*xdia(mgs,il,1)**0.6* &
!     &               x)/y
!                  vtxbar(mgs,il,2) =  &
!     &               rhovt(mgs)*(xdn(mgs,il)/400.)*(ax(il)*xdia(mgs,il,1)**bx(il)* &
!     &               x)/y
                  IF ( infdo .ge. 2 ) THEN ! Z-weighted
                   vtxbar(mgs,il,3) = rhovt(mgs)*                 &
     &                (aax*(1.0/xdia(mgs,il,1) )**(- bx(il))*  &
     &                 Gamma(7.0 + alpha(mgs,il) + bx(il)))/Gamma(7. + alpha(mgs,il))

      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set hail vt3'

                 ELSE ! hail
                  vtxbar(mgs,il,2) =  &
     &               rhovt(mgs)*(ax(il)*xdia(mgs,il,1)**bx(il)* &
     &               x)/y

                 IF ( infdo .ge. 2 ) THEN ! Z-weighted
                  vtxbar(mgs,il,3) = rhovt(mgs)*                 &
     &              (ax(il)*(1.0/xdia(mgs,il,1) )**(- bx(il))*  &
     &               Gamma(7.0 + alpha(mgs,il) + bx(il)))/Gamma(7. + alpha(mgs,il))

      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set hail vt4'

                 ENDIF ! }
!     &             Gamma(1.0 + dnu(il) + 0.6)/Gamma(1. + dnu(il))
               ENDIF ! }

!              IF ( infdo .ge. 2 ) THEN ! Z-weighted
!               vtxbar(mgs,il,3) = rhovt(mgs)*                 &
!     &            (ax(il)*(1.0/xdia(mgs,il,1) )**(- bx(il))*  &
!     &             Gamma(7.0 + alpha(mgs,il) + bx(il)))/Gamma(7. + alpha(mgs,il))
!              ENDIF

!               IF ( lhl .gt. 1 .and. il .eq. lhl ) THEN
!                write(0,*) 'setvt: ',qx(mgs,il),xdia(mgs,il,1),xdia(mgs,il,3),dnu(il),ax(il),bx(il)
!               ENDIF

             ELSE ! not lh or lhl
              vtxbar(mgs,il,2) = &
     &            Sqrt( (xdn(mgs,il)*xdia(mgs,il,1)*pi*gr) /  &
     &              (3.0*cdx(il)*rho0(mgs)) )
              vtxbar(mgs,il,3) = vtxbar(mgs,il,1)

      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set graupel vt5'

             ELSE ! qx < qxmin
              vtxbar(mgs,il,2) = 0.0

      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set graupel vt6'

           ENDDO ! mgs

      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set graupel vt7'

        ENDDO ! il

      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set graupel vt8'

        ENDIF ! lg .gt. 1 
!      ENDIF
!      ENDDO

      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: Set graupel vt9'

!       DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
!        IF ( qx(mgs,lr) > qxmin(lr) ) THEN
!         write(0,*) 'setvt2: mgs,lzr,infdo = ',mgs,lzr,infdo
!         write(0,*) 'vt1,2,3 = ',vtxbar(mgs,lr,1),vtxbar(mgs,lr,2),vtxbar(mgs,lr,3)
!        ENDIF
!       ENDDO

      ENDIF ! infdo .ge. 1 
      if ( ndebug1 .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) 'SETVTZ: END OF ROUTINE'

!############ SETVTZ ############################

      END SUBROUTINE setvtz

! ##############################################################################

! #include "sam.def.h"
!  subroutine to calculate fall speeds of hydrometeors

      subroutine ziegfall1d(nx,ny,nz,nor,norz,na,dtp,jgs,ixcol, & 2,1
     &  xvt, rhovtzx,                                           &
     &  an,dn,ipconc0,t0,t7,cwmasn,cwmasx,       &
     &  cwradn,                                   &
     &  qxmin,xdnmx,xdnmn,cdx,cno,xdn0,xvmn,xvmx,  &
     &  ngs,qx,qxw,cx,xv,vtxbar,xmas,xdn,xdia,vx,alpha,zx,igs,kgs, &
     &  rho0,temcg,temg,rhovt,cwnc,cinc,fadvisc,cwdia,cipmas,cnina,cimas, &
     &  cnostmp,                     &
     &  infdo,ildo)

! 12.16.2005: .F version use in transitional SWM model
! 10.10.2003: Added cimn and cimx to setting for cci and cip.
! need to set up values for:
!     :  cipdia,cidia,cwdia,cwmas,vtwbar,
!     :  rho0,temcg,cip,cci
! and need to put fallspeed values in cwvt etc.
      implicit none

      integer ng1
      parameter(ng1 = 1)
      integer, intent(in) :: ixcol ! which column to return
      integer, intent(in) :: ildo
      integer nx,ny,nz,nor,norz,ngt,jgs,na
      real an(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor,na)
      real dn(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor)
      real t0(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor)
      real t7(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor)
      real dtp,dtz1
      real :: rhovtzx(nz,nx)
      integer ndebugzf
      parameter (ndebugzf = 0)

      integer ix,jy,kz,i,j,k,il
      integer infdo
      real xvt(nz+1,nx,3,lc:lhab) ! 1=mass-weighted, 2=number-weighted

      real qxmin(lc:lhab)
      real xdn0(lc:lhab)
      real xvmn(lc:lhab), xvmx(lc:lhab)

      integer :: ngs
      integer :: ngscnt,mgs,ipconc0
!      parameter ( ngs=200 )
      real ::  qx(ngs,lv:lhab) 
      real ::  qxw(ngs,ls:lhab) 
      real ::  cx(ngs,lc:lhab) 
      real ::  xv(ngs,lc:lhab) 
      real ::  vtxbar(ngs,lc:lhab,3) 
      real ::  xmas(ngs,lc:lhab) 
      real ::  xdn(ngs,lc:lhab) 
      real ::  xdia(ngs,lc:lhab,3) 
      real ::  vx(ngs,li:lhab) 
      real ::  alpha(ngs,lr:lhab) 
!#ifdef Z3MOM
      real ::  zx(ngs,lr:lhab) 

      real xdnmx(lc:lhab), xdnmn(lc:lhab)

!   drag coefficients
      real cdx(lc:lhab)
! Fixed intercept values for single moment scheme
      real cno(lc:lhab)
      real cwccn0,cwmasn,cwmasx,cwradn
!      real cwc0

      integer nxmpb,nzmpb,nxz,numgs,inumgs
      integer kstag
      parameter (kstag=1)

      integer igs(ngs),kgs(ngs)
      real rho0(ngs),temcg(ngs)

      real temg(ngs)
      real rhovt(ngs)
      real cwnc(ngs),cinc(ngs)
      real fadvisc(ngs),cwdia(ngs),cipmas(ngs)
!      real cimasn,cimasx,
      real :: cnina(ngs),cimas(ngs)
      real :: cnostmp(ngs)

!      real pii
!  general constants for microphysics

! Miscellaneous
      logical flag
      logical ldoliq
      real chw, qr, z, rd, alp, z1, g1, vr, nrx, tmp
      real vtmax
      integer l1, l2
      double precision :: dpt1, dpt2


      integer :: ixb, jyb, kzb
      integer :: ixe, jye, kze

      logical :: debug_mpi = .false.

      if (ndebugzf .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) "ZIEGFALL: ENTERED SUBROUTINE"

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

!  constants

      ldoliq = .false.
      IF ( ls .gt. 1 ) THEN
      DO il = ls,lhab
        ldoliq = ldoliq .or. ( lliq(il) .gt. 1 )
!      poo = 1.0e+05
!      cp608 = 0.608
!      cp = 1004.0
!      cv = 717.0
!      dnz00 = 1.225
!      rho00 = 1.225
!      cs = 4.83607122
!      ds = 0.25
!  new values for  cs and ds
!      cs = 12.42
!      ds = 0.42
!      pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
!      pii = piinv ! 1./pi
!      pid4 = pi/4.0 
!      qccrit = 2.0e-03
!      qscrit = 6.0e-04
!      cwc0 = pii
!  general constants for microphysics
!  ci constants in mks units
!      cimasn = 6.88e-13 
!      cimasx = 1.0e-8
!  Set terminal velocities...
!    also set drag coefficients
      jy = jgs
      nxmpb = ixcol
      nzmpb = 1
      nxz = 1*nz
      numgs = nxz/ngs + 1

      IF ( ildo == 0 ) THEN
        l1 = lc
        l2 = lhab
        l1 = ildo
        l2 = ildo

      do inumgs = 1,numgs
       ngscnt = 0

       do kz = nzmpb,nz
        do ix = ixcol,ixcol
        flag = .false.

        DO il = l1,l2
          flag =  flag .or. ( an(ix,jy,kz,il)  .gt. qxmin(il) ) 

        if ( flag ) then
! load temp quantities

        ngscnt = ngscnt + 1
        igs(ngscnt) = ix
        kgs(ngscnt) = kz
        if ( ngscnt .eq. ngs ) goto 1100
        end if
        end do !!ix
        nxmpb = 1
       end do !! kz

!      if ( jy .eq. (ny-jstag) ) iend = 1

 1100 continue

      if ( ngscnt .eq. 0 ) go to 9998
!  set temporaries for microphysics variables

!  Reconstruct various quantities 
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt

       rho0(mgs) = dn(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
       rhovt(mgs) = rhovtzx(kgs(mgs),ixcol) !  Sqrt(rho00/rho0(mgs))
       temg(mgs) = t0(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs))
       temcg(mgs) = temg(mgs) - tfr

      end do
! only need fadvisc for 
      IF ( lc .gt. 1 .and. (ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lc ) ) then
        do mgs = 1,ngscnt
         fadvisc(mgs) = advisc0*(416.16/(temg(mgs)+120.0))* &
     &   (temg(mgs)/296.0)**(1.5)
        end do

      IF ( ipconc .eq. 0 ) THEN
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
      cnina(mgs) = t7(igs(mgs),jgs,kgs(mgs))
      end do

      IF ( ildo > 0 ) THEN
        vtxbar(:,ildo,:) = 0.0
        vtxbar(:,:,:) = 0.0
!      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
!        qx(mgs,lv) = max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lv), 0.0) 
!      ENDDO
      DO il = l1,l2
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        qx(mgs,il) = max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),il), 0.0) 
      end do
      cnostmp(:) = cno(ls)

!  set concentrations
      cx(:,:) = 0.0
      if ( ipconc .ge. 1 .and. li .gt. 1 .and. (ildo == 0 .or. ildo == li ) ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,li) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lni)*rho0(mgs), 0.0)
       end do
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 2 .and. lc .gt. 1 .and. (ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lc ) ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,lc) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnc), 0.0)
        cx(mgs,lc) = Min( ccwmx, cx(mgs,lc) )
       end do
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 3 .and. lr .gt. 1 .and. (ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lr ) ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,lr) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnr), 0.0)
!        IF ( qx(mgs,lr) .le. qxmin(lr) ) THEN
!        ELSE
!          cx(mgs,lr) = Max( 0.0, cx(mgs,lr) )
!        ENDIF
       end do
      end if
      if ( ipconc .ge. 4  .and. ls .gt. 1 .and. (ildo == 0 .or. ildo == ls ) ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        cx(mgs,ls) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lns), 0.0)
!        IF ( qx(mgs,ls) .le. qxmin(ls) ) THEN
!        ELSE
!          cx(mgs,ls) = Max( 0.0, cx(mgs,ls) )
!        ENDIF
       end do
      end if

      if ( ipconc .ge. 5  .and. lh .gt. 1 .and. (ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lh ) ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt

        cx(mgs,lh) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnh), 0.0)
!        IF ( qx(mgs,lh) .le. qxmin(lh) ) THEN
!        ELSE
!          cx(mgs,lh) = Max( 0.0, cx(mgs,lh) )
!        ENDIF

       end do

      if ( ipconc .ge. 5  .and. lhl .gt. 1 .and. (ildo == 0 .or. ildo == lhl ) ) then
       do mgs = 1,ngscnt

        cx(mgs,lhl) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lnhl), 0.0)
!        IF ( qx(mgs,lhl) .le. qxmin(lhl) ) THEN
!          cx(mgs,lhl) = 0.0
!        ELSEIF ( cx(mgs,lhl) .eq. 0.0 .and. qx(mgs,lhl) .lt. 3.0*qxmin(lhl) ) THEN
!          qx(mgs,lhl) = 0.0
!        ELSE
!          cx(mgs,lhl) = Max( 0.0, cx(mgs,lhl) )
!        ENDIF

       end do
      end if
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
        xdn(mgs,lc) = xdn0(lc)
        xdn(mgs,lr) = xdn0(lr)
!        IF ( ls .gt. 1 .and. lvs .eq. 0 ) xdn(mgs,ls) = xdn0(ls)
!        IF ( lh .gt. 1 .and. lvh .eq. 0 ) xdn(mgs,lh) = xdn0(lh)
        IF ( li .gt. 1 )  xdn(mgs,li) = xdn0(li)
        IF ( ls .gt. 1 )  xdn(mgs,ls) = xdn0(ls)
        IF ( lh .gt. 1 )  xdn(mgs,lh) = xdn0(lh)
        IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) xdn(mgs,lhl) = xdn0(lhl)
      end do

! Set mean particle volume
      IF ( ldovol .and. (ildo == 0 .or. ildo >= li ) ) THEN
      vx(:,:) = 0.0
       DO il = l1,l2
        IF ( lvol(il) .ge. 1 ) THEN
          DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
            vx(mgs,il) = Max(an(igs(mgs),jy,kgs(mgs),lvol(il)), 0.0)
            IF ( vx(mgs,il) .gt. rho0(mgs)*qxmin(il)*1.e-3 .and. qx(mgs,il) .gt. qxmin(il) ) THEN
              xdn(mgs,il) = Min( xdnmx(il), Max( xdnmn(il), rho0(mgs)*qx(mgs,il)/vx(mgs,il) ) )

      DO il = lg,lhab
      DO mgs = 1,ngscnt
        alpha(mgs,il) = dnu(il)
      alpha(:,lr) = xnu(lr)

!  Set density
      if (ndebugzf .gt. 0 ) write(0,*)  'ZIEGFALL: call setvtz'

      call setvtz(ngscnt,ngs,qx,qxmin,qxw,cx,rho0,rhovt,xdia,cno,cnostmp,   &
     &                 xmas,vtxbar,xdn,xvmn,xvmx,xv,cdx,        &
     &                 ipconc,ndebugzf,ngs,nz,kgs,fadvisc, &
     &                 cwmasn,cwmasx,cwradn,cnina,cimn,cimx,    &
     &                 itype1,itype2,temcg,infdo,alpha,ildo)

! put fall speeds into the x-z arrays
      DO il = l1,l2
      do mgs = 1,ngscnt
       vtmax = 150.0

       IF ( vtxbar(mgs,il,2) .gt. vtxbar(mgs,il,1)  .or. &
     &      ( vtxbar(mgs,il,1) .gt. vtxbar(mgs,il,3) .and. vtxbar(mgs,il,3) > 0.0) ) THEN
          vtxbar(mgs,il,1) = Max( vtxbar(mgs,il,1), vtxbar(mgs,il,2) )
          vtxbar(mgs,il,3) = Max( vtxbar(mgs,il,3), vtxbar(mgs,il,1) )

       IF ( vtxbar(mgs,il,1) .gt. vtmax .or. vtxbar(mgs,il,2) .gt. vtmax .or. &
     &      vtxbar(mgs,il,3) .gt. vtmax ) THEN
        vtxbar(mgs,il,1) = Min(vtmax,vtxbar(mgs,il,1) )
        vtxbar(mgs,il,2) = Min(vtmax,vtxbar(mgs,il,2) )
        vtxbar(mgs,il,3) = Min(vtmax,vtxbar(mgs,il,3) )
!        call commasmpi_abort()

       xvt(kgs(mgs),igs(mgs),1,il) = vtxbar(mgs,il,1)
       xvt(kgs(mgs),igs(mgs),2,il) = vtxbar(mgs,il,2)
       IF ( infdo .ge. 2 ) THEN
       xvt(kgs(mgs),igs(mgs),3,il) = vtxbar(mgs,il,3)
       xvt(kgs(mgs),igs(mgs),3,il) = 0.0

!       xvt(kgs(mgs),igs(mgs),2,il) = xvt(kgs(mgs),igs(mgs),1,il)


      if (ndebugzf .gt. 0 ) write(0,*)  'ZIEGFALL: COPIED FALL SPEEDS'

 9998 continue

      if (ndebugzf .gt. 0 ) write(0,*)  'ZIEGFALL: DONE WITH LOOP'

      if ( kz .gt. nz-1 ) then
        go to 1200
        nzmpb = kz 
      end if

      if (ndebugzf .gt. 0 ) print*,'ZIEGFALL: SET NZMPB'

      end do !! inumgs

      if (ndebugzf .gt. 0 ) print*,'ZIEGFALL: SET NXMPB'

 1200 continue

!       ENDDO ! ix
!      ENDDO ! kz

      if (ndebugzf .gt. 0 ) write(0,*) "ZIEGFALL: EXITING SUBROUTINE"

      END subroutine ziegfall1d

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

! #####################################################################
! #####################################################################

! ##############################################################################

      subroutine radardd02(nx,ny,nz,nor,na,an,temk,         & 1
     &    dbz,db,nzdbz,cnoh0t,hwdn1t,ipconc, iunit)
! 11.13.2005: Changed values of indices for reordering of lip
! 07.13.2005: Fixed an error where cnoh was being used for graupel and frozen drops
! 01.24.2005: add ice crystal reflectivity using parameterization of
!             Heymsfield (JAS, 1977).  Could also try Ferrier for this, too.
!  09.28.2002 Test alterations for dry ice following Ferrier (1994)
!      for equivalent melted diameter reflectivity.
!      Converted to Fortran by ERM.
!Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 10:13:36 -0600 (CST)
!From: Matthew Gilmore <gilmore@hesston.met.tamu.edu>
!PRO RF_SPEC ; Computes Radar Reflectivity
!COMMON MAINB, data, x1d, y1d, z1d, iconst, rconst, labels, nx, ny, nz, dshft
!; 5/99  -Svelta Veleva introduces variable dielf (const_ki_x) as a (weak)
!;   function of density.  This leads to slight modification of dielf such
!;   that the snow reflectivity is slightly increased - not a big effect.
!;   This is believed to be more accurate than assuming the dielectric
!;   constant for snow is the same as for hail in previous versions.
!;On 6/13/99 I added the VIL computation (k=0 in vil array)
!;On 6/15/99 I removed the number concentration dependencies as a function
!;           of temperature (only use for ferrier!)
!;On 6/15/99 I added the Composite reflectivity (k=1 in VIL array)
!;On 6/15/99 I added the Severe Hail Index computation (k=2 in vil array)
!; 6/99 - Veleva and Seo argue that since graupel is more similar to
!;   snow (in number conc and size density) than it is to hail, we
!;   should not weight wetted graupel with the .95 exponent correction
!;   factor as in the case of hail.  An if-statement checks the size
!;   density for wet hail/graupel and treats them appropriately.
!; 6/22/99 - Added function to compute height of max rf and 40 dbz echo top
!;           Also added vilqr which is the model vertical integrated liquid only
!;           using qr.  Will need to check...doesn't seem consistent with vilZ

      implicit none
      character(LEN=15), parameter :: microp = 'ZVD'
      integer nx,ny,nz,nor,na,ngt
      integer nzdbz    !  how many levels actually to process
      integer ng1,n10
      integer iunit
      integer, parameter :: printyn = 0

      parameter( ng1 = 1 )
      real cnoh0t,hwdn1t
      integer ipconc
      real vr

      integer imapz,mzdist
      integer vzflag
      integer, parameter :: norz = 3
      real an(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor,na)
      real db(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor)  ! air density
!      real gt(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor,ngt)
      real temk(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor)  ! air temperature (kelvin)
      real dbz(-nor+ng1:nx+nor,-nor+ng1:ny+nor,-nor+ng1:nz+nor)   ! reflectivity
      real gz(-nor+1:nz+nor) ! ,z1d(-nor+1:nz+nor,4)
      real g,cv,cp,rgas,rcp,eta,inveta,rcpinv,cpr,cvr
      real cr1, cr2 ,  hwdnsq,swdnsq
      real rwdnsq, dhmin, qrmin, qsmin, qhmin, qhlmin, tfr, tfrh, zrc
      real reflectmin,  kw_sq
      real const_ki_sn, const_ki_h, ki_sq_sn
      real ki_sq_h, dielf_sn, dielf_h
      real pi
      logical ltest

!  Other data arrays
       real gtmp     (nx,nz)
       real dtmp     (nx,nz)
       real tmp

       real*8 dtmps, dtmpr, dtmph, dtmphl, g1, zx, ze, x

       integer i,j,k,ix,jy,kz,ihcnt

        real*8 xcnoh, xcnos, dadh, dads, zhdryc, zsdryc, zhwetc,zswetc
        real*8 dadr
        real dbzmax,dbzmin
        parameter ( dbzmin = 0 )

      real cnow,cnoi,cnoip,cnoir,cnor,cnos
      real cnogl,cnogm,cnogh,cnof,cnoh,cnohl

      real swdn, rwdn ,hwdn,gldn,gmdn,ghdn,fwdn,hldn
      real swdn0

      real rwdnmx,cwdnmx,cidnmx,xidnmx,swdnmx,gldnmx,gmdnmx
      real ghdnmx,fwdnmx,hwdnmx,hldnmx
      real rwdnmn,cwdnmn,cidnmn,xidnmn,swdnmn,gldnmn,gmdnmn
      real ghdnmn,fwdnmn,hwdnmn,hldnmn
      real gldnsq,gmdnsq,ghdnsq,fwdnsq,hldnsq

      real dadgl,dadgm,dadgh,dadhl,dadf
      real zgldryc,zglwetc,zgmdryc, zgmwetc,zghdryc,zghwetc
      real zhldryc,zhlwetc,zfdryc,zfwetc

      real dielf_gl,dielf_gm,dielf_gh,dielf_hl,dielf_fw
      integer imx,jmx,kmx
      real swdia,gldia,gmdia,ghdia,fwdia,hwdia,hldia
      real csw,cgl,cgm,cgh,cfw,chw,chl
      real xvs,xvgl,xvgm,xvgh,xvf,xvh,xvhl
      real cwc0
      integer izieg
      integer ice10
      real rhos
      parameter ( rhos = 0.1 )
      real qxw    ! temp value for liquid water on ice mixing ratio

      real, parameter :: cwmasn = 5.23e-13   ! minimum mass, defined by radius of 5.0e-6
      real, parameter :: cwmasx = 5.25e-10   ! maximum mass, defined by radius of 50.0e-6
      real, parameter :: cwradn = 5.0e-6     ! minimum radius

      real cwnccn(nz)
      real :: vzsnow, vzrain, vzgraupel, vzhail
      real :: dtp

! #########################################################################      

      vzflag = 0
      izieg = 0
      ice10 = 0
      g=9.806                 ! g: gravity constant
      cv=717.0                ! cv: specific heat at constant volume
      cp=1004.0               ! cp: specific heat at constant pressure
      rgas=287.04             ! rgas: gas constant for dry air
      rcp=rgas/cp             ! rcp: gamma constant
      inveta = 1./eta
      rcpinv = 1./rcp
      pi = 4.0*ATan(1.)
      cwc0 = piinv ! 1./pi ! 6.0/pi
      cnoh = cnoh0t
      hwdn = hwdn1t

      rwdn = 1000.0
      swdn = 100.0

      qrmin = 1.0e-05
      qsmin = 1.0e-06
      qhmin = 1.0e-05

!  default slope intercepts
      cnow  = 1.0e+08
      cnoi  = 1.0e+08
      cnoip = 1.0e+08 
      cnoir = 1.0e+08 
      cnor  = 8.0e+06 
      cnos  = 8.0e+06 
      cnogl = 4.0e+05 
      cnogm = 4.0e+05 
      cnogh = 4.0e+05 
      cnof  = 4.0e+05
      cnohl = 1.0e+03

      imx = 1
      jmx = 1
      kmx = 1
      i = 1

       IF ( microp(1:4) .eq. 'ZIEG' ) THEN !  na .ge. 14 .and. ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN 

!        print*, 'Set reflectivity for ZIEG'
         izieg = 1

         hwdn = hwdn1t ! 500.

         cnor  = cno(lr)
         cnos  = cno(ls)
         cnoh  = cno(lh)
         qrmin = qxmin(lr)
         qsmin = qxmin(ls)
         qhmin = qxmin(lh)
         IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
            cnohl  = cno(lhl)
            qhlmin = qxmin(lhl)

       ELSEIF ( microp(1:3) .eq. 'ZVD' ) THEN !  na .ge. 14 .and. ipconc .ge. 3 ) THEN 

         izieg = 1
         swdn0 = swdn

         cnor  = cno(lr)
         cnos  = cno(ls)
         cnoh  = cno(lh)
         qrmin = qxmin(lr)
         qsmin = qxmin(ls)
         qhmin = qxmin(lh)
         IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
            cnohl  = cno(lhl)
            qhlmin = qxmin(lhl)
!         write(*,*) 'radardbz: ',db(1,1,1),temk(1,1,1),an(1,1,1,lr),an(1,1,1,ls),an(1,1,1,lh)


!      cdx(lr) = 0.60
!      IF ( lh > 1 ) THEN
!      cdx(lh) = 0.8 ! 1.0 ! 0.45
!      cdx(ls) = 2.00
!      ENDIF
!      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) cdx(lhl) = 0.45
!      xvmn(lc) = xvcmn
!      xvmn(lr) = xvrmn
!      xvmx(lc) = xvcmx
!      xvmx(lr) = xvrmx
!      IF ( lh > 1 ) THEN
!      xvmn(ls) = xvsmn
!      xvmn(lh) = xvhmn
!      xvmx(ls) = xvsmx
!      xvmx(lh) = xvhmx
!      ENDIF
!      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
!      xvmn(lhl) = xvhlmn
!      xvmx(lhl) = xvhlmx
!      ENDIF
!      xdnmx(lr) = 1000.0
!      xdnmx(lc) = 1000.0
!      IF ( lh > 1 ) THEN
!      xdnmx(li) =  917.0
!      xdnmx(ls) =  300.0
!      xdnmx(lh) =  900.0
!      ENDIF
!      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) xdnmx(lhl) = 900.0
!      xdnmn(:) = 900.0
!      xdnmn(lr) = 1000.0
!      xdnmn(lc) = 1000.0
!      IF ( lh > 1 ) THEN
!      xdnmn(li) =  100.0
!      xdnmn(ls) =  100.0
!      xdnmn(lh) =  170.0
!      ENDIF
!      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) xdnmn(lhl) = 500.0
!      xdn0(:) = 900.0
!      xdn0(lc) = 1000.0
!      xdn0(lr) = 1000.0
!      IF ( lh > 1 ) THEN
!      xdn0(li) = 900.0
!      xdn0(ls) = 100.0 ! 100.0
!      xdn0(lh) = hwdn1t ! (0.5)*(xdnmn(lh)+xdnmx(lh))
!      ENDIF
!      IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) xdn0(lhl) = 800.0

!  slope intercepts
!      cnow  = 1.0e+08
!      cnoi  = 1.0e+08
!      cnoip = 1.0e+08 
!      cnoir = 1.0e+08 
!      cnor  = 8.0e+06 
!      cnos  = 8.0e+06 
!      cnogl = 4.0e+05 
!      cnogm = 4.0e+05 
!      cnogh = 4.0e+05 
!      cnof  = 4.0e+05
!c      cnoh  = 4.0e+04
!      cnohl = 1.0e+03
!  density maximums and minimums
      rwdnmx = 1000.0
      cwdnmx = 1000.0
      cidnmx =  917.0
      xidnmx =  917.0
      swdnmx =  200.0
      gldnmx =  400.0
      gmdnmx =  600.0
      ghdnmx =  800.0
      fwdnmx =  900.0
      hwdnmx =  900.0
      hldnmx =  900.0
      rwdnmn = 1000.0
      cwdnmn = 1000.0
      xidnmn =  001.0
      cidnmn =  001.0
      swdnmn =  001.0
      gldnmn =  200.0
      gmdnmn =  400.0
      ghdnmn =  600.0
      fwdnmn =  700.0
      hwdnmn =  700.0
      hldnmn =  900.0

      gldn = (0.5)*(gldnmn+gldnmx)  ! 300.
      gmdn = (0.5)*(gmdnmn+gmdnmx)  ! 500.
      ghdn = (0.5)*(ghdnmn+ghdnmx)  ! 700.
      fwdn = (0.5)*(fwdnmn+fwdnmx)  ! 800.
      hldn = (0.5)*(hldnmn+hldnmx)  ! 900.

      cr1  = 7.2e+20
      cr2  = 7.295e+19
      hwdnsq = hwdn**2
      swdnsq = swdn**2
      rwdnsq = rwdn**2

      gldnsq = gldn**2
      gmdnsq = gmdn**2
      ghdnsq = ghdn**2
      fwdnsq = fwdn**2
      hldnsq = hldn**2
      dhmin = 0.005
      tfr   = 273.16
      tfrh  = tfr - 8.0
      zrc   = cr1*cnor
      reflectmin = 0.0
      kw_sq = 0.93
      dbzmax = dbzmin

!  Dielectric Factor  - Formulas implemented by Svetla Veleva
!                       following Battan, "Radar Meteorology" - p. 40
!  The result of these calculations is that the dielf numerator (ki_sq) without
!  the density ratio is  .2116 for hail if using 917 density and .25 for
!  snow if using 220 density.
      const_ki_sn = 0.5 - (0.5-0.46)/(917.-220.)*(swdn-220.)
      const_ki_h  = 0.5 - (0.5-0.46)/(917.-220.)*(hwdn-220.)
      ki_sq_sn = (swdnsq/rwdnsq) * const_ki_sn**2
      ki_sq_h  = (hwdnsq/rwdnsq) * const_ki_h**2
      dielf_sn = ki_sq_sn / kw_sq
      dielf_h  = ki_sq_h  / kw_sq
!  Use the next line if you want to hardwire dielf for dry hail for both dry
!  snow and dry hail.
!  This would be equivalent to what Straka had originally. (i.e, .21/.93)
      dielf_sn = (swdnsq/rwdnsq)*.21/ kw_sq
      dielf_h  = (hwdnsq/rwdnsq)*.21/ kw_sq

      dielf_gl  = (gldnsq/rwdnsq)*.21/ kw_sq
      dielf_gm  = (gmdnsq/rwdnsq)*.21/ kw_sq
      dielf_gh  = (ghdnsq/rwdnsq)*.21/ kw_sq
      dielf_hl  = (hldnsq/rwdnsq)*.21/ kw_sq
      dielf_fw  = (fwdnsq/rwdnsq)*.21/ kw_sq

!  Notes on dielectric factors  - from Eun-Kyoung Seo
! constants for both snow and hail would be (x=s,h).....
!       xwdnsq/rwdnsq *0.21/kw_sq   ! Straka/Smith - the original
!       xwdnsq/rwdnsq *0.224        ! Ferrier - for particle sizes in equiv. drop diam
!       xwdnsq/rwdnsq *0.176/kw_sq  ! =0.189 in Smith - for particle sizes in equiv 
!                       ice spheres
!       xwdnsq/rwdnsq *0.208/kw_sq  ! Smith '84 - for particle sizes in equiv melted drop diameter

! VIL algorithm constants
!      Ztop = 10.**(56./10)           !56 dbz is the max rf used by WATADS in cell vil

! Hail detection algorithm constants
!      ZL = 40.
!      ZU = 50.
!      Ho = 3400.  !WATADS Defaults
!      Hm20 = 6200.      !WATADS Defaults

!      DO kz = 1,Min(nzdbz,nz-1)

      DO jy=1,1

        DO kz = 1,nz-1
          DO ix=1,nx
            dbz(ix,jy,kz) = 0.0
          vzsnow = 0.0
          vzrain = 0.0
          vzgraupel = 0.0
          vzhail = 0.0
          dtmph = 0.0
          dtmps = 0.0
          dtmphl = 0.0
          dtmpr = 0.0
           dadr = (db(ix,jy,kz)/(pi*rwdn*cnor))**(0.25)
! Compute Rain Radar Reflectivity
           dtmp(ix,kz) = 0.0
           gtmp(ix,kz) = 0.0
           IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lr) .ge. qrmin ) THEN
             IF ( ipconc .le. 2 ) THEN
               gtmp(ix,kz) = dadr*an(ix,jy,kz,lr)**(0.25)
               dtmp(ix,kz) = zrc*gtmp(ix,kz)**7
             ELSEIF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lnr) .gt. 1.e-3 ) THEN
               vr = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lr)/(1000.*an(ix,jy,kz,lnr))
               dtmp(ix,kz) = 3.6e18*(rnu+2)*an(ix,jy,kz,lnr)*vr**2/(rnu+1)
             dtmpr = dtmp(ix,kz)
! Compute snow and graupel reflectivity
! Lou modified to look at parcel temperature rather than base state

          IF( lhab .gt. lr ) THEN

!    qs2d   = reform(data[*,*,k,10],[nx*ny])
!    qh2d   = reform(data[*,*,k,11],[nx*ny])

! Only use the following lines if running Straka's GEMS microphysics
!  (Sam 1-d version modified by L Wicker does not use this)
!    ;xcnoh    = cnoh*exp(-0.025*(temp-tfr))
!    ;xcnos    = cnos*exp(-0.038*(temp-tfr))
!    ;good = where(temp GT tfr, n_elements)
!    ;IF n_elements NE 0 THEN xcnoh(good) = cnoh*exp(-0.075*(temp(good)-tfr))
!    ;IF n_elements NE 0 THEN xcnos(good) = cnos*exp(-0.088*(temp(good)-tfr))

! Only use the following lines if running Ferrier micro with No=No(T)
!    ;  NOSE = -.15
!    ;  NOGE =  .0
!    ;  xcnoh = cnoh*(1.>exp(NOGE*(temp-tfr)) )
!    ;  xcnos = cnos*(1.>exp(NOSE*(temp-tfr)) )

! Use the following lines if Nos and Noh are constant
!  (As in Svetla's version of Ferrier, GCE Tao, and SAM 1-d)
        xcnoh    = cnoh
        xcnos    = cnos

! Temporary fix for predicted number concentration -- need a 
! more appropriate reflectivity equation!
!        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lns) .lt. 0.1 ) THEN
!         swdia = (xvrmn*cwc0)**(1./3.)
!         xcnos = an(ix,jy,kz,ls)*db(ix,jy,kz)/(xvrmn*swdn*swdia)
!        ELSE
!      ! changed back to diameter of mean volume!!!
!         swdia =
!     >  (an(ix,jy,kz,ls)*db(ix,jy,kz)
!     > /(pi*swdn*an(ix,jy,kz,lns)))**(1./3.)
!        xcnos = an(ix,jy,kz,lns)/swdia
!        ENDIF

        IF ( ls .gt. 1 ) THEN ! {
        IF ( lvs .gt. 1 ) THEN
          IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lvs) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
            swdn = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvs)
            swdn = Min( 300., Max( 100., swdn ) )
            swdn = swdn0
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN ! {

        xvs = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)/  &
     &      (swdn*Max(1.0e-3,an(ix,jy,kz,lns)))
        IF ( xvs .lt. xvsmn .or. xvs .gt. xvsmx ) THEN
          xvs = Min( xvsmx, Max( xvsmn,xvs ) )
          csw = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)/(xvs*swdn)

         swdia = (xvs*cwc0)**(1./3.)
         xcnos = an(ix,jy,kz,ls)*db(ix,jy,kz)/(xvs*swdn*swdia)
         ENDIF ! }
         ENDIF  ! }

!        IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lnh) .lt. 0.1 ) THEN
!         hwdia = (xvrmn*cwc0)**(1./3.)
!         xcnoh = an(ix,jy,kz,lh)*db(ix,jy,kz)/(xvrmn*hwdn*hwdia)
!        ELSE
!      ! changed back to diameter of mean volume!!!
!         hwdia =
!     >  (an(ix,jy,kz,lh)*db(ix,jy,kz)
!     > /(pi*hwdn*an(ix,jy,kz,lnh)))**(1./3.)
!         xcnoh = an(ix,jy,kz,lnh)/hwdia
!        ENDIF

        IF ( lh .gt. 1 ) THEN ! {

        IF ( lvh .gt. 1 ) THEN
          IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
            hwdn = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvh)
            hwdn = Min( 900., Max( 170., hwdn ) )
            hwdn = 500. ! hwdn1t
          hwdn = hwdn1t
        IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN ! {

        xvh = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/       &
     &      (hwdn*Max(1.0e-3,an(ix,jy,kz,lnh)))
        IF ( xvh .lt. xvhmn .or. xvh .gt. xvhmx ) THEN
          xvh = Min( xvhmx, Max( xvhmn,xvh ) )
          chw = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/(xvh*hwdn)

         hwdia = (xvh*cwc0)**(1./3.)
         xcnoh = an(ix,jy,kz,lh)*db(ix,jy,kz)/(xvh*hwdn*hwdia)
        ENDIF ! } ipconc .ge. 5
        ENDIF ! }

        dadh = 0.0
        dadhl = 0.0
        dads = 0.0
        IF ( xcnoh .gt. 0.0 ) THEN 
          dadh = ( db(ix,jy,kz) /(pi*hwdn*xcnoh) )**(.25)
          zhdryc = 0.224*cr2*(db(ix,jy,kz)/rwdn)**2/xcnoh ! dielf_h*cr1*xcnoh          ! SV - equiv formula as before but
                                        ! ratio of densities included in
                                        ! dielf_h rather than here following
                                        ! Battan.
          dadh = 0.0
          zhdryc = 0.0
        IF ( xcnos .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
          dads = ( db(ix,jy,kz) /(pi*swdn*xcnos) )**(.25)
          zsdryc = 0.224*cr2*(db(ix,jy,kz)/rwdn)**2/xcnos ! dielf_sn*cr1*xcnos         ! SV - similar change as above
          dads = 0.0
          zsdryc = 0.0
        zhwetc = zhdryc ! cr1*xcnoh      !Hail/graupel version with .95 power bug removed
        zswetc = zsdryc ! cr1*xcnos
! snow contribution
          IF ( ls .gt. 1 ) THEN
          gtmp(ix,kz) = 0.0 
          qxw = 0.0 
          dtmps = 0.0
           IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,ls) .ge. qsmin ) THEN !{
            IF ( ipconc .ge. 4 ) THEN  ! (Ferrier 94) !{

             if (lsw .gt. 1) qxw = an(ix,jy,kz,lsw)

             vr = xvs ! db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lr)/(1000.*an(ix,jy,kz,lnr))
!             gtmp(ix,kz) = 3.6e18*(0.243*rhos**2/0.93)*(snu+2.)*an(ix,jy,kz,lns)*vr**2/(snu+1.)
             IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lns) .gt. 1.e-5 ) THEN
             gtmp(ix,kz) = 3.6e18*(snu+2.)*( 0.224*an(ix,jy,kz,ls) + 0.776*qxw)*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)/ &
     &           (an(ix,jy,kz,lns)*(snu+1.)*rwdn**2)
             tmp = Min(1.0,1.e3*(an(ix,jy,kz,ls))*db(ix,jy,kz))
             gtmp(ix,kz) = Max( 1.0*gtmp(ix,kz), 750.0*(tmp)**1.98)
             dtmps = gtmp(ix,kz)
             dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) + gtmp(ix,kz)
             gtmp(ix,kz) = dads*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)**(0.25)
             IF ( gtmp(ix,kz) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN !{
             dtmps = zsdryc*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)
             IF ( temk(ix,jy,kz) .lt. tfr ) THEN
               dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) +          &
     &                   zsdryc*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)
               dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) +          &
     &                  zswetc*an(ix,jy,kz,ls)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)
             ENDIF !}
            ENDIF !}
           ENDIF !}

! ice crystal contribution (Heymsfield, 1977, JAS)
         IF ( li .gt. 1 .and. idbzci .ne. 0 ) THEN
          gtmp(ix,kz) = 0.0 
           IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,li) .ge. 0.1e-3 ) THEN
             gtmp(ix,kz) = Min(1.0,1.e3*(an(ix,jy,kz,li))*db(ix,jy,kz))
             dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) + 750.0*(gtmp(ix,kz))**1.98
! graupel/hail contribution
         IF ( lh .gt. 1 ) THEN ! {
           gtmp(ix,kz) = 0.0 
           dtmph = 0.0
           qxw = 0.0

          IF ( izieg .ge. 1 .and. ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

           ltest = .false.
           IF ( ltest .or. (an(ix,jy,kz,lh) .ge. qhmin .and. an(ix,jy,kz,lnh) .gt. 1.e-6 )) THEN
            IF ( lvh .gt. 1 ) THEN
             IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lvh) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
               hwdn = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvh)
               hwdn = Min( 900., Max( 100., hwdn ) )
               hwdn = 500. ! hwdn1t


             chw = an(ix,jy,kz,lnh)
            IF ( chw .gt. 0.0 ) THEN                                         ! (Ferrier 94)
             xvh = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/(hwdn*Max(1.0e-3,chw))
             IF ( xvh .lt. xvhmn .or. xvh .gt. xvhmx ) THEN
              xvh = Min( xvhmx, Max( xvhmn,xvh ) )
              chw = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/(xvh*hwdn)
             IF ( lhw .gt. 1 ) THEN
               IF ( iusewetgraupel .eq. 1 ) THEN
                  qxw = an(ix,jy,kz,lhw)
               ELSEIF ( iusewetgraupel .eq. 2 ) THEN
                  IF ( hwdn .lt. 300. ) THEN
                    qxw = an(ix,jy,kz,lhw)
             IF ( lzh .gt. 1 ) THEN
             g1 = (6.0 + alphah)*(5.0 + alphah)*(4.0 + alphah)/((3.0 + alphah)*(2.0 + alphah)*(1.0 + alphah))
!             zx = g1*(db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh))**2/chw
!             ze = 0.224*1.e18*zx*(6./(pi*1000.))**2
             zx = g1*db(ix,jy,kz)**2*( 0.224*an(ix,jy,kz,lh) + 0.776*qxw)*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)/chw
             ze =1.e18*zx*(6./(pi*1000.))**2
             dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) + ze
             dtmph = ze
        !     IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lh) .gt. 1.0e-3 ) print*, 'Graupel Z : ',dtmph,ze
          dtmph = 0.0
           IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lh) .ge. qhmin ) THEN
             gtmp(ix,kz) = dadh*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)**(0.25)
             IF ( gtmp(ix,kz) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
             dtmph =  zhdryc*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)
             IF ( temk(ix,jy,kz) .lt. tfr ) THEN
               dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) +                   &
     &                  zhdryc*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)
!               IF ( hwdn .gt. 700.0 ) THEN
                 dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) +                   &
     &                  zhdryc*an(ix,jy,kz,lh)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)
!     &                               (zhwetc*gtmp(ix,kz)**7)**0.95
!               ELSE
!                 dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) + zhwetc*gtmp(ix,kz)**7
!               ENDIF

          ENDIF ! }
          ENDIF ! na .gt. 5

        IF ( izieg .ge. 1 .and. lhl .gt. 1 ) THEN

        hldn = 900.0
        gtmp(ix,kz) = 0.0
        dtmphl = 0.0
        qxw = 0.0

        IF ( lvhl .gt. 1 ) THEN
          IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
            hldn = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/an(ix,jy,kz,lvhl)
            hldn = Min( 900., Max( 300., hldn ) )
            hldn = 900. 
          hldn = rho_qhl

        IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN

           ltest = .false.

          IF ( ltest .or. ( an(ix,jy,kz,lhl) .ge. qhlmin .and. an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl) .gt. 0.) ) THEN !{
            chl = an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl)
            IF ( chl .gt. 0.0 ) THEN !{
             xvhl = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/         &
     &        (hldn*Max(1.0e-9,an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl)))
            IF ( xvhl .lt. xvhlmn .or. xvhl .gt. xvhlmx ) THEN ! {
              xvhl = Min( xvhlmx, Max( xvhlmn,xvhl ) )
              chl = db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/(xvhl*hldn)
              an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl) = chl
            ENDIF ! }

             IF ( lhlw .gt. 1 ) THEN
               IF ( iusewethail .eq. 1 ) THEN
                  qxw = an(ix,jy,kz,lhlw)
               ELSEIF ( iusewethail .eq. 2 ) THEN
                  IF ( hldn .lt. 300. ) THEN
                    qxw = an(ix,jy,kz,lhlw)
             IF ( lzhl .gt. 1 ) THEN !{
             ELSE !}

             g1 = (6.0 + alphahl)*(5.0 + alphahl)*(4.0 + alphahl)/((3.0 + alphahl)*(2.0 + alphahl)*(1.0 + alphahl))
             zx = g1*db(ix,jy,kz)**2*( 0.224*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl) + 0.776*qxw)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)/chl
!             zx = g1*(db(ix,jy,kz)*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl))**2/chl
             ze = 0.224*1.e18*zx*(6./(pi*1000.))**2
             dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) + ze
             dtmphl = ze
             ENDIF !}
        !     IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lh) .gt. 1.0e-3 ) print*, 'Graupel Z : ',dtmph,ze

           IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lhl) .ge. qhlmin ) THEN ! {
            dadhl = ( db(ix,jy,kz) /(pi*hldn*cnohl) )**(.25)
             gtmp(ix,kz) = dadhl*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)**(0.25)
             IF ( gtmp(ix,kz) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN ! {

              zhldryc = 0.224*cr2*( db(ix,jy,kz)/rwdn)**2/cnohl 

             dtmphl =  zhldryc*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)

             IF ( temk(ix,jy,kz) .lt. tfr ) THEN
               dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) +                   &
     &                  zhldryc*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)
!               IF ( hwdn .gt. 700.0 ) THEN
                 dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) +                   &
     &                  zhldryc*an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)**2/gtmp(ix,kz)
!     :                               (zhwetc*gtmp(ix,kz)**7)**0.95
!               ELSE
!                 dtmp(ix,kz) = dtmp(ix,kz) + zhwetc*gtmp(ix,kz)**7
!               ENDIF
             ENDIF ! }
           ENDIF ! }
         ENDIF ! ipconc .ge. 5

        ENDIF ! izieg .ge. 1 .and. lhl .gt. 1 

          IF ( dtmp(ix,kz) .gt. 0.0 ) THEN
            dbz(ix,jy,kz) = Max(dbzmin, 10.0*Log10(dtmp(ix,kz)) )
            IF ( dbz(ix,jy,kz) .gt. dbzmax ) THEN
              dbzmax = Max(dbzmax,dbz(ix,jy,kz))
              imx = ix
              jmx = jy
              kmx = kz
             dbz(ix,jy,kz) = dbzmin
             IF ( lh > 1 .and. lhl > 1) THEN
               IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lh) > 1.0e-3 ) THEN
                 write(0,*) 'radardbz: qr,qh,qhl = ',an(ix,jy,kz,lr), an(ix,jy,kz,lh),an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)
                 write(0,*) 'radardbz: dtmps,dtmph,dadh,dadhl,dtmphl = ',dtmps,dtmph,dadh,dadhl,dtmphl
                 IF ( lzh>1 .and. lzhl>1 ) write(0,*) 'radardbz: zh, zhl = ',an(ix,jy,kz,lzh),an(ix,jy,kz,lzhl)

!         IF ( an(ix,jy,kz,lh) .gt. 1.e-4 .and. 
!     &        dbz(ix,jy,kz) .le. 0.0 ) THEN
!          print*,'dbz = ',dbz(ix,jy,kz)
!          print*,'Hail intercept: ',xcnoh,ix,kz
!          print*,'Hail,snow q: ',an(ix,jy,kz,lh),an(ix,jy,kz,ls)
!          print*,'Hail,snow c: ',an(ix,jy,kz,lnh),an(ix,jy,kz,lns)
!          print*,'dtmps,dtmph = ',dtmps,dtmph
!         ENDIF
        IF ( .not. dtmp(ix,kz) .lt. 1.e30 .or. dbz(ix,jy,kz) > 90.0 ) THEN
!        IF ( ix == 31 .and. kz == 20 .and. jy == 23 ) THEN
!          write(0,*) 'my_rank = ',my_rank
          write(0,*) 'ix,jy,kz = ',ix,jy,kz
          write(0,*) 'dbz = ',dbz(ix,jy,kz)
          write(0,*) 'Hail intercept: ',xcnoh,ix,kz
          write(0,*) 'Hail,snow q: ',an(ix,jy,kz,lh),an(ix,jy,kz,ls)
          write(0,*) 'rain q: ',an(ix,jy,kz,lr)
          write(0,*) 'ice q: ',an(ix,jy,kz,li)
          IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) write(0,*) 'Hail (lhl): ',an(ix,jy,kz,lhl)
          IF (ipconc .ge. 3 ) write(0,*) 'rain c: ',an(ix,jy,kz,lnr)
          IF ( lzr > 1 ) write(0,*) 'rain Z: ',an(ix,jy,kz,lzr)
          IF ( ipconc .ge. 5 ) THEN
          write(0,*) 'Hail,snow c: ',an(ix,jy,kz,lnh),an(ix,jy,kz,lns)
          IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) write(0,*) 'Hail (lnhl): ',an(ix,jy,kz,lnhl)
          IF ( lzhl .gt. 1 ) THEN 
            write(0,*) 'Hail (lzhl): ',an(ix,jy,kz,lzhl)
            write(0,*) 'chl,xvhl,dhl = ',chl,xvhl,(xvhl*6./3.14159)**(1./3.)
            write(0,*) 'xvhlmn,xvhlmx = ',xvhlmn,xvhlmx
          write(0,*) 'chw,xvh = ', chw,xvh
          write(0,*) 'dtmps,dtmph,dadh,dadhl,dtmphl = ',dtmps,dtmph,dadh,dadhl,dtmphl
          write(0,*) 'dtmpr = ',dtmpr
          write(0,*) 'gtmp = ',gtmp(ix,kz),dtmp(ix,kz)
          IF ( .not. (dbz(ix,jy,kz) .gt. -100 .and. dbz(ix,jy,kz) .lt. 200 ) ) THEN
            write(0,*) 'dbz out of bounds! STOP!'
!            STOP

          ENDDO ! ix
         ENDDO ! kz
      ENDDO ! jy
!      print*, 'na,lr = ',na,lr
      IF ( printyn .eq. 1 ) THEN
!      IF ( dbzmax .gt. dbzmin ) THEN
        write(iunit,*) 'maxdbz,ijk = ',dbzmax,imx,jmx,kmx
        write(iunit,*) 'qrw = ',an(imx,jmx,kmx,lr)
        IF ( lh .gt. 1 ) THEN
          write(iunit,*) 'qi  = ',an(imx,jmx,kmx,li)
          write(iunit,*) 'qsw = ',an(imx,jmx,kmx,ls)
          write(iunit,*) 'qhw = ',an(imx,jmx,kmx,lh)
          IF ( lhl .gt. 1 ) write(iunit,*) 'qhl = ',an(imx,jmx,kmx,lhl)

      END subroutine radardd02

! ##############################################################################
! ##############################################################################

END MODULE module_mp_nssl_2mom