implicit none
!vertical layer parameters
    integer, parameter :: &
!   &                      nv     = 27,       &
!   &                      nv1    = nv + 1,   &
!   &                      ndfs   = nv,       &
!   &                      ndfs2  = ndfs * 2, &
!   &                      mdfs   = nv + 1,   &
!   &                      ndfs4  = 4 * ndfs, &
   &                      nvx    = 100,      &
   &                      nv1x   = nvx + 1 
!spectral band parameters  
    integer, parameter :: mbs       = 6,        &!number of sw bands
   &                      mbir      = 12,       &!number of lw bands
   &                      mb        = 18,       &!number of bands
   &                      mbx       = 18,       &!number of bands
   &                      mby       = 10         !number of sub-bands in 0.2-0.7 um

!number of drop size distributions  
    integer, parameter :: nc    = 8
!fractional cloud parameters
!    integer, parameter :: ngroup    = 3,        &!number of cloud groups
    integer, save :: ngroup    = 3,        &!number of cloud groups
   &                      nclouds   ,        &!number of total cloud layers
   &                      nsubcld            !number of cloud layers in a group
!   &                      nclouds   = 24,        &!number of total cloud layers
!   &                      nsubcld   = 8          !number of cloud layers in a group
!   &                      nclouds   = nv,        &!number of total cloud layers
!   &                      nsubcld   = nclouds/ngroup          !number of cloud layers in a group

!aerosol parameters
    integer, parameter :: nrh       = 8,        &!number of relative humidities for optical properties
   &                      naer      = 18,       &!max number of aerosol types
   &                      mxat      = 7,        &!max number of wavelength dependent aerosol optical depths
   &                      mxac      = naer       !max number of aerosol constituents

!parameter for AOT_ SPLINEFIT
    integer, parameter :: nsub      = 5               ,  & 
   &                      nfuo      = 15              ,  & 
   &                      nwo       = 75                   
    integer, parameter :: icoln = 3 

    END module PARA_FILE 

!---------------------- Controlling Parameters -------------------------

    MODULE control_para 11,1
    use PARA_FILE
    implicit none
    integer, save :: NFRACT = 0, &  !add for fractional cloud:=1, fraction; =0, no
   &                 NAERO  = 0, &  !add for aerosol: =0, no aerosol; = 1, aerosol uniform value included; =2, get data from file
   &                 NINHO = 0 , &  ! if =0, horizontal homogenious; = 1, inhomogeneous
   &                 NINHO_VERT, &
   &                 NPDE   = 2, &  !add for ice crystal size parameterization:
                                    ! =4, para. via IWC & AOD using A-Tran satellite data;
                                    ! =3, para. via IWC using satellite data;
                                    ! =2, para. via IWC (Liou et al. 2008);
                                    ! =1, parameterize interms of T & IWC (Gu & Liou, 2006);
                                    ! =0, fixed value;
                                    ! NPDE = 3 & 4 is still under testing ---- CCCC
   &                 NGAS   = 0, &  !add for new gases: =0, no new gases; = 1, new gases included and takes longer computer time
   &                 NOZONE = 1 , &  ! if =0, no ozone; = 1, predescribed profiles; = 2, input from WRF 
   &                 NICE   = 2     !add for cloud:
                                    !nice=0, use old ones (FLIce93);
                                    !nice=1, use new coefficients for ice by Feng; 
                                    !nice=2, use new coefficients by Qing Yue 2006;
                                    !seperate tropics and midlatitute: nice = 3, tropics; nice = 4, midlat
    integer, save :: itps(mxac) = 0              ,  & !aerosol type: itps(iac)=1 stands for existing aerosol type iac
   &                 nfraca    = 1               ,  & ! --if nfraca=0, use aerosol types and fractions passed from the driver
                                                      !      nfraca=1, use precribed total AOD, aerosol types and fractions; 
                                                      !      nfraca=2, input total AOD, aerosol types and fractions from screen;
                                                      !      nfraca=3, input aerosol types and optical depths. 
   &                 ivd       = 1               ,  & ! --if ivd=0, use Spinhirne Vertical tau distribution; 
                                                      !      ivd=1, use aer_scale_hgt; 
                                                      !      ivd=2, pass vertical tau from driver; 
                                                      !      ivd=3, inpput vertical AOD profile for each aerosol type
   &                 ifg       = 0               ,  & !aerosol humidity dependence
   &                 iaform    = 3               ,  & !iaform: 1 for CERES; 2 for CAGEX; 3 for AOT_ SPLINEFIT
   &                 n_atau    = 1                    !n_atau:# Aerosol Tau / Wavelengths

    logical, save :: d4s  = .true. , &
   &                 d2s  = .false., &
   &                 d4ir = .false., &
   &                 d2ir = .true. , &
   &                 edding, quadra, hemisp
    logical, save :: pderandom = .false.

    real, save    :: umco2  = 345.0     , &
   &                 umch4  = 1.6       , &
   &                 umn2o  = 0.28      , &
   &                 umco   = 0.16      , &
   &                 umo2   = 2.0948E+05, &
   &                 umno   = 0.0005    , &
   &                 umso2  = 0.001     , &
   &                 umno2  = 0.001     , &
   &                 umch3cl= 0.5E-3    , &
   &                 umCFC11= 0.22E-3        , &
   &                 umCFC12= 0.375E-3
!-- if ngas = 0, use old gas; if ngas = 1, add new trace gases following ZF et al. (2006)
    integer, save ::     no2s      = 1, &
  &                      nco2s     = 1, &
  &                      nso2s     = 1, &
  &                      nch4s     = 1, &
  &                      nnol      = 1, &
  &                      nno2l     = 1, &
  &                      nso2l     = 1, &
  &                      nch3cll   = 1, &
  &                      ncos      = 1, &
  &                      nn2os     = 1, &
  &                      nh2ocs    = 1, &
  &                      nh2os     = 1, &
  &                      no3s      = 1, &
  &                      nh2ol     = 1, &
  &                      no3l      = 1, &
  &                      nco2l     = 1, &
  &                      nn2ol     = 1, &
  &                      nch4l     = 1, &
  &                      nh2ocl    = 1, &
  &                      nrayle    = 1, &
  &                      nCFC11l   = 1, &
  &                      nCFC12l   =1 
   end module control_para

!---------------------- begin ozone data -------------------------------

      module module_ozone 1
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: np = 75
      integer            :: i
      real               :: pres(np,5), ozone(np,5)
!   data set 1
!     mid-latitude summer (75 levels) :  p(mb)  o3(g/g)
!     surface temp = 294.0
      data (pres(i,1),i=1,np)/ &
          0.0006244,   0.0008759,   0.0012286,   0.0017234,   0.0024174, &
          0.0033909,   0.0047565,   0.0066720,   0.0093589,   0.0131278, &
          0.0184145,   0.0258302,   0.0362323,   0.0508234,   0.0712906, &
          0.1000000,   0.1402710,   0.1967600,   0.2759970,   0.3871430, &
          0.5430,    0.7617,    1.0685,    1.4988,    2.1024,    2.9490, &
          4.1366,    5.8025,    8.1392,   11.4170,   16.0147,   22.4640, &
         31.5105,   44.2001,   62.0000,   85.7750,  109.5500,  133.3250, &
        157.1000,  180.8750,  204.6500,  228.4250,  252.2000,  275.9750, &
        299.7500,  323.5250,  347.3000,  371.0750,  394.8500,  418.6250, &
        442.4000,  466.1750,  489.9500,  513.7250,  537.5000,  561.2750, &
        585.0500,  608.8250,  632.6000,  656.3750,  680.1500,  703.9250, &
        727.7000,  751.4750,  775.2500,  799.0250,  822.8000,  846.5750, &
        870.3500,  894.1250,  917.9000,  941.6750,  965.4500,  989.2250, &
      data (ozone(i,1),i=1,np)/ &
        0.1793E-06,  0.2228E-06,  0.2665E-06,  0.3104E-06,  0.3545E-06, &
        0.3989E-06,  0.4435E-06,  0.4883E-06,  0.5333E-06,  0.5786E-06, &
        0.6241E-06,  0.6698E-06,  0.7157E-06,  0.7622E-06,  0.8557E-06, &
        0.1150E-05,  0.1462E-05,  0.1793E-05,  0.2143E-05,  0.2512E-05, &
        0.2902E-05,  0.3313E-05,  0.4016E-05,  0.5193E-05,  0.6698E-05, &
        0.8483E-05,  0.9378E-05,  0.9792E-05,  0.1002E-04,  0.1014E-04, &
        0.9312E-05,  0.7834E-05,  0.6448E-05,  0.5159E-05,  0.3390E-05, &
        0.1937E-05,  0.1205E-05,  0.8778E-06,  0.6935E-06,  0.5112E-06, &
        0.3877E-06,  0.3262E-06,  0.2770E-06,  0.2266E-06,  0.2020E-06, &
        0.1845E-06,  0.1679E-06,  0.1519E-06,  0.1415E-06,  0.1317E-06, &
        0.1225E-06,  0.1137E-06,  0.1055E-06,  0.1001E-06,  0.9487E-07, &
        0.9016E-07,  0.8641E-07,  0.8276E-07,  0.7930E-07,  0.7635E-07, &
        0.7347E-07,  0.7065E-07,  0.6821E-07,  0.6593E-07,  0.6368E-07, &
        0.6148E-07,  0.5998E-07,  0.5859E-07,  0.5720E-07,  0.5582E-07, &
        0.5457E-07,  0.5339E-07,  0.5224E-07,  0.5110E-07,  0.4999E-07/

!   data set 2
!   mid-latitude winter (75 levels) :  p(mb)  o3(g/g)
!   surface temp = 272.2
      data (pres(i,2),i=1,np)/ &
          0.0006244,   0.0008759,   0.0012286,   0.0017234,   0.0024174, &
          0.0033909,   0.0047565,   0.0066720,   0.0093589,   0.0131278, &
          0.0184145,   0.0258302,   0.0362323,   0.0508234,   0.0712906, &
          0.1000000,   0.1402710,   0.1967600,   0.2759970,   0.3871430, &
          0.5430,    0.7617,    1.0685,    1.4988,    2.1024,    2.9490, &
          4.1366,    5.8025,    8.1392,   11.4170,   16.0147,   22.4640, &
         31.5105,   44.2001,   62.0000,   85.9000,  109.8000,  133.7000, &
        157.6000,  181.5000,  205.4000,  229.3000,  253.2000,  277.1000, &
        301.0000,  324.9000,  348.8000,  372.7000,  396.6000,  420.5000, &
        444.4000,  468.3000,  492.2000,  516.1000,  540.0000,  563.9000, &
        587.8000,  611.7000,  635.6000,  659.5000,  683.4000,  707.3000, &
        731.2000,  755.1000,  779.0000,  802.9000,  826.8000,  850.7000, &
        874.6000,  898.5000,  922.4000,  946.3000,  970.2000,  994.1000, &
      data (ozone(i,2),i=1,np)/ &
        0.2353E-06,  0.3054E-06,  0.3771E-06,  0.4498E-06,  0.5236E-06, &
        0.5984E-06,  0.6742E-06,  0.7511E-06,  0.8290E-06,  0.9080E-06, &
        0.9881E-06,  0.1069E-05,  0.1152E-05,  0.1319E-05,  0.1725E-05, &
        0.2145E-05,  0.2581E-05,  0.3031E-05,  0.3497E-05,  0.3980E-05, &
        0.4478E-05,  0.5300E-05,  0.6725E-05,  0.8415E-05,  0.1035E-04, &
        0.1141E-04,  0.1155E-04,  0.1143E-04,  0.1093E-04,  0.1060E-04, &
        0.9720E-05,  0.8849E-05,  0.7424E-05,  0.6023E-05,  0.4310E-05, &
        0.2820E-05,  0.1990E-05,  0.1518E-05,  0.1206E-05,  0.9370E-06, &
        0.7177E-06,  0.5450E-06,  0.4131E-06,  0.3277E-06,  0.2563E-06, &
        0.2120E-06,  0.1711E-06,  0.1524E-06,  0.1344E-06,  0.1199E-06, &
        0.1066E-06,  0.9516E-07,  0.8858E-07,  0.8219E-07,  0.7598E-07, &
        0.6992E-07,  0.6403E-07,  0.5887E-07,  0.5712E-07,  0.5540E-07, &
        0.5370E-07,  0.5214E-07,  0.5069E-07,  0.4926E-07,  0.4785E-07, &
        0.4713E-07,  0.4694E-07,  0.4676E-07,  0.4658E-07,  0.4641E-07, &
        0.4634E-07,  0.4627E-07,  0.4619E-07,  0.4612E-07,  0.4605E-07/

!   data set 3
!   sub-arctic summer (75 levels) :  p(mb)  o3(g/g)
!   surface temp = 287.0
      data (pres(i,3),i=1,np)/ &
          0.0006244,   0.0008759,   0.0012286,   0.0017234,   0.0024174, &
          0.0033909,   0.0047565,   0.0066720,   0.0093589,   0.0131278, &
          0.0184145,   0.0258302,   0.0362323,   0.0508234,   0.0712906, &
          0.1000000,   0.1402710,   0.1967600,   0.2759970,   0.3871430, &
          0.5430,    0.7617,    1.0685,    1.4988,    2.1024,    2.9490, &
          4.1366,    5.8025,    8.1392,   11.4170,   16.0147,   22.4640, &
         31.5105,   44.2001,   62.0000,   85.7000,  109.4000,  133.1000, &
        156.8000,  180.5000,  204.2000,  227.9000,  251.6000,  275.3000, &
        299.0000,  322.7000,  346.4000,  370.1000,  393.8000,  417.5000, &
        441.2000,  464.9000,  488.6000,  512.3000,  536.0000,  559.7000, &
        583.4000,  607.1000,  630.8000,  654.5000,  678.2000,  701.9000, &
        725.6000,  749.3000,  773.0000,  796.7000,  820.4000,  844.1000, &
        867.8000,  891.5000,  915.2000,  938.9000,  962.6000,  986.3000, &
      data (ozone(i,3),i=1,np)/ &
        0.1728E-06,  0.2131E-06,  0.2537E-06,  0.2944E-06,  0.3353E-06, &
        0.3764E-06,  0.4176E-06,  0.4590E-06,  0.5006E-06,  0.5423E-06, &
        0.5842E-06,  0.6263E-06,  0.6685E-06,  0.7112E-06,  0.7631E-06, &
        0.1040E-05,  0.1340E-05,  0.1660E-05,  0.2001E-05,  0.2362E-05, &
        0.2746E-05,  0.3153E-05,  0.3762E-05,  0.4988E-05,  0.6518E-05, &
        0.8352E-05,  0.9328E-05,  0.9731E-05,  0.8985E-05,  0.7632E-05, &
        0.6814E-05,  0.6384E-05,  0.5718E-05,  0.4728E-05,  0.4136E-05, &
        0.3033E-05,  0.2000E-05,  0.1486E-05,  0.1121E-05,  0.8680E-06, &
        0.6474E-06,  0.5164E-06,  0.3921E-06,  0.2996E-06,  0.2562E-06, &
        0.2139E-06,  0.1723E-06,  0.1460E-06,  0.1360E-06,  0.1267E-06, &
        0.1189E-06,  0.1114E-06,  0.1040E-06,  0.9678E-07,  0.8969E-07, &
        0.8468E-07,  0.8025E-07,  0.7590E-07,  0.7250E-07,  0.6969E-07, &
        0.6694E-07,  0.6429E-07,  0.6208E-07,  0.5991E-07,  0.5778E-07, &
        0.5575E-07,  0.5403E-07,  0.5233E-07,  0.5067E-07,  0.4904E-07, &
        0.4721E-07,  0.4535E-07,  0.4353E-07,  0.4173E-07,  0.3997E-07/

!   data set 4
!   sub-arctic winter (75 levels) :   p(mb)  o3(g/g)
!   surface temp = 257.1
      data (pres(i,4),i=1,np)/ &
          0.0006244,   0.0008759,   0.0012286,   0.0017234,   0.0024174, &
          0.0033909,   0.0047565,   0.0066720,   0.0093589,   0.0131278, &
          0.0184145,   0.0258302,   0.0362323,   0.0508234,   0.0712906, &
          0.1000000,   0.1402710,   0.1967600,   0.2759970,   0.3871430, &
          0.5430,    0.7617,    1.0685,    1.4988,    2.1024,    2.9490, &
          4.1366,    5.8025,    8.1392,   11.4170,   16.0147,   22.4640, &
         31.5105,   44.2001,   62.0000,   85.7750,  109.5500,  133.3250, &
        157.1000,  180.8750,  204.6500,  228.4250,  252.2000,  275.9750, &
        299.7500,  323.5250,  347.3000,  371.0750,  394.8500,  418.6250, &
        442.4000,  466.1750,  489.9500,  513.7250,  537.5000,  561.2750, &
        585.0500,  608.8250,  632.6000,  656.3750,  680.1500,  703.9250, &
        727.7000,  751.4750,  775.2500,  799.0250,  822.8000,  846.5750, &
        870.3500,  894.1250,  917.9000,  941.6750,  965.4500,  989.2250, &
      data (ozone(i,4),i=1,np)/ &
        0.2683E-06,  0.3562E-06,  0.4464E-06,  0.5387E-06,  0.6333E-06, &
        0.7301E-06,  0.8291E-06,  0.9306E-06,  0.1034E-05,  0.1140E-05, &
        0.1249E-05,  0.1360E-05,  0.1474E-05,  0.1855E-05,  0.2357E-05, &
        0.2866E-05,  0.3383E-05,  0.3906E-05,  0.4437E-05,  0.4975E-05, &
        0.5513E-05,  0.6815E-05,  0.8157E-05,  0.1008E-04,  0.1200E-04, &
        0.1242E-04,  0.1250E-04,  0.1157E-04,  0.1010E-04,  0.9063E-05, &
        0.8836E-05,  0.8632E-05,  0.8391E-05,  0.7224E-05,  0.6054E-05, &
        0.4503E-05,  0.3204E-05,  0.2278E-05,  0.1833E-05,  0.1433E-05, &
        0.9996E-06,  0.7440E-06,  0.5471E-06,  0.3944E-06,  0.2852E-06, &
        0.1977E-06,  0.1559E-06,  0.1333E-06,  0.1126E-06,  0.9441E-07, &
        0.7678E-07,  0.7054E-07,  0.6684E-07,  0.6323E-07,  0.6028E-07, &
        0.5746E-07,  0.5468E-07,  0.5227E-07,  0.5006E-07,  0.4789E-07, &
        0.4576E-07,  0.4402E-07,  0.4230E-07,  0.4062E-07,  0.3897E-07, &
        0.3793E-07,  0.3697E-07,  0.3602E-07,  0.3506E-07,  0.3413E-07, &
        0.3326E-07,  0.3239E-07,  0.3153E-07,  0.3069E-07,  0.2987E-07/ 

!   data set 5
!   tropical (75 levels) :   p(mb)  o3(g/g)
!   surface temp = 300.0
      data (pres(i,5),i=1,np)/ &
          0.0006244,   0.0008759,   0.0012286,   0.0017234,   0.0024174, &
          0.0033909,   0.0047565,   0.0066720,   0.0093589,   0.0131278, &
          0.0184145,   0.0258302,   0.0362323,   0.0508234,   0.0712906, &
          0.1000000,   0.1402710,   0.1967600,   0.2759970,   0.3871430, &
          0.5430,    0.7617,    1.0685,    1.4988,    2.1024,    2.9490, &
          4.1366,    5.8025,    8.1392,   11.4170,   16.0147,   22.4640, &
         31.5105,   44.2001,   62.0000,   85.7750,  109.5500,  133.3250, &
        157.1000,  180.8750,  204.6500,  228.4250,  252.2000,  275.9750, &
        299.7500,  323.5250,  347.3000,  371.0750,  394.8500,  418.6250, &
        442.4000,  466.1750,  489.9500,  513.7250,  537.5000,  561.2750, &
        585.0500,  608.8250,  632.6000,  656.3750,  680.1500,  703.9250, &
        727.7000,  751.4750,  775.2500,  799.0250,  822.8000,  846.5750, &
        870.3500,  894.1250,  917.9000,  941.6750,  965.4500,  989.2250, &
      data (ozone(i,5),i=1,np)/ &
        0.1993E-06,  0.2521E-06,  0.3051E-06,  0.3585E-06,  0.4121E-06, &
        0.4661E-06,  0.5203E-06,  0.5748E-06,  0.6296E-06,  0.6847E-06, &
        0.7402E-06,  0.7959E-06,  0.8519E-06,  0.9096E-06,  0.1125E-05, &
        0.1450E-05,  0.1794E-05,  0.2156E-05,  0.2538E-05,  0.2939E-05, &
        0.3362E-05,  0.3785E-05,  0.4753E-05,  0.6005E-05,  0.7804E-05, &
        0.9635E-05,  0.1023E-04,  0.1067E-04,  0.1177E-04,  0.1290E-04, &
        0.1134E-04,  0.9223E-05,  0.6667E-05,  0.3644E-05,  0.1545E-05, &
        0.5355E-06,  0.2523E-06,  0.2062E-06,  0.1734E-06,  0.1548E-06, &
        0.1360E-06,  0.1204E-06,  0.1074E-06,  0.9707E-07,  0.8960E-07, &
        0.8419E-07,  0.7962E-07,  0.7542E-07,  0.7290E-07,  0.7109E-07, &
        0.6940E-07,  0.6786E-07,  0.6635E-07,  0.6500E-07,  0.6370E-07, &
        0.6244E-07,  0.6132E-07,  0.6022E-07,  0.5914E-07,  0.5884E-07, &
        0.5855E-07,  0.5823E-07,  0.5772E-07,  0.5703E-07,  0.5635E-07, &
        0.5570E-07,  0.5492E-07,  0.5412E-07,  0.5335E-07,  0.5260E-07, &
        0.5167E-07,  0.5063E-07,  0.4961E-07,  0.4860E-07,  0.4761E-07/
      end module module_ozone

!---------------------- begin ice block data ---------------------------
!	block data ice0

        module ice0 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c ap and bp are empirical coefficients of Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) to
!c calculate the extiction coefficient (1/m) and single scattering 
!c albedo, cps and dps are empirical coefficients of Eq. (2.13) to
!c compute the expansion coefficients of the phase function (1, 2, 
!c 3, 4) in the solar bands, cpir is the empirical coefficients of 
!c Eq. (2.15) to calculate the asymmetry factor in the IR bands (Fu
!c and Liou, 1992). The units of mean effective size and ice water
!c content are um and g/m*m*m, respectively, in these equations.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
        USE  PARA_FILE
!  common /ic0/ ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), dps(4,mbs),&
!                    cpir(4,mbir)
        implicit none
        real, save :: ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), dps(4,mbs),&
       &              cpir(4,mbir)
        data ap /-6.656e-3,          3.686,           0.00,     &
       &         -6.656e-3,          3.686,           0.00,     &
       &         -6.656e-3,          3.686,           0.00,     &
       &         -6.656e-3,          3.686,           0.00,     &
       &         -6.656e-3,          3.686,           0.00,     &
       &         -6.656e-3,          3.686,           0.00,     &
       &         -7.770e-3,          3.734,          11.85,     &
       &         -8.088e-3,          3.717,          17.17,     &
       &         -8.441e-3,          3.715,          19.48,     &     
       &         -9.061e-3,          3.741,          26.48,     &
       &         -9.609e-3,          3.768,          34.11,     &
       &         -1.153e-2,          4.109,          17.32,     &
       &         -8.294e-3,          3.925,          1.315,     &
       &         -1.026e-2,          4.105,          16.36,     &
       &         -1.151e-2,          4.182,          31.13,     &
       &         -1.704e-2,          4.830,          16.27,     &
       &         -1.741e-2,          5.541,         -58.42,     &
       &         -7.752e-3,          4.624,         -42.01 /
        data bp /.10998E-05, -.26101E-07,  .10896E-08, -.47387E-11,     &
       &         .20208E-04,  .96483E-05,  .83009E-07, -.32217E-09,     &
       &         .13590E-03,  .73453E-03,  .28281E-05, -.18272E-07,     &
       &        -.16598E-02,  .20933E-02, -.13977E-05, -.18703E-07,     &
       &         .46180E+00,  .24471E-03, -.27839E-05,  .10379E-07,     &
       &         .42362E-01,  .86425E-02, -.75519E-04,  .24056E-06,     &
       &         .19960E+00,  .37800E-02, -.14910E-04,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .30140E+00,  .26390E-02, -.11160E-04,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .39080E+00,  .12720E-02, -.55640E-05,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .31050E+00,  .26030E-02, -.11390E-04,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .20370E+00,  .42470E-02, -.18100E-04,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .23070E+00,  .38300E-02, -.16160E-04,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .56310E+00, -.14340E-02,  .62980E-05,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .52070E+00, -.97780E-03,  .37250E-05,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .32540E+00,  .34340E-02, -.30810E-04,  .91430E-07,     &
       &         .10280E+00,  .50190E-02, -.20240E-04,  .00000E+00,     &
       &         .39640E+00, -.31550E-02,  .64170E-04, -.29790E-06,     &
       &         .80790E+00, -.70040E-02,  .52090E-04, -.14250E-06 /
        data cps / .22110E+01, -.10398E-02,  .65199E-04, -.34498E-06,   &
       &           .32201E+01,  .94227E-03,  .80947E-04, -.47428E-06,   &
       &           .41610E+01,  .74396E-03,  .82690E-04, -.45251E-06,   &
       &           .51379E+01,  .51545E-02,  .11881E-04, -.15556E-06,   &
       &           .22151E+01, -.77982E-03,  .63750E-04, -.34466E-06,   &
       &           .31727E+01,  .15597E-02,  .82021E-04, -.49665E-06,   &
       &           .40672E+01,  .25800E-02,  .71550E-04, -.43051E-06,   &
       &           .49882E+01,  .86489E-02, -.18318E-04, -.59275E-07,   &
       &           .22376E+01,  .10293E-02,  .50842E-04, -.30135E-06,   &
       &           .31549E+01,  .47115E-02,  .70684E-04, -.47622E-06,   &
       &           .39917E+01,  .82830E-02,  .53927E-04, -.41778E-06,   &
       &           .48496E+01,  .15998E-01, -.39320E-04, -.43862E-07,   &
       &           .23012E+01,  .33854E-02,  .23528E-04, -.20068E-06,   &
       &           .31730E+01,  .93439E-02,  .36367E-04, -.38390E-06,   &
       &           .39298E+01,  .16424E-01,  .10502E-04, -.35086E-06,   &
       &           .47226E+01,  .25872E-01, -.77542E-04, -.21999E-07,   &
       &           .27975E+01,  .29741E-02, -.32344E-04,  .11636E-06,   &
       &           .43532E+01,  .11234E-01, -.12081E-03,  .43435E-06,   &
       &           .56835E+01,  .24681E-01, -.26480E-03,  .95314E-06,   &
       &           .68271E+01,  .42788E-01, -.45615E-03,  .16368E-05,   &
       &           .19655E+01,  .20094E-01, -.17067E-03,  .50806E-06,   &
       &           .28803E+01,  .36091E-01, -.28365E-03,  .79656E-06,   &
       &           .34613E+01,  .58525E-01, -.46455E-03,  .13444E-05,   &
       &           .39568E+01,  .81480E-01, -.64777E-03,  .19022E-05 /
        data dps / .12495E+00, -.43582E-03,  .14092E-04, -.69565E-07,&
       &           .12363E+00, -.44419E-03,  .14038E-04, -.68851E-07,&
       &           .12117E+00, -.48474E-03,  .12495E-04, -.62411E-07,&
       &           .11581E+00, -.55031E-03,  .98776E-05, -.50193E-07,&
       &          -.15968E-03,  .10115E-04, -.12472E-06,  .48667E-09,& 
       &           .13830E+00, -.18921E-02,  .12030E-04, -.31698E-07 /
        data cpir / .79550,     2.524e-3,    -1.022e-5,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .86010,     1.599e-3,    -6.465e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .89150,     1.060e-3,    -4.171e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .87650,     1.198e-3,    -4.485e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .88150,     9.858e-4,    -3.116e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .91670,     5.499e-4,    -1.507e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .90920,     9.295e-4,    -3.877e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .84540,     1.429e-3,    -5.859e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .76780,     2.571e-3,    -1.041e-5,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .72900,     2.132e-3,    -5.584e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .70240,     4.581e-3,    -3.054e-5,     6.684e-8,&
       &            .22920,     1.724e-2,    -1.573e-4,     4.995e-7 /
!	end  
        end module ice0 

!C---- new coefficients for ice parameterization by Feng Zhang
!        block data ice1

        MODULE ice1 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c ap and bp are empirical coefficients of Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) to
!c calculate the extiction coefficient (1/m) and single scattering
!c albedo, cps are empirical coefficients of Eq. (2.13) to
       !c compute the expansion coefficients of the phase function (1, 2, &
!c 3, 4) in the solar bands, cpir is the empirical coefficients of
!c Eq. (2.15) to calculate the asymmetry factor in the IR bands (Fu
!c and Liou, 1992). The units of mean effective size and ice water
!c content are um and g/m*m*m, respectively, in these equations.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
        USE  PARA_FILE
!c changed by Z.F.
!        common /ic1/ ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs),&
!                    cpir(4,mbir)
!c changing over
        implicit none
        real, save :: ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs),&
       &              cpir(4,mbir)

        data ap / &
!c  changed by Z.F.
       &  -0.67163E-03, 0.33056E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.25307E-03, 0.32490E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.75524E-03, 0.33083E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.20332E-02, 0.33865E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.40939E-02, 0.29870E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.27583E-02, 0.34436E+01,0.0,&
!c   changing over
       &          -7.770e-3,          3.734,          11.85,&
       &          -8.088e-3,          3.717,          17.17,&
       &          -8.441e-3,          3.715,          19.48,&
       &          -9.061e-3,          3.741,          26.48,&
!c-- changed by Z.F. for the windows domain in longwave spectral.^M
       &          0.160239,  0.495375,  -4.38738,&
       &          0.165637, -0.438836,   1.54020,&
       &          0.172217,  -1.49513,  10.56623,&
!c   changing over
!C-- old ones
       !c     1            -9.609e-3,          3.768,          34.11, &
       !c     1            -1.153e-2,          4.109,          17.32, &
       !c     1            -8.294e-3,          3.925,          1.315, &
!c-- over
       &          -1.026e-2,          4.105,          16.36,&
       &          -1.151e-2,          4.182,          31.13,&
       &          -1.704e-2,          4.830,          16.27,&
       &          -1.741e-2,          5.541,         -58.42,&
       &          -7.752e-3,          4.624,         -42.01 /
        data bp / &
!c changed by Z.F.
       &  -0.14661E-06, 0.79495E-07,-0.10422E-09, 0.40232E-12,&
       &  -0.15417E-05, 0.11489E-04,-0.77147E-08, 0.22160E-10,&
       &  -0.13287E-02, 0.91493E-03,-0.39410E-05, 0.12610E-07,&
       &  -0.21311E-02, 0.22827E-02,-0.13400E-04, 0.42169E-07,&
       &   0.22764E+00, 0.21902E-02,-0.16743E-04, 0.53032E-07,&
       &   0.59555E-01, 0.73777E-02,-0.66056E-04, 0.21750E-06,&
!c changing over
       &          .19960E+00,  .37800E-02, -.14910E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .30140E+00,  .26390E-02, -.11160E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .39080E+00,  .12720E-02, -.55640E-05,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .31050E+00,  .26030E-02, -.11390E-04,  .00000E+00,&
!c-- changed by Z.F. for the windows domain in longwave spectral.
       &           0.236894,   2.10402E-03,  -3.72955E-06, 0.0,&
       &           0.315225,   9.38232E-04,   1.50649E-06, 0.0,&
       &           0.605243,  -3.92611E-03,   2.12776E-05, 0.0,&
!c-- changed over

!C-- old
       !c     1            .20370E+00,  .42470E-02, -.18100E-04,  .00000E+00, &
       !c     1            .23070E+00,  .38300E-02, -.16160E-04,  .00000E+00, &
       !c     1            .56310E+00, -.14340E-02,  .62980E-05,  .00000E+00, &
!C-- over
       &          .52070E+00, -.97780E-03,  .37250E-05,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .32540E+00,  .34340E-02, -.30810E-04,  .91430E-07,&
       &          .10280E+00,  .50190E-02, -.20240E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .39640E+00, -.31550E-02,  .64170E-04, -.29790E-06,&
       &          .80790E+00, -.70040E-02,  .52090E-04, -.14250E-06 /
        data cps / &
!c changed by Z.F.
       &   0.21669E+01, 0.60980E-02,-0.51311E-04, 0.16359E-06,&
       &   0.31475E+01, 0.13021E-01,-0.11601E-03, 0.39174E-06,&
       &   0.39659E+01, 0.19928E-01,-0.17921E-03, 0.61170E-06,&
       &   0.47800E+01, 0.27383E-01,-0.25550E-03, 0.89151E-06,&
       &   0.21239E+01, 0.77499E-02,-0.67918E-04, 0.22104E-06,&
       &   0.29759E+01, 0.17892E-01,-0.16332E-03, 0.55093E-06,&
       &   0.36695E+01, 0.28083E-01,-0.25791E-03, 0.87487E-06,&
       &   0.43547E+01, 0.38785E-01,-0.36448E-03, 0.12530E-05,&
       &   0.20993E+01, 0.96178E-02,-0.80757E-04, 0.26200E-06,&
       &   0.28430E+01, 0.22690E-01,-0.19531E-03, 0.64687E-06,&
       &   0.34225E+01, 0.36169E-01,-0.31196E-03, 0.10358E-05,&
       &   0.39823E+01, 0.50008E-01,-0.43848E-03, 0.14699E-05,&
       &   0.21425E+01, 0.11157E-01,-0.95207E-04, 0.31235E-06,&
       &   0.28169E+01, 0.26990E-01,-0.22856E-03, 0.75086E-06,&
       &   0.33128E+01, 0.43749E-01,-0.36819E-03, 0.12080E-05,&
       &   0.37561E+01, 0.61160E-01,-0.51896E-03, 0.17125E-05,&
       &   0.24200E+01, 0.10132E-01,-0.10016E-03, 0.34703E-06,&
       &   0.33717E+01, 0.28367E-01,-0.27592E-03, 0.94834E-06,&
       &   0.40569E+01, 0.50860E-01,-0.49069E-03, 0.16791E-05,&
       &   0.45865E+01, 0.76301E-01,-0.73397E-03, 0.25063E-05,&
       &   0.18487E+01, 0.21654E-01,-0.19873E-03, 0.65778E-06,&
       &   0.24532E+01, 0.45341E-01,-0.40790E-03, 0.13452E-05,&
       &   0.28329E+01, 0.71119E-01,-0.62733E-03, 0.20535E-05,&
       &   0.31031E+01, 0.98340E-01,-0.86055E-03, 0.28151E-05/
!c changed over.
        data cpir / .79550,     2.524e-3,    -1.022e-5,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .86010,     1.599e-3,    -6.465e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .89150,     1.060e-3,    -4.171e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .87650,     1.198e-3,    -4.485e-6,     0.000e+0,&
!c-- changed by Z.F. for the windows domain in longwave spectral.
       &             0.884846,   7.52769E-05,   4.57733E-06, 0.0,&
       &             0.901327,   2.03758E-04,   2.95010E-06, 0.0,&
       &             0.873900,   1.45318E-03,  -6.30462E-06, 0.0,&
!c-- changed over.

!C-- old
       !c     1              .88150,     9.858e-4,    -3.116e-6,     0.000e+0, &
       !c     1              .91670,     5.499e-4,    -1.507e-6,     0.000e+0, &
       !c     1              .90920,     9.295e-4,    -3.877e-6,     0.000e+0, &
       &            .84540,     1.429e-3,    -5.859e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .76780,     2.571e-3,    -1.041e-5,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .72900,     2.132e-3,    -5.584e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .70240,     4.581e-3,    -3.054e-5,     6.684e-8,&
       &            .22920,     1.724e-2,    -1.573e-4,     4.995e-7 /
        end module ice1

!C---- new coefficients for ice parameterization by Qing Yue
!        block data ice2

        module ice2 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c ap and bp are empirical coefficients of Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) to
!c calculate the extiction coefficient (1/m) and single scattering
!c albedo, cps are empirical coefficients of Eq. (2.13) to
       !c compute the expansion coefficients of the phase function (1, 2, &
!c 3, 4) in the solar bands, cpir is the empirical coefficients of
!c Eq. (2.15) to calculate the asymmetry factor in the IR bands (Fu
!c and Liou, 1992). The units of mean effective size and ice water
!c content are um and g/m*m*m, respectively, in these equations.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
        USE  PARA_FILE
!        common /ic2/ ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), &
!                    cpir(4,mbir)
        implicit none
        real, save :: ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), &
       &              cpir(4,mbir)
        data ap / &
!C--- solar bands
       &  -0.64677E-03, 0.33011E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.23815E-03, 0.32478E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.77298E-03, 0.33016E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.19129E-02, 0.33670E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.38836E-02, 0.29973E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.25061E-02, 0.34079E+01,0.0,&
!c--- IR bands
       &  -0.72292E-02, 0.39678E+01,-0.46245E+01,&
       &  -0.67346E-02, 0.39617E+01,-0.79098E+01,&
       &  -0.47141E-02, 0.38009E+01,-0.81660E+01,&
       &  -0.56489E-02, 0.38568E+01,-0.10588E+02,&
       &  -0.33227E-02, 0.37198E+01,-0.13477E+02,&
       &   0.19701E-02, 0.31871E+01,-0.14325E+02,&
       &   0.37022E-02, 0.28155E+01,-0.79752E+01,&
       &  -0.35191E-02, 0.37224E+01,-0.83436E+01,&
       &  -0.34959E-02, 0.38216E+01,-0.13755E+02,&
       &   0.20353E-02, 0.33879E+01,-0.18617E+02,&
       &   0.16361E-01, 0.17992E+01,-0.11970E+02,&
       &   0.14346E-01, 0.19940E+01,-0.10167E+02/

        data bp / &
!c--- solar bands
       &  -0.15305E-06, 0.78389E-07,-0.93003E-10, 0.34497E-12,&
       &  -0.15038E-05, 0.11493E-04,-0.92019E-08, 0.29366E-10,&
       &  -0.10781E-02, 0.90739E-03,-0.41236E-05, 0.14202E-07,&
       &  -0.10333E-02, 0.22434E-02,-0.13639E-04, 0.45620E-07,&
       &   0.22894E+00, 0.21857E-02,-0.17349E-04, 0.57582E-07,&
       &   0.68828E-01, 0.69573E-02,-0.62363E-04, 0.20979E-06,&
!c--- IR bands
       &   0.59839E-01, 0.75571E-02,-0.68839E-04, 0.23079E-06,&
       &   0.13450E+00, 0.72025E-02,-0.68179E-04, 0.22822E-06,&
       &   0.28174E+00, 0.42956E-02,-0.40260E-04, 0.12953E-06,&
       &   0.24245E+00, 0.48477E-02,-0.43431E-04, 0.13681E-06,&
       &   0.21341E+00, 0.46168E-02,-0.37410E-04, 0.11202E-06,&
       &   0.32426E+00, 0.11704E-02, 0.24626E-05,-0.33332E-07,&
       &   0.70501E+00,-0.66540E-02, 0.71716E-04,-0.25446E-06,&
       &   0.55066E+00,-0.23799E-02, 0.23737E-04,-0.81566E-07,&
       &   0.35188E+00, 0.18514E-02,-0.12929E-04, 0.30513E-07,&
       &   0.21492E+00, 0.14011E-02, 0.29171E-05,-0.30313E-07,&
       &   0.42357E+00,-0.49128E-02, 0.70966E-04,-0.27077E-06,&
       &   0.87266E+00,-0.11806E-01, 0.12572E-03,-0.44277E-06/

        data cps /&
!c-- solar bands
       &   0.21950E+01, 0.64077E-02,-0.58201E-04, 0.19809E-06,&
       &   0.31750E+01, 0.13464E-01,-0.12124E-03, 0.41560E-06,&
       &   0.40066E+01, 0.20698E-01,-0.18702E-03, 0.64513E-06,&
       &   0.48109E+01, 0.28022E-01,-0.25505E-03, 0.88452E-06,&
       &   0.21409E+01, 0.83265E-02,-0.77257E-04, 0.26333E-06,&
       &   0.29819E+01, 0.19038E-01,-0.17613E-03, 0.60173E-06,&
       &   0.36742E+01, 0.29982E-01,-0.27781E-03, 0.95121E-06,&
       &   0.43428E+01, 0.40884E-01,-0.38049E-03, 0.13067E-05,&
       &   0.21134E+01, 0.10157E-01,-0.89914E-04, 0.30549E-06,&
       &   0.28446E+01, 0.23970E-01,-0.21102E-03, 0.71452E-06,&
       &   0.34206E+01, 0.38277E-01,-0.33655E-03, 0.11403E-05,&
       &   0.39634E+01, 0.52522E-01,-0.46311E-03, 0.15716E-05,&
       &   0.21606E+01, 0.11313E-01,-0.99848E-04, 0.34042E-06,&
       &   0.28358E+01, 0.27652E-01,-0.23926E-03, 0.80881E-06,&
       &   0.33357E+01, 0.44943E-01,-0.38565E-03, 0.13007E-05,&
       &   0.37770E+01, 0.62525E-01,-0.53623E-03, 0.18096E-05,&
       &   0.24414E+01, 0.96108E-02,-0.95027E-04, 0.33279E-06,&
       &   0.34245E+01, 0.27146E-01,-0.26426E-03, 0.91883E-06,&
       &   0.41454E+01, 0.48851E-01,-0.47192E-03, 0.16348E-05,&
       &   0.47101E+01, 0.73455E-01,-0.70741E-03, 0.24459E-05,&
       &   0.18737E+01, 0.20963E-01,-0.19401E-03, 0.65811E-06,&
       &   0.24880E+01, 0.44265E-01,-0.40044E-03, 0.13519E-05,&
       &   0.29039E+01, 0.69461E-01,-0.61988E-03, 0.20909E-05,&
       &   0.32145E+01, 0.95849E-01,-0.84973E-03, 0.28707E-05/

!c--- IR bands
        data cpir /&
       &   0.79895E+00, 0.35846E-02,-0.31820E-04, 0.10048E-06,&
       &   0.83578E+00, 0.33185E-02,-0.33102E-04, 0.11457E-06,&
       &   0.84854E+00, 0.33870E-02,-0.34599E-04, 0.11851E-06,&
       &   0.83022E+00, 0.35984E-02,-0.36656E-04, 0.12776E-06,&
       &   0.82852E+00, 0.33183E-02,-0.31509E-04, 0.10367E-06,&
       &   0.84345E+00, 0.35875E-02,-0.37050E-04, 0.12789E-06,&
       &   0.79099E+00, 0.56487E-02,-0.64916E-04, 0.23789E-06,&
       &   0.73544E+00, 0.60058E-02,-0.64662E-04, 0.22728E-06,&
       &   0.68437E+00, 0.71137E-02,-0.73409E-04, 0.25328E-06,&
       &   0.64675E+00, 0.70088E-02,-0.67836E-04, 0.22898E-06,&
       &   0.60556E+00, 0.10268E-01,-0.11526E-03, 0.42515E-06,&
       &   0.34014E+00, 0.18152E-01,-0.20230E-03, 0.72649E-06/

        end module ice2

!C---- new coefficients for ice parameterization for tropics
!        block data ice3

        module ice3 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c ap and bp are empirical coefficients of Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) to
!c calculate the extiction coefficient (1/m) and single scattering
!c albedo, cps are empirical coefficients of Eq. (2.13) to
       !c compute the expansion coefficients of the phase function (1, 2, &
!c 3, 4) in the solar bands, cpir is the empirical coefficients of
!c Eq. (2.15) to calculate the asymmetry factor in the IR bands (Fu
!c and Liou, 1992). The units of mean effective size and ice water
!c content are um and g/m*m*m, respectively, in these equations.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
        USE  PARA_FILE
!        common /ic3/ ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs),&
!                    cpir(4,mbir)
        implicit none
        real, save :: ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs),&
       &              cpir(4,mbir)
        data ap /  &
!C--- solar bands
       &  -0.22016E-04, 0.32681E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.12188E-03, 0.32550E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.18585E-03, 0.32718E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.73530E-03, 0.32308E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.73767E-03, 0.31625E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.12974E-02, 0.32103E+01,0.0,&
!c--- IR bands
       &  -0.12934E-02, 0.34613E+01, 0.40581E+01,&
       &  -0.13767E-02, 0.34660E+01, 0.15185E+01,&
       &   0.33221E-02, 0.30377E+01, 0.55140E+01,&
       &   0.29569E-02, 0.31035E+01, 0.34176E+01,&
       &  -0.20300E-03, 0.35017E+01,-0.68412E+01,&
       &   0.44879E-02, 0.31449E+01,-0.94957E+01,&
       &   0.39821E-03, 0.29640E+01,-0.63663E+01,&
       &   0.29569E-02, 0.31035E+01, 0.34176E+01,&
       &   0.56276E-02, 0.30863E+01, 0.99194E+00,&
       &   0.67180E-02, 0.31267E+01,-0.99073E+01,&
       &   0.16936E-02, 0.28752E+01,-0.23543E+02,&
       &   0.54571E-02, 0.27078E+01,-0.17463E+02/

        data bp / &
!c--- solar bands
       &   0.16316E-06, 0.54817E-07, 0.36986E-09,-0.22368E-11,&
       &  -0.85219E-06, 0.11496E-04,-0.88702E-08, 0.21682E-10,&
       &  -0.34149E-03, 0.87766E-03,-0.33187E-05, 0.68249E-08,&
       &   0.26483E-02, 0.21342E-02,-0.11387E-04, 0.25795E-07,&
       &   0.22760E+00, 0.24953E-02,-0.23548E-04, 0.85937E-07,&
       &   0.10340E+00, 0.59974E-02,-0.51220E-04, 0.14912E-06,&
!c--- IR bands
       &   0.55175E-01, 0.89243E-02,-0.86399E-04, 0.28587E-06,&
       &   0.13600E+00, 0.82607E-02,-0.84916E-04, 0.29040E-06,&
       &   0.28989E+00, 0.47980E-02,-0.50181E-04, 0.17083E-06,&
       &   0.25460E+00, 0.47274E-02,-0.40477E-04, 0.11072E-06,&
       &   0.18254E+00, 0.72527E-02,-0.77454E-04, 0.27677E-06,&
       &   0.25897E+00, 0.50864E-02,-0.55346E-04, 0.20977E-06,&
       &   0.66416E+00,-0.54835E-02, 0.62850E-04,-0.23567E-06,&
       &   0.51584E+00,-0.48797E-03,-0.17487E-05, 0.21836E-07,&
       &   0.30470E+00, 0.50329E-02,-0.59993E-04, 0.23202E-06,&
       &   0.14576E+00, 0.51099E-02,-0.46454E-04, 0.16438E-06,&
       &   0.31106E+00, 0.76981E-04, 0.13539E-04,-0.67635E-07,&
       &   0.82940E+00,-0.10849E-01, 0.12883E-03,-0.49980E-06/

        data cps / &
!c-- solar bands
       &   0.22527E+01, 0.41826E-02,-0.27863E-04, 0.51918E-07,&
       &   0.33013E+01, 0.84364E-02,-0.50901E-04, 0.73560E-07,&
       &   0.42027E+01, 0.12899E-01,-0.78291E-04, 0.12000E-06,&
       &   0.50756E+01, 0.17483E-01,-0.10792E-03, 0.17462E-06,&
       &   0.21646E+01, 0.84005E-02,-0.87726E-04, 0.32575E-06,&
       &   0.30331E+01, 0.19327E-01,-0.20159E-03, 0.75104E-06,&
       &   0.37486E+01, 0.30803E-01,-0.32426E-03, 0.12203E-05,&
       &   0.44480E+01, 0.41734E-01,-0.43891E-03, 0.16490E-05,&
       &   0.21446E+01, 0.95320E-02,-0.84259E-04, 0.26274E-06,&
       &   0.29123E+01, 0.22681E-01,-0.19885E-03, 0.61148E-06,&
       &   0.35209E+01, 0.36583E-01,-0.32255E-03, 0.10010E-05,&
       &   0.41047E+01, 0.49951E-01,-0.43946E-03, 0.13583E-05,&
       &   0.22211E+01, 0.93276E-02,-0.73117E-04, 0.19007E-06,&
       &   0.29628E+01, 0.23702E-01,-0.18567E-03, 0.48482E-06,&
       &   0.35287E+01, 0.39121E-01,-0.30633E-03, 0.80293E-06,&
       &   0.40513E+01, 0.54047E-01,-0.41858E-03, 0.10766E-05,&
       &   0.25291E+01, 0.64430E-02,-0.55084E-04, 0.15403E-06,&
       &   0.36475E+01, 0.19350E-01,-0.16755E-03, 0.47994E-06,&
       &   0.45208E+01, 0.36084E-01,-0.31598E-03, 0.92179E-06,&
       &   0.52466E+01, 0.55654E-01,-0.49374E-03, 0.14669E-05,&
       &   0.20079E+01, 0.16692E-01,-0.13662E-03, 0.33622E-06,&
       &   0.27495E+01, 0.35998E-01,-0.28704E-03, 0.68874E-06,&
       &   0.33031E+01, 0.56774E-01,-0.44330E-03, 0.10408E-05,&
       &   0.37818E+01, 0.77181E-01,-0.58492E-03, 0.13077E-05/

!c--- IR bands
        data cpir / &
       &   0.78501E+00, 0.36642E-02,-0.32975E-04, 0.10320E-06, &
       &   0.84318E+00, 0.32789E-02,-0.35798E-04, 0.13097E-06,&
       &   0.85345E+00, 0.35780E-02,-0.39064E-04, 0.13795E-06,&
       &   0.84642E+00, 0.29944E-02,-0.29113E-04, 0.94027E-07,&
       &   0.84123E+00, 0.32419E-02,-0.34203E-04, 0.12155E-06,&
       &   0.88427E+00, 0.20139E-02,-0.16185E-04, 0.39207E-07,&
       &   0.84345E+00, 0.35780E-02,-0.39064E-04, 0.13795E-06,&
       &   0.76728E+00, 0.54533E-02,-0.64807E-04, 0.24744E-06,&
       &   0.73460E+00, 0.47274E-02,-0.40477E-04, 0.11072E-06,&
       &   0.71306E+00, 0.37901E-02,-0.31358E-04, 0.98649E-07,&
       &   0.68108E+00, 0.68342E-02,-0.77162E-04, 0.29712E-06,&
       &   0.36188E+00, 0.18668E-01,-0.23332E-03, 0.93219E-06/

        end module ice3

!C---- new coefficients for ice parameterization for midlatitude
!        block data ice4

        module ice4 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c ap and bp are empirical coefficients of Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) to
!c calculate the extiction coefficient (1/m) and single scattering
!c albedo, cps are empirical coefficients of Eq. (2.13) to
       !c compute the expansion coefficients of the phase function (1, 2, &
!c 3, 4) in the solar bands, cpir is the empirical coefficients of
!c Eq. (2.15) to calculate the asymmetry factor in the IR bands (Fu
!c and Liou, 1992). The units of mean effective size and ice water
!c content are um and g/m*m*m, respectively, in these equations.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
        USE  PARA_FILE
!        common /ic4/ ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), &
!                    cpir(4,mbir)
        implicit none
        real, save :: ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), &
       &              cpir(4,mbir)
        data ap /  &
!C--- solar bands
       &  -6.94267E-04,    3.31172, 0.0, &
       &   2.42688E-04,    3.24538, 0.0,&
       &  -8.22686E-04,    3.31108, 0.0,&
       &  -2.12999E-03,    3.41040, 0.0,&
       &   4.12799E-03,    2.94434, 0.0,&
       &  -2.81017E-03,    3.47101, 0.0,&
!c--- IR bands
       &  -0.54779E-02, 0.38141E+01,-0.35115E+01,&
       &  -0.36198E-02, 0.37028E+01,-0.60244E+01,&
       &  -0.12878E-02, 0.35247E+01,-0.61794E+01,&
       &  -0.13401E-02, 0.34879E+01,-0.78947E+01,&
       &   0.21520E-02, 0.32356E+01,-0.98746E+01,&
       &   0.90323E-02, 0.25316E+01,-0.94046E+01,&
       &   0.95264E-02, 0.23578E+01,-0.45991E+01,&
       &   0.31740E-03, 0.34090E+01,-0.60680E+01,&
       &   0.25572E-02, 0.32852E+01,-0.97985E+01,&
       &   0.99831E-02, 0.26650E+01,-0.13217E+02,&
       &   0.23221E-01, 0.12725E+01,-0.80370E+01,&
       &   0.19658E-01, 0.15584E+01,-0.68965E+01/

        data bp / &
!c--- solar bands
       &  -1.90654E-07, 7.99431E-08, -1.11983E-10, 4.15792E-13,&
       &  -1.80331E-06, 1.14576E-05, -8.31389E-09, 2.49253E-11,&
       &  -1.26043E-03, 8.91064E-04, -3.69938E-06, 1.20770E-08,&
       &  -2.89280E-03, 2.22542E-03, -1.25859E-05, 3.96889E-08,&
       &   0.227105   , 2.15505E-03, -1.60964E-05, 5.08333E-08,&
       &   4.57593E-02, 7.37355E-03, -6.32047E-05, 2.02681E-07,&
!c--- IR bands
       &   0.54473E-01, 0.71064E-02,-0.60728E-04, 0.19806E-06,&
       &   0.12661E+00, 0.69131E-02,-0.61519E-04, 0.19884E-06,&
       &   0.27278E+00, 0.41893E-02,-0.36266E-04, 0.10986E-06,&
       &   0.23686E+00, 0.47057E-02,-0.39838E-04, 0.12117E-06,&
       &   0.21461E+00, 0.41148E-02,-0.29280E-04, 0.79693E-07,&
       &   0.33820E+00, 0.50237E-03, 0.10415E-04,-0.60484E-07,&
       &   0.72475E+00,-0.70319E-02, 0.72574E-04,-0.24826E-06,&
       &   0.55964E+00,-0.27349E-02, 0.27096E-04,-0.90958E-07,&
       &   0.35859E+00, 0.13519E-02,-0.65991E-05, 0.77184E-08,&
       &   0.23389E+00, 0.64041E-03, 0.10444E-04,-0.51927E-07,&
       &   0.46362E+00,-0.61419E-02, 0.80126E-04,-0.28778E-06,&
       &   0.89760E+00,-0.12410E-01, 0.12780E-03,-0.43608E-06/

        data cps / &
!c-- solar bands
       &   2.16219, 7.20717E-03, -6.34955E-05, 2.06684E-07,&
       &   3.10521, 1.51838E-02, -1.32897E-04, 4.35736E-07,&
       &   3.89785, 2.33975E-02, -2.05648E-04, 6.78808E-07,&
       &   4.66416, 3.16646E-02, -2.80302E-04, 9.30739E-07,&
       &   2.11638, 8.73893E-03, -7.75891E-05, 2.53203E-07,&
       &   2.92743, 1.99400E-02, -1.76613E-04, 5.78123E-07,&
       &   3.59051, 3.13439E-02, -2.78084E-04, 9.12872E-07,&
       &   4.22785, 4.27741E-02, -3.81332E-04, 1.25635E-06,&
       &   2.09066, 1.04640E-02, -8.85004E-05, 2.87737E-07,&
       &   2.79526, 2.45527E-02, -2.06207E-04, 6.67845E-07,&
       &   3.34547, 3.90920E-02, -3.27779E-04, 1.06251E-06,&
       &   3.85962, 5.36759E-02, -4.51564E-04, 1.46690E-06,&
       &   2.12392, 1.19818E-02, -1.01064E-04, 3.27937E-07,&
       &   2.75806, 2.89005E-02, -2.38183E-04, 7.64875E-07,&
       &   3.21670, 4.67146E-02, -3.81077E-04, 1.21969E-06,&
       &   3.60999, 6.50332E-02, -5.30308E-04, 1.69843E-06,&
       &   2.38854, 1.09261E-02, -1.04240E-04, 3.50074E-07,&
       &   3.28763, 3.04339E-02, -2.85683E-04, 9.52203E-07,&
       &   3.91175, 5.43371E-02, -5.05866E-04, 1.67954E-06,&
       &   4.37193, 8.12484E-02, -7.53536E-04, 2.49656E-06,&
       &   1.79111, 2.24369E-02, -1.96602E-04, 6.30520E-07,&
       &   2.32802, 4.69355E-02, -4.01338E-04, 1.27852E-06,&
       &   2.66199, 7.33749E-02, -6.18366E-04, 1.96580E-06,&
       &   2.87716, 1.01409E-01, -8.49488E-04, 2.70447E-06/

!c--- IR bands
        data cpir / &
       &   0.80828E+00, 0.35457E-02,-0.32593E-04, 0.10616E-06,&
       &   0.83099E+00, 0.33684E-02,-0.32271E-04, 0.10833E-06,&
       &   0.84393E+00, 0.33526E-02,-0.32787E-04, 0.10919E-06,&
       &   0.82449E+00, 0.36684E-02,-0.36170E-04, 0.12336E-06,&
       &   0.82025E+00, 0.33894E-02,-0.30349E-04, 0.94896E-07,&
       &   0.82851E+00, 0.38298E-02,-0.37428E-04, 0.12370E-06,&
       &   0.77099E+00, 0.60819E-02,-0.67227E-04, 0.23893E-06,&
       &   0.71680E+00, 0.62920E-02,-0.64410E-04, 0.21714E-06,&
       &   0.66987E+00, 0.74566E-02,-0.75205E-04, 0.25469E-06,&
       &   0.62566E+00, 0.77781E-02,-0.73834E-04, 0.24131E-06,&
       &   0.57878E+00, 0.11177E-01,-0.12254E-03, 0.44038E-06,&
       &   0.31494E+00, 0.18856E-01,-0.20582E-03, 0.72328E-06/

        end module ice4

!c Fu 07-08-98
!        block data ice5

        module ice5 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
       !c Following Fu (1996; J. Climate) and Fu et al. (1998; J. Climate), &
!c ap is the empirical coefficients of Eq. (3.9a) of Fu (1996) and
!c Eq. (3.1) of Fu et al. (1998) to calculate the extiction coefficient
!c (1/m).  bps is for the single scattering albedo in the solar bands
!c (3.9b in Fu) and bpir is for the absorption coefficient (1/m) in the
!c IR bands (3.2 in Fu et al.).  cp is the empirical coefficients of
!c Eq. (3.9c) in Fu or Eq. (3.3) in Fu et al. to compute the asymmetry
!c factor of the phase function.  dps is the empirical coefficients of
!c Eq. (3.9d) of Fu to calculate the forward delta-fraction in the
!c solar bands.  The units of generalized effective size and ice water
!c content are um and g/m**3, respectively, in these equations.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
        USE  PARA_FILE
!c##      include 'rad_0698.h'
!        common /ic5/ ap(3,mb), bps(4,mbs), bpir(4, mbir), &
!                       cp(4,mb), dps(4,mbs)
        implicit none
        real, save :: ap(3,mb), bps(4,mbs), bpir(4, mbir), &
       &              cp(4,mb), dps(4,mbs) 
        data ap / &
       &         -2.9172062e-05,  2.5192544e+00,  0.0,&
       &         -2.2948980e-05,  2.5212550e+00,  0.0,&
       &         -2.9772840e-04,  2.5400320e+00,  0.0,&
       &          4.2668223e-04,  2.4933372e+00,  0.0,&
       &          4.3226531e-04,  2.4642946e+00,  0.0,&
       &          9.5918990e-05,  2.5232218e+00,  0.0,&
       &         -2.308881e-03, 2.814002e+00, 1.072211e+00,&
       &         -2.465236e-03, 2.833187e+00,-4.227573e-01,&
       &         -3.034573e-03, 2.900043e+00,-1.849911e+00,&
       &         -4.936610e-03, 3.087764e+00,-3.884262e+00,&
       &         -8.178608e-03, 3.401245e+00,-8.812820e+00,&
       &         -8.372696e-03, 3.455018e+00,-1.516692e+01,&
       &         -1.691632e-03, 2.765756e+00,-8.331033e+00,&
       &         -4.159424e-03, 3.047325e+00,-5.061568e+00,&
       &         -9.524174e-03, 3.587742e+00,-1.068895e+01,&
       &         -1.334860e-02, 4.043808e+00,-2.171029e+01,&
       &          3.325756e-03, 2.601360e+00,-1.909602e+01,&
       &          4.919685e-03, 2.327741e+00,-1.390858e+01 /

        data bps / &
       &  1.3540265e-07,  9.9282217e-08, -7.3843168e-11,  3.3111862e-13,&
       & -2.1458450e-06,  2.1984010e-05, -4.4225520e-09,  1.0711940e-11,&
       &  1.4027890e-04,  1.3919010e-03, -5.1005610e-06,  1.4032930e-08,&
       &  5.7801650e-03,  2.4420420e-03, -1.1985030e-05,  3.3878720e-08,&
       &  2.7122737e-01,  1.9809794e-03, -1.5071269e-05,  5.0103900e-08,&
       &  1.6215025e-01,  6.3734393e-03, -5.7740959e-05,  1.9109300e-07 /

        data bpir / &
       &  4.346482e-01, 1.721457e-02,-1.623227e-04, 5.561523e-07,&
       &  7.428957e-01, 1.279601e-02,-1.391803e-04, 5.180104e-07,&
       &  8.862434e-01, 1.226538e-02,-1.523076e-04, 6.000892e-07,&
       &  7.152274e-01, 1.621734e-02,-1.868544e-04, 7.078738e-07,&
       &  5.874323e-01, 1.876628e-02,-2.045834e-04, 7.510080e-07,&
       &  5.409536e-01, 1.949649e-02,-2.050908e-04, 7.364680e-07,&
       &  1.195515e+00, 3.350616e-03,-5.266996e-05, 2.233377e-07,&
       &  1.466481e+00,-2.129226e-03,-1.361630e-05, 1.193649e-07,&
       &  9.551440e-01, 1.309792e-02,-1.793694e-04, 7.313392e-07,&
       &  3.003701e-01, 2.051529e-02,-1.931684e-04, 6.583031e-07,&
       &  2.005578e-01, 2.132614e-02,-1.751052e-04, 5.355885e-07,&
       &  8.869787e-01, 2.118409e-02,-2.781429e-04, 1.094562e-06 /

        data cp / &
       &  7.4812728e-01,  9.5684492e-04, -1.1151708e-06, -8.1557303e-09,&
       &  7.5212480e-01,  1.1045100e-03, -2.9157100e-06, -1.3429900e-09,&
       &  7.5320460e-01,  1.8845180e-03, -9.7571460e-06,  2.2428270e-08,&
       &  7.7381780e-01,  2.2260760e-03, -1.4052790e-05,  3.7896870e-08,&
       &  8.7020490e-01,  1.6645530e-03, -1.4886030e-05,  4.9867270e-08,&
       &  7.4212060e-01,  5.2621900e-03, -5.0877550e-05,  1.7307870e-07,&
       &  7.962716e-01, 3.003488e-03,-2.082376e-05, 5.366545e-08,&
       &  8.472918e-01, 2.559953e-03,-2.182660e-05, 6.879977e-08,&
       &  8.741665e-01, 2.455409e-03,-2.456935e-05, 8.641223e-08,&
       &  8.522816e-01, 2.523627e-03,-2.149196e-05, 6.685067e-08,&
       &  8.609604e-01, 2.200445e-03,-1.748105e-05, 5.176616e-08,&
       &  8.906280e-01, 1.903269e-03,-1.733552e-05, 5.855071e-08,&
       &  8.663385e-01, 2.797934e-03,-3.187011e-05, 1.217209e-07,&
       &  7.984021e-01, 3.977117e-03,-4.471984e-05, 1.694919e-07,&
       &  7.363466e-01, 4.798266e-03,-4.513292e-05, 1.525774e-07,&
       &  7.260484e-01, 2.664334e-03,-1.251136e-05, 2.243377e-08,&
       &  6.891414e-01, 6.192281e-03,-6.459514e-05, 2.436963e-07,&
       &  4.949276e-01, 1.186174e-02,-1.267629e-04, 4.603574e-07 /

        data dps / &
       &  1.1572963e-01,  2.5648064e-04,  1.9131293e-06, -1.2460341e-08,&
       &  1.1360752e-01,  2.4156171e-04,  2.0185942e-06, -1.2876106e-08,&
       &  1.1241170e-01, -1.7635186e-07,  2.1499248e-06, -1.2949304e-08,&
       &  1.0855775e-01, -3.2496217e-04,  3.4207304e-06, -1.6247759e-08,&
       &  5.7783360e-02, -4.1158260e-04,  4.2361240e-06, -1.7204950e-08,&
       &  1.1367129e-01, -1.9711061e-03,  1.6078010e-05, -5.1736898e-08 /
!c *********************************************************************
        end module ice5

!C---- new coefficients for single ice habit parameterization by Feng Zhang
!        block data ice6

        module ice6 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c ap and bp are empirical coefficients of Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) to
!c calculate the extiction coefficient (1/m) and single scattering
!c albedo, cps and dps are empirical coefficients of Eq. (2.13) to
       !c compute the expansion coefficients of the phase function (1, 2, &
!c 3, 4) in the solar bands, cpir is the empirical coefficients of
!c Eq. (2.15) to calculate the asymmetry factor in the IR bands (Fu
!c and Liou, 1992). The units of mean effective size and ice water
!c content are um and g/m*m*m, respectively, in these equations.
!c for a single habit calculated from Yang's 2000 datasets.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
        USE  PARA_FILE
!        common /ic6/ ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), dps(4,mbs),&
!                    cpir(4,mbir)
        implicit none
        real, save :: ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), dps(4,mbs),&
       &              cpir(4,mbir)
        data ap / &
       &  -0.38746E-03, 0.32973E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.50694E-03, 0.32985E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.71712E-03, 0.32223E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.98125E-03, 0.33230E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.87834E-03, 0.31841E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.34512E-03, 0.32746E+01,0.0,&
       &          -7.770e-3,          3.734,          11.85,&
       &          -8.088e-3,          3.717,          17.17,&
       &          -8.441e-3,          3.715,          19.48,&
       &          -9.061e-3,          3.741,          26.48,&
       &          -9.609e-3,          3.768,          34.11,&
       &          -1.153e-2,          4.109,          17.32,&
       &          -8.294e-3,          3.925,          1.315,&
       &          -1.026e-2,          4.105,          16.36,&
       &          -1.151e-2,          4.182,          31.13,&
       &          -1.704e-2,          4.830,          16.27,&
       &          -1.741e-2,          5.541,         -58.42,&
       &          -7.752e-3,          4.624,         -42.01 /

        data bp / &
       &   0.38590E-07, 0.72370E-07, 0.31022E-10,-0.14691E-12,&
       &   0.17300E-05, 0.11233E-04, 0.17393E-08,-0.12202E-10,&
       &   0.18169E-02, 0.72681E-03,-0.26276E-06,-0.27928E-08,&
       &   0.78700E-02, 0.17288E-02,-0.28655E-05,-0.20102E-08,&
       &   0.23621E+00, 0.16462E-02,-0.78390E-05, 0.16004E-07,&
       &   0.11644E+00, 0.52256E-02,-0.31336E-04, 0.69178E-07,&
       &          .19960E+00,  .37800E-02, -.14910E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .30140E+00,  .26390E-02, -.11160E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .39080E+00,  .12720E-02, -.55640E-05,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .31050E+00,  .26030E-02, -.11390E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .20370E+00,  .42470E-02, -.18100E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .23070E+00,  .38300E-02, -.16160E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .56310E+00, -.14340E-02,  .62980E-05,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .52070E+00, -.97780E-03,  .37250E-05,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .32540E+00,  .34340E-02, -.30810E-04,  .91430E-07,&
       &          .10280E+00,  .50190E-02, -.20240E-04,  .00000E+00,&
       &          .39640E+00, -.31550E-02,  .64170E-04, -.29790E-06,&
       &          .80790E+00, -.70040E-02,  .52090E-04, -.14250E-06 /

        data cps / &
       &   0.21659E+01, 0.22216E-02,-0.59640E-05, 0.16482E-07,&
       &   0.31725E+01, 0.52862E-02,-0.23595E-04, 0.68774E-07,&
       &   0.39577E+01, 0.91975E-02,-0.59064E-04, 0.18597E-06,&
       &   0.48731E+01, 0.13409E-01,-0.10001E-03, 0.29756E-06,&
       &   0.21148E+01, 0.35792E-02,-0.14387E-04, 0.33916E-07,&
       &   0.29802E+01, 0.86827E-02,-0.43013E-04, 0.10745E-06,&
       &   0.36496E+01, 0.14548E-01,-0.88220E-04, 0.24029E-06,&
       &   0.44246E+01, 0.21138E-01,-0.14383E-03, 0.38506E-06,&
       &   0.21080E+01, 0.45474E-02,-0.12614E-04, 0.13394E-07,&
       &   0.28827E+01, 0.10920E-01,-0.38268E-04, 0.62198E-07,&
       &   0.34763E+01, 0.18024E-01,-0.76309E-04, 0.15170E-06,&
       &   0.41410E+01, 0.26250E-01,-0.13345E-03, 0.29134E-06,&
       &   0.21644E+01, 0.60657E-02,-0.23328E-04, 0.37156E-07,&
       &   0.28683E+01, 0.14231E-01,-0.52725E-04, 0.81739E-07,&
       &   0.34205E+01, 0.22708E-01,-0.86359E-04, 0.13936E-06,&
       &   0.39875E+01, 0.32511E-01,-0.14175E-03, 0.26516E-06,&
       &   0.24762E+01, 0.57563E-02,-0.37849E-04, 0.95587E-07,&
       &   0.34989E+01, 0.16372E-01,-0.10394E-03, 0.25605E-06,&
       &   0.42810E+01, 0.29538E-01,-0.18603E-03, 0.45460E-06,&
       &   0.49398E+01, 0.44821E-01,-0.28585E-03, 0.70220E-06,&
       &   0.19379E+01, 0.14271E-01,-0.83150E-04, 0.17824E-06,&
       &   0.26709E+01, 0.29022E-01,-0.15863E-03, 0.32130E-06,&
       &   0.31501E+01, 0.45697E-01,-0.23729E-03, 0.45482E-06,&
       &   0.35520E+01, 0.63575E-01,-0.32729E-03, 0.62582E-06/

        data cpir / .79550,     2.524e-3,    -1.022e-5,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .86010,     1.599e-3,    -6.465e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .89150,     1.060e-3,    -4.171e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .87650,     1.198e-3,    -4.485e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .88150,     9.858e-4,    -3.116e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .91670,     5.499e-4,    -1.507e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .90920,     9.295e-4,    -3.877e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .84540,     1.429e-3,    -5.859e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .76780,     2.571e-3,    -1.041e-5,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .72900,     2.132e-3,    -5.584e-6,     0.000e+0,&
       &            .70240,     4.581e-3,    -3.054e-5,     6.684e-8,&
       &            .22920,     1.724e-2,    -1.573e-4,     4.995e-7 /

        end module ice6

!C---- new coefficients for single habit ice parameterization
!C-----by Qing Yue, 2007. Solar from Yang 2000, IR from Yang 2005
!        block data ice7

        module ice7 1,1
!# include "para.file"
        USE  PARA_FILE
!        common /ic7/ ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), &
!                    cpir(4,mbir)
        implicit none
        real, save :: ap(3,mb), bp(4,mb), cps(4,4,mbs), &
       &              cpir(4,mbir)
        data ap / &
!C--- solar bands
       &  -0.38746E-03, 0.32973E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.50694E-03, 0.32985E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.71712E-03, 0.32223E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.98125E-03, 0.33230E+01,0.0,&
       &   0.87834E-03, 0.31841E+01,0.0,&
       &  -0.34512E-03, 0.32746E+01,0.0,&
!c--- IR bands
       &  -0.50589E-03, 0.33265E+01, 0.38436E+01,&
       &  -0.38765E-02, 0.37526E+01,-0.21254E+01,&
       &  -0.48168E-02, 0.38393E+01,-0.41956E+01,&
       &  -0.80184E-02, 0.42143E+01,-0.94178E+01,&
       &  -0.84545E-02, 0.42523E+01,-0.14044E+02,&
       &  -0.78583E-02, 0.43559E+01,-0.23802E+02,&
       &   0.16759E-03, 0.32759E+01,-0.10914E+02,&
       &  -0.56504E-02, 0.40831E+01,-0.85350E+01,&
       &  -0.11870E-01, 0.48843E+01,-0.19757E+02,&
       &  -0.11976E-01, 0.49646E+01,-0.32042E+02,&
       &   0.43393E-02, 0.30397E+01,-0.25740E+02,&
       &   0.50587E-02, 0.29157E+01,-0.20003E+02/

        data bp / &
!c--- solar bands
       & 0.38590E-07, 0.72370E-07, 0.31022E-10,-0.14691E-12,&
       & 0.17300E-05, 0.11233E-04, 0.17393E-08,-0.12202E-10,&
       & 0.18169E-02, 0.72681E-03,-0.26276E-06,-0.27928E-08,&
       & 0.78700E-02, 0.17288E-02,-0.28655E-05,-0.20102E-08,&
       & 0.23621E+00, 0.16462E-02,-0.78390E-05, 0.16004E-07,&
       & 0.11644E+00, 0.52256E-02,-0.31336E-04, 0.69178E-07,&
!c---IR bands
       & 0.11837E+00, 0.59707E-02,-0.37381E-04, 0.82247E-07,&
       & 0.18890E+00, 0.56695E-02,-0.39054E-04, 0.92022E-07,&
       & 0.32556E+00, 0.35682E-02,-0.27697E-04, 0.70817E-07,&
       & 0.26624E+00, 0.44710E-02,-0.32194E-04, 0.77848E-07,&
       & 0.20286E+00, 0.52926E-02,-0.33796E-04, 0.73155E-07,&
       & 0.26761E+00, 0.33641E-02,-0.16682E-04, 0.24691E-07,&
       & 0.63681E+00,-0.32014E-02, 0.23511E-04,-0.59634E-07,&
       & 0.53407E+00,-0.93014E-03, 0.46540E-05,-0.99015E-08,&
       & 0.33019E+00, 0.30715E-02,-0.21409E-04, 0.47927E-07,&
       & 0.15758E+00, 0.34101E-02,-0.11554E-04, 0.77336E-08,&
       & 0.32540E+00,-0.24775E-03, 0.19549E-04,-0.79449E-07,&
       & 0.81081E+00,-0.73585E-02, 0.60735E-04,-0.16801E-06/

        data cps / &
!c-- solar bands
       & 0.21659E+01, 0.22216E-02,-0.59640E-05, 0.16482E-07,&
       & 0.31725E+01, 0.52862E-02,-0.23595E-04, 0.68774E-07,&
       & 0.39577E+01, 0.91975E-02,-0.59064E-04, 0.18597E-06,&
       & 0.48731E+01, 0.13409E-01,-0.10001E-03, 0.29756E-06,&
       & 0.21148E+01, 0.35792E-02,-0.14387E-04, 0.33916E-07,&
       & 0.29802E+01, 0.86827E-02,-0.43013E-04, 0.10745E-06,&
       & 0.36496E+01, 0.14548E-01,-0.88220E-04, 0.24029E-06,&
       & 0.44246E+01, 0.21138E-01,-0.14383E-03, 0.38506E-06,&
       & 0.21080E+01, 0.45474E-02,-0.12614E-04, 0.13394E-07,&
       & 0.28827E+01, 0.10920E-01,-0.38268E-04, 0.62198E-07,&
       & 0.34763E+01, 0.18024E-01,-0.76309E-04, 0.15170E-06,&
       & 0.41410E+01, 0.26250E-01,-0.13345E-03, 0.29134E-06,&
       & 0.21644E+01, 0.60657E-02,-0.23328E-04, 0.37156E-07,&
       & 0.28683E+01, 0.14231E-01,-0.52725E-04, 0.81739E-07,&
       & 0.34205E+01, 0.22708E-01,-0.86359E-04, 0.13936E-06,&
       & 0.39875E+01, 0.32511E-01,-0.14175E-03, 0.26516E-06,&
       & 0.24762E+01, 0.57563E-02,-0.37849E-04, 0.95587E-07,&
       & 0.34989E+01, 0.16372E-01,-0.10394E-03, 0.25605E-06,&
       & 0.42810E+01, 0.29538E-01,-0.18603E-03, 0.45460E-06,&
       & 0.49398E+01, 0.44821E-01,-0.28585E-03, 0.70220E-06,&
       & 0.19379E+01, 0.14271E-01,-0.83150E-04, 0.17824E-06,&
       & 0.26709E+01, 0.29022E-01,-0.15863E-03, 0.32130E-06,&
       & 0.31501E+01, 0.45697E-01,-0.23729E-03, 0.45482E-06,&
       & 0.35520E+01, 0.63575E-01,-0.32729E-03, 0.62582E-06/

!c--- IR bands
        data cpir / &
       & 0.81089E+00, 0.16243E-02,-0.31561E-05,-0.79532E-08,&
       & 0.86014E+00, 0.17674E-02,-0.94067E-05, 0.17704E-07,&
       & 0.86338E+00, 0.21946E-02,-0.15417E-04, 0.37614E-07,&
       & 0.85780E+00, 0.17558E-02,-0.86896E-05, 0.13392E-07,&
       & 0.86534E+00, 0.15068E-02,-0.65455E-05, 0.78494E-08,&
       & 0.88588E+00, 0.18314E-02,-0.13509E-04, 0.34430E-07,&
       & 0.83432E+00, 0.32058E-02,-0.26575E-04, 0.72447E-07,&
       & 0.76777E+00, 0.37283E-02,-0.28309E-04, 0.72651E-07,&
       & 0.73123E+00, 0.33814E-02,-0.19619E-04, 0.40249E-07,&
       & 0.69978E+00, 0.29035E-02,-0.15833E-04, 0.35895E-07,&
       & 0.65075E+00, 0.58411E-02,-0.46674E-04, 0.12976E-06,&
       & 0.36707E+00, 0.12097E-01,-0.97415E-04, 0.26174E-06/

        end module ice7

!CCCCCC---- end of ice block data------------------C

!    block data water1

      module water1 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c bz, wz and gz are the extinction coefficient(1/km), single scattering
       !c albedo and asymmetry factor for the water clouds (St II, Sc I, St I, &
!c As, Ns, Sc II, Cu, and Cb) in different bands.   re is the effective 
!c radius and fl is the liquid water content (LWC).  See Tables 4.2-4.4 
!c of Fu (1991).
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
!    common /wat1/ re(nc), fl(nc), bz(nc,mb), wz(nc,mb), gz(nc,mb)
      implicit none
      real, save :: re(nc), fl(nc), bz(nc,mb), wz(nc,mb), gz(nc,mb)
      data re /  4.18,  5.36,  5.89,  6.16,  &
     &            9.27,  9.84, 12.10, 31.23 /
	  data fl / 0.05, 0.14, 0.22, 0.28, &
     &           0.50, 0.47, 1.00, 2.50 /
      data bz /   15.11,  40.25,  59.81,  72.43,&
     &            83.69,  73.99, 128.17, 120.91,&
     &            15.74,  41.70,  61.52,  74.47,&
     &            85.78,  75.59, 130.46, 121.84,&
     &            16.38,  43.52,  64.84,  77.97,&
     &            87.31,  77.36, 134.30, 124.06,&
     &            17.57,  45.78,  66.44,  80.15,&
     &            90.49,  79.90, 137.56, 125.92,&
     &            18.19,  46.63,  69.39,  82.20,&
     &            91.46,  79.99, 138.21, 126.08,&
     &            21.30,  51.88,  77.77,  87.02,&
     &            94.91,  83.55, 143.46, 128.45,&
     &            22.44,  57.35,  84.41, 103.50,&
     &           103.49,  84.17, 152.77, 132.07,&
     &            18.32,  52.69,  76.67, 100.31,&
     &           105.46,  92.86, 157.82, 133.03,&
     &            17.27,  50.44,  74.18,  96.76,&
     &           105.32,  95.25, 158.07, 134.48,&
     &            13.73,  44.90,  67.70,  90.85,&
     &           109.16, 105.48, 163.11, 136.21,&
     &            10.30,  36.28,  57.23,  76.43,&
     &           106.45, 104.90, 161.73, 136.62,&
     &             7.16,  26.40,  43.51,  57.24,&
     &            92.55,  90.55, 149.10, 135.13,&
     &             6.39,  21.00,  33.81,  43.36,&
     &            66.90,  63.58, 113.83, 125.65,&
     &            10.33,  30.87,  47.63,  60.33,&
     &            79.54,  73.92, 127.46, 128.21,&
     &            11.86,  35.64,  54.81,  69.85,&
     &            90.39,  84.16, 142.49, 135.25,&
     &            10.27,  33.08,  51.81,  67.26,&
     &            93.24,  88.60, 148.71, 140.42,&
     &             6.72,  24.09,  39.42,  51.68,&
     &            83.34,  80.72, 140.14, 143.57,&
     &             3.92,  14.76,  25.32,  32.63,&
     &            60.85,  58.81, 112.30, 145.62 /
	  data wz /  .999999, .999999, .999999, .999999,&
     &           .999998, .999999, .999998, .999997,&
     &           .999753, .999700, .999667, .999646,&
     &           .999492, .999470, .999344, .998667,&
     &           .995914, .994967, .994379, .993842,&
     &           .991385, .990753, .988908, .974831,&
     &           .983761, .978981, .976568, .974700,&
     &           .963466, .959934, .953865, .897690,&
     &           .702949, .683241, .679723, .669045,&
     &           .642616, .632996, .629776, .588820,&
     &           .947343, .929619, .924806, .914557,&
     &           .877169, .867047, .853661, .737426,&
     &           .919356, .896274, .885924, .881097,&
     &           .812772, .781637, .775418, .637341,&
     &           .874717, .861122, .847850, .851677,&
     &           .787171, .772952, .753143, .618656,&
     &           .764750, .752410, .736529, .743435,&
     &           .671272, .659392, .639492, .549941,&
     &           .807536, .808700, .795994, .805489,&
     &           .750577, .755524, .709472, .571989,&
     &           .753346, .772026, .767273, .777079,&
     &           .751264, .760973, .712536, .568286,&
     &           .632722, .676332, .684631, .693552,&
     &           .707986, .717724, .682430, .552867,&
     &           .288885, .348489, .371653, .380367,&
     &           .454540, .465769, .475409, .493881,&
     &           .261827, .306283, .321340, .333051,&
     &           .392917, .406876, .417450, .484593,&
     &           .295804, .339929, .352494, .365502,&
     &           .416229, .430369, .435267, .491356,&
     &           .301214, .354746, .369346, .381906,&
     &           .433602, .447397, .447406, .486968,&
     &           .243714, .318761, .344642, .352770,&
     &           .427906, .438979, .445972, .477264,&
     &           .109012, .187230, .226849, .224976,&
     &           .331382, .335917, .374882, .457067 /
	  data gz /  .838, .839, .844, .847,&
     &           .849, .860, .853, .859,&
     &           .809, .810, .819, .823,&
     &           .823, .849, .833, .843,&
     &           .774, .787, .781, .792,&
     &           .812, .836, .815, .833,&
     &           .801, .802, .793, .793,&
     &           .814, .829, .818, .832,&
     &           .877, .873, .879, .880,&
     &           .885, .899, .891, .908,&
     &           .783, .769, .777, .756,&
     &           .764, .776, .770, .797,&
     &           .818, .805, .824, .830,&
     &           .815, .801, .820, .845,&
     &           .810, .802, .826, .840,&
     &           .829, .853, .840, .868,&
     &           .774, .766, .799, .818,&
     &           .815, .869, .834, .869,&
     &           .734, .728, .767, .797,&
     &           .796, .871, .818, .854,&
     &           .693, .688, .736, .772,&
     &           .780, .880, .808, .846,&
     &           .643, .646, .698, .741,&
     &           .759, .882, .793, .839,&
     &           .564, .582, .637, .690,&
     &           .719, .871, .764, .819,&
     &           .466, .494, .546, .609,&
     &           .651, .823, .701, .766,&
     &           .375, .410, .455, .525,&
     &           .583, .773, .637, .710,&
     &           .262, .301, .334, .406,&
     &           .485, .695, .545, .631,&
     &           .144, .181, .200, .256,&
     &           .352, .562, .413, .517,&
     &           .060, .077, .088, .112,&
     &           .181, .310, .222, .327 /
	  end module water1

!	block data rayle1

    module rayle1 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c ri is the coefficient in Eq.(4.8) of Fu (1991) to compute the optical
!c depth due to Rayleigh scattering in the solar bands.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
!    common /ray1/ ri(mbs)
    implicit none
    real, save :: ri(mbs)
	data ri / 0.9022e-5, 0.5282e-6, 0.5722e-7, &
   &  	      0.1433e-7, 0.4526e-8, 0.1529e-8 /
	end module rayle1

!    block data rain1

    module rain1 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c brn,  wrnf and  grn  are  the extinction coefficient (1/km),  single
!c scattering  albedo  and  asymmetry  factor  for  the rain.  The size
!c distribution of  rain  is  in the form of a truncated constant-slope 
!c gamma function (Manton and Cotton, 1977)  where rmin = 60 um, rmax =
!c 1800 um,  rc = 162 um,  density of water = 1 g/cm**3, and rain water
!c content (rwc) = 0.5 g/m**3.
!c                        Jan. 19, 1993
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
!    common /rai1/ rwc, brn(mb), wrnf(mb), grn(mb)
    implicit none
    real, save :: rwc, brn(mb), wrnf(mb), grn(mb)
	data rwc / 0.5 /
    data brn /  1.5377, 1.5377, 1.5379, 1.5385, 1.5396, 1.5417,&
   &            1.5454, 1.5478, 1.5512, 1.5559, 1.5600, 1.5642,&
   &            1.5647, 1.5741, 1.5862, 1.5993, 1.6149, 1.6765 /
    data wrnf /.999932, .97096, .74627, .56719, .53023, .53815,&
   &           .53233, .52884, .53192, .52969, .52716, .52321,&
   &           .51904, .53859, .55169, .55488, .55334, .55218 /
    data grn / .88323, .89067, .92835, .96626, .97553, .96626,&
   &           .97226, .97663, .97216, .97467, .97745, .98156,&
   &           .98584, .96374, .94218, .93266, .92990, .90729 /
    end module rain1

!    block data graup1

    module graup1 1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c The single-scattering  properties of graupel here are replaced by
!c those of aesosols (rural model of Shettle and Fenn, 1979 with 50%
!c relative humidity). The extinction coefficients are normalized to
!c a number of density of 1.5e10 particles/m**3.
!c                        June 23, 1994
!C For graupel
!c bg,  wgf  and  gg are  the  extinction  coefficient (1/km),   single
!c scattering  albedo  and  asymmetry  factor for the graupel. The size
!c distribution of graupel is in the form of a truncated constant-slope 
!c gamma function (Manton and Cotton, 1977)  where rmin = 60 um, rmax =
!c 5000 um, rc = 500 um, density of graupel = 0.6 g/cm**3, and  graupel
!c water content (gwc) = 0.5 g/m**3.
!c                        Jan. 19, 1993
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
!    common /gra1/ gwc, bg(mb), wgf(mb), gg(mb)
    implicit none
    real, save :: gwc, bg(mb), wgf(mb), gg(mb)
!c--- for aerosol in orig Fu-Liou
!        data gwc / 1.5e10 /
!        data bg /  1.514e-01,6.361e-02,3.653e-02,2.024e-02,1.824e-02,&
!                  1.520e-02,1.343e-02,1.196e-02,1.103e-02,9.383e-03,&
!                  1.254e-02,1.658e-02,1.082e-02,8.567e-03,9.362e-03,&
!                  9.319e-03,7.062e-03,6.603e-03 /
!        data wgf / 0.9427,0.8653,0.7978,0.8492,0.6459,0.9137,&
!                  0.8418,0.7947,0.6686,0.4676,0.2786,0.4632,&
!                  0.6415,0.5105,0.4492,0.4094,0.2794,0.2137 /
!        data gg /  0.6534,0.6220,0.6365,0.7277,0.7759,0.7311,&
!                  0.7498,0.7685,0.7810,0.8104,0.7322,0.6162,&
!                  0.6441,0.6802,0.6200,0.5404,0.5178,0.4399 /

!C For graupel
	    data gwc / 0.5 /
       	data bg /  0.83939,0.83940,0.83940,0.83941,0.83946,0.83951, &
       &           0.83967,0.83979,0.83995,0.84029,0.84058,0.84097, &
       &           0.84143,0.84286,0.84418,0.84825,0.85421,0.87477 /
       	data wgf / 0.999911,0.97115,0.56192,0.53156,0.52579,0.53846, &
       &           0.53296,0.53017,0.53182,0.53180,0.52959,0.52446, &
       &           0.52342,0.54914,0.55258,0.54307,0.53160,0.55474 /
       	data gg /  0.89218,0.89940,0.96820,0.97816,0.98141,0.96373, &
       &           0.97173,0.97559,0.97330,0.97327,0.97626,0.98274, &
       &           0.98396,0.94673,0.94213,0.95539,0.97097,0.93183 /
	end module graup1

      module numericals 2
!c **********************************************************************
!c Double-Gauss quadratures and weights (Sykes, 1951).
!c **********************************************************************
!    block data
!    common /dis/ a(4)
!    common /point/ u(4)
      implicit none
      real, dimension(4) :: a, u, p0d, p1d, p2d, p3d
      real, dimension(4,4) :: p11d, p22d, p33d
      data a / 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 /
      data u / -0.7886752, -0.2113247, 0.2113247, 0.7886752 /
!    end

!c *********************************************************************
!c p0, p1, p2 and p3 are Legendre polynomials for l = 1, 2, 3.
!c *********************************************************************
!c	function p0 ( x )
!c	p0 = 1.0
!c	return
!c	end
!c	function p1 ( x )
!c	p1 = x
!c	return
!c	end
!c	function p2 ( x )
!c	p2 = 1.5 * x * x - 0.5
!c	return
!c	end
!c	function p3 ( x )
!c	p3 = ( 2.5 * x * x - 1.5 ) * x
!c	return
!c	end

!c **********************************************************************
!c p0d(4), p1d(4), p2d(4), and p3d(4) are Legendre polynomials p0(x), 
!c p1(x), p2(x), and p3(x) when x = u(1), u(2), u(3), and u(4).
!c **********************************************************************
!      block data legend
!      common /legen/ p0d(4), p1d(4), p2d(4), p3d(4)
      data p0d /  .100000E+01,  .100000E+01,  .100000E+01, .100000E+01 /
      data p1d / -.788675E+00, -.211325E+00,  .211325E+00, .788675E+00 /
      data p2d /  .433013E+00, -.433013E+00, -.433013E+00, .433013E+00 /
      data p3d / -.433940E-01,  .293394E+00, -.293394E+00, .433940E-01 /
!      end

!c *********************************************************************
       !c p11d(4,4), p22d(4,4), and p33d(4,4) are defined as 0.5*p1d(i)*p1d(j), &
!c 0.5*p2d(i)*p2d(j), and 0.5*p3d(i)*p3d(j), respectively.
!c *********************************************************************
!      block data legenf
!      common /legen1/ p11d(4,4), p22d(4,4), p33d(4,4)
      data p11d / .311004E+00, .833334E-01,-.833334E-01,-.311004E+00,&
     &            .833334E-01, .223291E-01,-.223291E-01,-.833334E-01,&
     &           -.833334E-01,-.223291E-01, .223291E-01, .833334E-01,&
     &           -.311004E+00,-.833334E-01, .833334E-01, .311004E+00 /
      data p22d / .937501E-01,-.937501E-01,-.937501E-01, .937501E-01,&
     &           -.937501E-01, .937501E-01, .937501E-01,-.937501E-01,&
     &           -.937501E-01, .937501E-01, .937501E-01,-.937501E-01,&
     &            .937501E-01,-.937501E-01,-.937501E-01, .937501E-01 /
      data p33d / .941520E-03,-.636577E-02, .636577E-02,-.941520E-03,&
     &           -.636577E-02, .430400E-01,-.430400E-01, .636577E-02,&
     &            .636577E-02,-.430400E-01, .430400E-01,-.636577E-02,&
     &           -.941520E-03, .636577E-02,-.636577E-02, .941520E-03 /
      end module numericals

    module band  1
    implicit none
    integer, private :: i, j, k
!    block data ckd1
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 to 
!c one. fko3 is the corresponding ozone absorption coefficient in units
!c of (cm-atm)**-1 (Fu, 1991). The spectral region is from 50000 cm**-1 
!c to 14500 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
    real, save :: hk_1(10), fko3_1(10),        &
   &              hk_2(8), coeh2o_2(3,11,8),   &
   &              hk_3(12), coeh2o_3(3,11,12), &
   &              hk_4(7), coeh2o_4(3,11,7),   &
   &              hk_5(12), coeh2o_5(3,11,12), &
   &              hk_6(5), coeh2o_6(3,11,5),   &
   &              hk_7(2), coeh2o_7(3,19,2),   &
   &              hk_8(3), coeh2o_8(3,19,3),   &
   &              hk_9(4), coeh2o_9(3,19,4),   &
   &              hk_10(4), coeh2o_10(3,19,4),                       &
   &              coech4_10(3,19), coen2o_10(3,19),                  &
   &              hk_11(3), coeh2o_11(3,19,3),                       &
   &              coech4_11(3,19), coen2o_11(3,19),                  &
   &              hk_12(5), coeo3_12(3,19,5), coeh2o_12(3,19),       &
   &              hk_13(2), coeh2o_13(3,19,2),                       &
   &              hk_14(10), coehca_14(3,19,10), coehcb_14(3,19,10), &
   &              hk_15(12), coehca_15(3,19,12), coehcb_15(3,19,12), &
   &              hk_16(7), coeh2o_16(3,19,7),                       &
   &              hk_17(7), coeh2o_17(3,19,7),                       &
   &              hk_18(8), coeh2o_18(3,19,8)
!    common /band1/ hk(10), fko3(10)
    data hk_1 / .24, .16, .24, .28, .03,& 
   &            .016, .01, .008, .008, .008 /
    data fko3_1 / .2204e-08,.1207e-01,.4537e-01,.1032e+00,.1740e+00,&
   &              .1210e+01,.7367e+01,.2050e+02,.8100e+02,.2410e+03 /

!    block data ckd2
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and eight cumulative probabilities  ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 14500 to 7700 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band2/ hk(8), coeh2o(3,11,8)
    data hk_2 / .71, .11, .06, .06, .04, .016, .0034, .0006 /
!c   .343849E+03    .532724E+02    .290577E+02    .290577E+02    .193718E+02
!c   .774872E+01    .164660E+01    .290577E+00
    data ( ( ( coeh2o_2(k,j,i), i = 1, 8 ), j = 1, 11 ), k = 1, 3 ) /   &
   &  -.1735E+02,-.1407E+02,-.1268E+02,-.1131E+02,-.9261E+01,-.6666E+01,&
   &  -.3937E+01,-.5448E+00,-.1690E+02,-.1365E+02,-.1232E+02,-.1101E+02,&
   &  -.9058E+01,-.6574E+01,-.3914E+01,-.5529E+00,-.1643E+02,-.1323E+02,&
   &  -.1195E+02,-.1068E+02,-.8840E+01,-.6475E+01,-.3889E+01,-.6143E+00,&
   &  -.1598E+02,-.1282E+02,-.1157E+02,-.1035E+02,-.8598E+01,-.6339E+01,&
   &  -.3848E+01,-.6636E+00,-.1551E+02,-.1241E+02,-.1119E+02,-.1001E+02,&
   &  -.8342E+01,-.6178E+01,-.3788E+01,-.8181E+00,-.1506E+02,-.1201E+02,&
   &  -.1082E+02,-.9692E+01,-.8073E+01,-.6017E+01,-.3703E+01,-.9003E+00,&
   &  -.1446E+02,-.1154E+02,-.1042E+02,-.9332E+01,-.7810E+01,-.5846E+01,&
   &  -.3576E+01,-.1083E+01,-.1394E+02,-.1112E+02,-.1005E+02,-.8992E+01,&
   &  -.7548E+01,-.5674E+01,-.3477E+01,-.1266E+01,-.1351E+02,-.1076E+02,&
   &  -.9722E+01,-.8702E+01,-.7334E+01,-.5531E+01,-.3401E+01,-.1524E+01,&
   &  -.1311E+02,-.1044E+02,-.9422E+01,-.8423E+01,-.7117E+01,-.5383E+01,&
   &  -.3410E+01,-.1785E+01,-.1274E+02,-.1015E+02,-.9162E+01,-.8190E+01,&
   &  -.6949E+01,-.5236E+01,-.3477E+01,-.2082E+01, .2407E-02, .2847E-02,&
   &   .3768E-02, .4626E-02, .5631E-02, .4542E-02, .3475E-02,-.3085E-02,&
   &   .2428E-02, .2805E-02, .3412E-02, .3893E-02, .4773E-02, .3998E-02,&
   &   .2742E-02,-.2556E-02, .2428E-02, .2721E-02, .3077E-02, .3161E-02,&
   &   .4019E-02, .3224E-02, .2512E-02,-.1884E-02, .2449E-02, .2617E-02,&
   &   .2763E-02, .2658E-02, .3286E-02, .2617E-02, .1989E-02,-.1740E-02,&
   &   .2512E-02, .2470E-02, .2470E-02, .2282E-02, .2512E-02, .1926E-02,&
   &   .1465E-02,-.2612E-02, .2554E-02, .2303E-02, .2303E-02, .1842E-02,&
   &   .2030E-02, .1340E-02, .1068E-02,-.1413E-02, .2449E-02, .2198E-02,&
   &   .2030E-02, .1465E-02, .1528E-02, .9838E-03, .1005E-02,-.1099E-02,&
   &   .2868E-02, .2198E-02, .1968E-02, .1382E-02, .1172E-02, .5652E-03,&
   &   .6070E-03,-.1662E-02, .3077E-02, .2219E-02, .1800E-02, .1277E-02,&
   &   .1005E-02, .3349E-03, .2512E-03,-.1195E-02, .3182E-02, .2219E-02,&
   &   .1758E-02, .1172E-02, .7326E-03, .4815E-03, .6280E-04,-.1880E-02,&
   &   .3265E-02, .2114E-02, .1696E-02, .1298E-02, .4187E-03, .4187E-03,&
   &  -.3768E-03,-.1467E-02,-.1180E-04,-.1294E-04,-.1142E-04,-.7232E-05,&
   &  -.8754E-05,-.1484E-04,-.8373E-05, .1028E-04,-.1218E-04,-.1142E-04,&
   &  -.9515E-05,-.1522E-05,-.9134E-05,-.1484E-04,-.3425E-05, .1142E-06,&
   &  -.1294E-04,-.9895E-05,-.7231E-05,-.4187E-05,-.7612E-05,-.3806E-05,&
   &   .1522E-05,-.3882E-05,-.1256E-04,-.8754E-05,-.7612E-05,-.6470E-05,&
   &  -.4948E-05,-.3425E-05, .4948E-05,-.1054E-04,-.1370E-04,-.6089E-05,&
   &  -.8373E-05,-.5709E-05,-.3045E-05,-.3806E-05, .5328E-05, .8678E-05,&
   &  -.1370E-04,-.6851E-05,-.8373E-05,-.1522E-05,-.3425E-05, .0000E+00,&
   &   .1256E-04,-.1572E-04,-.1484E-04,-.7231E-05,-.7992E-05,-.4567E-05,&
   &  -.2664E-05,-.3807E-06,-.1522E-05, .2169E-05,-.1713E-04,-.9515E-05,&
   &  -.6089E-05,-.6851E-05,-.3045E-05,-.1142E-05, .1903E-05, .9363E-05,&
   &  -.1560E-04,-.9134E-05,-.5328E-05,-.4948E-05, .0000E+00, .7611E-06,&
   &  -.6851E-05, .1252E-04,-.1522E-04,-.8373E-05,-.6089E-05,-.6089E-05,&
   &  -.3805E-06,-.1142E-05,-.3807E-06, .2512E-05,-.1599E-04,-.7231E-05,&
   &  -.5709E-05,-.4567E-05, .1522E-05,-.2284E-05,-.3941E-10, .5290E-05/

!    block data ckd3
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and twelve cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 7700 to 5250 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band3/ hk(12), coeh2o(3,11,12)
	data hk_3 / .34, .11, .1, .09, .12, .1, &
   &            .06, .04, .026, .01, .0035, .0005 /
!c   .509474E+02    .164830E+02    .149845E+02    .134861E+02    .179814E+02
!c   .149845E+02    .899071E+01    .599381E+01    .389597E+01    .149845E+01
!c   .524458E+00    .749226E-01
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_3(k,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ), k = 1, 3 ) /  &
   &  -.1900E+02,-.1515E+02,-.1344E+02,-.1224E+02,-.1081E+02,-.9337E+01,&
   &  -.7965E+01,-.6585E+01,-.4578E+01,-.2247E+01, .1747E+00, .3083E+01,&
   &  -.1854E+02,-.1471E+02,-.1300E+02,-.1181E+02,-.1039E+02,-.8927E+01,&
   &  -.7576E+01,-.6238E+01,-.4317E+01,-.2119E+01, .1888E+00, .3033E+01,&
   &  -.1808E+02,-.1426E+02,-.1257E+02,-.1137E+02,-.9966E+01,-.8513E+01,&
   &  -.7177E+01,-.5885E+01,-.4053E+01,-.1977E+01, .2245E+00, .3005E+01,&
   &  -.1763E+02,-.1381E+02,-.1213E+02,-.1094E+02,-.9542E+01,-.8094E+01,&
   &  -.6779E+01,-.5524E+01,-.3788E+01,-.1796E+01, .2961E+00, .2828E+01,&
   &  -.1716E+02,-.1337E+02,-.1170E+02,-.1051E+02,-.9116E+01,-.7677E+01,&
   &  -.6381E+01,-.5153E+01,-.3493E+01,-.1607E+01, .3850E+00, .2660E+01,&
   &  -.1670E+02,-.1295E+02,-.1127E+02,-.1008E+02,-.8690E+01,-.7265E+01,&
   &  -.5991E+01,-.4799E+01,-.3212E+01,-.1438E+01, .4582E+00, .2588E+01,&
   &  -.1596E+02,-.1231E+02,-.1067E+02,-.9501E+01,-.8151E+01,-.6793E+01,&
   &  -.5588E+01,-.4458E+01,-.2940E+01,-.1257E+01, .4888E+00, .2260E+01,&
   &  -.1530E+02,-.1184E+02,-.1017E+02,-.8992E+01,-.7661E+01,-.6369E+01,&
   &  -.5213E+01,-.4145E+01,-.2701E+01,-.1108E+01, .4239E+00, .1974E+01,&
   &  -.1481E+02,-.1144E+02,-.9756E+01,-.8573E+01,-.7255E+01,-.5994E+01,&
   &  -.4868E+01,-.3829E+01,-.2485E+01,-.9738E+00, .3343E+00, .1667E+01,&
   &  -.1439E+02,-.1108E+02,-.9360E+01,-.8183E+01,-.6885E+01,-.5646E+01,&
   &  -.4559E+01,-.3555E+01,-.2314E+01,-.8904E+00, .2169E+00, .1289E+01,&
   &  -.1402E+02,-.1073E+02,-.8987E+01,-.7817E+01,-.6551E+01,-.5335E+01,&
   &  -.4278E+01,-.3316E+01,-.2147E+01,-.8695E+00, .1587E-01, .8658E+00,&
   &   .1132E-01, .8855E-02, .6698E-02, .5296E-02, .4396E-02, .3370E-02,&
   &   .3245E-02, .4145E-02, .4731E-02, .4756E-02, .3116E-02,-.2763E-02,&
   &   .1135E-01, .8917E-02, .6657E-02, .5170E-02, .4207E-02, .3056E-02,&
   &   .2868E-02, .3433E-02, .3726E-02, .4109E-02, .2836E-02,-.3119E-02,&
   &   .1135E-01, .8980E-02, .6615E-02, .5045E-02, .4061E-02, .2847E-02,&
   &   .2491E-02, .2847E-02, .2910E-02, .2671E-02, .2396E-02,-.3245E-02,&
   &   .1135E-01, .9043E-02, .6594E-02, .4940E-02, .3914E-02, .2638E-02,&
   &   .2156E-02, .2261E-02, .2051E-02, .1978E-02, .1566E-02,-.3203E-02,&
   &   .1139E-01, .9085E-02, .6531E-02, .4835E-02, .3768E-02, .2428E-02,&
   &   .1842E-02, .1612E-02, .1591E-02, .1279E-02, .7201E-03,-.2763E-02,&
   &   .1143E-01, .9085E-02, .6447E-02, .4752E-02, .3684E-02, .2261E-02,&
   &   .1570E-02, .1235E-02, .1151E-02, .7243E-03, .6489E-04,-.2240E-02,&
   &   .1135E-01, .9001E-02, .5694E-02, .4438E-02, .3412E-02, .1968E-02,&
   &   .1235E-02, .9420E-03, .8792E-03, .5045E-03,-.1821E-03,-.1936E-02,&
   &   .1174E-01, .9273E-02, .5882E-02, .4689E-02, .3454E-02, .1947E-02,&
   &   .1151E-02, .6070E-03, .6698E-03, .9420E-04,-.6740E-03,-.2707E-02,&
   &   .1218E-01, .9336E-02, .6050E-02, .4731E-02, .3475E-02, .1863E-02,&
   &   .1151E-02, .4605E-03, .3768E-03,-.1214E-03,-.4396E-03,-.1903E-02,&
   &   .1235E-01, .9294E-02, .6029E-02, .4584E-02, .3370E-02, .1800E-02,&
   &   .1068E-02, .2303E-03, .1675E-03,-.4501E-03,-.7571E-03,-.1149E-02,&
   &   .1233E-01, .9315E-02, .6029E-02, .4438E-02, .3203E-02, .1842E-02,&
   &   .9629E-03, .0000E+00,-.2198E-03,-.5338E-03,-.9721E-03,-.7661E-03,&
   &  -.3692E-04,-.3844E-04,-.2588E-04,-.1180E-04,-.1066E-04,-.3426E-05,&
   &  -.2664E-05, .7611E-06, .6089E-05,-.4568E-06,-.2077E-04,-.1142E-04,&
   &  -.3730E-04,-.3806E-04,-.2360E-04,-.1256E-04,-.1180E-04,-.4567E-05,&
   &  -.3425E-05,-.2284E-05,-.1522E-05,-.4225E-05,-.9940E-05,-.4187E-05,&
   &  -.3501E-04,-.3844E-04,-.2131E-04,-.1256E-04,-.9896E-05,-.3806E-05,&
   &  -.4186E-05, .7612E-06,-.1903E-05, .4110E-05, .1789E-05,-.2169E-04,&
   &  -.3425E-04,-.3882E-04,-.1941E-04,-.1294E-04,-.9515E-05,-.4567E-05,&
   &  -.4186E-05, .1522E-05,-.4187E-10, .4605E-05,-.2588E-05, .6470E-05,&
   &  -.3501E-04,-.3730E-04,-.1751E-04,-.1332E-04,-.1066E-04,-.3806E-05,&
   &  -.4567E-05,-.1142E-05,-.3045E-05, .1104E-05,-.1058E-04, .2816E-04,&
   &  -.3578E-04,-.3501E-04,-.1751E-04,-.1332E-04,-.1218E-04,-.3806E-05,&
   &  -.3425E-05,-.3806E-06,-.4187E-05,-.6090E-06,-.6965E-05,-.3463E-04,&
   &  -.3578E-04,-.3349E-04,-.1675E-04,-.9895E-05,-.9515E-05,-.6090E-05,&
   &  -.6470E-05,-.3807E-06,-.5328E-05,-.4186E-06,-.3996E-05, .2074E-04,&
   &  -.3540E-04,-.3083E-04,-.1789E-04,-.9896E-05,-.1104E-04,-.6470E-05,&
   &  -.5709E-05, .3425E-05,-.4567E-05, .3463E-05, .5633E-05,-.3159E-05,&
   &  -.3730E-04,-.2740E-04,-.1484E-04,-.1066E-04,-.1142E-04,-.6470E-05,&
   &  -.6470E-05, .1522E-05,-.1522E-05,-.3045E-05, .3197E-05,-.1039E-04,&
   &  -.3425E-04,-.2284E-04,-.1370E-04,-.1028E-04,-.1104E-04,-.8373E-05,&
   &  -.4948E-05, .1903E-05,-.7612E-06,-.1104E-05, .2455E-05,-.3805E-07,&
   &  -.3235E-04,-.2093E-04,-.1294E-04,-.1142E-04,-.1180E-04,-.6851E-05,&
   &  -.3045E-05,-.7611E-06, .1256E-05,-.7231E-06, .9924E-05, .3578E-05/

!    block data ckd4
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and seven cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 5250 to 4000 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band4/ hk(7), coeh2o(3,11,7)
	data hk_4 / .52, .21, .11, .1, .04, .015, .005 /
!c   .253397E+02    .102333E+02    .536032E+01    .487302E+01    .194921E+01
!c   .730953E+00    .243651E+00
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_4(k,j,i), i = 1, 7 ), j = 1, 11 ), k = 1, 3 ) /     &
   &   -.1722E+02,-.1402E+02,-.1202E+02,-.1001E+02,-.7702E+01,-.5273E+01, &
   &   -.6530E+00,-.1677E+02,-.1359E+02,-.1164E+02,-.9662E+01,-.7419E+01, &
   &   -.5001E+01,-.6040E+00,-.1630E+02,-.1316E+02,-.1125E+02,-.9303E+01, &
   &   -.7092E+01,-.4750E+01,-.5715E+00,-.1584E+02,-.1274E+02,-.1086E+02, &
   &   -.8939E+01,-.6751E+01,-.4458E+01,-.4928E+00,-.1538E+02,-.1232E+02, &
   &   -.1048E+02,-.8579E+01,-.6399E+01,-.4191E+01,-.4683E+00,-.1493E+02, &
   &   -.1192E+02,-.1011E+02,-.8241E+01,-.6065E+01,-.3910E+01,-.4310E+00, &
   &   -.1440E+02,-.1145E+02,-.9643E+01,-.7873E+01,-.5710E+01,-.3668E+01, &
   &   -.3304E+00,-.1391E+02,-.1104E+02,-.9238E+01,-.7479E+01,-.5367E+01, &
   &   -.3387E+01,-.3604E+00,-.1348E+02,-.1069E+02,-.8918E+01,-.7122E+01, &
   &   -.5086E+01,-.3152E+01,-.3030E+00,-.1310E+02,-.1037E+02,-.8626E+01, &
   &   -.6790E+01,-.4815E+01,-.2945E+01,-.4789E+00,-.1275E+02,-.1011E+02, &
   &   -.8347E+01,-.6484E+01,-.4584E+01,-.2788E+01,-.5807E+00, .7934E-02, &
   &    .9231E-02, .1005E-01, .9043E-02, .8164E-02, .8980E-02, .6403E-02, &
   &    .7954E-02, .9169E-02, .9797E-02, .8687E-02, .7724E-02, .7954E-02, &
   &    .6652E-02, .7954E-02, .9043E-02, .9608E-02, .8499E-02, .7347E-02, &
   &    .7473E-02, .6382E-02, .7996E-02, .8980E-02, .9378E-02, .8289E-02, &
   &    .7264E-02, .6594E-02, .6674E-02, .8059E-02, .8938E-02, .9294E-02, &
   &    .8227E-02, .7201E-02, .6678E-02, .7032E-02, .8122E-02, .8896E-02, &
   &    .9189E-02, .8038E-02, .7033E-02, .5987E-02, .5475E-02, .8268E-02, &
   &    .9064E-02, .8792E-02, .7975E-02, .6573E-02, .5087E-02, .4657E-02, &
   &    .8541E-02, .8980E-02, .9085E-02, .7996E-02, .6133E-02, .4501E-02, &
   &    .3860E-02, .8813E-02, .9043E-02, .9294E-02, .8122E-02, .5861E-02, &
   &    .4354E-02, .3964E-02, .8875E-02, .8834E-02, .9797E-02, .8164E-02, &
   &    .5463E-02, .4417E-02, .3270E-02, .8938E-02, .8771E-02, .1005E-01, &
   &    .8247E-02, .5589E-02, .4835E-02, .3033E-02,-.1484E-04,-.2169E-04, &
   &    -.2436E-04,-.2588E-04,-.1142E-04,-.1142E-05,-.1519E-04,-.1522E-04, &
   &    -.2055E-04,-.2131E-04,-.2398E-04,-.4948E-05,-.1675E-04,-.3593E-04, &
   &    -.1522E-04,-.2055E-04,-.1865E-04,-.2207E-04,-.4948E-05,-.1180E-04, &
   &    -.1237E-04,-.1598E-04,-.2017E-04,-.1903E-04,-.2284E-04,-.1028E-04, &
   &    -.1865E-04,-.2381E-04,-.1713E-04,-.2017E-04,-.1827E-04,-.2169E-04, &
   &    -.1218E-04,-.9515E-05,-.2415E-04,-.1827E-04,-.2093E-04,-.1637E-04, &
   &    -.1827E-04,-.9134E-05,-.8373E-05,-.1243E-04,-.1560E-04,-.1865E-04, &
   &    -.1599E-04,-.1256E-04,-.1066E-04,-.1142E-05,-.2181E-04,-.1675E-04, &
   &    -.1560E-04,-.1522E-04,-.1675E-04,-.1865E-04,-.1865E-04,-.9522E-05, &
   &    -.1332E-04,-.1370E-04,-.1446E-04,-.2055E-04,-.1142E-04,-.2512E-04, &
   &    -.3343E-04,-.1294E-04,-.1294E-04,-.1751E-04,-.2512E-04,-.1560E-04, &
   &    -.2854E-04,-.7003E-05,-.8753E-05,-.1028E-04,-.1751E-04,-.2512E-04, &
   &   -.1713E-04,-.1713E-04,-.1245E-04 /
!    block data ckd5
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and twelve cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 4000 to 2850 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band5/ hk(12), coeh2o(3,11,12)
	data hk_5 / .13, .14, .13, .16, .18, .14, & 
   &            .07, .02, .016, .008, .004, .002 /
!c   .411549E+01    .443207E+01    .411549E+01    .506522E+01    .569837E+01
!c   .443207E+01    .221603E+01    .633153E+00    .506522E+00    .253261E+00
!c   .126631E+00    .633153E-01
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_5(k,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ), k = 1, 3 ) /    &
   &   -.1499E+02,-.1267E+02,-.1118E+02,-.9696E+01,-.7992E+01,-.6323E+01, &
   &   -.4414E+01,-.2961E+01,-.1715E+01,-.1406E+00, .1612E+01, .3689E+01, &
   &   -.1454E+02,-.1223E+02,-.1075E+02,-.9277E+01,-.7576E+01,-.5915E+01, &
   &   -.4043E+01,-.2630E+01,-.1449E+01, .2314E-01, .1708E+01, .3744E+01, &
   &   -.1408E+02,-.1178E+02,-.1031E+02,-.8851E+01,-.7154E+01,-.5503E+01, &
   &   -.3666E+01,-.2288E+01,-.1141E+01, .2772E+00, .1819E+01, .3788E+01, &
   &   -.1363E+02,-.1134E+02,-.9876E+01,-.8423E+01,-.6733E+01,-.5091E+01, &
   &   -.3286E+01,-.1938E+01,-.8649E+00, .5349E+00, .1969E+01, .3795E+01, &
   &   -.1318E+02,-.1091E+02,-.9452E+01,-.8004E+01,-.6309E+01,-.4677E+01, &
   &   -.2904E+01,-.1595E+01,-.5641E+00, .7592E+00, .2109E+01, .3783E+01, &
   &   -.1275E+02,-.1048E+02,-.9028E+01,-.7585E+01,-.5892E+01,-.4267E+01, &
   &   -.2524E+01,-.1274E+01,-.2782E+00, .9376E+00, .2257E+01, .3714E+01, &
   &   -.1180E+02,-.9887E+01,-.8492E+01,-.7014E+01,-.5390E+01,-.3834E+01, &
   &   -.2156E+01,-.9775E+00,-.3129E-01, .1151E+01, .2330E+01, .3592E+01, &
   &   -.1114E+02,-.9367E+01,-.8002E+01,-.6514E+01,-.4928E+01,-.3435E+01, &
   &   -.1835E+01,-.7064E+00, .2153E+00, .1309E+01, .2422E+01, .3488E+01, &
   &   -.1074E+02,-.8941E+01,-.7582E+01,-.6116E+01,-.4536E+01,-.3072E+01, &
   &   -.1521E+01,-.4651E+00, .4053E+00, .1465E+01, .2374E+01, .3260E+01, &
   &   -.1041E+02,-.8545E+01,-.7180E+01,-.5745E+01,-.4177E+01,-.2735E+01, &
   &   -.1245E+01,-.2356E+00, .5786E+00, .1516E+01, .2263E+01, .3074E+01, &
   &   -.1008E+02,-.8149E+01,-.6804E+01,-.5409E+01,-.3855E+01,-.2427E+01, &
   &   -.9857E+00,-.4939E-01, .7060E+00, .1483E+01, .2159E+01, .2745E+01, &
   &    .9985E-02, .8373E-02, .7431E-02, .6866E-02, .4584E-02, .2952E-02, &
   &    .3098E-02, .3768E-02, .4013E-02, .3960E-02, .3228E-02, .3203E-02, &
   &    .1007E-01, .8436E-02, .7368E-02, .6657E-02, .4375E-02, .2617E-02, &
   &    .2742E-02, .3286E-02, .3192E-02, .2992E-02, .2612E-02, .1968E-02, &
   &    .1019E-01, .8457E-02, .7264E-02, .6426E-02, .4187E-02, .2365E-02, &
   &    .2324E-02, .2614E-02, .2736E-02, .2068E-02, .2085E-02, .1005E-02, &
   &    .1028E-01, .8478E-02, .7138E-02, .6259E-02, .3998E-02, .2156E-02, &
   &    .1926E-02, .1953E-02, .2250E-02, .1844E-02, .1869E-02,-.6489E-03, &
   &    .1030E-01, .8478E-02, .7033E-02, .6112E-02, .3852E-02, .1989E-02, &
   &    .1716E-02, .1763E-02, .1432E-02, .1193E-02, .1306E-02,-.5861E-03, &
   &    .1042E-01, .8499E-02, .6887E-02, .5987E-02, .3768E-02, .1800E-02, &
   &    .1549E-02, .1712E-02, .1287E-02, .7389E-03, .7222E-03,-.1130E-02, &
   &    .8227E-02, .7201E-02, .6866E-02, .5903E-02, .3412E-02, .1591E-02, &
   &    .1402E-02, .1346E-02, .1041E-02, .8185E-03, .3349E-03,-.4815E-03, &
   &    .8268E-02, .6992E-02, .7159E-02, .6384E-02, .3286E-02, .1591E-02, &
   &    .1271E-02, .1202E-02, .9187E-03, .6531E-03,-.4187E-03,-.7954E-03, &
   &    .8478E-02, .7159E-02, .7117E-02, .6447E-02, .3349E-02, .1528E-02, &
   &    .9964E-03, .9210E-03, .6112E-03, .6259E-03,-.3768E-03,-.1298E-02, &
   &    .8520E-02, .7075E-02, .7096E-02, .6405E-02, .3245E-02, .1528E-02, &
   &    .1011E-02, .7877E-03, .7536E-03, .9001E-04,-.6719E-03,-.1026E-02, &
   &    .8561E-02, .6950E-02, .7033E-02, .6280E-02, .2993E-02, .1528E-02, &
   &    .6698E-03, .5847E-03, .2847E-03,-.6280E-04,-.9420E-03,-.1444E-02, &
   &   -.1408E-04,-.2664E-04,-.1180E-04,-.1903E-04,-.9515E-05, .3806E-06, &
   &   -.6851E-05,-.3806E-05,-.4834E-05,-.3239E-05,-.2284E-05,-.1028E-04, &
   &   -.1484E-04,-.2550E-04,-.1142E-04,-.1827E-04,-.9515E-05, .3805E-06, &
   &   -.4948E-05, .3806E-06,-.2664E-06, .1058E-04,-.1012E-04,-.1142E-04, &
   &   -.1560E-04,-.2512E-04,-.1256E-04,-.1865E-04,-.9134E-05, .1142E-05, &
   &   -.3425E-05, .2474E-05,-.9781E-05,-.1519E-05,-.7916E-05,-.1294E-04, &
   &   -.1560E-04,-.2474E-04,-.1180E-04,-.2017E-04,-.7992E-05, .3805E-06, &
   &   -.2283E-05,-.4453E-05,-.1180E-05,-.5138E-05,-.4453E-05,-.3425E-05, &
   &   -.1522E-04,-.2550E-04,-.9896E-05,-.1903E-04,-.9134E-05,-.1142E-05, &
   &   -.7611E-06,-.5252E-05,-.4567E-06,-.4643E-05,-.4567E-06,-.4567E-05, &
   &   -.1294E-04,-.2512E-04,-.1028E-04,-.2055E-04,-.9896E-05,-.4567E-05, &
   &   -.2284E-05,-.5100E-05,-.4339E-06,-.9515E-06,-.1252E-04,-.7612E-06, &
   &   -.2246E-04,-.1370E-04,-.1066E-04,-.1598E-04,-.8754E-05,-.5328E-05, &
   &   -.6622E-05,-.5138E-05,-.8754E-07,-.9515E-06, .6090E-05, .4187E-05, &
   &   -.3463E-04,-.1599E-04,-.1218E-04,-.2093E-04,-.9515E-05,-.4567E-05, &
   &   -.1104E-05,-.1903E-05,-.1488E-05,-.3730E-05,-.4567E-05, .3045E-05, &
   &   -.3463E-04,-.1675E-04,-.1294E-04,-.1979E-04,-.1066E-04,-.4187E-05, &
   &   -.4034E-05,-.2893E-05,-.2588E-05,-.9401E-05, .2284E-05, .3045E-05, &
   &   -.2778E-04,-.1522E-04,-.1560E-04,-.1751E-04,-.1256E-04,-.5709E-05, &
   &   -.2474E-05,-.2577E-05,-.2284E-05,-.4187E-06, .7650E-05,-.3425E-05, &
   &   -.3083E-04,-.1827E-04,-.1370E-04,-.1751E-04,-.1104E-04,-.9515E-05, &
   &   -.6318E-05,-.4358E-05,-.7613E-07, .4643E-05, .4415E-05, .1028E-04/
!    block data ckd6
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and  five  cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 2850 to 2500 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band6/ hk(5), coeh2o(3,11,5)
	data hk_6 / .3, .2, .2, .2, .1 /
!c   .173978E+01    .115985E+01    .115985E+01    .115985E+01    .579927E+00
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_6(k,j,i), i = 1, 5 ), j = 1, 11 ), k = 1, 3 ) /     &
   &   -.1905E+02,-.1602E+02,-.1472E+02,-.1307E+02,-.1024E+02,-.1823E+02, &
   &   -.1555E+02,-.1427E+02,-.1266E+02,-.9938E+01,-.1749E+02,-.1508E+02, &
   &   -.1381E+02,-.1225E+02,-.9641E+01,-.1684E+02,-.1462E+02,-.1337E+02, &
   &   -.1185E+02,-.9367E+01,-.1630E+02,-.1417E+02,-.1294E+02,-.1145E+02, &
   &   -.9123E+01,-.1578E+02,-.1373E+02,-.1251E+02,-.1108E+02,-.8881E+01, &
   &   -.1517E+02,-.1327E+02,-.1209E+02,-.1072E+02,-.8653E+01,-.1463E+02, &
   &   -.1284E+02,-.1169E+02,-.1040E+02,-.8453E+01,-.1421E+02,-.1244E+02, &
   &   -.1133E+02,-.1014E+02,-.8312E+01,-.1382E+02,-.1207E+02,-.1100E+02, &
   &   -.9887E+01,-.8220E+01,-.1348E+02,-.1173E+02,-.1071E+02,-.9685E+01, &
   &   -.8220E+01, .1024E-01, .1842E-02, .6908E-03, .1737E-02, .3517E-02, &
   &    .8394E-02, .2072E-02, .8164E-03, .1716E-02, .2805E-02, .8143E-02, &
   &    .2240E-02, .9001E-03, .1570E-02, .1800E-02, .8227E-02, .2386E-02, &
   &    .9420E-03, .1486E-02, .1068E-02, .8373E-02, .2533E-02, .9210E-03, &
   &    .1319E-02, .9420E-03, .8394E-02, .2700E-02, .9629E-03, .1026E-02, &
   &    .5233E-03, .8917E-02, .2575E-02, .8792E-03, .7536E-03, .4187E-03, &
   &    .9378E-02, .2617E-02, .7955E-03, .6070E-03, .4815E-03, .9797E-02, &
   &    .2638E-02, .6908E-03, .5233E-03, .6280E-03, .1009E-01, .2638E-02, &
   &    .4815E-03, .2931E-03, .4815E-03, .1036E-01, .2428E-02, .3140E-03, &
   &    .3977E-03, .2093E-03,-.5366E-04,-.1522E-04,-.5709E-05,-.2664E-05, &
   &    .3806E-05,-.4301E-04,-.1484E-04,-.4948E-05,-.7610E-06, .7610E-06, &
   &   -.3920E-04,-.1484E-04,-.4948E-05, .3804E-06,-.3806E-05,-.3920E-04, &
   &   -.1522E-04,-.4948E-05, .3425E-05, .1903E-05,-.3806E-04,-.1484E-04, &
   &   -.3045E-05, .2664E-05, .7993E-05,-.4148E-04,-.1408E-04,-.3806E-05, &
   &    .4187E-05, .7993E-05,-.5481E-04,-.1180E-04,-.3045E-05, .3045E-05, &
   &    .2284E-05,-.5709E-04,-.1104E-04,-.2283E-05,-.2664E-05,-.1142E-05, &
   &   -.6090E-04,-.1218E-04,-.2664E-05, .3804E-06, .3045E-05,-.6698E-04, &
   &   -.1218E-04,-.2664E-05, .1523E-05,-.1142E-05,-.6508E-04,-.1218E-04, &
   &   -.3425E-05, .1903E-05, .7612E-06 /

!    block data ckd7
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  two  cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 2200 to 1900 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band7/ hk(2), coeh2o(3,19,2)
	data hk_7 / 0.7, 0.3 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_7(k,j,i), i = 1, 2 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /     &
   &   -.2008E+02,-.1467E+02,-.2004E+02,-.1426E+02,-.2001E+02,-.1386E+02, &
   &   -.1998E+02,-.1345E+02,-.1995E+02,-.1304E+02,-.1992E+02,-.1263E+02, &
   &   -.1989E+02,-.1223E+02,-.1986E+02,-.1183E+02,-.1984E+02,-.1143E+02, &
   &   -.1758E+02,-.1038E+02,-.1602E+02,-.9480E+01,-.1469E+02,-.8752E+01, &
   &   -.1349E+02,-.8218E+01,-.1255E+02,-.7677E+01,-.1174E+02,-.7184E+01, &
   &   -.1110E+02,-.6735E+01,-.1056E+02,-.6332E+01,-.1019E+02,-.5975E+01, &
   &   -.9874E+01,-.5644E+01, .2533E-02, .2269E-01, .2575E-02, .2263E-01, &
   &    .2554E-02, .2267E-01, .2491E-02, .2250E-01, .2449E-02, .2244E-01, &
   &    .2344E-02, .2234E-01, .2219E-02, .2208E-01, .5694E-02, .2190E-01, &
   &    .9650E-02, .2162E-01, .3286E-01, .1848E-01, .2987E-01, .1578E-01, &
   &    .2527E-01, .1465E-01, .2175E-01, .1386E-01, .2056E-01, .1235E-01, &
   &    .1963E-01, .1116E-01, .1926E-01, .1040E-01, .2014E-01, .1040E-01, &
   &    .2024E-01, .1042E-01, .1972E-01, .1080E-01,-.8754E-05,-.6698E-04, &
   &   -.1104E-04,-.6432E-04,-.1142E-04,-.6051E-04,-.1180E-04,-.6128E-04, &
   &   -.1180E-04,-.6242E-04,-.1218E-04,-.6280E-04,-.1218E-04,-.6204E-04, &
   &    .5328E-04,-.5709E-04, .1275E-03,-.5214E-04,-.1370E-03,-.4148E-04, &
   &   -.1100E-03,-.3045E-04,-.9248E-04,-.3197E-04,-.7346E-04,-.2436E-04, &
   &   -.5100E-04,-.2131E-04,-.5861E-04,-.2550E-04,-.5328E-04,-.3311E-04, &
   &   -.6090E-04,-.4225E-04,-.5443E-04,-.4415E-04,-.4034E-04,-.4339E-04/

!    block data ckd8
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  three cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 1900 to 1700 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band8/ hk(3), coeh2o(3,19,3)
 	data hk_8 / 0.2, 0.7, 0.1 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_8(k,j,i), i = 1, 3 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /     &
   &   -.2283E+02,-.1639E+02,-.6155E+01,-.2237E+02,-.1595E+02,-.5775E+01, &
   &   -.2191E+02,-.1551E+02,-.5381E+01,-.2145E+02,-.1507E+02,-.5004E+01, &
   &   -.2099E+02,-.1463E+02,-.4617E+01,-.2053E+02,-.1419E+02,-.4218E+01, &
   &   -.2025E+02,-.1375E+02,-.3806E+01,-.2021E+02,-.1330E+02,-.3403E+01, &
   &   -.2018E+02,-.1287E+02,-.2993E+01,-.1998E+02,-.1091E+02,-.2586E+01, &
   &   -.1744E+02,-.9171E+01,-.2162E+01,-.1490E+02,-.7642E+01,-.1763E+01, &
   &   -.1303E+02,-.6526E+01,-.1373E+01,-.1113E+02,-.5846E+01,-.9699E+00, &
   &   -.9814E+01,-.5280E+01,-.5955E+00,-.8582E+01,-.4787E+01,-.2510E+00, &
   &   -.8020E+01,-.4350E+01, .2770E-01,-.7571E+01,-.3942E+01, .2406E+00, &
   &   -.7140E+01,-.3537E+01, .3567E+00, .3722E-01, .1505E-01, .6615E-02, &
   &    .3722E-01, .1518E-01, .5840E-02, .3720E-01, .1526E-01, .5170E-02, &
   &    .3399E-01, .1530E-01, .4773E-02, .3012E-01, .1551E-01, .4333E-02, &
   &    .2625E-01, .1553E-01, .3956E-02, .2240E-01, .1562E-01, .3454E-02, &
   &    .1846E-01, .1574E-01, .3161E-02, .1446E-01, .1572E-01, .3098E-02, &
   &    .5924E-02, .8875E-02, .2658E-02, .2204E-01, .7096E-02, .2504E-02, &
   &    .1591E-01, .5233E-02, .2292E-02, .8855E-02, .4249E-02, .2190E-02, &
   &    .5422E-02, .3496E-02, .2041E-02, .4919E-02, .3621E-02, .2200E-02, &
   &    .6657E-02, .3663E-02, .2248E-02, .8645E-02, .3852E-02, .2118E-02, &
   &    .8771E-02, .3873E-02, .2176E-02, .9043E-02, .3747E-02, .2079E-02, &
   &   -.1568E-03,-.4681E-04, .4567E-05,-.1568E-03,-.4605E-04,-.3425E-05, &
   &   -.1572E-03,-.4605E-04,-.1104E-04,-.2154E-03,-.4453E-04,-.6851E-05, &
   &   -.2843E-03,-.4225E-04,-.7231E-05,-.3562E-03,-.4110E-04,-.7231E-05, &
   &   -.3692E-03,-.4110E-04,-.1028E-04,-.3007E-03,-.4263E-04,-.6470E-05, &
   &   -.2325E-03,-.3996E-04,-.8373E-05,-.5290E-04,-.7612E-05,-.4948E-05, &
   &   -.7422E-04,-.1256E-04,-.8449E-05,-.3501E-04,-.1446E-04,-.4834E-05, &
   &    .4529E-04,-.2246E-04,-.2893E-05, .6470E-05,-.1789E-04,-.7498E-05, &
   &   -.4948E-05,-.1713E-04,-.8183E-05,-.5481E-04,-.1713E-04,-.1447E-04, &
   &   -.4986E-04,-.1903E-04,-.1353E-04,-.5138E-04,-.1484E-04,-.1147E-04, &
   &   -.5328E-04,-.1560E-04,-.6588E-05/

!    block data ckd9
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  four cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 1700 to 1400 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band9/ hk(4), coeh2o(3,19,4)
 	data hk_9 / 0.22, 0.51, 0.22, 0.05 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_9(k,j,i), i = 1, 4 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /     &
   &   -.2066E+02,-.1464E+02,-.8301E+01,-.3548E+01,-.2025E+02,-.1419E+02, &
   &   -.7905E+01,-.3260E+01,-.2019E+02,-.1374E+02,-.7495E+01,-.2927E+01, &
   &   -.2013E+02,-.1329E+02,-.7078E+01,-.2584E+01,-.2007E+02,-.1284E+02, &
   &   -.6675E+01,-.2247E+01,-.2001E+02,-.1239E+02,-.6268E+01,-.1890E+01, &
   &   -.1996E+02,-.1194E+02,-.5853E+01,-.1530E+01,-.1991E+02,-.1150E+02, &
   &   -.5441E+01,-.1133E+01,-.1987E+02,-.1105E+02,-.5022E+01,-.7447E+00, &
   &   -.1575E+02,-.9657E+01,-.4191E+01,-.3728E+00,-.1329E+02,-.8133E+01, &
   &   -.3638E+01, .1616E-01,-.1181E+02,-.6675E+01,-.3178E+01, .4083E+00, &
   &   -.1036E+02,-.5655E+01,-.2731E+01, .7953E+00,-.8628E+01,-.4990E+01, &
   &   -.2303E+01, .1153E+01,-.7223E+01,-.4453E+01,-.1877E+01, .1454E+01, &
   &   -.6567E+01,-.3974E+01,-.1461E+01, .1663E+01,-.6077E+01,-.3551E+01, &
   &   -.1071E+01, .1800E+01,-.5651E+01,-.3136E+01,-.7005E+00, .1809E+01, &
   &   -.5241E+01,-.2726E+01,-.3859E+00, .1781E+01, .1315E-01, .4542E-02, &
   &    .3496E-02, .4877E-02, .9650E-02, .4542E-02, .3098E-02, .3956E-02, &
   &    .6154E-02, .4626E-02, .2763E-02, .3077E-02, .2658E-02, .4626E-02, &
   &    .2512E-02, .2261E-02, .2658E-02, .4689E-02, .2219E-02, .1405E-02, &
   &    .2700E-02, .4752E-02, .1926E-02, .7473E-03, .2658E-02, .4773E-02, &
   &    .1737E-02, .5066E-03, .4668E-02, .4815E-02, .1507E-02, .1842E-03, &
   &    .8541E-02, .4794E-02, .1382E-02,-.2156E-03, .1022E-01, .2198E-02, &
   &    .3977E-03,-.2910E-03, .5484E-02, .6698E-03, .0000E+00,-.2339E-03, &
   &    .3349E-02, .1068E-02,-.2512E-03,-.4228E-03, .1884E-02, .2093E-03, &
   &   -.3977E-03,-.6405E-03,-.8373E-04,-.5233E-03,-.4124E-03,-.5945E-03, &
   &    .7536E-03,-.6698E-03,-.4919E-03,-.4794E-03, .3600E-02,-.4605E-03, &
   &   -.4375E-03,-.3517E-03, .3873E-02,-.5861E-03,-.3203E-03,-.4689E-03, &
   &    .3935E-02,-.7326E-03,-.2072E-03,-.4228E-03, .4124E-02,-.8582E-03, &
   &   -.4187E-04,-.5945E-03,-.8525E-04, .1865E-04,-.1142E-05, .2664E-05, &
   &   -.1313E-03, .1865E-04, .0000E+00, .1256E-04,-.6470E-04, .1865E-04, &
   &   -.3045E-05, .8754E-05, .3805E-06, .1789E-04,-.6851E-05, .5328E-05, &
   &    .1142E-05, .1827E-04,-.6090E-05, .4148E-05, .1142E-05, .1865E-04, &
   &   -.3806E-05,-.3768E-05,-.1903E-05, .1751E-04,-.4948E-05, .3121E-05, &
   &    .3159E-04, .1979E-04,-.3045E-05,-.9896E-06, .1005E-03, .1789E-04, &
   &   -.6089E-05,-.1865E-05,-.2207E-04, .1941E-04, .1903E-05, .2322E-05, &
   &   -.1675E-04, .6090E-05,-.7611E-06, .4397E-05, .3425E-04, .3806E-06, &
   &    .1522E-05, .3806E-05, .4796E-04, .1522E-05,-.3806E-06, .3654E-05, &
   &   -.6851E-05, .2664E-05,-.3920E-05,-.6850E-06,-.1370E-04, .5328E-05, &
   &   -.6584E-05,-.8716E-05,-.8374E-10, .1522E-05,-.6356E-05, .1294E-05, &
   &   -.9515E-05, .7612E-06,-.3235E-05,-.1066E-05,-.7612E-05, .1142E-05, &
   &   -.4529E-05, .3730E-05,-.2664E-05,-.3806E-06,-.3501E-05,-.5328E-06/

!    block data ckd10
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  four cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 1400 to 1250 cm**-1. coech4 and coen2o
!c are the coefficients to calculate the CH4 and N2O absorption coe-
!c fficients in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at three temperature, nineteen
!c pressures, and one cumulative probability (Fu, 1991), respectively.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band10/hk(4), coeh2o(3,19,4), coech4(3,19), coen2o(3,19)
 	data hk_10 / 0.28, 0.42, 0.25, 0.05 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_10(k,j,i), i = 1, 4 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /    &
   &   -.2023E+02,-.1641E+02,-.1171E+02,-.6090E+01,-.2016E+02,-.1595E+02, &
   &   -.1133E+02,-.5867E+01,-.2011E+02,-.1550E+02,-.1095E+02,-.5660E+01, &
   &   -.2005E+02,-.1504E+02,-.1055E+02,-.5407E+01,-.2001E+02,-.1459E+02, &
   &   -.1015E+02,-.5137E+01,-.1997E+02,-.1413E+02,-.9749E+01,-.4852E+01, &
   &   -.1993E+02,-.1367E+02,-.9337E+01,-.4534E+01,-.1990E+02,-.1321E+02, &
   &   -.8920E+01,-.4211E+01,-.1987E+02,-.1276E+02,-.8506E+01,-.3889E+01, &
   &   -.1645E+02,-.1179E+02,-.7711E+01,-.3613E+01,-.1442E+02,-.1081E+02, &
   &   -.6942E+01,-.3316E+01,-.1308E+02,-.9950E+01,-.6344E+01,-.2950E+01, &
   &   -.1212E+02,-.9217E+01,-.5904E+01,-.2577E+01,-.1131E+02,-.8559E+01, &
   &   -.5519E+01,-.2256E+01,-.1064E+02,-.7962E+01,-.5183E+01,-.1929E+01, &
   &   -.1013E+02,-.7447E+01,-.4833E+01,-.1643E+01,-.9712E+01,-.7071E+01, &
   &   -.4485E+01,-.1410E+01,-.9305E+01,-.6760E+01,-.4145E+01,-.1249E+01, &
   &   -.8966E+01,-.6477E+01,-.3820E+01,-.1114E+01, .7913E-02, .8206E-02, &
   &    .1509E-01, .1869E-01, .4228E-02, .8247E-02, .1467E-01, .1783E-01, &
   &    .2010E-02, .8227E-02, .1442E-01, .1687E-01, .1947E-02, .8289E-02, &
   &    .1394E-01, .1568E-01, .1863E-02, .8289E-02, .1346E-01, .1484E-01, &
   &    .1842E-02, .8415E-02, .1310E-01, .1400E-01, .1800E-02, .8457E-02, &
   &    .1275E-01, .1377E-01, .1696E-02, .8478E-02, .1220E-01, .1321E-01, &
   &    .1842E-02, .8478E-02, .1189E-01, .1250E-01, .1409E-01, .8624E-02, &
   &    .1254E-01, .1214E-01, .9043E-02, .1045E-01, .1225E-01, .1260E-01, &
   &    .8561E-02, .1202E-01, .1181E-01, .1296E-01, .1114E-01, .1235E-01, &
   &    .1191E-01, .1330E-01, .1199E-01, .1271E-01, .1195E-01, .1371E-01, &
   &    .1415E-01, .1315E-01, .1218E-01, .1361E-01, .1478E-01, .1338E-01, &
   &    .1296E-01, .1306E-01, .1518E-01, .1375E-01, .1365E-01, .1334E-01, &
   &    .1530E-01, .1411E-01, .1392E-01, .1327E-01, .1547E-01, .1507E-01, &
   &    .1390E-01, .1264E-01,-.1089E-03,-.2740E-04,-.2017E-04,-.5519E-04, &
   &   -.4491E-04,-.2740E-04,-.1408E-04,-.5937E-04,-.6090E-05,-.2702E-04, &
   &   -.6470E-05,-.4719E-04,-.7232E-05,-.2740E-04,-.6089E-05,-.4910E-04, &
   &   -.7231E-05,-.2969E-04,-.4186E-05,-.5366E-04,-.6090E-05,-.3045E-04, &
   &   -.2284E-05,-.4986E-04,-.4568E-05,-.3121E-04,-.4948E-05,-.5100E-04, &
   &   -.3426E-05,-.3007E-04,-.7993E-05,-.4910E-04, .1522E-05,-.2931E-04, &
   &   -.9896E-05,-.5366E-04,-.5823E-04,-.1599E-04,-.1713E-04,-.4110E-04, &
   &   -.3121E-04,-.1713E-04,-.3159E-04,-.3578E-04,-.3996E-04,-.1598E-04, &
   &   -.3958E-04,-.4605E-04,-.3349E-04,-.1751E-04,-.3844E-04,-.5576E-04, &
   &   -.2626E-04,-.2474E-04,-.3920E-04,-.4464E-04,-.1979E-04,-.3045E-04, &
   &   -.3958E-04,-.5336E-04,-.2893E-04,-.3616E-04,-.3996E-04,-.4754E-04, &
   &   -.2398E-04,-.3083E-04,-.4415E-04,-.5119E-04,-.2702E-04,-.2664E-04, &
   &   -.4605E-04,-.4038E-04,-.2398E-04,-.2360E-04,-.4948E-04,-.5149E-04/
	data ( ( coech4_10(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /                    &
   &   -.8909E+01,-.8464E+01,-.8018E+01,-.7573E+01,-.7133E+01,-.6687E+01, &
   &   -.6240E+01,-.5803E+01,-.5377E+01,-.4534E+01,-.3983E+01,-.3502E+01, &
   &   -.3062E+01,-.2648E+01,-.2265E+01,-.1896E+01,-.1568E+01,-.1234E+01, &
   &   -.9298E+00, .9629E-03, .9838E-03, .1088E-02, .1172E-02, .1256E-02, &
   &    .1402E-02, .1528E-02, .1633E-02, .1716E-02, .4815E-03,-.3977E-03, &
   &   -.5652E-03,-.5024E-03,-.4605E-03,-.4563E-03,-.4438E-03,-.4521E-03, &
   &   -.4312E-03,-.3789E-03,-.1294E-04,-.1408E-04,-.1522E-04,-.1675E-04, &
   &   -.1751E-04,-.1941E-04,-.2246E-04,-.2207E-04,-.1827E-04,-.1256E-04, &
   &   -.9515E-05,-.6470E-05,-.3045E-05,-.3806E-05,-.2055E-05,-.3730E-05, &
   &   -.7612E-06,-.3806E-05, .1256E-05/
	data ( ( coen2o_10(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /                    &
   &   -.7863E+01,-.7412E+01,-.6963E+01,-.6514E+01,-.6065E+01,-.5611E+01, &
   &   -.5167E+01,-.4720E+01,-.4283E+01,-.3454E+01,-.2858E+01,-.2404E+01, &
   &   -.1922E+01,-.1491E+01,-.1097E+01,-.7177E+00,-.3548E+00, .1218E-01, &
   &    .3088E+00, .4459E-02, .4542E-02, .4668E-02, .4752E-02, .4815E-02, &
   &    .4919E-02, .5087E-02, .5254E-02, .5296E-02, .2324E-02, .2093E-02, &
   &    .2294E-02, .2125E-02, .2058E-02, .1920E-02, .1786E-02, .1689E-02, &
   &    .1788E-02, .2144E-02,-.7231E-05,-.7231E-05,-.7231E-05,-.6470E-05, &
   &   -.6851E-05,-.7231E-05,-.5709E-05,-.6470E-05,-.4186E-05, .8754E-05, &
   &   -.7612E-05,-.9134E-06,-.8640E-05,-.8487E-05,-.8259E-05,-.9553E-05, &
   &   -.8107E-05,-.1654E-04,-.1858E-04/

!    block data ckd11
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and three cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 1250 to 1100 cm**-1. coech4 and coen2o
!c are the coefficients to calculate the CH4 and N2O absorption coe-
!c fficients in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at three temperature, nineteen
!c pressures, and one cumulative probability (Fu, 1991), respectively.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band11/hk(3), coeh2o(3,19,3), coech4(3,19), coen2o(3,19)
 	data hk_11 / 0.80, 0.15, 0.05 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_11(k,j,i), i = 1, 3 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /    &
   &   -.2005E+02,-.1548E+02,-.1021E+02,-.2001E+02,-.1504E+02,-.1001E+02, &
   &   -.1997E+02,-.1459E+02,-.9814E+01,-.1993E+02,-.1416E+02,-.9595E+01, &
   &   -.1989E+02,-.1373E+02,-.9349E+01,-.1985E+02,-.1328E+02,-.9072E+01, &
   &   -.1982E+02,-.1286E+02,-.8833E+01,-.1957E+02,-.1243E+02,-.8566E+01, &
   &   -.1911E+02,-.1200E+02,-.8276E+01,-.1743E+02,-.1134E+02,-.7958E+01, &
   &   -.1625E+02,-.1078E+02,-.7629E+01,-.1524E+02,-.1036E+02,-.7334E+01, &
   &   -.1429E+02,-.9970E+01,-.7051E+01,-.1348E+02,-.9620E+01,-.6749E+01, &
   &   -.1282E+02,-.9270E+01,-.6505E+01,-.1229E+02,-.8932E+01,-.6277E+01, &
   &   -.1186E+02,-.8628E+01,-.6120E+01,-.1148E+02,-.8345E+01,-.6049E+01, &
   &   -.1112E+02,-.8066E+01,-.5906E+01, .1842E-02, .2131E-01, .3033E-01, &
   &    .1905E-02, .2137E-01, .2841E-01, .1926E-02, .2135E-01, .2696E-01, &
   &    .1926E-02, .2133E-01, .2514E-01, .1884E-02, .2154E-01, .2401E-01, &
   &    .5589E-02, .2156E-01, .2321E-01, .9483E-02, .2156E-01, .2210E-01, &
   &    .1333E-01, .2150E-01, .2133E-01, .1725E-01, .2154E-01, .2074E-01, &
   &    .2254E-01, .1999E-01, .2005E-01, .2118E-01, .1926E-01, .1978E-01, &
   &    .1936E-01, .1920E-01, .1963E-01, .1905E-01, .1911E-01, .1934E-01, &
   &    .1909E-01, .1903E-01, .1920E-01, .1922E-01, .1901E-01, .1899E-01, &
   &    .1934E-01, .1930E-01, .1974E-01, .1966E-01, .1909E-01, .2014E-01, &
   &    .1976E-01, .1905E-01, .1984E-01, .1963E-01, .1940E-01, .1897E-01, &
   &   -.1522E-05,-.6013E-04,-.5062E-04,-.2665E-05,-.6204E-04,-.5519E-04, &
   &   -.3806E-05,-.6394E-04,-.5633E-04,-.4567E-05,-.6280E-04,-.5214E-04, &
   &   -.6090E-05,-.6128E-04,-.5290E-04, .6051E-04,-.6242E-04,-.5823E-04, &
   &    .1313E-03,-.6013E-04,-.5176E-04, .1336E-03,-.5747E-04,-.4072E-04, &
   &    .6318E-04,-.5671E-04,-.3996E-04,-.5595E-04,-.3996E-04,-.4263E-04, &
   &   -.3958E-04,-.4719E-04,-.4453E-04,-.3387E-04,-.5138E-04,-.5100E-04, &
   &   -.5252E-04,-.4986E-04,-.4491E-04,-.5100E-04,-.4453E-04,-.4529E-04, &
   &   -.5176E-04,-.4795E-04,-.4453E-04,-.5557E-04,-.5176E-04,-.5062E-04, &
   &   -.5747E-04,-.4795E-04,-.5633E-04,-.5709E-04,-.4643E-04,-.3806E-04, &
   &   -.5481E-04,-.5671E-04,-.4948E-04/
	data ( ( coech4_11(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /                    &
   &   -.1207E+02,-.1162E+02,-.1116E+02,-.1070E+02,-.1024E+02,-.9777E+01, &
   &   -.9319E+01,-.8858E+01,-.8398E+01,-.7384E+01,-.6643E+01,-.6081E+01, &
   &   -.5602E+01,-.5188E+01,-.4822E+01,-.4479E+01,-.4184E+01,-.3884E+01, &
   &   -.3627E+01, .1036E-01, .1036E-01, .1040E-01, .1040E-01, .1045E-01, &
   &    .1047E-01, .1049E-01, .1055E-01, .1059E-01, .1059E-01, .1026E-01, &
   &    .1011E-01, .1024E-01, .1049E-01, .1072E-01, .1089E-01, .1109E-01, &
   &    .1153E-01, .1191E-01,-.4910E-04,-.4834E-04,-.4910E-04,-.4910E-04, &
   &   -.4910E-04,-.4872E-04,-.4834E-04,-.4948E-04,-.5100E-04,-.5633E-04, &
   &   -.6166E-04,-.5595E-04,-.5366E-04,-.5366E-04,-.5328E-04,-.5328E-04, &
   &   -.4948E-04,-.5519E-04,-.5595E-04/
	data ( ( coen2o_11(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /                    &
       -.9461E+01,-.9003E+01,-.8543E+01,-.8084E+01,-.7629E+01,-.7166E+01, &
   &   -.6707E+01,-.6249E+01,-.5793E+01,-.5312E+01,-.4847E+01,-.4393E+01, &
   &   -.3974E+01,-.3587E+01,-.3231E+01,-.2885E+01,-.2602E+01,-.2358E+01, &
   &   -.2108E+01, .4710E-02, .4752E-02, .4773E-02, .4773E-02, .4815E-02, &
   &    .4877E-02, .4898E-02, .4982E-02, .5066E-02, .5296E-02, .5149E-02, &
   &    .5129E-02, .5024E-02, .4752E-02, .4501E-02, .4270E-02, .4019E-02, &
   &    .3646E-02, .2759E-02,-.1484E-04,-.1408E-04,-.1446E-04,-.1446E-04, &
   &   -.1522E-04,-.1560E-04,-.1522E-04,-.1522E-04,-.1598E-04,-.1484E-04, &
   &   -.9895E-05,-.1028E-04,-.7612E-05,-.1903E-05, .1903E-05, .0000E+00, &
   &    .2283E-05, .6166E-05,-.2740E-05/

!    block data ckd12
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeo3 is the coefficient to calculate the ozone absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  five cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 1100 to  980 cm**-1.    coeh2o is the
!c coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption coefficient in units
!c of (cm-atm)**-1 at three temperature, nineteen pressures, and one
!c cumulative probability ( Fu, 1991 ).
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band12/ hk(5), coeo3(3,19,5), coeh2o(3,19)
	data hk_12 / 0.45, 0.30, 0.2, 0.04, 0.01 /
	data ( ( ( coeo3_12(k,j,i), i = 1, 5 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /     &
   &   -.6590E+01,-.3912E+01,-.8513E+00, .2731E+01, .5515E+01,-.6157E+01, &
   &   -.3583E+01,-.7292E+00, .2740E+01, .5508E+01,-.5731E+01,-.3242E+01, &
   &   -.5800E+00, .2782E+01, .5485E+01,-.5301E+01,-.2901E+01,-.4131E+00, &
   &    .2805E+01, .5455E+01,-.4879E+01,-.2551E+01,-.2288E+00, .2878E+01, &
   &    .5416E+01,-.4449E+01,-.2201E+01,-.2228E-01, .3000E+01, .5374E+01, &
   &   -.4018E+01,-.1843E+01, .2055E+00, .3143E+01, .5342E+01,-.3615E+01, &
   &   -.1502E+01, .4561E+00, .3288E+01, .5204E+01,-.3228E+01,-.1172E+01, &
   &    .7099E+00, .3396E+01, .5077E+01,-.2828E+01,-.8499E+00, .9664E+00, &
   &    .3463E+01, .4893E+01,-.2480E+01,-.5393E+00, .1229E+01, .3493E+01, &
   &    .4656E+01,-.2181E+01,-.2653E+00, .1504E+01, .3456E+01, .4398E+01, &
   &   -.1950E+01,-.1469E-01, .1735E+01, .3387E+01, .4115E+01,-.1788E+01, &
   &    .2517E+00, .1919E+01, .3251E+01, .3832E+01,-.1677E+01, .5027E+00, &
   &    .2032E+01, .3088E+01, .3581E+01,-.1637E+01, .7373E+00, .2100E+01, &
   &    .2910E+01, .3364E+01,-.1650E+01, .9383E+00, .2123E+01, .2793E+01, &
   &    .3150E+01,-.1658E+01, .1091E+01, .2112E+01, .2683E+01, .3021E+01, &
   &   -.1654E+01, .1163E+01, .2099E+01, .2602E+01, .2871E+01, .9498E-02, &
   &    .8894E-02, .1161E-01, .8828E-02,-.1669E-02, .9613E-02, .8347E-02, &
   &    .1053E-01, .8462E-02,-.1612E-02, .9700E-02, .7829E-02, .9101E-02, &
   &    .7915E-02,-.1439E-02, .9815E-02, .7167E-02, .7981E-02, .7282E-02, &
   &   -.1094E-02, .9671E-02, .6764E-02, .6930E-02, .5613E-02,-.8347E-03, &
   &    .9613E-02, .6312E-02, .6225E-02, .4145E-02,-.1295E-02, .9728E-02, &
   &    .6099E-02, .5293E-02, .2965E-02,-.1756E-02, .9844E-02, .5915E-02, &
   &    .4496E-02, .1871E-02,-.2044E-02, .9930E-02, .5817E-02, .3509E-02, &
   &    .1324E-02,-.2044E-02, .9988E-02, .5535E-02, .2711E-02, .6620E-03, &
   &   -.1813E-02, .1034E-01, .5247E-02, .1926E-02,-.2303E-03,-.1842E-02, &
   &    .1058E-01, .4795E-02, .1197E-02,-.9498E-03,-.2216E-02, .1084E-01, &
   &    .4414E-02, .6188E-03,-.1123E-02,-.2303E-02, .1079E-01, .3926E-02, &
   &    .1756E-03,-.1497E-02,-.2274E-02, .1039E-01, .3425E-02,-.1900E-03, &
   &   -.1353E-02,-.2389E-02, .9815E-02, .2769E-02,-.6620E-03,-.1756E-02, &
   &   -.1785E-02, .9818E-02, .2444E-02,-.1016E-02,-.1410E-02,-.1698E-02, &
   &    .1074E-01, .3218E-02,-.1235E-02,-.1900E-02,-.2533E-02, .1145E-01, &
   &    .3684E-02,-.1364E-02,-.1353E-02,-.1957E-02,-.4030E-04,-.2375E-04, &
   &   -.3814E-05,-.4943E-04,-.3166E-04,-.3742E-04,-.1871E-04,-.1137E-04, &
   &   -.4317E-04,-.2878E-04,-.3526E-04,-.2015E-04,-.1295E-04,-.4821E-04, &
   &   -.2303E-04,-.3382E-04,-.2087E-04,-.1519E-04,-.2231E-04,-.1871E-04, &
   &   -.3454E-04,-.2087E-04,-.8109E-05,-.6476E-05,-.1511E-04,-.3454E-04, &
   &   -.1820E-04,-.1269E-05,-.1439E-04,-.5037E-05,-.4173E-04,-.2598E-04, &
   &    .6645E-05,-.1943E-04,-.2087E-04,-.3454E-04,-.2267E-04, .2159E-05, &
   &   -.2231E-04,-.2159E-05,-.2950E-04,-.2080E-04, .2159E-06,-.4317E-05, &
   &    .1799E-04,-.3670E-04,-.1590E-04,-.4461E-05,-.9354E-05,-.3598E-05, &
   &   -.3216E-04,-.1475E-04,-.2231E-05,-.1295E-04,-.2878E-05,-.3576E-04, &
   &   -.7347E-05,-.1022E-04,-.2159E-05,-.7915E-05,-.3015E-04,-.5230E-05, &
   &   -.5109E-05,-.6476E-05,-.7196E-05,-.2331E-04,-.1079E-04,-.4102E-05, &
   &    .1439E-05,-.1223E-04,-.2216E-04,-.1094E-04,-.5325E-05,-.7196E-06, &
   &   -.1655E-04,-.1036E-04,-.7627E-05,-.2878E-05, .5037E-05,-.1295E-04, &
   &    .1029E-04,-.1346E-04,-.4821E-05,-.7915E-05, .7915E-05, .2835E-04, &
   &   -.2893E-04,-.1367E-05,-.7196E-05,-.1871E-04, .3965E-04,-.3310E-04, &
   &   -.3310E-05,-.7195E-06, .2303E-04/
	data ( ( coeh2o_12(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /                    &
   &   -.1984E+02,-.1983E+02,-.1982E+02,-.1981E+02,-.1963E+02,-.1917E+02, &
   &   -.1871E+02,-.1825E+02,-.1779E+02,-.1639E+02,-.1545E+02,-.1484E+02, &
   &   -.1433E+02,-.1387E+02,-.1345E+02,-.1305E+02,-.1268E+02,-.1231E+02, &
   &   -.1196E+02, .6071E-03, .2072E-02, .6196E-02, .1030E-01, .1436E-01, &
   &    .1846E-01, .2259E-01, .2667E-01, .2993E-01, .2878E-01, .2803E-01, &
   &    .2851E-01, .2864E-01, .2874E-01, .2862E-01, .2859E-01, .2853E-01, &
   &    .2868E-01, .2887E-01,-.3808E-06, .2474E-04, .9895E-04, .1728E-03, &
   &    .1911E-03, .1165E-03, .4225E-04,-.3121E-04,-.8982E-04,-.9553E-04, &
   &   -.9705E-04,-.9591E-04,-.9287E-04,-.9172E-04,-.9096E-04,-.9134E-04, &
   &   -.9248E-04,-.1050E-03,-.1031E-03/

!    block data ckd13
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  two  cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 980 to 800 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band13/ hk(2), coeh2o(3,19,2)
 	data hk_13 / 0.95, 0.05 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_13(k,j,i), i = 1, 2 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /    &
   &   -.1992E+02,-.1446E+02,-.1992E+02,-.1405E+02,-.1991E+02,-.1363E+02, &
   &   -.1990E+02,-.1322E+02,-.1989E+02,-.1282E+02,-.1989E+02,-.1242E+02, &
   &   -.1988E+02,-.1201E+02,-.1987E+02,-.1159E+02,-.1986E+02,-.1119E+02, &
   &   -.1982E+02,-.1079E+02,-.1817E+02,-.1039E+02,-.1659E+02,-.1000E+02, &
   &   -.1537E+02,-.9623E+01,-.1460E+02,-.9266E+01,-.1406E+02,-.8959E+01, &
   &   -.1354E+02,-.8676E+01,-.1309E+02,-.8411E+01,-.1267E+02,-.8232E+01, &
   &   -.1229E+02,-.8094E+01, .5024E-03, .3199E-01, .5652E-03, .3199E-01, &
   &    .6071E-03, .3211E-01, .6489E-03, .3199E-01, .6699E-03, .3178E-01, &
   &    .6908E-03, .3157E-01, .6908E-03, .3109E-01, .6698E-03, .3075E-01, &
   &    .6698E-03, .3054E-01, .1474E-01, .3000E-01, .3085E-01, .2960E-01, &
   &    .3659E-01, .2935E-01, .3016E-01, .2920E-01, .2834E-01, .2895E-01, &
   &    .2780E-01, .2870E-01, .2753E-01, .2843E-01, .2755E-01, .2820E-01, &
   &    .2765E-01, .2732E-01, .2769E-01, .2705E-01, .6299E-09,-.7993E-04, &
   &   -.3802E-06,-.7992E-04,-.3802E-06,-.8525E-04,-.3808E-06,-.8449E-04, &
   &   -.7610E-06,-.7764E-04,-.1142E-05,-.7231E-04,-.1142E-05,-.7345E-04, &
   &   -.2284E-05,-.8259E-04,-.2284E-05,-.8031E-04, .2436E-03,-.7878E-04, &
   &    .7612E-05,-.8525E-04,-.1248E-03,-.9439E-04,-.9477E-04,-.9172E-04, &
   &   -.8982E-04,-.8640E-04,-.7916E-04,-.6813E-04,-.7574E-04,-.6090E-04, &
   &   -.7612E-04,-.7117E-04,-.7498E-04,-.7041E-04,-.7269E-04,-.7992E-04/

!    block data ckd14
!c **********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0
!c to one. coehca and coehcb are the coefficients to calculate the
!c H2O and CO2 overlapping absorption coefficients in units of (cm-
!c atm)**-1 at three temperature, nineteen pressures, and ten cumu-
!c lative probabilities (Fu, 1991). The spectral region is from 800
!c to 670 cm**-1.
!c **********************************************************************
!    common /band14/ hk(10), coehca(3,19,10), coehcb(3,19,10)
 	data hk_14 / .3,.3,.2,.12,.06,.012,.004,.0025,.0011,.0004 /
	data ( ( ( coehca_14(k,j,i), i = 1, 10 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /    &
   &    -.1847E+02,-.1399E+02,-.1106E+02,-.8539E+01,-.5852E+01,-.3295E+01, &
   &    -.1208E+01,-.6272E-01, .2055E+01, .6071E+01,-.1801E+02,-.1357E+02, &
   &    -.1067E+02,-.8171E+01,-.5562E+01,-.3071E+01,-.1073E+01, .1033E+00, &
   &     .2055E+01, .6071E+01,-.1755E+02,-.1314E+02,-.1027E+02,-.7798E+01, &
   &    -.5224E+01,-.2823E+01,-.9280E+00, .2723E+00, .2165E+01, .5969E+01, &
   &    -.1709E+02,-.1272E+02,-.9868E+01,-.7404E+01,-.4880E+01,-.2569E+01, &
   &    -.6908E+00, .4453E+00, .2241E+01, .5969E+01,-.1663E+02,-.1230E+02, &
   &    -.9467E+01,-.7013E+01,-.4535E+01,-.2297E+01,-.4408E+00, .6353E+00, &
   &     .2359E+01, .5969E+01,-.1617E+02,-.1188E+02,-.9050E+01,-.6619E+01, &
   &    -.4160E+01,-.1967E+01,-.1687E+00, .8213E+00, .2421E+01, .5969E+01, &
   &    -.1571E+02,-.1147E+02,-.8629E+01,-.6230E+01,-.3771E+01,-.1648E+01, &
   &     .1573E+00, .1019E+01, .2511E+01, .5884E+01,-.1525E+02,-.1106E+02, &
   &    -.8215E+01,-.5841E+01,-.3393E+01,-.1331E+01, .4013E+00, .1198E+01, &
   &     .2654E+01, .5794E+01,-.1480E+02,-.1066E+02,-.7800E+01,-.5454E+01, &
   &    -.3032E+01,-.9870E+00, .6323E+00, .1373E+01, .2905E+01, .5647E+01, &
   &    -.1402E+02,-.9693E+01,-.7206E+01,-.4846E+01,-.2656E+01,-.6540E+00, &
   &     .8323E+00, .1530E+01, .3211E+01, .5355E+01,-.1343E+02,-.9060E+01, &
   &    -.6596E+01,-.4399E+01,-.2294E+01,-.3519E+00, .9823E+00, .1673E+01, &
   &     .3420E+01, .5083E+01,-.1279E+02,-.8611E+01,-.5785E+01,-.4010E+01, &
   &    -.1936E+01,-.1177E+00, .1134E+01, .1974E+01, .3591E+01, .4770E+01, &
   &    -.1230E+02,-.8174E+01,-.5298E+01,-.3611E+01,-.1607E+01, .3636E-01, &
   &     .1433E+01, .2260E+01, .3539E+01, .4439E+01,-.1192E+02,-.7763E+01, &
   &    -.4946E+01,-.3228E+01,-.1321E+01, .1991E+00, .1720E+01, .2420E+01, &
   &     .3383E+01, .4041E+01,-.1154E+02,-.7377E+01,-.4576E+01,-.2851E+01, &
   &    -.1093E+01, .4430E+00, .1896E+01, .2462E+01, .3122E+01, .3620E+01, &
   &    -.1118E+02,-.7003E+01,-.4210E+01,-.2524E+01,-.8973E+00, .7490E+00, &
   &     .1966E+01, .2363E+01, .2818E+01, .3182E+01,-.1080E+02,-.6677E+01, &
   &    -.3872E+01,-.2264E+01,-.6846E+00, .9392E+00, .1867E+01, .2138E+01, &
   &     .2505E+01, .2738E+01,-.1031E+02,-.6353E+01,-.3596E+01,-.1938E+01, &
   &    -.4537E+00, .1015E+01, .1659E+01, .1830E+01, .2142E+01, .2287E+01, &
   &    -.9695E+01,-.5977E+01,-.3427E+01,-.1596E+01,-.1979E+00, .9458E+00, &
   &     .1363E+01, .1545E+01, .1743E+01, .1832E+01, .3628E-01, .2728E-01, &
   &     .2213E-01, .1656E-01, .1507E-01, .1564E-01, .1623E-01, .1419E-01, &
   &     .1455E-01, .1089E-02, .3632E-01, .2740E-01, .2164E-01, .1606E-01, &
   &     .1369E-01, .1418E-01, .1444E-01, .1275E-01, .1331E-01, .9210E-03, &
   &     .3636E-01, .2746E-01, .2114E-01, .1557E-01, .1239E-01, .1285E-01, &
   &     .1237E-01, .1141E-01, .1141E-01, .9210E-03, .3640E-01, .2748E-01, &
   &     .2064E-01, .1516E-01, .1141E-01, .1125E-01, .1092E-01, .1026E-01, &
   &     .1011E-01,-.5652E-03, .3646E-01, .2746E-01, .2024E-01, .1478E-01, &
   &     .1036E-01, .9688E-02, .9610E-02, .9305E-02, .9399E-02,-.6489E-03, &
   &     .3651E-01, .2734E-01, .1984E-01, .1438E-01, .9436E-02, .8486E-02, &
   &     .8214E-02, .8995E-02, .7892E-02,-.8582E-03, .3655E-01, .2723E-01, &
   &     .1951E-01, .1402E-01, .8716E-02, .7433E-02, .7169E-02, .8072E-02, &
   &     .5443E-02,-.1172E-02, .3659E-01, .2709E-01, .1911E-01, .1379E-01, &
   &     .8107E-02, .6818E-02, .6818E-02, .7033E-02, .3056E-02,-.1047E-02, &
   &     .3670E-01, .2698E-01, .1890E-01, .1363E-01, .7502E-02, .6371E-02, &
   &     .6558E-02, .6489E-02,-.5652E-03,-.1340E-02, .3592E-01, .2238E-01, &
   &     .1804E-01, .1007E-01, .6730E-02, .5512E-02, .6194E-02, .4375E-02, &
   &    -.1109E-02,-.3559E-03, .3609E-01, .2242E-01, .1526E-01, .8582E-02, &
   &     .6284E-02, .5809E-02, .4501E-02, .9420E-03,-.9001E-03,-.1005E-02, &
   &     .3703E-01, .2196E-01, .1281E-01, .7860E-02, .5861E-02, .5842E-02, &
   &     .1800E-02,-.1591E-02,-.1235E-02,-.9420E-03, .3728E-01, .2114E-01, &
   &     .1347E-01, .6678E-02, .5449E-02, .4837E-02,-.1084E-02,-.1361E-02, &
   &    -.6699E-03,-.1256E-03, .3683E-01, .2061E-01, .1350E-01, .6133E-02, &
   &     .5449E-02, .2111E-02,-.1386E-02,-.1235E-02,-.5652E-03,-.8373E-04, &
   &     .3656E-01, .1988E-01, .1348E-01, .5441E-02, .5149E-02,-.8813E-03, &
   &    -.1116E-02,-.8373E-03,-.3140E-03,-.6280E-04, .3669E-01, .1934E-01, &
   &     .1363E-01, .5035E-02, .3585E-02,-.1250E-02,-.9357E-03,-.8227E-03, &
   &    -.3140E-03,-.4187E-04, .3618E-01, .1856E-01, .1390E-01, .3836E-02, &
   &     .1470E-02,-.1096E-02,-.8080E-03,-.4480E-03,-.2093E-03,-.2093E-04, &
   &     .3416E-01, .1741E-01, .1431E-01, .1951E-02,-.2923E-04,-.9422E-03, &
   &    -.4576E-03,-.2395E-03,-.1565E-03,-.2799E-04, .3219E-01, .1674E-01, &
   &     .1516E-01, .6652E-03,-.5051E-03,-.7052E-03,-.2002E-03,-.2135E-03, &
   &    -.7633E-04,-.7300E-04,-.1290E-03,-.9934E-04,-.5595E-04,-.3996E-04, &
   &     .1294E-04,-.9134E-05, .1294E-05,-.3121E-05,-.4757E-04,-.1979E-04, &
   &    -.1305E-03,-.9629E-04,-.5481E-04,-.4301E-04, .1827E-04,-.9363E-05, &
   &     .1777E-04,-.2185E-04,-.1903E-04,-.1675E-04,-.1313E-03,-.9439E-04, &
   &    -.5404E-04,-.4263E-04, .9134E-05,-.1020E-04, .3524E-04,-.2599E-04, &
   &    -.2093E-04, .1675E-04,-.1313E-03,-.9172E-04,-.5252E-04,-.4567E-04, &
   &     .4186E-05,-.3920E-05, .2552E-04,-.2059E-04,-.2246E-04,-.1028E-04, &
   &    -.1324E-03,-.9210E-04,-.5138E-04,-.4491E-04, .6470E-05,-.2131E-05, &
   &     .1496E-04,-.1572E-04,-.3311E-04,-.8754E-05,-.1324E-03,-.9058E-04, &
   &    -.5328E-04,-.4225E-04, .1827E-05,-.8411E-06, .4719E-05,-.6813E-05, &
   &    -.2474E-04,-.1256E-04,-.1340E-03,-.8868E-04,-.5633E-04,-.4187E-04, &
   &    -.4415E-05, .6055E-05,-.1648E-04,-.1507E-04, .1979E-04,-.2131E-04, &
   &    -.1340E-03,-.8373E-04,-.5899E-04,-.3920E-04,-.4072E-05, .1491E-04, &
   &    -.9781E-05,-.5328E-05, .3578E-04,-.1979E-04,-.1321E-03,-.7954E-04, &
   &    -.5899E-04,-.4072E-04, .1066E-05, .5728E-05,-.5138E-05,-.8373E-05, &
   &     .2626E-04,-.2436E-04,-.1363E-03,-.6432E-04,-.5176E-04,-.3083E-04, &
   &     .2169E-05,-.8944E-05, .3159E-05, .6470E-05,-.4187E-05, .4948E-05, &
   &    -.1302E-03,-.7802E-04,-.3311E-04,-.1903E-04, .5328E-05,-.1884E-04, &
   &     .1408E-04, .3311E-04, .1142E-05,-.7613E-06,-.1473E-03,-.6737E-04, &
   &    -.7536E-04,-.1085E-04,-.1903E-05,-.1458E-04, .4034E-04,-.3941E-10, &
   &    -.7992E-05, .2664E-05,-.1361E-03,-.5709E-04,-.8550E-04,-.5709E-05, &
   &    -.8640E-05, .6523E-05, .1903E-05,-.8221E-05,-.3045E-05,-.9134E-05, &
   &    -.1329E-03,-.5529E-04,-.7107E-04, .2664E-05,-.9020E-05, .3320E-04, &
   &    -.2131E-05,-.4187E-05,-.7231E-05,-.3806E-05,-.1278E-03,-.5247E-04, &
   &    -.6465E-04, .3806E-05,-.6091E-05, .1245E-04,-.3844E-05,-.6090E-05, &
   &    -.8754E-05,-.2664E-05,-.1321E-03,-.5632E-04,-.5897E-04, .1012E-04, &
   &     .1168E-04,-.4196E-06,-.8411E-05,-.8868E-05,-.1484E-04,-.1522E-05, &
   &    -.1252E-03,-.4907E-04,-.5932E-04, .3245E-04, .1996E-04,-.3325E-05, &
   &    -.5785E-05,-.6394E-05,-.6851E-05,-.1142E-05,-.1093E-03,-.4731E-04, &
   &    -.6761E-04, .1808E-04, .1754E-04,-.5079E-05,-.5809E-05,-.5649E-05, &
   &    -.3988E-05,-.5849E-06,-.1151E-03,-.4965E-04,-.7163E-04, .7839E-05, &
   &     .5505E-05,-.6084E-05,-.3344E-05,-.3894E-05,-.1391E-05,-.1327E-05/ 
	data ( ( ( coehcb_14(k,j,i), i = 1, 10 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /   &
   &   -.9398E+01,-.5678E+01,-.3606E+01,-.2192E+01, .2104E+01, .3044E+01, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.9094E+01,-.5422E+01, &
   &   -.3448E+01,-.1650E+01, .2046E+01, .2749E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.8760E+01,-.5270E+01,-.3329E+01,-.1147E+01, &
   &    .2112E+01, .2709E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.8537E+01,-.5152E+01,-.3129E+01,-.9544E+00, .2254E+01, .2771E+01, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.8176E+01,-.4936E+01, &
   &   -.2680E+01,-.9259E+00, .2247E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.7836E+01,-.4676E+01,-.2378E+01,-.3550E+00, &
   &    .1396E+01, .1976E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.7419E+01,-.4122E+01,-.2407E+01,-.1204E-01, .1744E+01,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.7124E+01,-.3727E+01, &
   &   -.2160E+01, .6158E+00, .1953E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.6823E+01,-.3324E+01,-.1748E+01,-.9806E-01, &
   &    .2319E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.5957E+01,-.3017E+01,-.1647E+01, .1398E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.5115E+01,-.2290E+01, &
   &   -.5273E+00, .5662E+00, .1459E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4162E+01,-.1453E+01, .1116E+00,-.4587E+02, &
   &    .9569E+00,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.3611E+01,-.9744E+00,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.3075E+01,-.4176E+00, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.3469E+01,-.9395E+00, .5092E+00, .6200E+00, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.3808E+01,-.1505E+01, .3901E+00, .6264E+00,-.1155E+01,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4058E+01,-.1818E+01, &
   &    .2693E+00, .7087E+00, .3820E+00,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4262E+01,-.2097E+01,-.5711E-01, .5681E+00, &
   &    .1310E+01, .7371E+00,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.3997E+01,-.1784E+01, .4388E-01, .5167E+00, .6930E+00,-.6906E+00, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, .2944E-01, .2723E-01, &
   &    .1854E-01, .2023E-01, .2254E-01, .3059E-02, .4788E+00, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3080E-01, .2549E-01, .1547E-01, .2225E-01, &
   &    .2107E-01, .3059E-02, .4737E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3269E-01, .2656E-01, .2125E-01, .2179E-01, .2162E-01, .4589E+00, &
   &    .4643E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3322E-01, .2476E-01, &
   &    .2075E-01, .2139E-01, .1907E-01, .4501E+00, .4441E+00, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3387E-01, .2182E-01, .2665E-01, .1841E-01, &
   &    .2506E-01, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3532E-01, .2091E-01, .1995E-01, .2067E-01, .1949E-01, .4491E+00, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3468E-01, .2075E-01, &
   &    .2587E-01, .1401E-01, .8646E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3666E-01, .2430E-01, .1919E-01, .2007E-01, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3613E-01, .2147E-01, .1892E-01, .1361E-01, .3059E-02, .4506E+00, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3129E-01, .1954E-01, &
   &    .2442E-01, .1011E-01, .4420E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3177E-01, .2101E-01, .1526E-01, .4376E+00, &
   &    .4379E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2887E-01, .2044E-01, .1285E-01, .3059E-02,-.4862E-03, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .2759E-01, .2114E-01, &
   &    .4303E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .2880E-01, .1690E-01,-.4187E+00, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2852E-01, .2255E-01, .2184E-01, .4334E+00, .4217E+00, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .2840E-01, .2136E-01, &
   &    .1644E-01, .2812E-01, .4358E+00, .4288E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .2809E-01, .2173E-01, .1708E-01, .3346E-01, &
   &    .4225E-01, .4419E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2702E-01, .2260E-01, .1607E-01, .2720E-01, .3982E-01, .4452E+00, &
   &    .4365E+00, .4345E+00, .4432E+00, .4623E+00, .2684E-01, .2328E-01, &
   &    .2099E-01, .3040E-01, .3867E-01, .4389E+00, .3132E-01, .3158E-01, &
   &    .4083E-01, .4580E+00,-.1581E-03,-.9707E-04,-.1250E-03, .2580E-03, &
   &    .7378E-04,-.1617E-01, .8646E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.1319E-03,-.9528E-04,-.1710E-03, .7118E-04, .2076E-04,-.1608E-01, &
   &    .8552E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1721E-03,-.4680E-04, &
   &   -.5522E-04,-.6242E-04, .4517E-04,-.7777E-02, .8382E-02,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1482E-03,-.4208E-04,-.5216E-04,-.6514E-04, &
   &   -.8378E-04,-.7956E-02, .8013E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.1501E-03,-.4002E-04,-.1664E-03, .2272E-04,-.1888E-03,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1201E-03,-.4709E-04, &
   &   -.5371E-04,-.1574E-03, .1854E-03,-.7712E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1333E-03,-.1062E-03, .5785E-04,-.4150E-04, &
   &   -.5717E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.1212E-03,-.8524E-04,-.5895E-04,-.2884E-03,-.1581E-01,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.8148E-04,-.9361E-04, &
   &   -.2873E-03, .1883E-03,-.1594E-01, .8133E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1221E-03,-.1430E-04, .6335E-04,-.2581E-03, &
   &    .7977E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.9257E-04,-.5008E-04, .6389E-04,-.7455E-02,-.7745E-02,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1186E-03,-.9037E-04, &
   &   -.7461E-04,-.4656E-05, .1168E-03,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.8513E-04,-.5708E-04, .7763E-02,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.1124E-03,-.1228E-03, .7663E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1015E-03,-.8369E-04, &
   &   -.2167E-03,-.7548E-02, .7608E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1049E-03,-.6414E-04,-.1384E-03,-.1644E-03, &
   &   -.6919E-02, .7736E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.1008E-03,-.7047E-04,-.1276E-03,-.2445E-03,-.1860E-03, .7975E-02, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.9629E-04,-.1007E-03, &
   &   -.1127E-03,-.1527E-03,-.3238E-03,-.7373E-02, .7877E-02, .7840E-02, &
   &    .7997E-02, .8345E-02,-.8800E-04,-.1072E-03,-.1046E-03,-.1777E-03, &
   &   -.2146E-03,-.7016E-02, .1516E-01, .1532E-01, .1509E-01, .8268E-02/

!    block data ckd15
!c **********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0
!c to one. coehca and coehcb are the coefficients to calculate the
!c H2O and CO2 overlapping absorption coefficients in units of (cm-
!c atm)**-1 at three temperatures, nineteen pressures, and 12 cumu-
!c lative probabilities (Fu, 1991). The spectral region is from 670
!c to 540 cm**-1.
!c **********************************************************************
!    common /band15/ hk(12), coehca(3,19,12), coehcb(3,19,12)
 	data hk_15 /.24,.36,.18,.1,.05,.02,.016,.012,.01,.006,.0039,.0021/
	data ( ( ( coehca_15(k,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 2 ) /   &
   &   -.1921E+02,-.1363E+02,-.1080E+02,-.8392E+01,-.6776E+01,-.5696E+01, &
   &   -.4572E+01,-.3752E+01,-.2382E+01,-.1110E+01, .6803E+00, .3259E+01, &
   &   -.1875E+02,-.1321E+02,-.1040E+02,-.8026E+01,-.6449E+01,-.5401E+01, &
   &   -.4316E+01,-.3498E+01,-.2141E+01,-.9439E+00, .8103E+00, .3314E+01, &
   &   -.1829E+02,-.1278E+02,-.1000E+02,-.7646E+01,-.6089E+01,-.5085E+01, &
   &   -.4047E+01,-.3217E+01,-.1872E+01,-.7106E+00, .9573E+00, .3390E+01, &
   &   -.1783E+02,-.1236E+02,-.9596E+01,-.7264E+01,-.5735E+01,-.4740E+01, &
   &   -.3743E+01,-.2882E+01,-.1587E+01,-.4714E+00, .1120E+01, .3425E+01, &
   &   -.1737E+02,-.1195E+02,-.9193E+01,-.6877E+01,-.5371E+01,-.4404E+01, &
   &   -.3405E+01,-.2574E+01,-.1298E+01,-.1747E+00, .1327E+01, .3547E+01, &
   &   -.1691E+02,-.1153E+02,-.8776E+01,-.6490E+01,-.4993E+01,-.4049E+01, &
   &   -.3039E+01,-.2256E+01,-.1012E+01, .1103E+00, .1530E+01, .3651E+01, &
   &   -.1644E+02,-.1112E+02,-.8360E+01,-.6105E+01,-.4623E+01,-.3688E+01, &
   &   -.2694E+01,-.1915E+01,-.6855E+00, .3993E+00, .1714E+01, .3950E+01, &
   &   -.1598E+02,-.1073E+02,-.7943E+01,-.5723E+01,-.4236E+01,-.3314E+01, &
   &   -.2338E+01,-.1596E+01,-.3583E+00, .6963E+00, .1868E+01, .4127E+01, &
   &   -.1553E+02,-.1034E+02,-.7542E+01,-.5357E+01,-.3856E+01,-.2942E+01, &
   &   -.1986E+01,-.1299E+01,-.5472E-01, .9443E+00, .2149E+01, .4261E+01, &
   &   -.1485E+02,-.9661E+01,-.7008E+01,-.4830E+01,-.3458E+01,-.2566E+01, &
   &   -.1658E+01,-.9639E+00, .2083E+00, .1182E+01, .2458E+01, .4452E+01, &
   &   -.1427E+02,-.9166E+01,-.6373E+01,-.4404E+01,-.3073E+01,-.2209E+01, &
   &   -.1349E+01,-.6648E+00, .4023E+00, .1452E+01, .2739E+01, .4466E+01, &
   &   -.1380E+02,-.8726E+01,-.5772E+01,-.3982E+01,-.2732E+01,-.1874E+01, &
   &   -.1052E+01,-.4403E+00, .5763E+00, .1792E+01, .2999E+01, .4335E+01, &
   &   -.1305E+02,-.8270E+01,-.5304E+01,-.3586E+01,-.2392E+01,-.1568E+01, &
   &   -.8299E+00,-.2650E+00, .8584E+00, .2062E+01, .3141E+01, .4168E+01, &
   &   -.1269E+02,-.7900E+01,-.4956E+01,-.3205E+01,-.2065E+01,-.1332E+01, &
   &   -.6415E+00,-.7921E-01, .1170E+01, .2269E+01, .3198E+01, .4066E+01, &
   &   -.1227E+02,-.7536E+01,-.4576E+01,-.2859E+01,-.1815E+01,-.1139E+01, &
   &   -.4520E+00, .2272E+00, .1371E+01, .2351E+01, .3150E+01, .3935E+01, &
   &   -.1186E+02,-.7159E+01,-.4223E+01,-.2538E+01,-.1619E+01,-.9324E+00, &
   &   -.1566E+00, .5151E+00, .1520E+01, .2339E+01, .3132E+01, .3880E+01, &
   &   -.1120E+02,-.6777E+01,-.3919E+01,-.2330E+01,-.1387E+01,-.6737E+00, &
   &    .1108E+00, .6991E+00, .1531E+01, .2163E+01, .3150E+01, .3767E+01, &
   &   -.9973E+01,-.6279E+01,-.3638E+01,-.2048E+01,-.1098E+01,-.4407E+00, &
   &    .3043E+00, .7797E+00, .1424E+01, .2002E+01, .3122E+01, .3611E+01, &
   &   -.8483E+01,-.5607E+01,-.3357E+01,-.1744E+01,-.8884E+00,-.2264E+00, &
   &    .3800E+00, .7504E+00, .1245E+01, .2032E+01, .3097E+01, .3546E+01, &
   &    .3762E-01, .2372E-01, .1643E-01, .1208E-01, .1170E-01, .1164E-01, &
   &    .1214E-01, .1161E-01, .1028E-01, .9185E-02, .7712E-02, .1001E-01, &
   &    .3762E-01, .2382E-01, .1593E-01, .1145E-01, .1059E-01, .1049E-01, &
   &    .1080E-01, .1057E-01, .8894E-02, .7807E-02, .7132E-02, .1032E-01, &
   &    .3764E-01, .2386E-01, .1555E-01, .1080E-01, .9692E-02, .9231E-02, &
   &    .9585E-02, .9644E-02, .7711E-02, .6443E-02, .6223E-02, .9922E-02, &
   &    .3764E-01, .2395E-01, .1516E-01, .1028E-01, .8917E-02, .8415E-02, &
   &    .8457E-02, .8777E-02, .6436E-02, .5428E-02, .5499E-02, .8017E-02, &
   &    .3768E-01, .2399E-01, .1482E-01, .9692E-02, .8247E-02, .7640E-02, &
   &    .7582E-02, .7783E-02, .5432E-02, .4482E-02, .4919E-02, .5903E-02, &
   &    .3770E-01, .2401E-01, .1449E-01, .9252E-02, .7620E-02, .6678E-02, &
   &    .6845E-02, .6925E-02, .4939E-02, .3471E-02, .4124E-02, .3873E-02, &
   &    .3776E-01, .2395E-01, .1419E-01, .8959E-02, .7096E-02, .6184E-02, &
   &    .6110E-02, .6075E-02, .4419E-02, .2891E-02, .3056E-02, .1214E-02, &
   &    .3780E-01, .2391E-01, .1392E-01, .8687E-02, .6573E-02, .5733E-02, &
   &    .5359E-02, .5009E-02, .4034E-02, .2755E-02, .1968E-02,-.4187E-04, &
   &    .3791E-01, .2382E-01, .1373E-01, .8561E-02, .6060E-02, .5120E-02, &
   &    .4618E-02, .4713E-02, .3965E-02, .2481E-02, .8164E-03,-.1088E-02, &
   &    .3843E-01, .2148E-01, .1302E-01, .6384E-02, .5256E-02, .4260E-02, &
   &    .4077E-02, .4181E-02, .4132E-02, .2135E-02,-.2931E-03,-.1151E-02, &
   &    .3896E-01, .2081E-01, .1097E-01, .5568E-02, .4475E-02, .3795E-02, &
   &    .3828E-02, .3996E-02, .3766E-02, .1193E-02,-.1089E-02,-.9420E-03, &
   &    .3973E-01, .2024E-01, .9943E-02, .4815E-02, .3820E-02, .3663E-02, &
   &    .3568E-02, .3881E-02, .2859E-02, .6698E-03,-.1549E-02,-.6280E-03, &
   &    .3635E-01, .1963E-01, .1061E-01, .3812E-02, .3509E-02, .3429E-02, &
   &    .3693E-02, .3316E-02, .1120E-02, .6552E-03,-.1193E-02,-.1109E-02, &
   &    .3631E-01, .1893E-01, .1056E-01, .3172E-02, .3378E-02, .3164E-02, &
   &    .2751E-02, .1722E-02, .1112E-02, .4354E-03,-.7327E-03,-.1319E-02, &
   &    .3500E-01, .1828E-01, .1050E-01, .2831E-02, .2784E-02, .2564E-02, &
   &    .1469E-02, .7739E-03, .1209E-02, .7913E-03,-.2512E-03,-.1758E-02, &
   &    .3352E-01, .1763E-01, .1045E-01, .2401E-02, .1928E-02, .1340E-02, &
   &    .3753E-03, .5794E-03, .9060E-03, .1042E-02, .1465E-03,-.2533E-02, &
   &    .2880E-01, .1729E-01, .1077E-01, .1347E-02, .1194E-02,-.1191E-03, &
   &    .2828E-03, .6606E-03, .9743E-03, .1002E-02, .0000E+00,-.3140E-02, &
   &    .2040E-01, .1585E-01, .1165E-01, .3871E-05, .1509E-04,-.1046E-02, &
   &    .2444E-03, .4359E-03, .1041E-02, .2429E-02,-.1721E-03,-.2786E-02, &
   &    .1737E-01, .1560E-01, .1240E-01,-.2139E-03,-.1025E-02,-.1248E-02, &
   &   -.6934E-04, .1649E-03, .4062E-03, .1554E-02,-.4179E-03,-.7795E-03/
	data ( ( ( coehca_15(k,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 3, 3 ) /   &
   &   -.1488E-03,-.9248E-04,-.2322E-04,-.4187E-05, .1104E-04, .9895E-05, &
   &   -.2283E-05, .2512E-05,-.9058E-05, .8449E-05, .8297E-05,-.3882E-04, &
   &   -.1488E-03,-.9058E-04,-.2398E-04,-.5709E-05, .1218E-04, .1180E-04, &
   &    .1522E-05, .6927E-05,-.1161E-04, .1714E-04,-.4948E-06,-.3540E-04, &
   &   -.1500E-03,-.8830E-04,-.2474E-04,-.8373E-05, .6470E-05, .7992E-05, &
   &    .9096E-05, .6737E-05,-.1485E-04, .1873E-04,-.4948E-06,-.4491E-04, &
   &   -.1500E-03,-.8601E-04,-.2664E-04,-.1028E-04, .6851E-05, .6851E-05, &
   &    .1294E-04,-.2550E-05,-.1520E-04, .2310E-04, .4948E-06,-.2017E-04, &
   &   -.1507E-03,-.8373E-04,-.2664E-04,-.1256E-04, .4567E-05, .1028E-04, &
   &    .9210E-05,-.2131E-05,-.6995E-05, .7498E-05,-.1104E-04,-.2284E-05, &
   &   -.1519E-03,-.8183E-04,-.2816E-04,-.1142E-04, .7611E-06, .7231E-05, &
   &    .1751E-05,-.7612E-06, .8312E-05, .2436E-05,-.7231E-05, .2398E-04, &
   &   -.1530E-03,-.7992E-04,-.2893E-04,-.9896E-05, .3806E-06, .8906E-05, &
   &    .3159E-05,-.5328E-05, .3692E-05,-.2093E-05,-.6851E-05,-.3045E-05, &
   &   -.1538E-03,-.7536E-04,-.3007E-04,-.8754E-05,-.3045E-05, .5138E-05, &
   &    .9134E-06,-.1979E-06, .1560E-05,-.1507E-04, .2284E-04, .9895E-05, &
   &   -.1541E-03,-.7688E-04,-.2969E-04,-.5709E-05,-.3996E-05, .1142E-05, &
   &   -.8373E-06, .1235E-04,-.7079E-05,-.6737E-05, .1028E-04, .3578E-04, &
   &   -.1560E-03,-.6851E-04,-.1903E-04,-.4187E-05,-.4605E-05,-.1142E-06, &
   &    .3878E-05, .3597E-05,-.9591E-05, .5328E-05, .7612E-05,-.4948E-05, &
   &   -.1587E-03,-.6546E-04,-.2740E-04,-.7612E-06,-.3578E-05, .1713E-05, &
   &    .6064E-05,-.9781E-05, .1408E-05, .5709E-05, .8373E-05,-.1256E-04, &
   &   -.1484E-03,-.5823E-04,-.4301E-04,-.1522E-05, .7498E-05,-.5328E-06, &
   &   -.7855E-05,-.1599E-05, .1964E-04,-.2284E-05, .7882E-10, .5328E-05, &
   &   -.1238E-03,-.5700E-04,-.5266E-04, .3286E-05, .4910E-05,-.8602E-05, &
   &    .6090E-06, .8454E-05, .1256E-05,-.4072E-05,-.1903E-05, .6470E-05, &
   &   -.1155E-03,-.5231E-04,-.4396E-04, .3626E-05,-.7051E-05,-.1743E-05, &
   &    .9667E-05, .2064E-04,-.2778E-05,-.6546E-05,-.4948E-05, .1903E-05, &
   &   -.1024E-03,-.5129E-04,-.4506E-04, .7943E-06, .3074E-06, .3243E-05, &
   &    .2754E-04,-.1479E-05, .1661E-05,-.2969E-05,-.1066E-04, .7612E-06, &
   &   -.8473E-04,-.5418E-04,-.4674E-04,-.3418E-05, .9460E-05, .1151E-04, &
   &    .5714E-05,-.1069E-04,-.2022E-05,-.9061E-05,-.1104E-04,-.3083E-04, &
   &   -.4283E-04,-.5037E-04,-.4476E-04, .1951E-04, .8922E-05, .1296E-04, &
   &   -.4053E-05,-.4355E-05,-.2355E-05,-.5004E-05,-.1218E-04,-.1522E-04, &
   &    .6411E-05,-.5937E-04,-.5331E-04, .1934E-04, .5284E-05, .1129E-04, &
   &   -.2166E-05,-.1484E-06,-.5407E-05,-.1364E-04,-.3115E-05, .3004E-04, &
   &   -.5074E-04,-.6256E-04,-.5097E-04, .2218E-04, .1228E-04,-.1160E-05, &
   &   -.1105E-05, .1618E-06,-.6089E-05,-.4216E-06,-.5314E-05, .7903E-05/
	data ( ( ( coehcb_15(k,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 2 ) /   &
   &   -.9593E+01,-.4078E+01,-.2812E+01,-.6506E+00,-.4123E+00, .2055E+01, &
   &    .4097E+01, .4671E+01, .4639E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.9276E+01,-.3757E+01,-.2467E+01,-.5784E+00, .8833E-01, .2232E+01, &
   &    .3826E+01, .4723E+01, .4942E+01, .5135E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.8968E+01,-.3508E+01,-.2116E+01,-.1363E+00, .1662E+00, .2424E+01, &
   &    .4220E+01, .4513E+01, .1375E+01, .4601E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.8662E+01,-.3164E+01,-.1722E+01, .5178E-01, .7288E+00, .2411E+01, &
   &    .3805E+01, .4766E+01, .4342E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.8292E+01,-.2799E+01,-.1359E+01, .3271E+00, .1650E+01, .2395E+01, &
   &    .4192E+01, .4758E+01, .2470E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.7812E+01,-.2404E+01,-.1085E+01, .7167E+00, .2202E+01, .2922E+01, &
   &    .4322E+01, .4591E+01, .4186E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.7441E+01,-.2066E+01,-.7142E+00, .1057E+01, .2524E+01, .2946E+01, &
   &    .4220E+01, .3607E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.7191E+01,-.1745E+01,-.3487E+00, .1453E+01, .2739E+01, .3660E+01, &
   &    .4114E+01, .3245E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.6895E+01,-.1326E+01,-.3500E+00, .1647E+01, .2899E+01, .4023E+01, &
   &    .3361E+01, .3360E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.5876E+01,-.9573E+00, .2014E+00, .2130E+01, .3493E+01, .4088E+01, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4429E+01,-.3417E+00, .1204E+01, .2780E+01, .3843E+01, .3099E+01, &
   &   -.4587E+02, .3605E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.3122E+01, .2697E+00, .1866E+01, .3526E+01, .3569E+01, .1025E+01, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.2284E+01, .8186E+00, .2754E+01, .3206E+01, .3704E+01,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.4587E+02, .4625E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.1711E+01, .1220E+01, .3248E+01,-.4587E+02, .2565E+01, .3297E+01, &
   &   -.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.1758E+01, .7970E+00, .2758E+01, .2926E+01, .2613E+01, .1974E+01, &
   &   -.4587E+02, .2310E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.1737E+01, .3499E+00, .2246E+01, .2673E+01, .3308E+01, .3463E+01, &
   &    .3103E+01, .2611E+01, .2178E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.1559E+01, .2215E+00, .1875E+01, .2500E+01, .3346E+01, .3585E+01, &
   &    .3946E+01, .3533E+01, .3205E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.1601E+01, .5060E-01, .1275E+01, .2176E+01, .3081E+01, .3649E+01, &
   &    .3940E+01, .4106E+01, .4112E+01, .4349E+01, .2292E+01,-.4587E+02, &
   &   -.1222E+01, .3199E+00, .1642E+01, .2380E+01, .3254E+01, .3534E+01, &
   &    .3687E+01, .3717E+01, .3402E+01, .3868E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
   &    .2967E-01, .1697E-01, .1795E-01, .1387E-01, .2032E-01, .1187E-01, &
   &    .2560E-01, .1044E-01,-.4560E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2998E-01, .1586E-01, .1786E-01, .1521E-01, .1710E-01, .1061E-01, &
   &    .2030E-01, .1158E-01, .4452E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2993E-01, .1551E-01, .1481E-01, .9846E-02, .2443E-01, .1150E-01, &
   &    .1865E-01, .1376E-01, .4617E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3035E-01, .1417E-01, .1438E-01, .1511E-01, .1901E-01, .8582E-02, &
   &    .1746E-01, .1450E-01, .4523E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2970E-01, .1347E-01, .1322E-01, .1252E-01, .1665E-01, .1037E-01, &
   &    .1320E-01, .1199E-01, .4436E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2949E-01, .1291E-01, .1671E-01, .1111E-01, .1400E-01, .1318E-01, &
   &    .1060E-01, .1046E-01, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3004E-01, .1300E-01, .1413E-01, .9085E-02, .9764E-02, .2260E-01, &
   &    .9778E-02, .4671E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3086E-01, .1436E-01, .1205E-01, .1081E-01, .4681E-02, .1479E-01, &
   &    .1888E-01, .3494E-01, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3094E-01, .1500E-01, .1457E-01, .1060E-01, .8319E-02, .8983E-02, &
   &    .3791E-01, .2232E-01, .4631E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3158E-01, .1585E-01, .1292E-01, .6531E-02, .1383E-01, .4605E+00, &
   &    .4662E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3182E-01, .1586E-01, .8724E-02, .5798E-02, .2454E-01, .4607E+00, &
   &    .4560E+00, .4511E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2369E-01, .1606E-01, .5477E-02, .1228E-01, .4579E+00, .4561E+00, &
   &    .4497E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2190E-01, .1779E-01, .6267E-02, .4535E+00, .4533E+00, .3059E-02, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .2100E-01, .1653E-01, .7449E-02, .4543E+00, .4472E+00, .4439E+00, &
   &    .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .1864E-01, .1771E-01, .7040E-02, .2877E-01, .3381E-01, .2691E-01, &
   &    .4466E+00, .3059E-02, .4613E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .1637E-01, .1641E-01, .8424E-02, .1318E-01, .2060E-01, .3426E-01, &
   &    .4122E-01, .4621E+00, .4555E+00, .4525E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .1607E-01, .1452E-01, .8013E-02, .1213E-01, .1482E-01, .2125E-01, &
   &    .3379E-01, .3562E-01, .4619E+00, .4569E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
   &    .1698E-01, .1538E-01, .6616E-02, .1147E-01, .1217E-01, .1696E-01, &
   &    .1871E-01, .2273E-01, .4513E-01, .4702E+00, .4617E+00, .4553E+00, &
   &    .1700E-01, .1547E-01, .6456E-02, .1324E-01, .1502E-01, .2095E-01, &
   &    .2547E-01, .2823E-01, .4107E-01, .4676E+00, .4583E+00, .4498E+00/
	data ( ( ( coehcb_15(k,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 3, 3 ) /   &
   &   -.6747E-05,-.2483E-04, .6575E-04, .1026E-03, .3888E-03,-.8519E-04, &
   &   -.1629E-03,-.1808E-04,-.8355E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.2270E-04,-.3427E-04, .5118E-04, .1218E-03, .1245E-03,-.1245E-03, &
   &    .3841E-05,-.4151E-04,-.8763E-02,-.1687E-01,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4557E-04,-.3023E-04, .2286E-04, .5656E-04, .4113E-04,-.1407E-03, &
   &   -.1301E-03, .8503E-04,-.7284E-02,-.1669E-01,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.5325E-04,-.5309E-04,-.1246E-04, .2244E-04, .5136E-04,-.1272E-03, &
   &    .4217E-04,-.1749E-04,-.8435E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.6857E-04,-.7217E-04, .1740E-05, .3653E-04,-.1490E-03,-.4090E-04, &
   &   -.2376E-04, .2047E-04,-.7974E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.1232E-03,-.9826E-04,-.2849E-04, .1703E-04,-.1895E-03,-.3363E-03, &
   &    .7102E-04,-.1838E-05,-.1655E-01,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.9896E-04,-.5127E-04,-.2704E-04,-.1218E-04,-.1207E-03,-.5883E-04, &
   &    .6893E-04,-.7924E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.7837E-04,-.4980E-04, .6902E-05,-.1072E-03,-.4051E-04,-.1991E-05, &
   &   -.1173E-03,-.5195E-04,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.8136E-04,-.8102E-04, .1254E-03,-.4658E-04, .3173E-04,-.4461E-05, &
   &   -.1558E-03,-.2036E-03, .8360E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.2232E-04,-.6411E-04, .9486E-04,-.2322E-03,-.8282E-04,-.8202E-02, &
   &    .8416E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.1398E-03,-.7165E-04,-.4258E-04,-.3970E-04,-.2839E-03,-.7873E-02, &
   &    .8231E-02,-.8213E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.6754E-04,-.7469E-04,-.6898E-04,-.1702E-03,-.8079E-02,-.7270E-02, &
   &    .8116E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.2396E-04,-.2361E-04,-.8664E-04,-.8038E-02,-.8207E-02,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.1670E-01,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.5479E-04,-.7593E-04,-.1005E-03, .8199E-02,-.7942E-02,-.8244E-02, &
   &   -.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.3806E-04,-.5825E-04,-.1003E-03,-.2925E-03,-.1506E-03, .3148E-04, &
   &    .8060E-02,-.1593E-01, .8327E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.4706E-04,-.3630E-04,-.7811E-04,-.6881E-04,-.1822E-03,-.3091E-03, &
   &   -.3033E-03,-.7684E-02,-.7663E-02, .8167E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.7669E-04,-.4610E-04,-.8063E-04,-.7250E-04,-.1094E-03,-.1241E-03, &
   &   -.2944E-03,-.1736E-03,-.7886E-02, .8248E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
   &   -.7138E-04,-.4545E-04,-.3653E-04,-.6075E-04,-.4528E-04,-.1077E-03, &
   &   -.1119E-03,-.1657E-03,-.4695E-03,-.8112E-02,-.7587E-02, .8217E-02, &
   &   -.6812E-04,-.4558E-04,-.6739E-04,-.8861E-04,-.9386E-04,-.1334E-03, &
   &   -.2007E-03,-.2179E-03,-.1650E-03,-.8001E-02, .8273E-02, .8118E-02/

!    block data ckd16
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  seven cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 540 to 400 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band16/ hk(7), coeh2o(3,19,7)
 	data hk_16 / .12, .24, .24, .20, .12, .06, .02 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_16(k,j,i), i = 1, 7 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /    &
   &   -.2344E+02,-.2016E+02,-.1986E+02,-.1655E+02,-.1243E+02,-.8437E+01, &
   &   -.4858E+01,-.2298E+02,-.2014E+02,-.1984E+02,-.1609E+02,-.1198E+02, &
   &   -.8020E+01,-.4548E+01,-.2252E+02,-.2012E+02,-.1981E+02,-.1564E+02, &
   &   -.1153E+02,-.7596E+01,-.4239E+01,-.2206E+02,-.2009E+02,-.1957E+02, &
   &   -.1517E+02,-.1111E+02,-.7161E+01,-.3871E+01,-.2160E+02,-.2007E+02, &
   &   -.1911E+02,-.1472E+02,-.1065E+02,-.6721E+01,-.3479E+01,-.2113E+02, &
   &   -.2005E+02,-.1865E+02,-.1426E+02,-.1021E+02,-.6302E+01,-.3081E+01, &
   &   -.2067E+02,-.2003E+02,-.1819E+02,-.1379E+02,-.9765E+01,-.5883E+01, &
   &   -.2678E+01,-.2026E+02,-.2001E+02,-.1773E+02,-.1333E+02,-.9332E+01, &
   &   -.5443E+01,-.2253E+01,-.2024E+02,-.1999E+02,-.1727E+02,-.1288E+02, &
   &   -.8897E+01,-.5029E+01,-.1858E+01,-.2026E+02,-.1959E+02,-.1481E+02, &
   &   -.1147E+02,-.7477E+01,-.4555E+01,-.1464E+01,-.2022E+02,-.1632E+02, &
   &   -.1305E+02,-.9885E+01,-.6689E+01,-.4108E+01,-.1068E+01,-.1936E+02, &
   &   -.1438E+02,-.1163E+02,-.8499E+01,-.6146E+01,-.3673E+01,-.6816E+00, &
   &   -.1675E+02,-.1281E+02,-.1020E+02,-.7716E+01,-.5678E+01,-.3256E+01, &
   &   -.3125E+00,-.1510E+02,-.1124E+02,-.8821E+01,-.7140E+01,-.5243E+01, &
   &   -.2851E+01,-.2560E-01,-.1334E+02,-.9708E+01,-.8061E+01,-.6611E+01, &
   &   -.4842E+01,-.2459E+01, .1711E+00,-.1155E+02,-.8798E+01,-.7440E+01, &
   &   -.6123E+01,-.4439E+01,-.2089E+01, .2480E+00,-.1020E+02,-.8154E+01, &
   &   -.6945E+01,-.5681E+01,-.4055E+01,-.1737E+01, .2390E+00,-.9464E+01, &
   &   -.7677E+01,-.6512E+01,-.5284E+01,-.3707E+01,-.1453E+01, .2015E+00, &
   &   -.9033E+01,-.7246E+01,-.6093E+01,-.4882E+01,-.3346E+01,-.1264E+01, &
   &    .1033E+00, .4658E-01, .5840E-02, .4626E-02, .2688E-01, .2395E-01, &
   &    .1804E-01, .2074E-01, .4660E-01, .1884E-02, .8561E-02, .2690E-01, &
   &    .2403E-01, .1788E-01, .1934E-01, .4660E-01, .1800E-02, .1252E-01, &
   &    .2694E-01, .2393E-01, .1786E-01, .1825E-01, .4660E-01, .1779E-02, &
   &    .1649E-01, .2696E-01, .2397E-01, .1779E-01, .1765E-01, .4348E-01, &
   &    .1758E-02, .2043E-01, .2696E-01, .2393E-01, .1748E-01, .1675E-01, &
   &    .3944E-01, .1737E-02, .2445E-01, .2698E-01, .2384E-01, .1752E-01, &
   &    .1549E-01, .3538E-01, .1654E-02, .2847E-01, .2702E-01, .2384E-01, &
   &    .1714E-01, .1565E-01, .3127E-01, .1570E-02, .3245E-01, .2705E-01, &
   &    .2374E-01, .1712E-01, .1514E-01, .2715E-01, .1444E-02, .3540E-01, &
   &    .2711E-01, .2363E-01, .1702E-01, .1446E-01, .2960E-01, .1760E-01, &
   &    .2977E-01, .2397E-01, .2087E-01, .1618E-01, .1445E-01, .2466E-01, &
   &    .3039E-01, .2428E-01, .2217E-01, .1821E-01, .1593E-01, .1463E-01, &
   &    .2640E-01, .2545E-01, .2231E-01, .2060E-01, .1773E-01, .1555E-01, &
   &    .1473E-01, .3456E-01, .2135E-01, .2030E-01, .1844E-01, .1740E-01, &
   &    .1559E-01, .1428E-01, .3203E-01, .2047E-01, .1809E-01, .1760E-01, &
   &    .1725E-01, .1545E-01, .1541E-01, .2137E-01, .1857E-01, .1616E-01, &
   &    .1698E-01, .1700E-01, .1537E-01, .1636E-01, .1338E-01, .1518E-01, &
   &    .1580E-01, .1658E-01, .1710E-01, .1518E-01, .1513E-01, .1570E-01, &
   &    .1614E-01, .1603E-01, .1673E-01, .1706E-01, .1497E-01, .1439E-01, &
   &    .1987E-01, .1731E-01, .1601E-01, .1675E-01, .1681E-01, .1535E-01, &
   &    .1425E-01, .2018E-01, .1723E-01, .1597E-01, .1691E-01, .1666E-01, &
   &    .1509E-01, .1446E-01,-.2873E-03,-.8031E-04, .4225E-04,-.9287E-04, &
   &   -.6013E-04,-.4339E-04,-.2474E-04,-.2862E-03,-.8372E-05, .1146E-03, &
   &   -.9248E-04,-.6166E-04,-.3882E-04,-.1827E-04,-.2870E-03,-.6851E-05, &
   &    .1865E-03,-.9172E-04,-.6128E-04,-.3616E-04,-.7612E-05,-.2877E-03, &
   &   -.7231E-05, .1880E-03,-.9287E-04,-.5671E-04,-.4110E-04,-.1104E-04, &
   &   -.3429E-03,-.7612E-05, .1149E-03,-.9287E-04,-.6356E-04,-.4529E-04, &
   &   -.2436E-04,-.4187E-03,-.7992E-05, .4339E-04,-.9325E-04,-.6280E-04, &
   &   -.4225E-04,-.3197E-04,-.4925E-03,-.8754E-05,-.2740E-04,-.9477E-04, &
   &   -.6432E-04,-.3768E-04,-.3361E-04,-.5511E-03,-.8753E-05,-.9972E-04, &
   &   -.9515E-04,-.6394E-04,-.3806E-04,-.3787E-04,-.4792E-03,-.1028E-04, &
   &   -.1534E-03,-.9477E-04,-.6356E-04,-.3616E-04,-.2923E-04,-.5070E-03, &
   &    .1922E-03,-.1028E-03,-.5823E-04,-.7954E-04,-.2550E-04,-.3893E-04, &
   &   -.3776E-03,-.1043E-03,-.7993E-04,-.7422E-04,-.4948E-04,-.3007E-04, &
   &   -.3863E-04, .8335E-04,-.5709E-04,-.6090E-04,-.7840E-04,-.3692E-04, &
   &   -.3007E-04,-.4251E-04,-.6204E-04,-.4872E-04,-.3806E-04,-.4681E-04, &
   &   -.3463E-04,-.3007E-04,-.4312E-04,-.1142E-04,-.5176E-04,-.5024E-04, &
   &   -.3007E-04,-.3730E-04,-.3037E-04,-.3888E-04, .2550E-04,-.6508E-04, &
   &   -.2512E-04,-.3083E-04,-.3197E-04,-.3041E-04,-.3750E-04, .1484E-04, &
   &   -.1941E-04,-.2626E-04,-.3349E-04,-.3463E-04,-.2896E-04,-.1716E-04, &
   &   -.7231E-04,-.3920E-04,-.2893E-04,-.3540E-04,-.3311E-04,-.3734E-04, &
   &   -.2550E-05,-.7650E-04,-.3159E-04,-.2778E-04,-.3121E-04,-.2169E-04, &
   &   -.4365E-04,-.1546E-04,-.7916E-04,-.2931E-04,-.2854E-04,-.3654E-04, &
   &   -.1979E-04,-.4811E-04,-.1435E-04/

!    block data ckd17
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  seven cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 400 to 280 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band17/ hk(7), coeh2o(3,19,7)
 	data hk_17 / .12, .26, .22, .20, .10, .085, .015 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_17(k,j,i), i = 1, 7 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /    &
   &   -.2255E+02,-.2000E+02,-.1703E+02,-.1282E+02,-.9215E+01,-.5938E+01, &
   &   -.2009E+01,-.2209E+02,-.1997E+02,-.1657E+02,-.1236E+02,-.8764E+01, &
   &   -.5499E+01,-.1582E+01,-.2163E+02,-.1993E+02,-.1611E+02,-.1191E+02, &
   &   -.8324E+01,-.5061E+01,-.1170E+01,-.2117E+02,-.1990E+02,-.1565E+02, &
   &   -.1146E+02,-.7889E+01,-.4631E+01,-.7737E+00,-.2071E+02,-.1987E+02, &
   &   -.1519E+02,-.1100E+02,-.7440E+01,-.4179E+01,-.3719E+00,-.2026E+02, &
   &   -.1985E+02,-.1473E+02,-.1054E+02,-.6995E+01,-.3721E+01, .0000E+00, &
   &   -.2024E+02,-.1982E+02,-.1426E+02,-.1009E+02,-.6549E+01,-.3284E+01, &
   &    .4053E+00,-.2022E+02,-.1980E+02,-.1381E+02,-.9639E+01,-.6097E+01, &
   &   -.2821E+01, .8375E+00,-.2021E+02,-.1933E+02,-.1335E+02,-.9187E+01, &
   &   -.5653E+01,-.2379E+01, .1272E+01,-.2010E+02,-.1503E+02,-.1125E+02, &
   &   -.7665E+01,-.4492E+01,-.1893E+01, .1642E+01,-.1747E+02,-.1278E+02, &
   &   -.9547E+01,-.6120E+01,-.3756E+01,-.1443E+01, .1995E+01,-.1529E+02, &
   &   -.1095E+02,-.8107E+01,-.5036E+01,-.3182E+01,-.1032E+01, .2429E+01, &
   &   -.1370E+02,-.9303E+01,-.6691E+01,-.4357E+01,-.2683E+01,-.6173E+00, &
   &    .2805E+01,-.1150E+02,-.7859E+01,-.5618E+01,-.3843E+01,-.2234E+01, &
   &   -.2171E+00, .2973E+01,-.9590E+01,-.6537E+01,-.4886E+01,-.3355E+01, &
   &   -.1805E+01, .1615E+00, .3157E+01,-.7530E+01,-.5699E+01,-.4306E+01, &
   &   -.2892E+01,-.1388E+01, .5448E+00, .3155E+01,-.6758E+01,-.5112E+01, &
   &   -.3809E+01,-.2464E+01,-.9947E+00, .8713E+00, .3203E+01,-.6245E+01, &
   &   -.4610E+01,-.3376E+01,-.2058E+01,-.6166E+00, .1073E+01, .3109E+01, &
   &   -.5777E+01,-.4175E+01,-.2963E+01,-.1671E+01,-.2556E+00, .1241E+01, &
   &    .3014E+01, .4264E-01, .1968E-02, .1863E-01, .1436E-01, .1101E-01, &
   &    .1055E-01, .1281E-01, .4264E-01, .1989E-02, .1861E-01, .1438E-01, &
   &    .1095E-01, .1030E-01, .1211E-01, .3996E-01, .1968E-02, .1861E-01, &
   &    .1434E-01, .1103E-01, .1019E-01, .1160E-01, .3600E-01, .1947E-02, &
   &    .1861E-01, .1442E-01, .1086E-01, .1003E-01, .1157E-01, .3203E-01, &
   &    .5756E-02, .1861E-01, .1444E-01, .1080E-01, .9922E-02, .1151E-01, &
   &    .2801E-01, .9713E-02, .1859E-01, .1446E-01, .1070E-01, .9880E-02, &
   &    .1066E-01, .2393E-01, .1369E-01, .1859E-01, .1451E-01, .1057E-01, &
   &    .9880E-02, .1072E-01, .1987E-01, .1767E-01, .1863E-01, .1451E-01, &
   &    .1040E-01, .9880E-02, .1057E-01, .1572E-01, .2169E-01, .1863E-01, &
   &    .1442E-01, .1022E-01, .9742E-02, .1036E-01, .3391E-02, .1884E-01, &
   &    .1566E-01, .1105E-01, .1011E-01, .1001E-01, .1017E-01, .1982E-01, &
   &    .1444E-01, .1189E-01, .1030E-01, .9859E-02, .9861E-02, .1038E-01, &
   &    .1748E-01, .1321E-01, .9922E-02, .1068E-01, .1013E-01, .9937E-02, &
   &    .9958E-02, .1346E-01, .9943E-02, .9566E-02, .1097E-01, .9815E-02, &
   &    .9964E-02, .1059E-01, .9817E-02, .7159E-02, .8687E-02, .1114E-01, &
   &    .1007E-01, .1014E-01, .1058E-01, .3370E-02, .7264E-02, .9378E-02, &
   &    .1112E-01, .9767E-02, .1016E-01, .1101E-01, .2993E-02, .8017E-02, &
   &    .9566E-02, .1116E-01, .9738E-02, .1025E-01, .1086E-01, .8331E-02, &
   &    .8771E-02, .1001E-01, .1117E-01, .9847E-02, .1076E-01, .1084E-01, &
   &    .7850E-02, .9378E-02, .1001E-01, .1105E-01, .9964E-02, .1113E-01, &
   &    .1168E-01, .8038E-02, .9336E-02, .9817E-02, .1096E-01, .1024E-01, &
   &    .1175E-01, .1107E-01,-.2188E-03,-.2283E-05,-.8069E-04,-.4415E-04, &
   &   -.2284E-04,-.4491E-04,-.4518E-04,-.2196E-03,-.2665E-05,-.8107E-04, &
   &   -.4301E-04,-.2398E-04,-.4795E-04,-.4693E-04,-.2683E-03,-.3045E-05, &
   &   -.8107E-04,-.4301E-04,-.2246E-04,-.4757E-04,-.4152E-04,-.3403E-03, &
   &   -.4187E-05,-.8031E-04,-.3996E-04,-.1865E-04,-.4301E-04,-.4350E-04, &
   &   -.4118E-03, .6584E-04,-.8107E-04,-.4034E-04,-.1903E-04,-.4643E-04, &
   &   -.4834E-04,-.4803E-03, .1378E-03,-.8069E-04,-.4072E-04,-.1713E-04, &
   &   -.5176E-04,-.3460E-04,-.4099E-03, .2101E-03,-.8069E-04,-.3920E-04, &
   &   -.1713E-04,-.5024E-04,-.3524E-04,-.3391E-03, .2809E-03,-.7992E-04, &
   &   -.3616E-04,-.2017E-04,-.5633E-04,-.4886E-04,-.2668E-03, .2078E-03, &
   &   -.8069E-04,-.3768E-04,-.2131E-04,-.5580E-04,-.5454E-04,-.2207E-04, &
   &   -.8601E-04,-.4643E-04,-.2436E-04,-.4148E-04,-.5458E-04,-.4579E-04, &
   &   -.5138E-04,-.2893E-04,-.3273E-04,-.3882E-04,-.3920E-04,-.5035E-04, &
   &   -.3170E-04,-.2169E-04,-.3007E-04,-.2740E-04,-.5328E-04,-.4491E-04, &
   &   -.4403E-04,-.6383E-04, .4834E-04,-.2702E-04,-.4453E-04,-.4339E-04, &
   &   -.4457E-04,-.4551E-04,-.8133E-04, .3768E-04,-.7611E-06,-.2626E-04, &
   &   -.4643E-04,-.4305E-04,-.4840E-04,-.5149E-04, .7193E-04,-.2169E-04, &
   &   -.4491E-04,-.3996E-04,-.4483E-04,-.4487E-04,-.6698E-04,-.4834E-04, &
   &   -.3463E-04,-.4986E-04,-.4377E-04,-.4514E-04,-.5377E-04,-.2626E-04, &
   &   -.4187E-04,-.3692E-04,-.5100E-04,-.4651E-04,-.4392E-04,-.5386E-04, &
   &   -.4643E-04,-.4301E-04,-.3578E-04,-.5176E-04,-.4594E-04,-.4551E-04, &
   &   -.3920E-04,-.3425E-04,-.4491E-04,-.3654E-04,-.5138E-04,-.4377E-04, &
   &   -.5614E-04,-.5758E-04,-.3600E-04/

!    block data ckd18
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and eight cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 280 to 0 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!    common /band18/ hk(8), coeh2o(3,19,8)
 	data hk_18 / .07, .1, .2, .25, .2, .1, .03, .02 /
	data ( ( ( coeh2o_18(k,j,i), i = 1, 8 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) /    &
   &   -.2121E+02,-.2002E+02,-.1676E+02,-.1274E+02,-.8780E+01,-.5167E+01, &
   &   -.2692E+01,-.6275E+00,-.2075E+02,-.1996E+02,-.1630E+02,-.1228E+02, &
   &   -.8324E+01,-.4718E+01,-.2260E+01,-.2303E+00,-.2029E+02,-.1990E+02, &
   &   -.1584E+02,-.1182E+02,-.7868E+01,-.4269E+01,-.1806E+01, .1645E+00, &
   &   -.2022E+02,-.1985E+02,-.1538E+02,-.1136E+02,-.7417E+01,-.3820E+01, &
   &   -.1373E+01, .5657E+00,-.2018E+02,-.1981E+02,-.1492E+02,-.1090E+02, &
   &   -.6965E+01,-.3369E+01,-.9319E+00, .9577E+00,-.2013E+02,-.1937E+02, &
   &   -.1446E+02,-.1044E+02,-.6512E+01,-.2917E+01,-.4928E+00, .1376E+01, &
   &   -.2009E+02,-.1891E+02,-.1400E+02,-.9984E+01,-.6063E+01,-.2466E+01, &
   &   -.6887E-01, .1768E+01,-.2006E+02,-.1845E+02,-.1354E+02,-.9530E+01, &
   &   -.5618E+01,-.2024E+01, .3615E+00, .2196E+01,-.2003E+02,-.1800E+02, &
   &   -.1308E+02,-.9075E+01,-.5174E+01,-.1593E+01, .7820E+00, .2600E+01, &
   &   -.1827E+02,-.1464E+02,-.1097E+02,-.7525E+01,-.3733E+01,-.1077E+01, &
   &    .1204E+01, .3014E+01,-.1525E+02,-.1210E+02,-.9275E+01,-.5876E+01, &
   &   -.2768E+01,-.6286E+00, .1622E+01, .3394E+01,-.1298E+02,-.1060E+02, &
   &   -.7764E+01,-.4462E+01,-.2154E+01,-.2001E+00, .2034E+01, .3756E+01, &
   &   -.1157E+02,-.8941E+01,-.5984E+01,-.3509E+01,-.1651E+01, .2279E+00, &
   &    .2422E+01, .4066E+01,-.9986E+01,-.7062E+01,-.4794E+01,-.2818E+01, &
   &   -.1196E+01, .6394E+00, .2791E+01, .4283E+01,-.8064E+01,-.5512E+01, &
   &   -.3933E+01,-.2274E+01,-.7559E+00, .1036E+01, .3085E+01, .4444E+01, &
   &   -.6440E+01,-.4863E+01,-.3219E+01,-.1791E+01,-.3279E+00, .1427E+01, &
   &    .3304E+01, .4527E+01,-.5902E+01,-.4207E+01,-.2756E+01,-.1350E+01, &
   &    .7686E-01, .1776E+01, .3475E+01, .4550E+01,-.5439E+01,-.3739E+01, &
   &   -.2330E+01,-.9233E+00, .4612E+00, .2066E+01, .3564E+01, .4502E+01, &
   &   -.5006E+01,-.3316E+01,-.1906E+01,-.5066E+00, .8352E+00, .2272E+01, &
   &    .3587E+01, .4419E+01, .2338E-01, .1968E-02, .9503E-02, .3412E-02, &
   &    .6280E-03,-.1109E-02,-.1089E-02,-.1026E-02, .1972E-01, .2093E-02, &
   &    .9503E-02, .3391E-02, .6489E-03,-.1172E-02,-.1164E-02,-.1158E-02, &
   &    .1603E-01, .3328E-02, .9524E-02, .3391E-02, .6489E-03,-.1277E-02, &
   &   -.1229E-02,-.1296E-02, .1229E-01, .7138E-02, .9524E-02, .3370E-02, &
   &    .6070E-03,-.1319E-02,-.1264E-02,-.1610E-02, .8478E-02, .1095E-01, &
   &    .9566E-02, .3412E-02, .5652E-03,-.1382E-02,-.1266E-02,-.1566E-02, &
   &    .4563E-02, .1480E-01, .9566E-02, .3412E-02, .5443E-03,-.1423E-02, &
   &   -.1199E-02,-.1679E-02, .2261E-02, .1865E-01, .9608E-02, .3454E-02, &
   &    .4815E-03,-.1423E-02,-.1296E-02,-.1555E-02, .2198E-02, .2250E-01, &
   &    .9671E-02, .3412E-02, .4187E-03,-.1426E-02,-.1472E-02,-.1800E-02, &
   &    .2072E-02, .2600E-01, .9734E-02, .3433E-02, .3977E-03,-.1428E-02, &
   &   -.1541E-02,-.1591E-02, .1987E-01, .8645E-02, .6280E-02, .1298E-02, &
   &   -.1151E-02,-.1509E-02,-.1662E-02,-.1570E-02, .4668E-02, .8373E-02, &
   &    .3956E-02,-.4187E-04,-.1968E-02,-.1624E-02,-.1700E-02,-.1947E-02, &
   &    .9231E-02, .5694E-02, .1444E-02,-.2512E-03,-.1827E-02,-.1662E-02, &
   &   -.1576E-02,-.1633E-02, .8666E-02, .3077E-02,-.1737E-02,-.1277E-02, &
   &   -.1507E-02,-.1757E-02,-.1612E-02,-.1612E-02, .8164E-03,-.4375E-02, &
   &   -.1884E-02,-.1277E-02,-.1564E-02,-.1853E-02,-.1591E-02,-.1486E-02, &
   &   -.1486E-02,-.2596E-02,-.1633E-02,-.1539E-02,-.1662E-02,-.1846E-02, &
   &   -.1423E-02,-.1277E-02,-.1423E-02,-.2617E-02,-.1005E-02,-.1379E-02, &
   &   -.1687E-02,-.1905E-02,-.1528E-02,-.1298E-02,-.1675E-03,-.1947E-02, &
   &   -.5024E-03,-.1325E-02,-.1696E-02,-.1698E-02,-.1486E-02,-.1277E-02, &
   &    .1047E-03,-.1109E-02,-.5861E-03,-.1363E-02,-.1620E-02,-.1666E-02, &
   &   -.1507E-02,-.9210E-03, .1047E-03,-.1047E-02,-.8394E-03,-.1342E-02, &
   &   -.1591E-02,-.1323E-02,-.1340E-02,-.9420E-03,-.1085E-03, .2283E-05, &
   &   -.4719E-04,-.3807E-06,-.1522E-05,-.3425E-05,-.7612E-06, .1751E-05, &
   &   -.1766E-03, .1523E-05,-.4719E-04,-.7609E-06,-.3807E-06,-.3045E-05, &
   &    .1599E-05, .8723E-05,-.2443E-03, .1941E-04,-.4757E-04,-.1522E-05, &
   &   -.3806E-06,-.1903E-05,-.2778E-05, .1294E-04,-.1838E-03, .8563E-04, &
   &   -.4757E-04,-.1903E-05, .1142E-05,-.2664E-05,-.6090E-06, .1321E-04, &
   &   -.1161E-03, .1526E-03,-.4757E-04,-.2664E-05,-.3805E-06,-.3806E-05, &
   &   -.2093E-05, .2253E-04,-.4795E-04, .9248E-04,-.4757E-04,-.1903E-05, &
   &    .0000E+00,-.3045E-05,-.7992E-06, .1393E-04,-.9134E-05, .2246E-04, &
   &   -.4834E-04,-.2664E-05, .3804E-06,-.5328E-05,-.1510E-05, .1465E-04, &
   &   -.1028E-04,-.4757E-04,-.4948E-04,-.1142E-05, .7614E-06,-.4910E-05, &
   &   -.5709E-06, .1477E-04,-.1256E-04,-.1066E-03,-.4910E-04,-.1523E-05, &
   &   -.3805E-06,-.3121E-05,-.2512E-05, .1142E-04,-.7878E-04,-.2664E-05, &
   &   -.8373E-05,-.7612E-06, .1104E-04,-.3311E-05,-.1979E-05, .5709E-05, &
   &   -.2626E-04,-.4872E-04,-.3808E-06,-.2283E-05, .2284E-05,-.3349E-05, &
   &   -.4034E-05, .7231E-05,-.4910E-04, .1599E-04, .1256E-04,-.7612E-05, &
   &    .1180E-05,-.1815E-05,-.7193E-05, .3045E-05, .1576E-09, .6470E-05, &
   &   -.1408E-04,-.1903E-05, .1522E-05,-.4746E-05,-.4948E-05, .3806E-06, &
   &    .9020E-04, .5214E-04, .6090E-05,-.1104E-04, .1180E-05,-.2778E-05, &
   &   -.6090E-05,-.2664E-05,-.6737E-04,-.1218E-04,-.3806E-05,-.5214E-05, &
   &   -.1066E-05,-.1294E-05,-.3045E-05,-.2664E-05,-.4643E-04, .1713E-04, &
   &   -.1218E-04,-.6204E-05,-.2360E-05,-.1979E-05,-.1903E-05,-.3806E-05, &
   &   -.3045E-04,-.1256E-04,-.9134E-05,-.6508E-05,-.1027E-05,-.7993E-06, &
   &   -.1142E-05,-.7992E-05,-.3616E-04,-.1028E-04,-.1066E-04,-.6051E-05, &
   &    .1066E-05,-.1751E-05,-.2284E-05,-.2284E-05,-.3920E-04,-.9895E-05, &
   &   -.1321E-04,-.3844E-05,-.2055E-05,-.2512E-05,-.3806E-05,-.3425E-05/
    end module band
!c              pgwc(nv)  aerosol concentration ( # / m ** 3 )

!c---------- 4/1/97 (7) -- NEXT 1142 LINES -- Replaces old 
!c                         aerosol1,aerosol2 block data.
!      block data aerosol1

      module aerosol1  1,1
!c                              4/1/97
!c  ********************************************************************
!c  mb:     Number of bands in code (will always be 18)
!c  naer:   Number of aerosol types (will need to be changed here AND in
!c          aerosol subroutine.
!c  nrh:    Number of different relative humidities (currently 8)
       !c  Optical properties are dimensioned (18,8,naer): Number of bands, &
!c  number of relative humidities, and number of aerosol types.
!c  Properties for ocean, continental, and urban were extracted from
!c  tables and interpolated (energy-weighted) into the Fu-Liou
!c  spectral bands.  Tegen and Lacis values are not RH-dependent, 
!c  so values are repeated.
!c  a_ssa:  single-scattering albedo.  One data statement for EACH type
!c          of aerosol.
!c  a_ext:  extinction coefficient.  Normalization is not important.
!c          These values are used for spectral weighting only!!  One
!c          data statement for EACH type of aerosol.
!c  a_asy:  Asymmetry parameter.One data statement for EACH type of
!c          aerosol.
!c  ********************************************************************
!c      USE RadParams
!# include "para.file"
!c	include 'para.file'
      implicit none
!c##      include 'rad_0698.h'
      integer, private :: i,j
!c#      real a_ssax(mbx,nrh,naer),a_extx(mbx,nrh,naer)
!c#      real a_asyx(mbx,nrh,naer)
!      common /aer_optx/ a_ssax,a_extx,a_asyx
      real a_ssax(mbx,nrh,naer),a_extx(mbx,nrh,naer)
      real a_asyx(mbx,nrh,naer)

!c  *******************************************     
!c  Data statements for aerosol type 1 (marine)     
!c  *******************************************     
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,1),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &   .1000E+01,.9984E+00,.9525E+00,.9053E+00,.7378E+00,.8873E+00, &
     &   .8528E+00,.8678E+00,.6329E+00,.7734E+00,.7571E+00,.7446E+00, &
     &   .5500E+00,.3973E+00,.4265E+00,.4511E+00,.4341E+00,.3346E+00, &
     &   .1000E+01,.9974E+00,.9586E+00,.9109E+00,.7298E+00,.8807E+00, &
     &   .8421E+00,.8447E+00,.6212E+00,.7637E+00,.7352E+00,.7322E+00, &
     &   .5276E+00,.3942E+00,.4226E+00,.4474E+00,.4344E+00,.3404E+00, &
     &   .1000E+01,.9980E+00,.9691E+00,.9182E+00,.7075E+00,.8584E+00, &
     &   .8072E+00,.8201E+00,.5870E+00,.7255E+00,.6977E+00,.6968E+00, &
     &   .4866E+00,.3946E+00,.4212E+00,.4429E+00,.4396E+00,.3688E+00, &
     &   .1000E+01,.9988E+00,.9820E+00,.9212E+00,.6840E+00,.8189E+00, &
     &   .7384E+00,.7583E+00,.5412E+00,.6484E+00,.6295E+00,.6340E+00, &
     &   .4620E+00,.4177E+00,.4341E+00,.4484E+00,.4522E+00,.4161E+00, &
     &   .1000E+01,.9989E+00,.9836E+00,.9178E+00,.6825E+00,.8084E+00, &
     &   .7180E+00,.7351E+00,.5334E+00,.6226E+00,.6058E+00,.6108E+00, &
     &   .4623E+00,.4255E+00,.4399E+00,.4518E+00,.4559E+00,.4284E+00, &
     &   .1000E+01,.9990E+00,.9832E+00,.9107E+00,.6815E+00,.7994E+00, &
     &   .7018E+00,.7143E+00,.5313E+00,.6011E+00,.5836E+00,.5877E+00, &
     &   .4635E+00,.4341E+00,.4456E+00,.4551E+00,.4589E+00,.4382E+00, &
     &   .1000E+01,.9987E+00,.9813E+00,.8925E+00,.6748E+00,.7865E+00, &
     &   .6908E+00,.6951E+00,.5373E+00,.5836E+00,.5624E+00,.5605E+00, &
     &   .4652E+00,.4443E+00,.4537E+00,.4598E+00,.4620E+00,.4474E+00, &
     &   .1000E+01,.9988E+00,.9800E+00,.8969E+00,.6654E+00,.7781E+00, &
     &   .6947E+00,.6954E+00,.5480E+00,.5842E+00,.5572E+00,.5477E+00, &
     &   .4642E+00,.4479E+00,.4572E+00,.4614E+00,.4620E+00,.4495E+00/
      data ((a_extx(i,j,1),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &   .2085E-03,.2085E-03,.1753E-03,.1667E-03,.1655E-03,.1667E-03, &
     &   .1721E-03,.1735E-03,.1698E-03,.1700E-03,.1691E-03,.1647E-03, &
     &   .1267E-03,.1256E-03,.1477E-03,.1473E-03,.1320E-03,.1206E-03, &
     &   .2442E-03,.2391E-03,.1959E-03,.1850E-03,.1841E-03,.1836E-03, &
     &   .1895E-03,.1909E-03,.1867E-03,.1895E-03,.1879E-03,.1794E-03, &
     &   .1379E-03,.1395E-03,.1642E-03,.1644E-03,.1482E-03,.1336E-03, &
     &   .3488E-03,.3479E-03,.3010E-03,.2796E-03,.2720E-03,.2663E-03, &
     &   .2693E-03,.2725E-03,.2678E-03,.2743E-03,.2717E-03,.2589E-03, &
     &   .2028E-03,.2152E-03,.2470E-03,.2496E-03,.2322E-03,.2076E-03, &
     &   .7848E-03,.7872E-03,.7928E-03,.7466E-03,.7085E-03,.6744E-03, &
     &   .6381E-03,.6362E-03,.6401E-03,.6470E-03,.6477E-03,.6350E-03, &
     &   .5307E-03,.5726E-03,.6321E-03,.6438E-03,.6297E-03,.5842E-03, &
     &   .1112E-02,.1113E-02,.1148E-02,.1112E-02,.1057E-02,.1004E-02, &
     &   .9203E-03,.9076E-03,.9195E-03,.9147E-03,.9172E-03,.9072E-03, &
     &   .7833E-03,.8441E-03,.9175E-03,.9317E-03,.9216E-03,.8724E-03, &
     &   .1636E-02,.1619E-02,.1667E-02,.1673E-02,.1619E-02,.1548E-02, &
     &   .1385E-02,.1345E-02,.1367E-02,.1335E-02,.1334E-02,.1324E-02, &
     &   .1184E-02,.1269E-02,.1366E-02,.1379E-02,.1373E-02,.1323E-02, &
     &   .2803E-02,.2748E-02,.2765E-02,.2829E-02,.2862E-02,.2813E-02, &
     &   .2508E-02,.2396E-02,.2421E-02,.2312E-02,.2280E-02,.2252E-02, &
     &   .2093E-02,.2240E-02,.2390E-02,.2388E-02,.2373E-02,.2328E-02, &
     &   .4213E-02,.4113E-02,.4088E-02,.4098E-02,.4248E-02,.4287E-02, &
     &   .3951E-02,.3743E-02,.3733E-02,.3520E-02,.3416E-02,.3331E-02, &
     &   .3154E-02,.3390E-02,.3609E-02,.3580E-02,.3527E-02,.3473E-02/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,1),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &   .7972E+00,.8182E+00,.8172E+00,.8200E+00,.8119E+00,.7766E+00, &
     &   .8040E+00,.8212E+00,.8646E+00,.8447E+00,.8440E+00,.8411E+00, &
     &   .8880E+00,.8602E+00,.7911E+00,.7291E+00,.6673E+00,.5545E+00, &
     &   .8017E+00,.8218E+00,.8187E+00,.8216E+00,.8160E+00,.7809E+00, &
     &   .8095E+00,.8488E+00,.8715E+00,.8498E+00,.8488E+00,.8597E+00, &
     &   .8958E+00,.8652E+00,.7976E+00,.7375E+00,.6763E+00,.5685E+00, &
     &   .7986E+00,.8234E+00,.8312E+00,.8353E+00,.8296E+00,.7968E+00, &
     &   .8248E+00,.8507E+00,.8891E+00,.8648E+00,.8726E+00,.8853E+00, &
     &   .9177E+00,.8834E+00,.8248E+00,.7727E+00,.7198E+00,.6379E+00, &
     &   .7617E+00,.8120E+00,.8494E+00,.8614E+00,.8610E+00,.8308E+00, &
     &   .8540E+00,.8626E+00,.9124E+00,.8874E+00,.9025E+00,.9183E+00, &
     &   .9476E+00,.9123E+00,.8683E+00,.8336E+00,.7948E+00,.7445E+00, &
     &   .7412E+00,.7992E+00,.8491E+00,.8673E+00,.8711E+00,.8437E+00, &
     &   .8652E+00,.8700E+00,.9176E+00,.8950E+00,.9099E+00,.9256E+00, &
     &   .9550E+00,.9187E+00,.8787E+00,.8512E+00,.8183E+00,.7759E+00, &
     &   .7144E+00,.7752E+00,.8417E+00,.8684E+00,.8779E+00,.8554E+00, &
     &   .8775E+00,.8804E+00,.9226E+00,.9026E+00,.9169E+00,.9319E+00, &
     &   .9607E+00,.9236E+00,.8850E+00,.8645E+00,.8394E+00,.8044E+00, &
     &   .6858E+00,.7430E+00,.8251E+00,.8605E+00,.8799E+00,.8649E+00, &
     &   .8931E+00,.8955E+00,.9294E+00,.9133E+00,.9253E+00,.9394E+00, &
     &   .9660E+00,.9273E+00,.8877E+00,.8751E+00,.8610E+00,.8366E+00, &
     &   .6686E+00,.7251E+00,.8155E+00,.8500E+00,.8752E+00,.8642E+00, &
     &   .9001E+00,.9040E+00,.9324E+00,.9183E+00,.9292E+00,.9420E+00, &
     &   .9677E+00,.9280E+00,.8855E+00,.8724E+00,.8665E+00,.8517E+00/

!c  ************************************************
!c  Data statements for aerosol type 2 (continental)
!c  ************************************************
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,2),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &   .9607E+00,.9253E+00,.7650E+00,.3869E+00,.7830E+00,.8196E+00, &
     &   .5468E+00,.3954E+00,.2303E+00,.6683E-01,.8012E-01,.1274E+00, &
     &   .1627E+00,.9903E-01,.5161E-01,.4431E-01,.2697E-01,.1631E-01, &
     &   .9606E+00,.9252E+00,.7650E+00,.3872E+00,.7821E+00,.8195E+00, &
     &   .5486E+00,.3983E+00,.2330E+00,.6891E-01,.8092E-01,.1285E+00, &
     &   .1625E+00,.1015E+00,.5113E-01,.4522E-01,.2781E-01,.1691E-01, &
     &   .9632E+00,.9301E+00,.7820E+00,.4110E+00,.7464E+00,.8202E+00, &
     &   .5511E+00,.4098E+00,.2105E+00,.7610E-01,.8126E-01,.1259E+00, &
     &   .1316E+00,.6796E-01,.4130E-01,.4058E-01,.2661E-01,.1672E-01, &
     &   .9730E+00,.9487E+00,.8461E+00,.5175E+00,.7033E+00,.8338E+00, &
     &   .5724E+00,.4600E+00,.1834E+00,.1095E+00,.8760E-01,.1199E+00, &
     &   .7362E-01,.2678E-01,.2572E-01,.3075E-01,.2423E-01,.1656E-01, &
     &   .9820E+00,.9667E+00,.9056E+00,.6542E+00,.7047E+00,.8543E+00, &
     &   .6027E+00,.5125E+00,.1824E+00,.1479E+00,.1006E+00,.1160E+00, &
     &   .4699E-01,.1763E-01,.2012E-01,.2466E-01,.2149E-01,.1529E-01, &
     &   .9859E+00,.9745E+00,.9303E+00,.7255E+00,.7137E+00,.8662E+00, &
     &   .6230E+00,.5426E+00,.1894E+00,.1718E+00,.1117E+00,.1168E+00, &
     &   .3984E-01,.1625E-01,.1928E-01,.2322E-01,.2079E-01,.1493E-01, &
     &   .9891E+00,.9808E+00,.9500E+00,.7911E+00,.7245E+00,.8778E+00, &
     &   .6552E+00,.5913E+00,.2128E+00,.2271E+00,.1459E+00,.1391E+00, &
     &   .4313E-01,.2095E-01,.2574E-01,.3247E-01,.3267E-01,.2510E-01, &
     &   .9914E+00,.9853E+00,.9630E+00,.8391E+00,.7353E+00,.8871E+00, &
     &   .6780E+00,.6222E+00,.2295E+00,.2635E+00,.1717E+00,.1553E+00, &
     &   .4561E-01,.2404E-01,.2966E-01,.3769E-01,.3967E-01,.3733E-01/
      data ((a_extx(i,j,2),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &   .1067E-04,.5658E-05,.1248E-05,.1317E-05,.2144E-06,.1635E-06, &
     &   .1051E-06,.1039E-06,.1074E-06,.1852E-06,.3665E-06,.2548E-06, &
     &   .8879E-07,.9337E-07,.1557E-06,.1269E-06,.1362E-06,.1536E-06, &
     &   .1067E-04,.5659E-05,.1250E-05,.1318E-05,.2156E-06,.1645E-06, &
     &   .1060E-06,.1047E-06,.1083E-06,.1859E-06,.3671E-06,.2554E-06, &
     &   .8921E-07,.9426E-07,.1563E-06,.1274E-06,.1366E-06,.1539E-06, &
     &   .1145E-04,.6089E-05,.1366E-05,.1390E-05,.2705E-06,.1893E-06, &
     &   .1202E-06,.1160E-06,.1392E-06,.1982E-06,.3933E-06,.2795E-06, &
     &   .1146E-06,.1395E-06,.1987E-06,.1543E-06,.1569E-06,.1719E-06, &
     &   .1554E-04,.8394E-05,.2017E-05,.1792E-05,.5780E-06,.3314E-06, &
     &   .1978E-06,.1767E-06,.3055E-06,.2637E-06,.5149E-06,.3873E-06, &
     &   .2577E-06,.4005E-06,.4371E-06,.3044E-06,.2654E-06,.2658E-06, &
     &   .2344E-04,.1308E-04,.3456E-05,.2666E-05,.1253E-05,.6574E-06, &
     &   .3619E-06,.3005E-06,.6400E-06,.3929E-06,.7060E-06,.5523E-06, &
     &   .5532E-06,.9393E-06,.9290E-06,.6129E-06,.4778E-06,.4448E-06, &
     &   .3004E-04,.1716E-04,.4801E-05,.3491E-05,.1886E-05,.9781E-06, &
     &   .5168E-06,.4150E-06,.9341E-06,.5071E-06,.8499E-06,.6765E-06, &
     &   .8087E-06,.1406E-05,.1356E-05,.8808E-06,.6589E-06,.5955E-06, &
     &   .3935E-04,.2315E-04,.6913E-05,.4819E-05,.2908E-05,.1535E-05, &
     &   .8007E-06,.6334E-06,.1408E-05,.7153E-06,.1081E-05,.8758E-06, &
     &   .1200E-05,.2109E-05,.2009E-05,.1301E-05,.9483E-06,.8356E-06, &
     &   .5037E-04,.3051E-04,.9659E-05,.6565E-05,.4238E-05,.2277E-05, &
     &   .1165E-05,.9083E-06,.1992E-05,.9700E-06,.1351E-05,.1111E-05, &
     &   .1676E-05,.2962E-05,.2801E-05,.1811E-05,.1302E-05,.9664E-06/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,2),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6406E+00,.6057E+00,.5447E+00,.4976E+00,.4323E+00,.4216E+00, &
     &  .4084E+00,.4038E+00,.3530E+00,.5334E+00,.4666E+00,.3619E+00, &
     &  .4654E+00,.5418E+00,.5190E+00,.4775E+00,.4633E+00,.3869E+00, &
     &  .6406E+00,.6057E+00,.5449E+00,.4982E+00,.4338E+00,.4240E+00, &
     &  .4135E+00,.4106E+00,.3639E+00,.5480E+00,.4744E+00,.3681E+00, &
     &  .4720E+00,.5471E+00,.5244E+00,.4836E+00,.4694E+00,.3936E+00, &
     &  .6514E+00,.6161E+00,.5532E+00,.5076E+00,.4378E+00,.4297E+00, &
     &  .4202E+00,.4202E+00,.3811E+00,.5519E+00,.4816E+00,.3768E+00, &
     &  .4809E+00,.5492E+00,.5237E+00,.4896E+00,.4800E+00,.4086E+00, &
     &  .6892E+00,.6537E+00,.5854E+00,.5436E+00,.4553E+00,.4509E+00, &
     &  .4419E+00,.4494E+00,.4211E+00,.5500E+00,.4860E+00,.4133E+00, &
     &  .5070E+00,.5397E+00,.5109E+00,.5082E+00,.5147E+00,.4602E+00, &
     &  .7238E+00,.6909E+00,.6212E+00,.5832E+00,.4777E+00,.4729E+00, &
     &  .4524E+00,.4581E+00,.4252E+00,.5112E+00,.4636E+00,.4340E+00, &
     &  .5076E+00,.4990E+00,.4697E+00,.4977E+00,.5255E+00,.4928E+00, &
     &  .7390E+00,.7084E+00,.6399E+00,.6042E+00,.4924E+00,.4874E+00, &
     &  .4601E+00,.4628E+00,.4269E+00,.4922E+00,.4535E+00,.4423E+00, &
     &  .5024E+00,.4712E+00,.4434E+00,.4853E+00,.5258E+00,.5079E+00, &
     &  .7522E+00,.7245E+00,.6593E+00,.6270E+00,.5142E+00,.5121E+00, &
     &  .4943E+00,.5049E+00,.4707E+00,.5452E+00,.5173E+00,.5260E+00, &
     &  .5827E+00,.5439E+00,.5142E+00,.5589E+00,.5958E+00,.5818E+00, &
     &  .7620E+00,.7371E+00,.6754E+00,.6456E+00,.5312E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .5112E+00,.5218E+00,.4872E+00,.5553E+00,.5396E+00,.5633E+00, &
     &  .6177E+00,.5629E+00,.5322E+00,.5821E+00,.6221E+00,.6250E+00/

!c  ******************************************      
!c  Data statements for aerosol type 3 (urban)      
!c  ******************************************      
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,3),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9371E+00,.8999E+00,.7175E+00,.3628E+00,.6462E+00,.6564E+00, &
     &  .4011E+00,.2856E+00,.1754E+00,.3630E-01,.6500E-01,.8672E-01, &
     &  .8039E-01,.3570E-01,.1633E-01,.1202E-01,.4884E-02,.2383E-02, &
     &  .9365E+00,.8992E+00,.7160E+00,.3622E+00,.6417E+00,.6511E+00, &
     &  .3969E+00,.2828E+00,.1736E+00,.3634E-01,.6489E-01,.8637E-01, &
     &  .7938E-01,.3683E-01,.1618E-01,.1207E-01,.4972E-02,.2454E-02, &
     &  .9386E+00,.9035E+00,.7316E+00,.3838E+00,.6180E+00,.6530E+00, &
     &  .3951E+00,.2856E+00,.1549E+00,.3982E-01,.6398E-01,.8328E-01, &
     &  .6367E-01,.2501E-01,.1367E-01,.1095E-01,.4813E-02,.2445E-02, &
     &  .9522E+00,.9265E+00,.8037E+00,.4882E+00,.6214E+00,.7102E+00, &
     &  .4367E+00,.3326E+00,.1370E+00,.5985E-01,.6507E-01,.7825E-01, &
     &  .3715E-01,.1113E-01,.9892E-02,.9000E-02,.4744E-02,.2534E-02, &
     &  .9669E+00,.9502E+00,.8773E+00,.6289E+00,.6589E+00,.7812E+00, &
     &  .5069E+00,.4094E+00,.1465E+00,.9469E-01,.7425E-01,.7846E-01, &
     &  .2566E-01,.8722E-02,.9422E-02,.8668E-02,.5022E-02,.2619E-02, &
     &  .9733E+00,.9620E+00,.9086E+00,.7041E+00,.6797E+00,.8128E+00, &
     &  .5458E+00,.4545E+00,.1573E+00,.1192E+00,.8364E-01,.8086E-01, &
     &  .2264E-01,.8812E-02,.9970E-02,.9079E-02,.5429E-02,.2765E-02, &
     &  .9790E+00,.9710E+00,.9339E+00,.7734E+00,.6992E+00,.8399E+00, &
     &  .5866E+00,.5038E+00,.1729E+00,.1520E+00,.9926E-01,.8757E-01, &
     &  .2187E-01,.1003E-01,.1172E-01,.1103E-01,.7504E-02,.4245E-02, &
     &  .9832E+00,.9776E+00,.9511E+00,.8253E+00,.7164E+00,.8604E+00, &
     &  .6219E+00,.5461E+00,.1893E+00,.1831E+00,.1159E+00,.9521E-01, &
     &  .2208E-01,.1143E-01,.1350E-01,.1280E-01,.9112E-02,.6206E-02/
      data ((a_extx(i,j,3),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6974E-05,.3689E-05,.8308E-06,.8639E-06,.1517E-06,.1172E-06, &
     &  .7603E-07,.7487E-07,.7732E-07,.1226E-06,.2351E-06,.1602E-06, &
     &  .5585E-07,.5913E-07,.9781E-07,.7830E-07,.8414E-07,.9499E-07, &
     &  .6982E-05,.3693E-05,.8327E-06,.8656E-06,.1529E-06,.1183E-06, &
     &  .7697E-07,.7577E-07,.7826E-07,.1234E-06,.2358E-06,.1609E-06, &
     &  .5659E-07,.6006E-07,.9840E-07,.7871E-07,.8445E-07,.9516E-07, &
     &  .7505E-05,.3978E-05,.9110E-06,.9159E-06,.1901E-06,.1358E-06, &
     &  .8773E-07,.8470E-07,.9992E-07,.1329E-06,.2542E-06,.1781E-06, &
     &  .7504E-07,.9126E-07,.1270E-06,.9669E-07,.9796E-07,.1067E-06, &
     &  .1017E-04,.5464E-05,.1328E-05,.1172E-05,.3857E-06,.2239E-06, &
     &  .1355E-06,.1219E-06,.2064E-06,.1743E-06,.3321E-06,.2476E-06, &
     &  .1704E-06,.2630E-06,.2819E-06,.1932E-06,.1672E-06,.1659E-06, &
     &  .1528E-04,.8466E-05,.2240E-05,.1723E-05,.8128E-06,.4251E-06, &
     &  .2346E-06,.1956E-06,.4180E-06,.2532E-06,.4515E-06,.3513E-06, &
     &  .3619E-06,.6124E-06,.5990E-06,.3904E-06,.3021E-06,.2789E-06, &
     &  .1963E-04,.1111E-04,.3099E-05,.2247E-05,.1219E-05,.6254E-06, &
     &  .3299E-06,.2652E-06,.6084E-06,.3245E-06,.5427E-06,.4307E-06, &
     &  .5313E-06,.9227E-06,.8816E-06,.5662E-06,.4201E-06,.3763E-06, &
     &  .2594E-04,.1505E-04,.4440E-05,.3077E-05,.1861E-05,.9545E-06, &
     &  .4851E-06,.3783E-06,.8998E-06,.4362E-06,.6725E-06,.5438E-06, &
     &  .7839E-06,.1386E-05,.1306E-05,.8310E-06,.5971E-06,.5214E-06, &
     &  .3343E-04,.1989E-04,.6191E-05,.4176E-05,.2703E-05,.1404E-05, &
     &  .6921E-06,.5279E-06,.3548E-06,.5771E-06,.8264E-06,.6774E-06, &
     &  .1089E-05,.1946E-05,.1820E-05,.1152E-05,.8146E-06,.5980E-06/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,3),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6381E+00,.6035E+00,.5386E+00,.4849E+00,.3957E+00,.3761E+00, &
     &  .3199E+00,.3006E+00,.2684E+00,.2713E+00,.2763E+00,.2241E+00, &
     &  .2351E+00,.2725E+00,.2616E+00,.2607E+00,.3195E+00,.3162E+00, &
     &  .6381E+00,.6035E+00,.5385E+00,.4849E+00,.3958E+00,.3764E+00, &
     &  .3207E+00,.3018E+00,.2700E+00,.2780E+00,.2836E+00,.2254E+00, &
     &  .2366E+00,.2730E+00,.2629E+00,.2658E+00,.3269E+00,.3239E+00, &
     &  .6490E+00,.6137E+00,.5468E+00,.4946E+00,.4020E+00,.3834E+00, &
     &  .3274E+00,.3089E+00,.2773E+00,.2849E+00,.2936E+00,.2285E+00, &
     &  .2374E+00,.2654E+00,.2526E+00,.2639E+00,.3284E+00,.3327E+00, &
     &  .6866E+00,.6512E+00,.5797E+00,.5327E+00,.4280E+00,.4121E+00, &
     &  .3550E+00,.3374E+00,.3039E+00,.3043E+00,.2931E+00,.2444E+00, &
     &  .2438E+00,.2427E+00,.2265E+00,.2565E+00,.3291E+00,.3575E+00, &
     &  .7213E+00,.6884E+00,.6168E+00,.5756E+00,.4606E+00,.4473E+00, &
     &  .3883E+00,.3700E+00,.3315E+00,.3171E+00,.2900E+00,.2650E+00, &
     &  .2506E+00,.2220E+00,.2017E+00,.2297E+00,.2957E+00,.3450E+00, &
     &  .7362E+00,.7055E+00,.6357E+00,.5977E+00,.4792E+00,.4674E+00, &
     &  .4080E+00,.3893E+00,.3483E+00,.3287E+00,.2983E+00,.2787E+00, &
     &  .2562E+00,.2159E+00,.1939E+00,.2169E+00,.2754E+00,.3308E+00, &
     &  .7488E+00,.7206E+00,.6539E+00,.6192E+00,.4991E+00,.4892E+00, &
     &  .4329E+00,.4163E+00,.3733E+00,.3608E+00,.3302E+00,.3274E+00, &
     &  .2936E+00,.2500E+00,.2283E+00,.2661E+00,.3470E+00,.4161E+00, &
     &  .7584E+00,.7326E+00,.6694E+00,.6376E+00,.5167E+00,.5082E+00, &
     &  .4535E+00,.4373E+00,.3927E+00,.3798E+00,.3500E+00,.3381E+00, &
     &  .3171E+00,.2640E+00,.2404E+00,.2809E+00,.3669E+00,.4590E+00/

!c  ***********************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 0.5 micron dust aerosol
!c  ***********************************************
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,4),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9140E+00,.9726E+00,.9759E+00,.9737E+00,.8492E+00,.8986E+00, &
     &  .8344E+00,.6125E+00,.2537E+00,.9996E-01,.3744E-01,.1756E+00, &
     &  .6959E-01,.3767E-01,.1425E-01,.1772E-01,.7060E-02,.2826E-02, &
     &  .9140E+00,.9726E+00,.9759E+00,.9737E+00,.8492E+00,.8986E+00, &
     &  .8344E+00,.6125E+00,.2537E+00,.9996E-01,.3744E-01,.1756E+00, &
     &  .6959E-01,.3767E-01,.1425E-01,.1772E-01,.7060E-02,.2826E-02, &
     &  .9140E+00,.9726E+00,.9759E+00,.9737E+00,.8492E+00,.8986E+00, &
     &  .8344E+00,.6125E+00,.2537E+00,.9996E-01,.3744E-01,.1756E+00, &
     &  .6959E-01,.3767E-01,.1425E-01,.1772E-01,.7060E-02,.2826E-02, &
     &  .9140E+00,.9726E+00,.9759E+00,.9737E+00,.8492E+00,.8986E+00, &
     &  .8344E+00,.6125E+00,.2537E+00,.9996E-01,.3744E-01,.1756E+00, &
     &  .6959E-01,.3767E-01,.1425E-01,.1772E-01,.7060E-02,.2826E-02, &
     &  .9140E+00,.9726E+00,.9759E+00,.9737E+00,.8492E+00,.8986E+00, &
     &  .8344E+00,.6125E+00,.2537E+00,.9996E-01,.3744E-01,.1756E+00, &
     &  .6959E-01,.3767E-01,.1425E-01,.1772E-01,.7060E-02,.2826E-02, &
     &  .9140E+00,.9726E+00,.9759E+00,.9737E+00,.8492E+00,.8986E+00, &
     &  .8344E+00,.6125E+00,.2537E+00,.9996E-01,.3744E-01,.1756E+00, &
     &  .6959E-01,.3767E-01,.1425E-01,.1772E-01,.7060E-02,.2826E-02, &
     &  .9140E+00,.9726E+00,.9759E+00,.9737E+00,.8492E+00,.8986E+00, &
     &  .8344E+00,.6125E+00,.2537E+00,.9996E-01,.3744E-01,.1756E+00, &
     &  .6959E-01,.3767E-01,.1425E-01,.1772E-01,.7060E-02,.2826E-02, &
     &  .9140E+00,.9726E+00,.9759E+00,.9737E+00,.8492E+00,.8986E+00, &
     &  .8344E+00,.6125E+00,.2537E+00,.9996E-01,.3744E-01,.1756E+00, &
     &  .6959E-01,.3767E-01,.1425E-01,.1772E-01,.7060E-02,.2826E-02/
      data ((a_extx(i,j,4),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .1013E+01,.1046E+01,.7036E+00,.4361E+00,.1101E+00,.7263E-01, &
     &  .3980E-01,.3442E-01,.3402E-01,.3102E-01,.7158E-01,.1016E+00, &
     &  .5528E-01,.2937E-01,.3969E-01,.3820E-01,.2108E-01,.1806E-01, &
     &  .1013E+01,.1046E+01,.7036E+00,.4361E+00,.1101E+00,.7263E-01, &
     &  .3980E-01,.3442E-01,.3402E-01,.3102E-01,.7158E-01,.1016E+00, &
     &  .5528E-01,.2937E-01,.3969E-01,.3820E-01,.2108E-01,.1806E-01, &
     &  .1013E+01,.1046E+01,.7036E+00,.4361E+00,.1101E+00,.7263E-01, &
     &  .3980E-01,.3442E-01,.3402E-01,.3102E-01,.7158E-01,.1016E+00, &
     &  .5528E-01,.2937E-01,.3969E-01,.3820E-01,.2108E-01,.1806E-01, &
     &  .1013E+01,.1046E+01,.7036E+00,.4361E+00,.1101E+00,.7263E-01, &
     &  .3980E-01,.3442E-01,.3402E-01,.3102E-01,.7158E-01,.1016E+00, &
     &  .5528E-01,.2937E-01,.3969E-01,.3820E-01,.2108E-01,.1806E-01, &
     &  .1013E+01,.1046E+01,.7036E+00,.4361E+00,.1101E+00,.7263E-01, &
     &  .3980E-01,.3442E-01,.3402E-01,.3102E-01,.7158E-01,.1016E+00, &
     &  .5528E-01,.2937E-01,.3969E-01,.3820E-01,.2108E-01,.1806E-01, &
     &  .1013E+01,.1046E+01,.7036E+00,.4361E+00,.1101E+00,.7263E-01, &
     &  .3980E-01,.3442E-01,.3402E-01,.3102E-01,.7158E-01,.1016E+00, &
     &  .5528E-01,.2937E-01,.3969E-01,.3820E-01,.2108E-01,.1806E-01, &
     &  .1013E+01,.1046E+01,.7036E+00,.4361E+00,.1101E+00,.7263E-01, &
     &  .3980E-01,.3442E-01,.3402E-01,.3102E-01,.7158E-01,.1016E+00, &
     &  .5528E-01,.2937E-01,.3969E-01,.3820E-01,.2108E-01,.1806E-01, &
     &  .1013E+01,.1046E+01,.7036E+00,.4361E+00,.1101E+00,.7263E-01, &
     &  .3980E-01,.3442E-01,.3402E-01,.3102E-01,.7158E-01,.1016E+00, &
     &  .5528E-01,.2937E-01,.3969E-01,.3820E-01,.2108E-01,.1806E-01/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,4),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6727E+00,.6788E+00,.6599E+00,.6079E+00,.4306E+00,.3754E+00, &
     &  .2599E+00,.2139E+00,.1488E+00,.1066E+00,.8476E-01,.1280E+00, &
     &  .6212E-01,.4009E-01,.2821E-01,.2439E-01,.1238E-01,.7042E-02, &
     &  .6727E+00,.6788E+00,.6599E+00,.6079E+00,.4306E+00,.3754E+00, &
     &  .2599E+00,.2139E+00,.1488E+00,.1066E+00,.8476E-01,.1280E+00, &
     &  .6212E-01,.4009E-01,.2821E-01,.2439E-01,.1238E-01,.7042E-02, &
     &  .6727E+00,.6788E+00,.6599E+00,.6079E+00,.4306E+00,.3754E+00, &
     &  .2599E+00,.2139E+00,.1488E+00,.1066E+00,.8476E-01,.1280E+00, &
     &  .6212E-01,.4009E-01,.2821E-01,.2439E-01,.1238E-01,.7042E-02, &
     &  .6727E+00,.6788E+00,.6599E+00,.6079E+00,.4306E+00,.3754E+00, &
     &  .2599E+00,.2139E+00,.1488E+00,.1066E+00,.8476E-01,.1280E+00, &
     &  .6212E-01,.4009E-01,.2821E-01,.2439E-01,.1238E-01,.7042E-02, &
     &  .6727E+00,.6788E+00,.6599E+00,.6079E+00,.4306E+00,.3754E+00, &
     &  .2599E+00,.2139E+00,.1488E+00,.1066E+00,.8476E-01,.1280E+00, &
     &  .6212E-01,.4009E-01,.2821E-01,.2439E-01,.1238E-01,.7042E-02, &
     &  .6727E+00,.6788E+00,.6599E+00,.6079E+00,.4306E+00,.3754E+00, &
     &  .2599E+00,.2139E+00,.1488E+00,.1066E+00,.8476E-01,.1280E+00, &
     &  .6212E-01,.4009E-01,.2821E-01,.2439E-01,.1238E-01,.7042E-02, &
     &  .6727E+00,.6788E+00,.6599E+00,.6079E+00,.4306E+00,.3754E+00, &
     &  .2599E+00,.2139E+00,.1488E+00,.1066E+00,.8476E-01,.1280E+00, &
     &  .6212E-01,.4009E-01,.2821E-01,.2439E-01,.1238E-01,.7042E-02, &
     &  .6727E+00,.6788E+00,.6599E+00,.6079E+00,.4306E+00,.3754E+00, &
     &  .2599E+00,.2139E+00,.1488E+00,.1066E+00,.8476E-01,.1280E+00, &
     &  .6212E-01,.4009E-01,.2821E-01,.2439E-01,.1238E-01,.7042E-02/
!c  ***********************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 1.0 micron dust aerosol
!c  ***********************************************
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,5),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .8498E+00,.9415E+00,.9649E+00,.9728E+00,.9141E+00,.9502E+00, &
     &  .9317E+00,.8228E+00,.5514E+00,.3158E+00,.1352E+00,.3908E+00, &
     &  .2884E+00,.1955E+00,.8936E-01,.1136E+00,.5145E-01,.2186E-01, &
     &  .8498E+00,.9415E+00,.9649E+00,.9728E+00,.9141E+00,.9502E+00, &
     &  .9317E+00,.8228E+00,.5514E+00,.3158E+00,.1352E+00,.3908E+00, &
     &  .2884E+00,.1955E+00,.8936E-01,.1136E+00,.5145E-01,.2186E-01, &
     &  .8498E+00,.9415E+00,.9649E+00,.9728E+00,.9141E+00,.9502E+00, &
     &  .9317E+00,.8228E+00,.5514E+00,.3158E+00,.1352E+00,.3908E+00, &
     &  .2884E+00,.1955E+00,.8936E-01,.1136E+00,.5145E-01,.2186E-01, &
     &  .8498E+00,.9415E+00,.9649E+00,.9728E+00,.9141E+00,.9502E+00, &
     &  .9317E+00,.8228E+00,.5514E+00,.3158E+00,.1352E+00,.3908E+00, &
     &  .2884E+00,.1955E+00,.8936E-01,.1136E+00,.5145E-01,.2186E-01, &
     &  .8498E+00,.9415E+00,.9649E+00,.9728E+00,.9141E+00,.9502E+00, &
     &  .9317E+00,.8228E+00,.5514E+00,.3158E+00,.1352E+00,.3908E+00, &
     &  .2884E+00,.1955E+00,.8936E-01,.1136E+00,.5145E-01,.2186E-01, &
     &  .8498E+00,.9415E+00,.9649E+00,.9728E+00,.9141E+00,.9502E+00, &
     &  .9317E+00,.8228E+00,.5514E+00,.3158E+00,.1352E+00,.3908E+00, &
     &  .2884E+00,.1955E+00,.8936E-01,.1136E+00,.5145E-01,.2186E-01, &
     &  .8498E+00,.9415E+00,.9649E+00,.9728E+00,.9141E+00,.9502E+00, &
     &  .9317E+00,.8228E+00,.5514E+00,.3158E+00,.1352E+00,.3908E+00, &
     &  .2884E+00,.1955E+00,.8936E-01,.1136E+00,.5145E-01,.2186E-01, &
     &  .8498E+00,.9415E+00,.9649E+00,.9728E+00,.9141E+00,.9502E+00, &
     &  .9317E+00,.8228E+00,.5514E+00,.3158E+00,.1352E+00,.3908E+00, &
     &  .2884E+00,.1955E+00,.8936E-01,.1136E+00,.5145E-01,.2186E-01/
      data ((a_extx(i,j,5),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .1011E+01,.1126E+01,.1274E+01,.1194E+01,.5876E+00,.4705E+00, &
     &  .3210E+00,.2489E+00,.1574E+00,.1099E+00,.2069E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .1960E+00,.9338E-01,.1105E+00,.1188E+00,.5688E-01,.4516E-01, &
     &  .1011E+01,.1126E+01,.1274E+01,.1194E+01,.5876E+00,.4705E+00, &
     &  .3210E+00,.2489E+00,.1574E+00,.1099E+00,.2069E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .1960E+00,.9338E-01,.1105E+00,.1188E+00,.5688E-01,.4516E-01, &
     &  .1011E+01,.1126E+01,.1274E+01,.1194E+01,.5876E+00,.4705E+00, &
     &  .3210E+00,.2489E+00,.1574E+00,.1099E+00,.2069E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .1960E+00,.9338E-01,.1105E+00,.1188E+00,.5688E-01,.4516E-01, &
     &  .1011E+01,.1126E+01,.1274E+01,.1194E+01,.5876E+00,.4705E+00, &
     &  .3210E+00,.2489E+00,.1574E+00,.1099E+00,.2069E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .1960E+00,.9338E-01,.1105E+00,.1188E+00,.5688E-01,.4516E-01, &
     &  .1011E+01,.1126E+01,.1274E+01,.1194E+01,.5876E+00,.4705E+00, &
     &  .3210E+00,.2489E+00,.1574E+00,.1099E+00,.2069E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .1960E+00,.9338E-01,.1105E+00,.1188E+00,.5688E-01,.4516E-01, &
     &  .1011E+01,.1126E+01,.1274E+01,.1194E+01,.5876E+00,.4705E+00, &
     &  .3210E+00,.2489E+00,.1574E+00,.1099E+00,.2069E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .1960E+00,.9338E-01,.1105E+00,.1188E+00,.5688E-01,.4516E-01, &
     &  .1011E+01,.1126E+01,.1274E+01,.1194E+01,.5876E+00,.4705E+00, &
     &  .3210E+00,.2489E+00,.1574E+00,.1099E+00,.2069E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .1960E+00,.9338E-01,.1105E+00,.1188E+00,.5688E-01,.4516E-01, &
     &  .1011E+01,.1126E+01,.1274E+01,.1194E+01,.5876E+00,.4705E+00, &
     &  .3210E+00,.2489E+00,.1574E+00,.1099E+00,.2069E+00,.5297E+00, &
     &  .1960E+00,.9338E-01,.1105E+00,.1188E+00,.5688E-01,.4516E-01/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,5),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .7338E+00,.6749E+00,.6812E+00,.6876E+00,.6653E+00,.6352E+00, &
     &  .5506E+00,.5123E+00,.4335E+00,.3460E+00,.2780E+00,.2550E+00, &
     &  .2217E+00,.1555E+00,.1096E+00,.9265E-01,.5052E-01,.2847E-01, &
     &  .7338E+00,.6749E+00,.6812E+00,.6876E+00,.6653E+00,.6352E+00, &
     &  .5506E+00,.5123E+00,.4335E+00,.3460E+00,.2780E+00,.2550E+00, &
     &  .2217E+00,.1555E+00,.1096E+00,.9265E-01,.5052E-01,.2847E-01, &
     &  .7338E+00,.6749E+00,.6812E+00,.6876E+00,.6653E+00,.6352E+00, &
     &  .5506E+00,.5123E+00,.4335E+00,.3460E+00,.2780E+00,.2550E+00, &
     &  .2217E+00,.1555E+00,.1096E+00,.9265E-01,.5052E-01,.2847E-01, &
     &  .7338E+00,.6749E+00,.6812E+00,.6876E+00,.6653E+00,.6352E+00, &
     &  .5506E+00,.5123E+00,.4335E+00,.3460E+00,.2780E+00,.2550E+00, &
     &  .2217E+00,.1555E+00,.1096E+00,.9265E-01,.5052E-01,.2847E-01, &
     &  .7338E+00,.6749E+00,.6812E+00,.6876E+00,.6653E+00,.6352E+00, &
     &  .5506E+00,.5123E+00,.4335E+00,.3460E+00,.2780E+00,.2550E+00, &
     &  .2217E+00,.1555E+00,.1096E+00,.9265E-01,.5052E-01,.2847E-01, &
     &  .7338E+00,.6749E+00,.6812E+00,.6876E+00,.6653E+00,.6352E+00, &
     &  .5506E+00,.5123E+00,.4335E+00,.3460E+00,.2780E+00,.2550E+00, &
     &  .2217E+00,.1555E+00,.1096E+00,.9265E-01,.5052E-01,.2847E-01, &
     &  .7338E+00,.6749E+00,.6812E+00,.6876E+00,.6653E+00,.6352E+00, &
     &  .5506E+00,.5123E+00,.4335E+00,.3460E+00,.2780E+00,.2550E+00, &
     &  .2217E+00,.1555E+00,.1096E+00,.9265E-01,.5052E-01,.2847E-01, &
     &  .7338E+00,.6749E+00,.6812E+00,.6876E+00,.6653E+00,.6352E+00, &
     &  .5506E+00,.5123E+00,.4335E+00,.3460E+00,.2780E+00,.2550E+00, &
     &  .2217E+00,.1555E+00,.1096E+00,.9265E-01,.5052E-01,.2847E-01/
!c  ***********************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 2.0 micron dust aerosol
!c  ***********************************************
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,6),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .7767E+00,.8913E+00,.9229E+00,.9437E+00,.9070E+00,.9518E+00, &
     &  .9450E+00,.8785E+00,.7097E+00,.5202E+00,.2521E+00,.4713E+00, &
     &  .4974E+00,.4416E+00,.2753E+00,.3267E+00,.2329E+00,.1353E+00, &
     &  .7767E+00,.8913E+00,.9229E+00,.9437E+00,.9070E+00,.9518E+00, &
     &  .9450E+00,.8785E+00,.7097E+00,.5202E+00,.2521E+00,.4713E+00, &
     &  .4974E+00,.4416E+00,.2753E+00,.3267E+00,.2329E+00,.1353E+00, &
     &  .7767E+00,.8913E+00,.9229E+00,.9437E+00,.9070E+00,.9518E+00, &
     &  .9450E+00,.8785E+00,.7097E+00,.5202E+00,.2521E+00,.4713E+00, &
     &  .4974E+00,.4416E+00,.2753E+00,.3267E+00,.2329E+00,.1353E+00, &
     &  .7767E+00,.8913E+00,.9229E+00,.9437E+00,.9070E+00,.9518E+00, &
     &  .9450E+00,.8785E+00,.7097E+00,.5202E+00,.2521E+00,.4713E+00, &
     &  .4974E+00,.4416E+00,.2753E+00,.3267E+00,.2329E+00,.1353E+00, &
     &  .7767E+00,.8913E+00,.9229E+00,.9437E+00,.9070E+00,.9518E+00, &
     &  .9450E+00,.8785E+00,.7097E+00,.5202E+00,.2521E+00,.4713E+00, &
     &  .4974E+00,.4416E+00,.2753E+00,.3267E+00,.2329E+00,.1353E+00, &
     &  .7767E+00,.8913E+00,.9229E+00,.9437E+00,.9070E+00,.9518E+00, &
     &  .9450E+00,.8785E+00,.7097E+00,.5202E+00,.2521E+00,.4713E+00, &
     &  .4974E+00,.4416E+00,.2753E+00,.3267E+00,.2329E+00,.1353E+00, &
     &  .7767E+00,.8913E+00,.9229E+00,.9437E+00,.9070E+00,.9518E+00, &
     &  .9450E+00,.8785E+00,.7097E+00,.5202E+00,.2521E+00,.4713E+00, &
     &  .4974E+00,.4416E+00,.2753E+00,.3267E+00,.2329E+00,.1353E+00, &
     &  .7767E+00,.8913E+00,.9229E+00,.9437E+00,.9070E+00,.9518E+00, &
     &  .9450E+00,.8785E+00,.7097E+00,.5202E+00,.2521E+00,.4713E+00, &
     &  .4974E+00,.4416E+00,.2753E+00,.3267E+00,.2329E+00,.1353E+00/
      data ((a_extx(i,j,6),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .1004E+01,.1058E+01,.1170E+01,.1268E+01,.1279E+01,.1229E+01, &
     &  .1090E+01,.9105E+00,.5986E+00,.3776E+00,.4888E+00,.1196E+01, &
     &  .6530E+00,.3654E+00,.3515E+00,.4897E+00,.2131E+00,.1327E+00, &
     &  .1004E+01,.1058E+01,.1170E+01,.1268E+01,.1279E+01,.1229E+01, &
     &  .1090E+01,.9105E+00,.5986E+00,.3776E+00,.4888E+00,.1196E+01, &
     &  .6530E+00,.3654E+00,.3515E+00,.4897E+00,.2131E+00,.1327E+00, &
     &  .1004E+01,.1058E+01,.1170E+01,.1268E+01,.1279E+01,.1229E+01, &
     &  .1090E+01,.9105E+00,.5986E+00,.3776E+00,.4888E+00,.1196E+01, &
     &  .6530E+00,.3654E+00,.3515E+00,.4897E+00,.2131E+00,.1327E+00, &
     &  .1004E+01,.1058E+01,.1170E+01,.1268E+01,.1279E+01,.1229E+01, &
     &  .1090E+01,.9105E+00,.5986E+00,.3776E+00,.4888E+00,.1196E+01, &
     &  .6530E+00,.3654E+00,.3515E+00,.4897E+00,.2131E+00,.1327E+00, &
     &  .1004E+01,.1058E+01,.1170E+01,.1268E+01,.1279E+01,.1229E+01, &
     &  .1090E+01,.9105E+00,.5986E+00,.3776E+00,.4888E+00,.1196E+01, &
     &  .6530E+00,.3654E+00,.3515E+00,.4897E+00,.2131E+00,.1327E+00, &
     &  .1004E+01,.1058E+01,.1170E+01,.1268E+01,.1279E+01,.1229E+01, &
     &  .1090E+01,.9105E+00,.5986E+00,.3776E+00,.4888E+00,.1196E+01, &
     &  .6530E+00,.3654E+00,.3515E+00,.4897E+00,.2131E+00,.1327E+00, &
     &  .1004E+01,.1058E+01,.1170E+01,.1268E+01,.1279E+01,.1229E+01, &
     &  .1090E+01,.9105E+00,.5986E+00,.3776E+00,.4888E+00,.1196E+01, &
     &  .6530E+00,.3654E+00,.3515E+00,.4897E+00,.2131E+00,.1327E+00, &
     &  .1004E+01,.1058E+01,.1170E+01,.1268E+01,.1279E+01,.1229E+01, &
     &  .1090E+01,.9105E+00,.5986E+00,.3776E+00,.4888E+00,.1196E+01, &
     &  .6530E+00,.3654E+00,.3515E+00,.4897E+00,.2131E+00,.1327E+00/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,6),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .8134E+00,.7428E+00,.6826E+00,.6685E+00,.7403E+00,.7278E+00, &
     &  .6859E+00,.6902E+00,.6914E+00,.6552E+00,.5806E+00,.3985E+00, &
     &  .4769E+00,.4206E+00,.3269E+00,.2136E+00,.1687E+00,.1122E+00, &
     &  .8134E+00,.7428E+00,.6826E+00,.6685E+00,.7403E+00,.7278E+00, &
     &  .6859E+00,.6902E+00,.6914E+00,.6552E+00,.5806E+00,.3985E+00, &
     &  .4769E+00,.4206E+00,.3269E+00,.2136E+00,.1687E+00,.1122E+00, &
     &  .8134E+00,.7428E+00,.6826E+00,.6685E+00,.7403E+00,.7278E+00, &
     &  .6859E+00,.6902E+00,.6914E+00,.6552E+00,.5806E+00,.3985E+00, &
     &  .4769E+00,.4206E+00,.3269E+00,.2136E+00,.1687E+00,.1122E+00, &
     &  .8134E+00,.7428E+00,.6826E+00,.6685E+00,.7403E+00,.7278E+00, &
     &  .6859E+00,.6902E+00,.6914E+00,.6552E+00,.5806E+00,.3985E+00, &
     &  .4769E+00,.4206E+00,.3269E+00,.2136E+00,.1687E+00,.1122E+00, &
     &  .8134E+00,.7428E+00,.6826E+00,.6685E+00,.7403E+00,.7278E+00, &
     &  .6859E+00,.6902E+00,.6914E+00,.6552E+00,.5806E+00,.3985E+00, &
     &  .4769E+00,.4206E+00,.3269E+00,.2136E+00,.1687E+00,.1122E+00, &
     &  .8134E+00,.7428E+00,.6826E+00,.6685E+00,.7403E+00,.7278E+00, &
     &  .6859E+00,.6902E+00,.6914E+00,.6552E+00,.5806E+00,.3985E+00, &
     &  .4769E+00,.4206E+00,.3269E+00,.2136E+00,.1687E+00,.1122E+00, &
     &  .8134E+00,.7428E+00,.6826E+00,.6685E+00,.7403E+00,.7278E+00, &
     &  .6859E+00,.6902E+00,.6914E+00,.6552E+00,.5806E+00,.3985E+00, &
     &  .4769E+00,.4206E+00,.3269E+00,.2136E+00,.1687E+00,.1122E+00, &
     &  .8134E+00,.7428E+00,.6826E+00,.6685E+00,.7403E+00,.7278E+00, &
     &  .6859E+00,.6902E+00,.6914E+00,.6552E+00,.5806E+00,.3985E+00, &
     &  .4769E+00,.4206E+00,.3269E+00,.2136E+00,.1687E+00,.1122E+00/
!c  ***********************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 4.0 micron dust aerosol
!c  ***********************************************
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,7),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6979E+00,.8213E+00,.8632E+00,.8896E+00,.8303E+00,.9082E+00, &
     &  .9083E+00,.8444E+00,.7304E+00,.6223E+00,.3484E+00,.4968E+00, &
     &  .5537E+00,.5626E+00,.4275E+00,.4462E+00,.4227E+00,.3573E+00, &
     &  .6979E+00,.8213E+00,.8632E+00,.8896E+00,.8303E+00,.9082E+00, &
     &  .9083E+00,.8444E+00,.7304E+00,.6223E+00,.3484E+00,.4968E+00, &
     &  .5537E+00,.5626E+00,.4275E+00,.4462E+00,.4227E+00,.3573E+00, &
     &  .6979E+00,.8213E+00,.8632E+00,.8896E+00,.8303E+00,.9082E+00, &
     &  .9083E+00,.8444E+00,.7304E+00,.6223E+00,.3484E+00,.4968E+00, &
     &  .5537E+00,.5626E+00,.4275E+00,.4462E+00,.4227E+00,.3573E+00, &
     &  .6979E+00,.8213E+00,.8632E+00,.8896E+00,.8303E+00,.9082E+00, &
     &  .9083E+00,.8444E+00,.7304E+00,.6223E+00,.3484E+00,.4968E+00, &
     &  .5537E+00,.5626E+00,.4275E+00,.4462E+00,.4227E+00,.3573E+00, &
     &  .6979E+00,.8213E+00,.8632E+00,.8896E+00,.8303E+00,.9082E+00, &
     &  .9083E+00,.8444E+00,.7304E+00,.6223E+00,.3484E+00,.4968E+00, &
     &  .5537E+00,.5626E+00,.4275E+00,.4462E+00,.4227E+00,.3573E+00, &
     &  .6979E+00,.8213E+00,.8632E+00,.8896E+00,.8303E+00,.9082E+00, &
     &  .9083E+00,.8444E+00,.7304E+00,.6223E+00,.3484E+00,.4968E+00, &
     &  .5537E+00,.5626E+00,.4275E+00,.4462E+00,.4227E+00,.3573E+00, &
     &  .6979E+00,.8213E+00,.8632E+00,.8896E+00,.8303E+00,.9082E+00, &
     &  .9083E+00,.8444E+00,.7304E+00,.6223E+00,.3484E+00,.4968E+00, &
     &  .5537E+00,.5626E+00,.4275E+00,.4462E+00,.4227E+00,.3573E+00, &
     &  .6979E+00,.8213E+00,.8632E+00,.8896E+00,.8303E+00,.9082E+00, &
     &  .9083E+00,.8444E+00,.7304E+00,.6223E+00,.3484E+00,.4968E+00, &
     &  .5537E+00,.5626E+00,.4275E+00,.4462E+00,.4227E+00,.3573E+00/
      data ((a_extx(i,j,7),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .1003E+01,.1034E+01,.1088E+01,.1130E+01,.1278E+01,.1325E+01, &
     &  .1396E+01,.1369E+01,.1214E+01,.8716E+00,.7715E+00,.1332E+01, &
     &  .1231E+01,.9736E+00,.8431E+00,.1167E+01,.8008E+00,.5356E+00, &
     &  .1003E+01,.1034E+01,.1088E+01,.1130E+01,.1278E+01,.1325E+01, &
     &  .1396E+01,.1369E+01,.1214E+01,.8716E+00,.7715E+00,.1332E+01, &
     &  .1231E+01,.9736E+00,.8431E+00,.1167E+01,.8008E+00,.5356E+00, &
     &  .1003E+01,.1034E+01,.1088E+01,.1130E+01,.1278E+01,.1325E+01, &
     &  .1396E+01,.1369E+01,.1214E+01,.8716E+00,.7715E+00,.1332E+01, &
     &  .1231E+01,.9736E+00,.8431E+00,.1167E+01,.8008E+00,.5356E+00, &
     &  .1003E+01,.1034E+01,.1088E+01,.1130E+01,.1278E+01,.1325E+01, &
     &  .1396E+01,.1369E+01,.1214E+01,.8716E+00,.7715E+00,.1332E+01, &
     &  .1231E+01,.9736E+00,.8431E+00,.1167E+01,.8008E+00,.5356E+00, &
     &  .1003E+01,.1034E+01,.1088E+01,.1130E+01,.1278E+01,.1325E+01, &
     &  .1396E+01,.1369E+01,.1214E+01,.8716E+00,.7715E+00,.1332E+01, &
     &  .1231E+01,.9736E+00,.8431E+00,.1167E+01,.8008E+00,.5356E+00, &
     &  .1003E+01,.1034E+01,.1088E+01,.1130E+01,.1278E+01,.1325E+01, &
     &  .1396E+01,.1369E+01,.1214E+01,.8716E+00,.7715E+00,.1332E+01, &
     &  .1231E+01,.9736E+00,.8431E+00,.1167E+01,.8008E+00,.5356E+00, &
     &  .1003E+01,.1034E+01,.1088E+01,.1130E+01,.1278E+01,.1325E+01, &
     &  .1396E+01,.1369E+01,.1214E+01,.8716E+00,.7715E+00,.1332E+01, &
     &  .1231E+01,.9736E+00,.8431E+00,.1167E+01,.8008E+00,.5356E+00, &
     &  .1003E+01,.1034E+01,.1088E+01,.1130E+01,.1278E+01,.1325E+01, &
     &  .1396E+01,.1369E+01,.1214E+01,.8716E+00,.7715E+00,.1332E+01, &
     &  .1231E+01,.9736E+00,.8431E+00,.1167E+01,.8008E+00,.5356E+00/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,7),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .8694E+00,.8106E+00,.7632E+00,.7289E+00,.7415E+00,.7160E+00, &
     &  .6904E+00,.7315E+00,.8001E+00,.8185E+00,.7903E+00,.5996E+00, &
     &  .6566E+00,.6460E+00,.5866E+00,.3647E+00,.3224E+00,.2752E+00, &
     &  .8694E+00,.8106E+00,.7632E+00,.7289E+00,.7415E+00,.7160E+00, &
     &  .6904E+00,.7315E+00,.8001E+00,.8185E+00,.7903E+00,.5996E+00, &
     &  .6566E+00,.6460E+00,.5866E+00,.3647E+00,.3224E+00,.2752E+00, &
     &  .8694E+00,.8106E+00,.7632E+00,.7289E+00,.7415E+00,.7160E+00, &
     &  .6904E+00,.7315E+00,.8001E+00,.8185E+00,.7903E+00,.5996E+00, &
     &  .6566E+00,.6460E+00,.5866E+00,.3647E+00,.3224E+00,.2752E+00, &
     &  .8694E+00,.8106E+00,.7632E+00,.7289E+00,.7415E+00,.7160E+00, &
     &  .6904E+00,.7315E+00,.8001E+00,.8185E+00,.7903E+00,.5996E+00, &
     &  .6566E+00,.6460E+00,.5866E+00,.3647E+00,.3224E+00,.2752E+00, &
     &  .8694E+00,.8106E+00,.7632E+00,.7289E+00,.7415E+00,.7160E+00, &
     &  .6904E+00,.7315E+00,.8001E+00,.8185E+00,.7903E+00,.5996E+00, &
     &  .6566E+00,.6460E+00,.5866E+00,.3647E+00,.3224E+00,.2752E+00, &
     &  .8694E+00,.8106E+00,.7632E+00,.7289E+00,.7415E+00,.7160E+00, &
     &  .6904E+00,.7315E+00,.8001E+00,.8185E+00,.7903E+00,.5996E+00, &
     &  .6566E+00,.6460E+00,.5866E+00,.3647E+00,.3224E+00,.2752E+00, &
     &  .8694E+00,.8106E+00,.7632E+00,.7289E+00,.7415E+00,.7160E+00, &
     &  .6904E+00,.7315E+00,.8001E+00,.8185E+00,.7903E+00,.5996E+00, &
     &  .6566E+00,.6460E+00,.5866E+00,.3647E+00,.3224E+00,.2752E+00, &
     &  .8694E+00,.8106E+00,.7632E+00,.7289E+00,.7415E+00,.7160E+00, &
     &  .6904E+00,.7315E+00,.8001E+00,.8185E+00,.7903E+00,.5996E+00, &
     &  .6566E+00,.6460E+00,.5866E+00,.3647E+00,.3224E+00,.2752E+00/
!c  ***********************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 8.0 micron dust aerosol
!c  ***********************************************
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,8),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6279E+00,.7298E+00,.7835E+00,.8196E+00,.7267E+00,.8274E+00, &
     &  .8228E+00,.7316E+00,.6350E+00,.6091E+00,.4227E+00,.5355E+00, &
     &  .5210E+00,.5494E+00,.4857E+00,.4905E+00,.4786E+00,.4606E+00, &
     &  .6279E+00,.7298E+00,.7835E+00,.8196E+00,.7267E+00,.8274E+00, &
     &  .8228E+00,.7316E+00,.6350E+00,.6091E+00,.4227E+00,.5355E+00, &
     &  .5210E+00,.5494E+00,.4857E+00,.4905E+00,.4786E+00,.4606E+00, &
     &  .6279E+00,.7298E+00,.7835E+00,.8196E+00,.7267E+00,.8274E+00, &
     &  .8228E+00,.7316E+00,.6350E+00,.6091E+00,.4227E+00,.5355E+00, &
     &  .5210E+00,.5494E+00,.4857E+00,.4905E+00,.4786E+00,.4606E+00, &
     &  .6279E+00,.7298E+00,.7835E+00,.8196E+00,.7267E+00,.8274E+00, &
     &  .8228E+00,.7316E+00,.6350E+00,.6091E+00,.4227E+00,.5355E+00, &
     &  .5210E+00,.5494E+00,.4857E+00,.4905E+00,.4786E+00,.4606E+00, &
     &  .6279E+00,.7298E+00,.7835E+00,.8196E+00,.7267E+00,.8274E+00, &
     &  .8228E+00,.7316E+00,.6350E+00,.6091E+00,.4227E+00,.5355E+00, &
     &  .5210E+00,.5494E+00,.4857E+00,.4905E+00,.4786E+00,.4606E+00, &
     &  .6279E+00,.7298E+00,.7835E+00,.8196E+00,.7267E+00,.8274E+00, &
     &  .8228E+00,.7316E+00,.6350E+00,.6091E+00,.4227E+00,.5355E+00, &
     &  .5210E+00,.5494E+00,.4857E+00,.4905E+00,.4786E+00,.4606E+00, &
     &  .6279E+00,.7298E+00,.7835E+00,.8196E+00,.7267E+00,.8274E+00, &
     &  .8228E+00,.7316E+00,.6350E+00,.6091E+00,.4227E+00,.5355E+00, &
     &  .5210E+00,.5494E+00,.4857E+00,.4905E+00,.4786E+00,.4606E+00, &
     &  .6279E+00,.7298E+00,.7835E+00,.8196E+00,.7267E+00,.8274E+00, &
     &  .8228E+00,.7316E+00,.6350E+00,.6091E+00,.4227E+00,.5355E+00, &
     &  .5210E+00,.5494E+00,.4857E+00,.4905E+00,.4786E+00,.4606E+00/
      data ((a_extx(i,j,8),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .1002E+01,.1022E+01,.1054E+01,.1076E+01,.1139E+01,.1159E+01, &
     &  .1207E+01,.1239E+01,.1280E+01,.1182E+01,.9419E+00,.1253E+01, &
     &  .1321E+01,.1320E+01,.1211E+01,.1372E+01,.1347E+01,.1223E+01, &
     &  .1002E+01,.1022E+01,.1054E+01,.1076E+01,.1139E+01,.1159E+01, &
     &  .1207E+01,.1239E+01,.1280E+01,.1182E+01,.9419E+00,.1253E+01, &
     &  .1321E+01,.1320E+01,.1211E+01,.1372E+01,.1347E+01,.1223E+01, &
     &  .1002E+01,.1022E+01,.1054E+01,.1076E+01,.1139E+01,.1159E+01, &
     &  .1207E+01,.1239E+01,.1280E+01,.1182E+01,.9419E+00,.1253E+01, &
     &  .1321E+01,.1320E+01,.1211E+01,.1372E+01,.1347E+01,.1223E+01, &
     &  .1002E+01,.1022E+01,.1054E+01,.1076E+01,.1139E+01,.1159E+01, &
     &  .1207E+01,.1239E+01,.1280E+01,.1182E+01,.9419E+00,.1253E+01, &
     &  .1321E+01,.1320E+01,.1211E+01,.1372E+01,.1347E+01,.1223E+01, &
     &  .1002E+01,.1022E+01,.1054E+01,.1076E+01,.1139E+01,.1159E+01, &
     &  .1207E+01,.1239E+01,.1280E+01,.1182E+01,.9419E+00,.1253E+01, &
     &  .1321E+01,.1320E+01,.1211E+01,.1372E+01,.1347E+01,.1223E+01, &
     &  .1002E+01,.1022E+01,.1054E+01,.1076E+01,.1139E+01,.1159E+01, &
     &  .1207E+01,.1239E+01,.1280E+01,.1182E+01,.9419E+00,.1253E+01, &
     &  .1321E+01,.1320E+01,.1211E+01,.1372E+01,.1347E+01,.1223E+01, &
     &  .1002E+01,.1022E+01,.1054E+01,.1076E+01,.1139E+01,.1159E+01, &
     &  .1207E+01,.1239E+01,.1280E+01,.1182E+01,.9419E+00,.1253E+01, &
     &  .1321E+01,.1320E+01,.1211E+01,.1372E+01,.1347E+01,.1223E+01, &
     &  .1002E+01,.1022E+01,.1054E+01,.1076E+01,.1139E+01,.1159E+01, &
     &  .1207E+01,.1239E+01,.1280E+01,.1182E+01,.9419E+00,.1253E+01, &
     &  .1321E+01,.1320E+01,.1211E+01,.1372E+01,.1347E+01,.1223E+01/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,8),i=1,mbx),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9078E+00,.8641E+00,.8296E+00,.8045E+00,.8136E+00,.7683E+00, &
     &  .7318E+00,.7706E+00,.8403E+00,.8819E+00,.8892E+00,.7333E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7667E+00,.7564E+00,.5706E+00,.4955E+00,.4467E+00, &
     &  .9078E+00,.8641E+00,.8296E+00,.8045E+00,.8136E+00,.7683E+00, &
     &  .7318E+00,.7706E+00,.8403E+00,.8819E+00,.8892E+00,.7333E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7667E+00,.7564E+00,.5706E+00,.4955E+00,.4467E+00, &
     &  .9078E+00,.8641E+00,.8296E+00,.8045E+00,.8136E+00,.7683E+00, &
     &  .7318E+00,.7706E+00,.8403E+00,.8819E+00,.8892E+00,.7333E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7667E+00,.7564E+00,.5706E+00,.4955E+00,.4467E+00, &
     &  .9078E+00,.8641E+00,.8296E+00,.8045E+00,.8136E+00,.7683E+00, &
     &  .7318E+00,.7706E+00,.8403E+00,.8819E+00,.8892E+00,.7333E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7667E+00,.7564E+00,.5706E+00,.4955E+00,.4467E+00, &
     &  .9078E+00,.8641E+00,.8296E+00,.8045E+00,.8136E+00,.7683E+00, &
     &  .7318E+00,.7706E+00,.8403E+00,.8819E+00,.8892E+00,.7333E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7667E+00,.7564E+00,.5706E+00,.4955E+00,.4467E+00, &
     &  .9078E+00,.8641E+00,.8296E+00,.8045E+00,.8136E+00,.7683E+00, &
     &  .7318E+00,.7706E+00,.8403E+00,.8819E+00,.8892E+00,.7333E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7667E+00,.7564E+00,.5706E+00,.4955E+00,.4467E+00, &
     &  .9078E+00,.8641E+00,.8296E+00,.8045E+00,.8136E+00,.7683E+00, &
     &  .7318E+00,.7706E+00,.8403E+00,.8819E+00,.8892E+00,.7333E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7667E+00,.7564E+00,.5706E+00,.4955E+00,.4467E+00, &
     &  .9078E+00,.8641E+00,.8296E+00,.8045E+00,.8136E+00,.7683E+00, &
     &  .7318E+00,.7706E+00,.8403E+00,.8819E+00,.8892E+00,.7333E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7667E+00,.7564E+00,.5706E+00,.4955E+00,.4467E+00/

 !9)  inso	Insoluble                                         
      data ((a_extx(i,j, 9 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9992E+00,0.1055E+01,0.1097E+01,0.9565E+00,0.7209E+00,0.8266E+00, &
     & 0.6757E+00,0.4984E+00,0.4294E+00,0.4649E+00,0.5541E+00,0.8549E+00, &
     & 0.6774E+00,0.5136E+00,0.4909E+00,0.4952E+00,0.4213E+00,0.3563E+00/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j, 9 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.7289E+00,0.7933E+00,0.8553E+00,0.8828E+00,0.8465E+00,0.8840E+00, &
     & 0.8537E+00,0.7561E+00,0.5914E+00,0.6595E+00,0.5205E+00,0.5811E+00, &
     & 0.6361E+00,0.6307E+00,0.6348E+00,0.5020E+00,0.4057E+00,0.3352E+00/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j, 9 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.8317E+00,0.7882E+00,0.8003E+00,0.8834E+00,0.9145E+00,0.8506E+00, &
     & 0.8563E+00,0.8778E+00,0.8615E+00,0.8283E+00,0.7892E+00,0.6657E+00, &
     & 0.6808E+00,0.6886E+00,0.6387E+00,0.5706E+00,0.4973E+00,0.3480E+00/
 !10) waso      Water Soluble 			(8 RH%)                     
      data ((a_extx(i,j,10 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.1015E+01,0.4304E+00,0.1407E+00,0.4076E-01,0.2793E-01,0.9580E-02, &
     & 0.8208E-02,0.8256E-02,0.1281E-01,0.1857E-01,0.3590E-01,0.2404E-01, &
     & 0.8152E-02,0.8273E-02,0.2205E-01,0.1285E-01,0.1426E-01,0.2008E-01, &
     & 0.1015E+01,0.4417E+00,0.1461E+00,0.4302E-01,0.7731E-01,0.1407E-01, &
     & 0.1064E-01,0.1307E-01,0.1784E-01,0.1697E-01,0.3190E-01,0.2466E-01, &
     & 0.1843E-01,0.3242E-01,0.3835E-01,0.2407E-01,0.1947E-01,0.2221E-01, &
     & 0.1014E+01,0.4488E+00,0.1501E+00,0.4563E-01,0.9123E-01,0.1620E-01, &
     & 0.1167E-01,0.1446E-01,0.1949E-01,0.1647E-01,0.2965E-01,0.2378E-01, &
     & 0.2184E-01,0.4049E-01,0.4408E-01,0.2782E-01,0.2101E-01,0.2265E-01, &
     & 0.1014E+01,0.4559E+00,0.1546E+00,0.4833E-01,0.1014E+00,0.1818E-01, &
     & 0.1258E-01,0.1550E-01,0.2072E-01,0.1613E-01,0.2769E-01,0.2283E-01, &
     & 0.2429E-01,0.4633E-01,0.4824E-01,0.3054E-01,0.2207E-01,0.2287E-01, &
     & 0.1013E+01,0.4713E+00,0.1650E+00,0.5434E-01,0.1170E+00,0.2223E-01, &
     & 0.1438E-01,0.1721E-01,0.2264E-01,0.1573E-01,0.2436E-01,0.2105E-01, &
     & 0.2776E-01,0.5469E-01,0.5422E-01,0.3446E-01,0.2350E-01,0.2308E-01, &
     & 0.1012E+01,0.4913E+00,0.1795E+00,0.6242E-01,0.1310E+00,0.2735E-01, &
     & 0.1663E-01,0.1898E-01,0.2444E-01,0.1565E-01,0.2154E-01,0.1943E-01, &
     & 0.3035E-01,0.6100E-01,0.5878E-01,0.3746E-01,0.2454E-01,0.2318E-01, &
     & 0.1011E+01,0.5221E+00,0.2038E+00,0.7577E-01,0.1474E+00,0.3559E-01, &
     & 0.2032E-01,0.2156E-01,0.2687E-01,0.1612E-01,0.1925E-01,0.1809E-01, &
     & 0.3271E-01,0.6668E-01,0.6308E-01,0.4032E-01,0.2557E-01,0.2331E-01, &
     & 0.1010E+01,0.5447E+00,0.2230E+00,0.8651E-01,0.1583E+00,0.4224E-01, &
     & 0.2339E-01,0.2363E-01,0.2874E-01,0.1684E-01,0.1855E-01,0.1772E-01, &
     & 0.3399E-01,0.6967E-01,0.6553E-01,0.4195E-01,0.2624E-01,0.2355E-01/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,10 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.9633E+00,0.8961E+00,0.7687E+00,0.7940E+00,0.5192E+00,0.7595E+00, &
     & 0.3996E+00,0.2073E+00,0.9201E-01,0.1337E-01,0.3585E-01,0.4407E-01, &
     & 0.3943E-01,0.1419E-01,0.4977E-02,0.3965E-02,0.8396E-03,0.1067E-03, &
     & 0.9776E+00,0.9357E+00,0.8539E+00,0.8702E+00,0.4324E+00,0.7956E+00, &
     & 0.4373E+00,0.2277E+00,0.9151E-01,0.3219E-01,0.3617E-01,0.4094E-01, &
     & 0.1815E-01,0.4240E-02,0.3668E-02,0.3164E-02,0.1059E-02,0.1485E-03, &
     & 0.9820E+00,0.9484E+00,0.8829E+00,0.8940E+00,0.4503E+00,0.8121E+00, &
     & 0.4596E+00,0.2482E+00,0.9977E-01,0.4317E-01,0.3868E-01,0.4120E-01, &
     & 0.1566E-01,0.3913E-02,0.3780E-02,0.3268E-02,0.1219E-02,0.1749E-03, &
     & 0.9850E+00,0.9577E+00,0.9041E+00,0.9111E+00,0.4686E+00,0.8259E+00, &
     & 0.4808E+00,0.2680E+00,0.1088E+00,0.5411E-01,0.4245E-01,0.4209E-01, &
     & 0.1441E-01,0.3948E-02,0.4031E-02,0.3475E-02,0.1394E-02,0.2031E-03, &
     & 0.9895E+00,0.9710E+00,0.9349E+00,0.9351E+00,0.5035E+00,0.8496E+00, &
     & 0.5230E+00,0.3079E+00,0.1297E+00,0.7788E-01,0.5266E-01,0.4537E-01, &
     & 0.1346E-01,0.4473E-02,0.4808E-02,0.4116E-02,0.1823E-02,0.2823E-03, &
     & 0.9928E+00,0.9810E+00,0.9578E+00,0.9527E+00,0.5393E+00,0.8720E+00, &
     & 0.5707E+00,0.3541E+00,0.1579E+00,0.1089E+00,0.6886E-01,0.5146E-01, &
     & 0.1377E-01,0.5552E-02,0.6102E-02,0.5203E-02,0.2488E-02,0.4103E-03, &
     & 0.9956E+00,0.9891E+00,0.9761E+00,0.9670E+00,0.5805E+00,0.8959E+00, &
     & 0.6318E+00,0.4163E+00,0.2022E+00,0.1575E+00,0.9848E-01,0.6388E-01, &
     & 0.1577E-01,0.7723E-02,0.8602E-02,0.7370E-02,0.3795E-02,0.6676E-03, &
     & 0.9968E+00,0.9924E+00,0.9834E+00,0.9730E+00,0.6038E+00,0.9087E+00, &
     & 0.6692E+00,0.4563E+00,0.2352E+00,0.1938E+00,0.1231E+00,0.7513E-01, &
     & 0.1802E-01,0.9667E-02,0.1084E-01,0.9370E-02,0.5020E-02,0.9152E-03/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,10 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.6143E+00,0.5585E+00,0.4813E+00,0.4255E+00,0.3592E+00,0.3090E+00, &
     & 0.2571E+00,0.2231E+00,0.1912E+00,0.1539E+00,0.1519E+00,0.1543E+00, &
     & 0.1251E+00,0.9279E-01,0.7617E-01,0.6363E-01,0.3473E-01,0.1405E-01, &
     & 0.6722E+00,0.6148E+00,0.5341E+00,0.4799E+00,0.3881E+00,0.3523E+00, &
     & 0.2969E+00,0.2574E+00,0.2247E+00,0.1905E+00,0.1774E+00,0.1667E+00, &
     & 0.1328E+00,0.9845E-01,0.8187E-01,0.6865E-01,0.4277E-01,0.1880E-01, &
     & 0.6904E+00,0.6342E+00,0.5549E+00,0.5011E+00,0.4022E+00,0.3708E+00, &
     & 0.3143E+00,0.2736E+00,0.2399E+00,0.2062E+00,0.1893E+00,0.1753E+00, &
     & 0.1392E+00,0.1030E+00,0.8623E-01,0.7257E-01,0.4688E-01,0.2120E-01, &
     & 0.7042E+00,0.6494E+00,0.5709E+00,0.5194E+00,0.4152E+00,0.3860E+00, &
     & 0.3294E+00,0.2869E+00,0.2526E+00,0.2205E+00,0.2002E+00,0.1837E+00, &
     & 0.1454E+00,0.1079E+00,0.9064E-01,0.7653E-01,0.5081E-01,0.2344E-01, &
     & 0.7254E+00,0.6740E+00,0.5991E+00,0.5504E+00,0.4394E+00,0.4146E+00, &
     & 0.3578E+00,0.3133E+00,0.2782E+00,0.2459E+00,0.2224E+00,0.2017E+00, &
     & 0.1597E+00,0.1181E+00,0.1001E+00,0.8510E-01,0.5879E-01,0.2824E-01, &
     & 0.7433E+00,0.6967E+00,0.6270E+00,0.5823E+00,0.4667E+00,0.4446E+00, &
     & 0.3888E+00,0.3432E+00,0.3068E+00,0.2755E+00,0.2484E+00,0.2241E+00, &
     & 0.1777E+00,0.1315E+00,0.1119E+00,0.9622E-01,0.6871E-01,0.3408E-01, &
     & 0.7612E+00,0.7217E+00,0.6594E+00,0.6202E+00,0.5032E+00,0.4833E+00, &
     & 0.4295E+00,0.3836E+00,0.3454E+00,0.3147E+00,0.2852E+00,0.2571E+00, &
     & 0.2045E+00,0.1520E+00,0.1300E+00,0.1126E+00,0.8357E-01,0.4311E-01, &
     & 0.7701E+00,0.7355E+00,0.6784E+00,0.6433E+00,0.5268E+00,0.5073E+00, &
     & 0.4559E+00,0.4108E+00,0.3712E+00,0.3412E+00,0.3106E+00,0.2803E+00, &
     & 0.2242E+00,0.1672E+00,0.1436E+00,0.1248E+00,0.9454E-01,0.5018E-01/
 !11) soot	Soot                                              
      data ((a_extx(i,j,11 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.1017E+01,0.5114E+00,0.2718E+00,0.1911E+00,0.1446E+00,0.1113E+00, &
     & 0.8555E-01,0.7200E-01,0.6089E-01,0.5213E-01,0.4566E-01,0.4003E-01, &
     & 0.3392E-01,0.2769E-01,0.2254E-01,0.1702E-01,0.1213E-01,0.7093E-02/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,11 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.2102E+00,0.1127E+00,0.4250E-01,0.2007E-01,0.9655E-02,0.5070E-02, &
     & 0.2738E-02,0.1795E-02,0.1192E-02,0.8190E-03,0.6116E-03,0.4481E-03, &
     & 0.2918E-03,0.1761E-03,0.1049E-03,0.5490E-04,0.2308E-04,0.5530E-05/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,11 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.3375E+00,0.2412E+00,0.1541E+00,0.1086E+00,0.7644E-01,0.5501E-01, &
     & 0.3917E-01,0.3088E-01,0.2415E-01,0.1913E-01,0.1581E-01,0.1289E-01, &
     & 0.9727E-02,0.6915E-02,0.4858E-02,0.3121E-02,0.1759E-02,0.1141E-02/
 !12) ssam	Sea Salt (Accumulation Mode) 	(8 RH%)             
      data ((a_extx(i,j,12 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.9977E+00,0.9420E+00,0.7044E+00,0.4678E+00,0.4148E+00,0.2336E+00, &
     & 0.1493E+00,0.7957E-01,0.7247E-01,0.4367E-01,0.5551E-01,0.4474E-01, &
     & 0.2241E-01,0.1365E-01,0.2654E-01,0.2912E-01,0.3158E-01,0.1472E+00, &
     & 0.9989E+00,0.1010E+01,0.8520E+00,0.6085E+00,0.5675E+00,0.4096E+00, &
     & 0.2546E+00,0.1694E+00,0.1644E+00,0.1067E+00,0.9235E-01,0.7284E-01, &
     & 0.8140E-01,0.1443E+00,0.1495E+00,0.1081E+00,0.7115E-01,0.1054E+00, &
     & 0.9984E+00,0.1028E+01,0.9029E+00,0.6677E+00,0.6213E+00,0.4742E+00, &
     & 0.2993E+00,0.2035E+00,0.1981E+00,0.1314E+00,0.1092E+00,0.8514E-01, &
     & 0.9789E-01,0.1765E+00,0.1827E+00,0.1321E+00,0.8473E-01,0.1036E+00, &
     & 0.9991E+00,0.1045E+01,0.9466E+00,0.7224E+00,0.6693E+00,0.5337E+00, &
     & 0.3425E+00,0.2364E+00,0.2303E+00,0.1556E+00,0.1262E+00,0.9751E-01, &
     & 0.1125E+00,0.2040E+00,0.2118E+00,0.1541E+00,0.9772E-01,0.1055E+00, &
     & 0.9984E+00,0.1066E+01,0.1022E+01,0.8298E+00,0.7614E+00,0.6542E+00, &
     & 0.4369E+00,0.3089E+00,0.3009E+00,0.2109E+00,0.1665E+00,0.1265E+00, &
     & 0.1427E+00,0.2574E+00,0.2702E+00,0.2006E+00,0.1267E+00,0.1155E+00, &
     & 0.9990E+00,0.1079E+01,0.1088E+01,0.9476E+00,0.8625E+00,0.7960E+00, &
     & 0.5610E+00,0.4073E+00,0.3966E+00,0.2898E+00,0.2262E+00,0.1696E+00, &
     & 0.1816E+00,0.3214E+00,0.3426E+00,0.2624E+00,0.1681E+00,0.1363E+00, &
     & 0.9994E+00,0.1075E+01,0.1141E+01,0.1086E+01,0.9872E+00,0.9866E+00, &
     & 0.7578E+00,0.5745E+00,0.5599E+00,0.4348E+00,0.3419E+00,0.2551E+00, &
     & 0.2490E+00,0.4208E+00,0.4585E+00,0.3704E+00,0.2469E+00,0.1830E+00, &
     & 0.9998E+00,0.1066E+01,0.1149E+01,0.1154E+01,0.1059E+01,0.1105E+01, &
     & 0.9090E+00,0.7161E+00,0.7000E+00,0.5694E+00,0.4561E+00,0.3430E+00, &
     & 0.3119E+00,0.5031E+00,0.5565E+00,0.4695E+00,0.3264E+00,0.2343E+00/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,12 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9991E+00,0.9957E+00,0.9892E+00,0.9560E+00,0.9897E+00, &
     & 0.9825E+00,0.9471E+00,0.9222E+00,0.8519E+00,0.7555E+00,0.8130E+00, &
     & 0.7537E+00,0.5286E+00,0.2979E+00,0.1749E+00,0.6170E-01,0.1383E-01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9997E+00,0.9976E+00,0.9895E+00,0.7743E+00,0.9725E+00, &
     & 0.9208E+00,0.8068E+00,0.6949E+00,0.7072E+00,0.6425E+00,0.5446E+00, &
     & 0.2100E+00,0.9825E-01,0.1218E+00,0.1271E+00,0.8758E-01,0.1948E-01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9997E+00,0.9978E+00,0.9891E+00,0.7705E+00,0.9709E+00, &
     & 0.9168E+00,0.8044E+00,0.6898E+00,0.7093E+00,0.6428E+00,0.5309E+00, &
     & 0.1996E+00,0.1070E+00,0.1312E+00,0.1383E+00,0.1012E+00,0.2443E-01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9998E+00,0.9979E+00,0.9888E+00,0.7694E+00,0.9699E+00, &
     & 0.9150E+00,0.8052E+00,0.6901E+00,0.7145E+00,0.6474E+00,0.5283E+00, &
     & 0.1984E+00,0.1163E+00,0.1411E+00,0.1495E+00,0.1139E+00,0.2946E-01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9999E+00,0.9979E+00,0.9880E+00,0.7688E+00,0.9681E+00, &
     & 0.9134E+00,0.8094E+00,0.6964E+00,0.7279E+00,0.6622E+00,0.5372E+00, &
     & 0.2072E+00,0.1367E+00,0.1631E+00,0.1741E+00,0.1408E+00,0.4127E-01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9999E+00,0.9978E+00,0.9865E+00,0.7684E+00,0.9659E+00, &
     & 0.9123E+00,0.8156E+00,0.7064E+00,0.7438E+00,0.6826E+00,0.5588E+00, &
     & 0.2270E+00,0.1626E+00,0.1908E+00,0.2048E+00,0.1747E+00,0.5801E-01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9998E+00,0.9975E+00,0.9835E+00,0.7657E+00,0.9612E+00, &
     & 0.9093E+00,0.8228E+00,0.7186E+00,0.7624E+00,0.7101E+00,0.5961E+00, &
     & 0.2647E+00,0.2028E+00,0.2331E+00,0.2512E+00,0.2267E+00,0.9154E-01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9998E+00,0.9970E+00,0.9801E+00,0.7611E+00,0.9558E+00, &
     & 0.9043E+00,0.8251E+00,0.7236E+00,0.7714E+00,0.7266E+00,0.6232E+00, &
     & 0.2972E+00,0.2351E+00,0.2662E+00,0.2865E+00,0.2670E+00,0.1236E+00/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,12 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.6925E+00,0.7030E+00,0.7037E+00,0.7018E+00,0.6290E+00,0.6210E+00, &
     & 0.5823E+00,0.5754E+00,0.5304E+00,0.5025E+00,0.4631E+00,0.4344E+00, &
     & 0.4025E+00,0.3539E+00,0.3069E+00,0.2526E+00,0.1773E+00,0.5475E-01, &
     & 0.7710E+00,0.7780E+00,0.7844E+00,0.7895E+00,0.7592E+00,0.7110E+00, &
     & 0.6965E+00,0.6880E+00,0.6458E+00,0.6223E+00,0.5924E+00,0.5645E+00, &
     & 0.5042E+00,0.4073E+00,0.3515E+00,0.3059E+00,0.2449E+00,0.1281E+00, &
     & 0.7783E+00,0.7853E+00,0.7928E+00,0.8012E+00,0.7771E+00,0.7257E+00, &
     & 0.7169E+00,0.7105E+00,0.6705E+00,0.6489E+00,0.6225E+00,0.5962E+00, &
     & 0.5341E+00,0.4315E+00,0.3729E+00,0.3270E+00,0.2664E+00,0.1485E+00, &
     & 0.7840E+00,0.7886E+00,0.7979E+00,0.8088E+00,0.7893E+00,0.7363E+00, &
     & 0.7324E+00,0.7284E+00,0.6893E+00,0.6702E+00,0.6456E+00,0.6215E+00, &
     & 0.5591E+00,0.4524E+00,0.3921E+00,0.3454E+00,0.2847E+00,0.1658E+00, &
     & 0.7933E+00,0.7934E+00,0.8035E+00,0.8182E+00,0.8105E+00,0.7519E+00, &
     & 0.7564E+00,0.7580E+00,0.7218E+00,0.7047E+00,0.6859E+00,0.6656E+00, &
     & 0.6055E+00,0.4947E+00,0.4303E+00,0.3819E+00,0.3207E+00,0.2002E+00, &
     & 0.8009E+00,0.7966E+00,0.8065E+00,0.8250E+00,0.8289E+00,0.7651E+00, &
     & 0.7777E+00,0.7851E+00,0.7526E+00,0.7388E+00,0.7254E+00,0.7104E+00, &
     & 0.6555E+00,0.5434E+00,0.4756E+00,0.4249E+00,0.3629E+00,0.2389E+00, &
     & 0.8136E+00,0.8017E+00,0.8068E+00,0.8283E+00,0.8495E+00,0.7764E+00, &
     & 0.7991E+00,0.8159E+00,0.7883E+00,0.7786E+00,0.7723E+00,0.7651E+00, &
     & 0.7221E+00,0.6129E+00,0.5424E+00,0.4883E+00,0.4249E+00,0.2973E+00, &
     & 0.8244E+00,0.8072E+00,0.8066E+00,0.8277E+00,0.8617E+00,0.7812E+00, &
     & 0.8112E+00,0.8339E+00,0.8106E+00,0.8033E+00,0.8011E+00,0.7995E+00, &
     & 0.7670E+00,0.6642E+00,0.5932E+00,0.5376E+00,0.4736E+00,0.3449E+00/
 !13) sscm	Sea Salt (Coarse Mode) 		(8 RH%)                  
      data ((a_extx(i,j,13 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.9980E+00,0.1032E+01,0.1084E+01,0.1141E+01,0.1180E+01,0.1239E+01, &
     & 0.1267E+01,0.1223E+01,0.1223E+01,0.1131E+01,0.1187E+01,0.1193E+01, &
     & 0.1003E+01,0.7764E+00,0.8981E+00,0.8734E+00,0.7043E+00,0.1087E+01, &
     & 0.9993E+00,0.1023E+01,0.1062E+01,0.1112E+01,0.1116E+01,0.1186E+01, &
     & 0.1231E+01,0.1199E+01,0.1211E+01,0.1190E+01,0.1166E+01,0.1088E+01, &
     & 0.8417E+00,0.8725E+00,0.1002E+01,0.1018E+01,0.9030E+00,0.8425E+00, &
     & 0.9997E+00,0.1023E+01,0.1056E+01,0.1100E+01,0.1103E+01,0.1170E+01, &
     & 0.1217E+01,0.1196E+01,0.1210E+01,0.1203E+01,0.1176E+01,0.1094E+01, &
     & 0.8508E+00,0.9063E+00,0.1030E+01,0.1053E+01,0.9529E+00,0.8484E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1022E+01,0.1054E+01,0.1094E+01,0.1097E+01,0.1157E+01, &
     & 0.1208E+01,0.1194E+01,0.1209E+01,0.1213E+01,0.1186E+01,0.1105E+01, &
     & 0.8661E+00,0.9329E+00,0.1052E+01,0.1081E+01,0.9940E+00,0.8664E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1020E+01,0.1045E+01,0.1079E+01,0.1084E+01,0.1135E+01, &
     & 0.1183E+01,0.1182E+01,0.1200E+01,0.1219E+01,0.1201E+01,0.1130E+01, &
     & 0.9010E+00,0.9733E+00,0.1084E+01,0.1122E+01,0.1062E+01,0.9151E+00, &
     & 0.9997E+00,0.1015E+01,0.1039E+01,0.1066E+01,0.1070E+01,0.1111E+01, &
     & 0.1154E+01,0.1163E+01,0.1181E+01,0.1209E+01,0.1205E+01,0.1153E+01, &
     & 0.9422E+00,0.1006E+01,0.1107E+01,0.1153E+01,0.1123E+01,0.9803E+00, &
     & 0.9997E+00,0.1013E+01,0.1034E+01,0.1052E+01,0.1058E+01,0.1087E+01, &
     & 0.1119E+01,0.1132E+01,0.1150E+01,0.1181E+01,0.1193E+01,0.1172E+01, &
     & 0.9974E+00,0.1041E+01,0.1125E+01,0.1178E+01,0.1183E+01,0.1076E+01, &
     & 0.9997E+00,0.1011E+01,0.1027E+01,0.1043E+01,0.1048E+01,0.1071E+01, &
     & 0.1097E+01,0.1109E+01,0.1124E+01,0.1152E+01,0.1169E+01,0.1167E+01, &
     & 0.1027E+01,0.1055E+01,0.1127E+01,0.1180E+01,0.1203E+01,0.1130E+01/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,13 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9930E+00,0.9727E+00,0.9556E+00,0.8560E+00,0.9741E+00, &
     & 0.9710E+00,0.9527E+00,0.9273E+00,0.9159E+00,0.8371E+00,0.8800E+00, &
     & 0.9069E+00,0.8668E+00,0.6916E+00,0.5906E+00,0.4595E+00,0.2559E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9975E+00,0.9823E+00,0.9394E+00,0.7044E+00,0.9079E+00, &
     & 0.8498E+00,0.8049E+00,0.7115E+00,0.7686E+00,0.7483E+00,0.7304E+00, &
     & 0.5310E+00,0.3977E+00,0.4240E+00,0.4467E+00,0.4340E+00,0.2669E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9979E+00,0.9830E+00,0.9334E+00,0.6994E+00,0.8936E+00, &
     & 0.8287E+00,0.7859E+00,0.6880E+00,0.7474E+00,0.7322E+00,0.7098E+00, &
     & 0.5087E+00,0.4006E+00,0.4249E+00,0.4450E+00,0.4379E+00,0.2892E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9982E+00,0.9833E+00,0.9271E+00,0.6955E+00,0.8822E+00, &
     & 0.8119E+00,0.7713E+00,0.6711E+00,0.7314E+00,0.7197E+00,0.6954E+00, &
     & 0.4980E+00,0.4064E+00,0.4286E+00,0.4461E+00,0.4420E+00,0.3084E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9986E+00,0.9832E+00,0.9143E+00,0.6881E+00,0.8606E+00, &
     & 0.7812E+00,0.7451E+00,0.6433E+00,0.7029E+00,0.6968E+00,0.6726E+00, &
     & 0.4893E+00,0.4204E+00,0.4386E+00,0.4515E+00,0.4504E+00,0.3412E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9991E+00,0.9817E+00,0.8973E+00,0.6799E+00,0.8361E+00, &
     & 0.7480E+00,0.7169E+00,0.6158E+00,0.6723E+00,0.6710E+00,0.6503E+00, &
     & 0.4885E+00,0.4367E+00,0.4511E+00,0.4595E+00,0.4593E+00,0.3725E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9992E+00,0.9791E+00,0.8695E+00,0.6676E+00,0.8005E+00, &
     & 0.7024E+00,0.6776E+00,0.5821E+00,0.6297E+00,0.6327E+00,0.6192E+00, &
     & 0.4926E+00,0.4581E+00,0.4687E+00,0.4714E+00,0.4702E+00,0.4072E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.9992E+00,0.9761E+00,0.8453E+00,0.6583E+00,0.7726E+00, &
     & 0.6703E+00,0.6494E+00,0.5614E+00,0.6001E+00,0.6039E+00,0.5952E+00, &
     & 0.4959E+00,0.4723E+00,0.4807E+00,0.4801E+00,0.4769E+00,0.4282E+00/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,13 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.7964E+00,0.7818E+00,0.7631E+00,0.7611E+00,0.7325E+00,0.7164E+00, &
     & 0.7131E+00,0.7702E+00,0.7411E+00,0.7655E+00,0.7186E+00,0.6815E+00, &
     & 0.7176E+00,0.7450E+00,0.6774E+00,0.6201E+00,0.5680E+00,0.2940E+00, &
     & 0.8469E+00,0.8377E+00,0.8242E+00,0.8204E+00,0.8874E+00,0.7840E+00, &
     & 0.8116E+00,0.8563E+00,0.8519E+00,0.8503E+00,0.8474E+00,0.8563E+00, &
     & 0.8891E+00,0.8556E+00,0.7968E+00,0.7386E+00,0.6789E+00,0.5294E+00, &
     & 0.8506E+00,0.8444E+00,0.8319E+00,0.8316E+00,0.8958E+00,0.7934E+00, &
     & 0.8231E+00,0.8648E+00,0.8639E+00,0.8604E+00,0.8618E+00,0.8742E+00, &
     & 0.9029E+00,0.8659E+00,0.8120E+00,0.7583E+00,0.7014E+00,0.5713E+00, &
     & 0.8570E+00,0.8500E+00,0.8384E+00,0.8389E+00,0.9015E+00,0.8023E+00, &
     & 0.8313E+00,0.8704E+00,0.8722E+00,0.8666E+00,0.8712E+00,0.8855E+00, &
     & 0.9122E+00,0.8744E+00,0.8241E+00,0.7736E+00,0.7190E+00,0.6019E+00, &
     & 0.8604E+00,0.8566E+00,0.8500E+00,0.8528E+00,0.9109E+00,0.8159E+00, &
     & 0.8449E+00,0.8796E+00,0.8850E+00,0.8777E+00,0.8852E+00,0.9014E+00, &
     & 0.9259E+00,0.8882E+00,0.8437E+00,0.7991E+00,0.7488E+00,0.6523E+00, &
     & 0.8629E+00,0.8628E+00,0.8581E+00,0.8642E+00,0.9207E+00,0.8332E+00, &
     & 0.8599E+00,0.8889E+00,0.8985E+00,0.8885E+00,0.8968E+00,0.9141E+00, &
     & 0.9375E+00,0.9015E+00,0.8625E+00,0.8239E+00,0.7785E+00,0.6962E+00, &
     & 0.8680E+00,0.8658E+00,0.8674E+00,0.8815E+00,0.9323E+00,0.8570E+00, &
     & 0.8826E+00,0.9038E+00,0.9169E+00,0.9042E+00,0.9111E+00,0.9276E+00, &
     & 0.9504E+00,0.9180E+00,0.8843E+00,0.8539E+00,0.8157E+00,0.7501E+00, &
     & 0.8671E+00,0.8679E+00,0.8732E+00,0.8919E+00,0.9398E+00,0.8746E+00, &
     & 0.9008E+00,0.9166E+00,0.9314E+00,0.9176E+00,0.9221E+00,0.9365E+00, &
     & 0.9578E+00,0.9277E+00,0.8974E+00,0.8722E+00,0.8395E+00,0.7834E+00/
 !14) minm	Mineral Dust (Nucleation Mode)                    
      data ((a_extx(i,j,14 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.6970E+00,0.3724E+00,0.1420E+00,0.6483E-01,0.3820E-01,0.1519E-01, &
     & 0.8261E-02,0.1004E-01,0.1296E-01,0.1639E-01,0.3130E-01,0.2811E-01, &
     & 0.2521E-01,0.1703E-01,0.1988E-01,0.1697E-01,0.9376E-02,0.9107E-02/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,14 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9647E+00,0.9747E+00,0.9551E+00,0.9100E+00,0.6865E+00,0.7466E+00, &
     & 0.5914E+00,0.2448E+00,0.1105E+00,0.2806E-01,0.1280E-01,0.9266E-01, &
     & 0.2898E-01,0.1546E-01,0.4009E-02,0.7202E-02,0.3913E-02,0.4404E-03/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,14 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.6649E+00,0.6163E+00,0.5404E+00,0.4736E+00,0.4018E+00,0.3402E+00, &
     & 0.2763E+00,0.2324E+00,0.1920E+00,0.1511E+00,0.1181E+00,0.1573E+00, &
     & 0.1089E+00,0.8380E-01,0.5339E-01,0.5149E-01,0.3630E-01,0.1260E-01/
 !15) miam	Mineral Dust (Accumulation Mode)                  
      data ((a_extx(i,j,15 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9984E+00,0.1086E+01,0.1096E+01,0.9933E+00,0.8202E+00,0.6341E+00, &
     & 0.4556E+00,0.3471E+00,0.2878E+00,0.1996E+00,0.2565E+00,0.6046E+00, &
     & 0.3391E+00,0.2277E+00,0.1790E+00,0.2234E+00,0.1218E+00,0.6990E-01/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,15 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.8711E+00,0.9378E+00,0.9463E+00,0.9390E+00,0.8556E+00,0.9280E+00, &
     & 0.9132E+00,0.7796E+00,0.6446E+00,0.3766E+00,0.1883E+00,0.4505E+00, &
     & 0.3751E+00,0.3398E+00,0.1766E+00,0.2689E+00,0.2345E+00,0.6417E-01/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,15 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.7372E+00,0.6959E+00,0.6875E+00,0.6870E+00,0.6976E+00,0.6754E+00, &
     & 0.6587E+00,0.6577E+00,0.6356E+00,0.6194E+00,0.5500E+00,0.3734E+00, &
     & 0.4415E+00,0.4217E+00,0.3678E+00,0.2494E+00,0.2310E+00,0.1612E+00/
 !16) micm	Mineral Dust (Coarse Mode)                        
      data ((a_extx(i,j,16 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9996E+00,0.1027E+01,0.1068E+01,0.1107E+01,0.1148E+01,0.1198E+01, &
     & 0.1233E+01,0.1224E+01,0.1191E+01,0.1019E+01,0.8557E+00,0.1258E+01, &
     & 0.1215E+01,0.1151E+01,0.9892E+00,0.1223E+01,0.1120E+01,0.8345E+00/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,16 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.6601E+00,0.7660E+00,0.7855E+00,0.7760E+00,0.6695E+00,0.8055E+00, &
     & 0.8213E+00,0.7032E+00,0.6400E+00,0.5581E+00,0.4115E+00,0.5215E+00, &
     & 0.4952E+00,0.5059E+00,0.4368E+00,0.4754E+00,0.4695E+00,0.3922E+00/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,16 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.8973E+00,0.8441E+00,0.8113E+00,0.7920E+00,0.8221E+00,0.7620E+00, &
     & 0.7560E+00,0.8061E+00,0.8300E+00,0.8774E+00,0.8754E+00,0.6871E+00, &
     & 0.7447E+00,0.7345E+00,0.7462E+00,0.5502E+00,0.4931E+00,0.4435E+00/
 !17) mitr	Mineral Dust (Transported Mode)                   
      data ((a_extx(i,j,17 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9986E+00,0.1075E+01,0.1146E+01,0.1147E+01,0.1071E+01,0.9633E+00, &
     & 0.8081E+00,0.6535E+00,0.5407E+00,0.3475E+00,0.3921E+00,0.9254E+00, &
     & 0.5998E+00,0.4218E+00,0.3044E+00,0.4378E+00,0.2417E+00,0.1079E+00/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,17 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.8289E+00,0.9121E+00,0.9248E+00,0.9199E+00,0.8342E+00,0.9235E+00, &
     & 0.9212E+00,0.8118E+00,0.7005E+00,0.4500E+00,0.2373E+00,0.4742E+00, &
     & 0.4401E+00,0.4147E+00,0.2391E+00,0.3436E+00,0.2894E+00,0.6579E-01/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,17 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.7784E+00,0.7216E+00,0.6970E+00,0.6933E+00,0.7183E+00,0.6974E+00, &
     & 0.7035E+00,0.7204E+00,0.7080E+00,0.6903E+00,0.6241E+00,0.4321E+00, &
     & 0.5088E+00,0.4685E+00,0.3810E+00,0.2530E+00,0.1987E+00,0.7565E-01/
 !18) suso 	Sulfate Droplets		(8 RH%)                        
      data ((a_extx(i,j,18 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.1009E+01,0.5315E+00,0.1916E+00,0.7670E-01,0.7874E-01,0.9590E-01, &
     & 0.6253E-01,0.7484E-01,0.4925E-01,0.9857E-01,0.1587E+00,0.9879E-01, &
     & 0.4700E-01,0.2393E-01,0.3030E-01,0.5892E-02,0.9433E-02,0.7848E-02, &
     & 0.1006E+01,0.5952E+00,0.2531E+00,0.1037E+00,0.1446E+00,0.7541E-01, &
     & 0.4527E-01,0.5074E-01,0.4011E-01,0.5088E-01,0.8283E-01,0.6455E-01, &
     & 0.4619E-01,0.5258E-01,0.5271E-01,0.2665E-01,0.1876E-01,0.1624E-01, &
     & 0.1006E+01,0.6212E+00,0.2790E+00,0.1177E+00,0.1633E+00,0.7724E-01, &
     & 0.4479E-01,0.4768E-01,0.4012E-01,0.4406E-01,0.6866E-01,0.5540E-01, &
     & 0.4558E-01,0.5987E-01,0.5860E-01,0.3197E-01,0.2137E-01,0.1845E-01, &
     & 0.1005E+01,0.6426E+00,0.3008E+00,0.1302E+00,0.1777E+00,0.8106E-01, &
     & 0.4587E-01,0.4669E-01,0.4100E-01,0.4064E-01,0.6060E-01,0.4993E-01, &
     & 0.4548E-01,0.6509E-01,0.6299E-01,0.3575E-01,0.2328E-01,0.2004E-01, &
     & 0.1004E+01,0.6814E+00,0.3426E+00,0.1554E+00,0.2042E+00,0.9223E-01, &
     & 0.5051E-01,0.4744E-01,0.4419E-01,0.3753E-01,0.5094E-01,0.4315E-01, &
     & 0.4619E-01,0.7387E-01,0.7072E-01,0.4208E-01,0.2658E-01,0.2275E-01, &
     & 0.1002E+01,0.7316E+00,0.4003E+00,0.1929E+00,0.2399E+00,0.1134E+00, &
     & 0.6077E-01,0.5232E-01,0.5093E-01,0.3767E-01,0.4499E-01,0.3886E-01, &
     & 0.4868E-01,0.8496E-01,0.8106E-01,0.5002E-01,0.3089E-01,0.2623E-01, &
     & 0.1001E+01,0.8035E+00,0.4928E+00,0.2593E+00,0.2985E+00,0.1572E+00, &
     & 0.8413E-01,0.6619E-01,0.6603E-01,0.4387E-01,0.4423E-01,0.3828E-01, &
     & 0.5504E-01,0.1028E+00,0.9851E-01,0.6287E-01,0.3814E-01,0.3191E-01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.8626E+00,0.5794E+00,0.3284E+00,0.3569E+00,0.2076E+00, &
     & 0.1130E+00,0.8469E-01,0.8470E-01,0.5441E-01,0.4914E-01,0.4181E-01, &
     & 0.6305E-01,0.1209E+00,0.1170E+00,0.7631E-01,0.4595E-01,0.3786E-01/
      data ((a_ssax(i,j,18 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9976E+00,0.9708E+00,0.4906E+00,0.1774E+00, &
     & 0.1232E+00,0.6446E-01,0.5671E-01,0.1527E-01,0.2826E-01,0.4081E-01, &
     & 0.4101E-01,0.2760E-01,0.3588E-01,0.7646E-01,0.4123E-02,0.9668E-03, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9983E+00,0.9788E+00,0.5812E+00,0.4741E+00, &
     & 0.3407E+00,0.1657E+00,0.1505E+00,0.5469E-01,0.4088E-01,0.4982E-01, &
     & 0.3349E-01,0.1680E-01,0.1471E-01,0.1438E-01,0.6970E-02,0.1126E-02, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9985E+00,0.9808E+00,0.6104E+00,0.5805E+00, &
     & 0.4312E+00,0.2226E+00,0.1945E+00,0.8345E-01,0.5229E-01,0.5785E-01, &
     & 0.3432E-01,0.1778E-01,0.1680E-01,0.1577E-01,0.8189E-02,0.1382E-02, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9986E+00,0.9821E+00,0.6299E+00,0.6530E+00, &
     & 0.4985E+00,0.2720E+00,0.2305E+00,0.1115E+00,0.6457E-01,0.6601E-01, &
     & 0.3573E-01,0.1918E-01,0.1896E-01,0.1750E-01,0.9418E-02,0.1639E-02, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9987E+00,0.9839E+00,0.6588E+00,0.7549E+00, &
     & 0.6029E+00,0.3635E+00,0.2943E+00,0.1715E+00,0.9478E-01,0.8494E-01, &
     & 0.3964E-01,0.2273E-01,0.2375E-01,0.2170E-01,0.1224E-01,0.2239E-02, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9988E+00,0.9856E+00,0.6855E+00,0.8382E+00, &
     & 0.7003E+00,0.4687E+00,0.3675E+00,0.2569E+00,0.1474E+00,0.1163E+00, &
     & 0.4669E-01,0.2869E-01,0.3127E-01,0.2874E-01,0.1698E-01,0.3285E-02, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9988E+00,0.9871E+00,0.7126E+00,0.9027E+00, &
     & 0.7880E+00,0.5850E+00,0.4549E+00,0.3788E+00,0.2437E+00,0.1737E+00, &
     & 0.6041E-01,0.3976E-01,0.4490E-01,0.4222E-01,0.2651E-01,0.5546E-02, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9988E+00,0.9880E+00,0.7286E+00,0.9306E+00, &
     & 0.8321E+00,0.6533E+00,0.5139E+00,0.4686E+00,0.3312E+00,0.2294E+00, &
     & 0.7508E-01,0.5140E-01,0.5907E-01,0.5688E-01,0.3758E-01,0.8392E-02/
      data ((a_asyx(i,j,18 ),i=1,mbx),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.7172E+00,0.6760E+00,0.6086E+00,0.5473E+00,0.4571E+00,0.3765E+00, &
     & 0.3163E+00,0.2661E+00,0.2370E+00,0.1704E+00,0.1353E+00,0.1478E+00, &
     & 0.1519E+00,0.1258E+00,0.9522E-01,0.8572E-01,0.5257E-01,0.2308E-01, &
     & 0.7690E+00,0.7404E+00,0.6846E+00,0.6391E+00,0.5324E+00,0.4853E+00, &
     & 0.4211E+00,0.3673E+00,0.3292E+00,0.2748E+00,0.2325E+00,0.2197E+00, &
     & 0.1904E+00,0.1480E+00,0.1204E+00,0.1042E+00,0.7121E-01,0.3384E-01, &
     & 0.7779E+00,0.7541E+00,0.7040E+00,0.6637E+00,0.5565E+00,0.5153E+00, &
     & 0.4523E+00,0.3990E+00,0.3583E+00,0.3077E+00,0.2645E+00,0.2459E+00, &
     & 0.2086E+00,0.1601E+00,0.1321E+00,0.1139E+00,0.7974E-01,0.3877E-01, &
     & 0.7837E+00,0.7632E+00,0.7173E+00,0.6810E+00,0.5745E+00,0.5355E+00, &
     & 0.4752E+00,0.4226E+00,0.3808E+00,0.3328E+00,0.2889E+00,0.2660E+00, &
     & 0.2231E+00,0.1705E+00,0.1414E+00,0.1221E+00,0.8694E-01,0.4311E-01, &
     & 0.7900E+00,0.7755E+00,0.7368E+00,0.7068E+00,0.6048E+00,0.5693E+00, &
     & 0.5128E+00,0.4620E+00,0.4186E+00,0.3739E+00,0.3307E+00,0.3022E+00, &
     & 0.2507E+00,0.1908E+00,0.1600E+00,0.1377E+00,0.1008E+00,0.5131E-01, &
     & 0.7948E+00,0.7864E+00,0.7564E+00,0.7336E+00,0.6385E+00,0.6040E+00, &
     & 0.5541E+00,0.5070E+00,0.4625E+00,0.4216E+00,0.3796E+00,0.3465E+00, &
     & 0.2864E+00,0.2176E+00,0.1836E+00,0.1587E+00,0.1193E+00,0.6287E-01, &
     & 0.7975E+00,0.7959E+00,0.7766E+00,0.7635E+00,0.6804E+00,0.6449E+00, &
     & 0.6051E+00,0.5647E+00,0.5193E+00,0.4834E+00,0.4441E+00,0.4081E+00, &
     & 0.3392E+00,0.2584E+00,0.2196E+00,0.1909E+00,0.1477E+00,0.8069E-01, &
     & 0.7967E+00,0.8007E+00,0.7892E+00,0.7825E+00,0.7117E+00,0.6735E+00, &
     & 0.6423E+00,0.6084E+00,0.5632E+00,0.5303E+00,0.4951E+00,0.4587E+00, &
     & 0.3850E+00,0.2951E+00,0.2518E+00,0.2202E+00,0.1738E+00,0.9837E-01/   
      end module aerosol1
!      block data aerosol2

      module aerosol2 1,1
!c                              4/1/97
!c  ********************************************************************
!c  Data statements providing aerosol properties for the 10 
!c  subintervals in the first Fu-Liou SW band.
!c  mb:     Number of bands in code (will always be 10)
!c  naer:   Number of aerosol types (will need to be changed here AND in
!c          aerosol subroutine.
!c  nrh:    Number of different relative humidities (currently 8)
!c  Optical properties are dimensioned (10,8,naer): Number of 
!c  sw sunintervals, number of relative humidities, and number of 
!c  aerosol types. Properties were extracted from tables and mapped for 
!c  the most part into the Fu-Liou spectral bands.  sub-intervals 1-4, 
!c  not available in the tables, were filled with properties from the 
!c  5th sub-interval.  Intervals 5-6 were filled by direct insertion 
!c  (1 table value per interval). The last two intervals were filled 
!c  with 2 table values per interval, which were averaged using 
!c  energy weighting.  Tegen and Lacis values are not RH-dependent, 
!c  so values are repeated.
!c  a_ssa:  single-scattering albedo.  One data statement for EACH type
!c          of aerosol.
!c  a_ext:  extinction coefficient.  Normalization is not important.
!c          These values are used for spectral weighting only!!  One
!c          data statement for EACH type of aerosol.
!c  a_asy:  Asymmetry parameter.One data statement for EACH type of
!c          aerosol.
!c  ********************************************************************
!c      USE RadParams
!# include "para.file"
!c	include 'para.file'
      implicit none
!c##      include 'rad_0698.h'
      integer, private :: i,j
      real a_ssay(mby,nrh,naer),a_exty(mby,nrh,naer)
      real a_asyy(mby,nrh,naer)
!      common /aer_opty/ a_ssay,a_exty,a_asyy

!c  ****************************************************     
!c  Data statements for aerosol type 1 (marine) sw bnd 1     
!c  ****************************************************     
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,1),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .9999E+00,.9999E+00,.9999E+00,.9999E+00,.9999E+00,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .9993E+00,.9993E+00,.9993E+00,.9993E+00,.9993E+00,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01, &
     &  .1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01,.1000E+01/
      data ((a_exty(i,j,1),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .2071E-03,.2071E-03,.2071E-03,.2071E-03,.2071E-03,.2084E-03, &
     &  .2081E-03,.2065E-03,.2071E-03,.2101E-03, &
     &  .2448E-03,.2448E-03,.2448E-03,.2448E-03,.2448E-03,.2459E-03, &
     &  .2452E-03,.2437E-03,.2427E-03,.2447E-03, &
     &  .3519E-03,.3519E-03,.3519E-03,.3519E-03,.3519E-03,.3499E-03, &
     &  .3503E-03,.3510E-03,.3486E-03,.3468E-03, &
     &  .7975E-03,.7975E-03,.7975E-03,.7975E-03,.7975E-03,.7928E-03, &
     &  .7874E-03,.7863E-03,.7813E-03,.7843E-03, &
     &  .1135E-02,.1135E-02,.1135E-02,.1135E-02,.1135E-02,.1122E-02, &
     &  .1120E-02,.1113E-02,.1113E-02,.1106E-02, &
     &  .1685E-02,.1685E-02,.1685E-02,.1685E-02,.1685E-02,.1671E-02, &
     &  .1656E-02,.1644E-02,.1632E-02,.1626E-02, &
     &  .2879E-02,.2879E-02,.2879E-02,.2879E-02,.2879E-02,.2872E-02, &
     &  .2855E-02,.2832E-02,.2806E-02,.2770E-02, &
     &  .4241E-02,.4241E-02,.4241E-02,.4241E-02,.4241E-02,.4274E-02, &
     &  .4256E-02,.4255E-02,.4223E-02,.4171E-02/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,1),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .7513E+00,.7513E+00,.7513E+00,.7513E+00,.7513E+00,.7721E+00, &
     &  .7842E+00,.7893E+00,.7963E+00,.8072E+00, &
     &  .7568E+00,.7568E+00,.7568E+00,.7568E+00,.7568E+00,.7792E+00, &
     &  .7907E+00,.7940E+00,.8002E+00,.8113E+00, &
     &  .7412E+00,.7412E+00,.7412E+00,.7412E+00,.7412E+00,.7662E+00, &
     &  .7783E+00,.7912E+00,.8007E+00,.8096E+00, &
     &  .6857E+00,.6857E+00,.6857E+00,.6857E+00,.6857E+00,.7078E+00, &
     &  .7249E+00,.7462E+00,.7600E+00,.7868E+00, &
     &  .6639E+00,.6639E+00,.6639E+00,.6639E+00,.6639E+00,.6845E+00, &
     &  .7070E+00,.7252E+00,.7393E+00,.7655E+00, &
     &  .6515E+00,.6515E+00,.6515E+00,.6515E+00,.6515E+00,.6620E+00, &
     &  .6810E+00,.6925E+00,.7165E+00,.7380E+00, &
     &  .6220E+00,.6220E+00,.6220E+00,.6220E+00,.6220E+00,.6424E+00, &
     &  .6525E+00,.6656E+00,.6848E+00,.7081E+00, &
     &  .6129E+00,.6129E+00,.6129E+00,.6129E+00,.6129E+00,.6290E+00, &
     &  .6397E+00,.6509E+00,.6676E+00,.6865E+00/

!c  *********************************************************
!c  Data statements for aerosol type 2 (continental) sw bnd 1
!c  *********************************************************
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,2),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9419E+00,.9419E+00,.9419E+00,.9419E+00,.9419E+00,.9634E+00, &
     &  .9640E+00,.9652E+00,.9628E+00,.9566E+00, &
     &  .9418E+00,.9418E+00,.9418E+00,.9418E+00,.9418E+00,.9633E+00, &
     &  .9640E+00,.9652E+00,.9627E+00,.9565E+00, &
     &  .9460E+00,.9460E+00,.9460E+00,.9460E+00,.9460E+00,.9650E+00, &
     &  .9667E+00,.9673E+00,.9650E+00,.9595E+00, &
     &  .9596E+00,.9596E+00,.9596E+00,.9596E+00,.9596E+00,.9744E+00, &
     &  .9754E+00,.9760E+00,.9742E+00,.9703E+00, &
     &  .9722E+00,.9722E+00,.9722E+00,.9722E+00,.9722E+00,.9827E+00, &
     &  .9833E+00,.9838E+00,.9828E+00,.9805E+00, &
     &  .9776E+00,.9776E+00,.9776E+00,.9776E+00,.9776E+00,.9861E+00, &
     &  .9869E+00,.9872E+00,.9865E+00,.9846E+00, &
     &  .9823E+00,.9823E+00,.9823E+00,.9823E+00,.9823E+00,.9892E+00, &
     &  .9895E+00,.9900E+00,.9896E+00,.9883E+00, &
     &  .9857E+00,.9857E+00,.9857E+00,.9857E+00,.9857E+00,.9912E+00, &
     &  .9917E+00,.9921E+00,.9919E+00,.9907E+00/
      data ((a_exty(i,j,2),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .1763E-04,.1763E-04,.1763E-04,.1763E-04,.1763E-04,.1574E-04, &
     &  .1402E-04,.1248E-04,.1055E-04,.8482E-05, &
     &  .1763E-04,.1763E-04,.1763E-04,.1763E-04,.1763E-04,.1574E-04, &
     &  .1402E-04,.1249E-04,.1055E-04,.8483E-05, &
     &  .1890E-04,.1890E-04,.1890E-04,.1890E-04,.1890E-04,.1689E-04, &
     &  .1504E-04,.1339E-04,.1132E-04,.9110E-05, &
     &  .2535E-04,.2535E-04,.2535E-04,.2535E-04,.2535E-04,.2270E-04, &
     &  .2027E-04,.1811E-04,.1538E-04,.1244E-04, &
     &  .3707E-04,.3707E-04,.3707E-04,.3707E-04,.3707E-04,.3347E-04, &
     &  .3014E-04,.2714E-04,.2326E-04,.1903E-04, &
     &  .4636E-04,.4636E-04,.4636E-04,.4636E-04,.4636E-04,.4215E-04, &
     &  .3817E-04,.3459E-04,.2986E-04,.2465E-04, &
     &  .5890E-04,.5890E-04,.5890E-04,.5890E-04,.5890E-04,.5402E-04, &
     &  .4933E-04,.4501E-04,.3919E-04,.3269E-04, &
     &  .7312E-04,.7312E-04,.7312E-04,.7312E-04,.7312E-04,.6769E-04, &
     &  .6224E-04,.5721E-04,.5027E-04,.4240E-04/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,2),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6740E+00,.6740E+00,.6740E+00,.6740E+00,.6740E+00,.6635E+00, &
     &  .6570E+00,.6507E+00,.6414E+00,.6293E+00, &
     &  .6740E+00,.6740E+00,.6740E+00,.6740E+00,.6740E+00,.6635E+00, &
     &  .6570E+00,.6507E+00,.6414E+00,.6293E+00, &
     &  .6809E+00,.6809E+00,.6809E+00,.6809E+00,.6809E+00,.6740E+00, &
     &  .6678E+00,.6616E+00,.6523E+00,.6403E+00, &
     &  .7167E+00,.7167E+00,.7167E+00,.7167E+00,.7167E+00,.7097E+00, &
     &  .7046E+00,.6988E+00,.6904E+00,.6785E+00, &
     &  .7447E+00,.7447E+00,.7447E+00,.7447E+00,.7447E+00,.7407E+00, &
     &  .7371E+00,.7325E+00,.7251E+00,.7146E+00, &
     &  .7561E+00,.7561E+00,.7561E+00,.7561E+00,.7561E+00,.7534E+00, &
     &  .7508E+00,.7468E+00,.7404E+00,.7308E+00, &
     &  .7656E+00,.7656E+00,.7656E+00,.7656E+00,.7656E+00,.7643E+00, &
     &  .7622E+00,.7589E+00,.7536E+00,.7451E+00, &
     &  .7723E+00,.7723E+00,.7723E+00,.7723E+00,.7723E+00,.7715E+00, &
     &  .7706E+00,.7678E+00,.7635E+00,.7559E+00/

!c  ***************************************************      
!c  Data statements for aerosol type 3 (urban) sw bnd 1      
!c  ***************************************************      
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,3),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9180E+00,.9180E+00,.9180E+00,.9180E+00,.9180E+00,.9394E+00, &
     &  .9404E+00,.9417E+00,.9391E+00,.9333E+00, &
     &  .9174E+00,.9174E+00,.9174E+00,.9174E+00,.9174E+00,.9388E+00, &
     &  .9397E+00,.9411E+00,.9384E+00,.9327E+00, &
     &  .9210E+00,.9210E+00,.9210E+00,.9210E+00,.9210E+00,.9400E+00, &
     &  .9421E+00,.9428E+00,.9403E+00,.9353E+00, &
     &  .9377E+00,.9377E+00,.9377E+00,.9377E+00,.9377E+00,.9527E+00, &
     &  .9543E+00,.9551E+00,.9533E+00,.9500E+00, &
     &  .9553E+00,.9553E+00,.9553E+00,.9553E+00,.9553E+00,.9663E+00, &
     &  .9675E+00,.9685E+00,.9676E+00,.9659E+00, &
     &  .9630E+00,.9630E+00,.9630E+00,.9630E+00,.9630E+00,.9722E+00, &
     &  .9736E+00,.9743E+00,.9739E+00,.9728E+00, &
     &  .9702E+00,.9702E+00,.9702E+00,.9702E+00,.9702E+00,.9776E+00, &
     &  .9786E+00,.9795E+00,.9795E+00,.9788E+00, &
     &  .9756E+00,.9756E+00,.9756E+00,.9756E+00,.9756E+00,.9816E+00, &
     &  .9827E+00,.9836E+00,.9837E+00,.9832E+00/
      data ((a_exty(i,j,3),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .1160E-04,.1160E-04,.1160E-04,.1160E-04,.1160E-04,.1033E-04, &
     &  .9185E-05,.8166E-05,.6890E-05,.5530E-05, &
     &  .1161E-04,.1161E-04,.1161E-04,.1161E-04,.1161E-04,.1034E-04, &
     &  .9196E-05,.8175E-05,.6897E-05,.5536E-05, &
     &  .1248E-04,.1248E-04,.1248E-04,.1248E-04,.1248E-04,.1112E-04, &
     &  .9879E-05,.8785E-05,.7413E-05,.5952E-05, &
     &  .1675E-04,.1675E-04,.1675E-04,.1675E-04,.1675E-04,.1494E-04, &
     &  .1331E-04,.1187E-04,.1005E-04,.8106E-05, &
     &  .2446E-04,.2446E-04,.2446E-04,.2446E-04,.2446E-04,.2199E-04, &
     &  .1972E-04,.1772E-04,.1514E-04,.1235E-04, &
     &  .3079E-04,.3079E-04,.3079E-04,.3079E-04,.3079E-04,.2783E-04, &
     &  .2509E-04,.2265E-04,.1948E-04,.1601E-04, &
     &  .3977E-04,.3977E-04,.3977E-04,.3977E-04,.3977E-04,.3616E-04, &
     &  .3281E-04,.2978E-04,.2579E-04,.2139E-04, &
     &  .4994E-04,.4994E-04,.4994E-04,.4994E-04,.4994E-04,.4577E-04, &
     &  .4176E-04,.3815E-04,.3329E-04,.2788E-04/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,3),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6710E+00,.6710E+00,.6710E+00,.6710E+00,.6710E+00,.6606E+00, &
     &  .6543E+00,.6481E+00,.6390E+00,.6271E+00, &
     &  .6711E+00,.6711E+00,.6711E+00,.6711E+00,.6711E+00,.6607E+00, &
     &  .6543E+00,.6481E+00,.6389E+00,.6270E+00, &
     &  .6811E+00,.6811E+00,.6811E+00,.6811E+00,.6811E+00,.6713E+00, &
     &  .6652E+00,.6590E+00,.6498E+00,.6379E+00, &
     &  .7143E+00,.7143E+00,.7143E+00,.7143E+00,.7143E+00,.7072E+00, &
     &  .7020E+00,.6962E+00,.6878E+00,.6760E+00, &
     &  .7425E+00,.7425E+00,.7425E+00,.7425E+00,.7425E+00,.7383E+00, &
     &  .7346E+00,.7299E+00,.7225E+00,.7121E+00, &
     &  .7541E+00,.7541E+00,.7541E+00,.7541E+00,.7541E+00,.7510E+00, &
     &  .7482E+00,.7440E+00,.7375E+00,.7279E+00, &
     &  .7637E+00,.7637E+00,.7637E+00,.7637E+00,.7637E+00,.7618E+00, &
     &  .7593E+00,.7557E+00,.7501E+00,.7414E+00, &
     &  .7707E+00,.7707E+00,.7707E+00,.7707E+00,.7707E+00,.7691E+00, &
     &  .7677E+00,.7645E+00,.7598E+00,.7519E+00/

!c  ********************************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 0.5 micron dust aerosol sw bnd 1
!c  ********************************************************
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,4),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7798E+00, &
     &  .8284E+00,.8779E+00,.9276E+00,.9653E+00, &
     &  .7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7798E+00, &
     &  .8284E+00,.8779E+00,.9276E+00,.9653E+00, &
     &  .7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7798E+00, &
     &  .8284E+00,.8779E+00,.9276E+00,.9653E+00, &
     &  .7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7798E+00, &
     &  .8284E+00,.8779E+00,.9276E+00,.9653E+00, &
     &  .7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7798E+00, &
     &  .8284E+00,.8779E+00,.9276E+00,.9653E+00, &
     &  .7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7798E+00, &
     &  .8284E+00,.8779E+00,.9276E+00,.9653E+00, &
     &  .7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7798E+00, &
     &  .8284E+00,.8779E+00,.9276E+00,.9653E+00, &
     &  .7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7035E+00,.7798E+00, &
     &  .8284E+00,.8779E+00,.9276E+00,.9653E+00/
      data ((a_exty(i,j,4),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.9056E+00, &
     &  .9356E+00,.9674E+00,.1015E+01,.1067E+01, &
     &  .8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.9056E+00, &
     &  .9356E+00,.9674E+00,.1015E+01,.1067E+01, &
     &  .8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.9056E+00, &
     &  .9356E+00,.9674E+00,.1015E+01,.1067E+01, &
     &  .8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.9056E+00, &
     &  .9356E+00,.9674E+00,.1015E+01,.1067E+01, &
     &  .8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.9056E+00, &
     &  .9356E+00,.9674E+00,.1015E+01,.1067E+01, &
     &  .8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.9056E+00, &
     &  .9356E+00,.9674E+00,.1015E+01,.1067E+01, &
     &  .8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.9056E+00, &
     &  .9356E+00,.9674E+00,.1015E+01,.1067E+01, &
     &  .8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.8783E+00,.9056E+00, &
     &  .9356E+00,.9674E+00,.1015E+01,.1067E+01/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,4),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7230E+00, &
     &  .6963E+00,.6754E+00,.6626E+00,.6622E+00, &
     &  .7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7230E+00, &
     &  .6963E+00,.6754E+00,.6626E+00,.6622E+00, &
     &  .7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7230E+00, &
     &  .6963E+00,.6754E+00,.6626E+00,.6622E+00, &
     &  .7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7230E+00, &
     &  .6963E+00,.6754E+00,.6626E+00,.6622E+00, &
     &  .7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7230E+00, &
     &  .6963E+00,.6754E+00,.6626E+00,.6622E+00, &
     &  .7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7230E+00, &
     &  .6963E+00,.6754E+00,.6626E+00,.6622E+00, &
     &  .7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7230E+00, &
     &  .6963E+00,.6754E+00,.6626E+00,.6622E+00, &
     &  .7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7678E+00,.7230E+00, &
     &  .6963E+00,.6754E+00,.6626E+00,.6622E+00/
!c  ********************************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 1.0 micron dust aerosol sw bnd 1
!c  ********************************************************
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,5),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6812E+00, &
     &  .7317E+00,.7920E+00,.8629E+00,.9255E+00, &
     &  .6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6812E+00, &
     &  .7317E+00,.7920E+00,.8629E+00,.9255E+00, &
     &  .6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6812E+00, &
     &  .7317E+00,.7920E+00,.8629E+00,.9255E+00, &
     &  .6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6812E+00, &
     &  .7317E+00,.7920E+00,.8629E+00,.9255E+00, &
     &  .6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6812E+00, &
     &  .7317E+00,.7920E+00,.8629E+00,.9255E+00, &
     &  .6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6812E+00, &
     &  .7317E+00,.7920E+00,.8629E+00,.9255E+00, &
     &  .6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6812E+00, &
     &  .7317E+00,.7920E+00,.8629E+00,.9255E+00, &
     &  .6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6142E+00,.6812E+00, &
     &  .7317E+00,.7920E+00,.8629E+00,.9255E+00/
      data ((a_exty(i,j,5),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9556E+00, &
     &  .9700E+00,.9848E+00,.1008E+01,.1040E+01, &
     &  .9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9556E+00, &
     &  .9700E+00,.9848E+00,.1008E+01,.1040E+01, &
     &  .9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9556E+00, &
     &  .9700E+00,.9848E+00,.1008E+01,.1040E+01, &
     &  .9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9556E+00, &
     &  .9700E+00,.9848E+00,.1008E+01,.1040E+01, &
     &  .9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9556E+00, &
     &  .9700E+00,.9848E+00,.1008E+01,.1040E+01, &
     &  .9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9556E+00, &
     &  .9700E+00,.9848E+00,.1008E+01,.1040E+01, &
     &  .9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9556E+00, &
     &  .9700E+00,.9848E+00,.1008E+01,.1040E+01, &
     &  .9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9410E+00,.9556E+00, &
     &  .9700E+00,.9848E+00,.1008E+01,.1040E+01/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,5),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8265E+00, &
     &  .7970E+00,.7654E+00,.7285E+00,.6931E+00, &
     &  .8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8265E+00, &
     &  .7970E+00,.7654E+00,.7285E+00,.6931E+00, &
     &  .8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8265E+00, &
     &  .7970E+00,.7654E+00,.7285E+00,.6931E+00, &
     &  .8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8265E+00, &
     &  .7970E+00,.7654E+00,.7285E+00,.6931E+00, &
     &  .8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8265E+00, &
     &  .7970E+00,.7654E+00,.7285E+00,.6931E+00, &
     &  .8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8265E+00, &
     &  .7970E+00,.7654E+00,.7285E+00,.6931E+00, &
     &  .8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8265E+00, &
     &  .7970E+00,.7654E+00,.7285E+00,.6931E+00, &
     &  .8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8661E+00,.8265E+00, &
     &  .7970E+00,.7654E+00,.7285E+00,.6931E+00/
!c  ********************************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 2.0 micron dust aerosol sw bnd 1
!c  ********************************************************
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,6),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.6011E+00, &
     &  .6403E+00,.6988E+00,.7839E+00,.8715E+00, &
     &  .5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.6011E+00, &
     &  .6403E+00,.6988E+00,.7839E+00,.8715E+00, &
     &  .5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.6011E+00, &
     &  .6403E+00,.6988E+00,.7839E+00,.8715E+00, &
     &  .5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.6011E+00, &
     &  .6403E+00,.6988E+00,.7839E+00,.8715E+00, &
     &  .5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.6011E+00, &
     &  .6403E+00,.6988E+00,.7839E+00,.8715E+00, &
     &  .5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.6011E+00, &
     &  .6403E+00,.6988E+00,.7839E+00,.8715E+00, &
     &  .5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.6011E+00, &
     &  .6403E+00,.6988E+00,.7839E+00,.8715E+00, &
     &  .5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.5631E+00,.6011E+00, &
     &  .6403E+00,.6988E+00,.7839E+00,.8715E+00/
      data ((a_exty(i,j,6),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9749E+00, &
     &  .9831E+00,.9916E+00,.1004E+01,.1019E+01, &
     &  .9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9749E+00, &
     &  .9831E+00,.9916E+00,.1004E+01,.1019E+01, &
     &  .9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9749E+00, &
     &  .9831E+00,.9916E+00,.1004E+01,.1019E+01, &
     &  .9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9749E+00, &
     &  .9831E+00,.9916E+00,.1004E+01,.1019E+01, &
     &  .9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9749E+00, &
     &  .9831E+00,.9916E+00,.1004E+01,.1019E+01, &
     &  .9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9749E+00, &
     &  .9831E+00,.9916E+00,.1004E+01,.1019E+01, &
     &  .9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9749E+00, &
     &  .9831E+00,.9916E+00,.1004E+01,.1019E+01, &
     &  .9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9650E+00,.9749E+00, &
     &  .9831E+00,.9916E+00,.1004E+01,.1019E+01/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,6),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.8957E+00, &
     &  .8745E+00,.8466E+00,.8097E+00,.7725E+00, &
     &  .9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.8957E+00, &
     &  .8745E+00,.8466E+00,.8097E+00,.7725E+00, &
     &  .9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.8957E+00, &
     &  .8745E+00,.8466E+00,.8097E+00,.7725E+00, &
     &  .9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.8957E+00, &
     &  .8745E+00,.8466E+00,.8097E+00,.7725E+00, &
     &  .9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.8957E+00, &
     &  .8745E+00,.8466E+00,.8097E+00,.7725E+00, &
     &  .9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.8957E+00, &
     &  .8745E+00,.8466E+00,.8097E+00,.7725E+00, &
     &  .9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.8957E+00, &
     &  .8745E+00,.8466E+00,.8097E+00,.7725E+00, &
     &  .9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.9183E+00,.8957E+00, &
     &  .8745E+00,.8466E+00,.8097E+00,.7725E+00/
!c  ********************************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 4.0 micron dust aerosol sw bnd 1
!c  ********************************************************
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,7),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5603E+00, &
     &  .5775E+00,.6141E+00,.6914E+00,.7949E+00, &
     &  .5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5603E+00, &
     &  .5775E+00,.6141E+00,.6914E+00,.7949E+00, &
     &  .5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5603E+00, &
     &  .5775E+00,.6141E+00,.6914E+00,.7949E+00, &
     &  .5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5603E+00, &
     &  .5775E+00,.6141E+00,.6914E+00,.7949E+00, &
     &  .5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5603E+00, &
     &  .5775E+00,.6141E+00,.6914E+00,.7949E+00, &
     &  .5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5603E+00, &
     &  .5775E+00,.6141E+00,.6914E+00,.7949E+00, &
     &  .5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5603E+00, &
     &  .5775E+00,.6141E+00,.6914E+00,.7949E+00, &
     &  .5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5495E+00,.5603E+00, &
     &  .5775E+00,.6141E+00,.6914E+00,.7949E+00/
      data ((a_exty(i,j,7),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9839E+00, &
     &  .9894E+00,.9948E+00,.1002E+01,.1012E+01, &
     &  .9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9839E+00, &
     &  .9894E+00,.9948E+00,.1002E+01,.1012E+01, &
     &  .9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9839E+00, &
     &  .9894E+00,.9948E+00,.1002E+01,.1012E+01, &
     &  .9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9839E+00, &
     &  .9894E+00,.9948E+00,.1002E+01,.1012E+01, &
     &  .9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9839E+00, &
     &  .9894E+00,.9948E+00,.1002E+01,.1012E+01, &
     &  .9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9839E+00, &
     &  .9894E+00,.9948E+00,.1002E+01,.1012E+01, &
     &  .9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9839E+00, &
     &  .9894E+00,.9948E+00,.1002E+01,.1012E+01, &
     &  .9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9779E+00,.9839E+00, &
     &  .9894E+00,.9948E+00,.1002E+01,.1012E+01/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,7),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9298E+00, &
     &  .9204E+00,.9026E+00,.8702E+00,.8309E+00, &
     &  .9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9298E+00, &
     &  .9204E+00,.9026E+00,.8702E+00,.8309E+00, &
     &  .9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9298E+00, &
     &  .9204E+00,.9026E+00,.8702E+00,.8309E+00, &
     &  .9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9298E+00, &
     &  .9204E+00,.9026E+00,.8702E+00,.8309E+00, &
     &  .9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9298E+00, &
     &  .9204E+00,.9026E+00,.8702E+00,.8309E+00, &
     &  .9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9298E+00, &
     &  .9204E+00,.9026E+00,.8702E+00,.8309E+00, &
     &  .9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9298E+00, &
     &  .9204E+00,.9026E+00,.8702E+00,.8309E+00, &
     &  .9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9364E+00,.9298E+00, &
     &  .9204E+00,.9026E+00,.8702E+00,.8309E+00/
!c  ********************************************************
!c  Data statements for T&L 8.0 micron dust aerosol sw bnd 1
!c  ********************************************************
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,8),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5512E+00, &
     &  .5542E+00,.5663E+00,.6106E+00,.6996E+00, &
     &  .5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5512E+00, &
     &  .5542E+00,.5663E+00,.6106E+00,.6996E+00, &
     &  .5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5512E+00, &
     &  .5542E+00,.5663E+00,.6106E+00,.6996E+00, &
     &  .5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5512E+00, &
     &  .5542E+00,.5663E+00,.6106E+00,.6996E+00, &
     &  .5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5512E+00, &
     &  .5542E+00,.5663E+00,.6106E+00,.6996E+00, &
     &  .5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5512E+00, &
     &  .5542E+00,.5663E+00,.6106E+00,.6996E+00, &
     &  .5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5512E+00, &
     &  .5542E+00,.5663E+00,.6106E+00,.6996E+00, &
     &  .5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5507E+00,.5512E+00, &
     &  .5542E+00,.5663E+00,.6106E+00,.6996E+00/
      data ((a_exty(i,j,8),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9896E+00, &
     &  .9932E+00,.9967E+00,.1002E+01,.1007E+01, &
     &  .9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9896E+00, &
     &  .9932E+00,.9967E+00,.1002E+01,.1007E+01, &
     &  .9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9896E+00, &
     &  .9932E+00,.9967E+00,.1002E+01,.1007E+01, &
     &  .9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9896E+00, &
     &  .9932E+00,.9967E+00,.1002E+01,.1007E+01, &
     &  .9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9896E+00, &
     &  .9932E+00,.9967E+00,.1002E+01,.1007E+01, &
     &  .9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9896E+00, &
     &  .9932E+00,.9967E+00,.1002E+01,.1007E+01, &
     &  .9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9896E+00, &
     &  .9932E+00,.9967E+00,.1002E+01,.1007E+01, &
     &  .9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9859E+00,.9896E+00, &
     &  .9932E+00,.9967E+00,.1002E+01,.1007E+01/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,8),i=1,mby),j=1,nrh) / &
     &  .9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9399E+00, &
     &  .9385E+00,.9327E+00,.9136E+00,.8795E+00, &
     &  .9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9399E+00, &
     &  .9385E+00,.9327E+00,.9136E+00,.8795E+00, &
     &  .9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9399E+00, &
     &  .9385E+00,.9327E+00,.9136E+00,.8795E+00, &
     &  .9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9399E+00, &
     &  .9385E+00,.9327E+00,.9136E+00,.8795E+00, &
     &  .9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9399E+00, &
     &  .9385E+00,.9327E+00,.9136E+00,.8795E+00, &
     &  .9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9399E+00, &
     &  .9385E+00,.9327E+00,.9136E+00,.8795E+00, &
     &  .9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9399E+00, &
     &  .9385E+00,.9327E+00,.9136E+00,.8795E+00, &
     &  .9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9401E+00,.9399E+00, &
     &  .9385E+00,.9327E+00,.9136E+00,.8795E+00/

 !9)  inso	Insoluble                                         
      data ((a_exty(i,j, 9 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9429E+00,0.9453E+00,0.9513E+00,0.9558E+00,0.9595E+00,0.9650E+00, &
     & 0.9753E+00,0.9866E+00,0.9992E+00,0.1015E+01/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j, 9 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.4624E+00,0.5098E+00,0.6053E+00,0.6511E+00,0.6674E+00,0.6750E+00, &
     & 0.6918E+00,0.7100E+00,0.7289E+00,0.7486E+00/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j, 9 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9788E+00,0.9585E+00,0.9122E+00,0.8872E+00,0.8773E+00,0.8720E+00, &
     & 0.8597E+00,0.8458E+00,0.8317E+00,0.8163E+00/
 !10) waso      Water Soluble 			(8 RH%)                     
      data ((a_exty(i,j,10 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.2636E+01,0.2534E+01,0.2300E+01,0.2142E+01,0.2022E+01,0.1846E+01, &
     & 0.1535E+01,0.1261E+01,0.1015E+01,0.7892E+00, &
     & 0.2564E+01,0.2466E+01,0.2240E+01,0.2089E+01,0.1975E+01,0.1808E+01, &
     & 0.1513E+01,0.1253E+01,0.1015E+01,0.7959E+00, &
     & 0.2500E+01,0.2407E+01,0.2193E+01,0.2049E+01,0.1940E+01,0.1781E+01, &
     & 0.1498E+01,0.1246E+01,0.1014E+01,0.8001E+00, &
     & 0.2434E+01,0.2346E+01,0.2144E+01,0.2008E+01,0.1904E+01,0.1754E+01, &
     & 0.1482E+01,0.1240E+01,0.1014E+01,0.8042E+00, &
     & 0.2291E+01,0.2215E+01,0.2039E+01,0.1920E+01,0.1829E+01,0.1694E+01, &
     & 0.1448E+01,0.1225E+01,0.1013E+01,0.8130E+00, &
     & 0.2121E+01,0.2059E+01,0.1914E+01,0.1815E+01,0.1738E+01,0.1623E+01, &
     & 0.1407E+01,0.1208E+01,0.1012E+01,0.8240E+00, &
     & 0.1896E+01,0.1852E+01,0.1746E+01,0.1673E+01,0.1614E+01,0.1525E+01, &
     & 0.1350E+01,0.1182E+01,0.1011E+01,0.8404E+00, &
     & 0.1752E+01,0.1718E+01,0.1638E+01,0.1581E+01,0.1534E+01,0.1460E+01, &
     & 0.1311E+01,0.1165E+01,0.1010E+01,0.8518E+00/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,10 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.6646E+00,0.7653E+00,0.8981E+00,0.9419E+00,0.9569E+00,0.9666E+00, &
     & 0.9685E+00,0.9688E+00,0.9633E+00,0.9558E+00, &
     & 0.7687E+00,0.8417E+00,0.9345E+00,0.9639E+00,0.9735E+00,0.9796E+00, &
     & 0.9808E+00,0.9810E+00,0.9776E+00,0.9730E+00, &
     & 0.8036E+00,0.8665E+00,0.9456E+00,0.9704E+00,0.9784E+00,0.9835E+00, &
     & 0.9844E+00,0.9847E+00,0.9820E+00,0.9782E+00, &
     & 0.8288E+00,0.8845E+00,0.9538E+00,0.9751E+00,0.9819E+00,0.9861E+00, &
     & 0.9871E+00,0.9873E+00,0.9850E+00,0.9820E+00, &
     & 0.8696E+00,0.9126E+00,0.9655E+00,0.9816E+00,0.9868E+00,0.9900E+00, &
     & 0.9907E+00,0.9909E+00,0.9895E+00,0.9874E+00, &
     & 0.9009E+00,0.9345E+00,0.9749E+00,0.9869E+00,0.9906E+00,0.9929E+00, &
     & 0.9935E+00,0.9938E+00,0.9928E+00,0.9915E+00, &
     & 0.9319E+00,0.9553E+00,0.9831E+00,0.9913E+00,0.9939E+00,0.9954E+00, &
     & 0.9959E+00,0.9961E+00,0.9956E+00,0.9949E+00, &
     & 0.9465E+00,0.9651E+00,0.9870E+00,0.9934E+00,0.9954E+00,0.9966E+00, &
     & 0.9970E+00,0.9972E+00,0.9968E+00,0.9964E+00/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,10 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.7099E+00,0.6998E+00,0.6762E+00,0.6623E+00,0.6551E+00,0.6486E+00, &
     & 0.6386E+00,0.6267E+00,0.6143E+00,0.5985E+00, &
     & 0.7400E+00,0.7344E+00,0.7212E+00,0.7131E+00,0.7084E+00,0.7033E+00, &
     & 0.6946E+00,0.6841E+00,0.6722E+00,0.6570E+00, &
     & 0.7487E+00,0.7443E+00,0.7339E+00,0.7276E+00,0.7241E+00,0.7201E+00, &
     & 0.7118E+00,0.7021E+00,0.6904E+00,0.6755E+00, &
     & 0.7554E+00,0.7517E+00,0.7427E+00,0.7373E+00,0.7343E+00,0.7310E+00, &
     & 0.7239E+00,0.7151E+00,0.7042E+00,0.6902E+00, &
     & 0.7629E+00,0.7609E+00,0.7561E+00,0.7529E+00,0.7507E+00,0.7478E+00, &
     & 0.7426E+00,0.7349E+00,0.7254E+00,0.7123E+00, &
     & 0.7685E+00,0.7678E+00,0.7659E+00,0.7644E+00,0.7633E+00,0.7615E+00, &
     & 0.7576E+00,0.7512E+00,0.7433E+00,0.7320E+00, &
     & 0.7721E+00,0.7725E+00,0.7736E+00,0.7740E+00,0.7738E+00,0.7732E+00, &
     & 0.7715E+00,0.7669E+00,0.7612E+00,0.7518E+00, &
     & 0.7749E+00,0.7755E+00,0.7768E+00,0.7777E+00,0.7784E+00,0.7789E+00, &
     & 0.7779E+00,0.7750E+00,0.7701E+00,0.7619E+00/
 !11) soot	Soot                                              
      data ((a_exty(i,j,11 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.2564E+01,0.2504E+01,0.2357E+01,0.2233E+01,0.2108E+01,0.1900E+01, &
     & 0.1552E+01,0.1267E+01,0.1017E+01,0.8078E+00/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,11 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.3009E+00,0.3045E+00,0.3124E+00,0.3138E+00,0.3091E+00,0.2954E+00, &
     & 0.2666E+00,0.2384E+00,0.2102E+00,0.1789E+00/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,11 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.5324E+00,0.5169E+00,0.4811E+00,0.4589E+00,0.4449E+00,0.4272E+00, &
     & 0.3957E+00,0.3664E+00,0.3375E+00,0.3079E+00/
 !12) ssam	Sea Salt (Accumulation Mode) 	(8 RH%)             
      data ((a_exty(i,j,12 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.8629E+00,0.8715E+00,0.8930E+00,0.9073E+00,0.9173E+00,0.9311E+00, &
     & 0.9576E+00,0.9787E+00,0.9977E+00,0.1004E+01, &
     & 0.8793E+00,0.8838E+00,0.8954E+00,0.9047E+00,0.9137E+00,0.9279E+00, &
     & 0.9519E+00,0.9771E+00,0.9989E+00,0.1019E+01, &
     & 0.8777E+00,0.8831E+00,0.8965E+00,0.9062E+00,0.9141E+00,0.9262E+00, &
     & 0.9497E+00,0.9737E+00,0.9984E+00,0.1021E+01, &
     & 0.8839E+00,0.8886E+00,0.9002E+00,0.9086E+00,0.9155E+00,0.9268E+00, &
     & 0.9508E+00,0.9735E+00,0.9991E+00,0.1024E+01, &
     & 0.8990E+00,0.9021E+00,0.9098E+00,0.9160E+00,0.9219E+00,0.9322E+00, &
     & 0.9531E+00,0.9738E+00,0.9984E+00,0.1025E+01, &
     & 0.9067E+00,0.9113E+00,0.9224E+00,0.9293E+00,0.9335E+00,0.9397E+00, &
     & 0.9585E+00,0.9766E+00,0.9990E+00,0.1023E+01, &
     & 0.9296E+00,0.9329E+00,0.9409E+00,0.9461E+00,0.9497E+00,0.9550E+00, &
     & 0.9668E+00,0.9813E+00,0.9994E+00,0.1018E+01, &
     & 0.9437E+00,0.9462E+00,0.9524E+00,0.9566E+00,0.9596E+00,0.9641E+00, &
     & 0.9729E+00,0.9851E+00,0.9998E+00,0.1013E+01/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,12 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.9998E+00,0.9998E+00,0.9998E+00,0.9999E+00,0.9999E+00,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9995E+00,0.9998E+00,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9995E+00,0.9998E+00,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,12 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.7300E+00,0.7254E+00,0.7146E+00,0.7078E+00,0.7037E+00,0.6998E+00, &
     & 0.6978E+00,0.6951E+00,0.6925E+00,0.6965E+00, &
     & 0.7850E+00,0.7850E+00,0.7846E+00,0.7830E+00,0.7798E+00,0.7750E+00, &
     & 0.7740E+00,0.7708E+00,0.7710E+00,0.7724E+00, &
     & 0.8029E+00,0.8004E+00,0.7945E+00,0.7909E+00,0.7889E+00,0.7866E+00, &
     & 0.7831E+00,0.7799E+00,0.7783E+00,0.7800E+00, &
     & 0.8050E+00,0.8040E+00,0.8015E+00,0.7996E+00,0.7980E+00,0.7950E+00, &
     & 0.7895E+00,0.7869E+00,0.7840E+00,0.7844E+00, &
     & 0.8178E+00,0.8169E+00,0.8146E+00,0.8127E+00,0.8108E+00,0.8072E+00, &
     & 0.8002E+00,0.7963E+00,0.7933E+00,0.7912E+00, &
     & 0.8304E+00,0.8287E+00,0.8246E+00,0.8224E+00,0.8216E+00,0.8198E+00, &
     & 0.8116E+00,0.8061E+00,0.8009E+00,0.7985E+00, &
     & 0.8380E+00,0.8380E+00,0.8378E+00,0.8367E+00,0.8345E+00,0.8309E+00, &
     & 0.8271E+00,0.8189E+00,0.8136E+00,0.8086E+00, &
     & 0.8448E+00,0.8449E+00,0.8450E+00,0.8444E+00,0.8431E+00,0.8406E+00, &
     & 0.8373E+00,0.8299E+00,0.8244E+00,0.8185E+00/
 !13) sscm	Sea Salt (Coarse Mode) 		(8 RH%)                  
      data ((a_exty(i,j,13 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.9630E+00,0.9648E+00,0.9695E+00,0.9730E+00,0.9758E+00,0.9790E+00, &
     & 0.9821E+00,0.9899E+00,0.9980E+00,0.1007E+01, &
     & 0.9727E+00,0.9743E+00,0.9783E+00,0.9809E+00,0.9829E+00,0.9856E+00, &
     & 0.9907E+00,0.9950E+00,0.9993E+00,0.1006E+01, &
     & 0.9761E+00,0.9773E+00,0.9805E+00,0.9827E+00,0.9844E+00,0.9866E+00, &
     & 0.9897E+00,0.9943E+00,0.9997E+00,0.1006E+01, &
     & 0.9762E+00,0.9780E+00,0.9824E+00,0.9849E+00,0.9862E+00,0.9877E+00, &
     & 0.9924E+00,0.9962E+00,0.1000E+01,0.1007E+01, &
     & 0.9811E+00,0.9821E+00,0.9844E+00,0.9861E+00,0.9874E+00,0.9893E+00, &
     & 0.9931E+00,0.9972E+00,0.1000E+01,0.1005E+01, &
     & 0.9831E+00,0.9837E+00,0.9852E+00,0.9861E+00,0.9868E+00,0.9880E+00, &
     & 0.9925E+00,0.9962E+00,0.9997E+00,0.1004E+01, &
     & 0.9858E+00,0.9865E+00,0.9882E+00,0.9894E+00,0.9904E+00,0.9918E+00, &
     & 0.9948E+00,0.9969E+00,0.9997E+00,0.1003E+01, &
     & 0.9901E+00,0.9891E+00,0.9872E+00,0.9870E+00,0.9887E+00,0.9911E+00, &
     & 0.9895E+00,0.9966E+00,0.9997E+00,0.1002E+01/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,13 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.9974E+00,0.9980E+00,0.9990E+00,0.9994E+00,0.9996E+00,0.9998E+00, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9995E+00,0.9995E+00,0.9995E+00,0.9997E+00,0.9999E+00,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9994E+00,0.9995E+00,0.9997E+00,0.9999E+00,0.9999E+00,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9994E+00,0.9995E+00,0.9997E+00,0.9999E+00,0.9999E+00,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9996E+00,0.9997E+00,0.9998E+00,0.9999E+00,0.9999E+00,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9998E+00,0.9998E+00,0.9998E+00,0.9999E+00,0.9999E+00,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9995E+00,0.9998E+00,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.9995E+00,0.9998E+00,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,13 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.8085E+00,0.8092E+00,0.8108E+00,0.8106E+00,0.8085E+00,0.8049E+00, &
     & 0.8045E+00,0.8017E+00,0.7964E+00,0.7932E+00, &
     & 0.8452E+00,0.8456E+00,0.8467E+00,0.8476E+00,0.8486E+00,0.8498E+00, &
     & 0.8505E+00,0.8504E+00,0.8469E+00,0.8464E+00, &
     & 0.8483E+00,0.8481E+00,0.8480E+00,0.8486E+00,0.8500E+00,0.8530E+00, &
     & 0.8581E+00,0.8557E+00,0.8506E+00,0.8505E+00, &
     & 0.8373E+00,0.8422E+00,0.8535E+00,0.8586E+00,0.8582E+00,0.8542E+00, &
     & 0.8541E+00,0.8559E+00,0.8570E+00,0.8549E+00, &
     & 0.8441E+00,0.8465E+00,0.8523E+00,0.8548E+00,0.8546E+00,0.8539E+00, &
     & 0.8614E+00,0.8626E+00,0.8604E+00,0.8586E+00, &
     & 0.8390E+00,0.8405E+00,0.8443E+00,0.8471E+00,0.8495E+00,0.8536E+00, &
     & 0.8641E+00,0.8666E+00,0.8629E+00,0.8652E+00, &
     & 0.8385E+00,0.8383E+00,0.8382E+00,0.8405E+00,0.8455E+00,0.8545E+00, &
     & 0.8586E+00,0.8622E+00,0.8680E+00,0.8681E+00, &
     & 0.8070E+00,0.8121E+00,0.8244E+00,0.8326E+00,0.8384E+00,0.8465E+00, &
     & 0.8575E+00,0.8605E+00,0.8671E+00,0.8673E+00/
 !14) minm	Mineral Dust (Nucleation Mode)                    
      data ((a_exty(i,j,14 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.1013E+01,0.1007E+01,0.9897E+00,0.9760E+00,0.9624E+00,0.9367E+00, &
     & 0.8702E+00,0.7911E+00,0.6970E+00,0.5919E+00/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,14 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.7841E+00,0.7925E+00,0.8134E+00,0.8331E+00,0.8543E+00,0.8839E+00, &
     & 0.9211E+00,0.9491E+00,0.9647E+00,0.9740E+00/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,14 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.7398E+00,0.7359E+00,0.7260E+00,0.7185E+00,0.7118E+00,0.7018E+00, &
     & 0.6876E+00,0.6759E+00,0.6649E+00,0.6521E+00/
 !15) miam	Mineral Dust (Accumulation Mode)                  
      data ((a_exty(i,j,15 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.8958E+00,0.8998E+00,0.9097E+00,0.9170E+00,0.9230E+00,0.9325E+00, &
     & 0.9520E+00,0.9736E+00,0.9984E+00,0.1028E+01/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,15 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.5676E+00,0.5719E+00,0.5844E+00,0.6014E+00,0.6254E+00,0.6655E+00, &
     & 0.7403E+00,0.8148E+00,0.8711E+00,0.9093E+00/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,15 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9144E+00,0.9086E+00,0.8938E+00,0.8802E+00,0.8654E+00,0.8411E+00, &
     & 0.8007E+00,0.7640E+00,0.7372E+00,0.7162E+00/
 !16) micm	Mineral Dust (Coarse Mode)                        
      data ((a_exty(i,j,16 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9717E+00,0.9730E+00,0.9761E+00,0.9783E+00,0.9801E+00,0.9828E+00, &
     & 0.9880E+00,0.9935E+00,0.9996E+00,0.1007E+01/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,16 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.5462E+00,0.5457E+00,0.5448E+00,0.5454E+00,0.5477E+00,0.5523E+00, &
     & 0.5714E+00,0.6059E+00,0.6601E+00,0.7118E+00/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,16 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9433E+00,0.9447E+00,0.9478E+00,0.9490E+00,0.9485E+00,0.9466E+00, &
     & 0.9380E+00,0.9212E+00,0.8973E+00,0.8741E+00/
 !17) mitr	Mineral Dust (Transported Mode)                   
      data ((a_exty(i,j,17 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9243E+00,0.9273E+00,0.9348E+00,0.9403E+00,0.9447E+00,0.9516E+00, &
     & 0.9657E+00,0.9810E+00,0.9986E+00,0.1019E+01/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,17 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.5535E+00,0.5553E+00,0.5615E+00,0.5724E+00,0.5898E+00,0.6205E+00, &
     & 0.6873E+00,0.7635E+00,0.8289E+00,0.8763E+00/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,17 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,1 ) /          & 
     & 0.9371E+00,0.9340E+00,0.9257E+00,0.9168E+00,0.9057E+00,0.8860E+00, &
     & 0.8473E+00,0.8087E+00,0.7784E+00,0.7532E+00/
 !18) suso 	Sulfate Droplets		(8 RH%)                        
      data ((a_exty(i,j,18 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.1618E+01,0.1603E+01,0.1566E+01,0.1534E+01,0.1500E+01,0.1438E+01, &
     & 0.1299E+01,0.1155E+01,0.1009E+01,0.8521E+00, &
     & 0.1357E+01,0.1352E+01,0.1341E+01,0.1329E+01,0.1315E+01,0.1285E+01, &
     & 0.1207E+01,0.1115E+01,0.1006E+01,0.8812E+00, &
     & 0.1272E+01,0.1271E+01,0.1268E+01,0.1263E+01,0.1255E+01,0.1235E+01, &
     & 0.1175E+01,0.1100E+01,0.1006E+01,0.8928E+00, &
     & 0.1210E+01,0.1211E+01,0.1215E+01,0.1215E+01,0.1211E+01,0.1198E+01, &
     & 0.1152E+01,0.1089E+01,0.1005E+01,0.9023E+00, &
     & 0.1120E+01,0.1125E+01,0.1137E+01,0.1143E+01,0.1144E+01,0.1139E+01, &
     & 0.1112E+01,0.1069E+01,0.1004E+01,0.9180E+00, &
     & 0.1033E+01,0.1040E+01,0.1057E+01,0.1067E+01,0.1073E+01,0.1077E+01, &
     & 0.1070E+01,0.1047E+01,0.1002E+01,0.9381E+00, &
     & 0.9487E+00,0.9569E+00,0.9770E+00,0.9906E+00,0.1000E+01,0.1012E+01, &
     & 0.1022E+01,0.1020E+01,0.1001E+01,0.9637E+00, &
     & 0.9078E+00,0.9155E+00,0.9348E+00,0.9483E+00,0.9585E+00,0.9724E+00, &
     & 0.9917E+00,0.1002E+01,0.1000E+01,0.9817E+00/
      data ((a_ssay(i,j,18 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01, &
     & 0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01,0.1000E+01/
      data ((a_asyy(i,j,18 ),i=1,mby),  j=1,8 ) /          & 
     & 0.6955E+00,0.6978E+00,0.7034E+00,0.7076E+00,0.7112E+00,0.7165E+00, &
     & 0.7227E+00,0.7231E+00,0.7172E+00,0.7080E+00, &
     & 0.7408E+00,0.7444E+00,0.7532E+00,0.7586E+00,0.7617E+00,0.7650E+00, &
     & 0.7706E+00,0.7717E+00,0.7690E+00,0.7634E+00, &
     & 0.7498E+00,0.7529E+00,0.7606E+00,0.7656E+00,0.7690E+00,0.7729E+00, &
     & 0.7779E+00,0.7797E+00,0.7779E+00,0.7743E+00, &
     & 0.7559E+00,0.7590E+00,0.7664E+00,0.7709E+00,0.7734E+00,0.7762E+00, &
     & 0.7818E+00,0.7840E+00,0.7837E+00,0.7803E+00, &
     & 0.7601E+00,0.7631E+00,0.7703E+00,0.7748E+00,0.7776E+00,0.7810E+00, &
     & 0.7867E+00,0.7894E+00,0.7900E+00,0.7891E+00, &
     & 0.7657E+00,0.7684E+00,0.7749E+00,0.7789E+00,0.7814E+00,0.7842E+00, &
     & 0.7890E+00,0.7928E+00,0.7948E+00,0.7949E+00, &
     & 0.7749E+00,0.7765E+00,0.7802E+00,0.7825E+00,0.7836E+00,0.7853E+00, &
     & 0.7906E+00,0.7940E+00,0.7975E+00,0.7987E+00, &
     & 0.7795E+00,0.7808E+00,0.7838E+00,0.7856E+00,0.7865E+00,0.7876E+00, &
     & 0.7909E+00,0.7937E+00,0.7967E+00,0.7995E+00/
      end module aerosol2
!    block data opac_extinctions  

      module opac_ext 1
!    common /opac_ext/ wl(24) ,edat(24,8,9:18) 
      implicit none
      integer, private :: i, j
      real :: wl(24) ,edat(24,8,9:18)
      data wl /                                            & 
     &  0.2500E+00,0.3000E+00,0.3500E+00,0.4000E+00,0.4500E+00,0.5000E+00, &
     &  0.5500E+00,0.6000E+00,0.6500E+00,0.7000E+00,0.7500E+00,0.8000E+00, &
     &  0.9000E+00,0.1000E+01,0.1250E+01,0.1500E+01,0.1750E+01,0.2000E+01, &
     &  0.2500E+01,0.3000E+01,0.3200E+01,0.3390E+01,0.3500E+01,0.3750E+01/
 !9)  inso	Insoluble                                         
      data (( edat(i,j, 9),i=1,24), j=1,1 ) /              & 
     &  0.9477E+00,0.9572E+00,0.9667E+00,0.9748E+00,0.9839E+00,0.9916E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1008E+01,0.1016E+01,0.1024E+01,0.1031E+01,0.1038E+01, &
     &  0.1052E+01,0.1064E+01,0.1093E+01,0.1105E+01,0.1088E+01,0.1012E+01, &
     &  0.7983E+00,0.6625E+00,0.7897E+00,0.8403E+00,0.8668E+00,0.8205E+00/
 !10) waso      Water Soluble 			(8 RH%)                     
      data (( edat(i,j,10),i=1,24), j=1,8 ) /              & 
     &  0.2438E+01,0.2095E+01,0.1793E+01,0.1539E+01,0.1326E+01,0.1148E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.8739E+00,0.7689E+00,0.6782E+00,0.6032E+00,0.5249E+00, &
     &  0.4251E+00,0.3497E+00,0.2191E+00,0.1520E+00,0.9186E-01,0.4897E-01, &
     &  0.3146E-01,0.2746E-01,0.1577E-01,0.1314E-01,0.1167E-01,0.9260E-02, &
     &  0.2373E+01,0.2044E+01,0.1758E+01,0.1516E+01,0.1314E+01,0.1144E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.8785E+00,0.7759E+00,0.6882E+00,0.6135E+00,0.5395E+00, &
     &  0.4380E+00,0.3605E+00,0.2271E+00,0.1560E+00,0.9755E-01,0.5793E-01, &
     &  0.3256E-01,0.1309E+00,0.5573E-01,0.2602E-01,0.1914E-01,0.1332E-01, &
     &  0.2319E+01,0.2006E+01,0.1733E+01,0.1501E+01,0.1306E+01,0.1140E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.8812E+00,0.7803E+00,0.6942E+00,0.6199E+00,0.5477E+00, &
     &  0.4458E+00,0.3676E+00,0.2326E+00,0.1597E+00,0.1014E+00,0.6249E-01, &
     &  0.3361E-01,0.1628E+00,0.6956E-01,0.3125E-01,0.2246E-01,0.1529E-01, &
     &  0.2263E+01,0.1967E+01,0.1708E+01,0.1485E+01,0.1298E+01,0.1137E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.8840E+00,0.7847E+00,0.7002E+00,0.6264E+00,0.5557E+00, &
     &  0.4536E+00,0.3748E+00,0.2386E+00,0.1639E+00,0.1054E+00,0.6684E-01, &
     &  0.3483E-01,0.1857E+00,0.8036E-01,0.3571E-01,0.2545E-01,0.1714E-01, &
     &  0.2143E+01,0.1884E+01,0.1653E+01,0.1451E+01,0.1279E+01,0.1130E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.8897E+00,0.7942E+00,0.7128E+00,0.6405E+00,0.5724E+00, &
     &  0.4705E+00,0.3910E+00,0.2521E+00,0.1741E+00,0.1146E+00,0.7589E-01, &
     &  0.3791E-01,0.2186E+00,0.9814E-01,0.4402E-01,0.3134E-01,0.2095E-01, &
     &  0.2000E+01,0.1785E+01,0.1588E+01,0.1410E+01,0.1257E+01,0.1120E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.8968E+00,0.8062E+00,0.7286E+00,0.6585E+00,0.5932E+00, &
     &  0.4922E+00,0.4122E+00,0.2707E+00,0.1887E+00,0.1272E+00,0.8739E-01, &
     &  0.4252E-01,0.2441E+00,0.1154E+00,0.5345E-01,0.3848E-01,0.2582E-01, &
     &  0.1809E+01,0.1650E+01,0.1497E+01,0.1353E+01,0.1224E+01,0.1106E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9072E+00,0.8240E+00,0.7520E+00,0.6856E+00,0.6241E+00, &
     &  0.5252E+00,0.4454E+00,0.3007E+00,0.2134E+00,0.1481E+00,0.1055E+00, &
     &  0.5081E-01,0.2683E+00,0.1372E+00,0.6728E-01,0.4955E-01,0.3371E-01, &
     &  0.1686E+01,0.1563E+01,0.1437E+01,0.1314E+01,0.1202E+01,0.1097E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9142E+00,0.8366E+00,0.7687E+00,0.7051E+00,0.6462E+00, &
     &  0.5496E+00,0.4702E+00,0.3238E+00,0.2331E+00,0.1648E+00,0.1196E+00, &
     &  0.5785E-01,0.2815E+00,0.1521E+00,0.7776E-01,0.5825E-01,0.4012E-01/
 !11) soot	Soot                                              
      data (( edat(i,j,11),i=1,24), j=1,1 ) /              & 
     &  0.2447E+01,0.2188E+01,0.1837E+01,0.1555E+01,0.1331E+01,0.1153E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.8818E+00,0.7906E+00,0.7082E+00,0.6445E+00,0.5904E+00, &
     &  0.5087E+00,0.4453E+00,0.3412E+00,0.2767E+00,0.2367E+00,0.2055E+00, &
     &  0.1639E+00,0.1398E+00,0.1284E+00,0.1218E+00,0.1189E+00,0.1105E+00/
 !12) ssam	Sea Salt (Accumulation Mode) 	(8 RH%)             
      data (( edat(i,j,12),i=1,24), j=1,8 ) /              & 
     &  0.8801E+00,0.9114E+00,0.9354E+00,0.9580E+00,0.9733E+00,0.9887E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1002E+01,0.1005E+01,0.1003E+01,0.9963E+00,0.9846E+00, &
     &  0.9618E+00,0.9232E+00,0.8315E+00,0.7230E+00,0.6190E+00,0.5382E+00, &
     &  0.3864E+00,0.4589E+00,0.3172E+00,0.2808E+00,0.2656E+00,0.2284E+00, &
     &  0.8883E+00,0.9080E+00,0.9321E+00,0.9508E+00,0.9715E+00,0.9866E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1013E+01,0.1021E+01,0.1026E+01,0.1030E+01,0.1030E+01, &
     &  0.1023E+01,0.1009E+01,0.9498E+00,0.8710E+00,0.7792E+00,0.6931E+00, &
     &  0.4881E+00,0.6444E+00,0.6217E+00,0.5226E+00,0.4772E+00,0.4012E+00, &
     &  0.8884E+00,0.9093E+00,0.9300E+00,0.9493E+00,0.9672E+00,0.9853E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1012E+01,0.1023E+01,0.1031E+01,0.1036E+01,0.1040E+01, &
     &  0.1041E+01,0.1032E+01,0.9874E+00,0.9212E+00,0.8368E+00,0.7534E+00, &
     &  0.5404E+00,0.6945E+00,0.6969E+00,0.5975E+00,0.5486E+00,0.4654E+00, &
     &  0.8932E+00,0.9113E+00,0.9305E+00,0.9508E+00,0.9671E+00,0.9850E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1016E+01,0.1025E+01,0.1035E+01,0.1044E+01,0.1050E+01, &
     &  0.1054E+01,0.1052E+01,0.1020E+01,0.9637E+00,0.8874E+00,0.8075E+00, &
     &  0.5909E+00,0.7366E+00,0.7591E+00,0.6629E+00,0.6126E+00,0.5246E+00, &
     &  0.9051E+00,0.9182E+00,0.9355E+00,0.9528E+00,0.9682E+00,0.9843E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1014E+01,0.1028E+01,0.1040E+01,0.1050E+01,0.1059E+01, &
     &  0.1072E+01,0.1077E+01,0.1070E+01,0.1036E+01,0.9774E+00,0.9089E+00, &
     &  0.6961E+00,0.8117E+00,0.8691E+00,0.7870E+00,0.7377E+00,0.6452E+00, &
     &  0.9158E+00,0.9311E+00,0.9419E+00,0.9586E+00,0.9717E+00,0.9857E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1015E+01,0.1025E+01,0.1037E+01,0.1052E+01,0.1062E+01, &
     &  0.1080E+01,0.1094E+01,0.1109E+01,0.1098E+01,0.1064E+01,0.1013E+01, &
     &  0.8218E+00,0.8883E+00,0.9782E+00,0.9207E+00,0.8777E+00,0.7878E+00, &
     &  0.9361E+00,0.9476E+00,0.9567E+00,0.9668E+00,0.9761E+00,0.9905E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1010E+01,0.1019E+01,0.1030E+01,0.1041E+01,0.1051E+01, &
     &  0.1075E+01,0.1090E+01,0.1126E+01,0.1144E+01,0.1141E+01,0.1122E+01, &
     &  0.9894E+00,0.9762E+00,0.1094E+01,0.1079E+01,0.1052E+01,0.9811E+00, &
     &  0.9487E+00,0.9578E+00,0.9655E+00,0.9729E+00,0.9804E+00,0.9933E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1008E+01,0.1014E+01,0.1023E+01,0.1033E+01,0.1042E+01, &
     &  0.1064E+01,0.1079E+01,0.1119E+01,0.1148E+01,0.1164E+01,0.1166E+01, &
     &  0.1091E+01,0.1025E+01,0.1148E+01,0.1162E+01,0.1150E+01,0.1102E+01/
 !13) sscm	Sea Salt (Coarse Mode) 		(8 RH%)                  
      data (( edat(i,j,13),i=1,24), j=1,8 ) /              & 
     &  0.9667E+00,0.9741E+00,0.9797E+00,0.9810E+00,0.9885E+00,0.9930E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9993E+00,0.1010E+01,0.1015E+01,0.1013E+01,0.1015E+01, &
     &  0.1029E+01,0.1039E+01,0.1062E+01,0.1075E+01,0.1107E+01,0.1123E+01, &
     &  0.1170E+01,0.1175E+01,0.1208E+01,0.1222E+01,0.1228E+01,0.1241E+01, &
     &  0.9759E+00,0.9817E+00,0.9864E+00,0.9907E+00,0.9941E+00,0.9969E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1001E+01,0.1008E+01,0.1011E+01,0.1014E+01,0.1016E+01, &
     &  0.1023E+01,0.1027E+01,0.1041E+01,0.1060E+01,0.1073E+01,0.1093E+01, &
     &  0.1134E+01,0.1094E+01,0.1129E+01,0.1156E+01,0.1167E+01,0.1188E+01, &
     &  0.9786E+00,0.9834E+00,0.9872E+00,0.9894E+00,0.9929E+00,0.9969E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1003E+01,0.1006E+01,0.1010E+01,0.1013E+01,0.1014E+01, &
     &  0.1019E+01,0.1028E+01,0.1040E+01,0.1051E+01,0.1070E+01,0.1082E+01, &
     &  0.1121E+01,0.1083E+01,0.1116E+01,0.1140E+01,0.1151E+01,0.1172E+01, &
     &  0.9798E+00,0.9855E+00,0.9882E+00,0.9925E+00,0.9953E+00,0.9978E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1005E+01,0.1007E+01,0.1010E+01,0.1015E+01,0.1014E+01, &
     &  0.1021E+01,0.1023E+01,0.1040E+01,0.1051E+01,0.1064E+01,0.1078E+01, &
     &  0.1113E+01,0.1079E+01,0.1109E+01,0.1130E+01,0.1141E+01,0.1159E+01, &
     &  0.9830E+00,0.9866E+00,0.9899E+00,0.9929E+00,0.9965E+00,0.9983E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1003E+01,0.1006E+01,0.1009E+01,0.1012E+01,0.1014E+01, &
     &  0.1018E+01,0.1024E+01,0.1035E+01,0.1042E+01,0.1054E+01,0.1065E+01, &
     &  0.1097E+01,0.1069E+01,0.1095E+01,0.1111E+01,0.1120E+01,0.1136E+01, &
     &  0.9843E+00,0.9864E+00,0.9885E+00,0.9925E+00,0.9954E+00,0.9977E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1002E+01,0.1005E+01,0.1006E+01,0.1010E+01,0.1010E+01, &
     &  0.1015E+01,0.1016E+01,0.1029E+01,0.1038E+01,0.1044E+01,0.1056E+01, &
     &  0.1078E+01,0.1060E+01,0.1080E+01,0.1093E+01,0.1100E+01,0.1112E+01, &
     &  0.9872E+00,0.9898E+00,0.9923E+00,0.9948E+00,0.9966E+00,0.9977E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1002E+01,0.1004E+01,0.1002E+01,0.1007E+01,0.1009E+01, &
     &  0.1013E+01,0.1016E+01,0.1025E+01,0.1032E+01,0.1040E+01,0.1046E+01, &
     &  0.1060E+01,0.1052E+01,0.1066E+01,0.1075E+01,0.1079E+01,0.1087E+01, &
     &  0.9882E+00,0.9875E+00,0.9913E+00,0.9877E+00,0.9953E+00,0.9983E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1001E+01,0.1003E+01,0.1004E+01,0.1006E+01,0.1007E+01, &
     &  0.1010E+01,0.1013E+01,0.1020E+01,0.1026E+01,0.1032E+01,0.1038E+01, &
     &  0.1049E+01,0.1044E+01,0.1056E+01,0.1063E+01,0.1066E+01,0.1071E+01/
 !14) minm	Mineral Dust (Nucleation Mode)                    
      data (( edat(i,j,14),i=1,24), j=1,1 ) /              & 
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9711E+00,0.9279E+00,0.8725E+00,0.8129E+00,0.7512E+00, &
     &  0.6916E+00,0.6347E+00,0.5817E+00,0.5327E+00,0.4879E+00,0.4470E+00, &
     &  0.3760E+00,0.3175E+00,0.2129E+00,0.1474E+00,0.1051E+00,0.7735E-01, &
     &  0.4556E-01,0.3771E-01,0.2699E-01,0.2199E-01,0.1993E-01,0.1462E-01/
 !15) miam	Mineral Dust (Accumulation Mode)                  
      data (( edat(i,j,15),i=1,24), j=1,1 ) /              & 
     &  0.9037E+00,0.9193E+00,0.9354E+00,0.9513E+00,0.9682E+00,0.9837E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1015E+01,0.1031E+01,0.1045E+01,0.1056E+01,0.1069E+01, &
     &  0.1088E+01,0.1103E+01,0.1117E+01,0.1105E+01,0.1074E+01,0.1030E+01, &
     &  0.9115E+00,0.7974E+00,0.7466E+00,0.7089E+00,0.6875E+00,0.6277E+00/
 !16) micm	Mineral Dust (Coarse Mode)                        
      data (( edat(i,j,16),i=1,24), j=1,1 ) /              & 
     &  0.9742E+00,0.9790E+00,0.9836E+00,0.9878E+00,0.9922E+00,0.9959E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1004E+01,0.1008E+01,0.1012E+01,0.1014E+01,0.1018E+01, &
     &  0.1026E+01,0.1032E+01,0.1048E+01,0.1065E+01,0.1082E+01,0.1096E+01, &
     &  0.1128E+01,0.1151E+01,0.1167E+01,0.1178E+01,0.1184E+01,0.1199E+01/
 !17) mitr	Mineral Dust (Transported Mode)                   
      data (( edat(i,j,17),i=1,24), j=1,1 ) /              & 
     &  0.9303E+00,0.9420E+00,0.9537E+00,0.9652E+00,0.9773E+00,0.9879E+00, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.1010E+01,0.1021E+01,0.1032E+01,0.1042E+01,0.1052E+01, &
     &  0.1073E+01,0.1089E+01,0.1124E+01,0.1145E+01,0.1158E+01,0.1155E+01, &
     &  0.1123E+01,0.1056E+01,0.1031E+01,0.1010E+01,0.9970E+00,0.9592E+00/
 !18) suso 	Sulfate Droplets		(8 RH%)                        
      data (( edat(i,j,18),i=1,24), j=1,8 ) /              & 
     &  0.1589E+01,0.1522E+01,0.1418E+01,0.1303E+01,0.1190E+01,0.1092E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9143E+00,0.8376E+00,0.7654E+00,0.6996E+00,0.6399E+00, &
     &  0.5385E+00,0.4523E+00,0.2965E+00,0.1989E+00,0.1377E+00,0.9764E-01, &
     &  0.4830E-01,0.9007E-01,0.1102E+00,0.1189E+00,0.1158E+00,0.9204E-01, &
     &  0.1348E+01,0.1324E+01,0.1275E+01,0.1210E+01,0.1140E+01,0.1070E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9327E+00,0.8690E+00,0.8095E+00,0.7523E+00,0.6989E+00, &
     &  0.6053E+00,0.5239E+00,0.3671E+00,0.2634E+00,0.1894E+00,0.1396E+00, &
     &  0.6786E-01,0.2235E+00,0.1501E+00,0.1073E+00,0.9444E-01,0.7255E-01, &
     &  0.1270E+01,0.1260E+01,0.1228E+01,0.1178E+01,0.1121E+01,0.1062E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9397E+00,0.8817E+00,0.8269E+00,0.7733E+00,0.7227E+00, &
     &  0.6326E+00,0.5533E+00,0.3966E+00,0.2903E+00,0.2118E+00,0.1581E+00, &
     &  0.7746E-01,0.2542E+00,0.1694E+00,0.1142E+00,0.9794E-01,0.7432E-01, &
     &  0.1213E+01,0.1214E+01,0.1193E+01,0.1154E+01,0.1107E+01,0.1055E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9457E+00,0.8920E+00,0.8410E+00,0.7904E+00,0.7420E+00, &
     &  0.6550E+00,0.5774E+00,0.4212E+00,0.3129E+00,0.2309E+00,0.1740E+00, &
     &  0.8606E-01,0.2758E+00,0.1859E+00,0.1223E+00,0.1035E+00,0.7800E-01, &
     &  0.1130E+01,0.1144E+01,0.1137E+01,0.1114E+01,0.1082E+01,0.1044E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9549E+00,0.9094E+00,0.8652E+00,0.8201E+00,0.7764E+00, &
     &  0.6957E+00,0.6218E+00,0.4674E+00,0.3562E+00,0.2682E+00,0.2055E+00, &
     &  0.1039E+00,0.3110E+00,0.2181E+00,0.1419E+00,0.1185E+00,0.8881E-01, &
     &  0.1047E+01,0.1070E+01,0.1078E+01,0.1072E+01,0.1055E+01,0.1030E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9671E+00,0.9313E+00,0.8955E+00,0.8577E+00,0.8197E+00, &
     &  0.7476E+00,0.6795E+00,0.5295E+00,0.4157E+00,0.3210E+00,0.2510E+00, &
     &  0.1311E+00,0.3533E+00,0.2636E+00,0.1744E+00,0.1455E+00,0.1094E+00, &
     &  0.9649E+00,0.9946E+00,0.1015E+01,0.1023E+01,0.1023E+01,0.1014E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9820E+00,0.9595E+00,0.9353E+00,0.9080E+00,0.8792E+00, &
     &  0.8213E+00,0.7633E+00,0.6247E+00,0.5105E+00,0.4084E+00,0.3287E+00, &
     &  0.1810E+00,0.4156E+00,0.3391E+00,0.2356E+00,0.1991E+00,0.1520E+00, &
     &  0.9232E+00,0.9524E+00,0.9764E+00,0.9920E+00,0.1001E+01,0.1004E+01, &
     &  0.1000E+01,0.9924E+00,0.9792E+00,0.9644E+00,0.9463E+00,0.9258E+00, &
     &  0.8810E+00,0.8331E+00,0.7091E+00,0.5986E+00,0.4932E+00,0.4068E+00, &
     &  0.2352E+00,0.4729E+00,0.4135E+00,0.3016E+00,0.2589E+00,0.2015E+00/
      end module opac_ext  

!    block data tegen_lacis_ext

    module mineral_ext 1
    implicit none
!    common /mineral_ext/ wl(24) ,dat(24,4:8)
    real :: wl(24) ,dat(24,4:8)

	data wl / &
   &    0.30,   0.35,   0.40,   0.45,   0.50,   0.55, &
   &    0.60,   0.65,   0.70,   0.80,   1.00,   1.25, &
   &    1.50,   2.00,   2.51,   2.61,   2.83,   2.96, &
   &    3.04,   3.26,   3.47,   3.69,   3.90,   4.11/

	data dat/ &
!  4
   &     8.78E-01,9.06E-01,9.36E-01,9.67E-01,1.00E+00,1.03E+00, &
   &     1.06E+00,1.08E+00,1.09E+00,1.09E+00,1.02E+00,8.70E-01, &
   &     7.04E-01,4.36E-01,2.08E-01,1.95E-01,1.91E-01,1.73E-01, &
   &     1.51E-01,1.35E-01,9.41E-02,7.95E-02,6.45E-02,5.36E-02, &
!  5
   &     9.41E-01,9.56E-01,9.70E-01,9.85E-01,1.00E+00,1.02E+00, &
   &     1.03E+00,1.05E+00,1.07E+00,1.10E+00,1.18E+00,1.25E+00, &
   &     1.27E+00,1.19E+00,8.64E-01,8.36E-01,7.68E-01,7.25E-01, &
   &     6.93E-01,6.92E-01,5.44E-01,4.96E-01,4.41E-01,3.93E-01, &
!  6
   &     9.65E-01,9.75E-01,9.83E-01,9.92E-01,1.00E+00,1.01E+00, &
   &     1.02E+00,1.02E+00,1.03E+00,1.05E+00,1.08E+00,1.12E+00, &
   &     1.17E+00,1.27E+00,1.34E+00,1.34E+00,1.29E+00,1.29E+00, &
   &     1.30E+00,1.33E+00,1.27E+00,1.24E+00,1.21E+00,1.17E+00, &
!  7
   &     9.78E-01,9.84E-01,9.89E-01,9.95E-01,1.00E+00,1.00E+00, &
   &     1.01E+00,1.01E+00,1.02E+00,1.03E+00,1.05E+00,1.07E+00, &
   &     1.09E+00,1.13E+00,1.19E+00,1.20E+00,1.21E+00,1.22E+00, &
   &     1.24E+00,1.25E+00,1.29E+00,1.31E+00,1.34E+00,1.36E+00, &
!  8
   &     9.86E-01,9.90E-01,9.93E-01,9.97E-01,1.00E+00,1.00E+00, &
   &     1.01E+00,1.01E+00,1.01E+00,1.02E+00,1.03E+00,1.04E+00, &
   &     1.05E+00,1.08E+00,1.10E+00,1.11E+00,1.11E+00,1.12E+00, &
   &     1.12E+00,1.13E+00,1.14E+00,1.15E+00,1.17E+00,1.18E+00 /

	end module mineral_ext
!    block data dalmedia_ext

    module dalm_ext 1
    implicit none
!    common /dalm_ext/ wl(24) ,dat(24,8,3)
    real :: wl(24) ,dat(24,8,3)
	data wl / &
   &    0.30,   0.35,   0.40,   0.45,   0.50,   0.55, &
   &    0.60,   0.65,   0.70,   0.75,   0.80,   0.90, &
   &    1.00,   1.25,   1.50,   1.75,   2.00,   2.50, &
   &    3.00,   3.20,   3.39,   3.50,   3.78,   4.00/
	data dat/ &
!  1
   &     2.07E-04,2.08E-04,2.08E-04,2.07E-04,2.07E-04,2.08E-04, &
   &     2.09E-04,2.11E-04,2.12E-04,2.12E-04,2.12E-04,2.09E-04, &
   &     2.04E-04,1.90E-04,1.79E-04,1.71E-04,1.67E-04,1.63E-04, &
   &     1.72E-04,1.69E-04,1.62E-04,1.66E-04,1.67E-04,1.67E-04, &
   &     2.45E-04,2.46E-04,2.45E-04,2.44E-04,2.43E-04,2.43E-04, &
   &     2.44E-04,2.45E-04,2.46E-04,2.44E-04,2.43E-04,2.38E-04, &
   &     2.31E-04,2.14E-04,2.01E-04,1.91E-04,1.85E-04,1.79E-04, &
   &     1.90E-04,1.87E-04,1.83E-04,1.83E-04,1.84E-04,1.84E-04, &
   &     3.52E-04,3.50E-04,3.50E-04,3.51E-04,3.50E-04,3.47E-04, &
   &     3.47E-04,3.47E-04,3.49E-04,3.50E-04,3.51E-04,3.51E-04, &
   &     3.48E-04,3.28E-04,3.10E-04,2.92E-04,2.80E-04,2.63E-04, &
   &     2.85E-04,2.82E-04,2.71E-04,2.68E-04,2.65E-04,2.65E-04, &
   &     7.98E-04,7.93E-04,7.87E-04,7.86E-04,7.82E-04,7.80E-04, &
   &     7.83E-04,7.86E-04,7.86E-04,7.84E-04,7.82E-04,7.83E-04, &
   &     7.90E-04,8.10E-04,8.05E-04,7.79E-04,7.47E-04,6.70E-04, &
   &     7.23E-04,7.47E-04,7.11E-04,6.94E-04,6.68E-04,6.55E-04, &
   &     1.14E-03,1.12E-03,1.12E-03,1.11E-03,1.11E-03,1.11E-03, &
   &     1.11E-03,1.11E-03,1.11E-03,1.11E-03,1.11E-03,1.11E-03, &
   &     1.11E-03,1.13E-03,1.15E-03,1.14E-03,1.11E-03,9.98E-04, &
   &     1.05E-03,1.10E-03,1.06E-03,1.04E-03,9.94E-04,9.67E-04, &
   &     1.69E-03,1.67E-03,1.66E-03,1.64E-03,1.64E-03,1.63E-03, &
   &     1.63E-03,1.62E-03,1.62E-03,1.61E-03,1.62E-03,1.63E-03, &
   &     1.63E-03,1.62E-03,1.65E-03,1.68E-03,1.67E-03,1.54E-03, &
   &     1.56E-03,1.65E-03,1.64E-03,1.61E-03,1.53E-03,1.49E-03, &
   &     2.88E-03,2.87E-03,2.86E-03,2.83E-03,2.82E-03,2.80E-03, &
   &     2.78E-03,2.76E-03,2.74E-03,2.76E-03,2.75E-03,2.74E-03, &
   &     2.74E-03,2.76E-03,2.75E-03,2.78E-03,2.83E-03,2.79E-03, &
   &     2.69E-03,2.83E-03,2.89E-03,2.88E-03,2.81E-03,2.73E-03, &
   &     4.24E-03,4.27E-03,4.26E-03,4.26E-03,4.24E-03,4.21E-03, &
   &     4.18E-03,4.16E-03,4.14E-03,4.13E-03,4.11E-03,4.09E-03, &
   &     4.09E-03,4.06E-03,4.09E-03,4.08E-03,4.10E-03,4.22E-03, &
   &     4.02E-03,4.16E-03,4.26E-03,4.30E-03,4.31E-03,4.25E-03, &
!  2
   &     1.76E-05,1.57E-05,1.40E-05,1.25E-05,1.11E-05,9.95E-06, &
   &     8.91E-06,8.01E-06,7.21E-06,6.53E-06,5.78E-06,4.79E-06, &
   &     4.05E-06,2.66E-06,1.46E-06,1.02E-06,1.33E-06,4.35E-07, &
   &     3.49E-07,2.36E-07,2.02E-07,1.90E-07,1.54E-07,1.39E-07, &
   &     1.76E-05,1.57E-05,1.40E-05,1.25E-05,1.11E-05,9.95E-06, &
   &     8.91E-06,8.01E-06,7.21E-06,6.53E-06,5.79E-06,4.80E-06, &
   &     4.05E-06,2.66E-06,1.46E-06,1.02E-06,1.33E-06,4.37E-07, &
   &     3.50E-07,2.38E-07,2.03E-07,1.91E-07,1.55E-07,1.40E-07, &
   &     1.89E-05,1.69E-05,1.50E-05,1.34E-05,1.19E-05,1.07E-05, &
   &     9.57E-06,8.61E-06,7.75E-06,7.02E-06,6.23E-06,5.17E-06, &
   &     4.36E-06,2.87E-06,1.59E-06,1.12E-06,1.40E-06,4.73E-07, &
   &     5.67E-07,3.34E-07,2.44E-07,2.23E-07,1.77E-07,1.59E-07, &
   &     2.54E-05,2.27E-05,2.03E-05,1.81E-05,1.62E-05,1.45E-05, &
   &     1.31E-05,1.18E-05,1.06E-05,9.64E-06,8.61E-06,7.17E-06, &
   &     6.06E-06,4.01E-06,2.35E-06,1.65E-06,1.81E-06,6.73E-07, &
   &     1.72E-06,8.68E-07,4.78E-07,4.04E-07,3.02E-07,2.66E-07, &
   &     3.71E-05,3.35E-05,3.01E-05,2.71E-05,2.44E-05,2.20E-05, &
   &     1.99E-05,1.80E-05,1.64E-05,1.49E-05,1.35E-05,1.13E-05, &
   &     9.58E-06,6.42E-06,4.02E-06,2.84E-06,2.68E-06,1.11E-06, &
   &     4.01E-06,2.02E-06,1.01E-06,8.25E-07,5.90E-07,5.07E-07, &
   &     4.64E-05,4.22E-05,3.82E-05,3.46E-05,3.13E-05,2.83E-05, &
   &     2.57E-05,2.34E-05,2.14E-05,1.95E-05,1.77E-05,1.49E-05, &
   &     1.27E-05,8.61E-06,5.57E-06,3.96E-06,3.51E-06,1.52E-06, &
   &     5.97E-06,3.08E-06,1.54E-06,1.24E-06,8.75E-07,7.43E-07, &
   &     5.89E-05,5.40E-05,4.93E-05,4.50E-05,4.10E-05,3.73E-05, &
   &     3.41E-05,3.12E-05,2.86E-05,2.62E-05,2.39E-05,2.03E-05, &
   &     1.74E-05,1.20E-05,7.99E-06,5.74E-06,4.85E-06,2.21E-06, &
   &     8.84E-06,4.73E-06,2.40E-06,1.94E-06,1.38E-06,1.16E-06, &
   &     7.31E-05,6.77E-05,6.22E-05,5.72E-05,5.24E-05,4.80E-05, &
   &     4.41E-05,4.05E-05,3.73E-05,3.44E-05,3.15E-05,2.70E-05, &
   &     2.32E-05,1.62E-05,1.11E-05,8.06E-06,6.61E-06,3.11E-06, &
   &     1.23E-05,6.85E-06,3.56E-06,2.88E-06,2.05E-06,1.72E-06, &
!  3
   &     1.16E-05,1.03E-05,9.18E-06,8.17E-06,7.28E-06,6.49E-06, &
   &     5.81E-06,5.22E-06,4.70E-06,4.25E-06,3.77E-06,3.13E-06, &
   &     2.64E-06,1.74E-06,9.67E-07,6.83E-07,8.71E-07,3.00E-07, &
   &     2.42E-07,1.67E-07,1.44E-07,1.35E-07,1.11E-07,1.00E-07, &
   &     1.16E-05,1.03E-05,9.20E-06,8.18E-06,7.28E-06,6.50E-06, &
   &     5.82E-06,5.23E-06,4.70E-06,4.26E-06,3.78E-06,3.13E-06, &
   &     2.64E-06,1.74E-06,9.69E-07,6.85E-07,8.72E-07,3.02E-07, &
   &     2.44E-07,1.68E-07,1.45E-07,1.36E-07,1.12E-07,1.01E-07, &
   &     1.25E-05,1.11E-05,9.88E-06,8.79E-06,7.83E-06,6.98E-06, &
   &     6.25E-06,5.62E-06,5.06E-06,4.58E-06,4.07E-06,3.38E-06, &
   &     2.85E-06,1.88E-06,1.06E-06,7.49E-07,9.23E-07,3.28E-07, &
   &     3.90E-07,2.32E-07,1.72E-07,1.58E-07,1.28E-07,1.15E-07, &
   &     1.68E-05,1.49E-05,1.33E-05,1.19E-05,1.06E-05,9.48E-06, &
   &     8.51E-06,7.66E-06,6.92E-06,6.27E-06,5.61E-06,4.67E-06, &
   &     3.94E-06,2.61E-06,1.55E-06,1.09E-06,1.18E-06,4.55E-07, &
   &     1.14E-06,5.75E-07,3.19E-07,2.71E-07,2.05E-07,1.81E-07, &
   &     2.45E-05,2.20E-05,1.97E-05,1.77E-05,1.59E-05,1.43E-05, &
   &     1.29E-05,1.17E-05,1.06E-05,9.67E-06,8.71E-06,7.30E-06, &
   &     6.19E-06,4.15E-06,2.60E-06,1.85E-06,1.73E-06,7.27E-07, &
   &     2.63E-06,1.31E-06,6.55E-07,5.33E-07,3.82E-07,3.28E-07, &
   &     3.08E-05,2.78E-05,2.51E-05,2.26E-05,2.05E-05,1.85E-05, &
   &     1.67E-05,1.52E-05,1.39E-05,1.26E-05,1.15E-05,9.65E-06, &
   &     8.21E-06,5.55E-06,3.60E-06,2.56E-06,2.26E-06,9.87E-07, &
   &     3.93E-06,2.00E-06,9.86E-07,7.92E-07,5.59E-07,4.75E-07, &
   &     3.98E-05,3.62E-05,3.28E-05,2.98E-05,2.70E-05,2.45E-05, &
   &     2.23E-05,2.04E-05,1.86E-05,1.71E-05,1.55E-05,1.32E-05, &
   &     1.12E-05,7.70E-06,5.14E-06,3.68E-06,3.10E-06,1.40E-06, &
   &     5.86E-06,3.06E-06,1.52E-06,1.22E-06,8.51E-07,7.16E-07, &
   &     4.99E-05,4.58E-05,4.18E-05,3.81E-05,3.48E-05,3.17E-05, &
   &     2.90E-05,2.66E-05,2.44E-05,2.24E-05,2.06E-05,1.75E-05, &
   &     1.51E-05,1.04E-05,7.15E-06,5.15E-06,4.20E-06,1.95E-06, &
   &     8.20E-06,4.44E-06,2.24E-06,1.79E-06,1.25E-06,1.05E-06/

	end module dalm_ext

!    block data aerosol_convolve5

      module aot_spect_5 !mark 1
      implicit none
!    common /aot_spect_5/  wlo(5,15) , hkas(5,15) ,sflx(5,15)
      real :: wlo(5,15) , hkas(5,15) ,sflx(5,15)
      data wlo / &
     & 0.1794,0.1878,0.1970,0.2073,0.2186, &
     & 0.2265,0.2301,0.2339,0.2378,0.2418, &
     & 0.2475,0.2551,0.2632,0.2717,0.2809, &
     & 0.2869,0.2894,0.2920,0.2946,0.2972, &
     & 0.3008,0.3053,0.3100,0.3149,0.3199, &
     & 0.3257,0.3323,0.3391,0.3462,0.3537, &
     & 0.3642,0.3783,0.3935,0.4100,0.4279, &
     & 0.4429,0.4539,0.4656,0.4778,0.4908, &
     & 0.5059,0.5233,0.5419,0.5620,0.5836, &
     & 0.6033,0.6206,0.6389,0.6583,0.6789, &
     & 0.7236,0.8026,0.9009,1.0267,1.1933, &
     & 1.3414,1.4358,1.5444,1.6708,1.8198, &
     & 1.9512,2.0513,2.1622,2.2857,2.4242, &
     & 2.5740,2.7360,2.9197,3.1299,3.3727, &
     & 3.5524,3.6430,3.7383,3.8388,3.9448/

      data hkas / &
     & 1.9732E-02,8.2461E-03,1.9433E-02,2.5239E-01,7.0020E-01, &
     & 1.7698E-01,1.9552E-01,1.8982E-01,2.0086E-01,2.3681E-01, &
     & 6.1144E-02,9.1518E-02,2.0913E-01,3.0821E-01,3.3000E-01, &
     & 1.1853E-01,1.6684E-01,2.5436E-01,2.2410E-01,2.3617E-01, &
     & 1.3174E-01,1.8637E-01,2.1818E-01,2.1883E-01,2.4487E-01, &
     & 1.6818E-01,1.9811E-01,1.7183E-01,2.1417E-01,2.4771E-01, &
     & 1.3629E-01,1.4266E-01,1.6518E-01,2.7083E-01,2.8504E-01, &
     & 1.6885E-01,1.9578E-01,2.0319E-01,2.1598E-01,2.1620E-01, &
     & 1.7878E-01,1.8362E-01,1.9993E-01,2.1178E-01,2.2589E-01, &
     & 1.9345E-01,1.9568E-01,2.0132E-01,2.0166E-01,2.0789E-01, &
     & 1.9354E-01,2.0025E-01,2.0400E-01,2.0302E-01,1.9919E-01, &
     & 2.1754E-01,2.1221E-01,2.0669E-01,1.9305E-01,1.7051E-01, &
     & 2.3672E-01,2.1723E-01,1.9925E-01,1.8215E-01,1.6466E-01, &
     & 2.4692E-01,2.2312E-01,1.9962E-01,1.7636E-01,1.5398E-01, &
     & 2.2023E-01,2.0999E-01,1.9844E-01,1.9036E-01,1.8098E-01/

      data sflx / &
     & 1.4056E-02,5.8741E-03,1.3843E-02,1.7979E-01,4.9878E-01, &
     & 1.5997E-01,1.7673E-01,1.7157E-01,1.8156E-01,2.1404E-01, &
     & 4.0480E-01,6.0590E-01,1.3845E+00,2.0405E+00,2.1848E+00, &
     & 7.6075E-01,1.0708E+00,1.6325E+00,1.4383E+00,1.5157E+00, &
     & 2.1362E+00,3.0220E+00,3.5377E+00,3.5483E+00,3.9706E+00, &
     & 5.6607E+00,6.6683E+00,5.7836E+00,7.2089E+00,8.3378E+00, &
     & 1.4768E+01,1.5458E+01,1.7899E+01,2.9348E+01,3.0887E+01, &
     & 1.9903E+01,2.3078E+01,2.3950E+01,2.5459E+01,2.5484E+01, &
     & 3.2273E+01,3.3147E+01,3.6093E+01,3.8232E+01,4.0778E+01, &
     & 2.9661E+01,3.0003E+01,3.0869E+01,3.0920E+01,3.1876E+01, &
     & 9.5588E+01,9.8903E+01,1.0076E+02,1.0027E+02,9.8377E+01, &
     & 3.3902E+01,3.3072E+01,3.2211E+01,3.0086E+01,2.6573E+01, &
     & 1.2208E+01,1.1203E+01,1.0275E+01,9.3939E+00,8.4915E+00, &
     & 7.0905E+00,6.4071E+00,5.7325E+00,5.0645E+00,4.4219E+00, &
     & 1.2380E+00,1.1805E+00,1.1155E+00,1.0701E+00,1.0173E+00/

	  end module aot_spect_5
!    block data aerosol_convolve_25

      module aot_spect_25
      implicit none
!	common /aot_spect_25/  wlo(25,15) , hkas(25,15) ,sflx(25,15)
      real wlo_25(25,15) , hkas_25(25,15) ,sflx_25(25,15)
      data wlo_25 / &
     & 0.1762,0.1778,0.1794,0.1810,0.1826, &
     & 0.1843,0.1860,0.1878,0.1896,0.1914, &
     & 0.1932,0.1951,0.1970,0.1990,0.2010, &
     & 0.2030,0.2051,0.2073,0.2094,0.2116, &
     & 0.2139,0.2162,0.2186,0.2210,0.2235, &
     & 0.2251,0.2258,0.2265,0.2272,0.2279, &
     & 0.2287,0.2294,0.2301,0.2309,0.2316, &
     & 0.2324,0.2332,0.2339,0.2347,0.2355, &
     & 0.2362,0.2370,0.2378,0.2386,0.2394, &
     & 0.2402,0.2410,0.2418,0.2427,0.2435, &
     & 0.2446,0.2461,0.2475,0.2490,0.2505, &
     & 0.2520,0.2535,0.2551,0.2567,0.2583, &
     & 0.2599,0.2615,0.2632,0.2648,0.2665, &
     & 0.2682,0.2700,0.2717,0.2735,0.2753, &
     & 0.2772,0.2790,0.2809,0.2828,0.2847, &
     & 0.2860,0.2865,0.2869,0.2874,0.2879, &
     & 0.2884,0.2889,0.2894,0.2899,0.2904, &
     & 0.2910,0.2915,0.2920,0.2925,0.2930, &
     & 0.2935,0.2940,0.2946,0.2951,0.2956, &
     & 0.2961,0.2966,0.2972,0.2977,0.2982, &
     & 0.2991,0.3000,0.3009,0.3018,0.3027, &
     & 0.3036,0.3045,0.3054,0.3064,0.3073, &
     & 0.3082,0.3092,0.3101,0.3111,0.3120, &
     & 0.3130,0.3140,0.3150,0.3159,0.3169, &
     & 0.3179,0.3189,0.3199,0.3210,0.3220, &
     & 0.3232,0.3245,0.3258,0.3271,0.3284, &
     & 0.3297,0.3310,0.3323,0.3337,0.3350, &
     & 0.3364,0.3378,0.3392,0.3406,0.3420, &
     & 0.3434,0.3448,0.3463,0.3477,0.3492, &
     & 0.3507,0.3522,0.3537,0.3552,0.3567, &
     & 0.3590,0.3617,0.3643,0.3671,0.3698, &
     & 0.3726,0.3755,0.3784,0.3813,0.3843, &
     & 0.3874,0.3905,0.3936,0.3968,0.4000, &
     & 0.4033,0.4067,0.4101,0.4135,0.4170, &
     & 0.4206,0.4243,0.4280,0.4317,0.4356, &
     & 0.4387,0.4408,0.4429,0.4451,0.4473, &
     & 0.4495,0.4518,0.4540,0.4563,0.4586, &
     & 0.4609,0.4633,0.4656,0.4680,0.4705, &
     & 0.4729,0.4754,0.4779,0.4804,0.4830, &
     & 0.4855,0.4881,0.4908,0.4934,0.4961, &
     & 0.4996,0.5029,0.5062,0.5096,0.5130, &
     & 0.5165,0.5200,0.5236,0.5272,0.5309, &
     & 0.5346,0.5383,0.5422,0.5460,0.5500, &
     & 0.5540,0.5580,0.5621,0.5663,0.5705, &
     & 0.5748,0.5792,0.5836,0.5881,0.5927, &
     & 0.5969,0.6002,0.6035,0.6069,0.6103, &
     & 0.6137,0.6172,0.6207,0.6243,0.6279, &
     & 0.6316,0.6352,0.6390,0.6428,0.6466, &
     & 0.6504,0.6544,0.6583,0.6623,0.6664, &
     & 0.6705,0.6747,0.6789,0.6832,0.6875, &
     & 0.6962,0.7096,0.7236,0.7381,0.7532, &
     & 0.7690,0.7854,0.8026,0.8205,0.8392, &
     & 0.8588,0.8794,0.9009,0.9235,0.9473, &
     & 0.9724,0.9988,1.0267,1.0562,1.0874, &
     & 1.1206,1.1558,1.1933,1.2333,1.2762, &
     & 1.3070,1.3240,1.3414,1.3592,1.3776, &
     & 1.3965,1.4158,1.4358,1.4562,1.4773, &
     & 1.4990,1.5214,1.5444,1.5681,1.5926, &
     & 1.6179,1.6439,1.6708,1.6987,1.7274, &
     & 1.7572,1.7879,1.8198,1.8529,1.8871, &
     & 1.9139,1.9324,1.9512,1.9704,1.9900, &
     & 2.0101,2.0305,2.0513,2.0725,2.0942, &
     & 2.1164,2.1390,2.1622,2.1858,2.2099, &
     & 2.2346,2.2599,2.2857,2.3121,2.3392, &
     & 2.3669,2.3952,2.4242,2.4540,2.4845, &
     & 2.5145,2.5439,2.5740,2.6048,2.6364, &
     & 2.6688,2.7020,2.7360,2.7709,2.8066, &
     & 2.8433,2.8810,2.9197,2.9595,3.0003, &
     & 3.0423,3.0855,3.1299,3.1756,3.2227, &
     & 3.2712,3.3212,3.3727,3.4258,3.4807, &
     & 3.5174,3.5348,3.5524,3.5702,3.5881, &
     & 3.6062,3.6245,3.6430,3.6617,3.6805, &
     & 3.6996,3.7189,3.7383,3.7580,3.7779, &
     & 3.7979,3.8183,3.8388,3.8595,3.8805, &
     & 3.9017,3.9231,3.9448,3.9667,3.9888/

      data hkas_25 / &
     & 5.2799E-03,5.0829E-03,4.6490E-03,4.0241E-03,3.4829E-03, &
     & 2.8976E-03,2.3480E-03,1.8516E-03,1.3749E-03,9.3841E-04, &
     & 5.9685E-04,3.2885E-04,1.3047E-04,2.2220E-05,5.5991E-03, &
     & 2.7673E-02,3.1899E-02,3.7975E-02,4.7693E-02,8.3620E-02, &
     & 1.1867E-01,1.4080E-01,1.2000E-01,1.8402E-01,1.6904E-01, &
     & 5.0121E-02,4.9452E-02,4.6279E-02,4.0956E-02,3.7858E-02, &
     & 2.6053E-02,3.0795E-02,4.6226E-02,3.7153E-02,3.5560E-02, &
     & 4.7180E-02,3.7850E-02,4.0573E-02,4.5254E-02,3.5590E-02, &
     & 3.0742E-02,4.1064E-02,4.1940E-02,4.0586E-02,4.7516E-02, &
     & 3.2378E-02,4.4837E-02,3.5456E-02,3.5664E-02,4.2917E-02, &
     & 1.6466E-02,1.5248E-02,1.2129E-02,1.2876E-02,1.0915E-02, &
     & 1.5288E-02,1.2174E-02,1.1518E-02,1.5566E-02,2.3291E-02, &
     & 3.5784E-02,2.7197E-02,2.5602E-02,2.8189E-02,6.8271E-02, &
     & 7.4253E-02,7.6509E-02,7.4379E-02,7.6454E-02,6.3299E-02, &
     & 4.4999E-02,7.9458E-02,5.3948E-02,3.1778E-02,9.4411E-02, &
     & 2.9705E-02,2.9759E-02,2.6074E-02,1.4967E-02,7.4578E-03, &
     & 2.3107E-02,3.1405E-02,3.1772E-02,3.8404E-02,2.7981E-02, &
     & 2.5950E-02,3.7908E-02,4.2120E-02,5.6514E-02,6.0159E-02, &
     & 5.4489E-02,5.7136E-02,5.3536E-02,4.5756E-02,5.3907E-02, &
     & 5.1124E-02,4.7270E-02,5.0278E-02,5.2757E-02,5.0463E-02, &
     & 3.0474E-02,3.1978E-02,2.5582E-02,3.1001E-02,2.6341E-02, &
     & 2.9467E-02,2.5155E-02,3.6947E-02,4.1472E-02,3.9135E-02, &
     & 3.7515E-02,3.9334E-02,4.3622E-02,4.5644E-02,3.7261E-02, &
     & 3.9516E-02,6.1067E-02,4.4004E-02,4.7490E-02,4.7719E-02, &
     & 5.4569E-02,3.5377E-02,5.9282E-02,4.1212E-02,4.8834E-02, &
     & 3.3110E-02,2.7957E-02,2.4541E-02,3.1640E-02,3.8452E-02, &
     & 4.3699E-02,3.7692E-02,4.5887E-02,3.6735E-02,4.2471E-02, &
     & 4.0508E-02,4.0549E-02,3.1263E-02,3.2911E-02,3.6471E-02, &
     & 4.0021E-02,3.6207E-02,4.0685E-02,3.9095E-02,4.8464E-02, &
     & 4.7468E-02,4.8137E-02,5.3969E-02,4.7248E-02,5.4817E-02, &
     & 2.4834E-02,2.1951E-02,2.6050E-02,2.7710E-02,3.4553E-02, &
     & 3.1715E-02,2.9451E-02,2.7336E-02,3.6347E-02,3.1034E-02, &
     & 2.3427E-02,2.7237E-02,3.7576E-02,2.6206E-02,3.2126E-02, &
     & 5.2125E-02,5.2807E-02,5.1698E-02,5.6664E-02,5.8765E-02, &
     & 6.0530E-02,5.9962E-02,5.9826E-02,5.6824E-02,5.3245E-02, &
     & 2.9942E-02,3.4314E-02,3.1576E-02,3.4169E-02,3.6263E-02, &
     & 3.5425E-02,3.8424E-02,4.0153E-02,3.9218E-02,3.9656E-02, &
     & 4.1712E-02,4.0169E-02,4.1568E-02,4.1185E-02,4.1190E-02, &
     & 4.2675E-02,4.1942E-02,4.2627E-02,4.4241E-02,4.5120E-02, &
     & 4.5103E-02,4.4734E-02,3.9963E-02,4.4448E-02,4.4182E-02, &
     & 3.6238E-02,3.5264E-02,3.4319E-02,3.6506E-02,3.6858E-02, &
     & 3.7418E-02,3.5769E-02,3.4340E-02,3.7866E-02,3.7059E-02, &
     & 4.0566E-02,3.8579E-02,4.0826E-02,3.9780E-02,4.1088E-02, &
     & 4.1249E-02,4.2418E-02,4.2017E-02,4.2620E-02,4.3139E-02, &
     & 4.3749E-02,4.5394E-02,4.5299E-02,4.6414E-02,4.5227E-02, &
     & 3.7723E-02,3.8411E-02,3.8671E-02,3.8195E-02,3.9511E-02, &
     & 3.9418E-02,3.9055E-02,3.8240E-02,3.9599E-02,3.9985E-02, &
     & 3.9300E-02,4.0631E-02,3.9929E-02,4.0581E-02,4.0475E-02, &
     & 4.0624E-02,4.0457E-02,4.1359E-02,3.7988E-02,4.1377E-02, &
     & 4.1472E-02,4.1668E-02,4.1660E-02,4.1838E-02,4.1834E-02, &
     & 3.8155E-02,3.8333E-02,3.8502E-02,3.9057E-02,3.9013E-02, &
     & 3.9461E-02,3.9758E-02,4.0111E-02,4.0243E-02,4.0392E-02, &
     & 3.9720E-02,4.0458E-02,4.1065E-02,4.1312E-02,4.1326E-02, &
     & 4.1240E-02,4.1154E-02,4.0773E-02,4.0305E-02,4.0042E-02, &
     & 4.0018E-02,4.0038E-02,3.9956E-02,3.9901E-02,3.9668E-02, &
     & 4.4043E-02,4.3956E-02,4.3412E-02,4.2920E-02,4.2591E-02, &
     & 4.2487E-02,4.2451E-02,4.2278E-02,4.1980E-02,4.1849E-02, &
     & 4.1556E-02,4.1621E-02,4.1312E-02,4.0978E-02,4.0676E-02, &
     & 4.0101E-02,3.9593E-02,3.8711E-02,3.8058E-02,3.7376E-02, &
     & 3.6255E-02,3.5384E-02,3.4555E-02,3.3467E-02,3.2390E-02, &
     & 4.9085E-02,4.8014E-02,4.7452E-02,4.6084E-02,4.6143E-02, &
     & 4.5126E-02,4.4490E-02,4.3771E-02,4.2825E-02,4.1722E-02, &
     & 4.0817E-02,4.0346E-02,3.9877E-02,3.8934E-02,3.8461E-02, &
     & 3.8034E-02,3.7265E-02,3.6323E-02,3.5726E-02,3.5049E-02, &
     & 3.4210E-02,3.3481E-02,3.2891E-02,3.2285E-02,3.1588E-02, &
     & 5.1217E-02,5.0595E-02,4.9284E-02,4.8233E-02,4.7849E-02, &
     & 4.6488E-02,4.5516E-02,4.4685E-02,4.3738E-02,4.2612E-02, &
     & 4.1889E-02,4.0913E-02,3.9819E-02,3.8998E-02,3.8111E-02, &
     & 3.7139E-02,3.6048E-02,3.5235E-02,3.4379E-02,3.3489E-02, &
     & 3.2579E-02,3.1537E-02,3.0736E-02,2.9824E-02,2.9085E-02, &
     & 4.5112E-02,4.4731E-02,4.4278E-02,4.3820E-02,4.3350E-02, &
     & 4.2925E-02,4.2577E-02,4.2229E-02,4.1713E-02,4.1188E-02, &
     & 4.0646E-02,4.0021E-02,3.9857E-02,3.8890E-02,3.8999E-02, &
     & 3.8626E-02,3.8315E-02,3.7974E-02,3.7671E-02,3.7171E-02, &
     & 3.6752E-02,3.6471E-02,3.6046E-02,3.5548E-02,3.5090E-02/

      data sflx_25/ &
     & 3.3009E-03,3.1778E-03,2.9065E-03,2.5158E-03,2.1775E-03, &
     & 1.8116E-03,1.4679E-03,1.1576E-03,8.5959E-04,5.8668E-04, &
     & 3.7314E-04,2.0560E-04,8.1568E-05,1.3892E-05,3.5005E-03, &
     & 1.7301E-02,1.9943E-02,2.3742E-02,2.9817E-02,5.2278E-02, &
     & 7.4193E-02,8.8026E-02,7.5023E-02,1.1505E-01,1.0568E-01, &
     & 4.4282E-02,4.3691E-02,4.0888E-02,3.6184E-02,3.3448E-02, &
     & 2.3018E-02,2.7208E-02,4.0841E-02,3.2825E-02,3.1417E-02, &
     & 4.1683E-02,3.3441E-02,3.5846E-02,3.9982E-02,3.1444E-02, &
     & 2.7161E-02,3.6280E-02,3.7054E-02,3.5858E-02,4.1981E-02, &
     & 2.8606E-02,3.9614E-02,3.1325E-02,3.1509E-02,3.7918E-02, &
     & 1.0101E-01,9.3537E-02,7.4402E-02,7.8986E-02,6.6956E-02, &
     & 9.3786E-02,7.4679E-02,7.0655E-02,9.5489E-02,1.4288E-01, &
     & 2.1951E-01,1.6683E-01,1.5705E-01,1.7292E-01,4.1880E-01, &
     & 4.5550E-01,4.6934E-01,4.5627E-01,4.6900E-01,3.8830E-01, &
     & 2.7604E-01,4.8743E-01,3.3094E-01,1.9494E-01,5.7915E-01, &
     & 1.7599E-01,1.7631E-01,1.5448E-01,8.8671E-02,4.4184E-02, &
     & 1.3690E-01,1.8606E-01,1.8824E-01,2.2753E-01,1.6577E-01, &
     & 1.5374E-01,2.2459E-01,2.4955E-01,3.3482E-01,3.5642E-01, &
     & 3.2283E-01,3.3851E-01,3.1718E-01,2.7109E-01,3.1938E-01, &
     & 3.0289E-01,2.8005E-01,2.9787E-01,3.1256E-01,2.9897E-01, &
     & 4.7450E-01,4.9792E-01,3.9834E-01,4.8271E-01,4.1015E-01, &
     & 4.5883E-01,3.9168E-01,5.7529E-01,6.4574E-01,6.0936E-01, &
     & 5.8414E-01,6.1246E-01,6.7922E-01,7.1071E-01,5.8018E-01, &
     & 6.1529E-01,9.5085E-01,6.8518E-01,7.3945E-01,7.4301E-01, &
     & 8.4968E-01,5.5085E-01,9.2306E-01,6.4171E-01,7.6037E-01, &
     & 1.0836E+00,9.1500E-01,8.0321E-01,1.0356E+00,1.2585E+00, &
     & 1.4302E+00,1.2336E+00,1.5018E+00,1.2023E+00,1.3900E+00, &
     & 1.3258E+00,1.3271E+00,1.0232E+00,1.0772E+00,1.1937E+00, &
     & 1.3099E+00,1.1850E+00,1.3316E+00,1.2795E+00,1.5862E+00, &
     & 1.5536E+00,1.5755E+00,1.7664E+00,1.5464E+00,1.7941E+00, &
     & 2.6150E+00,2.3115E+00,2.7431E+00,2.9179E+00,3.6384E+00, &
     & 3.3396E+00,3.1012E+00,2.8785E+00,3.8273E+00,3.2679E+00, &
     & 2.4668E+00,2.8681E+00,3.9567E+00,2.7595E+00,3.3828E+00, &
     & 5.4888E+00,5.5606E+00,5.4437E+00,5.9667E+00,6.1879E+00, &
     & 6.3738E+00,6.3140E+00,6.2996E+00,5.9836E+00,5.6067E+00, &
     & 3.4766E+00,3.9842E+00,3.6664E+00,3.9674E+00,4.2105E+00, &
     & 4.1133E+00,4.4615E+00,4.6622E+00,4.5536E+00,4.6045E+00, &
     & 4.8432E+00,4.6640E+00,4.8265E+00,4.7820E+00,4.7826E+00, &
     & 4.9550E+00,4.8700E+00,4.9494E+00,5.1368E+00,5.2390E+00, &
     & 5.2370E+00,5.1941E+00,4.6402E+00,5.1609E+00,5.1301E+00, &
     & 6.4948E+00,6.3201E+00,6.1509E+00,6.5429E+00,6.6059E+00, &
     & 6.7062E+00,6.4108E+00,6.1545E+00,6.7865E+00,6.6419E+00, &
     & 7.2704E+00,6.9142E+00,7.3170E+00,7.1295E+00,7.3641E+00, &
     & 7.3928E+00,7.6024E+00,7.5305E+00,7.6385E+00,7.7317E+00, &
     & 7.8410E+00,8.1357E+00,8.1187E+00,8.3186E+00,8.1057E+00, &
     & 5.7948E+00,5.9004E+00,5.9404E+00,5.8673E+00,6.0694E+00, &
     & 6.0551E+00,5.9994E+00,5.8742E+00,6.0830E+00,6.1422E+00, &
     & 6.0369E+00,6.2414E+00,6.1336E+00,6.2338E+00,6.2175E+00, &
     & 6.2403E+00,6.2148E+00,6.3533E+00,5.8355E+00,6.3561E+00, &
     & 6.3706E+00,6.4007E+00,6.3995E+00,6.4268E+00,6.4263E+00, &
     & 1.8893E+01,1.8981E+01,1.9065E+01,1.9339E+01,1.9317E+01, &
     & 1.9539E+01,1.9686E+01,1.9861E+01,1.9927E+01,2.0000E+01, &
     & 1.9668E+01,2.0033E+01,2.0333E+01,2.0456E+01,2.0463E+01, &
     & 2.0420E+01,2.0378E+01,2.0189E+01,1.9958E+01,1.9827E+01, &
     & 1.9815E+01,1.9825E+01,1.9784E+01,1.9757E+01,1.9642E+01, &
     & 6.9768E+00,6.9631E+00,6.8768E+00,6.7990E+00,6.7469E+00, &
     & 6.7303E+00,6.7247E+00,6.6973E+00,6.6500E+00,6.6293E+00, &
     & 6.5828E+00,6.5933E+00,6.5442E+00,6.4914E+00,6.4434E+00, &
     & 6.3523E+00,6.2719E+00,6.1322E+00,6.0288E+00,5.9207E+00, &
     & 5.7431E+00,5.6052E+00,5.4739E+00,5.3015E+00,5.1310E+00, &
     & 2.6183E+00,2.5612E+00,2.5312E+00,2.4582E+00,2.4613E+00, &
     & 2.4071E+00,2.3732E+00,2.3348E+00,2.2844E+00,2.2255E+00, &
     & 2.1772E+00,2.1521E+00,2.1271E+00,2.0768E+00,2.0516E+00, &
     & 2.0288E+00,1.9878E+00,1.9375E+00,1.9057E+00,1.8696E+00, &
     & 1.8248E+00,1.7859E+00,1.7544E+00,1.7221E+00,1.6850E+00, &
     & 1.5186E+00,1.5002E+00,1.4613E+00,1.4301E+00,1.4187E+00, &
     & 1.3784E+00,1.3496E+00,1.3249E+00,1.2968E+00,1.2635E+00, &
     & 1.2420E+00,1.2131E+00,1.1806E+00,1.1563E+00,1.1300E+00, &
     & 1.1012E+00,1.0688E+00,1.0447E+00,1.0193E+00,9.9296E-01, &
     & 9.6597E-01,9.3507E-01,9.1134E-01,8.8430E-01,8.6237E-01, &
     & 2.6980E-01,2.6752E-01,2.6481E-01,2.6207E-01,2.5926E-01, &
     & 2.5672E-01,2.5464E-01,2.5256E-01,2.4947E-01,2.4633E-01, &
     & 2.4309E-01,2.3935E-01,2.3837E-01,2.3259E-01,2.3324E-01, &
     & 2.3101E-01,2.2915E-01,2.2711E-01,2.2530E-01,2.2231E-01, &
     & 2.1980E-01,2.1812E-01,2.1558E-01,2.1260E-01,2.0986E-01/

	  end module aot_spect_25

!   new data for nongray gas absorption

      module band_new 1
      implicit none
      integer, private :: i, j, k
!	block data ckd1_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 to 
!c one. fko3 is the corresponding ozone absorption coefficient in units
!c of (cm-atm)**-1 (Fu, 1991). The spectral region is from 50000 cm**-1 
!c to 14500 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!	common /band1_new/ hk(10), fko3(10)
      real hk_1_new(10), fko3_1_new(10)
      data hk_1_new / .24, .16, .24, .28, .03,  &
     &            .016, .01, .008, .008, .008 /
      data fko3_1_new / .2204e-08,.1207e-01,.4537e-01,.1032e+00,.1740e+00, &
     &              .1210e+01,.7367e+01,.2050e+02,.8100e+02,.2410e+03 /
!	block data ckd2_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and eight cumulative probabilities  ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 14500 to 7700 cm**-1.
!c in this block data, Z.F. has added coefficients for O2 and Water vapor
!c continuum absorption in Jun,2003.
!c *********************************************************************
!	common /band2_new/ hk(12),coehh22(3,11,12),coeo2(3,11,12) &
!             ,coeh2o(3,11,12)
      real hk_2_new(12),coehh22_2_new(3,11,12),coeo2_2_new(3,11,12) &
     &       ,coeh2o_2_new(3,11,12)
      data hk_2_new /8.13791e-02,1.71362e-01,2.22259e-01,2.22259e-01, &
     &    1.71362e-01,8.13791e-02,4.28311e-03,9.01904e-03, &
     &    1.16978e-02,1.16978e-02,9.01904e-03,4.28311e-03/
      data ( ( coehh22_2_new(1,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.1821E+02,-.1407E+02,-.1108E+02,-.8593E+01,-.6067E+01,-.3578E+01, &
     &-.2358E+01,-.2027E+01,-.1428E+01,-.4851E+00,0.9785E+00,0.3279E+01, &
     &-.1775E+02,-.1361E+02,-.1062E+02,-.8141E+01,-.5667E+01,-.3321E+01, &
     &-.2164E+01,-.1850E+01,-.1285E+01,-.3751E+00,0.1043E+01,0.3303E+01, &
     &-.1729E+02,-.1315E+02,-.1016E+02,-.7684E+01,-.5263E+01,-.3047E+01, &
     &-.1950E+01,-.1647E+01,-.1117E+01,-.2376E+00,0.1122E+01,0.3332E+01, &
     &-.1683E+02,-.1269E+02,-.9698E+01,-.7231E+01,-.4862E+01,-.2759E+01, &
     &-.1717E+01,-.1436E+01,-.9149E+00,-.8219E-01,0.1243E+01,0.3375E+01, &
     &-.1636E+02,-.1223E+02,-.9238E+01,-.6779E+01,-.4470E+01,-.2452E+01, &
     &-.1468E+01,-.1204E+01,-.6986E+00,0.9617E-01,0.1358E+01,0.3457E+01, &
     &-.1590E+02,-.1177E+02,-.8780E+01,-.6333E+01,-.4088E+01,-.2141E+01, &
     &-.1215E+01,-.9557E+00,-.4736E+00,0.2885E+00,0.1475E+01,0.3482E+01, &
     &-.1545E+02,-.1131E+02,-.8325E+01,-.5897E+01,-.3725E+01,-.1835E+01, &
     &-.9593E+00,-.7167E+00,-.2586E+00,0.4937E+00,0.1604E+01,0.3545E+01, &
     &-.1498E+02,-.1085E+02,-.7870E+01,-.5470E+01,-.3376E+01,-.1538E+01, &
     &-.7021E+00,-.4709E+00,-.3576E-01,0.6926E+00,0.1718E+01,0.3590E+01, &
     &-.1452E+02,-.1039E+02,-.7421E+01,-.5067E+01,-.3050E+01,-.1252E+01, &
     &-.4701E+00,-.2477E+00,0.1768E+00,0.8375E+00,0.1814E+01,0.3606E+01, &
     &-.1406E+02,-.9927E+01,-.6986E+01,-.4696E+01,-.2753E+01,-.9814E+00, &
     &-.2519E+00,-.4112E-01,0.3549E+00,0.9703E+00,0.1910E+01,0.3559E+01, &
     &-.1360E+02,-.9472E+01,-.6574E+01,-.4359E+01,-.2487E+01,-.7404E+00, &
      data ( ( coehh22_2_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.2168E-01,-.7137E-02,-.2046E-02,-.6012E-03,0.1375E-02,0.3989E-02, &
     &0.4886E-02,0.4990E-02,0.4812E-02,0.4351E-02,0.3974E-02,0.2008E-02, &
     &-.2166E-01,-.7155E-02,-.2041E-02,-.6029E-03,0.1182E-02,0.3206E-02, &
     &0.4093E-02,0.4055E-02,0.3902E-02,0.3741E-02,0.3299E-02,0.1692E-02, &
     &-.2167E-01,-.7142E-02,-.2036E-02,-.5894E-03,0.1002E-02,0.2573E-02, &
     &0.3263E-02,0.3213E-02,0.3053E-02,0.3087E-02,0.2730E-02,0.1736E-02, &
     &-.2168E-01,-.7141E-02,-.2031E-02,-.5649E-03,0.8002E-03,0.1931E-02, &
     &0.2491E-02,0.2393E-02,0.2325E-02,0.2442E-02,0.2186E-02,0.1413E-02, &
     &-.2168E-01,-.7137E-02,-.2017E-02,-.5129E-03,0.6594E-03,0.1419E-02, &
     &0.1780E-02,0.1713E-02,0.1783E-02,0.1866E-02,0.1721E-02,0.1210E-02, &
     &-.2168E-01,-.7136E-02,-.2008E-02,-.4597E-03,0.5986E-03,0.8626E-03, &
     &0.1188E-02,0.1271E-02,0.1314E-02,0.1275E-02,0.1135E-02,0.7870E-03, &
     &-.2166E-01,-.7154E-02,-.1977E-02,-.3950E-03,0.6628E-03,0.5570E-03, &
     &0.8196E-03,0.8767E-03,0.9092E-03,0.7797E-03,0.6736E-03,0.4020E-03, &
     &-.2167E-01,-.7135E-02,-.1937E-02,-.3398E-03,0.7607E-03,0.2372E-03, &
     &0.6595E-03,0.6433E-03,0.5461E-03,0.4611E-03,0.3156E-03,-.1029E-03, &
     &-.2168E-01,-.7130E-02,-.1861E-02,-.2656E-03,0.8627E-03,0.4753E-04, &
     &0.4097E-03,0.3685E-03,0.3269E-03,0.3406E-03,0.2222E-03,-.1134E-03, &
     &-.2166E-01,-.7098E-02,-.1766E-02,-.1544E-03,0.8606E-03,-.1285E-03, &
     &0.5824E-04,0.2334E-03,0.1791E-03,0.1358E-03,-.3466E-04,-.1864E-03, &
     &-.2166E-01,-.7058E-02,-.1687E-02,-.1018E-04,0.8420E-03,-.1835E-03, &
      data ( ( coehh22_2_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &0.5345E-05,0.3912E-04,0.2748E-04,0.1444E-05,-.4212E-05,-.2604E-05, &
     &-.2211E-05,-.3476E-05,-.2656E-05,-.6117E-05,-.7721E-05,0.9503E-05, &
     &0.5435E-05,0.3922E-04,0.2701E-04,0.7721E-06,-.4266E-05,-.1224E-05, &
     &-.1462E-05,-.3870E-05,-.1057E-06,-.5089E-05,-.6126E-05,0.7750E-05, &
     &0.5355E-05,0.3916E-04,0.2726E-04,0.5206E-06,-.3851E-05,0.1578E-05, &
     &0.9728E-06,-.3372E-05,0.1778E-05,-.2598E-05,-.3351E-06,0.2366E-05, &
     &0.5353E-05,0.3921E-04,0.2713E-04,0.4761E-07,-.4572E-05,0.5006E-05, &
     &0.8988E-07,0.1673E-05,0.9565E-06,-.3223E-06,-.5420E-05,-.1326E-05, &
     &0.5364E-05,0.3905E-04,0.2694E-04,-.2245E-06,-.3170E-05,0.4342E-05, &
     &0.3347E-06,0.8541E-06,-.4142E-06,0.1542E-05,-.7389E-06,-.6179E-05, &
     &0.5346E-05,0.3909E-04,0.2676E-04,0.5793E-07,-.1923E-05,0.4991E-05, &
     &-.4133E-06,-.4665E-06,0.1344E-05,0.3320E-05,0.1297E-05,0.1052E-05, &
     &0.5435E-05,0.3914E-04,0.2615E-04,-.5951E-07,-.2672E-06,0.4456E-05, &
     &0.2792E-06,0.1402E-05,0.4331E-05,0.7323E-07,-.1674E-05,0.1962E-05, &
     &0.5355E-05,0.3917E-04,0.2610E-04,0.8890E-06,0.1079E-05,0.3992E-05, &
     &-.2672E-06,0.2250E-05,0.3658E-05,-.3284E-05,-.3928E-06,0.3088E-05, &
     &0.5352E-05,0.3905E-04,0.2578E-04,0.1128E-05,0.2670E-05,0.2115E-05, &
     &0.4263E-05,0.1726E-05,0.1125E-05,0.9597E-07,-.1567E-05,0.3222E-05, &
     &0.5711E-05,0.3895E-04,0.2695E-04,0.2255E-05,0.2170E-05,0.1602E-05, &
     &0.3974E-05,0.2949E-05,0.8487E-06,0.6461E-06,0.4729E-05,0.4043E-06, &
     &0.5705E-05,0.3824E-04,0.2761E-04,0.2485E-05,0.1433E-05,0.2177E-05, &
      data ( ( coeo2_2_new(1,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2516E+02, &
     &-.2171E+02,-.2105E+02,-.1975E+02,-.1772E+02,-.1573E+02,-.1210E+02, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2471E+02, &
     &-.2126E+02,-.2060E+02,-.1932E+02,-.1732E+02,-.1534E+02,-.1185E+02, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2424E+02, &
     &-.2080E+02,-.2015E+02,-.1889E+02,-.1692E+02,-.1495E+02,-.1159E+02, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2378E+02, &
     &-.2034E+02,-.1970E+02,-.1847E+02,-.1652E+02,-.1455E+02,-.1136E+02, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2332E+02, &
     &-.1989E+02,-.1925E+02,-.1805E+02,-.1613E+02,-.1413E+02,-.1108E+02, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2286E+02, &
     &-.1945E+02,-.1881E+02,-.1763E+02,-.1573E+02,-.1369E+02,-.1074E+02, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2240E+02, &
     &-.1900E+02,-.1837E+02,-.1723E+02,-.1534E+02,-.1326E+02,-.1044E+02, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2194E+02, &
     &-.1857E+02,-.1795E+02,-.1683E+02,-.1495E+02,-.1283E+02,-.1015E+02, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2149E+02, &
     &-.1816E+02,-.1753E+02,-.1644E+02,-.1454E+02,-.1244E+02,-.9817E+01, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4589E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2104E+02, &
     &-.1778E+02,-.1713E+02,-.1606E+02,-.1413E+02,-.1206E+02,-.9475E+01, &
     &-.4604E+02,-.4601E+02,-.4595E+02,-.4588E+02,-.4583E+02,-.2055E+02, &
      data ( ( coeo2_2_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1366E-01, &
     &0.7135E-02,0.4556E-02,0.4852E-02,0.2572E-02,0.4399E-03,0.2910E-02, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1367E-01, &
     &0.7211E-02,0.4590E-02,0.4885E-02,0.2295E-02,-.1277E-03,0.1699E-02, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1367E-01, &
     &0.7271E-02,0.4660E-02,0.4926E-02,0.2230E-02,-.6077E-03,0.9087E-03, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1368E-01, &
     &0.7344E-02,0.4702E-02,0.4860E-02,0.2109E-02,-.7692E-03,0.4872E-03, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1370E-01, &
     &0.7449E-02,0.4758E-02,0.4803E-02,0.2056E-02,-.9399E-03,0.4198E-03, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1371E-01, &
     &0.7573E-02,0.4859E-02,0.4630E-02,0.1992E-02,-.1122E-02,0.8852E-05, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1375E-01, &
     &0.7719E-02,0.4959E-02,0.4513E-02,0.1875E-02,-.1294E-02,-.2601E-03, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1378E-01, &
     &0.7919E-02,0.5059E-02,0.4343E-02,0.1973E-02,-.1403E-02,-.4933E-03, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1384E-01, &
     &0.8042E-02,0.5232E-02,0.4213E-02,0.2020E-02,-.1381E-02,-.6582E-03, &
     &-.3815E-06,-.2150E-05,-.4924E-05,-.8011E-05,-.1072E-04,0.1398E-01, &
     &0.8357E-02,0.5262E-02,0.4275E-02,0.1935E-02,-.1254E-02,-.4774E-03, &
     &-.4161E-06,-.2011E-05,-.4578E-05,-.7456E-05,-.1002E-04,0.1418E-01, &
      data ( ( coeo2_2_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2417E-04, &
     &-.4086E-04,-.1231E-04,-.2747E-04,-.2066E-04,0.1113E-04,0.9287E-05, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2432E-04, &
     &-.4252E-04,-.1328E-04,-.2484E-04,-.2011E-04,0.9843E-05,-.5839E-06, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2428E-04, &
     &-.4226E-04,-.1416E-04,-.2158E-04,-.1958E-04,0.1067E-04,-.3985E-05, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2461E-04, &
     &-.4324E-04,-.1462E-04,-.1828E-04,-.2116E-04,0.1271E-04,0.5814E-05, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2463E-04, &
     &-.4351E-04,-.1427E-04,-.1314E-04,-.2016E-04,0.1150E-04,0.9943E-06, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2504E-04, &
     &-.4237E-04,-.1326E-04,-.1001E-04,-.2134E-04,0.8825E-05,0.6250E-06, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2576E-04, &
     &-.4232E-04,-.1489E-04,-.5905E-05,-.1889E-04,0.4480E-05,0.1725E-05, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2656E-04, &
     &-.4117E-04,-.1467E-04,-.4666E-05,-.1198E-04,0.6646E-06,0.9255E-05, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2700E-04, &
     &-.3805E-04,-.1800E-04,-.2492E-05,-.1327E-04,0.2149E-05,0.9164E-05, &
     &-.6305E-09,-.2522E-08,-.3783E-08,-.5675E-08,-.9458E-08,-.2826E-04, &
     &-.3420E-04,-.2047E-04,0.3207E-05,-.1336E-04,-.2036E-05,0.2122E-05, &
     &0.1261E-08,0.6305E-08,0.1513E-07,0.2711E-07,0.3468E-07,-.2569E-04, &
        data ( ( coeh2o_2_new(1,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.4596E+02,-.2279E+02,-.1864E+02,-.1594E+02,-.1336E+02,-.1074E+02, &
     &-.9509E+01,-.9178E+01,-.8577E+01,-.7633E+01,-.6165E+01,-.3864E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.2233E+02,-.1818E+02,-.1549E+02,-.1296E+02,-.1049E+02, &
     &-.9317E+01,-.9003E+01,-.8437E+01,-.7522E+01,-.6104E+01,-.3846E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.2187E+02,-.1772E+02,-.1503E+02,-.1256E+02,-.1022E+02, &
     &-.9105E+01,-.8800E+01,-.8267E+01,-.7388E+01,-.6024E+01,-.3818E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.2141E+02,-.1726E+02,-.1458E+02,-.1216E+02,-.9934E+01, &
     &-.8875E+01,-.8592E+01,-.8070E+01,-.7231E+01,-.5905E+01,-.3772E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.2095E+02,-.1680E+02,-.1412E+02,-.1177E+02,-.9636E+01, &
     &-.8631E+01,-.8362E+01,-.7849E+01,-.7055E+01,-.5789E+01,-.3683E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.2049E+02,-.1634E+02,-.1368E+02,-.1139E+02,-.9329E+01, &
     &-.8381E+01,-.8118E+01,-.7629E+01,-.6865E+01,-.5673E+01,-.3663E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.2003E+02,-.1589E+02,-.1324E+02,-.1103E+02,-.9034E+01, &
     &-.8126E+01,-.7881E+01,-.7413E+01,-.6661E+01,-.5548E+01,-.3604E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.1957E+02,-.1543E+02,-.1282E+02,-.1068E+02,-.8753E+01, &
     &-.7877E+01,-.7639E+01,-.7194E+01,-.6462E+01,-.5431E+01,-.3559E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.1911E+02,-.1498E+02,-.1242E+02,-.1035E+02,-.8478E+01, &
     &-.7651E+01,-.7421E+01,-.6991E+01,-.6320E+01,-.5337E+01,-.3544E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.1864E+02,-.1455E+02,-.1205E+02,-.1006E+02,-.8228E+01, &
     &-.7446E+01,-.7227E+01,-.6820E+01,-.6193E+01,-.5246E+01,-.3590E+01, &
     &-.4596E+02,-.1818E+02,-.1415E+02,-.1173E+02,-.9797E+01,-.8011E+01, &
        data ( ( coeh2o_2_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5600E-02,0.2620E-02,0.7216E-03,0.2127E-02,0.4178E-02, &
     &0.4942E-02,0.5022E-02,0.4865E-02,0.4364E-02,0.3928E-02,0.2032E-02, &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5585E-02,0.2619E-02,0.7277E-03,0.1927E-02,0.3428E-02, &
     &0.4165E-02,0.4110E-02,0.3921E-02,0.3774E-02,0.3313E-02,0.1773E-02, &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5600E-02,0.2626E-02,0.7344E-03,0.1729E-02,0.2840E-02, &
     &0.3350E-02,0.3289E-02,0.3081E-02,0.3093E-02,0.2778E-02,0.1820E-02, &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5601E-02,0.2635E-02,0.7589E-03,0.1535E-02,0.2250E-02, &
     &0.2581E-02,0.2472E-02,0.2365E-02,0.2492E-02,0.2252E-02,0.1356E-02, &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5600E-02,0.2643E-02,0.8161E-03,0.1329E-02,0.1773E-02, &
     &0.1904E-02,0.1792E-02,0.1826E-02,0.1918E-02,0.1714E-02,0.1239E-02, &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5601E-02,0.2663E-02,0.8765E-03,0.1206E-02,0.1293E-02, &
     &0.1344E-02,0.1350E-02,0.1367E-02,0.1310E-02,0.1119E-02,0.8026E-03, &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5585E-02,0.2695E-02,0.9617E-03,0.1197E-02,0.9559E-03, &
     &0.1008E-02,0.9791E-03,0.9892E-03,0.7806E-03,0.6872E-03,0.3329E-03, &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5602E-02,0.2762E-02,0.1039E-02,0.1277E-02,0.7514E-03, &
     &0.8401E-03,0.8117E-03,0.6529E-03,0.5337E-03,0.3562E-03,-.8344E-04, &
     &-.1547E-04,0.5613E-02,0.2901E-02,0.1132E-02,0.1326E-02,0.6222E-03, &
     &0.6984E-03,0.6159E-03,0.5078E-03,0.4187E-03,0.2222E-03,-.2135E-04, &
     &-.5341E-05,0.5806E-02,0.3142E-02,0.1240E-02,0.1435E-02,0.5730E-03, &
     &0.5152E-03,0.5664E-03,0.3897E-03,0.2327E-03,0.6928E-04,-.1874E-03, &
     &-.1214E-05,0.5878E-02,0.3387E-02,0.1470E-02,0.1494E-02,0.6158E-03, &
        data ( ( coeh2o_2_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2814E-04,-.1404E-04,-.5340E-05,-.6889E-05,-.3128E-05, &
     &-.2556E-05,-.3281E-05,-.2707E-05,-.5780E-05,-.9518E-05,0.8739E-05, &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2836E-04,-.1414E-04,-.5943E-05,-.6749E-05,-.1934E-05, &
     &-.1748E-05,-.3216E-05,0.1165E-05,-.5499E-05,-.6411E-05,0.8325E-05, &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2806E-04,-.1418E-04,-.6399E-05,-.6072E-05,-.2554E-06, &
     &0.5296E-06,-.3495E-05,0.1765E-05,-.2036E-05,-.9355E-06,0.4405E-05, &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2803E-04,-.1418E-04,-.6912E-05,-.5556E-05,0.3016E-05, &
     &-.5880E-07,0.1122E-05,0.2206E-05,-.1350E-05,-.4414E-05,-.9245E-06, &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2827E-04,-.1435E-04,-.7685E-05,-.5245E-05,0.3400E-05, &
     &0.5464E-06,0.6018E-06,-.9525E-06,0.2221E-05,-.1612E-05,-.1015E-04, &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2811E-04,-.1466E-04,-.7855E-05,-.2958E-05,0.2385E-05, &
     &0.3030E-06,-.2801E-06,0.1434E-05,0.4181E-05,0.1494E-05,0.2618E-05, &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2846E-04,-.1513E-04,-.7776E-05,-.4817E-06,0.1369E-05, &
     &-.8504E-06,0.5702E-06,0.2181E-05,0.1196E-05,0.8812E-07,0.7878E-06, &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2815E-04,-.1581E-04,-.7683E-05,-.1405E-05,0.2806E-05, &
     &-.1846E-05,0.8688E-06,0.2422E-05,-.4146E-05,-.1866E-06,0.3171E-05, &
     &-.9206E-07,-.2826E-04,-.1619E-04,-.7683E-05,-.6600E-06,-.9242E-06, &
     &0.1720E-05,0.1522E-06,0.4729E-09,-.4315E-06,-.1367E-05,0.3501E-05, &
     &-.3279E-07,-.2706E-04,-.1617E-04,-.6712E-05,-.6983E-07,-.1014E-05, &
     &0.1544E-05,0.4504E-06,-.8275E-06,-.8392E-06,0.4323E-05,0.1294E-05, &
     &-.1702E-07,-.2656E-04,-.1525E-04,-.6871E-05,-.9906E-06,-.2592E-05, &
!	block data ckd3_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and twelve cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 7700 to 5250 cm**-1.
!c in this block data, Z.F. has added the coefficients for water vapor
!c continuum absorption in Jun,2003.
!c *********************************************************************
!	common /band3_new/ hk(12), coehh32(3,11,12),coeh2o(3,11,12)
      real hk_3_new(12), coehh32_3_new(3,11,12),coeh2o_3_new(3,11,12)
      data hk_3_new / .34, .11, .1, .09, .12, .1, &
     &            .06, .04, .026, .01, .0035, .0005 /
!   .509474E+02    .164830E+02    .149845E+02    .134861E+02    .179814E+02
!   .149845E+02    .899071E+01    .599381E+01    .389597E+01    .149845E+01
!   .524458E+00    .749226E-01
      data ( ( coehh32_3_new(1,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.1140E+02,-.7525E+01,-.5814E+01,-.4555E+01,-.3175E+01,-.1977E+01, &
     &-.7382E+00,0.5912E+00,0.2334E+01,0.4617E+01,0.7094E+01,0.9666E+01, &
     &-.1094E+02,-.7078E+01,-.5382E+01,-.4132E+01,-.2755E+01,-.1568E+01, &
     &-.3533E+00,0.9220E+00,0.2592E+01,0.4754E+01,0.7102E+01,0.9641E+01, &
     &-.1048E+02,-.6629E+01,-.4948E+01,-.3712E+01,-.2330E+01,-.1149E+01, &
     &0.3496E-01,0.1275E+01,0.2866E+01,0.4924E+01,0.7135E+01,0.9589E+01, &
     &-.1002E+02,-.6183E+01,-.4512E+01,-.3288E+01,-.1907E+01,-.7307E+00, &
     &0.4287E+00,0.1624E+01,0.3172E+01,0.5106E+01,0.7176E+01,0.9479E+01, &
     &-.9558E+01,-.5743E+01,-.4084E+01,-.2869E+01,-.1483E+01,-.3089E+00, &
     &0.8212E+00,0.1986E+01,0.3462E+01,0.5289E+01,0.7259E+01,0.9382E+01, &
     &-.9098E+01,-.5309E+01,-.3658E+01,-.2454E+01,-.1062E+01,0.1055E+00, &
     &0.1213E+01,0.2328E+01,0.3752E+01,0.5488E+01,0.7330E+01,0.9255E+01, &
     &-.8641E+01,-.4890E+01,-.3242E+01,-.2047E+01,-.6454E+00,0.5097E+00, &
     &0.1591E+01,0.2676E+01,0.4022E+01,0.5656E+01,0.7384E+01,0.9047E+01, &
     &-.8181E+01,-.4477E+01,-.2827E+01,-.1641E+01,-.2362E+00,0.9046E+00, &
     &0.1957E+01,0.3004E+01,0.4284E+01,0.5793E+01,0.7383E+01,0.8799E+01, &
     &-.7728E+01,-.4082E+01,-.2422E+01,-.1241E+01,0.1437E+00,0.1289E+01, &
     &0.2302E+01,0.3309E+01,0.4496E+01,0.5935E+01,0.7325E+01,0.8520E+01, &
     &-.7281E+01,-.3706E+01,-.2027E+01,-.8608E+00,0.4995E+00,0.1652E+01, &
     &0.2638E+01,0.3588E+01,0.4673E+01,0.6047E+01,0.7160E+01,0.8173E+01, &
     &-.6853E+01,-.3338E+01,-.1666E+01,-.5031E+00,0.8245E+00,0.2002E+01, &
      data ( ( coehh32_3_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.7679E-02,0.3238E-02,0.2987E-02,0.4249E-02,0.2901E-02,0.2167E-02, &
     &0.2925E-02,0.4139E-02,0.4569E-02,0.4988E-02,0.2235E-02,-.2988E-02, &
     &-.7672E-02,0.3240E-02,0.2947E-02,0.4053E-02,0.2792E-02,0.1865E-02, &
     &0.2479E-02,0.3235E-02,0.3444E-02,0.3847E-02,0.2077E-02,-.2416E-02, &
     &-.7657E-02,0.3285E-02,0.2898E-02,0.3815E-02,0.2685E-02,0.1547E-02, &
     &0.1957E-02,0.2503E-02,0.2512E-02,0.2851E-02,0.1523E-02,-.2436E-02, &
     &-.7653E-02,0.3272E-02,0.2828E-02,0.3586E-02,0.2559E-02,0.1270E-02, &
     &0.1506E-02,0.1783E-02,0.1874E-02,0.1916E-02,0.6173E-03,-.2229E-02, &
     &-.7644E-02,0.3255E-02,0.2799E-02,0.3353E-02,0.2412E-02,0.1022E-02, &
     &0.1142E-02,0.1176E-02,0.1232E-02,0.7776E-03,0.5063E-03,-.1687E-02, &
     &-.7629E-02,0.3208E-02,0.2691E-02,0.3142E-02,0.2284E-02,0.8112E-03, &
     &0.8972E-03,0.8189E-03,0.1037E-02,0.2834E-03,0.2208E-03,-.1248E-02, &
     &-.7609E-02,0.3139E-02,0.2643E-02,0.2867E-02,0.2195E-02,0.6214E-03, &
     &0.6478E-03,0.4260E-03,0.6003E-03,0.1406E-03,-.3815E-03,-.1049E-02, &
     &-.7565E-02,0.3033E-02,0.2552E-02,0.2605E-02,0.2090E-02,0.4360E-03, &
     &0.4645E-03,0.1280E-03,0.1882E-03,-.1575E-03,-.2542E-03,-.1080E-02, &
     &-.7502E-02,0.2877E-02,0.2437E-02,0.2260E-02,0.2037E-02,0.2618E-03, &
     &0.2812E-03,0.3817E-05,-.6310E-04,-.4294E-03,-.3730E-03,-.9895E-03, &
     &-.7360E-02,0.2690E-02,0.2325E-02,0.1874E-02,0.2181E-02,0.1173E-03, &
     &0.1688E-03,-.1824E-03,-.2441E-03,-.4165E-03,-.5805E-03,-.1071E-02, &
     &-.7419E-02,0.2390E-02,0.2052E-02,0.1433E-02,0.2322E-02,-.5471E-04, &
      data ( ( coehh32_3_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &0.9895E-04,0.1450E-04,0.5622E-05,0.5376E-05,-.8133E-05,0.5208E-05, &
     &0.7027E-05,0.4079E-05,0.6760E-05,0.6037E-05,-.2982E-04,0.1999E-04, &
     &0.9861E-04,0.1400E-04,0.7647E-05,0.5797E-05,-.9515E-05,0.6399E-05, &
     &0.4014E-05,0.4009E-05,0.5595E-05,0.8374E-05,-.2634E-04,0.3155E-05, &
     &0.9873E-04,0.1548E-04,0.9527E-05,0.7551E-05,-.1049E-04,0.5886E-05, &
     &0.2869E-05,0.1650E-05,0.2065E-05,0.3039E-05,-.1560E-04,0.1586E-05, &
     &0.9865E-04,0.1597E-04,0.9778E-05,0.8495E-05,-.1036E-04,0.5484E-05, &
     &0.1870E-05,0.3864E-05,-.4029E-05,0.6126E-05,0.3827E-06,0.6381E-05, &
     &0.9837E-04,0.1728E-04,0.1055E-04,0.1035E-04,-.9879E-05,0.3760E-05, &
     &0.1997E-05,0.7611E-06,-.2375E-05,0.5047E-05,0.4114E-05,0.5342E-05, &
     &0.9825E-04,0.1851E-04,0.1077E-04,0.1276E-04,-.1006E-04,0.4149E-05, &
     &0.7659E-07,0.4621E-05,-.5107E-05,-.8457E-07,-.5272E-05,-.9818E-05, &
     &0.9775E-04,0.2145E-04,0.1051E-04,0.1497E-04,-.1139E-04,0.4828E-05, &
     &0.6559E-07,0.1238E-05,-.3051E-06,0.1022E-05,-.7287E-05,-.1105E-05, &
     &0.9753E-04,0.2363E-04,0.9890E-05,0.1762E-04,-.1153E-04,0.4872E-05, &
     &0.6813E-06,0.1176E-05,-.1294E-05,0.5104E-05,-.3532E-05,0.1211E-05, &
     &0.9744E-04,0.2527E-04,0.9979E-05,0.1488E-04,-.7563E-05,0.2296E-05, &
     &0.1495E-05,0.3083E-05,-.1193E-05,-.2592E-05,-.2489E-05,-.1576E-05, &
     &0.9857E-04,0.2671E-04,0.7247E-05,0.1459E-04,-.7584E-05,0.3192E-05, &
     &0.9343E-06,0.2911E-05,0.6984E-06,-.3093E-05,0.7175E-05,0.1806E-05, &
     &0.9841E-04,0.2755E-04,0.6758E-05,0.1372E-04,-.8803E-05,0.2412E-05, &
        data ( ( coeh2o_3_new(1,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.1960E+02,-.1506E+02,-.1330E+02,-.1196E+02,-.1062E+02,-.9237E+01, &
     &-.7918E+01,-.6564E+01,-.4814E+01,-.2530E+01,-.4914E-01,0.2527E+01, &
     &-.1914E+02,-.1462E+02,-.1287E+02,-.1154E+02,-.1020E+02,-.8835E+01, &
     &-.7538E+01,-.6234E+01,-.4559E+01,-.2391E+01,-.3750E-01,0.2503E+01, &
     &-.1868E+02,-.1417E+02,-.1243E+02,-.1112E+02,-.9776E+01,-.8422E+01, &
     &-.7149E+01,-.5884E+01,-.4283E+01,-.2223E+01,-.9588E-02,0.2436E+01, &
     &-.1822E+02,-.1372E+02,-.1200E+02,-.1070E+02,-.9358E+01,-.8009E+01, &
     &-.6756E+01,-.5535E+01,-.3976E+01,-.2055E+01,0.3032E-01,0.2334E+01, &
     &-.1776E+02,-.1328E+02,-.1157E+02,-.1028E+02,-.8937E+01,-.7592E+01, &
     &-.6369E+01,-.5176E+01,-.3687E+01,-.1860E+01,0.1086E+00,0.2239E+01, &
     &-.1730E+02,-.1285E+02,-.1115E+02,-.9859E+01,-.8522E+01,-.7183E+01, &
     &-.5983E+01,-.4832E+01,-.3403E+01,-.1658E+01,0.1877E+00,0.2117E+01, &
     &-.1684E+02,-.1243E+02,-.1074E+02,-.9457E+01,-.8110E+01,-.6787E+01, &
     &-.5607E+01,-.4489E+01,-.3131E+01,-.1493E+01,0.2193E+00,0.1909E+01, &
     &-.1638E+02,-.1203E+02,-.1034E+02,-.9054E+01,-.7703E+01,-.6400E+01, &
     &-.5251E+01,-.4168E+01,-.2872E+01,-.1353E+01,0.2209E+00,0.1654E+01, &
     &-.1593E+02,-.1165E+02,-.9951E+01,-.8662E+01,-.7319E+01,-.6031E+01, &
     &-.4908E+01,-.3864E+01,-.2661E+01,-.1215E+01,0.1747E+00,0.1373E+01, &
     &-.1548E+02,-.1129E+02,-.9578E+01,-.8296E+01,-.6966E+01,-.5686E+01, &
     &-.4591E+01,-.3591E+01,-.2486E+01,-.1100E+01,0.9648E-02,0.1023E+01, &
     &-.1505E+02,-.1095E+02,-.9232E+01,-.7959E+01,-.6652E+01,-.5370E+01, &
        data ( ( coeh2o_3_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &0.1080E-01,0.8671E-02,0.6771E-02,0.6413E-02,0.4659E-02,0.3332E-02, &
     &0.3277E-02,0.4236E-02,0.4596E-02,0.4920E-02,0.2400E-02,-.2756E-02, &
     &0.1081E-01,0.8741E-02,0.6754E-02,0.6296E-02,0.4472E-02,0.3015E-02, &
     &0.2806E-02,0.3375E-02,0.3436E-02,0.3821E-02,0.2081E-02,-.2471E-02, &
     &0.1081E-01,0.8808E-02,0.6738E-02,0.6140E-02,0.4280E-02,0.2661E-02, &
     &0.2328E-02,0.2561E-02,0.2459E-02,0.2849E-02,0.1478E-02,-.2399E-02, &
     &0.1082E-01,0.8903E-02,0.6681E-02,0.5968E-02,0.4090E-02,0.2404E-02, &
     &0.1916E-02,0.1893E-02,0.1906E-02,0.1952E-02,0.5999E-03,-.2229E-02, &
     &0.1083E-01,0.8941E-02,0.6605E-02,0.5787E-02,0.3912E-02,0.2213E-02, &
     &0.1585E-02,0.1285E-02,0.1237E-02,0.7659E-03,0.4732E-03,-.1905E-02, &
     &0.1084E-01,0.8980E-02,0.6585E-02,0.5613E-02,0.3766E-02,0.2044E-02, &
     &0.1267E-02,0.9222E-03,0.1021E-02,0.2873E-03,0.1324E-03,-.1448E-02, &
     &0.1086E-01,0.9037E-02,0.6487E-02,0.5388E-02,0.3604E-02,0.1876E-02, &
     &0.1078E-02,0.6028E-03,0.6251E-03,0.1348E-03,-.4624E-03,-.1049E-02, &
     &0.1090E-01,0.9083E-02,0.6433E-02,0.5211E-02,0.3471E-02,0.1746E-02, &
     &0.9677E-03,0.3372E-03,0.2223E-03,-.1395E-03,-.1094E-03,-.1187E-02, &
     &0.1099E-01,0.9106E-02,0.6376E-02,0.4992E-02,0.3354E-02,0.1630E-02, &
     &0.7864E-03,0.2293E-03,0.3187E-04,-.3573E-03,-.3777E-03,-.1101E-02, &
     &0.1134E-01,0.9243E-02,0.6320E-02,0.4852E-02,0.3349E-02,0.1655E-02, &
     &0.7483E-03,0.2039E-04,-.1645E-03,-.4325E-03,-.5380E-03,-.1237E-02, &
     &0.1151E-01,0.9333E-02,0.6267E-02,0.4616E-02,0.3376E-02,0.1607E-02, &
        data ( ( coeh2o_3_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 12 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.2773E-04,-.3392E-04,-.2223E-04,-.1340E-04,-.6529E-05,-.1665E-06, &
     &0.4989E-05,0.3707E-05,0.6941E-05,0.6886E-05,-.3258E-04,0.1605E-04, &
     &-.2813E-04,-.3300E-04,-.2007E-04,-.1154E-04,-.7740E-05,0.6775E-06, &
     &0.2897E-05,0.3420E-05,0.6556E-05,0.5507E-05,-.2749E-04,0.2148E-05, &
     &-.2809E-04,-.3275E-04,-.1888E-04,-.1024E-04,-.7943E-05,-.3963E-06, &
     &0.2122E-06,0.2035E-05,0.2235E-05,0.3933E-05,-.1529E-04,0.5763E-05, &
     &-.2800E-04,-.3250E-04,-.1684E-04,-.9307E-05,-.8034E-05,-.1375E-05, &
     &-.2132E-05,0.2970E-05,-.4042E-05,0.9740E-05,0.2458E-05,0.8648E-05, &
     &-.2806E-04,-.3208E-04,-.1568E-04,-.9145E-05,-.8411E-05,-.3020E-05, &
     &-.1413E-05,0.9127E-07,-.3237E-05,0.3945E-05,0.5646E-05,0.2986E-05, &
     &-.2830E-04,-.3068E-04,-.1482E-04,-.8674E-05,-.8443E-05,-.3934E-05, &
     &-.1612E-05,0.2413E-05,-.3550E-05,-.6469E-06,-.5963E-05,-.1346E-04, &
     &-.2883E-04,-.3028E-04,-.1561E-04,-.6705E-05,-.1033E-04,-.3342E-05, &
     &-.3678E-05,0.1166E-07,0.1137E-06,0.1105E-05,-.2647E-06,-.1105E-05, &
     &-.2925E-04,-.2750E-04,-.1669E-04,-.5725E-05,-.1279E-04,-.3634E-05, &
     &-.2847E-05,0.7495E-06,-.6587E-06,0.3086E-05,0.7682E-06,0.1455E-05, &
     &-.2996E-04,-.2666E-04,-.1496E-04,-.7764E-05,-.1307E-04,-.5851E-05, &
     &-.2315E-05,0.1180E-05,-.1360E-05,-.3718E-05,-.1349E-06,-.1873E-05, &
     &-.2948E-04,-.2562E-04,-.1348E-04,-.7023E-05,-.1216E-04,-.7633E-05, &
     &-.2033E-05,0.1950E-05,-.6272E-06,-.3702E-05,0.5905E-05,0.1447E-05, &
     &-.2863E-04,-.2574E-04,-.1508E-04,-.7480E-05,-.1153E-04,-.7744E-05, &
!	block data ckd4_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and seven cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 5250 to 4000 cm**-1.
!c in this block data, Z.F. has added the coefficients for CO2, CO, and
!c water vapor continuum absorption in Jun,2003.
!c *********************************************************************
!	common /band4_new/hk(20),coehh42(3,11,20),coeco2(3,11,20),coeco(3,11) &
!              ,coeh2o(3,11,20)
      real hk_4_new(20),coehh42_4_new(3,11,20),coeco2_4_new(3,11,20), &
     &         coeco_4_new(3,11),coeh2o_4_new(3,11,20)
      data hk_4_new /8.13791E-02,0.171362,0.222259,0.222259,0.171362, &
     &           8.13791E-02,8.77986E-04,2.00395E-03,3.03796E-03, &
     &           3.93008E-03,4.63846E-03,5.12996E-03,5.38160E-03, &
     &           5.38160E-03,5.12996E-03,4.63846E-03,3.93008E-03, &
     &           3.03796E-03,2.00395E-03,8.77986E-04/
      data ( ( coehh42_4_new(1,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.1059E+02,-.1006E+02,-.9085E+01,-.6921E+01,-.4346E+01,-.2053E+01, &
     &-.9700E+00,-.9080E+00,-.7921E+00,-.6280E+00,-.4134E+00,-.1395E+00, &
     &0.2112E+00,0.6492E+00,0.1147E+01,0.1906E+01,0.2740E+01,0.4002E+01, &
     &0.5611E+01,0.8101E+01,-.1013E+02,-.9606E+01,-.8628E+01,-.6482E+01, &
     &-.3962E+01,-.1702E+01,-.6681E+00,-.6004E+00,-.4818E+00,-.3260E+00, &
     &-.1152E+00,0.1656E+00,0.5207E+00,0.9282E+00,0.1430E+01,0.2159E+01, &
     &0.3014E+01,0.4178E+01,0.5686E+01,0.8104E+01,-.9666E+01,-.9143E+01, &
     &-.8166E+01,-.6042E+01,-.3563E+01,-.1337E+01,-.3297E+00,-.2723E+00, &
     &-.1627E+00,-.2127E-02,0.2080E+00,0.5053E+00,0.8329E+00,0.1248E+01, &
     &0.1737E+01,0.2409E+01,0.3242E+01,0.4307E+01,0.5759E+01,0.8158E+01, &
     &-.9206E+01,-.8682E+01,-.7706E+01,-.5605E+01,-.3170E+01,-.9765E+00, &
     &0.1098E-01,0.6984E-01,0.1728E+00,0.3387E+00,0.5600E+00,0.8342E+00, &
     &0.1168E+01,0.1573E+01,0.2072E+01,0.2687E+01,0.3461E+01,0.4470E+01, &
     &0.5823E+01,0.8122E+01,-.8745E+01,-.8222E+01,-.7248E+01,-.5174E+01, &
     &-.2782E+01,-.6221E+00,0.3791E+00,0.4282E+00,0.5328E+00,0.6929E+00, &
     &0.9055E+00,0.1170E+01,0.1504E+01,0.1920E+01,0.2403E+01,0.2953E+01, &
     &0.3729E+01,0.4647E+01,0.5941E+01,0.8096E+01,-.8285E+01,-.7761E+01, &
     &-.6793E+01,-.4753E+01,-.2395E+01,-.2536E+00,0.7605E+00,0.8090E+00, &
     &0.8938E+00,0.1037E+01,0.1244E+01,0.1517E+01,0.1851E+01,0.2249E+01, &
     &0.2719E+01,0.3207E+01,0.3958E+01,0.4861E+01,0.6126E+01,0.7980E+01, &
     &-.7826E+01,-.7305E+01,-.6349E+01,-.4348E+01,-.2028E+01,0.1151E+00, &
     &0.1104E+01,0.1158E+01,0.1256E+01,0.1394E+01,0.1591E+01,0.1872E+01, &
     &0.2188E+01,0.2554E+01,0.2989E+01,0.3500E+01,0.4182E+01,0.5051E+01, &
     &0.6259E+01,0.7866E+01,-.7365E+01,-.6844E+01,-.5906E+01,-.3946E+01, &
     &-.1673E+01,0.4781E+00,0.1462E+01,0.1516E+01,0.1610E+01,0.1743E+01, &
     &0.1925E+01,0.2178E+01,0.2482E+01,0.2837E+01,0.3242E+01,0.3751E+01, &
     &0.4390E+01,0.5180E+01,0.6277E+01,0.7674E+01,-.6905E+01,-.6387E+01, &
     &-.5476E+01,-.3556E+01,-.1344E+01,0.8318E+00,0.1780E+01,0.1837E+01, &
     &0.1933E+01,0.2066E+01,0.2228E+01,0.2448E+01,0.2739E+01,0.3084E+01, &
     &0.3495E+01,0.4001E+01,0.4558E+01,0.5315E+01,0.6291E+01,0.7482E+01, &
     &-.6446E+01,-.5933E+01,-.5061E+01,-.3187E+01,-.1022E+01,0.1175E+01, &
     &0.2044E+01,0.2096E+01,0.2201E+01,0.2341E+01,0.2497E+01,0.2705E+01, &
     &0.2967E+01,0.3307E+01,0.3735E+01,0.4209E+01,0.4730E+01,0.5379E+01, &
     &0.6225E+01,0.7265E+01,-.5998E+01,-.5485E+01,-.4650E+01,-.2856E+01, &
     &-.7081E+00,0.1480E+01,0.2292E+01,0.2343E+01,0.2434E+01,0.2565E+01, &
     &0.2745E+01,0.2947E+01,0.3206E+01,0.3521E+01,0.3911E+01,0.4372E+01, &
        data ( ( coehh42_4_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.1686E-01,-.1495E-01,-.6958E-02,0.1929E-02,0.6756E-02,0.6773E-02, &
     &0.7527E-02,0.7564E-02,0.7523E-02,0.7354E-02,0.7233E-02,0.7332E-02, &
     &0.7428E-02,0.7961E-02,0.8650E-02,0.8533E-02,0.9158E-02,0.8485E-02, &
     &0.9356E-02,0.7225E-02,-.1686E-01,-.1497E-01,-.6942E-02,0.1907E-02, &
     &0.6514E-02,0.6267E-02,0.6897E-02,0.6977E-02,0.7040E-02,0.6954E-02, &
     &0.6723E-02,0.6728E-02,0.7165E-02,0.7471E-02,0.7648E-02,0.7649E-02, &
     &0.8113E-02,0.6896E-02,0.8976E-02,0.6126E-02,-.1686E-01,-.1495E-01, &
     &-.6923E-02,0.1859E-02,0.6233E-02,0.5923E-02,0.6185E-02,0.6298E-02, &
     &0.6495E-02,0.6609E-02,0.6545E-02,0.6524E-02,0.6819E-02,0.6764E-02, &
     &0.6654E-02,0.7157E-02,0.7238E-02,0.5959E-02,0.7561E-02,0.4312E-02, &
     &-.1686E-01,-.1494E-01,-.6895E-02,0.1817E-02,0.5942E-02,0.5493E-02, &
     &0.6054E-02,0.6100E-02,0.6215E-02,0.6398E-02,0.6618E-02,0.6199E-02, &
     &0.6455E-02,0.6214E-02,0.5865E-02,0.6472E-02,0.6639E-02,0.5397E-02, &
     &0.6081E-02,0.5363E-02,-.1686E-01,-.1493E-01,-.6888E-02,0.1785E-02, &
     &0.5641E-02,0.5328E-02,0.5932E-02,0.5924E-02,0.5913E-02,0.6076E-02, &
     &0.6245E-02,0.6044E-02,0.5884E-02,0.5806E-02,0.5469E-02,0.5944E-02, &
     &0.5384E-02,0.4482E-02,0.4742E-02,0.4400E-02,-.1686E-01,-.1492E-01, &
     &-.6890E-02,0.1669E-02,0.5318E-02,0.5178E-02,0.5663E-02,0.5657E-02, &
     &0.5620E-02,0.5650E-02,0.5925E-02,0.5845E-02,0.5468E-02,0.5578E-02, &
     &0.5364E-02,0.5421E-02,0.4804E-02,0.4654E-02,0.5170E-02,0.4096E-02, &
     &-.1685E-01,-.1492E-01,-.6926E-02,0.1572E-02,0.5116E-02,0.5131E-02, &
     &0.5408E-02,0.5409E-02,0.5461E-02,0.5484E-02,0.5455E-02,0.5428E-02, &
     &0.5391E-02,0.5258E-02,0.4741E-02,0.4750E-02,0.4390E-02,0.4749E-02, &
     &0.4977E-02,0.3296E-02,-.1685E-01,-.1489E-01,-.6974E-02,0.1415E-02, &
     &0.4745E-02,0.5066E-02,0.5375E-02,0.5369E-02,0.5248E-02,0.5174E-02, &
     &0.5074E-02,0.5260E-02,0.5230E-02,0.4768E-02,0.4736E-02,0.4192E-02, &
     &0.4103E-02,0.4969E-02,0.4945E-02,0.4193E-02,-.1684E-01,-.1485E-01, &
     &-.7176E-02,0.1146E-02,0.4580E-02,0.4956E-02,0.5185E-02,0.5109E-02, &
     &0.5084E-02,0.4812E-02,0.4606E-02,0.4576E-02,0.4754E-02,0.4523E-02, &
     &0.4452E-02,0.3939E-02,0.4254E-02,0.4827E-02,0.4612E-02,0.3346E-02, &
     &-.1676E-01,-.1484E-01,-.7457E-02,0.9431E-03,0.4583E-02,0.4910E-02, &
     &0.4708E-02,0.4745E-02,0.4669E-02,0.4511E-02,0.4329E-02,0.4111E-02, &
     &0.4380E-02,0.4498E-02,0.4055E-02,0.4142E-02,0.4058E-02,0.4817E-02, &
     &0.4007E-02,0.4288E-02,-.1667E-01,-.1487E-01,-.7891E-02,0.5511E-03, &
     &0.4589E-02,0.4397E-02,0.3882E-02,0.3931E-02,0.4068E-02,0.4260E-02, &
     &0.4260E-02,0.3976E-02,0.3757E-02,0.3894E-02,0.4240E-02,0.4461E-02, &
        data ( ( coehh42_4_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &0.8719E-05,0.3152E-04,0.9387E-04,0.2700E-04,0.5308E-05,-.7286E-05, &
     &-.9901E-05,-.1065E-04,-.1214E-04,-.1259E-04,-.6202E-05,-.3291E-05, &
     &-.8684E-05,-.7201E-05,0.8522E-05,-.1956E-04,0.4919E-05,-.2685E-04, &
     &-.2245E-04,-.4342E-04,0.8040E-05,0.3134E-04,0.9385E-04,0.2804E-04, &
     &0.9804E-05,-.6042E-05,0.2345E-05,-.7401E-06,-.5213E-05,-.4646E-05, &
     &-.4379E-05,-.6253E-05,-.1368E-04,-.8247E-05,0.1722E-05,-.2231E-04, &
     &-.1394E-04,-.2746E-04,-.3332E-04,-.3498E-04,0.8456E-05,0.3128E-04, &
     &0.9340E-04,0.2996E-04,0.8999E-05,-.5482E-05,0.3744E-05,0.3982E-05, &
     &0.1368E-05,-.1608E-05,-.3430E-05,-.1283E-04,-.1160E-04,-.1210E-04, &
     &-.1016E-06,-.1830E-04,-.9311E-05,-.2056E-04,-.2352E-04,-.2314E-04, &
     &0.8600E-05,0.3118E-04,0.9319E-04,0.3020E-04,0.1066E-04,-.5770E-05, &
     &0.2359E-05,0.2942E-05,0.3937E-05,-.2328E-05,-.7884E-05,-.1238E-04, &
     &-.8395E-05,-.1025E-04,-.1413E-04,-.1782E-04,-.2784E-05,-.1649E-04, &
     &-.7734E-05,-.2976E-04,0.8741E-05,0.3111E-04,0.9298E-04,0.3115E-04, &
     &0.1174E-04,-.1947E-05,-.5477E-05,-.6249E-06,0.1779E-05,-.1587E-05, &
     &-.6940E-05,-.7399E-05,-.6058E-05,-.1735E-04,-.2104E-04,-.7474E-05, &
     &-.1182E-04,-.6828E-05,-.4701E-06,-.4709E-04,0.8759E-05,0.3085E-04, &
     &0.9296E-04,0.3282E-04,0.1019E-04,-.3588E-05,-.1257E-04,-.9429E-05, &
     &-.2057E-05,0.7564E-06,-.2274E-05,-.8163E-05,-.1011E-04,-.1911E-04, &
     &-.2398E-04,0.7761E-05,-.1771E-04,-.2819E-04,-.2294E-04,-.2335E-04, &
     &0.8000E-05,0.3064E-04,0.9416E-04,0.3569E-04,0.1276E-04,-.4103E-05, &
     &-.1243E-04,-.1056E-04,-.7823E-05,-.2462E-05,-.1494E-05,-.1442E-04, &
     &-.1914E-04,-.1664E-04,-.1548E-04,-.6351E-05,-.2185E-04,-.2480E-04, &
     &-.3726E-04,-.2906E-04,0.8548E-05,0.3012E-04,0.9494E-04,0.3683E-04, &
     &0.1404E-04,-.3293E-05,-.1665E-04,-.1670E-04,-.1434E-04,-.9419E-05, &
     &-.6369E-05,-.1321E-04,-.1427E-04,-.1231E-04,-.6201E-05,-.9664E-05, &
     &-.2175E-04,-.1135E-04,-.3686E-04,-.2543E-04,0.8691E-05,0.2988E-04, &
     &0.9581E-04,0.3853E-04,0.1653E-04,-.3232E-05,-.1481E-04,-.1755E-04, &
     &-.1914E-04,-.1633E-04,-.7166E-05,-.5494E-05,-.1207E-04,-.9202E-05, &
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     &0.7449E-02,0.8004E-02,0.8682E-02,0.8472E-02,0.9103E-02,0.8632E-02, &
     &0.9273E-02,0.7225E-02,0.9289E-02,0.7079E-02,0.6967E-02,0.8315E-02, &
     &0.9148E-02,0.7388E-02,0.7432E-02,0.7410E-02,0.7403E-02,0.7244E-02, &
     &0.6958E-02,0.6883E-02,0.7329E-02,0.7612E-02,0.7700E-02,0.7688E-02, &
     &0.7969E-02,0.6924E-02,0.9211E-02,0.6126E-02,0.9289E-02,0.7071E-02, &
     &0.7001E-02,0.8291E-02,0.8952E-02,0.7112E-02,0.6841E-02,0.6893E-02, &
     &0.6894E-02,0.6947E-02,0.6865E-02,0.6753E-02,0.6912E-02,0.6820E-02, &
     &0.6682E-02,0.7168E-02,0.7151E-02,0.6037E-02,0.7499E-02,0.4312E-02, &
     &0.9283E-02,0.7071E-02,0.7040E-02,0.8229E-02,0.8783E-02,0.6729E-02, &
     &0.6602E-02,0.6697E-02,0.6842E-02,0.6773E-02,0.6847E-02,0.6511E-02, &
     &0.6583E-02,0.6321E-02,0.5896E-02,0.6472E-02,0.6582E-02,0.5389E-02, &
     &0.6017E-02,0.5314E-02,0.9277E-02,0.7075E-02,0.7085E-02,0.8209E-02, &
     &0.8633E-02,0.6474E-02,0.6425E-02,0.6452E-02,0.6521E-02,0.6613E-02, &
     &0.6682E-02,0.6400E-02,0.6030E-02,0.5932E-02,0.5521E-02,0.6027E-02, &
     &0.5448E-02,0.4493E-02,0.4742E-02,0.4193E-02,0.9280E-02,0.7083E-02, &
     &0.7145E-02,0.8235E-02,0.8507E-02,0.6615E-02,0.6202E-02,0.6202E-02, &
     &0.6215E-02,0.6321E-02,0.6409E-02,0.6188E-02,0.5670E-02,0.5742E-02, &
     &0.5332E-02,0.5431E-02,0.4760E-02,0.4682E-02,0.5189E-02,0.3815E-02, &
     &0.9289E-02,0.7120E-02,0.7240E-02,0.8241E-02,0.8473E-02,0.7078E-02, &
     &0.6049E-02,0.5961E-02,0.5985E-02,0.6066E-02,0.6185E-02,0.5823E-02, &
     &0.5609E-02,0.5362E-02,0.4848E-02,0.4827E-02,0.4381E-02,0.4667E-02, &
     &0.5201E-02,0.3296E-02,0.9283E-02,0.7181E-02,0.7373E-02,0.8216E-02, &
     &0.8499E-02,0.7122E-02,0.6128E-02,0.6053E-02,0.5910E-02,0.5690E-02, &
     &0.5731E-02,0.5727E-02,0.5558E-02,0.4958E-02,0.4759E-02,0.4226E-02, &
     &0.3988E-02,0.5002E-02,0.4975E-02,0.3933E-02,0.9286E-02,0.7343E-02, &
     &0.7485E-02,0.8212E-02,0.8729E-02,0.7269E-02,0.6253E-02,0.6173E-02, &
     &0.5940E-02,0.5573E-02,0.5120E-02,0.5207E-02,0.5069E-02,0.4704E-02, &
     &0.4552E-02,0.3975E-02,0.4286E-02,0.4832E-02,0.4471E-02,0.3344E-02, &
     &0.9085E-02,0.7800E-02,0.7732E-02,0.8265E-02,0.9332E-02,0.7232E-02, &
     &0.5979E-02,0.5903E-02,0.5651E-02,0.5311E-02,0.4955E-02,0.4721E-02, &
     &0.4874E-02,0.4779E-02,0.4284E-02,0.4249E-02,0.4157E-02,0.4764E-02, &
     &0.3974E-02,0.4288E-02,0.9157E-02,0.8265E-02,0.7739E-02,0.8207E-02, &
     &0.9788E-02,0.6982E-02,0.5511E-02,0.5498E-02,0.5459E-02,0.5323E-02, &
     &0.5261E-02,0.4914E-02,0.4383E-02,0.4399E-02,0.4525E-02,0.4712E-02, &
        data ( ( coeh2o_4_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.3594E-04,-.2935E-04,-.1372E-04,-.1635E-04,-.2586E-04,-.2005E-04, &
     &-.1430E-04,-.1428E-04,-.1519E-04,-.1535E-04,-.7834E-05,-.2346E-05, &
     &-.6894E-05,-.1020E-04,0.8785E-05,-.1988E-04,0.8652E-05,-.2389E-04, &
     &-.2397E-04,-.4342E-04,-.3474E-04,-.2966E-04,-.1397E-04,-.1630E-04, &
     &-.2485E-04,-.1818E-04,-.3649E-05,-.4586E-05,-.6734E-05,-.6747E-05, &
     &-.6591E-05,-.4976E-05,-.1452E-04,-.1011E-04,0.3594E-05,-.2053E-04, &
     &-.1216E-04,-.3090E-04,-.3758E-04,-.3498E-04,-.3586E-04,-.2950E-04, &
     &-.1402E-04,-.1533E-04,-.2308E-04,-.1634E-04,-.1098E-05,-.1829E-05, &
     &-.2310E-05,-.3867E-05,-.6139E-05,-.1438E-04,-.1295E-04,-.1172E-04, &
     &0.3873E-06,-.2013E-04,-.7255E-05,-.2163E-04,-.2465E-04,-.2314E-04, &
     &-.3575E-04,-.2956E-04,-.1460E-04,-.1462E-04,-.2128E-04,-.1600E-04, &
     &-.1606E-05,0.7761E-06,-.2217E-05,-.6117E-05,-.1079E-04,-.1517E-04, &
     &-.9977E-05,-.1104E-04,-.1556E-04,-.1699E-04,-.2087E-05,-.1440E-04, &
     &-.1211E-04,-.9464E-05,-.3587E-04,-.2960E-04,-.1525E-04,-.1364E-04, &
     &-.1990E-04,-.1077E-04,-.8291E-05,-.5765E-05,-.2400E-05,-.8273E-05, &
     &-.1099E-04,-.1108E-04,-.7577E-05,-.1875E-04,-.2055E-04,-.4535E-05, &
     &-.1209E-04,-.2342E-05,-.4700E-06,-.3739E-04,-.3597E-04,-.2968E-04, &
     &-.1525E-04,-.1480E-04,-.2008E-04,-.1345E-04,-.1418E-04,-.1143E-04, &
     &-.6487E-05,-.3917E-05,-.6416E-05,-.1083E-04,-.1397E-04,-.2202E-04, &
     &-.2461E-04,0.5422E-05,-.2146E-04,-.3011E-04,-.2330E-04,-.2846E-04, &
     &-.3468E-04,-.3062E-04,-.1609E-04,-.1326E-04,-.1826E-04,-.1963E-04, &
     &-.1664E-04,-.1385E-04,-.8541E-05,-.5488E-05,-.1020E-04,-.1546E-04, &
     &-.2315E-04,-.2030E-04,-.1748E-04,-.3597E-05,-.2125E-04,-.2707E-04, &
     &-.4030E-04,-.2906E-04,-.3574E-04,-.3152E-04,-.1497E-04,-.1229E-04, &
     &-.1659E-04,-.2335E-04,-.2297E-04,-.2063E-04,-.1634E-04,-.1101E-04, &
     &-.1141E-04,-.1646E-04,-.1662E-04,-.1417E-04,-.4462E-05,-.1003E-04, &
     &-.2179E-04,-.1428E-04,-.3478E-04,-.3015E-04,-.3576E-04,-.3331E-04, &
     &-.1147E-04,-.1347E-04,-.1500E-04,-.2464E-04,-.2425E-04,-.2656E-04, &
     &-.2615E-04,-.1825E-04,-.8554E-05,-.1118E-04,-.1189E-04,-.1032E-04, &
     &-.8288E-05,-.2485E-04,-.1816E-04,-.9669E-05,-.3007E-04,-.2275E-04, &
     &-.3183E-04,-.3689E-04,-.8395E-05,-.1344E-04,-.1930E-04,-.2277E-04, &
     &-.1976E-04,-.2256E-04,-.2241E-04,-.2075E-04,-.1129E-04,-.6102E-05, &
     &-.1229E-04,-.1382E-04,-.2815E-04,-.2577E-04,-.1758E-04,-.1649E-04, &
     &-.1184E-04,-.1458E-04,-.3974E-04,-.4074E-04,-.5256E-05,-.1088E-04, &
     &-.2123E-04,-.1784E-04,-.1047E-04,-.1041E-04,-.1252E-04,-.2148E-04, &
     &-.2472E-04,-.1897E-04,-.1358E-04,-.1416E-04,-.1574E-04,-.2061E-04, &

!	block data ckd5_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and twelve cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 4000 to 2850 cm**-1.
       !c in this block data, Z.F. has added the coefficients for CO2, CH4, &
!c  N2O and water vapor continuum absorption in Jun,2003. 
!c *********************************************************************
!       common /band5_new/ hk(20), coehh52(3,11,20),coeco2(3,11,20), &
!               coen2o(3,11),coech4(3,11),coeh2o(3,11,20)
      real hk_5_new(20), coehh52_5_new(3,11,20),coeco2_5_new(3,11,20), &
     &     coen2o_5_new(3,11),coech4_5_new(3,11),coeh2o_5_new(3,11,20)
      data hk_5_new /3.16689E-02,7.09894E-02,1.04066E-01,0.127902, &
     &  0.140374,0.140374,0.127902,1.04066E-01,7.09894E-02,3.16689E-02 &
     &  ,1.66678E-03 &
     &  ,3.73628E-03,5.47716E-03,6.73167E-03,7.38811E-03,7.38811E-03, &
     &  6.73167E-03,5.47716E-03,3.73628E-03,1.66678E-03/
      data  ( ( coehh52_5_new(1,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.8666E+01,-.6282E+01,-.5178E+01,-.4084E+01,-.2810E+01,-.1264E+01, &
     &-.1987E+00,0.8437E+00,0.2082E+01,0.3324E+01,0.3804E+01,0.3917E+01, &
     &0.4149E+01,0.4438E+01,0.4921E+01,0.5511E+01,0.6395E+01,0.7441E+01, &
     &0.9063E+01,0.1126E+02,-.8209E+01,-.5829E+01,-.4729E+01,-.3644E+01, &
     &-.2386E+01,-.8421E+00,0.2255E+00,0.1262E+01,0.2468E+01,0.3682E+01, &
     &0.4154E+01,0.4264E+01,0.4467E+01,0.4766E+01,0.5233E+01,0.5806E+01, &
     &0.6616E+01,0.7632E+01,0.9166E+01,0.1124E+02,-.7746E+01,-.5373E+01, &
     &-.4276E+01,-.3198E+01,-.1956E+01,-.4081E+00,0.6594E+00,0.1689E+01, &
     &0.2861E+01,0.4049E+01,0.4511E+01,0.4619E+01,0.4817E+01,0.5118E+01, &
     &0.5534E+01,0.6112E+01,0.6849E+01,0.7847E+01,0.9268E+01,0.1129E+02, &
     &-.7286E+01,-.4922E+01,-.3829E+01,-.2755E+01,-.1524E+01,0.2336E-01, &
     &0.1095E+01,0.2107E+01,0.3259E+01,0.4414E+01,0.4865E+01,0.4977E+01, &
     &0.5174E+01,0.5476E+01,0.5865E+01,0.6413E+01,0.7117E+01,0.8055E+01, &
     &0.9446E+01,0.1133E+02,-.6826E+01,-.4478E+01,-.3383E+01,-.2321E+01, &
     &-.1094E+01,0.4524E+00,0.1530E+01,0.2525E+01,0.3658E+01,0.4782E+01, &
     &0.5225E+01,0.5326E+01,0.5512E+01,0.5800E+01,0.6184E+01,0.6696E+01, &
     &0.7377E+01,0.8267E+01,0.9530E+01,0.1129E+02,-.6368E+01,-.4036E+01, &
     &-.2942E+01,-.1892E+01,-.6687E+00,0.8758E+00,0.1958E+01,0.2938E+01, &
     &0.4045E+01,0.5149E+01,0.5560E+01,0.5661E+01,0.5848E+01,0.6119E+01, &
     &0.6458E+01,0.6961E+01,0.7638E+01,0.8463E+01,0.9684E+01,0.1119E+02, &
     &-.5920E+01,-.3599E+01,-.2513E+01,-.1469E+01,-.2504E+00,0.1294E+01, &
     &0.2377E+01,0.3339E+01,0.4416E+01,0.5481E+01,0.5868E+01,0.5960E+01, &
     &0.6145E+01,0.6412E+01,0.6738E+01,0.7221E+01,0.7854E+01,0.8652E+01, &
     &0.9763E+01,0.1102E+02,-.5471E+01,-.3175E+01,-.2080E+01,-.1046E+01, &
     &0.1674E+00,0.1705E+01,0.2789E+01,0.3732E+01,0.4779E+01,0.5785E+01, &
     &0.6155E+01,0.6239E+01,0.6407E+01,0.6664E+01,0.7010E+01,0.7456E+01, &
     &0.8033E+01,0.8804E+01,0.9750E+01,0.1086E+02,-.5041E+01,-.2765E+01, &
     &-.1655E+01,-.6275E+00,0.5725E+00,0.2093E+01,0.3186E+01,0.4105E+01, &
     &0.5115E+01,0.6067E+01,0.6425E+01,0.6511E+01,0.6660E+01,0.6893E+01, &
     &0.7240E+01,0.7641E+01,0.8204E+01,0.8886E+01,0.9714E+01,0.1061E+02, &
     &-.4616E+01,-.2373E+01,-.1234E+01,-.2160E+00,0.9628E+00,0.2446E+01, &
     &0.3569E+01,0.4462E+01,0.5415E+01,0.6340E+01,0.6668E+01,0.6750E+01, &
     &0.6892E+01,0.7106E+01,0.7414E+01,0.7806E+01,0.8336E+01,0.8913E+01, &
     &0.9567E+01,0.1035E+02,-.4207E+01,-.1980E+01,-.8165E+00,0.1865E+00, &
     &0.1326E+01,0.2750E+01,0.3932E+01,0.4794E+01,0.5700E+01,0.6590E+01, &
     &0.6882E+01,0.6954E+01,0.7084E+01,0.7279E+01,0.7567E+01,0.7953E+01, &
      data  ( ( coehh52_5_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.4007E-02,0.1426E-03,0.1446E-02,0.3557E-02,0.5610E-02,0.4265E-02, &
     &0.1692E-02,0.1490E-02,0.2099E-02,0.3019E-02,0.2999E-02,0.3000E-02, &
     &0.3171E-02,0.3501E-02,0.3801E-02,0.3549E-02,0.4267E-02,0.3041E-02, &
     &0.2516E-02,0.1526E-02,-.4024E-02,0.1852E-03,0.1458E-02,0.3519E-02, &
     &0.5393E-02,0.4196E-02,0.1492E-02,0.1262E-02,0.1774E-02,0.2484E-02, &
     &0.2514E-02,0.2591E-02,0.2498E-02,0.2861E-02,0.2748E-02,0.2866E-02, &
     &0.3072E-02,0.2328E-02,0.2928E-02,0.9786E-03,-.3997E-02,0.2973E-03, &
     &0.1427E-02,0.3424E-02,0.5224E-02,0.4131E-02,0.1273E-02,0.1049E-02, &
     &0.1466E-02,0.2090E-02,0.2115E-02,0.2151E-02,0.2149E-02,0.2113E-02, &
     &0.2099E-02,0.2487E-02,0.2459E-02,0.1791E-02,0.2853E-02,0.5138E-03, &
     &-.3990E-02,0.4035E-03,0.1355E-02,0.3351E-02,0.5057E-02,0.4015E-02, &
     &0.1135E-02,0.9161E-03,0.1180E-02,0.1731E-02,0.1781E-02,0.1764E-02, &
     &0.1684E-02,0.1413E-02,0.1821E-02,0.1858E-02,0.1430E-02,0.1006E-02, &
     &0.2163E-02,0.2395E-03,-.3989E-02,0.5809E-03,0.1288E-02,0.3223E-02, &
     &0.4918E-02,0.3901E-02,0.9747E-03,0.7342E-03,0.1006E-02,0.1242E-02, &
     &0.1328E-02,0.1368E-02,0.1372E-02,0.1279E-02,0.1295E-02,0.1282E-02, &
     &0.1032E-02,0.6375E-03,0.1563E-02,-.2982E-04,-.4014E-02,0.7514E-03, &
     &0.1202E-02,0.3091E-02,0.4798E-02,0.3841E-02,0.8673E-03,0.5651E-03, &
     &0.9085E-03,0.1049E-02,0.1294E-02,0.1288E-02,0.1183E-02,0.1140E-02, &
     &0.9012E-03,0.9593E-03,0.1014E-02,0.1117E-02,0.1066E-02,-.1099E-02, &
     &-.4075E-02,0.8802E-03,0.1042E-02,0.2937E-02,0.4657E-02,0.3814E-02, &
     &0.6835E-03,0.4783E-03,0.8688E-03,0.8872E-03,0.1221E-02,0.1184E-02, &
     &0.1061E-02,0.7615E-03,0.6239E-03,0.8406E-03,0.7873E-03,0.9015E-03, &
     &0.1466E-03,-.5840E-03,-.4182E-02,0.1165E-02,0.8200E-03,0.2741E-02, &
     &0.4498E-02,0.3771E-02,0.4988E-03,0.3560E-03,0.6538E-03,0.6745E-03, &
     &0.8484E-03,0.8844E-03,0.7564E-03,0.7354E-03,0.4966E-03,0.6557E-03, &
     &0.5528E-03,0.3779E-03,0.2114E-04,-.1370E-02,-.4411E-02,0.1337E-02, &
     &0.5687E-03,0.2592E-02,0.4434E-02,0.3792E-02,0.2925E-03,0.2261E-03, &
     &0.5712E-03,0.5103E-03,0.3708E-03,0.4357E-03,0.5158E-03,0.5609E-03, &
     &0.4781E-03,0.4167E-03,0.4737E-03,0.1337E-03,-.4880E-03,-.1383E-02, &
     &-.4715E-02,0.1462E-02,0.3031E-03,0.2423E-02,0.4282E-02,0.3804E-02, &
     &0.1177E-03,0.2911E-03,0.3478E-03,0.2609E-03,0.9838E-04,0.2236E-03, &
     &0.4689E-03,0.4508E-03,0.4734E-03,0.3268E-03,0.3338E-03,-.1376E-04, &
     &-.4611E-03,-.6319E-03,-.5313E-02,0.1413E-02,0.1130E-03,0.2251E-02, &
     &0.4041E-02,0.3676E-02,-.8065E-04,0.2368E-03,0.5349E-05,0.1502E-03, &
     &0.1613E-03,0.2078E-03,0.2388E-03,0.2124E-03,0.2042E-03,0.8376E-04, &
      data  ( ( coehh52_5_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &0.1007E-03,0.2111E-04,0.1520E-04,0.7675E-05,0.4202E-05,-.1897E-04, &
     &0.6318E-05,0.4970E-05,-.3149E-05,-.3635E-05,-.3746E-05,-.3696E-05, &
     &-.5442E-05,0.9822E-05,0.4071E-05,0.3916E-05,-.2316E-04,0.5506E-05, &
     &-.1083E-04,0.1991E-04,0.1008E-03,0.2003E-04,0.1652E-04,0.8137E-05, &
     &0.4385E-05,-.1826E-04,0.6703E-05,0.4379E-05,-.1838E-05,-.4339E-05, &
     &-.6329E-07,0.1229E-05,0.2146E-05,0.1085E-04,0.3753E-06,-.4002E-05, &
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     &-.4312E+01,-.3110E+01,-.2642E+01,-.2530E+01,-.2329E+01,-.2033E+01, &
     &-.1611E+01,-.1034E+01,-.2899E+00,0.6953E+00,0.2117E+01,0.4148E+01, &
     &-.1541E+02,-.1284E+02,-.1144E+02,-.1020E+02,-.8905E+01,-.7450E+01, &
     &-.6247E+01,-.5120E+01,-.3917E+01,-.2751E+01,-.2289E+01,-.2173E+01, &
     &-.1974E+01,-.1680E+01,-.1283E+01,-.7392E+00,-.2864E-01,0.9075E+00, &
     &0.2298E+01,0.4193E+01,-.1495E+02,-.1240E+02,-.1100E+02,-.9766E+01, &
     &-.8478E+01,-.7025E+01,-.5821E+01,-.4704E+01,-.3515E+01,-.2380E+01, &
     &-.1926E+01,-.1825E+01,-.1634E+01,-.1347E+01,-.9673E+00,-.4638E+00, &
     &0.2266E+00,0.1119E+01,0.2388E+01,0.4148E+01,-.1449E+02,-.1196E+02, &
     &-.1056E+02,-.9341E+01,-.8058E+01,-.6604E+01,-.5401E+01,-.4297E+01, &
     &-.3127E+01,-.2009E+01,-.1595E+01,-.1494E+01,-.1306E+01,-.1029E+01, &
     &-.6861E+00,-.1851E+00,0.4845E+00,0.1324E+01,0.2538E+01,0.4048E+01, &
     &-.1404E+02,-.1156E+02,-.1014E+02,-.8922E+01,-.7639E+01,-.6194E+01, &
     &-.4995E+01,-.3903E+01,-.2766E+01,-.1675E+01,-.1293E+01,-.1197E+01, &
     &-.1008E+01,-.7351E+00,-.4168E+00,0.7103E-01,0.7057E+00,0.1497E+01, &
     &0.2607E+01,0.3866E+01,-.1359E+02,-.1117E+02,-.9728E+01,-.8507E+01, &
     &-.7225E+01,-.5789E+01,-.4599E+01,-.3515E+01,-.2393E+01,-.1374E+01, &
     &-.1003E+01,-.9204E+00,-.7472E+00,-.4912E+00,-.1385E+00,0.3020E+00, &
     &0.8781E+00,0.1662E+01,0.2602E+01,0.3692E+01,-.1318E+02,-.1082E+02, &
     &-.9323E+01,-.8101E+01,-.6826E+01,-.5402E+01,-.4214E+01,-.3147E+01, &
     &-.2073E+01,-.1091E+01,-.7342E+00,-.6486E+00,-.4955E+00,-.2623E+00, &
     &0.8325E-01,0.4929E+00,0.1056E+01,0.1739E+01,0.2560E+01,0.3475E+01, &
     &-.1277E+02,-.1053E+02,-.8920E+01,-.7692E+01,-.6438E+01,-.5050E+01, &
     &-.3854E+01,-.2803E+01,-.1782E+01,-.8295E+00,-.4914E+00,-.4098E+00, &
     &-.2626E+00,-.4623E-01,0.2617E+00,0.6526E+00,0.1189E+01,0.1758E+01, &
     &0.2414E+01,0.3215E+01,-.1240E+02,-.1026E+02,-.8528E+01,-.7299E+01, &
     &-.6073E+01,-.4726E+01,-.3528E+01,-.2495E+01,-.1512E+01,-.5843E+00, &
     &-.2852E+00,-.2171E+00,-.7673E-01,0.1243E+00,0.4100E+00,0.8000E+00, &
        data  ( ( coeh2o_5_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &0.1204E-01,0.7706E-02,0.6638E-02,0.7243E-02,0.7680E-02,0.5452E-02, &
     &0.3557E-02,0.2130E-02,0.2271E-02,0.3087E-02,0.3014E-02,0.3048E-02, &
     &0.3219E-02,0.3560E-02,0.3806E-02,0.3584E-02,0.4275E-02,0.2983E-02, &
     &0.2555E-02,0.1260E-02,0.1205E-01,0.7751E-02,0.6707E-02,0.7213E-02, &
     &0.7529E-02,0.5346E-02,0.3357E-02,0.1917E-02,0.2007E-02,0.2577E-02, &
     &0.2549E-02,0.2596E-02,0.2542E-02,0.2886E-02,0.2759E-02,0.2819E-02, &
     &0.3234E-02,0.2266E-02,0.2982E-02,0.9786E-03,0.1207E-01,0.7798E-02, &
     &0.6725E-02,0.7193E-02,0.7357E-02,0.5232E-02,0.3185E-02,0.1721E-02, &
     &0.1677E-02,0.2172E-02,0.2133E-02,0.2169E-02,0.2169E-02,0.2152E-02, &
     &0.2124E-02,0.2462E-02,0.2520E-02,0.1767E-02,0.2956E-02,0.2229E-03, &
     &0.1209E-01,0.7870E-02,0.6740E-02,0.7117E-02,0.7196E-02,0.5153E-02, &
     &0.3017E-02,0.1577E-02,0.1401E-02,0.1784E-02,0.1860E-02,0.1845E-02, &
     &0.1683E-02,0.1516E-02,0.1836E-02,0.1864E-02,0.1418E-02,0.8931E-03, &
     &0.2304E-02,0.2570E-03,0.1215E-01,0.7968E-02,0.6728E-02,0.6976E-02, &
     &0.7038E-02,0.5049E-02,0.2906E-02,0.1479E-02,0.1208E-02,0.1313E-02, &
     &0.1452E-02,0.1438E-02,0.1389E-02,0.1262E-02,0.1286E-02,0.1193E-02, &
     &0.1107E-02,0.6817E-03,0.1556E-02,-.1493E-03,0.1223E-01,0.8121E-02, &
     &0.6734E-02,0.6903E-02,0.6912E-02,0.5013E-02,0.2808E-02,0.1337E-02, &
     &0.1165E-02,0.1084E-02,0.1340E-02,0.1399E-02,0.1313E-02,0.1174E-02, &
     &0.8843E-03,0.9987E-03,0.9803E-03,0.1086E-02,0.9965E-03,-.9692E-03, &
     &0.1229E-01,0.8279E-02,0.6713E-02,0.6800E-02,0.6847E-02,0.5006E-02, &
     &0.2661E-02,0.1253E-02,0.1035E-02,0.9595E-03,0.1264E-02,0.1258E-02, &
     &0.1156E-02,0.8092E-03,0.7080E-03,0.8455E-03,0.8113E-03,0.8759E-03, &
     &0.2292E-03,-.5840E-03,0.1244E-01,0.8559E-02,0.6642E-02,0.6655E-02, &
     &0.6701E-02,0.5003E-02,0.2486E-02,0.1133E-02,0.9329E-03,0.7777E-03, &
     &0.9160E-03,0.9158E-03,0.7865E-03,0.7290E-03,0.5881E-03,0.6781E-03, &
     &0.5059E-03,0.3786E-03,-.2816E-04,-.1370E-02,0.1252E-01,0.8676E-02, &
     &0.6502E-02,0.6573E-02,0.6754E-02,0.5131E-02,0.2346E-02,0.1110E-02, &
     &0.8200E-03,0.6781E-03,0.5184E-03,0.5828E-03,0.6087E-03,0.6010E-03, &
     &0.5973E-03,0.5822E-03,0.5167E-03,0.2478E-03,-.5116E-03,-.1448E-02, &
     &0.1275E-01,0.9012E-02,0.6375E-02,0.6409E-02,0.6763E-02,0.5223E-02, &
     &0.2154E-02,0.1186E-02,0.7161E-03,0.3788E-03,0.2895E-03,0.3548E-03, &
     &0.5469E-03,0.5274E-03,0.5283E-03,0.3407E-03,0.3951E-03,-.5743E-04, &
     &-.4179E-03,-.6078E-03,0.1267E-01,0.9445E-02,0.6244E-02,0.6370E-02, &
     &0.6707E-02,0.5162E-02,0.2073E-02,0.1367E-02,0.5272E-03,0.3591E-03, &
     &0.2973E-03,0.3340E-03,0.3241E-03,0.3011E-03,0.2689E-03,0.1879E-03, &
        data  ( ( coeh2o_5_new(3,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.1488E-04,-.4992E-04,-.1896E-04,-.1536E-04,-.1366E-04,-.1704E-04, &
     &-.9149E-05,0.1797E-06,-.3830E-05,-.3421E-05,-.4354E-05,-.3941E-05, &
     &-.5329E-05,0.9114E-05,0.6472E-05,0.2136E-05,-.2470E-04,0.6310E-05, &
     &-.8523E-05,0.1507E-04,-.1526E-04,-.4992E-04,-.1852E-04,-.1385E-04, &
     &-.1243E-04,-.1611E-04,-.1028E-04,0.1072E-05,-.7730E-06,-.3514E-05, &
     &-.1722E-05,-.4966E-06,0.9349E-06,0.8705E-05,0.2239E-05,-.5156E-05, &
     &-.3809E-05,0.5633E-05,-.6523E-05,0.1907E-04,-.1531E-04,-.5094E-04, &
     &-.1711E-04,-.1402E-04,-.1158E-04,-.1541E-04,-.8994E-05,0.5836E-06, &
     &-.7061E-06,-.2982E-05,0.2277E-05,0.3383E-05,0.3076E-05,0.4003E-05, &
     &0.1708E-06,-.6581E-05,0.2710E-05,0.7203E-05,-.1286E-05,-.3646E-05, &
     &-.1521E-04,-.5155E-04,-.1586E-04,-.1291E-04,-.1205E-04,-.1693E-04, &
     &-.7853E-05,-.1132E-05,-.2090E-05,0.4380E-05,0.3341E-05,0.2540E-06, &
     &0.4008E-07,-.7470E-05,-.3862E-05,-.4504E-05,0.5059E-05,0.1909E-05, &
     &-.1382E-04,-.1918E-04,-.1593E-04,-.5295E-04,-.1580E-04,-.1262E-04, &
     &-.1294E-04,-.1677E-04,-.7874E-05,-.1899E-05,-.5272E-05,-.1308E-06, &
     &-.2730E-05,-.1780E-05,-.3794E-05,-.5488E-05,-.5482E-05,0.1685E-05, &
     &0.5738E-05,0.8429E-07,0.1426E-04,-.8812E-05,-.1695E-04,-.5113E-04, &
     &-.1454E-04,-.1172E-04,-.1348E-04,-.1736E-04,-.6866E-05,-.2326E-05, &
     &-.4519E-05,-.3909E-05,-.2330E-05,-.2746E-05,-.4705E-05,-.7223E-05, &
     &0.6654E-06,-.2541E-06,0.2110E-05,-.9119E-05,-.1092E-04,-.1416E-04, &
     &-.1853E-04,-.4810E-04,-.1398E-04,-.1208E-04,-.1648E-04,-.1727E-04, &
     &-.5378E-05,-.3338E-05,-.3626E-07,-.3219E-05,-.3313E-06,0.1342E-05, &
     &-.2380E-05,-.7542E-05,0.2723E-05,0.3471E-05,-.5414E-05,-.8535E-05, &
     &-.8649E-05,0.9000E-05,-.1941E-04,-.4399E-04,-.1103E-04,-.1223E-04, &
     &-.1715E-04,-.1735E-04,-.3181E-05,-.4420E-05,-.4976E-05,-.2576E-05, &
     &0.4882E-07,0.2550E-05,0.8227E-06,-.1540E-05,-.4379E-05,-.3666E-05, &
     &-.1228E-05,-.6451E-05,0.3135E-06,0.1819E-04,-.1588E-04,-.3742E-04, &
     &-.1046E-04,-.1117E-04,-.1555E-04,-.1810E-04,-.3538E-05,-.5237E-05, &
     &-.4512E-05,-.4260E-05,-.1338E-05,-.1553E-05,-.2364E-06,-.2937E-05, &
     &-.3000E-05,-.4404E-05,-.4429E-05,0.5089E-05,-.3497E-05,0.1401E-05, &
     &-.1088E-04,-.1897E-04,-.1016E-04,-.1119E-04,-.1582E-04,-.1467E-04, &
     &-.4144E-05,-.7074E-05,-.2523E-05,-.1621E-06,-.2316E-05,-.1536E-05, &
     &-.1114E-05,-.3704E-05,-.4162E-05,0.5414E-05,-.6634E-05,0.7455E-06, &
     &0.7533E-05,-.1057E-04,-.6807E-05,-.1136E-04,-.9631E-05,-.1372E-04, &
     &-.1708E-04,-.1658E-04,-.4971E-05,-.8482E-05,0.4900E-06,-.2855E-05, &
     &-.8621E-06,0.6185E-06,0.2429E-05,0.2445E-05,-.4034E-06,-.4563E-05, &
!	block data ckd6_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, eleven 
!c pressures,  and  five  cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ). The
!c spectral region is from 2850 to 2500 cm**-1.
!c in this block data, Z.F. has added the coefficients for SO2 and water
!c  vapor continuum absorption in Jun,2003.
!c *********************************************************************
!	common /band6_new/ hk(20), coehh62(3,11,20),coeso2(3,11) &
!               ,coeh2o(3,11,20)
      real hk_6_new(20), coehh62_6_new(3,11,20),coeso2_6_new(3,11) &
     &         ,coeh2o_6_new(3,11,20)
      data hk_6_new /3.16689E-02,7.09894E-02,1.04066E-01,0.127902, &
     &  0.140374,0.140374,0.127902,1.04066E-01,7.09894E-02,3.16689E-02 &
     &  ,1.66678E-03 &
     &  ,3.73628E-03,5.47716E-03,6.73167E-03,7.38811E-03,7.38811E-03, &
     &  6.73167E-03,5.47716E-03,3.73628E-03,1.66678E-03/
      data ( ( coehh62_6_new(1,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.9667E+01,-.9653E+01,-.9628E+01,-.9595E+01,-.9557E+01,-.9517E+01, &
     &-.9479E+01,-.9446E+01,-.9230E+01,-.7739E+01,-.7157E+01,-.7028E+01, &
     &-.6791E+01,-.6457E+01,-.5962E+01,-.5352E+01,-.4491E+01,-.3367E+01, &
     &-.1470E+01,0.8809E+00,-.9207E+01,-.9192E+01,-.9168E+01,-.9135E+01, &
     &-.9097E+01,-.9057E+01,-.9019E+01,-.8986E+01,-.8770E+01,-.7306E+01, &
     &-.6729E+01,-.6600E+01,-.6371E+01,-.6060E+01,-.5555E+01,-.5004E+01, &
     &-.4163E+01,-.3114E+01,-.1384E+01,0.8334E+00,-.8746E+01,-.8732E+01, &
     &-.8707E+01,-.8674E+01,-.8636E+01,-.8596E+01,-.8558E+01,-.8525E+01, &
     &-.8309E+01,-.6877E+01,-.6302E+01,-.6185E+01,-.5968E+01,-.5633E+01, &
     &-.5160E+01,-.4635E+01,-.3842E+01,-.2820E+01,-.1245E+01,0.6736E+00, &
     &-.8286E+01,-.8271E+01,-.8246E+01,-.8214E+01,-.8176E+01,-.8136E+01, &
     &-.8098E+01,-.8065E+01,-.7849E+01,-.6445E+01,-.5890E+01,-.5769E+01, &
     &-.5537E+01,-.5220E+01,-.4772E+01,-.4247E+01,-.3541E+01,-.2475E+01, &
     &-.1109E+01,0.6606E+00,-.7825E+01,-.7811E+01,-.7786E+01,-.7753E+01, &
     &-.7715E+01,-.7675E+01,-.7637E+01,-.7604E+01,-.7390E+01,-.6040E+01, &
     &-.5476E+01,-.5348E+01,-.5133E+01,-.4827E+01,-.4384E+01,-.3904E+01, &
     &-.3194E+01,-.2185E+01,-.9919E+00,0.4216E+00,-.7365E+01,-.7350E+01, &
     &-.7325E+01,-.7293E+01,-.7254E+01,-.7215E+01,-.7177E+01,-.7144E+01, &
     &-.6931E+01,-.5630E+01,-.5073E+01,-.4948E+01,-.4733E+01,-.4423E+01, &
     &-.4029E+01,-.3538E+01,-.2879E+01,-.1939E+01,-.9645E+00,0.3446E+00, &
     &-.6904E+01,-.6890E+01,-.6865E+01,-.6832E+01,-.6794E+01,-.6755E+01, &
     &-.6717E+01,-.6684E+01,-.6477E+01,-.5223E+01,-.4684E+01,-.4561E+01, &
     &-.4344E+01,-.4044E+01,-.3664E+01,-.3218E+01,-.2624E+01,-.1798E+01, &
     &-.8307E+00,0.2102E+00,-.6444E+01,-.6429E+01,-.6405E+01,-.6372E+01, &
     &-.6334E+01,-.6294E+01,-.6256E+01,-.6224E+01,-.6024E+01,-.4837E+01, &
     &-.4301E+01,-.4177E+01,-.3957E+01,-.3694E+01,-.3340E+01,-.2917E+01, &
     &-.2407E+01,-.1680E+01,-.8730E+00,-.1722E-01,-.5983E+01,-.5969E+01, &
     &-.5944E+01,-.5912E+01,-.5874E+01,-.5834E+01,-.5797E+01,-.5764E+01, &
     &-.5575E+01,-.4419E+01,-.3920E+01,-.3816E+01,-.3632E+01,-.3375E+01, &
     &-.3093E+01,-.2728E+01,-.2243E+01,-.1594E+01,-.9797E+00,-.2503E+00, &
     &-.5523E+01,-.5508E+01,-.5484E+01,-.5451E+01,-.5414E+01,-.5375E+01, &
     &-.5337E+01,-.5305E+01,-.5124E+01,-.4022E+01,-.3593E+01,-.3506E+01, &
     &-.3345E+01,-.3134E+01,-.2898E+01,-.2566E+01,-.2089E+01,-.1622E+01, &
     &-.1140E+01,-.5877E+00,-.5062E+01,-.5048E+01,-.5024E+01,-.4992E+01, &
     &-.4954E+01,-.4915E+01,-.4878E+01,-.4846E+01,-.4675E+01,-.3658E+01, &
     &-.3312E+01,-.3239E+01,-.3113E+01,-.2949E+01,-.2766E+01,-.2396E+01, &
      data ( ( coehh62_6_new(2,j,i), i = 1, 20 ), j = 1, 11 ) / &
     &-.2708E-01,-.2651E-01,-.2545E-01,-.2385E-01,-.2324E-01,-.2349E-01, &
     &-.2374E-01,-.2421E-01,-.1680E-01,-.2856E-03,0.1422E-02,0.1756E-02, &
     &0.2525E-02,0.3960E-02,0.5646E-02,0.7334E-02,0.7621E-02,0.7548E-02, &
     &0.5082E-02,0.5324E-02,-.2708E-01,-.2652E-01,-.2546E-01,-.2384E-01, &
     &-.2322E-01,-.2347E-01,-.2371E-01,-.2419E-01,-.1683E-01,-.3282E-03, &
     &0.1485E-02,0.1731E-02,0.2295E-02,0.3569E-02,0.5337E-02,0.5533E-02, &
     &0.5841E-02,0.5607E-02,0.4539E-02,0.5602E-02,-.2708E-01,-.2651E-01, &
     &-.2545E-01,-.2385E-01,-.2324E-01,-.2348E-01,-.2373E-01,-.2420E-01, &
     &-.1682E-01,-.2929E-03,0.1377E-02,0.1590E-02,0.2159E-02,0.3440E-02, &
     &0.4662E-02,0.5012E-02,0.4695E-02,0.3924E-02,0.3741E-02,0.4969E-02, &
     &-.2708E-01,-.2651E-01,-.2545E-01,-.2385E-01,-.2324E-01,-.2348E-01, &
     &-.2373E-01,-.2420E-01,-.1682E-01,-.3198E-03,0.1224E-02,0.1557E-02, &
     &0.2048E-02,0.2705E-02,0.3888E-02,0.4160E-02,0.3778E-02,0.2669E-02, &
     &0.2845E-02,0.5310E-02,-.2708E-01,-.2651E-01,-.2545E-01,-.2385E-01, &
     &-.2324E-01,-.2348E-01,-.2373E-01,-.2420E-01,-.1697E-01,-.5133E-03, &
     &0.9245E-03,0.1115E-02,0.1453E-02,0.1932E-02,0.3127E-02,0.2995E-02, &
     &0.2403E-02,0.3104E-02,0.1342E-02,0.5079E-02,-.2708E-01,-.2651E-01, &
     &-.2545E-01,-.2385E-01,-.2324E-01,-.2348E-01,-.2373E-01,-.2419E-01, &
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     &-.7078E-05,-.2613E-04,-.1220E-04,-.2457E-04,0.6305E-09,-.3795E-02, &
     &-.1768E-03,-.8520E-04,-.9896E-04,-.9557E-04,-.9678E-04,-.9741E-04, &
     &0.7907E-05,0.2320E-05,-.1138E-04,-.1181E-04,-.1171E-04,-.4526E-05, &
     &-.9526E-06,-.1426E-05,-.1523E-04,-.3728E-04,-.7095E-05,-.3584E-04, &
     &0.6154E-06,-.2967E-03,-.1664E-03,-.8674E-04,-.1013E-03,-.9641E-04, &
     &-.9766E-04,-.1016E-03,0.3196E-04,-.2726E-05,-.9340E-05,-.8610E-05, &
     &-.6137E-05,-.1048E-04,-.3945E-05,-.9921E-05,-.1724E-04,-.2295E-04, &
     &0.4577E-05,-.2728E-04,0.0000E+00,-.3212E-03,-.1657E-03,-.8656E-04, &
     &-.1007E-03,-.9824E-04,-.9977E-04,-.8734E-04,0.3091E-04,0.8470E-06, &
     &-.1287E-04,-.1108E-04,-.8110E-05,-.7669E-05,-.7991E-05,-.1662E-04, &

!	block data ckd7_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  two  cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 2200 to 1900 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!	common /band7_new/ hk(2), coeh2o(3,19,2)
      real hk_7_new(2), coeh2o_7_new(3,19,2)
      data hk_7_new / 0.7, 0.3 /
      data ( ( ( coeh2o_7_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 2 ), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3) / &
     &-.2008E+02,-.1467E+02,-.2004E+02,-.1426E+02,-.2001E+02,-.1386E+02, &
     &-.1998E+02,-.1345E+02,-.1995E+02,-.1304E+02,-.1992E+02,-.1263E+02, &
     &-.1989E+02,-.1223E+02,-.1986E+02,-.1183E+02,-.1984E+02,-.1143E+02, &
     &-.1758E+02,-.1038E+02,-.1602E+02,-.9480E+01,-.1469E+02,-.8752E+01, &
     &-.1349E+02,-.8218E+01,-.1255E+02,-.7677E+01,-.1174E+02,-.7184E+01, &
     &-.1110E+02,-.6735E+01,-.1056E+02,-.6332E+01,-.1019E+02,-.5975E+01, &
     &-.9874E+01,-.5644E+01, .2533E-02, .2269E-01, .2575E-02, .2263E-01, &
     & .2554E-02, .2267E-01, .2491E-02, .2250E-01, .2449E-02, .2244E-01, &
     & .2344E-02, .2234E-01, .2219E-02, .2208E-01, .5694E-02, .2190E-01, &
     & .9650E-02, .2162E-01, .3286E-01, .1848E-01, .2987E-01, .1578E-01, &
     & .2527E-01, .1465E-01, .2175E-01, .1386E-01, .2056E-01, .1235E-01, &
     & .1963E-01, .1116E-01, .1926E-01, .1040E-01, .2014E-01, .1040E-01, &
     & .2024E-01, .1042E-01, .1972E-01, .1080E-01,-.8754E-05,-.6698E-04, &
     &-.1104E-04,-.6432E-04,-.1142E-04,-.6051E-04,-.1180E-04,-.6128E-04, &
     &-.1180E-04,-.6242E-04,-.1218E-04,-.6280E-04,-.1218E-04,-.6204E-04, &
     & .5328E-04,-.5709E-04, .1275E-03,-.5214E-04,-.1370E-03,-.4148E-04, &
     &-.1100E-03,-.3045E-04,-.9248E-04,-.3197E-04,-.7346E-04,-.2436E-04, &
     &-.5100E-04,-.2131E-04,-.5861E-04,-.2550E-04,-.5328E-04,-.3311E-04, &

!	block data ckd8_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  three cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 1900 to 1700 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!        common /band8_new/ hk(3), coeh2o(3,19,3),coeno(3,19)
        real hk_8_new(3), coeh2o_8_new(3,19,3),coeno_8_new(3,19)
        data hk_8_new / 0.2, 0.7, 0.1 /
        data ((( coeh2o_8_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 3), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.2283E+02,-.1639E+02,-.6155E+01,-.2237E+02,-.1595E+02,-.5775E+01, &
     &-.2191E+02,-.1551E+02,-.5381E+01,-.2145E+02,-.1507E+02,-.5004E+01, &
     &-.2099E+02,-.1463E+02,-.4617E+01,-.2053E+02,-.1419E+02,-.4218E+01, &
     &-.2025E+02,-.1375E+02,-.3806E+01,-.2021E+02,-.1330E+02,-.3403E+01, &
     &-.2018E+02,-.1287E+02,-.2993E+01,-.1998E+02,-.1091E+02,-.2586E+01, &
     &-.1744E+02,-.9171E+01,-.2162E+01,-.1490E+02,-.7642E+01,-.1763E+01, &
     &-.1303E+02,-.6526E+01,-.1373E+01,-.1113E+02,-.5846E+01,-.9699E+00, &
     &-.9814E+01,-.5280E+01,-.5955E+00,-.8582E+01,-.4787E+01,-.2510E+00, &
     &-.8020E+01,-.4350E+01, .2770E-01,-.7571E+01,-.3942E+01, .2406E+00, &
     &-.7140E+01,-.3537E+01, .3567E+00, .3722E-01, .1505E-01, .6615E-02, &
     & .3722E-01, .1518E-01, .5840E-02, .3720E-01, .1526E-01, .5170E-02, &
     & .3399E-01, .1530E-01, .4773E-02, .3012E-01, .1551E-01, .4333E-02, &
     & .2625E-01, .1553E-01, .3956E-02, .2240E-01, .1562E-01, .3454E-02, &
     & .1846E-01, .1574E-01, .3161E-02, .1446E-01, .1572E-01, .3098E-02, &
     & .5924E-02, .8875E-02, .2658E-02, .2204E-01, .7096E-02, .2504E-02, &
     & .1591E-01, .5233E-02, .2292E-02, .8855E-02, .4249E-02, .2190E-02, &
     & .5422E-02, .3496E-02, .2041E-02, .4919E-02, .3621E-02, .2200E-02, &
     & .6657E-02, .3663E-02, .2248E-02, .8645E-02, .3852E-02, .2118E-02, &
     & .8771E-02, .3873E-02, .2176E-02, .9043E-02, .3747E-02, .2079E-02, &
     &-.1568E-03,-.4681E-04, .4567E-05,-.1568E-03,-.4605E-04,-.3425E-05, &
     &-.1572E-03,-.4605E-04,-.1104E-04,-.2154E-03,-.4453E-04,-.6851E-05, &
     &-.2843E-03,-.4225E-04,-.7231E-05,-.3562E-03,-.4110E-04,-.7231E-05, &
     &-.3692E-03,-.4110E-04,-.1028E-04,-.3007E-03,-.4263E-04,-.6470E-05, &
     &-.2325E-03,-.3996E-04,-.8373E-05,-.5290E-04,-.7612E-05,-.4948E-05, &
     &-.7422E-04,-.1256E-04,-.8449E-05,-.3501E-04,-.1446E-04,-.4834E-05, &
     & .4529E-04,-.2246E-04,-.2893E-05, .6470E-05,-.1789E-04,-.7498E-05, &
     &-.4948E-05,-.1713E-04,-.8183E-05,-.5481E-04,-.1713E-04,-.1447E-04, &
     &-.4986E-04,-.1903E-04,-.1353E-04,-.5138E-04,-.1484E-04,-.1147E-04, &
        data ( ( coeno_8_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.1164E+02,-.1119E+02,-.1074E+02,-.1030E+02,-.9853E+01,-.9400E+01, &
     &-.8947E+01,-.8497E+01,-.8044E+01,-.7594E+01,-.7142E+01,-.6689E+01, &
     &-.6245E+01,-.5808E+01,-.5399E+01,-.4998E+01,-.4544E+01,-.4134E+01, &
     &-.3773E+01,0.4822E-02,0.4864E-02,0.4915E-02,0.4985E-02,0.5089E-02, &
     &0.5150E-02,0.5189E-02,0.5210E-02,0.5268E-02,0.5291E-02,0.5348E-02, &
     &0.5368E-02,0.5450E-02,0.5606E-02,0.5740E-02,0.6009E-02,0.6353E-02, &
     &0.6841E-02,0.7601E-02,-.3353E-04,-.3355E-04,-.3262E-04,-.3182E-04, &
     &-.3045E-04,-.3080E-04,-.3168E-04,-.3100E-04,-.3167E-04,-.3193E-04, &
     &-.3146E-04,-.3226E-04,-.3289E-04,-.3499E-04,-.3260E-04,-.3156E-04, &

!	block data ckd9_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  four cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 1700 to 1400 cm**-1.
!c *********************************************************************
!        common /band9_new/ hk(4), coeh2o(3,19,4),coeno2(3,19)
      real hk_9_new(4), coeh2o_9_new(3,19,4),coeno2_9_new(3,19)
      data hk_9_new / 0.22, 0.51, 0.22, 0.05 /
      data ( ( ( coeh2o_9_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 4 ), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.2066E+02,-.1464E+02,-.8301E+01,-.3548E+01,-.2025E+02,-.1419E+02, &
     &-.7905E+01,-.3260E+01,-.2019E+02,-.1374E+02,-.7495E+01,-.2927E+01, &
     &-.2013E+02,-.1329E+02,-.7078E+01,-.2584E+01,-.2007E+02,-.1284E+02, &
     &-.6675E+01,-.2247E+01,-.2001E+02,-.1239E+02,-.6268E+01,-.1890E+01, &
     &-.1996E+02,-.1194E+02,-.5853E+01,-.1530E+01,-.1991E+02,-.1150E+02, &
     &-.5441E+01,-.1133E+01,-.1987E+02,-.1105E+02,-.5022E+01,-.7447E+00, &
     &-.1575E+02,-.9657E+01,-.4191E+01,-.3728E+00,-.1329E+02,-.8133E+01, &
     &-.3638E+01, .1616E-01,-.1181E+02,-.6675E+01,-.3178E+01, .4083E+00, &
     &-.1036E+02,-.5655E+01,-.2731E+01, .7953E+00,-.8628E+01,-.4990E+01, &
     &-.2303E+01, .1153E+01,-.7223E+01,-.4453E+01,-.1877E+01, .1454E+01, &
     &-.6567E+01,-.3974E+01,-.1461E+01, .1663E+01,-.6077E+01,-.3551E+01, &
     &-.1071E+01, .1800E+01,-.5651E+01,-.3136E+01,-.7005E+00, .1809E+01, &
     &-.5241E+01,-.2726E+01,-.3859E+00, .1781E+01, .1315E-01, .4542E-02, &
     & .3496E-02, .4877E-02, .9650E-02, .4542E-02, .3098E-02, .3956E-02, &
     & .6154E-02, .4626E-02, .2763E-02, .3077E-02, .2658E-02, .4626E-02, &
     & .2512E-02, .2261E-02, .2658E-02, .4689E-02, .2219E-02, .1405E-02, &
     & .2700E-02, .4752E-02, .1926E-02, .7473E-03, .2658E-02, .4773E-02, &
     & .1737E-02, .5066E-03, .4668E-02, .4815E-02, .1507E-02, .1842E-03, &
     & .8541E-02, .4794E-02, .1382E-02,-.2156E-03, .1022E-01, .2198E-02, &
     & .3977E-03,-.2910E-03, .5484E-02, .6698E-03, .0000E+00,-.2339E-03, &
     & .3349E-02, .1068E-02,-.2512E-03,-.4228E-03, .1884E-02, .2093E-03, &
     &-.3977E-03,-.6405E-03,-.8373E-04,-.5233E-03,-.4124E-03,-.5945E-03, &
     & .7536E-03,-.6698E-03,-.4919E-03,-.4794E-03, .3600E-02,-.4605E-03, &
     &-.4375E-03,-.3517E-03, .3873E-02,-.5861E-03,-.3203E-03,-.4689E-03, &
     & .3935E-02,-.7326E-03,-.2072E-03,-.4228E-03, .4124E-02,-.8582E-03, &
     &-.4187E-04,-.5945E-03,-.8525E-04, .1865E-04,-.1142E-05, .2664E-05, &
     &-.1313E-03, .1865E-04, .0000E+00, .1256E-04,-.6470E-04, .1865E-04, &
     &-.3045E-05, .8754E-05, .3805E-06, .1789E-04,-.6851E-05, .5328E-05, &
     & .1142E-05, .1827E-04,-.6090E-05, .4148E-05, .1142E-05, .1865E-04, &
     &-.3806E-05,-.3768E-05,-.1903E-05, .1751E-04,-.4948E-05, .3121E-05, &
     & .3159E-04, .1979E-04,-.3045E-05,-.9896E-06, .1005E-03, .1789E-04, &
     &-.6089E-05,-.1865E-05,-.2207E-04, .1941E-04, .1903E-05, .2322E-05, &
     &-.1675E-04, .6090E-05,-.7611E-06, .4397E-05, .3425E-04, .3806E-06, &
     & .1522E-05, .3806E-05, .4796E-04, .1522E-05,-.3806E-06, .3654E-05, &
     &-.6851E-05, .2664E-05,-.3920E-05,-.6850E-06,-.1370E-04, .5328E-05, &
     &-.6584E-05,-.8716E-05,-.8374E-10, .1522E-05,-.6356E-05, .1294E-05, &
     &-.9515E-05, .7612E-06,-.3235E-05,-.1066E-05,-.7612E-05, .1142E-05, &
     &-.4529E-05, .3730E-05,-.2664E-05,-.3806E-06,-.3501E-05,-.5328E-06/
      data ( ( coeno2_9_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.9663E+01,-.9349E+01,-.9029E+01,-.8713E+01,-.8379E+01,-.8038E+01, &
     &-.7698E+01,-.7371E+01,-.7058E+01,-.6777E+01,-.6518E+01,-.6299E+01, &
     &-.6124E+01,-.6005E+01,-.5938E+01,-.5904E+01,-.5890E+01,-.5868E+01, &
     &-.5853E+01,0.2549E-01,0.2453E-01,0.2346E-01,0.2252E-01,0.2161E-01, &
     &0.2069E-01,0.1963E-01,0.1875E-01,0.1790E-01,0.1709E-01,0.1646E-01, &
     &0.1587E-01,0.1542E-01,0.1501E-01,0.1484E-01,0.1461E-01,0.1466E-01, &
     &0.1455E-01,0.1414E-01,-.5673E-04,-.5248E-04,-.4935E-04,-.4199E-04, &
     &-.3850E-04,-.3829E-04,-.4200E-04,-.4360E-04,-.4090E-04,-.3483E-04, &
     &-.3077E-04,-.2846E-04,-.2721E-04,-.2576E-04,-.2186E-04,-.2060E-04, &

!	block data ckd10_new
!c *********************************************************************
!c hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
!c to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
!c coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
!c teen pressures, and  four cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
!c The spectral region is from 1400 to 1250 cm**-1. coech4 and coen2o
!c are the coefficients to calculate the CH4 and N2O absorption coe-
!c fficients in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at three temperature, nineteen
!c pressures, and one cumulative probability (Fu, 1991), respectively.
!c *********************************************************************
!        common /band10_new/hk(4), coeh2o(3,19,4), coech4(3,19) &
!                ,coen2o(3,19) &
!               ,coeso2(3,19)
      real hk_10_new(4), coeh2o_10_new(3,19,4), coech4_10_new(3,19)  &
     &           ,coen2o_10_new(3,19) &
     &          ,coeso2_10_new(3,19)
      data hk_10_new / 0.28, 0.42, 0.25, 0.05 /
      data ( ( ( coeh2o_10_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 4), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.2023E+02,-.1641E+02,-.1171E+02,-.6090E+01,-.2016E+02,-.1595E+02, &
     &-.1133E+02,-.5867E+01,-.2011E+02,-.1550E+02,-.1095E+02,-.5660E+01, &
     &-.2005E+02,-.1504E+02,-.1055E+02,-.5407E+01,-.2001E+02,-.1459E+02, &
     &-.1015E+02,-.5137E+01,-.1997E+02,-.1413E+02,-.9749E+01,-.4852E+01, &
     &-.1993E+02,-.1367E+02,-.9337E+01,-.4534E+01,-.1990E+02,-.1321E+02, &
     &-.8920E+01,-.4211E+01,-.1987E+02,-.1276E+02,-.8506E+01,-.3889E+01, &
     &-.1645E+02,-.1179E+02,-.7711E+01,-.3613E+01,-.1442E+02,-.1081E+02, &
     &-.6942E+01,-.3316E+01,-.1308E+02,-.9950E+01,-.6344E+01,-.2950E+01, &
     &-.1212E+02,-.9217E+01,-.5904E+01,-.2577E+01,-.1131E+02,-.8559E+01, &
     &-.5519E+01,-.2256E+01,-.1064E+02,-.7962E+01,-.5183E+01,-.1929E+01, &
     &-.1013E+02,-.7447E+01,-.4833E+01,-.1643E+01,-.9712E+01,-.7071E+01, &
     &-.4485E+01,-.1410E+01,-.9305E+01,-.6760E+01,-.4145E+01,-.1249E+01, &
     &-.8966E+01,-.6477E+01,-.3820E+01,-.1114E+01, .7913E-02, .8206E-02, &
     & .1509E-01, .1869E-01, .4228E-02, .8247E-02, .1467E-01, .1783E-01, &
     & .2010E-02, .8227E-02, .1442E-01, .1687E-01, .1947E-02, .8289E-02, &
     & .1394E-01, .1568E-01, .1863E-02, .8289E-02, .1346E-01, .1484E-01, &
     & .1842E-02, .8415E-02, .1310E-01, .1400E-01, .1800E-02, .8457E-02, &
     & .1275E-01, .1377E-01, .1696E-02, .8478E-02, .1220E-01, .1321E-01, &
     & .1842E-02, .8478E-02, .1189E-01, .1250E-01, .1409E-01, .8624E-02, &
     & .1254E-01, .1214E-01, .9043E-02, .1045E-01, .1225E-01, .1260E-01, &
     & .8561E-02, .1202E-01, .1181E-01, .1296E-01, .1114E-01, .1235E-01, &
     & .1191E-01, .1330E-01, .1199E-01, .1271E-01, .1195E-01, .1371E-01, &
     & .1415E-01, .1315E-01, .1218E-01, .1361E-01, .1478E-01, .1338E-01, &
     & .1296E-01, .1306E-01, .1518E-01, .1375E-01, .1365E-01, .1334E-01, &
     & .1530E-01, .1411E-01, .1392E-01, .1327E-01, .1547E-01, .1507E-01, &
     & .1390E-01, .1264E-01,-.1089E-03,-.2740E-04,-.2017E-04,-.5519E-04, &
     &-.4491E-04,-.2740E-04,-.1408E-04,-.5937E-04,-.6090E-05,-.2702E-04, &
     &-.6470E-05,-.4719E-04,-.7232E-05,-.2740E-04,-.6089E-05,-.4910E-04, &
     &-.7231E-05,-.2969E-04,-.4186E-05,-.5366E-04,-.6090E-05,-.3045E-04, &
     &-.2284E-05,-.4986E-04,-.4568E-05,-.3121E-04,-.4948E-05,-.5100E-04, &
     &-.3426E-05,-.3007E-04,-.7993E-05,-.4910E-04, .1522E-05,-.2931E-04, &
     &-.9896E-05,-.5366E-04,-.5823E-04,-.1599E-04,-.1713E-04,-.4110E-04, &
     &-.3121E-04,-.1713E-04,-.3159E-04,-.3578E-04,-.3996E-04,-.1598E-04, &
     &-.3958E-04,-.4605E-04,-.3349E-04,-.1751E-04,-.3844E-04,-.5576E-04, &
     &-.2626E-04,-.2474E-04,-.3920E-04,-.4464E-04,-.1979E-04,-.3045E-04, &
     &-.3958E-04,-.5336E-04,-.2893E-04,-.3616E-04,-.3996E-04,-.4754E-04, &
     &-.2398E-04,-.3083E-04,-.4415E-04,-.5119E-04,-.2702E-04,-.2664E-04, &
      data ( ( coech4_10_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.8909E+01,-.8464E+01,-.8018E+01,-.7573E+01,-.7133E+01,-.6687E+01, &
     &-.6240E+01,-.5803E+01,-.5377E+01,-.4534E+01,-.3983E+01,-.3502E+01, &
     &-.3062E+01,-.2648E+01,-.2265E+01,-.1896E+01,-.1568E+01,-.1234E+01, &
     &-.9298E+00, .9629E-03, .9838E-03, .1088E-02, .1172E-02, .1256E-02, &
     & .1402E-02, .1528E-02, .1633E-02, .1716E-02, .4815E-03,-.3977E-03, &
     &-.5652E-03,-.5024E-03,-.4605E-03,-.4563E-03,-.4438E-03,-.4521E-03, &
     &-.4312E-03,-.3789E-03,-.1294E-04,-.1408E-04,-.1522E-04,-.1675E-04, &
     &-.1751E-04,-.1941E-04,-.2246E-04,-.2207E-04,-.1827E-04,-.1256E-04, &
     &-.9515E-05,-.6470E-05,-.3045E-05,-.3806E-05,-.2055E-05,-.3730E-05, &
     &-.7612E-06,-.3806E-05, .1256E-05/
      data ( ( coen2o_10_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.7863E+01,-.7412E+01,-.6963E+01,-.6514E+01,-.6065E+01,-.5611E+01, &
     &-.5167E+01,-.4720E+01,-.4283E+01,-.3454E+01,-.2858E+01,-.2404E+01, &
     &-.1922E+01,-.1491E+01,-.1097E+01,-.7177E+00,-.3548E+00, .1218E-01, &
     & .3088E+00, .4459E-02, .4542E-02, .4668E-02, .4752E-02, .4815E-02, &
     & .4919E-02, .5087E-02, .5254E-02, .5296E-02, .2324E-02, .2093E-02, &
     & .2294E-02, .2125E-02, .2058E-02, .1920E-02, .1786E-02, .1689E-02, &
     & .1788E-02, .2144E-02,-.7231E-05,-.7231E-05,-.7231E-05,-.6470E-05, &
     &-.6851E-05,-.7231E-05,-.5709E-05,-.6470E-05,-.4186E-05, .8754E-05, &
     &-.7612E-05,-.9134E-06,-.8640E-05,-.8487E-05,-.8259E-05,-.9553E-05, &
      data ( ( coeso2_10_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.7207E+01,-.6750E+01,-.6292E+01,-.5835E+01,-.5384E+01,-.4925E+01, &
     &-.4473E+01,-.4029E+01,-.3601E+01,-.3191E+01,-.2785E+01,-.2451E+01, &
     &-.2170E+01,-.1973E+01,-.1819E+01,-.1732E+01,-.1612E+01,-.1532E+01, &
     &-.1394E+01,0.1824E-01,0.1826E-01,0.1828E-01,0.1832E-01,0.1831E-01, &
     &0.1837E-01,0.1848E-01,0.1864E-01,0.1885E-01,0.1913E-01,0.1972E-01, &
     &0.2057E-01,0.2158E-01,0.2202E-01,0.2255E-01,0.2291E-01,0.2286E-01, &
     &0.2112E-01,0.1848E-01,-.1230E-03,-.1229E-03,-.1228E-03,-.1232E-03, &
     &-.1222E-03,-.1225E-03,-.1231E-03,-.1238E-03,-.1239E-03,-.1249E-03, &
     &-.1298E-03,-.1263E-03,-.1288E-03,-.1230E-03,-.1238E-03,-.1111E-03, &

!      block data ckd11_new
! *********************************************************************
! hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
! to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
! coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
! teen pressures, and three cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
! The spectral region is from 1250 to 1100 cm**-1. coech4 and coen2o
! are the coefficients to calculate the CH4 and N2O absorption coe-
! fficients in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at three temperature, nineteen
! pressures, and one cumulative probability (Fu, 1991), respectively.
! *********************************************************************
      real hk_11_new(3), coeh2o_11_new(3,19,3), coech4_11_new(3,19) &
     &                 , coen2o_11_new(3,19) &
     &                 , c11CFC11_11_new, c11CFC12_11_new      
      data hk_11_new / 0.80, 0.15, 0.05 /
      data c11CFC11_11_new / 0.13273E+02 /
      data c11CFC12_11_new / 0.19158E+02 /
      data ( ( ( coeh2o_11_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 3), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.2005E+02,-.1548E+02,-.1021E+02,-.2001E+02,-.1504E+02,-.1001E+02, &
     &-.1997E+02,-.1459E+02,-.9814E+01,-.1993E+02,-.1416E+02,-.9595E+01, &
     &-.1989E+02,-.1373E+02,-.9349E+01,-.1985E+02,-.1328E+02,-.9072E+01, &
     &-.1982E+02,-.1286E+02,-.8833E+01,-.1957E+02,-.1243E+02,-.8566E+01, &
     &-.1911E+02,-.1200E+02,-.8276E+01,-.1743E+02,-.1134E+02,-.7958E+01, &
     &-.1625E+02,-.1078E+02,-.7629E+01,-.1524E+02,-.1036E+02,-.7334E+01, &
     &-.1429E+02,-.9970E+01,-.7051E+01,-.1348E+02,-.9620E+01,-.6749E+01, &
     &-.1282E+02,-.9270E+01,-.6505E+01,-.1229E+02,-.8932E+01,-.6277E+01, &
     &-.1186E+02,-.8628E+01,-.6120E+01,-.1148E+02,-.8345E+01,-.6049E+01, &
     &-.1112E+02,-.8066E+01,-.5906E+01, .1842E-02, .2131E-01, .3033E-01, &
     & .1905E-02, .2137E-01, .2841E-01, .1926E-02, .2135E-01, .2696E-01, &
     & .1926E-02, .2133E-01, .2514E-01, .1884E-02, .2154E-01, .2401E-01, &
     & .5589E-02, .2156E-01, .2321E-01, .9483E-02, .2156E-01, .2210E-01, &
     & .1333E-01, .2150E-01, .2133E-01, .1725E-01, .2154E-01, .2074E-01, &
     & .2254E-01, .1999E-01, .2005E-01, .2118E-01, .1926E-01, .1978E-01, &
     & .1936E-01, .1920E-01, .1963E-01, .1905E-01, .1911E-01, .1934E-01, &
     & .1909E-01, .1903E-01, .1920E-01, .1922E-01, .1901E-01, .1899E-01, &
     & .1934E-01, .1930E-01, .1974E-01, .1966E-01, .1909E-01, .2014E-01, &
     & .1976E-01, .1905E-01, .1984E-01, .1963E-01, .1940E-01, .1897E-01, &
     &-.1522E-05,-.6013E-04,-.5062E-04,-.2665E-05,-.6204E-04,-.5519E-04, &
     &-.3806E-05,-.6394E-04,-.5633E-04,-.4567E-05,-.6280E-04,-.5214E-04, &
     &-.6090E-05,-.6128E-04,-.5290E-04, .6051E-04,-.6242E-04,-.5823E-04, &
     & .1313E-03,-.6013E-04,-.5176E-04, .1336E-03,-.5747E-04,-.4072E-04, &
     & .6318E-04,-.5671E-04,-.3996E-04,-.5595E-04,-.3996E-04,-.4263E-04, &
     &-.3958E-04,-.4719E-04,-.4453E-04,-.3387E-04,-.5138E-04,-.5100E-04, &
     &-.5252E-04,-.4986E-04,-.4491E-04,-.5100E-04,-.4453E-04,-.4529E-04, &
     &-.5176E-04,-.4795E-04,-.4453E-04,-.5557E-04,-.5176E-04,-.5062E-04, &
     &-.5747E-04,-.4795E-04,-.5633E-04,-.5709E-04,-.4643E-04,-.3806E-04, &
      data ( ( coech4_11_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.1207E+02,-.1162E+02,-.1116E+02,-.1070E+02,-.1024E+02,-.9777E+01, &
     &-.9319E+01,-.8858E+01,-.8398E+01,-.7384E+01,-.6643E+01,-.6081E+01, &
     &-.5602E+01,-.5188E+01,-.4822E+01,-.4479E+01,-.4184E+01,-.3884E+01, &
     &-.3627E+01, .1036E-01, .1036E-01, .1040E-01, .1040E-01, .1045E-01, &
     & .1047E-01, .1049E-01, .1055E-01, .1059E-01, .1059E-01, .1026E-01, &
     & .1011E-01, .1024E-01, .1049E-01, .1072E-01, .1089E-01, .1109E-01, &
     & .1153E-01, .1191E-01,-.4910E-04,-.4834E-04,-.4910E-04,-.4910E-04, &
     &-.4910E-04,-.4872E-04,-.4834E-04,-.4948E-04,-.5100E-04,-.5633E-04, &
     &-.6166E-04,-.5595E-04,-.5366E-04,-.5366E-04,-.5328E-04,-.5328E-04, &
      data ( ( coen2o_11_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.9461E+01,-.9003E+01,-.8543E+01,-.8084E+01,-.7629E+01,-.7166E+01, &
     &-.6707E+01,-.6249E+01,-.5793E+01,-.5312E+01,-.4847E+01,-.4393E+01, &
     &-.3974E+01,-.3587E+01,-.3231E+01,-.2885E+01,-.2602E+01,-.2358E+01, &
     &-.2108E+01, .4710E-02, .4752E-02, .4773E-02, .4773E-02, .4815E-02, &
     & .4877E-02, .4898E-02, .4982E-02, .5066E-02, .5296E-02, .5149E-02, &
     & .5129E-02, .5024E-02, .4752E-02, .4501E-02, .4270E-02, .4019E-02, &
     & .3646E-02, .2759E-02,-.1484E-04,-.1408E-04,-.1446E-04,-.1446E-04, &
     &-.1522E-04,-.1560E-04,-.1522E-04,-.1522E-04,-.1598E-04,-.1484E-04, &
     &-.9895E-05,-.1028E-04,-.7612E-05,-.1903E-05, .1903E-05, .0000E+00, &
     & .2283E-05, .6166E-05,-.2740E-05/

!      block data ckd12_new
! *********************************************************************
! hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
! to one. coeo3 is the coefficient to calculate the ozone absorption
! coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
! teen pressures, and  five cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
! The spectral region is from 1100 to  980 cm**-1.    coeh2o is the
! coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption coefficient in units
! of (cm-atm)**-1 at three temperature, nineteen pressures, and one
! cumulative probability ( Fu, 1991 ).
! *********************************************************************
      real hk_12_new(5), coeo3_12_new(3,19,5), coeh2o_12_new(3,19) , &
     &                      c12CFC11_12_new, c12CFC12_12_new
      data hk_12_new / 0.45, 0.30, 0.2, 0.04, 0.01 /
      data c12CFC11_12_new / 0.13857E+02 /
      data c12CFC12_12_new / 0.96058E+01 /
      data ( ( ( coeo3_12_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 5 ), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.6590E+01,-.3912E+01,-.8513E+00, .2731E+01, .5515E+01,-.6157E+01, &
     &-.3583E+01,-.7292E+00, .2740E+01, .5508E+01,-.5731E+01,-.3242E+01, &
     &-.5800E+00, .2782E+01, .5485E+01,-.5301E+01,-.2901E+01,-.4131E+00, &
     & .2805E+01, .5455E+01,-.4879E+01,-.2551E+01,-.2288E+00, .2878E+01, &
     & .5416E+01,-.4449E+01,-.2201E+01,-.2228E-01, .3000E+01, .5374E+01, &
     &-.4018E+01,-.1843E+01, .2055E+00, .3143E+01, .5342E+01,-.3615E+01, &
     &-.1502E+01, .4561E+00, .3288E+01, .5204E+01,-.3228E+01,-.1172E+01, &
     & .7099E+00, .3396E+01, .5077E+01,-.2828E+01,-.8499E+00, .9664E+00, &
     & .3463E+01, .4893E+01,-.2480E+01,-.5393E+00, .1229E+01, .3493E+01, &
     & .4656E+01,-.2181E+01,-.2653E+00, .1504E+01, .3456E+01, .4398E+01, &
     &-.1950E+01,-.1469E-01, .1735E+01, .3387E+01, .4115E+01,-.1788E+01, &
     & .2517E+00, .1919E+01, .3251E+01, .3832E+01,-.1677E+01, .5027E+00, &
     & .2032E+01, .3088E+01, .3581E+01,-.1637E+01, .7373E+00, .2100E+01, &
     & .2910E+01, .3364E+01,-.1650E+01, .9383E+00, .2123E+01, .2793E+01, &
     & .3150E+01,-.1658E+01, .1091E+01, .2112E+01, .2683E+01, .3021E+01, &
     &-.1654E+01, .1163E+01, .2099E+01, .2602E+01, .2871E+01, .9498E-02, &
     & .8894E-02, .1161E-01, .8828E-02,-.1669E-02, .9613E-02, .8347E-02, &
     & .1053E-01, .8462E-02,-.1612E-02, .9700E-02, .7829E-02, .9101E-02, &
     & .7915E-02,-.1439E-02, .9815E-02, .7167E-02, .7981E-02, .7282E-02, &
     &-.1094E-02, .9671E-02, .6764E-02, .6930E-02, .5613E-02,-.8347E-03, &
     & .9613E-02, .6312E-02, .6225E-02, .4145E-02,-.1295E-02, .9728E-02, &
     & .6099E-02, .5293E-02, .2965E-02,-.1756E-02, .9844E-02, .5915E-02, &
     & .4496E-02, .1871E-02,-.2044E-02, .9930E-02, .5817E-02, .3509E-02, &
     & .1324E-02,-.2044E-02, .9988E-02, .5535E-02, .2711E-02, .6620E-03, &
     &-.1813E-02, .1034E-01, .5247E-02, .1926E-02,-.2303E-03,-.1842E-02, &
     & .1058E-01, .4795E-02, .1197E-02,-.9498E-03,-.2216E-02, .1084E-01, &
     & .4414E-02, .6188E-03,-.1123E-02,-.2303E-02, .1079E-01, .3926E-02, &
     & .1756E-03,-.1497E-02,-.2274E-02, .1039E-01, .3425E-02,-.1900E-03, &
     &-.1353E-02,-.2389E-02, .9815E-02, .2769E-02,-.6620E-03,-.1756E-02, &
     &-.1785E-02, .9818E-02, .2444E-02,-.1016E-02,-.1410E-02,-.1698E-02, &
     & .1074E-01, .3218E-02,-.1235E-02,-.1900E-02,-.2533E-02, .1145E-01, &
     & .3684E-02,-.1364E-02,-.1353E-02,-.1957E-02,-.4030E-04,-.2375E-04, &
     &-.3814E-05,-.4943E-04,-.3166E-04,-.3742E-04,-.1871E-04,-.1137E-04, &
     &-.4317E-04,-.2878E-04,-.3526E-04,-.2015E-04,-.1295E-04,-.4821E-04, &
     &-.2303E-04,-.3382E-04,-.2087E-04,-.1519E-04,-.2231E-04,-.1871E-04, &
     &-.3454E-04,-.2087E-04,-.8109E-05,-.6476E-05,-.1511E-04,-.3454E-04, &
     &-.1820E-04,-.1269E-05,-.1439E-04,-.5037E-05,-.4173E-04,-.2598E-04, &
     & .6645E-05,-.1943E-04,-.2087E-04,-.3454E-04,-.2267E-04, .2159E-05, &
     &-.2231E-04,-.2159E-05,-.2950E-04,-.2080E-04, .2159E-06,-.4317E-05, &
     & .1799E-04,-.3670E-04,-.1590E-04,-.4461E-05,-.9354E-05,-.3598E-05, &
     &-.3216E-04,-.1475E-04,-.2231E-05,-.1295E-04,-.2878E-05,-.3576E-04, &
     &-.7347E-05,-.1022E-04,-.2159E-05,-.7915E-05,-.3015E-04,-.5230E-05, &
     &-.5109E-05,-.6476E-05,-.7196E-05,-.2331E-04,-.1079E-04,-.4102E-05, &
     & .1439E-05,-.1223E-04,-.2216E-04,-.1094E-04,-.5325E-05,-.7196E-06, &
     &-.1655E-04,-.1036E-04,-.7627E-05,-.2878E-05, .5037E-05,-.1295E-04, &
     & .1029E-04,-.1346E-04,-.4821E-05,-.7915E-05, .7915E-05, .2835E-04, &
     &-.2893E-04,-.1367E-05,-.7196E-05,-.1871E-04, .3965E-04,-.3310E-04, &
     &-.3310E-05,-.7195E-06, .2303E-04/
      data ( ( coeh2o_12_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.1984E+02,-.1983E+02,-.1982E+02,-.1981E+02,-.1963E+02,-.1917E+02, &
     &-.1871E+02,-.1825E+02,-.1779E+02,-.1639E+02,-.1545E+02,-.1484E+02, &
     &-.1433E+02,-.1387E+02,-.1345E+02,-.1305E+02,-.1268E+02,-.1231E+02, &
     &-.1196E+02, .6071E-03, .2072E-02, .6196E-02, .1030E-01, .1436E-01, &
     & .1846E-01, .2259E-01, .2667E-01, .2993E-01, .2878E-01, .2803E-01, &
     & .2851E-01, .2864E-01, .2874E-01, .2862E-01, .2859E-01, .2853E-01, &
     & .2868E-01, .2887E-01,-.3808E-06, .2474E-04, .9895E-04, .1728E-03, &
     & .1911E-03, .1165E-03, .4225E-04,-.3121E-04,-.8982E-04,-.9553E-04, &
     &-.9705E-04,-.9591E-04,-.9287E-04,-.9172E-04,-.9096E-04,-.9134E-04, &

!      block data ckd13_new
! *********************************************************************
! hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
! to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
! coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
! teen pressures, and  two  cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
! The spectral region is from 980 to 800 cm**-1.
! *********************************************************************
      real hk_13_new(2), coeh2o_13_new(3,19,2) &
     &          , c13CFC11_13_new, c13CFC12_13_new
      data hk_13_new / 0.95, 0.05 /
      data c13CFC11_13_new / 0.38552E+01 /
      data c13CFC12_13_new / 0.84634E+01 /
      data ( ( ( coeh2o_13_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 2), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.1992E+02,-.1446E+02,-.1992E+02,-.1405E+02,-.1991E+02,-.1363E+02, &
     &-.1990E+02,-.1322E+02,-.1989E+02,-.1282E+02,-.1989E+02,-.1242E+02, &
     &-.1988E+02,-.1201E+02,-.1987E+02,-.1159E+02,-.1986E+02,-.1119E+02, &
     &-.1982E+02,-.1079E+02,-.1817E+02,-.1039E+02,-.1659E+02,-.1000E+02, &
     &-.1537E+02,-.9623E+01,-.1460E+02,-.9266E+01,-.1406E+02,-.8959E+01, &
     &-.1354E+02,-.8676E+01,-.1309E+02,-.8411E+01,-.1267E+02,-.8232E+01, &
     &-.1229E+02,-.8094E+01, .5024E-03, .3199E-01, .5652E-03, .3199E-01, &
     & .6071E-03, .3211E-01, .6489E-03, .3199E-01, .6699E-03, .3178E-01, &
     & .6908E-03, .3157E-01, .6908E-03, .3109E-01, .6698E-03, .3075E-01, &
     & .6698E-03, .3054E-01, .1474E-01, .3000E-01, .3085E-01, .2960E-01, &
     & .3659E-01, .2935E-01, .3016E-01, .2920E-01, .2834E-01, .2895E-01, &
     & .2780E-01, .2870E-01, .2753E-01, .2843E-01, .2755E-01, .2820E-01, &
     & .2765E-01, .2732E-01, .2769E-01, .2705E-01, .6299E-09,-.7993E-04, &
     &-.3802E-06,-.7992E-04,-.3802E-06,-.8525E-04,-.3808E-06,-.8449E-04, &
     &-.7610E-06,-.7764E-04,-.1142E-05,-.7231E-04,-.1142E-05,-.7345E-04, &
     &-.2284E-05,-.8259E-04,-.2284E-05,-.8031E-04, .2436E-03,-.7878E-04, &
     & .7612E-05,-.8525E-04,-.1248E-03,-.9439E-04,-.9477E-04,-.9172E-04, &
     &-.8982E-04,-.8640E-04,-.7916E-04,-.6813E-04,-.7574E-04,-.6090E-04, &

!      block data ckd14_new
! **********************************************************************
! hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0
! to one. coehca and coehcb are the coefficients to calculate the
! H2O and CO2 overlapping absorption coefficients in units of (cm-
! atm)**-1 at three temperature, nineteen pressures, and ten cumu-
! lative probabilities (Fu, 1991). The spectral region is from 800
! to 670 cm**-1.
! **********************************************************************
      real hk_14_new(10), coehca_14_new(3,19,10), coehcb_14_new(3,19,10) &
     &         ,coech3cl_14_new(3,19)
      data hk_14_new / .3,.3,.2,.12,.06,.012,.004,.0025,.0011,.0004 /
      data ( ( (coehca_14_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 10), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.1847E+02,-.1399E+02,-.1106E+02,-.8539E+01,-.5852E+01,-.3295E+01, &
     &-.1208E+01,-.6272E-01, .2055E+01, .6071E+01,-.1801E+02,-.1357E+02, &
     &-.1067E+02,-.8171E+01,-.5562E+01,-.3071E+01,-.1073E+01, .1033E+00, &
     & .2055E+01, .6071E+01,-.1755E+02,-.1314E+02,-.1027E+02,-.7798E+01, &
     &-.5224E+01,-.2823E+01,-.9280E+00, .2723E+00, .2165E+01, .5969E+01, &
     &-.1709E+02,-.1272E+02,-.9868E+01,-.7404E+01,-.4880E+01,-.2569E+01, &
     &-.6908E+00, .4453E+00, .2241E+01, .5969E+01,-.1663E+02,-.1230E+02, &
     &-.9467E+01,-.7013E+01,-.4535E+01,-.2297E+01,-.4408E+00, .6353E+00, &
     & .2359E+01, .5969E+01,-.1617E+02,-.1188E+02,-.9050E+01,-.6619E+01, &
     &-.4160E+01,-.1967E+01,-.1687E+00, .8213E+00, .2421E+01, .5969E+01, &
     &-.1571E+02,-.1147E+02,-.8629E+01,-.6230E+01,-.3771E+01,-.1648E+01, &
     & .1573E+00, .1019E+01, .2511E+01, .5884E+01,-.1525E+02,-.1106E+02, &
     &-.8215E+01,-.5841E+01,-.3393E+01,-.1331E+01, .4013E+00, .1198E+01, &
     & .2654E+01, .5794E+01,-.1480E+02,-.1066E+02,-.7800E+01,-.5454E+01, &
     &-.3032E+01,-.9870E+00, .6323E+00, .1373E+01, .2905E+01, .5647E+01, &
     &-.1402E+02,-.9693E+01,-.7206E+01,-.4846E+01,-.2656E+01,-.6540E+00, &
     & .8323E+00, .1530E+01, .3211E+01, .5355E+01,-.1343E+02,-.9060E+01, &
     &-.6596E+01,-.4399E+01,-.2294E+01,-.3519E+00, .9823E+00, .1673E+01, &
     & .3420E+01, .5083E+01,-.1279E+02,-.8611E+01,-.5785E+01,-.4010E+01, &
     &-.1936E+01,-.1177E+00, .1134E+01, .1974E+01, .3591E+01, .4770E+01, &
     &-.1230E+02,-.8174E+01,-.5298E+01,-.3611E+01,-.1607E+01, .3636E-01, &
     & .1433E+01, .2260E+01, .3539E+01, .4439E+01,-.1192E+02,-.7763E+01, &
     &-.4946E+01,-.3228E+01,-.1321E+01, .1991E+00, .1720E+01, .2420E+01, &
     & .3383E+01, .4041E+01,-.1154E+02,-.7377E+01,-.4576E+01,-.2851E+01, &
     &-.1093E+01, .4430E+00, .1896E+01, .2462E+01, .3122E+01, .3620E+01, &
     &-.1118E+02,-.7003E+01,-.4210E+01,-.2524E+01,-.8973E+00, .7490E+00, &
     & .1966E+01, .2363E+01, .2818E+01, .3182E+01,-.1080E+02,-.6677E+01, &
     &-.3872E+01,-.2264E+01,-.6846E+00, .9392E+00, .1867E+01, .2138E+01, &
     & .2505E+01, .2738E+01,-.1031E+02,-.6353E+01,-.3596E+01,-.1938E+01, &
     &-.4537E+00, .1015E+01, .1659E+01, .1830E+01, .2142E+01, .2287E+01, &
     &-.9695E+01,-.5977E+01,-.3427E+01,-.1596E+01,-.1979E+00, .9458E+00, &
     & .1363E+01, .1545E+01, .1743E+01, .1832E+01, .3628E-01, .2728E-01, &
     & .2213E-01, .1656E-01, .1507E-01, .1564E-01, .1623E-01, .1419E-01, &
     & .1455E-01, .1089E-02, .3632E-01, .2740E-01, .2164E-01, .1606E-01, &
     & .1369E-01, .1418E-01, .1444E-01, .1275E-01, .1331E-01, .9210E-03, &
     & .3636E-01, .2746E-01, .2114E-01, .1557E-01, .1239E-01, .1285E-01, &
     & .1237E-01, .1141E-01, .1141E-01, .9210E-03, .3640E-01, .2748E-01, &
     & .2064E-01, .1516E-01, .1141E-01, .1125E-01, .1092E-01, .1026E-01, &
     & .1011E-01,-.5652E-03, .3646E-01, .2746E-01, .2024E-01, .1478E-01, &
     & .1036E-01, .9688E-02, .9610E-02, .9305E-02, .9399E-02,-.6489E-03, &
     & .3651E-01, .2734E-01, .1984E-01, .1438E-01, .9436E-02, .8486E-02, &
     & .8214E-02, .8995E-02, .7892E-02,-.8582E-03, .3655E-01, .2723E-01, &
     & .1951E-01, .1402E-01, .8716E-02, .7433E-02, .7169E-02, .8072E-02, &
     & .5443E-02,-.1172E-02, .3659E-01, .2709E-01, .1911E-01, .1379E-01, &
     & .8107E-02, .6818E-02, .6818E-02, .7033E-02, .3056E-02,-.1047E-02, &
     & .3670E-01, .2698E-01, .1890E-01, .1363E-01, .7502E-02, .6371E-02, &
     & .6558E-02, .6489E-02,-.5652E-03,-.1340E-02, .3592E-01, .2238E-01, &
     & .1804E-01, .1007E-01, .6730E-02, .5512E-02, .6194E-02, .4375E-02, &
     &-.1109E-02,-.3559E-03, .3609E-01, .2242E-01, .1526E-01, .8582E-02, &
     & .6284E-02, .5809E-02, .4501E-02, .9420E-03,-.9001E-03,-.1005E-02, &
     & .3703E-01, .2196E-01, .1281E-01, .7860E-02, .5861E-02, .5842E-02, &
     & .1800E-02,-.1591E-02,-.1235E-02,-.9420E-03, .3728E-01, .2114E-01, &
     & .1347E-01, .6678E-02, .5449E-02, .4837E-02,-.1084E-02,-.1361E-02, &
     &-.6699E-03,-.1256E-03, .3683E-01, .2061E-01, .1350E-01, .6133E-02, &
     & .5449E-02, .2111E-02,-.1386E-02,-.1235E-02,-.5652E-03,-.8373E-04, &
     & .3656E-01, .1988E-01, .1348E-01, .5441E-02, .5149E-02,-.8813E-03, &
     &-.1116E-02,-.8373E-03,-.3140E-03,-.6280E-04, .3669E-01, .1934E-01, &
     & .1363E-01, .5035E-02, .3585E-02,-.1250E-02,-.9357E-03,-.8227E-03, &
     &-.3140E-03,-.4187E-04, .3618E-01, .1856E-01, .1390E-01, .3836E-02, &
     & .1470E-02,-.1096E-02,-.8080E-03,-.4480E-03,-.2093E-03,-.2093E-04, &
     & .3416E-01, .1741E-01, .1431E-01, .1951E-02,-.2923E-04,-.9422E-03, &
     &-.4576E-03,-.2395E-03,-.1565E-03,-.2799E-04, .3219E-01, .1674E-01, &
     & .1516E-01, .6652E-03,-.5051E-03,-.7052E-03,-.2002E-03,-.2135E-03, &
     &-.7633E-04,-.7300E-04,-.1290E-03,-.9934E-04,-.5595E-04,-.3996E-04, &
     & .1294E-04,-.9134E-05, .1294E-05,-.3121E-05,-.4757E-04,-.1979E-04, &
     &-.1305E-03,-.9629E-04,-.5481E-04,-.4301E-04, .1827E-04,-.9363E-05, &
     & .1777E-04,-.2185E-04,-.1903E-04,-.1675E-04,-.1313E-03,-.9439E-04, &
     &-.5404E-04,-.4263E-04, .9134E-05,-.1020E-04, .3524E-04,-.2599E-04, &
     &-.2093E-04, .1675E-04,-.1313E-03,-.9172E-04,-.5252E-04,-.4567E-04, &
     & .4186E-05,-.3920E-05, .2552E-04,-.2059E-04,-.2246E-04,-.1028E-04, &
     &-.1324E-03,-.9210E-04,-.5138E-04,-.4491E-04, .6470E-05,-.2131E-05, &
     & .1496E-04,-.1572E-04,-.3311E-04,-.8754E-05,-.1324E-03,-.9058E-04, &
     &-.5328E-04,-.4225E-04, .1827E-05,-.8411E-06, .4719E-05,-.6813E-05, &
     &-.2474E-04,-.1256E-04,-.1340E-03,-.8868E-04,-.5633E-04,-.4187E-04, &
     &-.4415E-05, .6055E-05,-.1648E-04,-.1507E-04, .1979E-04,-.2131E-04, &
     &-.1340E-03,-.8373E-04,-.5899E-04,-.3920E-04,-.4072E-05, .1491E-04, &
     &-.9781E-05,-.5328E-05, .3578E-04,-.1979E-04,-.1321E-03,-.7954E-04, &
     &-.5899E-04,-.4072E-04, .1066E-05, .5728E-05,-.5138E-05,-.8373E-05, &
     & .2626E-04,-.2436E-04,-.1363E-03,-.6432E-04,-.5176E-04,-.3083E-04, &
     & .2169E-05,-.8944E-05, .3159E-05, .6470E-05,-.4187E-05, .4948E-05, &
     &-.1302E-03,-.7802E-04,-.3311E-04,-.1903E-04, .5328E-05,-.1884E-04, &
     & .1408E-04, .3311E-04, .1142E-05,-.7613E-06,-.1473E-03,-.6737E-04, &
     &-.7536E-04,-.1085E-04,-.1903E-05,-.1458E-04, .4034E-04,-.3941E-10, &
     &-.7992E-05, .2664E-05,-.1361E-03,-.5709E-04,-.8550E-04,-.5709E-05, &
     &-.8640E-05, .6523E-05, .1903E-05,-.8221E-05,-.3045E-05,-.9134E-05, &
     &-.1329E-03,-.5529E-04,-.7107E-04, .2664E-05,-.9020E-05, .3320E-04, &
     &-.2131E-05,-.4187E-05,-.7231E-05,-.3806E-05,-.1278E-03,-.5247E-04, &
     &-.6465E-04, .3806E-05,-.6091E-05, .1245E-04,-.3844E-05,-.6090E-05, &
     &-.8754E-05,-.2664E-05,-.1321E-03,-.5632E-04,-.5897E-04, .1012E-04, &
     & .1168E-04,-.4196E-06,-.8411E-05,-.8868E-05,-.1484E-04,-.1522E-05, &
     &-.1252E-03,-.4907E-04,-.5932E-04, .3245E-04, .1996E-04,-.3325E-05, &
     &-.5785E-05,-.6394E-05,-.6851E-05,-.1142E-05,-.1093E-03,-.4731E-04, &
     &-.6761E-04, .1808E-04, .1754E-04,-.5079E-05,-.5809E-05,-.5649E-05, &
     &-.3988E-05,-.5849E-06,-.1151E-03,-.4965E-04,-.7163E-04, .7839E-05, &
     & .5505E-05,-.6084E-05,-.3344E-05,-.3894E-05,-.1391E-05,-.1327E-05/
      data ( ( (coehcb_14_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 10), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.9398E+01,-.5678E+01,-.3606E+01,-.2192E+01, .2104E+01, .3044E+01, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.9094E+01,-.5422E+01, &
     &-.3448E+01,-.1650E+01, .2046E+01, .2749E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.8760E+01,-.5270E+01,-.3329E+01,-.1147E+01, &
     & .2112E+01, .2709E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.8537E+01,-.5152E+01,-.3129E+01,-.9544E+00, .2254E+01, .2771E+01, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.8176E+01,-.4936E+01, &
     &-.2680E+01,-.9259E+00, .2247E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.7836E+01,-.4676E+01,-.2378E+01,-.3550E+00, &
     & .1396E+01, .1976E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.7419E+01,-.4122E+01,-.2407E+01,-.1204E-01, .1744E+01,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.7124E+01,-.3727E+01, &
     &-.2160E+01, .6158E+00, .1953E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.6823E+01,-.3324E+01,-.1748E+01,-.9806E-01, &
     & .2319E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.5957E+01,-.3017E+01,-.1647E+01, .1398E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.5115E+01,-.2290E+01, &
     &-.5273E+00, .5662E+00, .1459E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4162E+01,-.1453E+01, .1116E+00,-.4587E+02, &
     & .9569E+00,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.3611E+01,-.9744E+00,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.3075E+01,-.4176E+00, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.3469E+01,-.9395E+00, .5092E+00, .6200E+00, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.3808E+01,-.1505E+01, .3901E+00, .6264E+00,-.1155E+01,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4058E+01,-.1818E+01, &
     & .2693E+00, .7087E+00, .3820E+00,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4262E+01,-.2097E+01,-.5711E-01, .5681E+00, &
     & .1310E+01, .7371E+00,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.3997E+01,-.1784E+01, .4388E-01, .5167E+00, .6930E+00,-.6906E+00, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, .2944E-01, .2723E-01, &
     & .1854E-01, .2023E-01, .2254E-01, .3059E-02, .4788E+00, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3080E-01, .2549E-01, .1547E-01, .2225E-01, &
     & .2107E-01, .3059E-02, .4737E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3269E-01, .2656E-01, .2125E-01, .2179E-01, .2162E-01, .4589E+00, &
     & .4643E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3322E-01, .2476E-01, &
     & .2075E-01, .2139E-01, .1907E-01, .4501E+00, .4441E+00, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3387E-01, .2182E-01, .2665E-01, .1841E-01, &
     & .2506E-01, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3532E-01, .2091E-01, .1995E-01, .2067E-01, .1949E-01, .4491E+00, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3468E-01, .2075E-01, &
     & .2587E-01, .1401E-01, .8646E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3666E-01, .2430E-01, .1919E-01, .2007E-01, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3613E-01, .2147E-01, .1892E-01, .1361E-01, .3059E-02, .4506E+00, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3129E-01, .1954E-01, &
     & .2442E-01, .1011E-01, .4420E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3177E-01, .2101E-01, .1526E-01, .4376E+00, &
     & .4379E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2887E-01, .2044E-01, .1285E-01, .3059E-02,-.4862E-03, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .2759E-01, .2114E-01, &
     & .4303E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .2880E-01, .1690E-01,-.4187E+00, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2852E-01, .2255E-01, .2184E-01, .4334E+00, .4217E+00, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .2840E-01, .2136E-01, &
     & .1644E-01, .2812E-01, .4358E+00, .4288E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .2809E-01, .2173E-01, .1708E-01, .3346E-01, &
     & .4225E-01, .4419E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2702E-01, .2260E-01, .1607E-01, .2720E-01, .3982E-01, .4452E+00, &
     & .4365E+00, .4345E+00, .4432E+00, .4623E+00, .2684E-01, .2328E-01, &
     & .2099E-01, .3040E-01, .3867E-01, .4389E+00, .3132E-01, .3158E-01, &
     & .4083E-01, .4580E+00,-.1581E-03,-.9707E-04,-.1250E-03, .2580E-03, &
     & .7378E-04,-.1617E-01, .8646E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.1319E-03,-.9528E-04,-.1710E-03, .7118E-04, .2076E-04,-.1608E-01, &
     & .8552E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1721E-03,-.4680E-04, &
     &-.5522E-04,-.6242E-04, .4517E-04,-.7777E-02, .8382E-02,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1482E-03,-.4208E-04,-.5216E-04,-.6514E-04, &
     &-.8378E-04,-.7956E-02, .8013E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.1501E-03,-.4002E-04,-.1664E-03, .2272E-04,-.1888E-03,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1201E-03,-.4709E-04, &
     &-.5371E-04,-.1574E-03, .1854E-03,-.7712E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1333E-03,-.1062E-03, .5785E-04,-.4150E-04, &
     &-.5717E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.1212E-03,-.8524E-04,-.5895E-04,-.2884E-03,-.1581E-01,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.8148E-04,-.9361E-04, &
     &-.2873E-03, .1883E-03,-.1594E-01, .8133E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1221E-03,-.1430E-04, .6335E-04,-.2581E-03, &
     & .7977E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.9257E-04,-.5008E-04, .6389E-04,-.7455E-02,-.7745E-02,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1186E-03,-.9037E-04, &
     &-.7461E-04,-.4656E-05, .1168E-03,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.8513E-04,-.5708E-04, .7763E-02,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.1124E-03,-.1228E-03, .7663E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1015E-03,-.8369E-04, &
     &-.2167E-03,-.7548E-02, .7608E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.1049E-03,-.6414E-04,-.1384E-03,-.1644E-03, &
     &-.6919E-02, .7736E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.1008E-03,-.7047E-04,-.1276E-03,-.2445E-03,-.1860E-03, .7975E-02, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.9629E-04,-.1007E-03, &
     &-.1127E-03,-.1527E-03,-.3238E-03,-.7373E-02, .7877E-02, .7840E-02, &
     & .7997E-02, .8345E-02,-.8800E-04,-.1072E-03,-.1046E-03,-.1777E-03, &
     &-.2146E-03,-.7016E-02, .1516E-01, .1532E-01, .1509E-01, .8268E-02/
      data ( ( coech3cl_14_new(k,j), j = 1, 19 ), k = 1, 3 ) / &
     &-.8278E+01,-.7818E+01,-.7357E+01,-.6897E+01,-.6439E+01,-.5976E+01, &
     &-.5516E+01,-.5056E+01,-.4597E+01,-.4151E+01,-.3704E+01,-.3283E+01, &
     &-.2888E+01,-.2545E+01,-.2263E+01,-.2015E+01,-.1785E+01,-.1572E+01, &
     &-.1400E+01,0.4800E-02,0.4797E-02,0.4798E-02,0.4798E-02,0.4785E-02, &
     &0.4801E-02,0.4802E-02,0.4831E-02,0.4874E-02,0.4964E-02,0.5198E-02, &
     &0.5691E-02,0.6425E-02,0.7134E-02,0.7507E-02,0.7846E-02,0.7890E-02, &
     &0.7674E-02,0.7747E-02,-.3590E-04,-.3585E-04,-.3560E-04,-.3570E-04, &
     &-.3594E-04,-.3607E-04,-.3620E-04,-.3644E-04,-.3774E-04,-.3753E-04, &
     &-.4034E-04,-.4465E-04,-.5313E-04,-.5958E-04,-.6406E-04,-.6210E-04, &

!      block data ckd15_new
! **********************************************************************
! hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0
! to one. coehca and coehcb are the coefficients to calculate the
! H2O and CO2 overlapping absorption coefficients in units of (cm-
! atm)**-1 at three temperatures, nineteen pressures, and 12 cumu-
! lative probabilities (Fu, 1991). The spectral region is from 670
! to 540 cm**-1.
! **********************************************************************
      real hk_15_new(12), coehca_15_new(3,19,12), coehcb_15_new(3,19,12)
      data hk_15_new /.24,.36,.18,.1,.05,.02,.016,.012,.01 &
     &               ,.006,.0039,.0021/
      data ( ( (coehca_15_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 12), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 2)/ &
     &-.1921E+02,-.1363E+02,-.1080E+02,-.8392E+01,-.6776E+01,-.5696E+01, &
     &-.4572E+01,-.3752E+01,-.2382E+01,-.1110E+01, .6803E+00, .3259E+01, &
     &-.1875E+02,-.1321E+02,-.1040E+02,-.8026E+01,-.6449E+01,-.5401E+01, &
     &-.4316E+01,-.3498E+01,-.2141E+01,-.9439E+00, .8103E+00, .3314E+01, &
     &-.1829E+02,-.1278E+02,-.1000E+02,-.7646E+01,-.6089E+01,-.5085E+01, &
     &-.4047E+01,-.3217E+01,-.1872E+01,-.7106E+00, .9573E+00, .3390E+01, &
     &-.1783E+02,-.1236E+02,-.9596E+01,-.7264E+01,-.5735E+01,-.4740E+01, &
     &-.3743E+01,-.2882E+01,-.1587E+01,-.4714E+00, .1120E+01, .3425E+01, &
     &-.1737E+02,-.1195E+02,-.9193E+01,-.6877E+01,-.5371E+01,-.4404E+01, &
     &-.3405E+01,-.2574E+01,-.1298E+01,-.1747E+00, .1327E+01, .3547E+01, &
     &-.1691E+02,-.1153E+02,-.8776E+01,-.6490E+01,-.4993E+01,-.4049E+01, &
     &-.3039E+01,-.2256E+01,-.1012E+01, .1103E+00, .1530E+01, .3651E+01, &
     &-.1644E+02,-.1112E+02,-.8360E+01,-.6105E+01,-.4623E+01,-.3688E+01, &
     &-.2694E+01,-.1915E+01,-.6855E+00, .3993E+00, .1714E+01, .3950E+01, &
     &-.1598E+02,-.1073E+02,-.7943E+01,-.5723E+01,-.4236E+01,-.3314E+01, &
     &-.2338E+01,-.1596E+01,-.3583E+00, .6963E+00, .1868E+01, .4127E+01, &
     &-.1553E+02,-.1034E+02,-.7542E+01,-.5357E+01,-.3856E+01,-.2942E+01, &
     &-.1986E+01,-.1299E+01,-.5472E-01, .9443E+00, .2149E+01, .4261E+01, &
     &-.1485E+02,-.9661E+01,-.7008E+01,-.4830E+01,-.3458E+01,-.2566E+01, &
     &-.1658E+01,-.9639E+00, .2083E+00, .1182E+01, .2458E+01, .4452E+01, &
     &-.1427E+02,-.9166E+01,-.6373E+01,-.4404E+01,-.3073E+01,-.2209E+01, &
     &-.1349E+01,-.6648E+00, .4023E+00, .1452E+01, .2739E+01, .4466E+01, &
     &-.1380E+02,-.8726E+01,-.5772E+01,-.3982E+01,-.2732E+01,-.1874E+01, &
     &-.1052E+01,-.4403E+00, .5763E+00, .1792E+01, .2999E+01, .4335E+01, &
     &-.1305E+02,-.8270E+01,-.5304E+01,-.3586E+01,-.2392E+01,-.1568E+01, &
     &-.8299E+00,-.2650E+00, .8584E+00, .2062E+01, .3141E+01, .4168E+01, &
     &-.1269E+02,-.7900E+01,-.4956E+01,-.3205E+01,-.2065E+01,-.1332E+01, &
     &-.6415E+00,-.7921E-01, .1170E+01, .2269E+01, .3198E+01, .4066E+01, &
     &-.1227E+02,-.7536E+01,-.4576E+01,-.2859E+01,-.1815E+01,-.1139E+01, &
     &-.4520E+00, .2272E+00, .1371E+01, .2351E+01, .3150E+01, .3935E+01, &
     &-.1186E+02,-.7159E+01,-.4223E+01,-.2538E+01,-.1619E+01,-.9324E+00, &
     &-.1566E+00, .5151E+00, .1520E+01, .2339E+01, .3132E+01, .3880E+01, &
     &-.1120E+02,-.6777E+01,-.3919E+01,-.2330E+01,-.1387E+01,-.6737E+00, &
     & .1108E+00, .6991E+00, .1531E+01, .2163E+01, .3150E+01, .3767E+01, &
     &-.9973E+01,-.6279E+01,-.3638E+01,-.2048E+01,-.1098E+01,-.4407E+00, &
     & .3043E+00, .7797E+00, .1424E+01, .2002E+01, .3122E+01, .3611E+01, &
     &-.8483E+01,-.5607E+01,-.3357E+01,-.1744E+01,-.8884E+00,-.2264E+00, &
     & .3800E+00, .7504E+00, .1245E+01, .2032E+01, .3097E+01, .3546E+01, &
     & .3762E-01, .2372E-01, .1643E-01, .1208E-01, .1170E-01, .1164E-01, &
     & .1214E-01, .1161E-01, .1028E-01, .9185E-02, .7712E-02, .1001E-01, &
     & .3762E-01, .2382E-01, .1593E-01, .1145E-01, .1059E-01, .1049E-01, &
     & .1080E-01, .1057E-01, .8894E-02, .7807E-02, .7132E-02, .1032E-01, &
     & .3764E-01, .2386E-01, .1555E-01, .1080E-01, .9692E-02, .9231E-02, &
     & .9585E-02, .9644E-02, .7711E-02, .6443E-02, .6223E-02, .9922E-02, &
     & .3764E-01, .2395E-01, .1516E-01, .1028E-01, .8917E-02, .8415E-02, &
     & .8457E-02, .8777E-02, .6436E-02, .5428E-02, .5499E-02, .8017E-02, &
     & .3768E-01, .2399E-01, .1482E-01, .9692E-02, .8247E-02, .7640E-02, &
     & .7582E-02, .7783E-02, .5432E-02, .4482E-02, .4919E-02, .5903E-02, &
     & .3770E-01, .2401E-01, .1449E-01, .9252E-02, .7620E-02, .6678E-02, &
     & .6845E-02, .6925E-02, .4939E-02, .3471E-02, .4124E-02, .3873E-02, &
     & .3776E-01, .2395E-01, .1419E-01, .8959E-02, .7096E-02, .6184E-02, &
     & .6110E-02, .6075E-02, .4419E-02, .2891E-02, .3056E-02, .1214E-02, &
     & .3780E-01, .2391E-01, .1392E-01, .8687E-02, .6573E-02, .5733E-02, &
     & .5359E-02, .5009E-02, .4034E-02, .2755E-02, .1968E-02,-.4187E-04, &
     & .3791E-01, .2382E-01, .1373E-01, .8561E-02, .6060E-02, .5120E-02, &
     & .4618E-02, .4713E-02, .3965E-02, .2481E-02, .8164E-03,-.1088E-02, &
     & .3843E-01, .2148E-01, .1302E-01, .6384E-02, .5256E-02, .4260E-02, &
     & .4077E-02, .4181E-02, .4132E-02, .2135E-02,-.2931E-03,-.1151E-02, &
     & .3896E-01, .2081E-01, .1097E-01, .5568E-02, .4475E-02, .3795E-02, &
     & .3828E-02, .3996E-02, .3766E-02, .1193E-02,-.1089E-02,-.9420E-03, &
     & .3973E-01, .2024E-01, .9943E-02, .4815E-02, .3820E-02, .3663E-02, &
     & .3568E-02, .3881E-02, .2859E-02, .6698E-03,-.1549E-02,-.6280E-03, &
     & .3635E-01, .1963E-01, .1061E-01, .3812E-02, .3509E-02, .3429E-02, &
     & .3693E-02, .3316E-02, .1120E-02, .6552E-03,-.1193E-02,-.1109E-02, &
     & .3631E-01, .1893E-01, .1056E-01, .3172E-02, .3378E-02, .3164E-02, &
     & .2751E-02, .1722E-02, .1112E-02, .4354E-03,-.7327E-03,-.1319E-02, &
     & .3500E-01, .1828E-01, .1050E-01, .2831E-02, .2784E-02, .2564E-02, &
     & .1469E-02, .7739E-03, .1209E-02, .7913E-03,-.2512E-03,-.1758E-02, &
     & .3352E-01, .1763E-01, .1045E-01, .2401E-02, .1928E-02, .1340E-02, &
     & .3753E-03, .5794E-03, .9060E-03, .1042E-02, .1465E-03,-.2533E-02, &
     & .2880E-01, .1729E-01, .1077E-01, .1347E-02, .1194E-02,-.1191E-03, &
     & .2828E-03, .6606E-03, .9743E-03, .1002E-02, .0000E+00,-.3140E-02, &
     & .2040E-01, .1585E-01, .1165E-01, .3871E-05, .1509E-04,-.1046E-02, &
     & .2444E-03, .4359E-03, .1041E-02, .2429E-02,-.1721E-03,-.2786E-02, &
     & .1737E-01, .1560E-01, .1240E-01,-.2139E-03,-.1025E-02,-.1248E-02, &
     &-.6934E-04, .1649E-03, .4062E-03, .1554E-02,-.4179E-03,-.7795E-03/
      data ( ( (coehca_15_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 12), j = 1, 19), k = 3, 3)/ &
     &-.1488E-03,-.9248E-04,-.2322E-04,-.4187E-05, .1104E-04, .9895E-05, &
     &-.2283E-05, .2512E-05,-.9058E-05, .8449E-05, .8297E-05,-.3882E-04, &
     &-.1488E-03,-.9058E-04,-.2398E-04,-.5709E-05, .1218E-04, .1180E-04, &
     & .1522E-05, .6927E-05,-.1161E-04, .1714E-04,-.4948E-06,-.3540E-04, &
     &-.1500E-03,-.8830E-04,-.2474E-04,-.8373E-05, .6470E-05, .7992E-05, &
     & .9096E-05, .6737E-05,-.1485E-04, .1873E-04,-.4948E-06,-.4491E-04, &
     &-.1500E-03,-.8601E-04,-.2664E-04,-.1028E-04, .6851E-05, .6851E-05, &
     & .1294E-04,-.2550E-05,-.1520E-04, .2310E-04, .4948E-06,-.2017E-04, &
     &-.1507E-03,-.8373E-04,-.2664E-04,-.1256E-04, .4567E-05, .1028E-04, &
     & .9210E-05,-.2131E-05,-.6995E-05, .7498E-05,-.1104E-04,-.2284E-05, &
     &-.1519E-03,-.8183E-04,-.2816E-04,-.1142E-04, .7611E-06, .7231E-05, &
     & .1751E-05,-.7612E-06, .8312E-05, .2436E-05,-.7231E-05, .2398E-04, &
     &-.1530E-03,-.7992E-04,-.2893E-04,-.9896E-05, .3806E-06, .8906E-05, &
     & .3159E-05,-.5328E-05, .3692E-05,-.2093E-05,-.6851E-05,-.3045E-05, &
     &-.1538E-03,-.7536E-04,-.3007E-04,-.8754E-05,-.3045E-05, .5138E-05, &
     & .9134E-06,-.1979E-06, .1560E-05,-.1507E-04, .2284E-04, .9895E-05, &
     &-.1541E-03,-.7688E-04,-.2969E-04,-.5709E-05,-.3996E-05, .1142E-05, &
     &-.8373E-06, .1235E-04,-.7079E-05,-.6737E-05, .1028E-04, .3578E-04, &
     &-.1560E-03,-.6851E-04,-.1903E-04,-.4187E-05,-.4605E-05,-.1142E-06, &
     & .3878E-05, .3597E-05,-.9591E-05, .5328E-05, .7612E-05,-.4948E-05, &
     &-.1587E-03,-.6546E-04,-.2740E-04,-.7612E-06,-.3578E-05, .1713E-05, &
     & .6064E-05,-.9781E-05, .1408E-05, .5709E-05, .8373E-05,-.1256E-04, &
     &-.1484E-03,-.5823E-04,-.4301E-04,-.1522E-05, .7498E-05,-.5328E-06, &
     &-.7855E-05,-.1599E-05, .1964E-04,-.2284E-05, .7882E-10, .5328E-05, &
     &-.1238E-03,-.5700E-04,-.5266E-04, .3286E-05, .4910E-05,-.8602E-05, &
     & .6090E-06, .8454E-05, .1256E-05,-.4072E-05,-.1903E-05, .6470E-05, &
     &-.1155E-03,-.5231E-04,-.4396E-04, .3626E-05,-.7051E-05,-.1743E-05, &
     & .9667E-05, .2064E-04,-.2778E-05,-.6546E-05,-.4948E-05, .1903E-05, &
     &-.1024E-03,-.5129E-04,-.4506E-04, .7943E-06, .3074E-06, .3243E-05, &
     & .2754E-04,-.1479E-05, .1661E-05,-.2969E-05,-.1066E-04, .7612E-06, &
     &-.8473E-04,-.5418E-04,-.4674E-04,-.3418E-05, .9460E-05, .1151E-04, &
     & .5714E-05,-.1069E-04,-.2022E-05,-.9061E-05,-.1104E-04,-.3083E-04, &
     &-.4283E-04,-.5037E-04,-.4476E-04, .1951E-04, .8922E-05, .1296E-04, &
     &-.4053E-05,-.4355E-05,-.2355E-05,-.5004E-05,-.1218E-04,-.1522E-04, &
     & .6411E-05,-.5937E-04,-.5331E-04, .1934E-04, .5284E-05, .1129E-04, &
     &-.2166E-05,-.1484E-06,-.5407E-05,-.1364E-04,-.3115E-05, .3004E-04, &
     &-.5074E-04,-.6256E-04,-.5097E-04, .2218E-04, .1228E-04,-.1160E-05, &
     &-.1105E-05, .1618E-06,-.6089E-05,-.4216E-06,-.5314E-05, .7903E-05/
      data ( ( (coehcb_15_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 12), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 2)/ &
     &-.9593E+01,-.4078E+01,-.2812E+01,-.6506E+00,-.4123E+00, .2055E+01, &
     & .4097E+01, .4671E+01, .4639E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.9276E+01,-.3757E+01,-.2467E+01,-.5784E+00, .8833E-01, .2232E+01, &
     & .3826E+01, .4723E+01, .4942E+01, .5135E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.8968E+01,-.3508E+01,-.2116E+01,-.1363E+00, .1662E+00, .2424E+01, &
     & .4220E+01, .4513E+01, .1375E+01, .4601E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.8662E+01,-.3164E+01,-.1722E+01, .5178E-01, .7288E+00, .2411E+01, &
     & .3805E+01, .4766E+01, .4342E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.8292E+01,-.2799E+01,-.1359E+01, .3271E+00, .1650E+01, .2395E+01, &
     & .4192E+01, .4758E+01, .2470E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.7812E+01,-.2404E+01,-.1085E+01, .7167E+00, .2202E+01, .2922E+01, &
     & .4322E+01, .4591E+01, .4186E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.7441E+01,-.2066E+01,-.7142E+00, .1057E+01, .2524E+01, .2946E+01, &
     & .4220E+01, .3607E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.7191E+01,-.1745E+01,-.3487E+00, .1453E+01, .2739E+01, .3660E+01, &
     & .4114E+01, .3245E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.6895E+01,-.1326E+01,-.3500E+00, .1647E+01, .2899E+01, .4023E+01, &
     & .3361E+01, .3360E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.5876E+01,-.9573E+00, .2014E+00, .2130E+01, .3493E+01, .4088E+01, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4429E+01,-.3417E+00, .1204E+01, .2780E+01, .3843E+01, .3099E+01, &
     &-.4587E+02, .3605E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.3122E+01, .2697E+00, .1866E+01, .3526E+01, .3569E+01, .1025E+01, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.2284E+01, .8186E+00, .2754E+01, .3206E+01, .3704E+01,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.4587E+02, .4625E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.1711E+01, .1220E+01, .3248E+01,-.4587E+02, .2565E+01, .3297E+01, &
     &-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.1758E+01, .7970E+00, .2758E+01, .2926E+01, .2613E+01, .1974E+01, &
     &-.4587E+02, .2310E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.1737E+01, .3499E+00, .2246E+01, .2673E+01, .3308E+01, .3463E+01, &
     & .3103E+01, .2611E+01, .2178E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.1559E+01, .2215E+00, .1875E+01, .2500E+01, .3346E+01, .3585E+01, &
     & .3946E+01, .3533E+01, .3205E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.1601E+01, .5060E-01, .1275E+01, .2176E+01, .3081E+01, .3649E+01, &
     & .3940E+01, .4106E+01, .4112E+01, .4349E+01, .2292E+01,-.4587E+02, &
     &-.1222E+01, .3199E+00, .1642E+01, .2380E+01, .3254E+01, .3534E+01, &
     & .3687E+01, .3717E+01, .3402E+01, .3868E+01,-.4587E+02,-.4587E+02, &
     & .2967E-01, .1697E-01, .1795E-01, .1387E-01, .2032E-01, .1187E-01, &
     & .2560E-01, .1044E-01,-.4560E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2998E-01, .1586E-01, .1786E-01, .1521E-01, .1710E-01, .1061E-01, &
     & .2030E-01, .1158E-01, .4452E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2993E-01, .1551E-01, .1481E-01, .9846E-02, .2443E-01, .1150E-01, &
     & .1865E-01, .1376E-01, .4617E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3035E-01, .1417E-01, .1438E-01, .1511E-01, .1901E-01, .8582E-02, &
     & .1746E-01, .1450E-01, .4523E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2970E-01, .1347E-01, .1322E-01, .1252E-01, .1665E-01, .1037E-01, &
     & .1320E-01, .1199E-01, .4436E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2949E-01, .1291E-01, .1671E-01, .1111E-01, .1400E-01, .1318E-01, &
     & .1060E-01, .1046E-01, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3004E-01, .1300E-01, .1413E-01, .9085E-02, .9764E-02, .2260E-01, &
     & .9778E-02, .4671E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3086E-01, .1436E-01, .1205E-01, .1081E-01, .4681E-02, .1479E-01, &
     & .1888E-01, .3494E-01, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3094E-01, .1500E-01, .1457E-01, .1060E-01, .8319E-02, .8983E-02, &
     & .3791E-01, .2232E-01, .4631E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3158E-01, .1585E-01, .1292E-01, .6531E-02, .1383E-01, .4605E+00, &
     & .4662E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .3182E-01, .1586E-01, .8724E-02, .5798E-02, .2454E-01, .4607E+00, &
     & .4560E+00, .4511E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2369E-01, .1606E-01, .5477E-02, .1228E-01, .4579E+00, .4561E+00, &
     & .4497E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2190E-01, .1779E-01, .6267E-02, .4535E+00, .4533E+00, .3059E-02, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .2100E-01, .1653E-01, .7449E-02, .4543E+00, .4472E+00, .4439E+00, &
     & .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .1864E-01, .1771E-01, .7040E-02, .2877E-01, .3381E-01, .2691E-01, &
     & .4466E+00, .3059E-02, .4613E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .1637E-01, .1641E-01, .8424E-02, .1318E-01, .2060E-01, .3426E-01, &
     & .4122E-01, .4621E+00, .4555E+00, .4525E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .1607E-01, .1452E-01, .8013E-02, .1213E-01, .1482E-01, .2125E-01, &
     & .3379E-01, .3562E-01, .4619E+00, .4569E+00, .3059E-02, .3059E-02, &
     & .1698E-01, .1538E-01, .6616E-02, .1147E-01, .1217E-01, .1696E-01, &
     & .1871E-01, .2273E-01, .4513E-01, .4702E+00, .4617E+00, .4553E+00, &
     & .1700E-01, .1547E-01, .6456E-02, .1324E-01, .1502E-01, .2095E-01, &
     & .2547E-01, .2823E-01, .4107E-01, .4676E+00, .4583E+00, .4498E+00/
      data ( ( (coehcb_15_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 12), j = 1, 19), k = 3, 3)/ &
     &-.6747E-05,-.2483E-04, .6575E-04, .1026E-03, .3888E-03,-.8519E-04, &
     &-.1629E-03,-.1808E-04,-.8355E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.2270E-04,-.3427E-04, .5118E-04, .1218E-03, .1245E-03,-.1245E-03, &
     & .3841E-05,-.4151E-04,-.8763E-02,-.1687E-01,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4557E-04,-.3023E-04, .2286E-04, .5656E-04, .4113E-04,-.1407E-03, &
     &-.1301E-03, .8503E-04,-.7284E-02,-.1669E-01,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.5325E-04,-.5309E-04,-.1246E-04, .2244E-04, .5136E-04,-.1272E-03, &
     & .4217E-04,-.1749E-04,-.8435E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.6857E-04,-.7217E-04, .1740E-05, .3653E-04,-.1490E-03,-.4090E-04, &
     &-.2376E-04, .2047E-04,-.7974E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.1232E-03,-.9826E-04,-.2849E-04, .1703E-04,-.1895E-03,-.3363E-03, &
     & .7102E-04,-.1838E-05,-.1655E-01,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.9896E-04,-.5127E-04,-.2704E-04,-.1218E-04,-.1207E-03,-.5883E-04, &
     & .6893E-04,-.7924E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.7837E-04,-.4980E-04, .6902E-05,-.1072E-03,-.4051E-04,-.1991E-05, &
     &-.1173E-03,-.5195E-04,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.8136E-04,-.8102E-04, .1254E-03,-.4658E-04, .3173E-04,-.4461E-05, &
     &-.1558E-03,-.2036E-03, .8360E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.2232E-04,-.6411E-04, .9486E-04,-.2322E-03,-.8282E-04,-.8202E-02, &
     & .8416E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.1398E-03,-.7165E-04,-.4258E-04,-.3970E-04,-.2839E-03,-.7873E-02, &
     & .8231E-02,-.8213E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.6754E-04,-.7469E-04,-.6898E-04,-.1702E-03,-.8079E-02,-.7270E-02, &
     & .8116E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.2396E-04,-.2361E-04,-.8664E-04,-.8038E-02,-.8207E-02,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.1670E-01,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.5479E-04,-.7593E-04,-.1005E-03, .8199E-02,-.7942E-02,-.8244E-02, &
     &-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.3806E-04,-.5825E-04,-.1003E-03,-.2925E-03,-.1506E-03, .3148E-04, &
     & .8060E-02,-.1593E-01, .8327E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.4706E-04,-.3630E-04,-.7811E-04,-.6881E-04,-.1822E-03,-.3091E-03, &
     &-.3033E-03,-.7684E-02,-.7663E-02, .8167E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.7669E-04,-.4610E-04,-.8063E-04,-.7250E-04,-.1094E-03,-.1241E-03, &
     &-.2944E-03,-.1736E-03,-.7886E-02, .8248E-02,-.4656E-05,-.4656E-05, &
     &-.7138E-04,-.4545E-04,-.3653E-04,-.6075E-04,-.4528E-04,-.1077E-03, &
     &-.1119E-03,-.1657E-03,-.4695E-03,-.8112E-02,-.7587E-02, .8217E-02, &
     &-.6812E-04,-.4558E-04,-.6739E-04,-.8861E-04,-.9386E-04,-.1334E-03, &
     &-.2007E-03,-.2179E-03,-.1650E-03,-.8001E-02, .8273E-02, .8118E-02/

!      block data ckd16_new
! *********************************************************************
! hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
! to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
! coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
! teen pressures, and  seven cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
! The spectral region is from 540 to 400 cm**-1.
! *********************************************************************
      real hk_16_new(7), coeh2o_16_new(3,19,7)
      data hk_16_new / .12, .24, .24, .20, .12, .06, .02 /
      data ( ( ( coeh2o_16_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 7), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.2344E+02,-.2016E+02,-.1986E+02,-.1655E+02,-.1243E+02,-.8437E+01, &
     &-.4858E+01,-.2298E+02,-.2014E+02,-.1984E+02,-.1609E+02,-.1198E+02, &
     &-.8020E+01,-.4548E+01,-.2252E+02,-.2012E+02,-.1981E+02,-.1564E+02, &
     &-.1153E+02,-.7596E+01,-.4239E+01,-.2206E+02,-.2009E+02,-.1957E+02, &
     &-.1517E+02,-.1111E+02,-.7161E+01,-.3871E+01,-.2160E+02,-.2007E+02, &
     &-.1911E+02,-.1472E+02,-.1065E+02,-.6721E+01,-.3479E+01,-.2113E+02, &
     &-.2005E+02,-.1865E+02,-.1426E+02,-.1021E+02,-.6302E+01,-.3081E+01, &
     &-.2067E+02,-.2003E+02,-.1819E+02,-.1379E+02,-.9765E+01,-.5883E+01, &
     &-.2678E+01,-.2026E+02,-.2001E+02,-.1773E+02,-.1333E+02,-.9332E+01, &
     &-.5443E+01,-.2253E+01,-.2024E+02,-.1999E+02,-.1727E+02,-.1288E+02, &
     &-.8897E+01,-.5029E+01,-.1858E+01,-.2026E+02,-.1959E+02,-.1481E+02, &
     &-.1147E+02,-.7477E+01,-.4555E+01,-.1464E+01,-.2022E+02,-.1632E+02, &
     &-.1305E+02,-.9885E+01,-.6689E+01,-.4108E+01,-.1068E+01,-.1936E+02, &
     &-.1438E+02,-.1163E+02,-.8499E+01,-.6146E+01,-.3673E+01,-.6816E+00, &
     &-.1675E+02,-.1281E+02,-.1020E+02,-.7716E+01,-.5678E+01,-.3256E+01, &
     &-.3125E+00,-.1510E+02,-.1124E+02,-.8821E+01,-.7140E+01,-.5243E+01, &
     &-.2851E+01,-.2560E-01,-.1334E+02,-.9708E+01,-.8061E+01,-.6611E+01, &
     &-.4842E+01,-.2459E+01, .1711E+00,-.1155E+02,-.8798E+01,-.7440E+01, &
     &-.6123E+01,-.4439E+01,-.2089E+01, .2480E+00,-.1020E+02,-.8154E+01, &
     &-.6945E+01,-.5681E+01,-.4055E+01,-.1737E+01, .2390E+00,-.9464E+01, &
     &-.7677E+01,-.6512E+01,-.5284E+01,-.3707E+01,-.1453E+01, .2015E+00, &
     &-.9033E+01,-.7246E+01,-.6093E+01,-.4882E+01,-.3346E+01,-.1264E+01, &
     & .1033E+00, .4658E-01, .5840E-02, .4626E-02, .2688E-01, .2395E-01, &
     & .1804E-01, .2074E-01, .4660E-01, .1884E-02, .8561E-02, .2690E-01, &
     & .2403E-01, .1788E-01, .1934E-01, .4660E-01, .1800E-02, .1252E-01, &
     & .2694E-01, .2393E-01, .1786E-01, .1825E-01, .4660E-01, .1779E-02, &
     & .1649E-01, .2696E-01, .2397E-01, .1779E-01, .1765E-01, .4348E-01, &
     & .1758E-02, .2043E-01, .2696E-01, .2393E-01, .1748E-01, .1675E-01, &
     & .3944E-01, .1737E-02, .2445E-01, .2698E-01, .2384E-01, .1752E-01, &
     & .1549E-01, .3538E-01, .1654E-02, .2847E-01, .2702E-01, .2384E-01, &
     & .1714E-01, .1565E-01, .3127E-01, .1570E-02, .3245E-01, .2705E-01, &
     & .2374E-01, .1712E-01, .1514E-01, .2715E-01, .1444E-02, .3540E-01, &
     & .2711E-01, .2363E-01, .1702E-01, .1446E-01, .2960E-01, .1760E-01, &
     & .2977E-01, .2397E-01, .2087E-01, .1618E-01, .1445E-01, .2466E-01, &
     & .3039E-01, .2428E-01, .2217E-01, .1821E-01, .1593E-01, .1463E-01, &
     & .2640E-01, .2545E-01, .2231E-01, .2060E-01, .1773E-01, .1555E-01, &
     & .1473E-01, .3456E-01, .2135E-01, .2030E-01, .1844E-01, .1740E-01, &
     & .1559E-01, .1428E-01, .3203E-01, .2047E-01, .1809E-01, .1760E-01, &
     & .1725E-01, .1545E-01, .1541E-01, .2137E-01, .1857E-01, .1616E-01, &
     & .1698E-01, .1700E-01, .1537E-01, .1636E-01, .1338E-01, .1518E-01, &
     & .1580E-01, .1658E-01, .1710E-01, .1518E-01, .1513E-01, .1570E-01, &
     & .1614E-01, .1603E-01, .1673E-01, .1706E-01, .1497E-01, .1439E-01, &
     & .1987E-01, .1731E-01, .1601E-01, .1675E-01, .1681E-01, .1535E-01, &
     & .1425E-01, .2018E-01, .1723E-01, .1597E-01, .1691E-01, .1666E-01, &
     & .1509E-01, .1446E-01,-.2873E-03,-.8031E-04, .4225E-04,-.9287E-04, &
     &-.6013E-04,-.4339E-04,-.2474E-04,-.2862E-03,-.8372E-05, .1146E-03, &
     &-.9248E-04,-.6166E-04,-.3882E-04,-.1827E-04,-.2870E-03,-.6851E-05, &
     & .1865E-03,-.9172E-04,-.6128E-04,-.3616E-04,-.7612E-05,-.2877E-03, &
     &-.7231E-05, .1880E-03,-.9287E-04,-.5671E-04,-.4110E-04,-.1104E-04, &
     &-.3429E-03,-.7612E-05, .1149E-03,-.9287E-04,-.6356E-04,-.4529E-04, &
     &-.2436E-04,-.4187E-03,-.7992E-05, .4339E-04,-.9325E-04,-.6280E-04, &
     &-.4225E-04,-.3197E-04,-.4925E-03,-.8754E-05,-.2740E-04,-.9477E-04, &
     &-.6432E-04,-.3768E-04,-.3361E-04,-.5511E-03,-.8753E-05,-.9972E-04, &
     &-.9515E-04,-.6394E-04,-.3806E-04,-.3787E-04,-.4792E-03,-.1028E-04, &
     &-.1534E-03,-.9477E-04,-.6356E-04,-.3616E-04,-.2923E-04,-.5070E-03, &
     & .1922E-03,-.1028E-03,-.5823E-04,-.7954E-04,-.2550E-04,-.3893E-04, &
     &-.3776E-03,-.1043E-03,-.7993E-04,-.7422E-04,-.4948E-04,-.3007E-04, &
     &-.3863E-04, .8335E-04,-.5709E-04,-.6090E-04,-.7840E-04,-.3692E-04, &
     &-.3007E-04,-.4251E-04,-.6204E-04,-.4872E-04,-.3806E-04,-.4681E-04, &
     &-.3463E-04,-.3007E-04,-.4312E-04,-.1142E-04,-.5176E-04,-.5024E-04, &
     &-.3007E-04,-.3730E-04,-.3037E-04,-.3888E-04, .2550E-04,-.6508E-04, &
     &-.2512E-04,-.3083E-04,-.3197E-04,-.3041E-04,-.3750E-04, .1484E-04, &
     &-.1941E-04,-.2626E-04,-.3349E-04,-.3463E-04,-.2896E-04,-.1716E-04, &
     &-.7231E-04,-.3920E-04,-.2893E-04,-.3540E-04,-.3311E-04,-.3734E-04, &
     &-.2550E-05,-.7650E-04,-.3159E-04,-.2778E-04,-.3121E-04,-.2169E-04, &
     &-.4365E-04,-.1546E-04,-.7916E-04,-.2931E-04,-.2854E-04,-.3654E-04, &

!      block data ckd17_new
! *********************************************************************
! hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
! to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
! coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
! teen pressures, and  seven cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
! The spectral region is from 400 to 280 cm**-1.
! *********************************************************************
      real hk_17_new(7), coeh2o_17_new(3,19,7)
      data hk_17_new / .12, .26, .22, .20, .10, .085, .015 /
      data ( ( ( coeh2o_17_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 7), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.2255E+02,-.2000E+02,-.1703E+02,-.1282E+02,-.9215E+01,-.5938E+01, &
     &-.2009E+01,-.2209E+02,-.1997E+02,-.1657E+02,-.1236E+02,-.8764E+01, &
     &-.5499E+01,-.1582E+01,-.2163E+02,-.1993E+02,-.1611E+02,-.1191E+02, &
     &-.8324E+01,-.5061E+01,-.1170E+01,-.2117E+02,-.1990E+02,-.1565E+02, &
     &-.1146E+02,-.7889E+01,-.4631E+01,-.7737E+00,-.2071E+02,-.1987E+02, &
     &-.1519E+02,-.1100E+02,-.7440E+01,-.4179E+01,-.3719E+00,-.2026E+02, &
     &-.1985E+02,-.1473E+02,-.1054E+02,-.6995E+01,-.3721E+01, .0000E+00, &
     &-.2024E+02,-.1982E+02,-.1426E+02,-.1009E+02,-.6549E+01,-.3284E+01, &
     & .4053E+00,-.2022E+02,-.1980E+02,-.1381E+02,-.9639E+01,-.6097E+01, &
     &-.2821E+01, .8375E+00,-.2021E+02,-.1933E+02,-.1335E+02,-.9187E+01, &
     &-.5653E+01,-.2379E+01, .1272E+01,-.2010E+02,-.1503E+02,-.1125E+02, &
     &-.7665E+01,-.4492E+01,-.1893E+01, .1642E+01,-.1747E+02,-.1278E+02, &
     &-.9547E+01,-.6120E+01,-.3756E+01,-.1443E+01, .1995E+01,-.1529E+02, &
     &-.1095E+02,-.8107E+01,-.5036E+01,-.3182E+01,-.1032E+01, .2429E+01, &
     &-.1370E+02,-.9303E+01,-.6691E+01,-.4357E+01,-.2683E+01,-.6173E+00, &
     & .2805E+01,-.1150E+02,-.7859E+01,-.5618E+01,-.3843E+01,-.2234E+01, &
     &-.2171E+00, .2973E+01,-.9590E+01,-.6537E+01,-.4886E+01,-.3355E+01, &
     &-.1805E+01, .1615E+00, .3157E+01,-.7530E+01,-.5699E+01,-.4306E+01, &
     &-.2892E+01,-.1388E+01, .5448E+00, .3155E+01,-.6758E+01,-.5112E+01, &
     &-.3809E+01,-.2464E+01,-.9947E+00, .8713E+00, .3203E+01,-.6245E+01, &
     &-.4610E+01,-.3376E+01,-.2058E+01,-.6166E+00, .1073E+01, .3109E+01, &
     &-.5777E+01,-.4175E+01,-.2963E+01,-.1671E+01,-.2556E+00, .1241E+01, &
     & .3014E+01, .4264E-01, .1968E-02, .1863E-01, .1436E-01, .1101E-01, &
     & .1055E-01, .1281E-01, .4264E-01, .1989E-02, .1861E-01, .1438E-01, &
     & .1095E-01, .1030E-01, .1211E-01, .3996E-01, .1968E-02, .1861E-01, &
     & .1434E-01, .1103E-01, .1019E-01, .1160E-01, .3600E-01, .1947E-02, &
     & .1861E-01, .1442E-01, .1086E-01, .1003E-01, .1157E-01, .3203E-01, &
     & .5756E-02, .1861E-01, .1444E-01, .1080E-01, .9922E-02, .1151E-01, &
     & .2801E-01, .9713E-02, .1859E-01, .1446E-01, .1070E-01, .9880E-02, &
     & .1066E-01, .2393E-01, .1369E-01, .1859E-01, .1451E-01, .1057E-01, &
     & .9880E-02, .1072E-01, .1987E-01, .1767E-01, .1863E-01, .1451E-01, &
     & .1040E-01, .9880E-02, .1057E-01, .1572E-01, .2169E-01, .1863E-01, &
     & .1442E-01, .1022E-01, .9742E-02, .1036E-01, .3391E-02, .1884E-01, &
     & .1566E-01, .1105E-01, .1011E-01, .1001E-01, .1017E-01, .1982E-01, &
     & .1444E-01, .1189E-01, .1030E-01, .9859E-02, .9861E-02, .1038E-01, &
     & .1748E-01, .1321E-01, .9922E-02, .1068E-01, .1013E-01, .9937E-02, &
     & .9958E-02, .1346E-01, .9943E-02, .9566E-02, .1097E-01, .9815E-02, &
     & .9964E-02, .1059E-01, .9817E-02, .7159E-02, .8687E-02, .1114E-01, &
     & .1007E-01, .1014E-01, .1058E-01, .3370E-02, .7264E-02, .9378E-02, &
     & .1112E-01, .9767E-02, .1016E-01, .1101E-01, .2993E-02, .8017E-02, &
     & .9566E-02, .1116E-01, .9738E-02, .1025E-01, .1086E-01, .8331E-02, &
     & .8771E-02, .1001E-01, .1117E-01, .9847E-02, .1076E-01, .1084E-01, &
     & .7850E-02, .9378E-02, .1001E-01, .1105E-01, .9964E-02, .1113E-01, &
     & .1168E-01, .8038E-02, .9336E-02, .9817E-02, .1096E-01, .1024E-01, &
     & .1175E-01, .1107E-01,-.2188E-03,-.2283E-05,-.8069E-04,-.4415E-04, &
     &-.2284E-04,-.4491E-04,-.4518E-04,-.2196E-03,-.2665E-05,-.8107E-04, &
     &-.4301E-04,-.2398E-04,-.4795E-04,-.4693E-04,-.2683E-03,-.3045E-05, &
     &-.8107E-04,-.4301E-04,-.2246E-04,-.4757E-04,-.4152E-04,-.3403E-03, &
     &-.4187E-05,-.8031E-04,-.3996E-04,-.1865E-04,-.4301E-04,-.4350E-04, &
     &-.4118E-03, .6584E-04,-.8107E-04,-.4034E-04,-.1903E-04,-.4643E-04, &
     &-.4834E-04,-.4803E-03, .1378E-03,-.8069E-04,-.4072E-04,-.1713E-04, &
     &-.5176E-04,-.3460E-04,-.4099E-03, .2101E-03,-.8069E-04,-.3920E-04, &
     &-.1713E-04,-.5024E-04,-.3524E-04,-.3391E-03, .2809E-03,-.7992E-04, &
     &-.3616E-04,-.2017E-04,-.5633E-04,-.4886E-04,-.2668E-03, .2078E-03, &
     &-.8069E-04,-.3768E-04,-.2131E-04,-.5580E-04,-.5454E-04,-.2207E-04, &
     &-.8601E-04,-.4643E-04,-.2436E-04,-.4148E-04,-.5458E-04,-.4579E-04, &
     &-.5138E-04,-.2893E-04,-.3273E-04,-.3882E-04,-.3920E-04,-.5035E-04, &
     &-.3170E-04,-.2169E-04,-.3007E-04,-.2740E-04,-.5328E-04,-.4491E-04, &
     &-.4403E-04,-.6383E-04, .4834E-04,-.2702E-04,-.4453E-04,-.4339E-04, &
     &-.4457E-04,-.4551E-04,-.8133E-04, .3768E-04,-.7611E-06,-.2626E-04, &
     &-.4643E-04,-.4305E-04,-.4840E-04,-.5149E-04, .7193E-04,-.2169E-04, &
     &-.4491E-04,-.3996E-04,-.4483E-04,-.4487E-04,-.6698E-04,-.4834E-04, &
     &-.3463E-04,-.4986E-04,-.4377E-04,-.4514E-04,-.5377E-04,-.2626E-04, &
     &-.4187E-04,-.3692E-04,-.5100E-04,-.4651E-04,-.4392E-04,-.5386E-04, &
     &-.4643E-04,-.4301E-04,-.3578E-04,-.5176E-04,-.4594E-04,-.4551E-04, &
     &-.3920E-04,-.3425E-04,-.4491E-04,-.3654E-04,-.5138E-04,-.4377E-04, &

!      block data ckd18_new
! *********************************************************************
! hk is the interval in the g (cumulative probability) space from 0 
! to one. coeh2o is the coefficient to calculate the H2O absorption
! coefficient in units of (cm-atm)**-1 at there temperatures, nine-
! teen pressures, and eight cumulative probabilities ( Fu,  1991 ).
! The spectral region is from 280 to 0 cm**-1.
! *********************************************************************
      real hk_18_new(8), coeh2o_18_new(3,19,8)
      data hk_18_new / .07, .1, .2, .25, .2, .1, .03, .02 /
      data ( ( ( coeh2o_18_new(k,j,i), i = 1, 8), j = 1, 19), k = 1, 3)/ &
     &-.2121E+02,-.2002E+02,-.1676E+02,-.1274E+02,-.8780E+01,-.5167E+01, &
     &-.2692E+01,-.6275E+00,-.2075E+02,-.1996E+02,-.1630E+02,-.1228E+02, &
     &-.8324E+01,-.4718E+01,-.2260E+01,-.2303E+00,-.2029E+02,-.1990E+02, &
     &-.1584E+02,-.1182E+02,-.7868E+01,-.4269E+01,-.1806E+01, .1645E+00, &
     &-.2022E+02,-.1985E+02,-.1538E+02,-.1136E+02,-.7417E+01,-.3820E+01, &
     &-.1373E+01, .5657E+00,-.2018E+02,-.1981E+02,-.1492E+02,-.1090E+02, &
     &-.6965E+01,-.3369E+01,-.9319E+00, .9577E+00,-.2013E+02,-.1937E+02, &
     &-.1446E+02,-.1044E+02,-.6512E+01,-.2917E+01,-.4928E+00, .1376E+01, &
     &-.2009E+02,-.1891E+02,-.1400E+02,-.9984E+01,-.6063E+01,-.2466E+01, &
     &-.6887E-01, .1768E+01,-.2006E+02,-.1845E+02,-.1354E+02,-.9530E+01, &
     &-.5618E+01,-.2024E+01, .3615E+00, .2196E+01,-.2003E+02,-.1800E+02, &
     &-.1308E+02,-.9075E+01,-.5174E+01,-.1593E+01, .7820E+00, .2600E+01, &
     &-.1827E+02,-.1464E+02,-.1097E+02,-.7525E+01,-.3733E+01,-.1077E+01, &
     & .1204E+01, .3014E+01,-.1525E+02,-.1210E+02,-.9275E+01,-.5876E+01, &
     &-.2768E+01,-.6286E+00, .1622E+01, .3394E+01,-.1298E+02,-.1060E+02, &
     &-.7764E+01,-.4462E+01,-.2154E+01,-.2001E+00, .2034E+01, .3756E+01, &
     &-.1157E+02,-.8941E+01,-.5984E+01,-.3509E+01,-.1651E+01, .2279E+00, &
     & .2422E+01, .4066E+01,-.9986E+01,-.7062E+01,-.4794E+01,-.2818E+01, &
     &-.1196E+01, .6394E+00, .2791E+01, .4283E+01,-.8064E+01,-.5512E+01, &
     &-.3933E+01,-.2274E+01,-.7559E+00, .1036E+01, .3085E+01, .4444E+01, &
     &-.6440E+01,-.4863E+01,-.3219E+01,-.1791E+01,-.3279E+00, .1427E+01, &
     & .3304E+01, .4527E+01,-.5902E+01,-.4207E+01,-.2756E+01,-.1350E+01, &
     & .7686E-01, .1776E+01, .3475E+01, .4550E+01,-.5439E+01,-.3739E+01, &
     &-.2330E+01,-.9233E+00, .4612E+00, .2066E+01, .3564E+01, .4502E+01, &
     &-.5006E+01,-.3316E+01,-.1906E+01,-.5066E+00, .8352E+00, .2272E+01, &
     & .3587E+01, .4419E+01, .2338E-01, .1968E-02, .9503E-02, .3412E-02, &
     & .6280E-03,-.1109E-02,-.1089E-02,-.1026E-02, .1972E-01, .2093E-02, &
     & .9503E-02, .3391E-02, .6489E-03,-.1172E-02,-.1164E-02,-.1158E-02, &
     & .1603E-01, .3328E-02, .9524E-02, .3391E-02, .6489E-03,-.1277E-02, &
     &-.1229E-02,-.1296E-02, .1229E-01, .7138E-02, .9524E-02, .3370E-02, &
     & .6070E-03,-.1319E-02,-.1264E-02,-.1610E-02, .8478E-02, .1095E-01, &
     & .9566E-02, .3412E-02, .5652E-03,-.1382E-02,-.1266E-02,-.1566E-02, &
     & .4563E-02, .1480E-01, .9566E-02, .3412E-02, .5443E-03,-.1423E-02, &
     &-.1199E-02,-.1679E-02, .2261E-02, .1865E-01, .9608E-02, .3454E-02, &
     & .4815E-03,-.1423E-02,-.1296E-02,-.1555E-02, .2198E-02, .2250E-01, &
     & .9671E-02, .3412E-02, .4187E-03,-.1426E-02,-.1472E-02,-.1800E-02, &
     & .2072E-02, .2600E-01, .9734E-02, .3433E-02, .3977E-03,-.1428E-02, &
     &-.1541E-02,-.1591E-02, .1987E-01, .8645E-02, .6280E-02, .1298E-02, &
     &-.1151E-02,-.1509E-02,-.1662E-02,-.1570E-02, .4668E-02, .8373E-02, &
     & .3956E-02,-.4187E-04,-.1968E-02,-.1624E-02,-.1700E-02,-.1947E-02, &
     & .9231E-02, .5694E-02, .1444E-02,-.2512E-03,-.1827E-02,-.1662E-02, &
     &-.1576E-02,-.1633E-02, .8666E-02, .3077E-02,-.1737E-02,-.1277E-02, &
     &-.1507E-02,-.1757E-02,-.1612E-02,-.1612E-02, .8164E-03,-.4375E-02, &
     &-.1884E-02,-.1277E-02,-.1564E-02,-.1853E-02,-.1591E-02,-.1486E-02, &
     &-.1486E-02,-.2596E-02,-.1633E-02,-.1539E-02,-.1662E-02,-.1846E-02, &
     &-.1423E-02,-.1277E-02,-.1423E-02,-.2617E-02,-.1005E-02,-.1379E-02, &
     &-.1687E-02,-.1905E-02,-.1528E-02,-.1298E-02,-.1675E-03,-.1947E-02, &
     &-.5024E-03,-.1325E-02,-.1696E-02,-.1698E-02,-.1486E-02,-.1277E-02, &
     & .1047E-03,-.1109E-02,-.5861E-03,-.1363E-02,-.1620E-02,-.1666E-02, &
     &-.1507E-02,-.9210E-03, .1047E-03,-.1047E-02,-.8394E-03,-.1342E-02, &
     &-.1591E-02,-.1323E-02,-.1340E-02,-.9420E-03,-.1085E-03, .2283E-05, &
     &-.4719E-04,-.3807E-06,-.1522E-05,-.3425E-05,-.7612E-06, .1751E-05, &
     &-.1766E-03, .1523E-05,-.4719E-04,-.7609E-06,-.3807E-06,-.3045E-05, &
     & .1599E-05, .8723E-05,-.2443E-03, .1941E-04,-.4757E-04,-.1522E-05, &
     &-.3806E-06,-.1903E-05,-.2778E-05, .1294E-04,-.1838E-03, .8563E-04, &
     &-.4757E-04,-.1903E-05, .1142E-05,-.2664E-05,-.6090E-06, .1321E-04, &
     &-.1161E-03, .1526E-03,-.4757E-04,-.2664E-05,-.3805E-06,-.3806E-05, &
     &-.2093E-05, .2253E-04,-.4795E-04, .9248E-04,-.4757E-04,-.1903E-05, &
     & .0000E+00,-.3045E-05,-.7992E-06, .1393E-04,-.9134E-05, .2246E-04, &
     &-.4834E-04,-.2664E-05, .3804E-06,-.5328E-05,-.1510E-05, .1465E-04, &
     &-.1028E-04,-.4757E-04,-.4948E-04,-.1142E-05, .7614E-06,-.4910E-05, &
     &-.5709E-06, .1477E-04,-.1256E-04,-.1066E-03,-.4910E-04,-.1523E-05, &
     &-.3805E-06,-.3121E-05,-.2512E-05, .1142E-04,-.7878E-04,-.2664E-05, &
     &-.8373E-05,-.7612E-06, .1104E-04,-.3311E-05,-.1979E-05, .5709E-05, &
     &-.2626E-04,-.4872E-04,-.3808E-06,-.2283E-05, .2284E-05,-.3349E-05, &
     &-.4034E-05, .7231E-05,-.4910E-04, .1599E-04, .1256E-04,-.7612E-05, &
     & .1180E-05,-.1815E-05,-.7193E-05, .3045E-05, .1576E-09, .6470E-05, &
     &-.1408E-04,-.1903E-05, .1522E-05,-.4746E-05,-.4948E-05, .3806E-06, &
     & .9020E-04, .5214E-04, .6090E-05,-.1104E-04, .1180E-05,-.2778E-05, &
     &-.6090E-05,-.2664E-05,-.6737E-04,-.1218E-04,-.3806E-05,-.5214E-05, &
     &-.1066E-05,-.1294E-05,-.3045E-05,-.2664E-05,-.4643E-04, .1713E-04, &
     &-.1218E-04,-.6204E-05,-.2360E-05,-.1979E-05,-.1903E-05,-.3806E-05, &
     &-.3045E-04,-.1256E-04,-.9134E-05,-.6508E-05,-.1027E-05,-.7993E-06, &
     &-.1142E-05,-.7992E-05,-.3616E-04,-.1028E-04,-.1066E-04,-.6051E-05, &
     & .1066E-05,-.1751E-05,-.2284E-05,-.2284E-05,-.3920E-04,-.9895E-05, &
	  end module band_new


MODULE module_ra_FLG 1
!* This subroutine drives the Fu-Liou radiation program which solves the solar 
!* and IR radiation in the atmosphere.
!* ****************************************************************************

    subroutine RAD_FLG                    & 1,8
     &    (peven, podd, t8w,degrees       &
     & ,   pi3d                           &
     & ,   o3                            &
     & ,   G, Cp                          &
     & ,   albedo                         &
     & ,   tskin                          &
     & ,   h2o,cld_iccld, cld_wlcld       &
     & ,   cld_prwc, cld_pgwc             &
     & ,   cld_snow                       &
     & ,   F_QV,F_QC,F_QR,F_QI,F_QS,F_QG  &
     & ,   warm_rain                      &
!-- for partly cloudy                 &
     & ,   cloudstrf                      & 
     & ,   emiss                          &
     & ,   air_den                        &
     & ,   dz3d                           &
     & ,   SOLCON                         &
     & ,   declin                         & 
     & ,   xtime, xlong, xlat, JULDAY, gmt, radt, degrad &
     & ,   dtcolumn                       &
!-- change over
!-- add for aerosol indirect effect
!    & ,    vertical_w
!-- add over
     & ,   ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde      &
     & ,   ims,idim, jms,jdim, kms,kmax   & 
     & ,   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte      &
!-- output
!    & ,    dswtop, dswbot, swinc        &
!    & ,    ulwtop, ulwbot, dlwbot, netlwstr, netlwbot  &
     & ,   uswtop, ulwtop,NETSWBOT,DLWBOT,DSWBOT & 
     & ,   deltat,dtshort, dtlongwv       &
!-- for optional aerosol input
!     & ,   tau_aer_2D, tau_aer_3D, fraca_in      &
!-- change over
     & ) 

!C$Id: driver_rad.F,v 1.8 2002/04/17 18:40:13 gu Exp gu $
!* Input:
!* PEVEN = Even level Atmospheric Pressure (mb, = 1000pa = 1hpa)
!* PODD = Odd level Atmospheric Pressure (mb)
!* PBIG     = odd  level dimensionless pressure
!* PHAT     = even level dimensionless pressure (see eq. 4.14 AS83)
!* DEGREES = Odd level Atmospheric Temperature(K)
!* H2O = wate vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg)
!* O3 = Ozone mixing ratio (kg/kg)
!* CLD_ICCLD = Ice water mixing ratio (kg/kg). need to conver to content (g/m**3)
!* CLD_WLCLD = Liquid water mixing ratio (kg/kg). Need to convert content (g/m**3)
!* air_den: air density (kg/m**3)
!* dz3d:   dz between full levels 
!* COSZENTH = cosine of the zenith angle
!* emiss = IR surface emissivity
!* ALBEDO = surface albedo
!* TSKIN = ground temperature (degrees k)
!* TSURFACE = surface air temperature (degrees K)
!* TBOUND = temperature at even level between the PBL and troposphere
!* TEMP3D   = temporary 3d array used to interpolate to pressure coord
!* add by Yu for aerosol indirect effect
!* VERTICAL_W = vertical velocity in m/s

!* Output:
!* USWTOP = upward solar flux at TOA (down-up)
!* DSWTOP = net downward solar flux at TOA (down-up)
!* DSWBOT = net downward solar flux at surface (down-up)
!* SWINC = solar flux incident at TOA
!* DELTAT = total column physics increment to theta
!* ULWBOT = upward IR flux at surface
!* DLWBOT = downward IR flux at surface
!* ULWTOP = upward IR flux at TOA
!* NETLWSTR = net IR flux at top of PBL stratus cloud layer 
!* NETLWBOT = net IR flux at surface (up-down) 
!* DELTAT = total column physics increment to theta (K)

!* 1D array input to Fu-Liou program:
!* pij = Atmospheric Pressure (mb)
!* tij = Atmospheric Temperature (K)
!* qij = Water vapor mixing ratio
!* o3ij = Ozone mixing ratio
!* piwc = Ice water content (g/m**3)
!* plwc = Liquid water content (g/m**3)
!* prwc = Rain water content (g/m**3)
!* pgwc = graupel water content (g/m**3) or aerosol concentration (m-3)
!* u0ij = cosine of the zenith angle
!* as = Solar surface albedo
!* tsij = Ground temperature
!* ee = IR surface emissivity
!* Prescribed inaut to Fu-Liou program:
!* pde = Effective size of ice cloud (um)
!* pre = Effective radius of water cloud (um)
!* INCLUDE files
!    USE module_wrf_error
    USE control_para
!* Declare all local variables
    implicit none
    real weight, FAC, CNVERT
    integer i, j, k, icycle, i1,i2, j1,j2, k1x, k2x, ilo,ihi, jlo,jhi, ii
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN   ) ::   ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN   ) ::   ims,idim, jms,jdim, kms,kmax
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN   ) ::   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN   ) ::   warm_rain
!    real, INTENT(IN   ), optional :: tau_aer_2D(ims:idim,jms:jdim)  &
!                                    & ,tau_aer_3D(ims:idim,jms:jdim,kms:kmax)
!    real, INTENT(IN   ), optional :: fraca_in(mxac)
    real, INTENT(IN   )    :: dtcolumn

    real declin, solcon, G, FP, CP
    real GMT, radt, degrad, xtime
	real pi3d(ims:idim,kms:kmax,jms:jdim)
	real peven(ims:idim,kms:kmax,jms:jdim)
	real podd(ims:idim, kms:kmax,jms:jdim)
	real dpeven(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real degrees(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real t8w(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real dz3d(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real air_den(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real emiss(ims:idim, jms:jdim)
	real dz3dd(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real h2o(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real o3(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real po3(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real po3top(ims:idim, jms:jdim)
	real cld_iccld(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real cld_wlcld(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real cld_prwc(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real cld_pgwc(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
    real cld_snow(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
!--- change for fractional cloud
	real cloudstrf(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)

!--- add for aerosol indirect effect
!	real vertical_w(-1:idim, -1:jdim, kmax)
!---- add over

!--- add for cloud inhomogeneity
	real ccc_inho(ims:idim,kms:kmax,jms:jdim)
	real temp_inho_low(ims:idim,jms:jdim) 
	real temp_inho_mid(ims:idim, jms:jdim)
	real temp_inho_high(ims:idim, jms:jdim)

!-- change over
!--- add by Yu for aerosol
	real,dimension(mxat,mxac) :: a_wlis,a_taus
	real,dimension(nvx,mxac)  :: aprofs
	real :: sh_aer(mxac)
!	integer,  dimension(mxac) :: itps
	real :: tau_aer, tot = 0.0
	real, dimension(mxac) :: fraca = -9999., tauindividual = -9999.
	integer :: iac
	character   :: reading = "Y"
    character*3 aerosol_type
!-- add over

!c--- add for de-iwc

    real amean(4),bmean(4),cmean(4)
    real amax(4),bmax(4),cmax(4)
    real amin(4),bmin(4),cmin(4)

    data amin /0.54763e01, 0, 0.43976e01, 0.47890e01/
    data bmin /0.55175, 0, 0.11286, 0.34200/
    data cmin /0.26934e-1, 0, 0, -0.58155e-2/

    data amean /0.54199e01, 0.43257e01, 0.52375e01, 0.4851e01/
    data bmean /0.35211, 0.26535, 0.13142, 0.33159/
    data cmean /0.1268e-1, 0.21864e-1, 0., 0.26189e-1/

    data amax /0.53544e01, 0.51222e01, 0.53341e01, 0.48755e01/
    data bmax /0.30605, 0.38239, 0.10258, 0.35331/
    data cmax /0.11531e-1, 0.27872e-1, 0, 0.36475e-1/

    real pdeiwc_mean(4), pdeiwc_max(4), pdeiwc_min(4)
    data pdeiwc_min /14.2067, 29, 0, 0/
    data pdeiwc_mean /19.6, 33.81, 0, 0/
    data pdeiwc_max /27.76, 45.18, 0, 55.7/

    real iwc_mean(4), iwc_max(4), iwc_min(4)
    data iwc_min /5.e-5, 0, 0, 0/
    data iwc_mean /9.2125e-7, 0.0024, 0, 0/
    data iwc_max /1.75e-6, 0.0011, 0, 0.0082/

    integer ncoef, nsat
    real temp_i, ran1, x
    real diff, diff_min, diff_max
    real pde_max, pde_mean, pde_min, pde_ran
    real pde_min_temp, pde_max_temp
    real palpha, pbeta, pgama, peta, pde0, piwc0, pco0, paot
    real a1denom, a2num, a2denom
!c--- add over

!C--- for NPDE = 3, De-IWC using satellite data
    logical clean 
    real a_sat(2),b_sat(2)
    data a_sat /4.07, 4.03/
    data b_sat /0.032, 0.046/

!C--- for NPDE = 4, De-IWC-AOT using satellite data
    real palpha_all(4),pbeta_all(4), pgamma_all(4), peta_all(4)
    real pde0_all(4), piwc0_all(4), pco0_all(4)
!C--- dim: 1=Global; 2=South America; 3=Africa; 4=Asia
    data palpha_all /1.322, 1.396, 1.842, 1.509/
    data pbeta_all /0.544, 1.095, 1.823, 0.973/
    data pgamma_all /0.407, 0.533, 0.520, 0.921/
    data peta_all /0.085, 0.007, 0.005, 0.188/
    data pde0_all /48.383, 55.536, 53.144, 35.03/
    data piwc0_all /1.165, 1.7, 2.277, 2.204/
    data pco0_all /7.322, 88.532, 157.24, 6.723/
!c--- add over

	real coszenth(ims:idim, jms:jdim), albedo(ims:idim, jms:jdim)
	real tskin(ims:idim,jms:jdim), tbound(ims:idim,jms:jdim)
	real tsurface(ims:idim,jms:jdim)
        real xlat(ims:idim,jms:jdim), xlong(ims:idim, jms:jdim)

	real dswtop(ims:idim,jms:jdim) , dswbot(ims:idim,jms:jdim)
	real uswtop(ims:idim,jms:jdim)  	
	real netswbot(ims:idim,jms:jdim)  	
	real swinc(ims:idim,jms:jdim)  	
	real ulwbot(ims:idim,jms:jdim), dlwbot(ims:idim,jms:jdim)
	real ulwtop(ims:idim,jms:jdim) 
	real netlwstr(ims:idim,jms:jdim), netlwbot(ims:idim,jms:jdim)

	real dtshort(ims:idim,kms:kmax,jms:jdim)
	real dtlongwv(ims:idim,kms:kmax, jms:jdim)
	real deltat(ims:idim,kms:kmax,jms:jdim)

! add for ozone profile
! iprof = 1  :  mid-latitude summer profile
!       = 2  :  mid-latitude winter profile
!       = 3  :  sub-arctic   summer profile
!       = 4  :  sub-arctic   winter profile
!       = 5  :  tropical profile
        integer :: iprof
        integer :: is_summer, ie_summer  
        real    :: center_lat

    integer :: NK
    real    :: RZERO, tsij, xt24, tloctm, hrang, xxlat, u0ij,    &
   &           temp_iwc, temp_t, temp_de

!* Variables used in Fu-Liou code

        real as(mbs),as1(10), ee(mbir)
	real pij(kmax), tij(kmax), qij(kmax), o3ij(kmax)
	real piwc(kmax-1), pde(kmax-1)
	real plwc(kmax-1), pre(kmax-1)
	real prwc(kmax-1), pgwc(kmax-1)
        real PHYD(kmax)
!C-- change for fractional cloud
	real cldamnt(kmax-1)
	real cc_inho(kmax-1)
!C-- change over
	real fds(kmax), fus(kmax), dts(kmax-1)
	real fdir(kmax), fuir(kmax), dtir(kmax-1)
	real fd(kmax), fu(kmax), dt_rad(kmax-1)

!* Use Fu-Liou radiation routine and algorithm

!      FAC    = 9.8d-01 * dtcolumn / (1.0030d04)
    FAC    = 0.01*G /Cp 


    CNVERT = 1.171d-07*420.0d0/864.0d0
    RZERO = 0. 

    if (ngas.eq.0) then
      umco    = 0.0
      umo2    = 0.0
      umno    = 0.0
      umso2   = 0.0
      umno2   = 0.0
      umch3cl = 0.0
      umCFC11 = 0.0
      umCFC12 = 0.0
    end if



!C---  aerosol input
!C---- No aerosol
    if (NAERO.eq.0) then
!	do j=jms,jdim 
!	do i=ims,idim 
	  tau_aer = 0.0

    if (NAERO.eq.1) then
!	do j=jms,jdim 
!	do i=ims,idim 
	  tau_aer = 0.2

!C---- aerosol data use uniform optical depth
!	if (NAERO.eq.2) then
!	do j=jms,jdim 
!	do i=ims,idim 
!	  if (present(fraca_in)) then
!	    fraca  = fraca_in
!	    nfraca = 0
!	    if (present(tau_aer_3D)) ivd = 2
!	  end if
!  	endif

!C--- get aerosol data from file
!	if (NAERO.eq.2) then
!C	print *, 'b4 read aero'
!	open (unit=97,file='aero_gcm_annual.climo_4x5', status='old')
!	read(97,*) ((tau_aer_2D(i,j), i=1,72),j=1,44)	
!c	open (unit=87,file='aero_gcm_annual_china.climo_4x5', status='old')
!c	read(87,*) tau_aer_2D	
!C	print *, 'a4 read aero'
!c	close(87)
!	close(97)
!	endif

!C-- add over 


!* Begin loop over the horizontal domain
!* Note: The vertical levels of radiation program starts from top, end at surface
!**** start column ***********************
    HORIZONTAL_J: do j = jts,jte 
      HORIZONTAL_I: do i = its,ite 
!	do 300 j=jms, jmid 
!	    do 200 i=ims,imid 
!C--- Zero out all water contents 
        VERTICAL_PROFILE: do k=kts,kte
	  piwc(k) = rzero
	  pde(k) = rzero
	  plwc(k) = rzero
  	  pre(k) = rzero
	  prwc(k) = rzero
	  pgwc(k) = rzero
	  o3ij(k) = rzero
!c--- change for fractional cloud
	  cldamnt(k) = rzero
!c--- add for inhomogeneous cloud
          if (ninho.eq.0) then    
	    cc_inho(k) = 1.0 
            cc_inho(k) = 0.7
!C--- change over


	    o3ij(kmax) = rzero

!C---- ee is the IR surface emissivity
	    ee(1:mbir) = emiss(i,j) 

! *** the model k=1 start from sfc. need to reverse variable for radiation
! calculation          

        tsij = tskin(i,j)
!C-- change by 2Yu, 12/05/01, deal with too big ts
	    if ( tsij = 320. 
	    if ( tsij = 180. 
!C--- change over

	    qij(1) = h2o(i,kmax,j)
	    qij(kmax) = h2o(i,1,j)
!C---- give a larger value for surface qij if too small. by Yu Gu 11/13/01
!C---- not necessary now when rad.F set minimum deltau value
	    if (qij(kmax).lt. 1.0e-20) qij(kmax) = 1.0e-20
	    if (qij(1).lt. 1.0e-20) qij(1) = 1.0e-20

! ***  calculate coszenth
        xt24 = mod(xtime + radt * 0.5, 1440.)
        tloctm = GMT + xt24 / 60. + XLONG(i,j) / 15.
        hrang = 15. * (tloctm - 12.) * degrad
        xxlat = XLAT(i,j) * degrad
        u0ij = sin(xxlat) * sin(declin) + &
                  cos(xxlat) * cos(declin) * cos(hrang)

!C--- as is the solar surface albedo
	    as(1:mbs) = albedo(i,j)

! *** begin to assign column values for radiation calculations ***!
! *** need to vertically reverse variables

        PHYD(kts) = peven(I,kts,J)

        DO K = KTS,KTE
          PHYD(K+1) = peven(I,k+1,J) 

!	      pij(1) = peven(i,kmax,j)/100.
!	      pij(kmax) = peven(i,1,j)/100.
	    pij(1) = PHYD(kmax)/100.
	    pij(kmax) = PHYD(1)/100.

!--- get ozone profile
            if (NOZONE.eq.0.) then   ! no ozone
              po3(i,kms:kmax,j) = 0.
            else if (NOZONE.eq.1) then   ! prescribed ozone profile
!--- add ozone profile
! need to change iprof, which is function of lat and julian day
! iprof = 1  :  mid-latitude summer profile
!       = 2  :  mid-latitude winter profile
!       = 3  :  sub-arctic   summer profile
!       = 4  :  sub-arctic   winter profile
!       = 5  :  tropical profile
      center_lat = xlat(i,j)
      is_summer = 80       !Northern Hemisphere summer start
      ie_summer = 265      !Northern Hemisphere summer end

      IF (abs(center_lat) .le. 30. ) THEN ! tropic
        iprof = 5
        IF (center_lat .gt.  0.) THEN
          IF (center_lat .gt. 60. ) THEN !  arctic
            IF (JULDAY .gt. is_summer .and. JULDAY .lt. ie_summer ) THEN
               ! arctic summer
              iprof = 3
               ! arctic winter
              iprof = 4
          ELSE        ! midlatitude
            IF (JULDAY .gt. is_summer .and. JULDAY .lt. ie_summer ) THEN
               ! north midlatitude summer
              iprof = 1
               ! north midlatitude winter
              iprof = 2

          IF (center_lat .lt. -60. ) THEN !  antarctic
            IF (JULDAY .lt. is_summer .or. JULDAY .gt. ie_summer ) THEN
               ! antarctic summer
              iprof = 3
               ! antarctic winter
              iprof = 4
          ELSE        ! midlatitude
            IF (JULDAY .lt. is_summer .or. JULDAY .gt. ie_summer ) THEN
               ! south midlatitude summer
              iprof = 1
               ! south midlatitude winter
              iprof = 2
!--- iprof change over
      call o3prof(iprof,kms,kmax,PHYD(kms:kmax)/100.,po3(i,kms:kmax,j))

    else if (NOZONE.eq.2) then    !ozone profile passed from WRF
            ! no input at this time; do nothing
        o3ij(1)    = po3(i,kmax,j)
        o3ij(kmax) = po3(i,1,j)

	    tij(1) = t8w(i,kmax,j) 
	    tij(kmax) = t8w(i,1,j)
!C--- if temp > 320, set to 320. by yu Gu, 11/14/01, if < 180, set to 180
!C--- if change rad.F, no need to do it here
!c	      if (tij(1) . gt. 320.) tij(1) = 320.
!c	      if (tij(1) . lt. 180.) tij(1) = 180.
!c	      if (tij(kmax) . gt. 320.) tij(1) = 320.
!c	      if (tij(kmax) . lt. 180.) tij(1) = 180.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Assign Column Profile -----
        VERTICAL_PROFILE2: do k=2,kte 
          NK=kmax-k+kms !mark
	  pij(k) = PHYD(NK)/100.
          tij(k) = t8w(i,NK,j)

          o3ij(k)= po3(i,NK,j)

!c--- for water vapor
          IF (F_QV) THEN
            qij(k) = h2o(i,NK,j)
          if (qij(k).lt. 1.0e-20) qij(k) = 1.0e-20
!c--- for liquid water
          IF (F_QC) THEN
            plwc(k) = cld_wlcld(i,NK-1,j)*air_den(i,NK-1,j)
! --- convert  water content to g/m**3
            plwc(k) = plwc(k)*1.e3

!c--- for rain water and graupel
          IF (F_QR) THEN
	        prwc(k) = cld_prwc(i,NK-1,j)*air_den(i,NK-1,j)
	        prwc(k) = prwc(k)*1.e3

          IF (F_QG) THEN
		    pgwc(k) = cld_pgwc(i,NK-1,j)*air_den(i,NK-1,j)
		    pgwc(k) = pgwc(k)*1.e3

!c--- for ice water
          IF ( F_QI ) THEN
! -- add snow into ice
            piwc(k) = (cld_iccld(i,NK-1,j)+cld_snow(i,NK-1,j)) &
            piwc(k) = piwc(k)*1.e3
            IF (.not.warm_rain) THEN
              IF (tij(k).lt.273.15) then
! assign liquid as ice
                piwc(k) = plwc(k)
                plwc(k) = 0.
! assign rain as snow and  add into ice
                piwc(k) = piwc(k) + prwc(k)
                prwc(k) = 0.

! --- radius of liquid water droplet
          if (plwc(k).gt.0) then
!c                pre(k) = 20.
!C--- test change to 10 um (04/23/02)
            pre(k) = 10.
            if (k.eq.kmax-1) pre(k) = 10.

!C--- calculate ice crystal size

!C--- NPDE=1, papa. in terms of IWC & T (Gu & Liou, 2006)
          if (NPDE.eq.1.and.piwc(k).gt.0.) then
!C--- for temperature between 213K and 253K
		    if (degrees(i,NK,j).lt.253.         &
                    .and.degrees(i,NK,j).gt.213.) then  !mchen
		      TEMP_IWC = exp(-7.6                 &
                   +4.*exp(-0.2443e-3*(253.-degrees(i,NK,j))**2.445)) !mchen

		      TEMP_T = degrees(i,NK,j) - 273.  !mchen
		      TEMP_DE = 326.3+12.42*TEMP_T+0.197*TEMP_T*TEMP_T   &
!c		  TEMP_DE = 326.3+12.42*TEMP_T-0.197*TEMP_T*TEMP_T
		      pde(k) = (piwc(k)/TEMP_IWC)**(1./3.)*TEMP_DE
		      if (pde(k).gt.150.) pde(k)=150.
		      if (pde(k).lt.10.) pde(k)=10.

!C--- for temperature outside 213K and 253K
		      pde(k) = 85.
!c--- end if temperature for NPDE=1

!C---- NPDE=2, new de para. in terms of iwc (Liou et al. 2008)
          else if (NPDE.eq.2.and.piwc(k).gt.0.) then
!C--- for tropics
!	        if ( ncoef = 1
	    if (abs(xlat(i,j)).lt.30.) ncoef = 1
!C--- for midlatitude
!	        if ( then
	    if (abs(xlat(i,j)).ge.30.and.abs(xlat(i,j)).le.60.) then 
!C--- for cold cirrus
              if (degrees(i,NK,j).lt.233) then !mchen
	            ncoef = 2
	      else  ! for warm cirrus
	            ncoef = 3

!C--- for polar region
	    if (abs(xlat(i,j)).gt.60.) ncoef = 4
!C--- calculate ln(De)
	    temp_i = log(piwc(k))
            pde_mean = amean(ncoef)+bmean(ncoef)*temp_i      &
            pde_max = amax(ncoef)+bmax(ncoef)*temp_i         &
            pde_min = amin(ncoef)+bmin(ncoef)*temp_i         &

!C--- calculate de
            pde_mean = exp(pde_mean)
            pde_max = exp(pde_max)
            pde_min = exp(pde_min)

!C--- if IWC smaller than critical, use a constant value
            if (piwc(k).le.iwc_mean(ncoef)) pde_mean = pdeiwc_mean(ncoef)
            if (piwc(k).le.iwc_max(ncoef)) pde_max = pdeiwc_max(ncoef)
            if (piwc(k).le.iwc_min(ncoef)) pde_min = pdeiwc_min(ncoef)
            if (pde_max.eq.1) pde_max = pdeiwc_max(ncoef)
            if (pde_min.eq.1) pde_min = pdeiwc_min(ncoef)

! --  generate a random number between pde_min and pde_max
            call random_number(x)
            ran1 = x
            diff_max = pde_max - pde_mean
            diff_min = pde_mean - pde_min
            diff = diff_max
!C-- using smaller difference
!c          if ( diff = diff_min
!C-- using larger difference
            if ( diff = diff_min

            pde_min_temp = pde_mean - diff
            pde_max_temp = pde_mean + diff

            pde_ran = (pde_max_temp-pde_min_temp)*ran1 + pde_min_temp

!C---- constraint for larger difference if needed
!c          if (pde_ran .gt. pde_max) pde_ran = pde_max
!c          if (pde_ran .lt. pde_min) pde_ran = pde_min
!c        print *, 'pde_mean, max, min,ran=', pde_mean,pde_max,pde_min
!c     &        ,   pde_ran
!C--- calculate De
            if (pderandom) then
              pde(k) = pde_ran
              pde(k) = pde_mean

!C--- end for different region

!C--- if para. out of De range
            if (pde(k).gt.150.) pde(k)=150.
            if (pde(k).lt.10.) pde(k)=10.
!c--- end of npde=2

!C--- NPDE = 3
          else if (NPDE.eq.3.and.piwc(k).gt.0.) then

!C---- for clean
            if (clean) then
              ncoef = 1
              ncoef = 2 

!C--- calculate ln(De)
	        temp_i = log(piwc(k))
            pde_mean = a_sat(ncoef)+b_sat(ncoef)*temp_i

!C--- calculate de
            pde_mean = exp(pde_mean)
            pde(k) = pde_mean
!C--- if para. out of De range 
            if (pde(k).gt.150.) pde(k)=150.
            if (pde(k).lt.10.) pde(k)=10.
!c--- end of npde=3

!C--- NPDE =4 
!C--- De-IWC-AOT relations from satellite data
          else if (NPDE.eq.4.and.piwc(k).gt.0.) then

!C--- Coefficients for De parameterizations
!c--- for South America: -40<lat<15(j), 270<lon<355(i)
            if ( then
              NSAT = 2 

              palpha = palpha_all(nsat) 
              pbeta =pbeta_all(nsat) 
              pgama = pgamma_all(nsat) 
              peta = peta_all(nsat) 
              pde0 = pde0_all(nsat) 
              piwc0 = piwc0_all(nsat) 
              pco0 = pco0_all(nsat) 

!C--- AOT for polluted (0.5)  or clean (0.2)
!c        paot = tau_aer_2D(i,j)
              paot = 0.5 
!C****piwc use mg/m**3
              a1denom = (piwc(k)*1000./piwc0)**(-palpha) + 1.
              a2num = (peta*paot-1.1108)**pgama
              a2denom = (peta*paot-1.1108)**pbeta + 1.
!C--- effective radius
              pde(k) = (pde0/a1denom)*(a2num/a2denom)
!C--- convert to mean effective size for hexagonal (Fu 1996)
!c        pde(k) = pde(k) * 8./(3*sqrt(3))
!C--- convert to mean effective size for mixture 
!C----(Francis et al 1994; Chou et al 2002) 
              pde(k) = 2. * pde(k) 
!c        print *, pde(k)
!C--- if para. out of De range 
              if (pde(k).gt.150.) pde(k)=150.
!c                  if (pde(k).lt.10.) pde(k)=10.
              if (pde(k).le.15.) pde(k)=15.

!C--- for outside South America, use prescribed De
              pde(k) = 85.
            end if

!c--- end of npde=4

!c--- NPDE=0, prescribed pde
	        if (piwc(k).gt.0.) then
		      pde(k) = 85.

!C------------ Over for pde calculation

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--- Cloud Fraction-----------
!C--- add for fractional cloud
          if (nfract.eq.1) then
            if (plwc(k).gt.0. .or. piwc(k).gt.0.) then
	          cldamnt(k) = cloudstrf(i,NK,j)

!--- if nfract=0, no cloud fraction
		  if (nfract.eq.0) then
            if (plwc(k).gt.0. .or. piwc(k).gt.0.) then
              cldamnt(k) = 1.
        end do VERTICAL_PROFILE2
!100 continue

!C--- add by Yu for aerosol

        if ( then

          if (nfraca.eq.0) then ! -- aerosol type information from driver
            do iac = 1, mxac
              if (fraca(iac).gt.0.0) itps(iac) =1
            end do
          else if (nfraca.eq.1) then ! -- precribed aerosol type information
            fraca(2)   = 0.9  !fraction of continental aerosols
            fraca(11)  = 0.1  !fraction of soot aerosols
            do iac = 1, mxac
              if (fraca(iac).gt.0.0) itps(iac) = 1
            end do
          else if (nfraca.eq.2) then ! -- type in aerosol types and fractions
          else if (nfraca.eq.3) then ! -- type in aerosol optical depth for each type
          end if

!          if (present(tau_aer_3D)) then
!            tau_aer = sum(tau_aer_3D(i,j,1:kmax-1))
!          else if (present(tau_aer_2D)) then
!            tau_aer = tau_aer_2D(i,j) 
!          else
!            tau_aer = 0.2
!          end if
          do iac = 1, mxac
            if (itps(iac).eq.1) then
              Select case (ivd)
              case default
              CALL wrf_error_fatal('ivd: No VERTICAL Aerosol Profile')  !mchen
                sh_aer(iac) = 3.
                call aer_scale_hgt(kmax-1,pij,sh_aer(iac),aprofs(1:kmax-1,iac))

!              case(2)
!                aprofs(1:kmax-1,iac) = tau_aer_3D(i,j,1:kmax-1) / tau_aer
!              case(3) !ivd=3, inpput vertical AOD profile for each aerosol type
              end Select
              a_wlis(1,iac)= 0.53                          !Wavelength (microns) corresponding to "a_tau"
              a_taus(1,iac)= tau_aer * fraca(iac)
            end if
          end do
        end if  

!C--- aerosol type
!          itp=0
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'mar' ) itp=1
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'con' ) itp=2
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'urb' ) itp=3
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == '0.5' ) itp=4
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == '1.0' ) itp=5
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == '2.0' ) itp=6
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == '4.0' ) itp=7
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == '8.0' ) itp=8
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'INS' ) itp=9
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'WAS' ) itp=10
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'SOO' ) itp=11
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'SSA' ) itp=12
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'SSC' ) itp=13
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'MIN' ) itp=14
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'MIA' ) itp=15
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'MIC' ) itp=16
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'MIT' ) itp=17
!          if( aerosol_type(1:3) == 'SUS' ) itp=18

!C--- aerosol humidity dependence
!          ifg = 0

!C--- aerosol composition
!C--- fraction for the second type
!          iafrac = 2 
!C--- only one type
!c        iafrac = 0 

!          if( iafrac == 0) fraca=0
!          if( iafrac == 1) fraca=0.01
!          if( iafrac == 2) fraca=0.10
!          if( iafrac == 3) fraca=0.50
!          if( iafrac == 4) fraca=1.0

!c        do iclrcld=1,1 !!!! 0,1
!C-- cloudy(1) or clear (1)
!          iclrcld = 1

!          a_wlis =-9999.
!          a_taus =-9999.
!          itps = -9999

!C--- aerosol constiuents
!C-- two constituents
!          nac=2
!C-- one constituent
!        nac=1

!          itps(1)=itp ! PRIMARY
!          itps(2)=11  ! soot

!          sh_aer(1)=3.
!          sh_aer(2)=3.

!          do iac=1,nac

!c	print *, "b4 scale"

!            if( ivd == 1) then
!              call aer_scale_hgt(nv,pij,sh_aer(iac),aprofs(1:nv,iac))
!            endif

!            iaform = 3
!       if (iaform ==  1) then
!            n_atau  = 1
!            a_wlis(1,iac)= 0.53

!            a_taus(1,1)= tau_aer* (1.0-fraca)
!            a_taus(1,2)= tau_aer* fraca
!        a_taus(1,3)= tau_aer*0.20
!        n_atau  = 5
!        a_wlis(1:n_atau,iac)  =(/0.413,0.500,0.609,0.664,0.860/)
!        a_taus(1:n_atau,iac)  =(/0.179,0.137,0.099,0.094,0.06/)
!        a_taus(1:n_atau,iac)  = a_taus(1:n_atau,iac)* (tau_aer/ a_taus(2,iac))
!       else if ( iaform ==  3 ) then
!       n_atau  = 7
!       a_wlis(1:n_atau,iac) = (/ .340,  .380,  .440,  .500,  .670,  .870, 1.020/)
!       a_taus(1:n_atau,iac) = (/0.275,0.232 , 0.180, 0.147, 0.087, 0.067, 0.063/)

!       a_taus(1:n_atau,iac)=a_taus(1:n_atau,iac)*(tau_aer/ a_taus(4,iac))/float(nac)
!       endif

!c         print*,' Aerosol Constituent' ,iac ,itps(iac)
!c         write(6,'(a15,10f8.4)') 'Wavelength  :',a_wlis(1:n_atau,iac)
!c         write(6,'(a15,10f8.4)') 'AEROSOL TAU :',a_taus(1:n_atau,iac)

!          enddo

!        endif
!C--- add for aerosol over

!--- calculate nclouds
        nsubcld = (kmax-2)/ngroup
        nclouds = nsubcld * ngroup
!* Call Fu-Liou radiation program
!C            call rad(as, u0ij, solcon, tsij, ee)
!C---- unified program to include all choices
        call rad_all (    kmax-1, kmax,            & 
    &            as, u0ij, solcon, tsij, ee        &
!C--- atmospheric profile
    &  ,         pij, tij, qij, o3ij               &
!C--- cloud water content and sizes
    &  ,         piwc, pde, plwc, pre, prwc, pgwc  &
!C--- cloud amount
    &  ,         cldamnt                           &
!c--- cloud inhomogeneity factor
    &  ,         cc_inho                           &
!c--- for aerosol
    &  ,         a_wlis, a_taus, aprofs            &
!C--- output: fluxes and heating rates
    &  ,         fds, fus, dts, fdir, fuir, dtir   &
    &  ,         fd, fu, dt_rad                    &
    &  )

!* Store the output from Fu-Liou code into standard arrays
!*** surface
!*** net solar at sfc 
        netswbot(i,j) = fds(kmax) - fus(kmax)
!*** downward solar at sfc 
        dswbot(i,j) = fds(kmax) 
!*** downward IR at sfc 
        dlwbot(i,j) = fdir(kmax)
!*** upward IR at sfc
        ulwbot(i,j) = fuir(kmax)
!*** net IR at sfc
        netlwbot(i,j) = fuir(kmax) - fdir(kmax)
!*** TOA
!*** downward solar at top 
        swinc(i,j) = fds(1)
!*** upward solar at toa 
        uswtop = fus(1)
!*** net solar at toa 
        dswtop(i,j) = fds(1) - fus(1)
!*** upward IR at TOA
        ulwtop(i,j) = fuir(1)

!*** value test
	if (abs(ulwtop(i,j)).gt.1000.) then
       !   write (0,*) 'i=',i,' j=',j,' ulwtop=',ulwtop(i,j)
       !   write(0,*) 'fd=', fds 
       !   write(0,*) 'fus=', fus 
       !   write(0,*) 'fdir=', fdir 
       !   write(0,*) 'fuir=', fuir 
       !   write (0,*) '---------------------------'
       !   write (0,*) as, u0ij, solcon, tsij,ee
       !   write (0,*) '---------------------------'
       !   do ii=1,kmax
       !     write (0,*) pij(ii), tij(ii), qij(ii), o3ij(ii)
!	  enddo
!          write (0,*) '---------------------------'
!          do ii=1,kmax-1
!            write (0,*) piwc(ii), pde(ii), plwc(ii), pre(ii),prwc(ii), pgwc(ii) &
!      , cldamnt(ii)
!          enddo
        CALL wrf_error_fatal('Flux out of range. Stop program')  !mchen
!C---test oevr

!* Update the total column physics increment to theta
        do k = 1,kte 
!--- heating rate in k s-1
          dtshort(i,k,j) = dts(NK) * FAC/pi3d(i,k,j)
          dtlongwv(i,k,j) = dtir(NK) * FAC/pi3d(i,k,j)
!	      deltat(i,k,j) =  dt_rad(NK) * FAC 
          deltat(i,k,j) = deltat(i,k,j) + dt_rad(Nk) * FAC/pi3d(i,k,j)
!--- heating rate in pa k s-1
!	      dtshort(i,k,j) =  dtshort(i,k,j)*(pij(NK)-pij(NK-1))*100.  
!	      dtlongwv(i,k,j) =  dtlongwv(i,k,j)*(pij(NK)-pij(NK-1))*100.  
!	      deltat(i,k,j) =  deltat(i,k,j)*(pij(NK)-pij(NK-1))*100.  
!	      dtshort(i,k,j) = dts(NK) * FAC/pi3d(i,K,j)
!	      dtlongwv(i,k,j) = dtir(NK) * FAC/pi3d(i,k,j)

!*** Value test
        if (abs(dtir(Nk)).gt.100.) then 
         CALL wrf_error_fatal('Heating rate out of range. Stop program')  !mchen
!C---test oevr

200	continue

300	  end do HORIZONTAL_I
    end do HORIZONTAL_J

!* End of routine driver_rad.F
	end subroutine RAD_FLG

!c       Liner interpolation between two points.

    subroutine intrpl(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y)
    implicit none
    real x1, x2, y1, y2, x, y, slope

    if (x2.eq.x1) then
      y = y1
!C--- use p
!C--- use log(p)
!c	if (x2.eq.x1) then
!c	y = y1
!c	else
!c        slope=(y2-y1)/(alog(x2/x1))
!c        y=y1+slope*(alog(x/x1))

    end subroutine intrpl

    subroutine aer_scale_hgt(nv,pp,h,aprof) 1
    implicit none
    integer nv
    real pp(nv+1)
    real aprof(nv)
    real pbar, z, tot, h 
    integer i

    do i=1,nv
      pbar= ( pp(i)+pp(i+1) ) *0.5
      z= 8.0* log( pp(nv+1) /pbar )
      aprof(i)= exp(-z/h)
!       print'(4f10.1,f10.2)',pp(i),pp(i+1),pbar,z,aprof(i)
    tot= sum(aprof(1:nv))
!       print*,tot
    aprof = 100*(aprof/tot) !! aprof in %
    end subroutine aer_scale_hgt

!C---- radiation program for UCLA AGCM
!C-----with all modifications
!C---- with fractional cloud cover and aerosol
!C---- with new ice parameterization and gases
!C---- Control by parameters

    subroutine rad_all (  nv, nv1                    & 1,27
   &   ,          asij, u0, ss, pts, eeij            &
!C--- atmospheric profile
   &   ,          pij, tij, qij, o3ij                &
!C--- cloud water content and sizes 
   &   ,          piwcij, pdeij, plwcij, preij       &
   &   ,          prwcij, pgwcij                     &
!C--- cloud amount
   &   ,		  cldamntij                          & 
!c--- cloud inhomogeneity factor
   &   ,		  cc_inhoij                          & 
!c--- for aerosol
   &   ,           a_wlisij, a_tausij, aprofsij      &
!C--- output: fluxes and heating rates 
   &   ,           fdsij, fusij, dtsij               &
   &   ,           fdirij, fuirij, dtirij            &
   &   ,           fdij, fuij, dtij                  &
   &   )

!c *********************************************************************
!c In this radiation scheme,  six  and  12 bands are selected for solar 
!c and thermal IR regions, respectively. The spectral division is below: 
       !c 0.2 - 0.7 um, 0.7 - 1.3 um, 1.3 - 1.9 um, 1.9 - 2.5 um, 2.5 -3.5 um, &
!c 3.5 - 4.0 um, and 2200 - 1900 cm**-1, 1900 - 1700 cm**-1, 1700 -1400
       !c cm**-1,  1400 - 1250 cm**-1,  1250 - 1100 cm**-1, 1100 - 980 cm**-1, &
!c 980 - 800 cm**-1,  800 - 670 cm**-1,  670 - 540 cm**-1, 540 - 400 cm
!c **-1,  400 - 280 cm**-1,  280 - 0 cm**-1,  where  the index  for the
!c spectral band ( ib = 1, 2, ..., 18 ) is defined.
!c                       **********************
!c                       *  INPUT PARAMETERS  *
!c                       **********************
!c              as(mbs)   solar surface albedo, mbs = 6
!c              u0        cosine of solar zenith angle
!c              ss        solar constant ( W / m ** 2 )
!c              pts       surface temperature ( K )
!c              ee(mbir)  IR surface emissivity, mbir = 12
!c              pp(nv1)   atmospheric pressure ( mb )
!c              pt(nv1)   atmospheric temperature ( K )
!c              ph(nv1)   water vapor mixing ratio ( kg / kg )
!c              po(nv1)   ozone mixing ratio ( kg / kg )
!c              pre(nv)   effective radius of water cloud ( um )
!c              plwc(nv)  liquid water content ( g / m ** 3 )
!c              pde(nv)   effective size of ice cloud ( um )
!c              piwc(nv)  ice water content ( g / m ** 3 )
!c              prwc(nv)  rain water content ( g / m ** 3 )
!c              pgwc(nv)  graupel water content ( g / m ** 3 )
!c                        or aerosol concentration (m-3)
!c              umco2     concentration of CO2 (ppmv)
!c              umch4     concentration of CH4 (ppmv)
!c              umn2o     concentration of N2O (ppmv)
!c Note:  (1)  as(mbs) and ee(mbir) consider the substantial wavelength
!c             dependence of surface albedos and emissivities.
!c        (2)  For CO2, CH4 and N2O, uniform mixing is assumed  through
!c             the atmosphere with concentrations of 330, 1.6 and  0.28
!c             ppmv, respectively.  The  concentrations  can be changed
!c             through 'common /umcon/ umco2, umch4, umn2o '.
!c        (3)  nv, nv1, nv, nv1, nv * 4, mb, mbs, mbir,  and  nc  are  
!c             given through 'para.file'. 
!c        (4)  nv1 and 1 are the surface and top levels, respectively.
!c                       **********************
!c                       *  OUTPUT PARAMETERS  *
!c                       **********************
!c              fds(nv1)   downward solar flux ( W / m ** 2 )
!c              fus(nv1)   upward solar flux ( W / m **2 )
!c              dts(nv)    solar heating rate ( K / day )
!c              fdir(nv1)  downward IR flux ( W / m ** 2 )
!c              fuir(nv1)  upward IR flux ( W / m **2 )
!c              dtir(nv)   IR heating rate ( K / day )
!c              fd(nv1)    downward net flux ( W / m ** 2 )
!c              fu(nv1)    upward net flux ( W / m **2 )
!c              dt(nv)     net heating rate ( K / day )
       !c Note:  Solar, IR, and net represent 0.2 - 0.4 um, 2200 - 0 cm**-1, &
!c        and  entire spectral regions, respectively.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
    USE control_para, fourssl=>d4s,twossl=>d2s,foursir=>d4ir,twosir=>d2ir
    implicit none
    integer :: nv, nv1
!C--- input from GCM
    real pij(nv1), tij(nv1), qij(nv1), o3ij(nv1)
    real piwcij(nv), pdeij(nv)
    real cldamntij(nv)
    real cc_inhoij(nv)

    real plwcij(nv), preij(nv)
    real prwcij(nv), pgwcij(nv)
    real fdsij(nv1), fusij(nv1), dtsij(nv)
    real fdirij(nv1), fuirij(nv1), dtirij(nv)
    real fdij(nv1), fuij(nv1), dtij(nv)
!C--- aerosol optical properties
    real, dimension(mxat,mxac) :: a_wlisij,a_tausij
    real, dimension(nvx,mxac)  :: aprofsij
!    integer, dimension(mxac)     :: itpsij

!C--- variables in the offline version      
    real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
    real, dimension(nv1) :: fds, fus, fdir, fuir, fd, fu
    real, dimension(nv)  :: dts, dtir, dt
    real, dimension(nv)  :: piwc, plwc, pgwc, prwc, &
   &                                pde, pre, cldamnt
    real                 :: asij(mbs), eeij(mbir)
    real                 :: as(mbs), ss, ee(mbir)
    real                 :: pts, u0
    real, dimension(nv1)              :: fu1, fd1
    real                              :: bf(nv1), bs
    real, dimension(nv)   :: wc1, wc2, wc3, wc4, wc, tt
! -- add for partial clouds
    real    :: area_group(3,2), cld_group(3)
    integer :: n_group(3), nb(3), n_loop(3)
    real, dimension(nv,2) :: wc1_2, wc2_2, wc3_2, wc4_2, wc_2,  &
   &                         tt_2, tc_2
    integer :: nc1, nc2, nc3, k, kl, kk
! -- add for partial clouds
    real, dimension(nv1)  :: fds_tot, fus_tot, fdir_tot, fuir_tot, &
   &                         fd_tot, fu_tot 
    real    :: ctau(nv)
    real    :: hk, fuq1, fuq2, xx, dz(nv), trp(nv)
    integer :: ib, mbn, kg1_num, kg2_num, iac, ig1, ig2, i    !cycle control
    real, dimension(nvx,mbx,mxac) :: &
   &                                 a_tau1,a_ssa1,a_asy1, &
   &                                 a_tau2,a_ssa2,a_asy2
    real, dimension(mxat,mxac)    :: a_wlis,a_taus
    real, dimension(nvx,mxac)     :: aprofs      
 !   integer, dimension(mxac)      :: itps
    real :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
    real :: tw(nv), ww(nv), www(nv,4)
    real :: trn(nv), wrn(nv), wwrn(nv,4)
    real :: tgr(nv), wgr(nv), wwgr(nv,4)
    real :: tae(nvx,mxac), wae(nvx,mxac), wwae(nvx,4,mxac)
    real :: tgm(nv)      
    real :: tr(nv), wr(nv), wwr (nv,4), tg(nv)
    real :: area
    real :: cc_inho(nv)

!c kg(mb) is the number of intervals to perform the g-quadrature in
       !c each band to consider the nongray gaseous absorption.  In total, &
!c we need to perform 121 spectral calculations in  the  scattering
!c problem for each atmospheric profile.
    integer, dimension(mb) :: kg, kg1, kg2
    data kg / 10, 8, 12, 7, 12, 5,  &
   &            2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 2, 10, 12, 7, 7, 8 /
!!!!! -- change by Zhang Feng for trace gases
    data kg1 / 10, 12, 12, 20, 20, 20, &
   &            2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 2, 10, 12, 7, 7, 8 /
    data kg2 /1, 12, 1, 20, 20, 1, &
   &            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1 /
!CCCCCCCCCC-- change over

    real :: f0 = 1.0 / 3.14159

!C-- add for aerosol
	if ( then
	  a_wlis = a_wlisij
	  a_taus = a_tausij
	  aprofs = aprofsij
!      itps = itpsij
	end if
!C-- over
    do i = 1, nv1
!C---- assign input to fu-liou variables
	  pp(i) = pij(i)
	  pt(i) = tij(i)
	  ph(i) = qij(i)
	  po(i) = o3ij(i)
	  fds(i) = 0.0
	  fus(i) = 0.0
	  fdir(i) = 0.0
	  fuir(i) = 0.0
10	end do
    as = asij
    ee = eeij

	do i = 1, nv
!C---- assign input to fu-liou variables
      piwc(i) = piwcij(i)
      pde(i) = pdeij(i)
      plwc(i) = plwcij(i)
      pre(i) = preij(i)
      prwc(i) = prwcij(i)
      pgwc(i) = pgwcij(i)
      cldamnt(i) = cldamntij(i)
      cc_inho(i) = cc_inhoij(i)
	end do
      call thicks(nv,nv1,pp,pt,ph,po,dz)
      call rayle2(nv,nv1,pp,pt,ph,po,trp)

!C--- add by Yu (01/2003) for aerosol
	if ( then
      call aerosol_init(nv,nv1,pp,pt,ph,po,dz, &
                        a_tau1,a_ssa1,a_asy1,  &
                        a_tau2,a_ssa2,a_asy2,  &
                        a_wlis,a_taus,aprofs   &
	end if
!C-- over

	if ( u0 .le. 1.0e-4 ) then
          mbn = mbs + 1
          mbn = 1
      do ib = mbn, mb
        if (nice.eq.1) then
! --------- using new coefficients
          call ice_new_ZF ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi )
        else if (nice.eq.2) then
! --------- using new coefficients by Qing for combine 
          call ice_new_comb ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi )
        else if (nice.eq.3) then
! --------- using new coefficients by Qing for tropics 
          call ice_new_trop ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi )
        else if (nice.eq.4) then
! --------- using new coefficients by Qing for midlat 
          call ice_new_midlat ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi )
        else if (nice.eq.5) then
! --------- using FLIce98 
          call ice_98 ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi )
        else if (nice.eq.6) then
! --------- using single ice by Feng using new data Ping Yang 2000 
          call ice_singleice ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi )
        else if (nice.eq.7) then
! --------- using single ice by Qing using new data Ping Yang 2005
          call ice_new_Single ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi )
! --------- use old ice coefficients FLIce93
          call ice ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi )

        call water_fl ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,plwc,pde,piwc,dz,tw,ww,www )
        call rain ( nv,nv1,ib,prwc,dz,trn,wrn,wwrn )
        call graup ( nv,nv1,ib,pgwc,dz, tgr,wgr,wwgr )

!C--- add for aerosol by Yu (01/2003)
!c---------- 4/1/97 (3)
! No more ipr option
!c       if ( then
!C-- nor sub-intervals
        if ( then
          call aerosolxy (nv,nv1,ib,'x',a_tau1,a_ssa1,a_asy1,      &
         &                a_tau2,a_ssa2,a_asy2,tae,wae,wwae        &
         &               )
          do i=1,nv
            do iac=1,mxac
              if (itps(iac).eq.1) ctau(ib)=ctau(ib)+tae(i,iac)
            end do
          end do
!c        print *, 'ctau=',ctau
!c       endif
!c---------- 4/1/97 (3)
!C-- over

        call rayle ( nv,nv1,ib,trp,tr,wr,wwr,u0 )
        call gascon ( nv,nv1,ib,tgm,pp,pt,ph,po )
        if ( ib .gt. mbs ) then
          call planck ( nv,nv1,ib,pts,pp,pt,ph,po,bf,bs )

!C---- change by Yu for new trace gases
        if (ngas.eq.0) then
        end if
        if (ngas.eq.1) then
        end if

!c          do 30 ig = 1, kg(ib)
        do ig1 = 1, kg1_num
          do ig2 = 1, kg2_num
! -- changed by Yu for new gases, 11/2006
            if (ngas.eq.0) then
!             call gases ( ib, ig, hk )
              call gases ( nv,nv1,ib, ig1, hk,pp,pt,ph,po,tg )
            end if
            if (ngas.eq.1) then
              call gases_new ( nv,nv1,ib, ig1,ig2, hk,pp,pt,ph,po,tg )
            end if
!C--- change over

!C--- with aerosol, partly cloudy, depending on parameter
	        call comscp_aero_cld (  nv,nv1                            &
	 &                             ,cldamnt,area_group,cld_group      &
     &                             ,n_group,nb                        &
     &                             ,ti,wi,wwi,tw,ww,www               &
     &                             ,trn,wrn,wwrn,tgr,wgr,wwgr         &
     &                             ,tr,wr,wwr,tgm,tg,tae,wae,wwae     &
     &                             ,wc1,wc2,wc3,wc4,wc,tt,tc_2        &
     &                             ,wc1_2,wc2_2,wc3_2,wc4_2,wc_2,tt_2 &
     &                             ,cc_inho                           &
     &                            )

!C--- 02/13/02 Yu Gu
!C--- change by Yu for fractional cloud - calculate radiation for each section
            do nc1 = nb(1), n_group(1)
              do nc2 = nb(2), n_group(2)
                do nc3 = nb(3), n_group(3)
                  n_loop(1) = nc1
                  n_loop(2) = nc2
                  n_loop(3) = nc3
!c--- fractional area for each section
                  area = area_group(1,nc1)*area_group(2,nc2)  &
                 &              *area_group(3,nc3)
!c       print *, 'area=', area

!c--- calculated total tao for layer above cloud layers
                  tt_2(1,1) = tc_2(1,1)
                  tt_2(1,2) = tc_2(1,2)
!                  do i = 2, nv-nclouds
                  do i = 2, nv-nsubcld*ngroup
                    tt_2(i,1) = tt_2(i-1,1) + tc_2(i,1)
                    tt_2(i,2) = tt_2(i-1,2) + tc_2(i,2)
220               end do

!C--- assign the optical properties for each section
!c--- for layers above clouds 
!                  do k = 1,nv-nclouds
                  do k = 1,nv-nsubcld*ngroup
                    wc1(k) = wc1_2(k,1) 
                    wc2(k) = wc2_2(k,1) 
                    wc3(k) = wc3_2(k,1) 
                    wc4(k) = wc4_2(k,1) 
                    wc(k) = wc_2(k,1)
                    tt(k) = tt_2(k,1)
! -- for cloudy layers
                  do k=1,ngroup
!                    kl = (k-1)*nsubcld + nv1-nclouds 
                    kl = (k-1)*nsubcld + nv1-nsubcld*ngroup 
                    do kk = kl, kl+nsubcld-1 
                      wc1(kk) = wc1_2(kk, n_loop(k))
                      wc2(kk) = wc2_2(kk, n_loop(k))
                      wc3(kk) = wc3_2(kk, n_loop(k))
                      wc4(kk) = wc4_2(kk, n_loop(k))
                      wc(kk) = wc_2(kk, n_loop(k))
                      tt(kk) = tt(kk-1) + tc_2(kk,n_loop(k))
!c               tt_2(kk,n_loop(k)) = tt_2(kk-1,n_loop(k)) + tc_2(kk,n_loop(k))
!c               tt(kk) = tt_2(kk, n_loop(k))

!c 11/4/95 (begin)
                  if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
                    if ( fourssl ) then
                      call qfts ( nv,nv1,ib, as(ib), u0, f0, &
                     &            wc1,wc2,wc3,wc4,wc,tt,fu1,fd1 )
                    if ( twossl ) then
                      quadra = .false.
                      hemisp = .false.
                      edding = .true.
                      call qftsts ( nv,nv1,ib, as(ib), u0, f0, &
                     &              wc1,wc2,wc3,wc4,wc,tt,fu1,fd1 )
                    do i = 1, nv1
!                  fds(i) = fds(i) + fd1(i) * hk
!                 fus(i) = fus(i) + fu1(i) * hk
                      fds(i) = fds(i) + fd1(i) * hk * area
                      fus(i) = fus(i) + fu1(i) * hk * area           
40                  end do
                    if ( foursir ) then
                      call qfti ( nv,nv1,ib, ee(ib-mbs), bf, bs, &
                     &            wc1,wc2,wc3,wc4,wc,tt,fu1,fd1 )
                    if ( twosir ) then
                      quadra = .false.
                      edding = .false.
                      hemisp = .true.
! -- 2-4-stream combination for IR
                      call qftisf ( nv,nv1,ib, ee(ib-mbs), bf, bs, &
                     &              wc1, wc2, wc3, wc4, wc, tt, &
                     &              fu1, fd1 )
! -- 2-stream  for IR
!                  call qftits ( ib, ee(ib-mbs) )
!c 11/4/95 (end)
                    do i = 1, nv1
!                  fdir(i) = fdir(i) + fd1(i) * hk
!                  fuir(i) = fuir(i) + fu1(i) * hk
                      fdir(i) = fdir(i) + fd1(i) * hk * area
                      fuir(i) = fuir(i) + fu1(i) * hk * area
50                  end do
                end do
              end do
            end do
31        end do  
30      end do  
20    end do
	  fuq1 = ss / 1340.0
!c In this model, we used the solar spectral irradiance determined by
!c Thekaekara (1973), and 1340.0 W/m**2 is the solar energy contained 
!c in the spectral region 0.2 - 4.0 um.
	  fuq2 = bs * 0.03 * 3.14159 * ee(12)
!c fuq2 is the surface emitted flux in the band 0 - 280 cm**-1 with a
!c hk of 0.03.
      do i = 1, nv1
        fds(i) = fds(i) * fuq1
        fus(i) = fus(i) * fuq1
        fuir(i) = fuir(i) + fuq2
        fd(i) = fds(i) + fdir(i)
        fu(i) = fus(i) + fuir(i)
!C--- assign result to output variables
	    fdsij(i) = fds(i)
	    fusij(i) = fus(i)
	    fdirij(i) = fdir(i)
	    fuirij(i) = fuir(i)
	    fdij(i) = fd(i)
	    fuij(i) = fu(i) 
60    end do

      do i = 1, nv
	    xx = fds(i) -fus(i) - fds(i+1) + fus(i+1)
!c	   dts(i) = 8.4392 * xx / ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) )
	    dts(i) = xx / ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) )
	    xx = fdir(i) -fuir(i) - fdir(i+1) + fuir(i+1)
!c	   dtir(i) = 8.4392 * xx / ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) )
	    dtir(i) = xx / ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) )
	    dt(i) = dts(i) + dtir(i)
!C--- assign result to output variables
	    dtsij(i) = dts(i)
	    dtirij(i) = dtir(i)
	    dtij(i) = dt(i)
70    end do
      end subroutine rad_all


      subroutine thicks(nv,nv1,pp,pt,ph,po,dz)  1
! *********************************************************************
! dz is the thickness of a layer in units of km.
! *********************************************************************
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real, dimension(nv)  :: dz(nv)
      integer i
      do i = 1, nv
        dz(i) = 0.0146337 * ( pt(i) + pt(i+1) )  &
     &         * alog( pp(i+1) / pp(i) )
      end do
      end subroutine thicks

    subroutine gases_new ( nv,nv1,ib, ig1, ig2, hk,pp,pt,ph,po,tg )  1,78
!c *********************************************************************
!c tg(nv) are the optical depthes due to nongray gaseous absorption, in
!c nv layers for a given band ib and cumulative probability ig. 
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
    USE band_new, only:    hk1=>hk_1_new,fk1o3=>fko3_1_new,             &
                        &  hk2=>hk_2_new,c2hh2=>coehh22_2_new,          &
                        &  c2o2=>coeo2_2_new,c2h2o=>coeh2o_2_new,       &
                        &  hk3=>hk_3_new,c3hh2=>coehh32_3_new,          &
                        &  c3h2o=>coeh2o_3_new,                         &
                        &  hk4=>hk_4_new,c4hh2=>coehh42_4_new,          &
                        &  c4co2=>coeco2_4_new,c4co=>coeco_4_new,       &
                        &  c4h2o=>coeh2o_4_new,                         &
                        &  hk5=>hk_5_new,c5hh2=>coehh52_5_new,          &
                        &  c5co2=>coeco2_5_new,c5n2o=>coen2o_5_new,     &
                        &  c5ch4=>coech4_5_new,c5h2o=>coeh2o_5_new,     &
                        &  hk6=>hk_6_new,c6hh2=>coehh62_6_new,          &
                        &  c6so2=>coeso2_6_new,c6h2o=>coeh2o_6_new,     &
                        &  hk7=>hk_7_new,c7h2o=>coeh2o_7_new,           &
                        &  hk8=>hk_8_new,c8h2o=>coeh2o_8_new,           &
                        &  c8no=>coeno_8_new,                           &
                        &  hk9=>hk_9_new,c9h2o=>coeh2o_9_new,           &
                        &  c9no2=>coeno2_9_new,                         &
                        &  hk10=>hk_10_new,c10h2o=>coeh2o_10_new,       &
                        &  c10ch4=>coech4_10_new,c10n2o=>coen2o_10_new, &
                        &  c10so2=>coeso2_10_new,                       &
                        &  hk11=>hk_11_new,c11h2o=>coeh2o_11_new,       &
                        &  c11ch4=>coech4_11_new,c11n2o=>coen2o_11_new, &
                        &  c11CFC11=>c11CFC11_11_new,                   &
                        &  c11CFC12=>c11CFC12_11_new,                   &
                        &  hk12=>hk_12_new,c12o3=>coeo3_12_new,         &
                        &  c12h2o=>coeh2o_12_new,                       &
                        &  c12CFC11=>c12CFC11_12_new,                   &
                        &  c12CFC12=>c12CFC12_12_new,                   &
                        &  hk13=>hk_13_new,c13h2o=>coeh2o_13_new,       &
                        &  c13CFC11=>c13CFC11_13_new,                   &
                        &  c13CFC12=>c13CFC12_13_new,                   &
                        &  hk14=>hk_14_new,c14hca=>coehca_14_new,       &
                        &  c14hcb=>coehcb_14_new,                       &
                        &  c14ch3cl=>coech3cl_14_new,                   &
                        &  hk15=>hk_15_new,c15hca=>coehca_15_new,       &
                        &  c15hcb=>coehcb_15_new,                       &
                        &  hk16=>hk_16_new,c16h2o=>coeh2o_16_new,       &
                        &  hk17=>hk_17_new,c17h2o=>coeh2o_17_new,       &
                        &  hk18=>hk_18_new,c18h2o=>coeh2o_18_new
    USE control_para, only:  umco2,umch4,umn2o,umo2,       & 
                          &  umno,umso2,umno2,umch3cl,     &
                          &  umco,umCFC11,umCFC12,         &
                          &  no2s,nco2s,nso2s,nch4s,nnol,  &
                          &  nno2l,nso2l,nch3cll,ncos,     &
                          &  nn2os,nh2ocs,nh2os,no3s,      &
                          &  nh2ol,no3l,nco2l,nn2ol,       &
                          &  nch4l,nCFC11l,nCFC12l

    implicit none

    integer :: nv, nv1
    real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
    real    :: tg(nv)
    integer :: ib, ig, ig1, ig2
    real    :: hk
    real, dimension(nv1) :: fkg, fkga, fkgb, fkgc, fkgd, fkge,  &
   &                        pq, fkg1
    real, dimension(nv)  :: tg1, tg2, tg3, tg4, tg5
    real    :: fk
    integer :: i
    select case(ib)
    case default
1     ig=ig1
      if(no3s.eq.1) then
        fk = fk1o3(ig)
        call qopo3s ( nv,nv1,fk,tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
!       write(*,*)'tg=',tg
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      hk = 619.618 * hk1(ig)
! In this band ( 50000 - 14500 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of O3.    619.618 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
! 2nd --- 6 nd bands have been changed by Jun.,2003 
2     do i=1,nv1
      end do
      call qks ( nv,nv1,c2hh2(1,1,ig1), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
      do i = 1, nv1
        fkg(i) = fkgb(i)*ph(i)
      end do
      call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
      call qks(nv,nv1,c2o2(1,1,ig2),fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
      call qopo2 (nv,nv1,fkgb, tg2,pp,pt,ph,po )
      do i=1,nv
      end do
      hk = 484.295 * hk2(ig1)*hk2(ig2)
! In this band ( 14500 - 7700 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.  484.295 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
3     ig=ig1
      do i=1,nv1
      end do
      call qks ( nv,nv1,c3hh2(1,1,ig), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
      do i = 1, nv1
        fkg(i) = fkgb(i)*ph(i)
      end do
      call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po)
      hk = 149.845 * hk3(ig)
! In this band ( 7700 - 5250 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O. 149.845 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
4     do i=1,nv1
      end do
      call qks ( nv,nv1,c4hh2(1,1,ig1), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
      do i = 1, nv1
        fkg(i) = fkgb(i)*ph(i)
      end do
      call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qks ( nv,nv1,c4co2(1,1,ig2), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
      call qopco2(nv,nv1,fkgb,tg2,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qks(nv,nv1,c4co,fkgc,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qopco(nv,nv1,fkgc,tg3,pp,pt,ph,po)
      do i=1,nv
      end do
      hk = 48.7302 * hk4(ig1)*hk4(ig2)
! In this band ( 5250 - 4000 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O. 48.7302 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
5     do i=1,nv1
      end do
      call qks ( nv,nv1,c5hh2(1,1,ig1), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
      do i = 1, nv1
        fkg(i) = fkgb(i)*ph(i)
      end do
      call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qks ( nv,nv1,c5co2(1,1,ig2), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
      call qopco2(nv,nv1,fkgb,tg2,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qks(nv,nv1,c5n2o,fkgc,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qopn2o(nv,nv1,fkgc,tg3,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qks(nv,nv1,c5ch4,fkgd,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qopch4(nv,nv1,fkgd,tg4,pp,pt,ph,po)
      do i=1,nv
        tg(i)=tg1(i)+tg2(i)/330.*umco2+tg3(i)/0.28*umn2o+ &
       &      tg4(i)/1.6*umch4
      end do
      hk = 31.6576 * hk5(ig1)*hk5(ig2)
! In this band ( 4000 - 2850 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O. 31.6576 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
6     ig=ig1
      do i=1,nv1
      end do
      call qks ( nv,nv1,c6hh2(1,1,ig), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
      do i = 1, nv1
        fkg(i) = fkgb(i)*ph(i)
      end do
      call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qks(nv,nv1,c6so2,fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qopso2(nv,nv1,fkgb,tg2,pp,pt,ph,po)
      do i=1,nv
      end do
      hk = 5.79927 * hk6(ig)
! In this band ( 2850 - 2500 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O. 5.79927 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
7     ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c7h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      hk = hk7(ig)
! In this band ( 2200 - 1900 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
! 8th---10th bands have been changed by Z.F. in Jun.2003
8     ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c8h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      call qki(nv,nv1,c8no,fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qopno(nv,nv1,fkgb,tg2,pp,pt,ph,po)
!      print *, 'band 8, no, tg1=, tg2=', tg1,tg2
      do i=1,nv
      end do
      hk = hk8(ig)
! In this band ( 1900 - 1700 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
9     ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c9h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      call qki(nv,nv1,c9no2,fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qopno(nv,nv1,fkgb,tg2,pp,pt,ph,po)
!      print *, 'band 9, no, tg2=', tg1, tg2
      do i=1,nv
      end do
      hk = hk9(ig)
! In this band ( 1700 - 1400 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
10    ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c10h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      if(nch4l.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c10ch4, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopch4 ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg2,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      if(nn2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c10n2o, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopn2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg3,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      call qki(nv,nv1,c10so2,fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qopso2(nv,nv1,fkgb,tg4,pp,pt,ph,po)
      do i=1,nv
        tg(i) = tg1(i) + tg2(i)/1.6*umch4 + tg3(i)/0.28*umn2o &
       &       +tg4(i)/0.001*umso2
      end do
      hk = hk10(ig)
! In this band ( 1400 - 1250 cm**-1 ), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O, CH4, and N2O by approach one of Fu(1991).
! In this band ( 1400 - 1250 cm**-1 ), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O, CH4, and N2O by approach one of Fu(1991).
11    ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c11h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      if(nch4l.eq.1) then 
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c11ch4, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopch4 ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg2,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      if(nn2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c11n2o, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopn2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg3,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      if(nCFC11l.eq.1) then
        call qopCFC11(nv,nv1,c11CFC11,tg4,pp,pt,ph,po)
        do i=1,nv
      end if
      if(nCFC12l.eq.1) then
        call qopCFC12(nv,nv1,c11CFC12,tg5,pp,pt,ph,po)
        do i=1,nv
      end if
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = tg1(i) + tg2(i)/1.6*umch4 + tg3(i)/0.28*umn2o + &
       &        tg4(i)/0.22e-3*umCFC11 + tg5(i)/0.375e-3*umCFC12         
      end do
      hk = hk11(ig)
! In this band ( 1250 - 1100 cm**-1 ), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O, CH4, N2O, CFC11 and CFC12  by approach one of Fu(1991).
12    ig=ig1
      if(no3l.eq.1) then
        call qkio3 ( nv,nv1,c12o3(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopo3i ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then 
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c12h2o, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg2,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      if(nCFC11l.eq.1) then
        call qopCFC11(nv,nv1,c12CFC11,tg3,pp,pt,ph,po)
        do i=1,nv
      end if
      if(nCFC12l.eq.1) then
        call qopCFC12(nv,nv1,c12CFC12,tg4,pp,pt,ph,po)
        do i=1,nv
      end if
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = tg1(i) + tg2(i) + tg3(i)/0.22e-3*umCFC11 &
       &       +tg4(i)/0.375e-3*umCFC12
      end do
      hk = hk12(ig)
! In this band ( 1100 - 980 cm**-1 ), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O and O3, CFC11, CFC12 by approach one of Fu(1991).
13    ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c13h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      if(nCFC11l.eq.1) then
        call qopCFC11(nv,nv1,c13CFC11,tg2,pp,pt,ph,po)
        do i=1,nv
      end if
      if(nCFC12l.eq.1) then
        call qopCFC12(nv,nv1,c13CFC12,tg3,pp,pt,ph,po)
        do i=1,nv
      end if
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = tg1(i) + tg2(i)/0.22e-3*umCFC11 + &
       &        tg3(i)/0.375e-3*umCFC12
      hk = hk13(ig)
! In this band ( 980 - 800 cm**-1 ), we have considered the overlapping 
! absorption of H2O, CFC11 and CFC12 by approach one of fu (1991).
! 14th band has been changed by Z.F. in Jun,2003
14    ig=ig1
      do i = 1, nv1
        if ( pp(i) .ge. 63.1 ) then
          pq(i) = ph(i)
          pq(i) = 0.0
333   end do
      if(nco2l.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c14hca(1,1,ig), fkga,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv1
        end do
      end if
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c14hcb(1,1,ig), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv1
        end do
      end if
      do i = 1, nv1
        fkg(i) = fkga(i)/330.0*umco2 + pq(i) * fkgb(i)
343   end do
      call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qki(nv,nv1,c14ch3cl,fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po)
      call qopch3cl(nv,nv1,fkgb,tg2,pp,pt,ph,po)
      do i=1,nv
      end do
      hk = hk14(ig)
! In this band ( 800 - 670 cm**-1), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O and CO2 by approach two of Fu(1991).
15    ig=ig1
      do i = 1, nv1
        if ( pp(i) .ge. 63.1 ) then
          pq(i) = ph(i)
          pq(i) = 0.0
353   end do
      if(nco2l.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c15hca(1,1,ig), fkga,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv1
        end do
      end if
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c15hcb(1,1,ig), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv1
        end do
      end if
      do i = 1, nv1
        fkg(i) = fkga(i)/330.0*umco2 + pq(i) * fkgb(i)
363   end do
      call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po)
      hk = hk15(ig)
! In this band ( 670 - 540 cm**-1), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O and CO2 by approach two of Fu(1991).
16    ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c16h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      hk = hk16(ig)
! In this band ( 540 - 400 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
17    ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c17h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      hk = hk17(ig)
! In this band ( 400 - 280 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
18    ig=ig1
      if(nh2ol.eq.1) then
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c18h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i=1,nv
        end do
      end if
      hk = hk18(ig)
! In this band ( 280 - 000 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
20  end select
    end subroutine gases_new

      subroutine ice ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi ) 1,2
! *********************************************************************
! ti, wi, and wwi are the optical depth, single scattering albedo,
! and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
! 4) due to the scattering of ice clouds for a given layer.
! *********************************************************************
      use para_file
      use ice0
      implicit none

      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real    :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real    :: fw1, fw2, fw3, wf1, wf2, wf3, wf4, gg, x1, x2, x3, x4, fd
      integer :: i ,ib, ibr
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( piwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          ti(i) = 0.0
          wi(i) = 0.0
          wwi(i,1) = 0.0
          wwi(i,2) = 0.0
          wwi(i,3) = 0.0
          wwi(i,4) = 0.0
! The constant 1000.0 below is to consider the units of dz(i) is km.
          fw1 = pde(i)
          fw2 = fw1 * pde(i)
          fw3 = fw2 * pde(i)
          ti(i) = dz(i) * 1000.0 * piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &           ap(2,ib) / fw1 + ap(3,ib) / fw2 )
          wi(i) = 1.0 - ( bp(1,ib) + bp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &           bp(3,ib) * fw2 + bp(4,ib) * fw3 )

!C--- test for 10% more high clouds but 10% reduced single-scattering albedo
!c	 	if ( then
!c		  wi(i) = wi(i) * 0.98
!c		endif
!c--- end test

          if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
            fd = dps(1,ib) + dps(2,ib) * fw1 +       &
     &         dps(3,ib) * fw2 + dps(4,ib) * fw3
            wf1 = cps(1,1,ib) + cps(2,1,ib) * fw1 +  &
     &         cps(3,1,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,1,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,1) = ( 1.0 - fd ) * wf1 + 3.0 * fd
            wf2 = cps(1,2,ib) + cps(2,2,ib) * fw1 +  &
     &         cps(3,2,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,2,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,2) = ( 1.0 - fd ) * wf2 + 5.0 * fd
            wf3 = cps(1,3,ib) + cps(2,3,ib) * fw1 +  &
     &         cps(3,3,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,3,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,3) = ( 1.0 - fd ) * wf3 + 7.0 * fd
            wf4 = cps(1,4,ib) + cps(2,4,ib) * fw1 +  &
     &         cps(3,4,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,4,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,4) = ( 1.0 - fd ) * wf4 + 9.0 * fd
            ibr = ib - mbs
            gg = cpir(1,ibr) + cpir(2,ibr) * fw1 +   &
     &         cpir(3,ibr) * fw2 + cpir(4,ibr) * fw3
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
      end subroutine

!C--- using new coefficients for ice single-scattering parameterization

      subroutine ice_new_ZF ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c ti, wi, and wwi are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4) due to the scattering of ice clouds for a given layer.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE ice1
      implicit none

      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real    :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real    :: fw1, fw2, fw3, wf1, wf2, wf3, wf4, gg, x1, x2, x3, x4
      integer :: i, ib, ibr
! changed by Z.F.
!      common /zf_solar/tizfs(nv,mbs),wizfs(nv,mbs),wwi1s(nv,mbs),
!     &            wwi2s(nv,mbs),wwi3s(nv,mbs),wwi4s(nv,mbs)
! changing over
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( piwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          ti(i) = 0.0
          wi(i) = 0.0
          wwi(i,1) = 0.0
          wwi(i,2) = 0.0
          wwi(i,3) = 0.0
          wwi(i,4) = 0.0
! The constant 1000.0 below is to consider the units of dz(i) is km.
          fw1 = pde(i)
          fw2 = fw1 * pde(i)
          fw3 = fw2 * pde(i)
          ti(i) = dz(i) * 1000.0 * piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &       ap(2,ib) / fw1 + ap(3,ib) / fw2 )
          if(ti(i).lt.0.0) write(*,*)'optical depth of ice=',ti(i)
          wi(i) = 1.0 - ( bp(1,ib) + bp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &       bp(3,ib) * fw2 + bp(4,ib) * fw3 )
          if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
! changed by Z.F.
            wf1 = cps(1,1,ib) + cps(2,1,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,1,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,1,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,1) =  wf1
            wf2 = cps(1,2,ib) + cps(2,2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,2,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,2,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,2) =  wf2
            wf3 = cps(1,3,ib) + cps(2,3,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,3,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,3,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,3) =  wf3
            wf4 = cps(1,4,ib) + cps(2,4,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,4,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,4,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,4) =  wf4
! changing over
            ibr = ib - mbs
            gg = cpir(1,ibr) + cpir(2,ibr) * fw1 + &
     &         cpir(3,ibr) * fw2 + cpir(4,ibr) * fw3
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
! added by Z.F.
!      if(ib.le.mbs) then
!        do i=1,nv
!          tizfs(i,ib)=ti(i)
!          wizfs(i,ib)=wi(i)
!          wwi1s(i,ib)=wwi(i,1)
!          wwi2s(i,ib)=wwi(i,2)
!          wwi3s(i,ib)=wwi(i,3)
!          wwi4s(i,ib)=wwi(i,4)
!        end do
!      end if

!        write(*,*)'ti=',ti
!        write(*,*)'wi=',wi
!        write(*,*)'wwi1=',(wwi(i,1),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi2=',(wwi(i,2),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi3=',(wwi(i,3),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi4=',(wwi(i,4),i=1,nv)

! adding over
      end subroutine

!C--- using new coefficients for ice single-scattering parameterization
!C--- by Qing Yue 2006

      subroutine ice_new_comb ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c ti, wi, and wwi are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4) due to the scattering of ice clouds for a given layer.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE ice2
      implicit none

      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real    :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real    :: fw1, fw2, fw3, wf1, wf2, wf3, wf4, gg, x1, x2, x3, x4
      integer :: i, ib, ibr
! changed by Z.F.
!      common /zf_solar/tizfs(nv,mbs),wizfs(nv,mbs),wwi1s(nv,mbs),
!     &            wwi2s(nv,mbs),wwi3s(nv,mbs),wwi4s(nv,mbs)
! changing over
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( piwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          ti(i) = 0.0
          wi(i) = 0.0
          wwi(i,1) = 0.0
          wwi(i,2) = 0.0
          wwi(i,3) = 0.0
          wwi(i,4) = 0.0
! The constant 1000.0 below is to consider the units of dz(i) is km.
          fw1 = pde(i)
          fw2 = fw1 * pde(i)
          fw3 = fw2 * pde(i)
          ti(i) = dz(i) * 1000.0 * piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &       ap(2,ib) / fw1 + ap(3,ib) / fw2 )

! -- uncomment the following if want to output optical depth for each band
!             write(*,*)'level=', i, 'optical depth of ice=',ti(i)

          wi(i) = 1.0 - ( bp(1,ib) + bp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &       bp(3,ib) * fw2 + bp(4,ib) * fw3 )
          if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
! changed by Z.F.
            wf1 = cps(1,1,ib) + cps(2,1,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,1,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,1,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,1) =  wf1
            wf2 = cps(1,2,ib) + cps(2,2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,2,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,2,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,2) =  wf2
            wf3 = cps(1,3,ib) + cps(2,3,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,3,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,3,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,3) =  wf3
            wf4 = cps(1,4,ib) + cps(2,4,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,4,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,4,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,4) =  wf4
! changing over
            ibr = ib - mbs
            gg = cpir(1,ibr) + cpir(2,ibr) * fw1 + &
     &         cpir(3,ibr) * fw2 + cpir(4,ibr) * fw3
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
! added by Z.F.
!      if(ib.le.mbs) then
!        do i=1,nv
!          tizfs(i,ib)=ti(i)
!          wizfs(i,ib)=wi(i)
!          wwi1s(i,ib)=wwi(i,1)
!          wwi2s(i,ib)=wwi(i,2)
!          wwi3s(i,ib)=wwi(i,3)
!          wwi4s(i,ib)=wwi(i,4)
!        end do
!      end if

!        write(*,*)'ti=',ti
!        write(*,*)'wi=',wi
!        write(*,*)'wwi1=',(wwi(i,1),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi2=',(wwi(i,2),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi3=',(wwi(i,3),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi4=',(wwi(i,4),i=1,nv)
! adding over
      end subroutine

!C--- using new coefficients for ice single-scattering parameterization
!C--- for tropics

      subroutine ice_new_trop ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c ti, wi, and wwi are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4) due to the scattering of ice clouds for a given layer.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE ice3
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real    :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real    :: fw1, fw2, fw3, wf1, wf2, wf3, wf4, gg, x1, x2, x3, x4
      integer :: i ,ib, ibr

! changed by Z.F.
!      common /zf_solar/tizfs(nv,mbs),wizfs(nv,mbs),wwi1s(nv,mbs),
!     &            wwi2s(nv,mbs),wwi3s(nv,mbs),wwi4s(nv,mbs)
! changing over
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( piwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          ti(i) = 0.0
          wi(i) = 0.0
          wwi(i,1) = 0.0
          wwi(i,2) = 0.0
          wwi(i,3) = 0.0
          wwi(i,4) = 0.0
! The constant 1000.0 below is to consider the units of dz(i) is km.
          fw1 = pde(i)
          fw2 = fw1 * pde(i)
          fw3 = fw2 * pde(i)
          ti(i) = dz(i) * 1000.0 * piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &       ap(2,ib) / fw1 + ap(3,ib) / fw2 )
          if(ti(i).lt.0.0) write(*,*)'optical depth of ice=',ti(i)
          wi(i) = 1.0 - ( bp(1,ib) + bp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &       bp(3,ib) * fw2 + bp(4,ib) * fw3 )
          if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
! changed by Z.F.
            wf1 = cps(1,1,ib) + cps(2,1,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,1,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,1,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,1) =  wf1
            wf2 = cps(1,2,ib) + cps(2,2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,2,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,2,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,2) =  wf2
            wf3 = cps(1,3,ib) + cps(2,3,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,3,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,3,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,3) =  wf3
            wf4 = cps(1,4,ib) + cps(2,4,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,4,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,4,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,4) =  wf4
! changing over
            ibr = ib - mbs
            gg = cpir(1,ibr) + cpir(2,ibr) * fw1 + &
     &         cpir(3,ibr) * fw2 + cpir(4,ibr) * fw3
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
! added by Z.F.
!      if(ib.le.mbs) then
!        do i=1,nv
!          tizfs(i,ib)=ti(i)
!          wizfs(i,ib)=wi(i)
!          wwi1s(i,ib)=wwi(i,1)
!          wwi2s(i,ib)=wwi(i,2)
!          wwi3s(i,ib)=wwi(i,3)
!          wwi4s(i,ib)=wwi(i,4)
!        end do
!      end if

!        write(*,*)'ti=',ti
!        write(*,*)'wi=',wi
!        write(*,*)'wwi1=',(wwi(i,1),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi2=',(wwi(i,2),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi3=',(wwi(i,3),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi4=',(wwi(i,4),i=1,nv)
! adding over
      end subroutine

!C--- using new coefficients for ice single-scattering parameterization

      subroutine ice_new_midlat ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c ti, wi, and wwi are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4) due to the scattering of ice clouds for a given layer.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE ice4
      implicit none

      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real    :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real    :: fw1, fw2, fw3, wf1, wf2, wf3, wf4, gg, x1, x2, x3, x4
      integer :: i, ib, ibr      

! changed by Z.F.
!      common /zf_solar/tizfs(nv,mbs),wizfs(nv,mbs),wwi1s(nv,mbs),
!     &            wwi2s(nv,mbs),wwi3s(nv,mbs),wwi4s(nv,mbs)
! changing over
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( piwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          ti(i) = 0.0
          wi(i) = 0.0
          wwi(i,1) = 0.0
          wwi(i,2) = 0.0
          wwi(i,3) = 0.0
          wwi(i,4) = 0.0
! The constant 1000.0 below is to consider the units of dz(i) is km.
          fw1 = pde(i)
          fw2 = fw1 * pde(i)
          fw3 = fw2 * pde(i)
          ti(i) = dz(i) * 1000.0 * piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &       ap(2,ib) / fw1 + ap(3,ib) / fw2 )
          if(ti(i).lt.0.0) write(*,*)'optical depth of ice=',ti(i)
          wi(i) = 1.0 - ( bp(1,ib) + bp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &       bp(3,ib) * fw2 + bp(4,ib) * fw3 )
          if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
! changed by Z.F.
            wf1 = cps(1,1,ib) + cps(2,1,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,1,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,1,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,1) =  wf1
            wf2 = cps(1,2,ib) + cps(2,2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,2,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,2,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,2) =  wf2
            wf3 = cps(1,3,ib) + cps(2,3,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,3,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,3,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,3) =  wf3
            wf4 = cps(1,4,ib) + cps(2,4,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,4,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,4,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,4) =  wf4
! changing over
            ibr = ib - mbs
            gg = cpir(1,ibr) + cpir(2,ibr) * fw1 + &
     &         cpir(3,ibr) * fw2 + cpir(4,ibr) * fw3
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
! added by Z.F.
!      if(ib.le.mbs) then
!        do i=1,nv
!          tizfs(i,ib)=ti(i)
!          wizfs(i,ib)=wi(i)
!          wwi1s(i,ib)=wwi(i,1)
!          wwi2s(i,ib)=wwi(i,2)
!          wwi3s(i,ib)=wwi(i,3)
!          wwi4s(i,ib)=wwi(i,4)
!        end do
!      end if

!        write(*,*)'ti=',ti
!        write(*,*)'wi=',wi
!        write(*,*)'wwi1=',(wwi(i,1),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi2=',(wwi(i,2),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi3=',(wwi(i,3),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi4=',(wwi(i,4),i=1,nv)
! adding over
      end subroutine

!C--- using FLIce98 for ice single-scattering parameterization

      subroutine ice_98 ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c ti, wi, and wwi are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4) due to the scattering of ice clouds for a given layer.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
!c      USE RadParams
      USE ice5
      implicit none

      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real fw1, fw2, fw3, tau, omega, asy, fd, f, fw,  &
     &     gg, x1, x2, x3, x4, betae, betaa
      integer i, ib, ibr
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( piwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          ti(i) = 0.0
          wi(i) = 0.0
          wwi(i,1) = 0.0
          wwi(i,2) = 0.0
          wwi(i,3) = 0.0
          wwi(i,4) = 0.0
          fw1 = pde(i)
          fw2 = fw1 * pde(i)
          fw3 = fw2 * pde(i)
          if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
            tau = dz(i) * 1000.0 * piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &               ap(2,ib) / fw1 )
            omega = 1.0 - ( bps(1,ib) + bps(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &               bps(3,ib) * fw2 + bps(4,ib) * fw3 )
            asy = cp(1,ib) + cp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &               cp(3,ib) * fw2 + cp(4,ib) * fw3
            fd = dps(1,ib) + dps(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &               dps(3,ib) * fw2 + dps(4,ib) * fw3
            f = 0.5 / omega + fd
            fw = f * omega
            ti(i) = ( 1.0 - fw ) * tau
            wi(i) = ( 1.0 - f ) * omega / ( 1.0 - fw )
            gg = ( asy - f ) / ( 1.0 - f )
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
            ibr = ib - mbs
            betae = piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &                 ap(2,ib) / fw1 + ap(3,ib) / fw2 )
            betaa = piwc(i) / fw1 * ( bpir(1,ibr) + bpir(2,ibr) * &
     &                 fw1 + bpir(3,ibr) * fw2 + bpir(4,ibr) * fw3 )
            asy = cp(1,ib) + cp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &                 cp(3,ib) * fw2 + cp(4,ib) * fw3
            ti(i) = dz(i) * 1000.0 * betae
            wi(i) = 1.0 - betaa / betae
            gg = asy
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
      end subroutine
!c Fu 07-08-98

!C--- ice single-scattering parameterization by Feng using Ping Yang 2000 data

      subroutine ice_singleice ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c ti, wi, and wwi are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4) due to the scattering of ice clouds for a given layer.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE ice6
      implicit none

      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real    :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real    :: fw1, fw2, fw3, wf1, wf2, wf3, wf4, gg, x1, x2, x3, x4, fd
      integer :: i, ib, ibr

      do i = 1, nv
        if ( piwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          ti(i) = 0.0
          wi(i) = 0.0
          wwi(i,1) = 0.0
          wwi(i,2) = 0.0
          wwi(i,3) = 0.0
          wwi(i,4) = 0.0
! The constant 1000.0 below is to consider the units of dz(i) is km.
          fw1 = pde(i)
          fw2 = fw1 * pde(i)
          fw3 = fw2 * pde(i)
          ti(i) = dz(i) * 1000.0 * piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &           ap(2,ib) / fw1 + ap(3,ib) / fw2 )
          wi(i) = 1.0 - ( bp(1,ib) + bp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &           bp(3,ib) * fw2 + bp(4,ib) * fw3 )
          if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
            fd = dps(1,ib) + dps(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         dps(3,ib) * fw2 + dps(4,ib) * fw3
            wf1 = cps(1,1,ib) + cps(2,1,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,1,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,1,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,1) = ( 1.0 - fd ) * wf1 + 3.0 * fd
            wf2 = cps(1,2,ib) + cps(2,2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,2,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,2,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,2) = ( 1.0 - fd ) * wf2 + 5.0 * fd
            wf3 = cps(1,3,ib) + cps(2,3,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,3,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,3,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,3) = ( 1.0 - fd ) * wf3 + 7.0 * fd
            wf4 = cps(1,4,ib) + cps(2,4,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,4,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,4,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,4) = ( 1.0 - fd ) * wf4 + 9.0 * fd
            ibr = ib - mbs
            gg = cpir(1,ibr) + cpir(2,ibr) * fw1 + &
     &         cpir(3,ibr) * fw2 + cpir(4,ibr) * fw3
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
      end subroutine

!C--- using new coefficients for ice single habit
!C--- by Qing Yue 2006

      subroutine ice_new_Single ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,pde,plwc,piwc,dz,ti,wi,wwi ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c ti, wi, and wwi are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4) due to the scattering of ice clouds for a given layer.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE ice7
      implicit none

      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real    :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real    :: fw1, fw2, fw3, wf1, wf2, wf3, wf4, gg, x1, x2, x3, x4
      integer :: i, ib, ibr   
! changed by Z.F.
!      common /zf_solar/tizfs(nv,mbs),wizfs(nv,mbs),wwi1s(nv,mbs),
!     &            wwi2s(nv,mbs),wwi3s(nv,mbs),wwi4s(nv,mbs)
! changing over
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( piwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          ti(i) = 0.0
          wi(i) = 0.0
          wwi(i,1) = 0.0
          wwi(i,2) = 0.0
          wwi(i,3) = 0.0
          wwi(i,4) = 0.0
! The constant 1000.0 below is to consider the units of dz(i) is km.
          fw1 = pde(i)
          fw2 = fw1 * pde(i)
          fw3 = fw2 * pde(i)
          ti(i) = dz(i) * 1000.0 * piwc(i) * ( ap(1,ib) + &
     &       ap(2,ib) / fw1 + ap(3,ib) / fw2 )
          if(ti(i).lt.0.0) write(*,*)'optical depth of ice=',ti(i)
          wi(i) = 1.0 - ( bp(1,ib) + bp(2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &       bp(3,ib) * fw2 + bp(4,ib) * fw3 )
          if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
! changed by Z.F.
            wf1 = cps(1,1,ib) + cps(2,1,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,1,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,1,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,1) =  wf1
            wf2 = cps(1,2,ib) + cps(2,2,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,2,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,2,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,2) =  wf2
            wf3 = cps(1,3,ib) + cps(2,3,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,3,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,3,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,3) =  wf3
            wf4 = cps(1,4,ib) + cps(2,4,ib) * fw1 + &
     &         cps(3,4,ib) * fw2 + cps(4,4,ib) * fw3
            wwi(i,4) =  wf4
! changing over
            ibr = ib - mbs
            gg = cpir(1,ibr) + cpir(2,ibr) * fw1 + &
     &         cpir(3,ibr) * fw2 + cpir(4,ibr) * fw3
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            wwi(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            wwi(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            wwi(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            wwi(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
! added by Z.F.
!      if(ib.le.mbs) then
!        do i=1,nv
!          tizfs(i,ib)=ti(i)
!          wizfs(i,ib)=wi(i)
!          wwi1s(i,ib)=wwi(i,1)
!          wwi2s(i,ib)=wwi(i,2)
!          wwi3s(i,ib)=wwi(i,3)
!          wwi4s(i,ib)=wwi(i,4)
!        end do
!      end if

!        write(*,*)'ti=',ti
!        write(*,*)'wi=',wi
!        write(*,*)'wwi1=',(wwi(i,1),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi2=',(wwi(i,2),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi3=',(wwi(i,3),i=1,nv)
!        write(*,*)'wwi4=',(wwi(i,4),i=1,nv)
! adding over
      end subroutine

      subroutine water_fl ( nv,nv1,ib,pre,plwc,pde,piwc,dz,tw,ww,www ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c tw, ww, and www are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4) due to the Mie scattering of water clouds for a given layer. 
!c By using the mean single scattering properties of the eight drop
!c size distributions in each spectral band, the single scattering
!c properties of a water cloud with the given liquid water content
!c and effective radius are obtained by interpolating (Eqs. 4.25 -
!c 4.27 of Fu, 1991). 
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE water1
      implicit none

      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: pre, plwc, pde, piwc, dz
      real    :: tw(nv), ww(nv), www(nv,4)
      integer :: ib
      real    :: x1, x2, x3, x4, gg
      integer :: i, j
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( plwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          tw(i) = 0.0
          ww(i) = 0.0
          www(i,1) = 0.0
          www(i,2) = 0.0
          www(i,3) = 0.0
          www(i,4) = 0.0
          if ( pre(i) .lt. re(1) ) then
! A cloud with the effective radius smaller than 4.18 um is assumed
! to have an effective radius of 4.18 um with respect to the single
! scattering properties.  
            tw(i) = dz(i) * plwc(i) * bz(1,ib) / fl(1)
            ww(i) = wz(1,ib)
            x1 = gz(1,ib)
            x2 = x1 * gz(1,ib)
            x3 = x2 * gz(1,ib)
            x4 = x3 * gz(1,ib)
            www(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            www(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            www(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            www(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
          elseif ( pre(i) .gt. re(nc) ) then
! A cloud with the effective radius larger than 31.23 um is assumed
! to have an effective radius of 31.18 um with respect to the single
! scattering properties.  
            tw(i) = dz(i) * plwc(i) * bz(nc,ib) / fl(nc)
            ww(i) = wz(nc,ib)
            x1 = gz(nc,ib)
            x2 = x1 * gz(nc,ib)
            x3 = x2 * gz(nc,ib)
            x4 = x3 * gz(nc,ib)
            www(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            www(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            www(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            www(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
            j = 1
            do while (pre(i) .lt. re(j))
              j = j + 1
            end do
            tw(i) = dz(i) * plwc(i) * ( bz(j,ib) / fl(j) +  &
     &             ( bz(j+1,ib) / fl(j+1) - bz(j,ib) / fl(j) ) /  &
     &             ( 1.0 / re(j+1) - 1.0 / re(j) ) * ( 1.0 / pre(i) &
     &             - 1.0 / re(j) ) )
            ww(i) = wz(j,ib) + ( wz(j+1,ib) - wz(j,ib) ) / &
     &             ( re(j+1) - re(j) ) * ( pre(i) - re(j) )
            gg = gz(j,ib) + ( gz(j+1,ib) - gz(j,ib) ) / &
     &         ( re(j+1) - re(j) ) * ( pre(i) - re(j) )
            x1 = gg
            x2 = x1 * gg
            x3 = x2 * gg
            x4 = x3 * gg
            www(i,1) = 3.0 * x1
            www(i,2) = 5.0 * x2
            www(i,3) = 7.0 * x3
            www(i,4) = 9.0 * x4
10    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine rayle2(nv,nv1,pp,pt,ph,po,trp)  1,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c trp is P(mb)/T(K)*DZ(m) and the constant 14.6337=R(287)/g(9.806)/2.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real                 :: trp(nv)
      integer              :: i
      do i = 1, nv
        trp(i) = 14.6337 * ( pp(i) + pp(i+1) ) &
     &     * alog( pp(i+1) / pp(i) ) 
      end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine rayle ( nv,nv1,ib,trp,tr,wr,wwr,u0 ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c tr, wr, and wwr are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and
!c 4 ) due to the Rayleigh scattering for a given layer.
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      use rayle1
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real    :: u0
      real    :: trp(nv)
      real    :: tr(nv), wr(nv), wwr(nv,4)
      integer :: ib, i
      real    :: x
      if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
        if ( ib .eq. 1 ) then
          x = -3.902860e-6 * u0 * u0+6.120070e-6 * u0+4.177440e-6
          x = ri(ib)
          do i = 1, nv
            tr(i) = trp(i) * x
            wr(i) = 1.0
            wwr(i,1) = 0.0
            wwr(i,2) = 0.5
            wwr(i,3) = 0.0
            wwr(i,4) = 0.0
100       end do
        do i = 1, nv
          tr(i) = 0.0
          wr(i) = 0.0
          wwr(i,1) = 0.0
          wwr(i,2) = 0.0
          wwr(i,3) = 0.0
          wwr(i,4) = 0.0
200     end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine rain ( nv,nv1,ib,prwc,dz,trn,wrn,wwrn ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c trn, wrn, and wwrn are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and 4 )
!c due to the Mie scattering of rain for a given layer. 
!c                        Jan. 19, 1993
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE rain1
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real    :: prwc(nv), dz(nv)
      real    :: trn(nv), wrn(nv), wwrn(nv,4)
      integer :: ib, i
      real    :: x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4
      x1 = grn(ib)
      x2 = x1 * grn(ib)
      x3 = x2 * grn(ib)
      x4 = x3 * grn(ib)
      y1 = 3.0 * x1
      y2 = 5.0 * x2
      y3 = 7.0 * x3
      y4 = 9.0 * x4
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( prwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          trn(i) = 0.0
          wrn(i) = 0.0
          wwrn(i,1) = 0.0
          wwrn(i,2) = 0.0
          wwrn(i,3) = 0.0
          wwrn(i,4) = 0.0
          trn(i) = dz(i) * prwc(i) * brn(ib) / rwc
          wrn(i) = wrnf(ib)
          wwrn(i,1) = y1
          wwrn(i,2) = y2
          wwrn(i,3) = y3
          wwrn(i,4) = y4
10    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine graup ( nv,nv1,ib,pgwc,dz, tgr,wgr,wwgr ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
       !c tgr, wgr, and wwgr are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and 4 )
!c due to the Mie scattering of graupel for a given layer. 
!c                        Jan. 19, 1993
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE graup1
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real    :: pgwc(nv), dz(nv)
      real    :: tgr(nv), wgr(nv), wwgr(nv,4)
      integer :: ib, i
      real    :: x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4
      x1 = gg(ib)
      x2 = x1 * gg(ib)
      x3 = x2 * gg(ib)
      x4 = x3 * gg(ib)
      y1 = 3.0 * x1
      y2 = 5.0 * x2
      y3 = 7.0 * x3
      y4 = 9.0 * x4
      do i = 1, nv
        if ( pgwc(i) .lt. 1.0e-5 ) then
          tgr(i) = 0.0
          wgr(i) = 0.0
          wwgr(i,1) = 0.0
          wwgr(i,2) = 0.0
          wwgr(i,3) = 0.0
          wwgr(i,4) = 0.0
          tgr(i) = dz(i) * pgwc(i) * bg(ib) / gwc
          wgr(i) = wgf(ib)
          wwgr(i,1) = y1
          wwgr(i,2) = y2
          wwgr(i,3) = y3
          wwgr(i,4) = y4
10    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine gascon ( nv,nv1,ib,tgm,pp,pt,ph,po ) 1,2
!c *********************************************************************
!c tgm(nv) are the optical depthes due to water vapor continuum absorp-
!c tion in nv layers for a given band ib. We include continuum absorp-
!c tion in the 280 to 1250 cm**-1 region. vv(11)-vv(17) are the central
!c wavenumbers of each band in this region. 
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: tgm(nv)
      real    :: vv(18) = (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &
                             0.0, 0.0, 1175.0, 1040.0, 890.0, 735.0, &
     &                       605.0, 470.0, 340.0, 0.0 /)
      integer :: ib, i
      if ( ib .gt. 10 .and. ib .lt. 18 ) then
        call qopcon ( nv, nv1, vv(ib),tgm,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i = 1, nv
          tgm(i) = 0.0
10      end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine gases ( nv,nv1,ib,ig,hk,pp,pt,ph,po,tg ) 1,50
! *********************************************************************
! tg(nv) are the optical depthes due to nongray gaseous absorption, in
! nv layers for a given band ib and cumulative probability ig. 
! *********************************************************************
      USE band, only: hk1=>hk_1,fk1o3=>fko3_1,            &
                 &    hk2=>hk_2,c2h2o=>coeh2o_2,          &
                 &    hk3=>hk_3,c3h2o=>coeh2o_3,          &
                 &    hk4=>hk_4,c4h2o=>coeh2o_4,          &
                 &    hk5=>hk_5,c5h2o=>coeh2o_5,          &
                 &    hk6=>hk_6,c6h2o=>coeh2o_6,          &
                 &    hk7=>hk_7,c7h2o=>coeh2o_7,          &
                 &    hk8=>hk_8,c8h2o=>coeh2o_8,          &
                 &    hk9=>hk_9,c9h2o=>coeh2o_9,          &
                 &    hk10=>hk_10,c10h2o=>coeh2o_10,      &
                 &    c10ch4=>coech4_10,c10n2o=>coen2o_10,&
                 &    hk11=>hk_11,c11h2o=>coeh2o_11,      &
                 &    c11ch4=>coech4_11,c11n2o=>coen2o_11,&
                 &    hk12=>hk_12,c12o3=>coeo3_12,        &
                 &    c12h2o=>coeh2o_12,                  &
                 &    hk13=>hk_13,c13h2o=>coeh2o_13,      &
                 &    hk14=>hk_14,c14hca=>coehca_14,      &
                 &    c14hcb=>coehcb_14,                  &
                 &    hk15=>hk_15,c15hca=>coehca_15,      &
                 &    c15hcb=>coehcb_15,                  &
                 &    hk16=>hk_16,c16h2o=>coeh2o_16,      &
                 &    hk17=>hk_17,c17h2o=>coeh2o_17,      &
                 &    hk18=>hk_18,c18h2o=>coeh2o_18

      use control_para, only:     umco2,umch4,umn2o,umo2,       &    
                              &   umno,umso2,umno2,umch3cl,     &  
                              &   umco,umCFC11,umCFC12,         &
                              &   nco2s,nso2s,nch4s,nnol,no2s,  &
                              &   nno2l,nso2l,nch3cll,ncos,     &
                              &   nn2os,nh2ocs,nh2os,no3s,      &
                              &   nh2ol,no3l,nco2l,nn2ol,       &
                              &   nch4l,nCFC11l,nCFC12l
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: tg(nv)
      integer :: ib, ig
      real    :: hk
      real, dimension(nv1) :: fkg, fkga, fkgb, pq
      real, dimension(nv)  :: tg1, tg2, tg3
      real    :: fk
      integer :: i

      select case(ib) 
      case default
1       fk = fk1o3(ig)
        call qopo3s ( nv,nv1,fk,tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = 619.618 * hk1(ig)
! In this band ( 50000 - 14500 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of O3.    619.618 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
2       call qks ( nv,nv1,c2h2o(1,1,ig),fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = 484.295 * hk2(ig)
! In this band ( 14500 - 7700 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.  484.295 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
3       call qks ( nv,nv1,c3h2o(1,1,ig),fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = 149.845 * hk3(ig)
! In this band ( 7700 - 5250 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O. 149.845 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
4       call qks ( nv,nv1,c4h2o(1,1,ig),fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = 48.7302 * hk4(ig)
! In this band ( 5250 - 4000 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O. 48.7302 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
5       call qks ( nv,nv1,c5h2o(1,1,ig),fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = 31.6576 * hk5(ig)
! In this band ( 4000 - 2850 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O. 31.6576 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
6       call qks ( nv,nv1,c6h2o(1,1,ig),fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = 5.79927 * hk6(ig)
! In this band ( 2850 - 2500 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O. 5.79927 is the solar energy contained in
! the band in units of Wm**-2.
7       call qki ( nv,nv1,c7h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = hk7(ig)
! In this band ( 2200 - 1900 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
8       call qki ( nv,nv1,c8h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = hk8(ig)
! In this band ( 1900 - 1700 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
9       call qki ( nv,nv1,c9h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = hk9(ig)
! In this band ( 1700 - 1400 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
10      call qki ( nv,nv1,c10h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c10ch4, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopch4 ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg2,pp,pt,ph,po ) 
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c10n2o, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopn2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg3,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i = 1, nv
          tg(i) = tg1(i) + tg2(i)/1.6*umch4 + tg3(i)/0.28*umn2o
205     end do
        hk = hk10(ig)
! In this band ( 1400 - 1250 cm**-1 ), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O, CH4, and N2O by approach one of Fu(1991).
11      call qki ( nv,nv1,c11h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c11ch4, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopch4 ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg2,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c11n2o, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopn2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg3,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i = 1, nv
          tg(i) = tg1(i) + tg2(i)/1.6*umch4 + tg3(i)/0.28*umn2o
215     end do
        hk = hk11(ig)
! In this band ( 1250 - 1100 cm**-1 ), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O, CH4, and N2O by approach one of Fu(1991).
12      call qkio3 ( nv,nv1,c12o3(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qopo3i ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg1,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c12h2o, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg2,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i = 1, nv
          tg(i) = tg1(i) + tg2(i)
225     end do
        hk = hk12(ig)
! In this band ( 1100 - 980 cm**-1 ), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O and O3 by approach one of Fu(1991).
13      call qki ( nv,nv1,c13h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = hk13(ig)
! In this band ( 980 - 800 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
14      do i = 1, nv1
          if ( pp(i) .ge. 63.1 ) then
            pq(i) = ph(i)
            pq(i) = 0.0
333     end do
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c14hca(1,1,ig), fkga,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c14hcb(1,1,ig), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i = 1, nv1
          fkg(i) = fkga(i)/330.0*umco2 + pq(i) * fkgb(i)
343     end do
        call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po)
        hk = hk14(ig)
! In this band ( 800 - 670 cm**-1), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O and CO2 by approach two of Fu(1991).
15      do i = 1, nv1
          if ( pp(i) .ge. 63.1 ) then
            pq(i) = ph(i)
            pq(i) = 0.0
353     end do
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c15hca(1,1,ig), fkga,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qki ( nv,nv1,c15hcb(1,1,ig), fkgb,pp,pt,ph,po )
        do i = 1, nv1
          fkg(i) = fkga(i)/330.0*umco2 + pq(i) * fkgb(i)
363     end do
        call qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po)
        hk = hk15(ig)
! In this band ( 670 - 540 cm**-1), we have considered the overlapping
! absorption of H2O and CO2 by approach two of Fu(1991).
16      call qki ( nv,nv1,c16h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = hk16(ig)
! In this band ( 540 - 400 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
17      call qki ( nv,nv1,c17h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = hk17(ig)
! In this band ( 400 - 280 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
18      call qki ( nv,nv1,c18h2o(1,1,ig), fkg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        call qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po )
        hk = hk18(ig)
! In this band ( 280 - 000 cm**-1 ), we have considered the nongray
! gaseous absorption of H2O.
      end select
      end subroutine

      subroutine qks ( nv,nv1,coefks,fkg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 17,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c fkg(nv1) are the gaseous absorption coefficients in units of (cm-atm)
!c **-1 for a given cumulative probability in nv1 layers. coefks(3,11)
!c are the coefficients to calculate the absorption coefficient at the
!c temperature t for the 11 pressures by
!c         ln k = a + b * ( t - 245 ) + c * ( t - 245 ) ** 2
!c and the absorption coefficient at conditions other than those eleven
!c pressures is interpolated linearly with pressure (Fu, 1991).
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po, fkg
      real :: coefks(3,11)
      real :: stanp(11) = (/ 10.0, 15.8, 25.1, 39.8, 63.1, 100.0, &
     &                       158.0, 251.0, 398.0, 631.0, 1000.0 /)
      integer :: i1, i
      real    :: x1, x2, y1

      i1 = 1
      do i = 1, nv1
        if ( pp(i) .lt. stanp(1) ) then
          x1 = exp ( coefks(1,1) + coefks(2,1) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) &
         &      + coefks(3,1) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) ** 2 )
          fkg(i) = x1 * pp(i) / stanp(1)
        elseif ( pp(i) .ge. stanp(11) ) then
          y1 = ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 )
          x1 = exp ( coefks(1,10) + coefks(2,10) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) &
         &          + coefks(3,10) * y1 )
          x2 = exp ( coefks(1,11) + coefks(2,11) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) &
         &          + coefks(3,11) * y1 )
          fkg(i) = x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / ( stanp(11) - stanp(10) ) &
         &          * ( pp(i) - stanp(10) )

          do while ( pp(i) .ge. stanp(i1) ) 
            i1 = i1 + 1
          end do
          y1 = ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 )
          x1 = exp ( coefks(1,i1-1) + coefks(2,i1-1) * (pt(i)-245.0) &
         &          + coefks(3,i1-1) * y1 )
          x2 = exp ( coefks(1,i1) + coefks(2,i1) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) &
         &          + coefks(3,i1) * y1 )
          fkg(i) = x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / ( stanp(i1) - stanp(i1-1) ) &
         &           * ( pp(i) - stanp(i1-1) )
      end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine qki ( nv,nv1,coefki, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 40,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c fkg(nv1) are the gaseous absorption coefficients in units of (cm-atm)
!c **-1 for a given cumulative probability in nv1 layers. coefki(3,19)
!c are the coefficients to calculate the absorption coefficient at the
!c temperature t for the 19 pressures by
!c         ln k = a + b * ( t - 245 ) + c * ( t - 245 ) ** 2
!c and the absorption coefficient at  conditions  other  than  those 19
!c pressures is interpolated linearly with pressure (Fu, 1991).
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po, fkg
      real    :: coefki(3,19)
      integer :: i, i1
      real    ::  x1, x2, y1
      real :: stanp(19) = (/ 0.251, 0.398, 0.631, 1.000, 1.58, 2.51,  &
     &                   3.98, 6.31, 10.0, 15.8, 25.1, 39.8, 63.1, &
     &                   100.0, 158.0, 251.0, 398.0, 631.0, 1000.0 /)

      i1 = 1
      do i = 1, nv1
! -test
        if (pt(i).gt.320.) then
          pt(i) = 345.
        if (pt(i).lt.180.) then
          pt(i) = 180.
! -test over
        if ( pp(i) .lt. stanp(1) ) then
          x1 = exp ( coefki(1,1) + coefki(2,1) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) &
     &       + coefki(3,1) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) ** 2 )
          fkg(i) = x1 * pp(i) / stanp(1)
        elseif ( pp(i) .ge. stanp(19) ) then
          y1 = ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 )
          x1 = exp ( coefki(1,18) + coefki(2,18) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) &
     &           + coefki(3,18) * y1 )
          x2 = exp ( coefki(1,19) + coefki(2,19) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) &
     &           + coefki(3,19) * y1 )
          fkg(i) = x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / ( stanp(19) - stanp(18) ) &
     &           * ( pp(i) - stanp(18) )
          do while ( pp(i) .ge. stanp(i1) )
            i1 = i1 + 1
          end do
          y1 = ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 )
          x1 = exp ( coefki(1,i1-1) + coefki(2,i1-1) * (pt(i)-245.0) &
         &         + coefki(3,i1-1) * y1 )
          x2 = exp ( coefki(1,i1) + coefki(2,i1) * ( pt(i) - 245.0 ) &
         &         + coefki(3,i1) * y1 )
          fkg(i) = x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / ( stanp(i1) - stanp(i1-1) ) &
         &         * ( pp(i) - stanp(i1-1) )
      end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine qkio3 ( nv,nv1,coefki, fkg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 2,1
!c *********************************************************************
!c fkg(nv1) are the gaseous absorption coefficients in units of (cm-atm)
!c **-1 for a given cumulative probability in nv1 layers. coefki(3,19)
!c are the coefficients to calculate the absorption coefficient at the
!c temperature t for the 19 pressures by
!c         ln k = a + b * ( t - 250 ) + c * ( t - 250 ) ** 2
!c and the absorption coefficient at  conditions  other  than  those 19
!c pressures is interpolated linearly with pressure (Fu, 1991).
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: coefki(3,19), fkg(nv1)
      integer :: i, i1
      real    :: x1, x2, y1
      real :: stanp(19) = (/0.251, 0.398, 0.631, 1.000, 1.58, 2.51,  &
     &                   3.98, 6.31, 10.0, 15.8, 25.1, 39.8, 63.1,   &
     &                   100.0, 158.0, 251.0, 398.0, 631.0, 1000.0/)

      i1 = 1
      do i = 1, nv1
        if ( pp(i) .lt. stanp(1) ) then
          x1 = exp ( coefki(1,1) + coefki(2,1) * ( pt(i) - 250.0 ) &
         &   + coefki(3,1) * ( pt(i) - 250.0 ) ** 2 )
          fkg(i) = x1 * pp(i) / stanp(1)
        elseif ( pp(i) .ge. stanp(19) ) then
          y1 = ( pt(i) - 250.0 ) * ( pt(i) - 250.0 )
          x1 = exp ( coefki(1,18) + coefki(2,18) * ( pt(i) - 250.0 ) &
         &      + coefki(3,18) * y1 )
          x2 = exp ( coefki(1,19) + coefki(2,19) * ( pt(i) - 250.0 ) &
         &      + coefki(3,19) * y1 )
          fkg(i) = x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / ( stanp(19) - stanp(18) ) &
         &      * ( pp(i) - stanp(18) )
          do while ( pp(i) .ge. stanp(i1) )
            i1 = i1 + 1
          end do
          y1 = ( pt(i) - 250.0 ) * ( pt(i) - 250.0 )
          x1 = exp ( coefki(1,i1-1) + coefki(2,i1-1) * (pt(i)-250.0) &
         &       + coefki(3,i1-1) * y1 )
          x2 = exp ( coefki(1,i1) + coefki(2,i1) * ( pt(i) - 250.0 ) &
         &       + coefki(3,i1) * y1 )
          fkg(i) = x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / ( stanp(i1) - stanp(i1-1) ) &
         &       * ( pp(i) - stanp(i1-1) )
        end if
5     end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine qopo3s ( nv,nv1,fk,tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 2,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real, dimension(nv) :: tg
      real    :: fk, fq
      integer :: i
      fq = 238.08 * fk
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = ( po(i) + po(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) ) * fq
10    end do
!      do 20 i = 1, nv
!         tg(i) = tg(i) * 476.16 * fk
!20    continue
! 476.16 = 2.24e4 / M * 10.0 / 9.8, where M = 48 for O3.?
      end subroutine

      subroutine qoph2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 25,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = ( fkg(i) * ph(i) + fkg(i+1) * ph(i+1) ) &
     &         * ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) ) * 634.9205
10    end do
!      do 20 i = 1, nv
!         tg(i) = tg(i) * 1269.841
!20      continue
! 1269.841 = 2.24e4 / M * 10.0 / 9.8, where M = 18 for H2O.
      end subroutine

      subroutine qopch4 ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 5,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = ( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) *( pp(i+1)-pp(i) )* 6.3119e-4
10    end do
!     do 20 i = 1, nv
!         tg(i) = tg(i) * 1.26238e-3
!20      continue
! 1.26238e-3 = 2.24e4 / M * 10.0 / 9.8 * 1.6e-6 * M / 28.97, where 
! M = 16 for CH4.
      end subroutine

      subroutine qopn2o ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 5,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = ( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) * (pp(i+1)-pp(i))*1.10459e-4
10    end do
!      do 20 i = 1, nv
!         tg(i) = tg(i) * 2.20918e-4
!20      continue
! 2.20918e-4 = 2.24e4 / M * 10.0 / 9.8 * 0.28e-6 * M / 28.97, where
! M = 44 for N2O.
      end subroutine

      subroutine qopo3i ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 2,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = ( fkg(i) * po(i) + fkg(i+1) * po(i+1) ) &
     &         * ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) ) * 238.08
10    end do
!      do 20 i = 1, nv
!         tg(i) = tg(i) * 476.16
!20      continue
      end subroutine


      subroutine qophc ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 9,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = ( fkg(i) + fkg(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) ) * 0.5
10    end do
! See page 86 of Fu (1991).
      end subroutine


      subroutine qopcon ( nv,nv1,vv,tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 1,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po, &
     &                        ff, pe
      real    :: vv, tg(nv)
      real    :: x, y, z, r, s, w
      integer :: i
      x = 4.18
      y = 5577.8
      z = 0.00787
      r = 0.002
      s = ( x + y * exp ( - z * vv ) ) / 1013.25
      do i = 1, nv1
        pe(i) = pp(i) * ph(i) / ( 0.622 + 0.378 * ph(i) )
        w = exp ( 1800.0 / pt(i) - 6.08108 )
        ff(i) = s * ( pe(i) + r * pp(i) ) * w
      end do
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = ( ff(i) * ph(i) + ff(i+1) * ph(i+1) )* &
     &         ( pp(i+1) - pp(i) ) * 0.5098835
      end do
!      do 7 i = 1, nv
!         tg(i) = tg(i) * 10.0 / 9.80616
!7      continue
      end subroutine
!c	function fk ( v, e, p, t )
!c The units of fk is cm**2/g. See Eq. (A.19) of Fu (1991).
!c	x = 4.18
!c	y = 5577.8
!c	z = 0.00787
!c	r = 0.002
!c	w = exp ( 1800.0 / t - 6.08108 )
!c	fk = ( x + y * exp ( -z * v ) ) * ( e + r * p ) * w / 1013.25
!c	return
!c	end

!C--- add for new gases


      subroutine qopo2 ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 1,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      real    :: am=32
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = 0.5*(fkg(i)+fkg(i+1)) *(pp(i+1)-pp(i)) * &
       &         2.24e4/aM*10.0/9.8*2.0948E+05*1.0e-6*aM/28.97
10    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine qopco2 ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 2,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      real    :: am=44
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = 0.5*( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1)-pp(i) ) * &
       &       2.24e4 / aM * 10.0 / 9.8 * 330.0 *1.0e-6* aM / 28.97
10    end do
! 2.24e4 / M * 10.0 / 9.8 * 330.0 * M / 28.97, where
! M = 44 for CO2.
      end subroutine


      subroutine qopco ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 1,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      real    :: am=28
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = 0.5*( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1)-pp(i) ) * &
       &         2.24e4 / aM * 10.0 / 9.8 * 0.16 *1.0e-6* aM / 28.97
10    end do
      end subroutine


      subroutine qopno ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 2,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      real    :: am=30
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = 0.5*( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1)-pp(i) ) * &
       &        2.24e4 / aM * 10.0 / 9.8 * 0.0005 *1.0e-6* aM / 28.97
10    end do
      end subroutine


      subroutine qopch3cl ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 1,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      real    :: am=50.5
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = 0.5*( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1)-pp(i) ) * &
       &        2.24e4 / aM * 10.0 / 9.8 * 0.5e-3 *1.0e-6* aM / 28.97
10    end do
      end subroutine


      subroutine qopso2 ( nv,nv1,fkg, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 2,1
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      real    :: am=64
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = 0.5*( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1)-pp(i) ) * &
       &        2.24e4 / aM * 10.0 / 9.8 * 0.001 *1.0e-6* aM / 28.97
10    end do
      end subroutine
!ccc- change for new gases over


!!  add CFC begin: 2007.06 Yue

      subroutine qopCFC11 ( nv,nv1,coefCFC, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 3,1
      use PARA_FILE
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: coefCFC, fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      real    :: aM=137.3684
      do i = 1,nv1
        fkg(i) = coefCFC
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = 0.5*( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1)-pp(i) ) *  &
       &        2.24e4/aM*10.0/9.8*0.22e-3*1.0e-6*aM/28.97
10    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine qopCFC12 ( nv,nv1,coefCFC, tg,pp,pt,ph,po ) 3,1
      use PARA_FILE
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: coefCFC, fkg(nv1), tg(nv)
      integer :: i
      real    :: aM=120.9138
      do i = 1,nv1
        fkg(i) = coefCFC
      do i = 1, nv
        tg(i) = 0.5* ( fkg(i)+fkg(i+1) ) * ( pp(i+1)-pp(i) ) *  &
       &        2.24e4/aM*10.0/9.8*0.375e-3*1.0e-6*aM/28.97         
10    end do
      end subroutine
!! CFC add end

!! -- with aerosol & partly cloudy
!      subroutine comscp_aero( ti,wi,wwi,tw,ww,www, &
!     &                        trn,wrn,wwrn,tgr,wgr,wwgr, &
!     &                        tr,wr,wwr,tgm,tg,tae,wae,wwae, &
!     &                        wc1,wc2,wc3,wc4,wc,tt       &
!     &                      )
!!c *********************************************************************
!!c This subroutine is used to  COMbine Single-Scattering Properties  due
!!c to  ice crystals,  water droplets, and  Rayleigh molecules along with
!!c H2O continuum absorption and nongray gaseous absorption.  See Section
!!c 3.4 of Fu (1991). wc, wc1, wc2, wc3, and wc4, are total (or combined)
!!c single - scattering  albedo,  and   expansion   coefficients  of  the
!!c phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and 4 ) in nv layers. tt(nv) are the normal
!!c optical depth ( from the top of the atmosphere to a given level ) for
!!c level 2 - level nv1( surface ). The single-scattering  properties  of
!!c rain and graupel are also incorporated in ( Jan. 19, 1993 ).
!!c *********************************************************************
!!c  The single-scattering properties of aerosols are incorporated in
!!c  (10/29/96) based on earlier version (5/17/95).
!!c *********************************************************************
!!# include "para.file"
!      USE control_para
!        common /ic/ ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
!        common /wat/ tw(nv), ww(nv), www(nv,4)
!        common /rai/ trn(nv), wrn(nv), wwrn(nv,4)
!        common /gra/ tgr(nv), wgr(nv), wwgr(nv,4)
!        common /ray/ tr(nv), wr(nv), wwr(nv,4)
!        common /con/ tgm(nv)
!        common /gas/ tg(nv)
!!C--- add by Yu for fractional cloud
!        common /dfsin_2/ wc1_2(nv,2), wc2_2(nv,2), wc3_2(nv,2), &
!                      wc4_2(nv,2), &
!                      wc_2(nv,2), tt_2(nv,2)
!        common /delta_tao/ tc_2(nv,2)
!!c-- change over
!        common /dfsin/ wc1(nv), wc2(nv), wc3(nv), wc4(nv), &
!                      wc(nv), tt(nv)
!!C--- change by Yu, 02/13/02
!!c       common /cld_a/cldamnt(nv), area_h(2), area_m(2), area_l(2)
!!c       common /cld_c/n_h, n_m, n_l, cld_h, cld_m, cld_l
!        common /cld_a/cldamnt(nv), area_group(3,2)
!        common /cld_inho/cc_inho(nv)
!        common /cld_c/n_group(3), cld_group(3)
!        common /cld_loop/ nb(3)
!!c-- change over
!!C-- added by Yu Gu 11/2006 to add control parameter 
!      common /nctrl/ naero, nfract, nice,ngas
!!C-- change by Yu Gu 01/2003 to add aerosol 
!!c---------- 10/29/96 (4)
!      real tae,wae,wwae,taes(0:4)
!      common /aer/ tae(nvx,mxac), wae(nvx,mxac), wwae(nvx,4,mxac)
!      common /aero_ctrl/ ifg, ivd, itp, nac, iaform, n_atau
!!c---------- 10/29/96 (4)
!!C-- change over for aerosol
!        dimension tc(nv)
!!c--- change by Yu, 02/13/02
!!c--- change by Yu, 02/13/02
!!c-- define inhomogeneity factor
!!c       c_inho = 0.7
!!c--- test 0.8
!!c       c_inho = 0.8
!!c--- determine n_group(k), cld_group(k), and area_group(k,1), area_group(k,2)
!!c--- hight,middle, and low three cloud groups
!        do k=1,ngroup
!!c       do k=1,3
!        kl = (k-1)*nsubcld + nv1 - nclouds
!!c       kl = (k-1)*3 + 7
!        cld_group(k) = cldamnt(kl)
!        do i=kl+1,kl+nsubcld-1
!!c       do i=kl+1,kl+2
!          if (cldamnt(i).gt.cld_group(k)) then
!            cld_group(k) = cldamnt(i)
!          endif
!        enddo
!!c-- partly cloudy
!        if (cld_group(k).gt.0.0.and.cld_group(k).lt.1.) then
!          n_group(k) = 2
!          nb(k) = 1
!          area_group(k,1) = 1. - cld_group(k)
!          area_group(k,2) = cld_group(k)
!!c-- clear
!        elseif(cld_group(k).eq.0.0) then
!          n_group(k) = 1
!          nb(k) = 1
!          area_group(k,1) = 1.
!          area_group(k,2) = 0.
!!c-- overcast
!        elseif(cld_group(k).eq.1.) then
!          n_group(k) = 2
!          nb(k) = 2
!          area_group(k,1) = 0.
!          area_group(k,2) = 1.
!        endif
!        enddo
!!c--- change over
!        do 10 i = 1, nv
!!c-- add by Yu for clear
!           tc_2(i,1) = tr(i) + tgm(i) + tg(i) +  &
!                  trn(i) + tgr(i)
!!C-- add by Yu Gu for aerosol under clear(01/2003)
!	if ( then
!        do iac = 1,nac
!        tc_2(i,1) = tc_2(i,1) + tae(i,iac)
!        enddo
!	endif
!!c---------- 10/29/96 (5)
!!C --- change over
!!c-- change by Yu for overcast
!!c--- adjust tau according to cloud amount
!           if (cldamnt(i).gt. 0.) then
!!c             n_cld = (i-4)/3
!             n_cld = (i-(nv1-nclouds))/nsubcld+1
!             if ( then
!!C--- determine adjust parameter
!                fcloud = cldamnt(i) / cld_group(n_cld)
!                if (fcloud.le.0.1) then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.5 * ti(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.5 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.5 * tw(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.5 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.33 * ti(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.67 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.33 * tw(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.67 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.4 * ti(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.6 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.4 * tw(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.6 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.286 * ti(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.714 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.286 * tw(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.714 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.11 * ti(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.89 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.11 * tw(i) / 15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.89 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud
!                    adj_parw = fcloud
!                endif
!                if (ti(i).gt.0.)  &
!               ti(i) = ti(i) * adj_pari &
!                       * cc_inho(i)
!!c     &                  * c_inho
!!C-- above: change by Yu: to include the inhomogeneity effect
!!c     &         ti(i) = ti(i) * cldamnt(i)
!!c     &                       / cld_group(n_cld)
!                if (tw(i).gt.0.)   &
!               tw(i) = tw(i) * adj_parw &
!                       * cc_inho(i)
!!c     &                  * c_inho
!!C-- above: change by Yu: to include the inhomogeneity effect
!!c     &         tw(i) = tw(i) * cldamnt(i)
!!c     &                       / cld_group(n_cld)
!             endif
!           endif
!!c-- adjust over
!           tc_2(i,2) = ti(i) + tw(i) + tr(i) + tgm(i) + tg(i) + &
!                  trn(i) + tgr(i)
!!C-- add by Yu Gu for aerosol (01/2003)
!	if ( then
!        do iac = 1,nac
!        tc_2(i,2) = tc_2(i,2) + tae(i,iac)
!        enddo
!	endif
!!c---------- 10/29/96 (5)
!!C --- change over
!!c       print *, 'i=',i,' tc=', tc_2(i,2)
!           tis = ti(i) * wi(i)
!           tws = tw(i) * ww(i)
!           trns = trn(i) * wrn(i)
!           tgrs = tgr(i) * wgr(i)
!!c           fw1 = tr(i) + trns + tgrs
!!c           fw2 = tis + tws + tr(i) + trns + tgrs
!!C--- add by Yu Gu (01/2003) for aerosol
!!c---------- 10/29/96 (6)
!	if( then
!        taes(0:4) = 0.0
!        do iac = 1,nac
!         taes(0)=taes(0)+tae(i,iac)*wae(i,iac)
!        do j=1,4
!         taes(j)=taes(j)+tae(i,iac)*wae(i,iac)*wwae(i,j,iac)
!        enddo
!        enddo
!        fw1 = tr(i) + trns + tgrs + taes(0)
!        fw2 = tis + tws + tr(i) + trns + tgrs + taes(0)
!	else
!           fw1 = tr(i) + trns + tgrs
!           fw2 = tis + tws + tr(i) + trns + tgrs
!	end if
!!c---------- 10/29/96 (6)
!           wc_2(i,1) =  fw1 / tc_2(i,1)
!           wc_2(i,2) =  fw2 / tc_2(i,2)
!!C-- change by Yu for overcast (add one dimension in the array)
!           if ( fw2 .lt. 1.0e-20 ) then
!             wc1_2(i,2) = 0.0
!             wc2_2(i,2) = 0.0
!             wc3_2(i,2) = 0.0
!             wc4_2(i,2) = 0.0
!           else
!	    if (naero.eq.0) then
!             wc1_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,1) + tws * www(i,1) + &
!           tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1) )/fw2
!             wc2_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,2) + tws * www(i,2) + &
!           tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2) )/fw2
!             wc3_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,3) + tws * www(i,3) + &
!           tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3) )/fw2
!             wc4_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,4) + tws * www(i,4) + &
!           tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4) )/fw2
!!C-- add by yu (01/2003) for aerosol
!	    else
!             wc1_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,1) + tws * www(i,1) + &
!            tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1) &
!       +taes(1) )/fw2
!             wc2_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,2) + tws * www(i,2) + &
!            tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2) &
!       +taes(2) )/fw2
!             wc3_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,3) + tws * www(i,3) + &
!            tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3) &
!       +taes(3) )/fw2
!             wc4_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,4) + tws * www(i,4) + &
!            tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4) &
!       +taes(4) )/fw2
!            endif
!           endif
!!C-- over for aerosol
!!C-- add by Yu for clear (add one dimension in the array)
!           if ( fw1 .lt. 1.0e-20 ) then
!             wc1_2(i,1) = 0.0
!             wc2_2(i,1) = 0.0
!             wc3_2(i,1) = 0.0
!             wc4_2(i,1) = 0.0
!           else
!	    if (naero.eq.0) then
!             wc1_2(i,1) = (  &
!           tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1) )/fw1
!             wc2_2(i,1) = (  &
!           tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2) )/fw1
!             wc3_2(i,1) = (  &
!           tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3) )/fw1
!             wc4_2(i,1) = (  &
!           tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4) )/fw1
!!C-- add by yu (01/2003) for aerosol
!	    else
!             wc1_2(i,1) = ( &
!            tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1) &
!       +taes(1) )/fw1
!             wc2_2(i,1) = ( &
!            tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2) &
!       +taes(2) )/fw1
!             wc3_2(i,1) = ( &
!            tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3) &
!       +taes(3) )/fw1
!             wc4_2(i,1) = ( &
!            tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4) &
!       +taes(4) )/fw1
!            endif
!           endif
!10      continue
!!c       tt_2(1,1) = tc_2(1,1)
!!c       tt_2(1,2) = tc_2(1,2)
!!c       do 20 i = 2, nv
!!c          tt_2(i,1) = tt_2(i-1,1) + tc_2(i,1)
!!c          tt_2(i,2) = tt_2(i-1,2) + tc_2(i,2)
!!c20     continue
!        return
!        end subroutine

!C--- with aerosol & partly cloudy 

      subroutine comscp_aero_cld (  nv,nv1                            & 1,2
     &                             ,cldamnt,area_group,cld_group      &
     &                             ,n_group,nb                        &
     &                             ,ti,wi,wwi,tw,ww,www               &
     &                             ,trn,wrn,wwrn,tgr,wgr,wwgr         &
     &                             ,tr,wr,wwr,tgm,tg,tae,wae,wwae     &
     &                             ,wc1,wc2,wc3,wc4,wc,tt,tc_2        &
     &                             ,wc1_2,wc2_2,wc3_2,wc4_2,wc_2,tt_2 &
     &                             ,cc_inho                           &
     &                           )
!c *********************************************************************
!c This subroutine is used to  COMbine Single-Scattering Properties  due
!c to  ice crystals,  water droplets, and  Rayleigh molecules along with
!c H2O continuum absorption and nongray gaseous absorption.  See Section
!c 3.4 of Fu (1991). wc, wc1, wc2, wc3, and wc4, are total (or combined)
!c single - scattering  albedo,  and   expansion   coefficients  of  the
!c phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and 4 ) in nv layers. tt(nv) are the normal
!c optical depth ( from the top of the atmosphere to a given level ) for
!c level 2 - level nv1( surface ). The single-scattering  properties  of
!c rain and graupel are also incorporated in ( Jan. 19, 1993 ).
!c *********************************************************************
!c  The single-scattering properties of aerosols are incorporated in
!c  (10/29/96) based on earlier version (5/17/95).
!c *********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE control_para
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv) :: cldamnt
      real    :: ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
      real    :: tw(nv), ww(nv), www(nv,4)
      real    :: trn(nv), wrn(nv), wwrn(nv,4)
      real    :: tgr(nv), wgr(nv), wwgr(nv,4)
      real    :: tr(nv), wr(nv), wwr(nv,4)
      real    :: tgm(nv)
      real    :: tg(nv)
      real    :: tae(nvx,mxac), wae(nvx,mxac), wwae(nvx,4,mxac)
      real, dimension(nv) :: wc1, wc2, wc3, wc4, wc, tt
      real    :: tc(nv), tc_2(nv,2),tis, tws, trns, tgrs, &
     &           taes(0:4), fw, fw1, fw2, &
     &           fcloud, adj_pari, adj_parw
      integer :: i, iac, k, kl, n_cld, j
! -- add by Yu for fractional cloud
      real, dimension(nv,2) :: wc1_2, wc2_2, wc3_2, wc4_2,  &
     &                         wc_2, tt_2
      real                  :: area_group(3,2), cld_group(3)
      integer               :: nb(3), n_group(3)
      real, dimension(nv)   :: cc_inho
! - change over

!c--- change by Yu, 02/13/02

!c-- define inhomogeneity factor
!c       c_inho = 0.7
!c--- test 0.8
!c       c_inho = 0.8

!c--- determine n_group(k), cld_group(k), and area_group(k,1), area_group(k,2)
!c--- hight,middle, and low three cloud groups
      do k=1,ngroup
!        kl = (k-1)*ngroup + nv1 - nclouds 
        kl = (k-1)*nsubcld + nv1 - nsubcld*ngroup 
        cld_group(k) = cldamnt(kl)
        do i=kl+1,kl+nsubcld-1
          if (cldamnt(i).gt.cld_group(k)) then
            cld_group(k) = cldamnt(i)
! - partly cloudy
        if (cld_group(k).gt.0.0.and.cld_group(k).lt.1.) then
          n_group(k) = 2
          nb(k) = 1
          area_group(k,1) = 1. - cld_group(k)
          area_group(k,2) = cld_group(k)
! - clear
        elseif(cld_group(k).eq.0.0) then
          n_group(k) = 1
          nb(k) = 1
          area_group(k,1) = 1.
          area_group(k,2) = 0. 
! - overcast 
        elseif(cld_group(k).eq.1.) then
          n_group(k) = 2 
          nb(k) = 2 
          area_group(k,1) = 0.
          area_group(k,2) = 1. 

!c--- change over

      do i = 1, nv
! - add by Yu for clear
        tc_2(i,1) = tr(i) + tgm(i) + tg(i) + &
     &             trn(i) + tgr(i)
!--- value test
        if(tc_2(i,1).lt.0.) then
                write(0,*)'tau clear less then 0 at level ', i 
                write(0,*)'tau=', tc_2(i,1)
!--- test over

! - add by Yu Gu for aerosol for clear condition (01/2003)
        if ( then
          do iac = 1,mxac
            if (itps(iac).eq.1) tc_2(i,1) = tc_2(i,1) + tae(i,iac)
        end if
!c---------- 10/29/96 (5)
!C --- change over

!c-- change by Yu for overcast
!c--- adjust tau according to cloud amount
        adj_pari = 0.
        adj_parw = 0.
        if (cldamnt(i).gt. 0.) then
          n_cld = (i-(nv1-nsubcld*ngroup))/nsubcld+1 
          if ( then   !mchen
! -- determine adjust parameter 
            fcloud = cldamnt(i) / cld_group(n_cld)
            if (fcloud.le.0.1) then
              if (ti(i).le.15.) then
                adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.5 * ti(i) / 15.
                adj_pari = 0.5 * fcloud
              if (tw(i).le.15.) then
                adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.5 * tw(i) / 15.
                adj_parw = 0.5 * fcloud

            if ( then
              if (ti(i).le.15.) then
                adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.33 * ti(i) / 15.
                adj_pari = 0.67 * fcloud
              if (tw(i).le.15.) then
                adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.33 * tw(i) / 15.
                adj_parw = 0.67 * fcloud

            if ( then
              if (ti(i).le.15.) then
                adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.4 * ti(i) / 15.
                adj_pari = 0.6 * fcloud
              if (tw(i).le.15.) then
                adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.4 * tw(i) / 15.
                adj_parw = 0.6 * fcloud
            if ( then
              if (ti(i).le.15.) then
                adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.286 * ti(i) / 15.
                adj_pari = 0.714 * fcloud
              if (tw(i).le.15.) then
                adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.286 * tw(i) / 15.
                adj_parw = 0.714 * fcloud

            if ( then
              if (ti(i).le.15.) then
                adj_pari = fcloud - fcloud * 0.11 * ti(i) / 15.
                adj_pari = 0.89 * fcloud
              if (tw(i).le.15.) then
                adj_parw = fcloud - fcloud * 0.11 * tw(i) / 15.
                adj_parw = 0.89 * fcloud

            if ( then
              adj_pari = fcloud
              adj_parw = fcloud

            if (ti(i).gt.0.) &
           &    ti(i) = ti(i) * adj_pari &
           &            * cc_inho(i)
!c     &                  * c_inho
!C-- above: change by Yu: to include the inhomogeneity effect

!c     &         ti(i) = ti(i) * cldamnt(i)
!c     &                       / cld_group(n_cld)
            if (tw(i).gt.0.) &
           &    tw(i) = tw(i) * adj_parw &
           &            * cc_inho(i)
!c     &                  * c_inho
!C-- above: change by Yu: to include the inhomogeneity effect

!c     &         tw(i) = tw(i) * cldamnt(i)
!c     &                       / cld_group(n_cld)
!c-- adjust over
        tc_2(i,2) = ti(i) + tw(i) + tr(i) + tgm(i) + tg(i) + &
       &             trn(i) + tgr(i)
! --- test value
        if(tc_2(i,2).lt.0.) then
                write(0,*)'tau cloudy less then 0 at level ', i 
                write(0,*)'tau=', tc_2(i,2)
!--- test over
!C-- add by Yu Gu for aerosol (01/2003)
        if ( then
          do iac = 1,mxac
            if (itps(iac).eq.1) tc_2(i,2) = tc_2(i,2) + tae(i,iac)

!c---------- 10/29/96 (5)
!C --- change over

!c       print *, 'i=',i,' tc=', tc_2(i,2)
        tis = ti(i) * wi(i)
        tws = tw(i) * ww(i) 
        trns = trn(i) * wrn(i)
        tgrs = tgr(i) * wgr(i)
!c           fw1 = tr(i) + trns + tgrs
!c           fw2 = tis + tws + tr(i) + trns + tgrs

!C--- add by Yu Gu (01/2003) for aerosol

!c---------- 10/29/96 (6)
        if ( then
          taes(0:4) = 0.0
          do iac = 1,mxac
            if (itps(iac).eq.1) then
              do j=1,4
            end if

          fw1 = tr(i) + trns + tgrs + taes(0)
          fw2 = tis + tws + tr(i) + trns + tgrs + taes(0)
! -- no aerosol
          fw1 = tr(i) + trns + tgrs
          fw2 = tis + tws + tr(i) + trns + tgrs
	    end if

!c---------- 10/29/96 (6)

        wc_2(i,1) =  fw1 / tc_2(i,1)
        wc_2(i,2) =  fw2 / tc_2(i,2)
!C-- change by Yu for overcast (add one dimension in the array)
        if ( fw2 .lt. 1.0e-20 ) then
          wc1_2(i,2) = 0.0
          wc2_2(i,2) = 0.0
          wc3_2(i,2) = 0.0
          wc4_2(i,2) = 0.0
          if (naero.eq.0) then
            wc1_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,1) + tws * www(i,1) + &
       &      tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1) )/fw2
            wc2_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,2) + tws * www(i,2) + &
       &      tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2) )/fw2
            wc3_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,3) + tws * www(i,3) + &
       &      tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3) )/fw2
            wc4_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,4) + tws * www(i,4) + &
       &      tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4) )/fw2

! - add by yu (01/2003) for aerosol
            wc1_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,1) + tws * www(i,1) + &
     &           tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1)  &
     &       + taes(1) )/fw2
            wc2_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,2) + tws * www(i,2) + &
     &           tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2)  &
     &       + taes(2) )/fw2
            wc3_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,3) + tws * www(i,3) + &
     &           tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3)  &
     &       + taes(3) )/fw2
            wc4_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,4) + tws * www(i,4) + &
     &           tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4)  &
     &       + taes(4) )/fw2
! - over for aerosol

!C-- add by Yu for clear (add one dimension in the array)
        if ( fw1 .lt. 1.0e-20 ) then
          wc1_2(i,1) = 0.0
          wc2_2(i,1) = 0.0
          wc3_2(i,1) = 0.0
          wc4_2(i,1) = 0.0
          if (naero.eq.0) then
            wc1_2(i,1) = (   &
     &      tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1) )/fw1
            wc2_2(i,1) = (  &
     &      tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2) )/fw1
            wc3_2(i,1) = (  &
     &      tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3) )/fw1
            wc4_2(i,1) = (  &
     &      tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4) )/fw1
!C-- add by yu (01/2003) for aerosol
            wc1_2(i,1) = (   &
     &           tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1)  &
     &       + taes(1) )/fw1
            wc2_2(i,1) = (  &
     &           tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2)  &
     &       + taes(2) )/fw1
            wc3_2(i,1) = (  &
     &           tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3) &
     &       + taes(3) )/fw1
            wc4_2(i,1) = (  &
     &           tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4)  &
     &       + taes(4) )/fw1
10    end do
!c       tt_2(1,1) = tc_2(1,1)
!c       tt_2(1,2) = tc_2(1,2)
!c       do 20 i = 2, nv
!c          tt_2(i,1) = tt_2(i-1,1) + tc_2(i,1)
!c          tt_2(i,2) = tt_2(i-1,2) + tc_2(i,2)
!c20     continue
      end subroutine

!        subroutine comscp_new(icur,jcur)
!!c *********************************************************************
!!c This subroutine is used to  COMbine Single-Scattering Properties  due
!!c to  ice crystals,  water droplets, and  Rayleigh molecules along with
!!c H2O continuum absorption and nongray gaseous absorption.  See Section
!!c 3.4 of Fu (1991). wc, wc1, wc2, wc3, and wc4, are total (or combined)
!!c single - scattering  albedo,  and   expansion   coefficients  of  the
!!c phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and 4 ) in nv layers. tt(nv) are the normal
!!c optical depth ( from the top of the atmosphere to a given level ) for
!!c level 2 - level nv1( surface ). The single-scattering  properties  of
!!c rain and graupel(or aerosol) are also incorporated in ( Jan. 19, 1993 ).
!!c *********************************************************************
!!# include "para.file"
!        USE PARA_FILE
!        common /ic/ ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
!        common /wat/ tw(nv), ww(nv), www(nv,4)
!        common /rai/ trn(nv), wrn(nv), wwrn(nv,4)
!        common /gra/ tgr(nv), wgr(nv), wwgr(nv,4)
!        common /ray/ tr(nv), wr(nv), wwr(nv,4)
!        common /con/ tgm(nv)
!        common /gas/ tg(nv)
!!C--- add by Yu for fractional cloud
!        common /dfsin_2/ wc1_2(nv,2), wc2_2(nv,2), wc3_2(nv,2), &
!                      wc4_2(nv,2), &
!                      wc_2(nv,2), tt_2(nv,2)
!        common /delta_tao/ tc_2(nv,2)
!!c-- change over
!        common /dfsin/ wc1(nv), wc2(nv), wc3(nv), wc4(nv), &
!                      wc(nv), tt(nv)
!!C--- change by Yu, 02/13/02
!!c       common /cld_a/cldamnt(nv), area_h(2), area_m(2), area_l(2)
!!c       common /cld_c/n_h, n_m, n_l, cld_h, cld_m, cld_l
!        common /cld_a/cldamnt(nv), area_group(3,2)
!	common /cld_inho/cc_inho(nv)
!        common /cld_c/n_group(3), cld_group(3)
!        common /cld_loop/ nb(3)
!!c-- change over
!        dimension tc(nv)
!!c--- change by Yu, 02/13/02
!!c-- define inhomogeneity factor
!!c	c_inho = 0.7
!!c--- test 0.8
!!c	c_inho = 0.8
!!c--- determine n_group(k), cld_group(k), and area_group(k,1), area_group(k,2)
!!c--- hight,middle, and low three cloud groups
!!c        do k=1,3
!        do k=1,ngroup
!!c        kl = (k-1)*3 + 7
!        kl = (k-1)*nsubcld + nv1-nclouds
!        cld_group(k) = cldamnt(kl)
!!c        do i=kl+1,kl+2
!        do i=kl+1,kl+nsubcld-1
!          if (cldamnt(i).gt.cld_group(k)) then
!            cld_group(k) = cldamnt(i)
!          endif
!        enddo
!!c-- partly cloudy
!        if (cld_group(k).gt.0.0.and.cld_group(k).lt.1.) then
!          n_group(k) = 2
!          nb(k) = 1
!          area_group(k,1) = 1. - cld_group(k)
!          area_group(k,2) = cld_group(k)
!!c-- clear
!        elseif(cld_group(k).eq.0.0) then
!          n_group(k) = 1
!          nb(k) = 1
!          area_group(k,1) = 1.
!          area_group(k,2) = 0.
!!c-- overcast
!        elseif(cld_group(k).eq.1.) then
!          n_group(k) = 2
!          nb(k) = 2
!          area_group(k,1) = 0.
!          area_group(k,2) = 1.
!        endif
!        enddo
!!c--- change over
!        do 10 i = 1, nv
!!c-- add by Yu for clear
!           tc_2(i,1) = tr(i) + tgm(i) + tg(i) + &
!                  trn(i) + tgr(i)
!!c-- change by Yu for overcast
!!c--- adjust tau according to cloud amount
!           if (cldamnt(i).gt. 0.) then
!!c             n_cld = (i-4)/3
!             n_cld = (i-(nv1-nclouds))/nsubcld+1
!             if ( then
!!C--- determine adjust parameter
!                fcloud = cldamnt(i) / cld_group(n_cld)
!                if (fcloud.le.0.1) then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud-fcloud*0.5*ti(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.5 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud-fcloud*0.5*tw(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.5 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud-fcloud*0.33*ti(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.67 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud-fcloud*0.33*tw(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.67 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud-fcloud*0.4*ti(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.6 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud-fcloud*0.4*tw(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.6 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud-fcloud*0.286*ti(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.714 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud-fcloud*0.286*tw(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.714 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                  if (ti(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud-fcloud*0.11*ti(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_pari = 0.89 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                  if (tw(i).le.15.) then
!                    adj_parw = fcloud-fcloud*0.11*tw(i)/15.
!                  else
!                    adj_parw = 0.89 * fcloud
!                  endif
!                endif
!                if ( then
!                    adj_pari = fcloud
!                    adj_parw = fcloud
!                endif
!                if (ti(i).gt.0.) &
!               ti(i) = ti(i) * adj_pari &
!                       * cc_inho(i) 
!!c     &                  * c_inho 
!!C-- above: change by Yu: to include the inhomogeneity effect
!!c     &         ti(i) = ti(i) * cldamnt(i)
!!c     &                       / cld_group(n_cld)
!                if (tw(i).gt.0.) &
!               tw(i) = tw(i) * adj_parw &
!                       * cc_inho(i) 
!!c     &                  * c_inho 
!!C-- above: change by Yu: to include the inhomogeneity effect
!!c     &         tw(i) = tw(i) * cldamnt(i)
!!c     &                       / cld_group(n_cld)
!             endif
!           endif
!!c-- adjust over
!           tc_2(i,2) = ti(i) + tw(i) +  &
!                  tr(i) + tgm(i) + tg(i) + &
!                  trn(i) + tgr(i)
!           tis = ti(i) * wi(i)
!           tws = tw(i) * ww(i)
!           trns = trn(i) * wrn(i)
!           tgrs = tgr(i) * wgr(i)
!           fw1 = tr(i) + trns + tgrs
!           fw2 = tis + tws + tr(i) + trns + tgrs
!           wc_2(i,1) =  fw1 / tc_2(i,1)
!           wc_2(i,2) =  fw2 / tc_2(i,2)
!!C-- change by Yu for overcast (add one dimension in the array)
!           if ( fw2 .lt. 1.0e-20 ) then
!             wc1_2(i,2) = 0.0
!             wc2_2(i,2) = 0.0
!             wc3_2(i,2) = 0.0
!             wc4_2(i,2) = 0.0
!           else
!             wc1_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,1) + tws * www(i,1) + &
!        tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) +  &
!        tgrs * wwgr(i,1) )/fw2
!             wc2_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,2) + tws * www(i,2) + &
!        tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) +  &
!        tgrs * wwgr(i,2) )/fw2
!             wc3_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,3) + tws * www(i,3) + &
!        tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) +  &
!        tgrs * wwgr(i,3) )/fw2
!             wc4_2(i,2) = ( tis * wwi(i,4) + tws * www(i,4) + &
!        tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + &
!        tgrs * wwgr(i,4) )/fw2
!           endif
!!C-- add by Yu for clear (add one dimension in the array)
!           if ( fw1 .lt. 1.0e-20 ) then
!             wc1_2(i,1) = 0.0
!             wc2_2(i,1) = 0.0
!             wc3_2(i,1) = 0.0
!             wc4_2(i,1) = 0.0
!           else
!             wc1_2(i,1) = ( &
!        tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + &
!        tgrs * wwgr(i,1) )/fw1
!             wc2_2(i,1) = ( &
!        tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + &
!        tgrs * wwgr(i,2) )/fw1
!             wc3_2(i,1) = (&
!        tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + &
!        tgrs * wwgr(i,3) )/fw1
!             wc4_2(i,1) = (&
!        tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + &
!        tgrs * wwgr(i,4) )/fw1
!           endif
!10      continue
!!c       tt_2(1,1) = tc_2(1,1)
!!c       tt_2(1,2) = tc_2(1,2)
!!c       do 20 i = 2, nv
!!c          tt_2(i,1) = tt_2(i-1,1) + tc_2(i,1)
!!c          tt_2(i,2) = tt_2(i-1,2) + tc_2(i,2)
!!c20     continue
!        return
!        end subroutine

!	subroutine comscp
!!c *********************************************************************
!!c This subroutine is used to  COMbine Single-Scattering Properties  due
!!c to  ice crystals,  water droplets, and  Rayleigh molecules along with
!!c H2O continuum absorption and nongray gaseous absorption.  See Section
!!c 3.4 of Fu (1991). wc, wc1, wc2, wc3, and wc4, are total (or combined)
!!c single - scattering  albedo,  and   expansion   coefficients  of  the
!!c phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and 4 ) in nv layers. tt(nv) are the normal
!!c optical depth ( from the top of the atmosphere to a given level ) for
!!c level 2 - level nv1( surface ). The single-scattering  properties  of
!!c rain and graupel are also incorporated in ( Jan. 19, 1993 ).
!!c *********************************************************************
!!# include "para.file"
!        USE PARA_FILE
!	common /ic/ ti(nv), wi(nv), wwi(nv,4)
!	common /wat/ tw(nv), ww(nv), www(nv,4)
!	common /rai/ trn(nv), wrn(nv), wwrn(nv,4)
!	common /gra/ tgr(nv), wgr(nv), wwgr(nv,4)
!	common /ray/ tr(nv), wr(nv), wwr(nv,4)
!        common /con/ tgm(nv)
!	common /gas/ tg(nv)
!	common /dfsin/ wc1(nv), wc2(nv), wc3(nv), wc4(nv),  &
!     	               wc(nv), tt(nv)
!	dimension tc(nv)
!	do 10 i = 1, nv
!	   tc(i) = ti(i) + tw(i) + tr(i) + tgm(i) + tg(i) + &
!                  trn(i) + tgr(i)
!	   tis = ti(i) * wi(i)
!	   tws = tw(i) * ww(i) 
!           trns = trn(i) * wrn(i)
!           tgrs = tgr(i) * wgr(i)
!           fw = tis + tws + tr(i) + trns + tgrs
!	   wc(i) =  fw / tc(i)
!           if ( fw .lt. 1.0e-20 ) then
!             wc1(i) = 0.0
!             wc2(i) = 0.0
!             wc3(i) = 0.0
!             wc4(i) = 0.0
!	   else
!             wc1(i) = ( tis * wwi(i,1) + tws * www(i,1) +  &
!     	 tr(i) * wwr(i,1) + trns * wwrn(i,1) + tgrs * wwgr(i,1) )/fw
!             wc2(i) = ( tis * wwi(i,2) + tws * www(i,2) + &
!     	 tr(i) * wwr(i,2) + trns * wwrn(i,2) + tgrs * wwgr(i,2) )/fw
!             wc3(i) = ( tis * wwi(i,3) + tws * www(i,3) + &
!     	 tr(i) * wwr(i,3) + trns * wwrn(i,3) + tgrs * wwgr(i,3) )/fw
!             wc4(i) = ( tis * wwi(i,4) + tws * www(i,4) + &
!     	 tr(i) * wwr(i,4) + trns * wwrn(i,4) + tgrs * wwgr(i,4) )/fw
!	   endif
!10	continue
!	tt(1) = tc(1)
!	do 20 i = 2, nv
!	   tt(i) = tt(i-1) + tc(i)
!20	continue
!	return
!	end subroutine

!c	function planck1 ( t, w )
!c **********************************************************************
!c t is the temperature (K), w is the wavenumber (cm-1), and planck1 is
!c the blackbody intensity function (W/m**2/Sr/cm-1).  See Eq. (2.8) of
!c Fu (1991).
!c **********************************************************************
!c	a = 1.19107e-8
!c	b = 1.43884
!c	planck1 = a * w * w * w / ( exp ( b * w / t ) - 1.0 )
!c	return
!c	end

!c	function bt ( t, ve, nd )
!c **********************************************************************
!c bt (W/m**2/Sr) is the blackbody intensity function integrated over a
!c given band, which has a band width of nd*10 (cm-1) from the ve (cm-1).
!c **********************************************************************
!c	v1 = ve
!c	bt = 0.0
!c	do 10 j = 1, nd
!c	   v2 = v1 - 10.0
!c	   w = ( v1 + v2 ) * 0.5
!c	   x = planck1 ( t, w )
!c	   bt = bt + x
!c	   v1 = v2
!c10	continue
!c	bt = bt * 10.0
!c	return
!c	end

      subroutine planck ( nv,nv1,ib,pts,pp,pt,ph,po,bf,bs ) 1,1
!c **********************************************************************
!c bf and bs are the blackbody intensity function integrated over the
!c band ib at the nv1 levels and at the surface, respectively.    The
!c units of bf and bs are W/m**2/Sr. nd*10 is the band width from ve.
!c **********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: bf(nv1), bs, pts
      real    :: ve(mbir), bt(nv1)
      integer :: nd(mbir)
      integer :: ib, i, j, nv11, ibr
      real    :: v1, v2, w, fq1, fq2, bts, x
      data ve / 2200.0, 1900.0, 1700.0, 1400.0, 1250.0, 1100.0, &
     &            980.0, 800.0, 670.0, 540.0, 400.0, 280.001 /
      data nd / 30, 20, 30, 15, 15, 12, &
     &            18, 13, 13, 14, 12, 28 /
      nv11 = nv1 + 1
      ibr = ib - mbs
      bts = 0.0
      do i = 1, nv1
        bt(i) = 0.0
      end do
      v1 = ve(ibr)
      do j = 1, nd(ibr)
        v2 = v1 - 10.0
        w = ( v1 + v2 ) * 0.5
        fq1 = 1.19107e-8 * w * w * w
        fq2 = 1.43884 * w
        do i = 1, nv11
          if ( i .eq. nv11 ) then
            x = fq1 / ( exp ( fq2 / pts ) - 1.0 )
            bts = bts + x
            x = fq1 / ( exp ( fq2 / pt(i) ) - 1.0 )
            bt(i) = bt(i) + x
        end do
      v1 = v2
      end do
      do i = 1, nv1
        bf(i) = bt(i) * 10.0
      end do
      bs = bts * 10.0
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c coefficient calculations for four first-order differential equations.
!c **********************************************************************

	  subroutine coeff1  ( ib,w,w1,w2,w3,t0,t1,u0,f0,b ) 1,2
!# include "para.file"
      USE numericals
!      common /dis/ a(4)
!      common /point/ u(4)
!      common /legen/ p0d(4), p1d(4), p2d(4), p3d(4)
!      common /legen1/ p11d(4,4), p22d(4,4), p33d(4,4)
!      common /coedfi/ ib, w, w1, w2, w3, t0, t1, u0, f0
!      common /coedf1/ b(4,3)
      implicit none
      integer, intent(in) :: ib
      real, intent(in)    :: w, w1, w2, w3, t0, t1, u0, f0
      real, intent(out)   :: b(4,3)
      integer :: i, j
      real    :: x, w0w, w1w, w2w, w3w, fw, q1, q2, q3, fq, c(4,5)
      x = 0.5 * w
      w0w = x
      w1w = x * w1
      w2w = x * w2
      w3w = x * w3
      if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
        fw = u0 * u0
        q1 = - w1w * u0
        q2 = w2w * ( 1.5 * fw - 0.5 )
        q3 = - w3w * ( 2.5 * fw - 1.5 ) * u0
      fq = 0.5 * w0w
      do i = 3, 4
        do j = 1, 4
          c(i,j) = fq + w1w * p11d(i,j) + &
     &            w2w * p22d(i,j) + w3w * p33d(i,j) 
          if ( i .eq. j ) then 
            c(i,j) = ( c(i,j) - 1.0 ) / u(i)
            c(i,j) = c(i,j) / u(i)
20      end do
10    end do
      do i = 1, 4
        if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
          c(i,5) = w0w + q1 * p1d(i) + &
     &           q2 * p2d(i) + q3 * p3d(i) 
          c(i,5) = 1.0
        c(i,5) = c(i,5) / u(i)
30    end do
      b(1,1) = c(4,4) - c(4,1)
      b(1,2) = c(4,4) + c(4,1)
      b(2,1) = c(4,3) - c(4,2)
      b(2,2) = c(4,3) + c(4,2)
      b(3,1) = c(3,4) - c(3,1)
      b(3,2) = c(3,4) + c(3,1)
      b(4,1) = c(3,3) - c(3,2)
      b(4,2) = c(3,3) + c(3,2)
      b(1,3) = c(4,5) - c(1,5)
      b(2,3) = c(3,5) - c(2,5)
      b(3,3) = c(3,5) + c(2,5)
      b(4,3) = c(4,5) + c(1,5)
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c coefficient calculations for second order differential equations.
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine coeff2 ( u0,b,a,d ) 1
      implicit none
      real, intent(in)  :: u0
      real, intent(in)  :: b(4,3)
      real, intent(out) :: a(2,2,2), d(4)
      real              :: fw1, fw2, fw3, fw4
      fw1 = b(1,1) * b(1,2)
      fw2 = b(2,1) * b(3,2)
      fw3 = b(3,1) * b(2,2)
      fw4 = b(4,1) * b(4,2)
      a(2,2,1) = fw1 + fw2
      a(2,1,1) = b(1,1) * b(2,2) + b(2,1) * b(4,2)
      a(1,2,1) = b(3,1) * b(1,2) + b(4,1) * b(3,2)
      a(1,1,1) = fw3 + fw4
      a(2,2,2) = fw1 + fw3
      a(2,1,2) = b(1,2) * b(2,1) + b(2,2) * b(4,1)
      a(1,2,2) = b(3,2) * b(1,1) + b(4,2) * b(3,1)
      a(1,1,2) = fw2 + fw4
      d(1) = b(3,2) * b(4,3) + b(4,2) * b(3,3) + b(2,3) / u0
      d(2) = b(1,2) * b(4,3) + b(2,2) * b(3,3) + b(1,3) / u0
      d(3) = b(3,1) * b(1,3) + b(4,1) * b(2,3) + b(3,3) / u0
      d(4) = b(1,1) * b(1,3) + b(2,1) * b(2,3) + b(4,3) / u0
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c coefficient calculations for fourth-order differential equations.
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine coeff4 ( u0,a,d,z,b1,c1 ) 1
!      common /coedfi/ ib, w, w1, w2, w3, t0, t1, u0, f0
!      common /coedf2/ a(2,2,2), d(4)
!      common /coedf4/ b1, c1, z(4)
      implicit none
      real, intent(in)   :: u0
      real, intent(in)   :: a(2,2,2), d(4)
      real, intent(out)  :: z(4), b1, c1
      real :: x
      x = u0 * u0
      b1 = a(2,2,1) + a(1,1,1)
      c1 = a(2,1,1) * a(1,2,1) - a(1,1,1) * a(2,2,1)
      z(1) = a(2,1,1) * d(3) + d(4) / x - a(1,1,1) * d(4)
      z(2) = a(1,2,1) * d(4) - a(2,2,1) *d(3) + d(3) / x
      z(3) = a(2,1,2) * d(1) + d(2) / x - a(1,1,2) * d(2)
      z(4) = a(1,2,2) * d(2) - a(2,2,2) * d(1) + d(1) / x
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c fk1 and fk2 are the eigenvalues.
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine coeffl ( ib,t0,t1,u0,f0,b,a,d,z,b1,c1, & 1,1
     &                    aa,zz,a1,z1,fk1,fk2 )
!# include "para.file"
!      common /coedfi/ ib, w, w1, w2, w3, t0, t1, u0, f0
!      common /coedf1/ b(4,3)
!      common /coedf2/ a(2,2,2), d(4)
!      common /coedf4/ b1, c1, z(4)
!      common /coedfl/ aa(4,4,2), zz(4,2), a1(4,4), z1(4), fk1, fk2

      implicit none
      integer, intent(in)  :: ib
      real, intent(in)     :: t0, t1, u0, f0
      real, intent(in)     :: b(4,3)
      real, intent(in)     :: a(2,2,2), d(4)
      real, intent(inout)  :: z(4), b1, c1
      real, intent(out)    :: aa(4,4,2), zz(4,2), a1(4,4), z1(4),  &
     &                       fk1, fk2
      integer :: i
      real    :: dt, x, y, fw, fw1, fw2, a2, b2, zx, fq0, fq1
      dt = t1 - t0
      x = sqrt ( b1 * b1 + 4.0 * c1 )
      fk1 = sqrt ( ( b1 + x ) * 0.5 )
      fk2 = sqrt ( ( b1 - x ) * 0.5 )
      fw = u0 * u0
      x = 1.0 / ( fw * fw ) - b1 / fw - c1

! --------- 4/2/97 (4)
      if (abs (x) .lt. 1.0E-16) THEN
        if ( x .lt. 0.0) THEN
          x = -1.0E-6
          x = 1.0E-6
        end if
      end if
! --------- 4/2/97 (4)

      fw = 0.5 * f0 / x
      z(1) = fw * z(1) 
      z(2) = fw * z(2) 
      z(3) = fw * z(3) 
      z(4) = fw * z(4) 
      z1(1) = 0.5 * ( z(1) + z(3) )
      z1(2) = 0.5 * ( z(2) + z(4) )
      z1(3) = 0.5 * ( z(2) - z(4) )
      z1(4) = 0.5 * ( z(1) - z(3) )
      a2 = ( fk1 * fk1 - a(2,2,1) ) / a(2,1,1)
      b2 = ( fk2 * fk2 - a(2,2,1) ) / a(2,1,1)
      x = b(1,1) * b(4,1) - b(3,1) * b(2,1)
      fw1 = fk1 / x
      fw2 = fk2 / x
      y = fw2 * ( b2 * b(2,1) - b(4,1) ) 
      zx = fw1 * ( a2 * b(2,1) - b(4,1) )
      a1(1,1) = 0.5 * ( 1 - y )
      a1(1,2) = 0.5 * ( 1 - zx )
      a1(1,3) = 0.5 * ( 1 + zx )
      a1(1,4) = 0.5 * ( 1 + y )
      y = fw2 * ( b(3,1) - b2 * b(1,1) ) 
      zx = fw1 * ( b(3,1) - a2 * b(1,1) ) 
      a1(2,1) = 0.5 * ( b2 - y )
      a1(2,2) = 0.5 * ( a2 - zx )
      a1(2,3) = 0.5 * ( a2 + zx )
      a1(2,4) = 0.5 * ( b2 + y )
      a1(3,1) = a1(2,4)
      a1(3,2) = a1(2,3)
      a1(3,3) = a1(2,2)
      a1(3,4) = a1(2,1)
      a1(4,1) = a1(1,4)
      a1(4,2) = a1(1,3)
      a1(4,3) = a1(1,2)
      a1(4,4) = a1(1,1)
      if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
        fq0 = exp ( - t0 / u0 )
        fq1 = exp ( - t1 / u0 )
        fq0 = 1.0
        fq1 = exp ( - dt / u0 )
      x = exp ( - fk1 * dt )
      y = exp ( - fk2 * dt )
      do i = 1, 4
        zz(i,1) = z1(i) * fq0
        zz(i,2) = z1(i) * fq1
        aa(i,1,1) = a1(i,1)
        aa(i,2,1) = a1(i,2)
        aa(i,3,1) = a1(i,3) * x
        aa(i,4,1) = a1(i,4) * y
        aa(i,3,2) = a1(i,3)
        aa(i,4,2) = a1(i,4)
        aa(i,1,2) = a1(i,1) * y
        aa(i,2,2) = a1(i,2) * x
40    end do
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c See the paper by Liou, Fu and Ackerman (1988) for the formulation of
!c the delta-four-stream approximation in a homogeneous layer.
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine coefft ( ib,w,w1,w2,w3,t0,t1,u0,f0,               & 2,4
     &                    b,a,d,z,b1,c1,aa,zz,a1,z1,fk1,fk2 )
      implicit none
      integer, intent(in)  :: ib
      real, intent(in)     :: w, w1, w2, w3, t0, t1, u0, f0
      real                 :: b(4,3), a(2,2,2), d(4),              &
     &                        z(4), b1, c1,                        &
     &                        aa(4,4,2), zz(4,2), a1(4,4), z1(4),  &
     &                        fk1, fk2
      call coeff1 ( ib,w,w1,w2,w3,t0,t1,u0,f0,b )
      call coeff2 ( u0,b,a,d )
      call coeff4 ( u0,a,d,z,b1,c1 )
      call coeffl ( ib,t0,t1,u0,f0,b,a,d,z,b1,c1, &
     &              aa,zz,a1,z1,fk1,fk2 )
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c In the limits of no scattering ( Fu, 1991 ), fk1 = 1.0 / u(3) and
!c fk2 = 1.0 / u(4).
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine coefft0 ( ib,w,w1,w2,w3,t0,t1,u0,f0, & 2,2
     &                     aa,zz,a1,z1,fk1,fk2 )
!# include "para.file"
      use numericals
      implicit none
      integer, intent(in) :: ib
      real, intent(in)    :: w, w1, w2, w3, t0, t1, u0, f0
      real, intent(out)   :: aa(4,4,2), zz(4,2), a1(4,4), z1(4),  &
     &                       fk1, fk2
      integer             :: i, jj, j, k
      real                :: x, y, fw, temp, dt
      fk1 = 4.7320545
      fk2 = 1.2679491
      y = exp ( - ( t1 - t0 ) / u0 )
      fw = 0.5 * f0
      do i = 1, 4
        if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
          z1(i) = 0.0
          zz(i,1) = 0.0
          zz(i,2) = 0.0
          jj = 5 - i
! - change by Yu Gu, 11/19/01
          temp = u(jj)/u0
!             if (temp.eq.-1.) temp = -1.001
          if (temp.eq.-1.) temp = -0.9999
            z1(i) = fw / ( 1.0 + temp )
!            z1(i) = fw / ( 1.0 + u(jj) / u0 )
! -- change over

            zz(i,1) = z1(i) 
            zz(i,2) = z1(i) * y
        do j = 1, 4
          a1(i,j) = 0.0
          do k = 1, 2
            aa(i,j,k) = 0.0
12        end do
11      end do
10    end do
      do i = 1, 4
        j = 5 - i
        a1(i,j) = 1.0
20    end do
      dt = t1 - t0
      x = exp ( - fk1 * dt )
      y = exp ( - fk2 * dt )
      aa(1,4,1) = y
      aa(2,3,1) = x
      aa(3,2,1) = 1.0
      aa(4,1,1) = 1.0
      aa(1,4,2) = 1.0
      aa(2,3,2) = 1.0
      aa(3,2,2) = x
      aa(4,1,2) = y
      end subroutine
!c **********************************************************************
!c In the solar band  asbs is the surface albedo, while in the infrared
!c band asbs is  blackbody intensity emitted at the surface temperature
!c times surface emissivity.  In this subroutine, the delta-four-stream
!c is applied to nonhomogeneous atmospheres. See comments in subroutine
!c 'qcfel' for array AB(13,4*n).
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine qcfe ( nv,nv1,ib,asbs,ee,w1,w2,w3,w,t,u0,f0,  & 2,6
     &                  fk1,fk2,a4,z4,g4 )  
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      integer, intent(in) :: ib
      real, intent(in)    :: asbs, ee
      real, intent(in), dimension(nv) :: w1, w2, w3, w, t, u0, f0
      real, intent(out)   :: fk1(nv), fk2(nv), a4(4,4,nv),  &
     &                       z4(4,nv), g4(4,nv)
      real    :: b(4,3), a(2,2,2), d(4), z(4), b1, c1,  &
     &           aa(4,4,2), zz(4,2), a1(4,4), z1(4), fk1t, fk2t
      real    :: ab(13,nv * 4), bx(nv * 4), xx(nv * 4)      
      integer :: n, n4, i, j, k, ibn, i8, kf, i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3, &
     &           m1, m2, m18, m28
      real    :: wn, w1n, w2n, w3n, t0n, t1n, u0n, f0n
      real    :: fu(4,4), wu(4)
      real    :: v1, v2, v3, fw1, fw2

!    common /dis/ a(4)
!    common /point/ u(4)
!	common /qccfei/ w1(nv), w2(nv), w3(nv), w(nv),  &
!     	                t(nv), u0(nv), f0(nv)
!	common /coedfi/ ibn, wn, w1n, w2n, w3n, t0n, t1n, u0n, f0n
!	common /coedfl/ aa(4,4,2), zz(4,2), a1(4,4), z1(4), &
!                       fk1t, fk2t
!	common /qccfeo/ fk1(nv), fk2(nv), a4(4,4,nv),  &
!     	                z4(4,nv), g4(4,nv)
!	common /qcfelc/ ab(13,nv * 4), bx(nv * 4), xx(nv * 4)
!	dimension fu(4,4), wu(4)
      n = nv
      n4 = nv * 4
      do i = 1, n4
        do j = 1, 13
          ab(j,i) = 0.0
        end do
      end do
      ibn = ib
      wn = w(1)
      w1n = w1(1)
      w2n = w2(1)
      w3n = w3(1)
      t0n = 0.0
      t1n = t(1)
      u0n = u0(1)
      f0n = f0(1)
      if ( wn .ge. 0.999999 ) then
        wn = 0.999999
      if ( wn .le. 1.0e-4 ) then
        call coefft0 ( ibn,wn,w1n,w2n,w3n,t0n,t1n,u0n,f0n, &
     &                 aa,zz,a1,z1,fk1t,fk2t )
        fk1(1) = fk1t
        fk2(1) = fk2t
        call coefft ( ibn,wn,w1n,w2n,w3n,t0n,t1n,u0n,f0n, &
     &                b,a,d,z,b1,c1,aa,zz,a1,z1,fk1t,fk2t )
        fk1(1) = fk1t
        fk2(1) = fk2t
      do i = 1, 4
        z4(i,1) = z1(i)
        do j = 1, 4
          a4(i,j,1) = a1(i,j)
        end do
      end do
      do i = 1, 2
        bx(i) = - zz(i+2,1)
        i8 = i + 8
        do j = 1, 4
          ab(i8-j,j) = aa(i+2,j,1)
        end do
      end do
      do i = 1, 4
        wu(i) = zz(i,2)
        do j = 1, 4
          fu(i,j) = aa(i,j,2)
        end do
      end do
      do k = 2, n
        wn = w(k)
        w1n = w1(k)
        w2n = w2(k)
        w3n = w3(k)
        t0n = t(k-1)
        t1n = t(k)
        u0n = u0(k)
        f0n = f0(k)
        if ( wn .ge. 0.999999 ) then
          wn = 0.999999
        if ( wn .le. 1.0e-4 ) then
          call coefft0 ( ibn,wn,w1n,w2n,w3n,t0n,t1n,u0n,f0n, &
     &                   aa,zz,a1,z1,fk1t,fk2t )
          fk1(k) = fk1t
          fk2(k) = fk2t
          call coefft ( ibn,wn,w1n,w2n,w3n,t0n,t1n,u0n,f0n, &
     &                  b,a,d,z,b1,c1,aa,zz,a1,z1,fk1t,fk2t )
          fk1(k) = fk1t
          fk2(k) = fk2t
        do i = 1, 4
          z4(i,k) = z1(i)
          do j = 1, 4
            a4(i,j,k) = a1(i,j)
          end do
        end do
        kf = k + k + k + k
        i1 = kf - 5
        i2 = i1 + 3
        j1 = kf - 7
        j2 = j1 + 3
        i3 = 0
        do i = i1, i2
          i3 = i3 + 1
          bx(i) = - wu(i3) + zz(i3,1)
          j3 = 0
          i8 = i + 8
          do j = j1, j2
            j3 = j3 + 1
            ab(i8-j,j) = fu(i3,j3)
          end do
          j3 = 0
          do j = j2 + 1, j2 + 4
            j3 = j3 + 1
            ab(i8-j,j) = - aa(i3,j3,1)
          end do
        end do
        do i = 1, 4
          wu(i) = zz(i,2)
          do j = 1, 4
            fu(i,j) = aa(i,j,2)
          end do
        end do
      end do
      if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
        v1 = 0.2113247 * asbs
        v2 = 0.7886753 * asbs
        v3 = asbs * u0(1) * f0(1) * exp ( - t(n) / u0(1) )
        m1 = n4 - 1
        m2 = n4
        m18 = m1 + 8
        m28 = m2 + 8
        fw1 = v1 * wu(3)
        fw2 = v2 * wu(4)
        bx(m1) = - ( wu(1) - fw1 - fw2 - v3 )
        bx(m2) = - ( wu(2) - fw1 - fw2 - v3 )
        do j = 1, 4
          j1 = n4 - 4 + j
          fw1 = v1 * fu(3,j)
          fw2 = v2 * fu(4,j)
          ab(m18-j1,j1) = fu(1,j) - fw1 - fw2
          ab(m28-j1,j1) = fu(2,j) - fw1 - fw2
        end do
        v1 = 0.2113247 * ( 1.0 - ee )
        v2 = 0.7886753 * ( 1.0 - ee )
        v3 = asbs
        m1 = n4 - 1
        m2 = n4
        m18 = m1 + 8
        m28 = m2 + 8
        fw1 = v1 * wu(3)
        fw2 = v2 * wu(4)
        bx(m1) = - ( wu(1) - fw1 - fw2 - v3 )
        bx(m2) = - ( wu(2) - fw1 - fw2 - v3 )
        do j = 1, 4
          j1 = n4 - 4 + j
          fw1 = v1 * fu(3,j)
          fw2 = v2 * fu(4,j)
          ab(m18-j1,j1) = fu(1,j) - fw1 - fw2
          ab(m28-j1,j1) = fu(2,j) - fw1 - fw2
        end do
      call qcfel (nv,nv1,ab,bx,xx)
      do k = 1, n
        j = k + k + k + k - 4
        do i = 1, 4
          j = j + 1
          g4(i,k) = xx(j)
        end do
      end do
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine qcfel (nv, nv1, ab, b, x) 1,1
!c **********************************************************************
!c 1. `qcfel' is the abbreviation of ` qiu constants for each layer'.
!c 2. The inhomogeneous atmosphere is divided into n adjacent homogeneous
!c    layers where the  single scattering properties are constant in each
!c    layer and allowed to vary from one to another. Delta-four-stream is
!c    employed for each homogeneous layer. The boundary conditions at the
!c    top and bottom of the atmosphere,  together with  continuity condi-
!c    tions  at  layer interfaces lead to a system of algebraic equations
!c    from which 4*n unknown constants in the problom can be solved.
!c 3. This subroutine is used for solving the 4*n unknowns of A *X = B by
!c    considering the fact that the coefficient matrix is a sparse matrix
!c    with the precise pattern in this special problom.
!c 4. The method is not different in principle from the general scheme of
!c    Gaussian elimination with backsubstitution, but carefully optimized
!c    so as to minimize arithmetic operations.  Partial  pivoting is used
!c    to quarantee  method's numerical stability,  which will  not change
!c    the basic pattern of sparsity of the matrix.
!c 5. Scaling special problems so as to make  its nonzero matrix elements
!c    have comparable magnitudes, which will ameliorate the stability.
!c 6. a, b and x present A, B and X in A*X=B, respectively. and n4=4*n.
!c 7. AB(13,4*n) is the matrix A in band storage, in rows 3 to 13; rows 1
!c    and 2 and other unset elements should be set to zero on entry.
!c 8. The jth column of A is stored in the jth column of the array AB  as
!c    follows:
!c            AB(8+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-5) <= i <= min(4*n,j+5).
!c    Reversedly, we have
!c            A(ii+jj-8,jj) = AB(ii,jj).
!c **********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real    :: ab(13,nv * 4), b(nv * 4), x(nv * 4)
      integer :: i, j, k, l, m, n,  &
     &           i0, i0f, i0m1, im1, ifq, k44,  &
     &           m1f, m1, m2, m3, m4, m18, m28, m38, m48,  &
     &           n1, n2, n3, n4, n44
      real    :: p, t, xx, yy
      n = nv
      n4 = nv * 4
      do k = 1, n - 1
        k44 = 4 * k - 4
        do l= 1, 4
          m1 = k44 + l
          p = 0.0
          do i = 8, 14 - l
            if ( abs ( ab(i,m1) ) .gt. abs ( p ) ) then
              p = ab(i,m1)
              i0 = i
10        end do
          i0m1 = i0 + m1
          m18 = m1 + 8
          if ( i0 .ne. 8 ) then
            do j = m1, m1 + 8 - l
              i0f = i0m1 - j
              m1f = m18 - j
              t = ab(i0f,j)
              ab(i0f,j) = ab(m1f,j)
              ab(m1f,j) = t
15          end do
            i0f = i0m1 - 8
            t = b(i0f)
            b(i0f) = b(m1)
            b(m1) = t
20        end if
          yy = ab(8,m1)
          ab(8,m1) = 1.0
          do j = m1 + 1, m1 + 8 - l
            m1f = m18 - j
            ab(m1f,j) = ab(m1f,j) / yy
25        end do
          b(m1) = b(m1) / yy
          do i = 9, 14 - l
            xx = ab(i,m1)
            ab(i,m1) = 0.0
            im1 = i + m1
            do j = m1 + 1, m1 + 8 - l
              ifq = im1 - j
              m1f = m18 - j
              ab(ifq,j) = ab(ifq,j) - ab(m1f,j) * xx
35          end do
            ifq = im1 - 8
            b(ifq) = b(ifq) - b(m1) * xx
30        end do
3       end do
5     end do
      n44 = n4 - 4
      do l = 1, 3
        m1 = n44 + l
        p = 0.0
        do i = 8, 12 - l
          if ( abs ( ab(i,m1) ) .gt. abs ( p ) ) then
            p = ab(i,m1)
            i0 = i
45      end do
        i0m1 = i0 + m1
        m18 = m1 + 8
        if( i0 .ne. 8 ) then
          do j = m1, m1 + 4 - l
            i0f = i0m1 - j
            m1f = m18 - j
            t = ab(i0f,j)
            ab(i0f,j) = ab(m1f,j)
            ab(m1f,j) = t
50        end do
          i0f = i0m1 - 8
          t = b(i0f)
          b(i0f) = b(m1)
          b(m1) = t
55      end if
        yy = ab(8,m1)
        ab(8,m1) = 1.0
        do j = m1 + 1, m1 + 4 - l
          m1f = m18 - j
          ab(m1f,j) = ab(m1f,j) / yy
60      end do
        b(m1) = b(m1) / yy
        do i = 9, 12 - l
          xx = ab(i,m1)
          ab(i,m1) = 0.0
          im1 = i + m1
          do j = m1 + 1, m1 + 4 - l
            ifq = im1 - j
            m1f = m18 - j
            ab(ifq,j) = ab(ifq,j) - ab(m1f,j) * xx
70        end do
          ifq = im1 - 8
          b(ifq) = b(ifq) - b(m1) * xx
65      end do
40    end do
      yy = ab(8,n4)
      ab(8,n4) = 1.0
      b(n4) = b(n4) / yy
      n3 = n4 - 1
      n2 = n3 - 1
      n1 = n2 - 1
      x(n4) = b(n4)
      x(n3) = b(n3) - ab(7,n4) * x(n4)
      x(n2) = b(n2) - ab(7,n3) * x(n3) - ab(6,n4) * x(n4)
      x(n1) = b(n1) - ab(7,n2) * x(n2) - ab(6,n3) * x(n3) - &
     &      ab(5,n4) * x(n4)
      do k = 1, n - 1
        m4 = 4 * ( n - k )
        m3 = m4 - 1
        m2 = m3 - 1
        m1 = m2 - 1
        m48 = m4 + 8
        m38 = m3 + 8
        m28 = m2 + 8
        m18 = m1 + 8
        x(m4) = b(m4)
        do  m = m4 + 1, m4 + 4
          x(m4) = x(m4) - ab(m48-m,m) * x(m)
85      end do
        x(m3) = b(m3)
        do m = m3 + 1, m3 + 5
          x(m3) = x(m3) - ab(m38-m,m) * x(m)
90      end do
        x(m2) = b(m2)
        do m = m2 + 1, m2 + 6
          x(m2) = x(m2) - ab(m28-m,m) * x(m)
95      end do
        x(m1) = b(m1)
        do m = m1 + 1, m1 + 7
          x(m1) = x(m1) - ab(m18-m,m) * x(m)
100     end do
80    end do
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c In this subroutine, we incorporate a delta-function adjustment to
!c account for the  forward  diffraction  peak in the context of the 
       !c four-stream or two stream approximations ( Liou, Fu and Ackerman, &
!c 1988 ).  The w1(n), w2(n), w3(n), w(n), and t(n) are the adjusted
!c parameters.
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine adjust ( nv, nv1, ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt,w1,w2,w3,w,t ) 5,2
!# include "para.file"
      USE control_para, dfsasl=>d4s, dtsasl=>d2s, dfsair=>d4ir, dtsair=>d2ir
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      real, intent(in), dimension(nv)  :: ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4, ww, tt
      real, intent(out), dimension(nv) :: w1, w2, w3, w, t
      real, dimension(nv)              :: dtt, dt
      integer :: n, i
      real    :: tt0, f, fw

      n = nv
      tt0 = 0.0
      do i = 1, n
! 11/4/95 (begin)
        if ( dfsasl .or. dfsair ) then
          f = ww4(i) / 9.0
          f = ww2(i) / 5.0
! 11/4/95 (end)
! - clear
        fw = 1.0 - f * ww(i) 
        w1(i) = ( ww1(i) - 3.0 * f ) / ( 1.0 - f )
        w2(i) = ( ww2(i) - 5.0 * f ) / ( 1.0 - f )
        w3(i) = ( ww3(i) - 7.0 * f ) / ( 1.0 - f )
        w(i) = ( 1.0 - f ) * ww(i) / fw
        dtt(i) = tt(i) - tt0
        tt0 = tt(i)
        dt(i) = dtt(i) * fw
10    end do
      t(1) = dt(1)
      do i = 2, n
        t(i) = dt(i) + t(i-1)
20    end do
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c The delta-four-stream approximation for nonhomogeneous atmospheres
       !c in the solar wavelengths (Fu, 1991). The input parameters are nv, &
!c nv1, and nv * 4 through 'para.file',  ib, as, u0, f0 for solar and
!c ib, bf, bs, ee for IR through arguments of  'qfts' and 'qfti', and
!c ww1(nv), ww2(nv), ww3(nv), ww4(nv), ww(nv), and tt(nv)
!c through common statement 'dfsin'.
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine qfts ( nv, nv1, ib,as,u0,f0,ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt,ffu,ffd ) 1,3
!# include "para.file"
!    common /dis/ a(4)
!    common /point/ u(4)
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      integer, intent(in)          :: ib
      real, intent(in)             :: as, u0, f0
      real, intent(in), dimension(nv)  :: ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4, ww, tt
      real, intent(out), dimension(nv1) :: ffu, ffd
      real, dimension(nv)        :: w1, w2, w3, w4, w, t, u0a, f0a
      real    :: fk1(nv), fk2(nv), a4(4,4,nv),  &
     &           z4(4,nv), g4(4,nv)
      integer :: i, n, m, k, ii,jj
      real    :: asbs, ee, fw1, fw2, fw3, fw4, y, y1, x(4), fi(4)

      n = nv
      m = nv1
      ee = 0.0
      asbs = as
      call adjust ( nv,nv1,ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt,w1,w2,w3,w,t ) 
      do i = 1, n
        u0a(i) = u0
        f0a(i) = f0
5     end do
      call qcfe ( nv,nv1,ib,asbs,ee,w1,w2,w3,w,t,u0a,f0a, &
     &            fk1,fk2,a4,z4,g4 )
      fw1 = 0.6638961
      fw2 = 2.4776962
      fw3 = u0 * 3.14159 * f0 
      do i = 1, m
        if ( i .eq. 1 ) then
          x(1) = 1.0
          x(2) = 1.0
          x(3) = exp ( - fk1(1) * t(1) )
          x(4) = exp ( - fk2(1) * t(1) )
          k = 1
          y = 1.0
        elseif ( i .eq. 2 ) then
          x(1) = exp ( - fk2(1) * t(1) )
          x(2) = exp ( - fk1(1) * t(1) )
          x(3) = 1.0
          x(4) = 1.0
          k = 1
          y = exp ( - t(1) / u0 )
          k = i - 1
          y1 = t(k) - t(k-1)
          x(1) = exp ( - fk2(k) * y1 )
          x(2) = exp ( - fk1(k) * y1 )
          x(3) = 1.0
          x(4) = 1.0
          y = exp ( - t(k) / u0 )
        do jj = 1, 4
          fi(jj) = z4(jj,k) * y
37      end do
        do ii = 1, 4
          fw4 = g4(ii,k) * x(ii)
          do jj = 1, 4
            fi(jj) = fi(jj) + a4(jj,ii,k) * fw4
45        end do
40      end do
        ffu(i)= fw1 * fi(2) + fw2 * fi(1) 
        ffd(i)= fw1 * fi(3) + fw2 * fi(4) + fw3 * y
10    end do
      end subroutine

!c **********************************************************************
!c The exponential approximation for the Planck function in optical depth
!c is used for the infrared ( Fu, 1991). Since the direct solar radiation
!c source has an exponential function form in terms of optical depth, the
!c formulation of the delta-four-stream approximation for infrared  wave-
!c lengths is the same as that for solar wavelengths. 
!c **********************************************************************

      subroutine qfti ( nv, nv1, ib,ee,bf,bs,ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt,ffu,ffd ) 1,3
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      integer, intent(in) :: ib
      real, intent(in)    :: ee, bf(nv1), bs
      real, intent(in), dimension(nv)  :: ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4, ww, tt
      real, intent(out), dimension(nv1) :: ffu, ffd
      real, dimension(nv)              :: w1, w2, w3, w, t, u0, f0
      integer :: n, m, i, ii, jj, k
      real    :: asbs, t0, deltau, q1, q2, fw1, fw2, fw3, xy, y1
      real    :: x(4), fi(4)
      real    :: fk1(nv), fk2(nv), a4(4,4,nv),  &
     &           z4(4,nv), g4(4,nv)

      n = nv
      m = nv1
      asbs = bs * ee
      call adjust ( nv,nv1,ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt,w1,w2,w3,w,t )
      t0 = 0.0
      do i = 1, n
        q1 = alog ( bf(i+1) / bf(i) )
! -- change by Yu Gu, 11/13/01
        deltau = t(i) -t0
        if (deltau .lt. 1.e-12) deltau = 1.e-12
        q2 = 1.0 / deltau
!         q2 = 1.0 / ( t(i) - t0 )
! --change over

        f0(i) = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - w(i) ) * bf(i)
        if ( abs(q1) .le. 1.0e-10 ) then
          u0(i) = - 1.0e+10 / q2
          u0(i) = - 1.0 / ( q1 * q2 )
! --------- 4/2/97 (5)
        if (abs(u0(i)) .gt. 4.25E+09) then
          if (u0(i) .lt. 0.0) then
            u0(i) = -4.25E+09
            u0(i) = 4.25E+09
          end if
        end if
! --------- 4/2/97 (5)

        t0 = t(i)
3     end do
      call qcfe ( nv,nv1,ib,asbs,ee,w1,w2,w3,w,t,u0,f0,fk1,fk2,a4,z4,g4 )
      fw1 = 0.6638958
      fw2 = 2.4776962
      do i = 1, m
        if ( i .eq. 1 ) then
          x(1) = 1.0
          x(2) = 1.0
          x(3) = exp ( - fk1(1) * t(1) )
          x(4) = exp ( - fk2(1) * t(1) )
          k = 1
          xy = 1.0
        elseif ( i .eq. 2 ) then
          x(1) = exp ( - fk2(1) * t(1) )
          x(2) = exp ( - fk1(1) * t(1) )
          x(3) = 1.0
          x(4) = 1.0
          k = 1
          xy =  exp ( - t(1) / u0(1) )
          k = i - 1
          y1 = t(k) - t(k-1)
          x(1) = exp ( - fk2(k) * y1 )
          x(2) = exp ( - fk1(k) * y1 )
          x(3) = 1.0
          x(4) = 1.0
          xy =  exp ( - y1 / u0(k) )
        do jj = 1, 4
          fi(jj) = z4(jj,k) * xy
37      end do
        do ii = 1, 4
          fw3 = g4(ii,k) * x(ii)
          do jj = 1, 4
            fi(jj) = fi(jj) + a4(jj,ii,k) * fw3
45        end do
40      end do
        ffu(i)= fw1 * fi(2) + fw2 * fi(1)
        ffd(i)= fw1 * fi(3) + fw2 * fi(4)
10    end do
      end subroutine

!c 11/4/95 (begin)

      subroutine cfgts0 ( ib, w, w1, t0, t1, u0, f0, & 1,2
     &                    gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, gamma4, ugts1 )
!c **********************************************************************
!c This subroutine is used to calculate the Coefficients For Generalized
!c Two-Stream scheme.  We can make choices between Eddington, quadrature
       !c and  hemispheric  mean  schemes  through  logical variables 'edding', &
!c 'quadra', and 'hemisp'.  The  Eddington  and  quadrature  schemes are 
!c discussed in detail by Liou (1992).  The  hemispheric  mean scheme is 
!c derived by assuming that the phase function is equal to 1 + g in  the 
!c forward scattering hemisphere and 1 - g  in  the  backward scattering 
!c hemisphere where g is the asymmetry factor.   The hemispheric mean is
!c only used for infrared wavelengths (Toon et al. 1989).
!c **********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE control_para
      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: ib
      real, intent(in)    :: w, w1, t0, t1, u0, f0
      real, intent(out)   :: gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, gamma4, ugts1
      real x, y, z
      if ( edding ) then
        x = 0.25 * w1
        y = w * x
        gamma1 = 1.75 - w - y
        gamma2 = - 0.25 + w - y
        gamma3 = 0.0
        gamma4 = 0.0
        if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
          gamma3 = 0.5 - x * u0
          gamma4 = 1.0 - gamma3
        ugts1 = 0.5
      if ( quadra ) then
        x = 0.866 * w
        y = 0.2887 * w1
        z = y * w
        gamma1 = 1.732 - x - z
        gamma2 = x - z
        gamma3 = 0.0
        gamma4 = 0.0
        if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
          gamma3 = 0.5 - y * u0
          gamma4 = 1.0 - gamma3
        ugts1 = 0.57735
      if ( hemisp ) then
        x = w * w1 / 3.0
        gamma1 = 2.0 - w - x
        gamma2 = w - x
        gamma3 = 0.0
        gamma4 = 0.0
        ugts1 = 0.5
      end subroutine

      subroutine cfgts ( ib, w, w1, t0, t1, u0, f0, & 1,2
     &                   lamda,gamma,cadd0,cadd1,cmin0,cmin1,g1g2 )
!c **********************************************************************
!c This subroutine is used to calculate the Coefficients For Generalized
!c Two-Stream scheme. 
!c **********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer, intent(in) :: ib
      real, intent(in)    :: w, w1, t0, t1, u0, f0
      real :: lamda, gamma, cadd0, cadd1, cmin0, cmin1, g1g2
      real :: gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, gamma4, ugts1
      real :: fq, alfa, beta, fw, x, z
      call cfgts0 ( ib, w, w1, t0, t1, u0, f0, &
     &              gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, gamma4, ugts1 )
      lamda = sqrt ( ( gamma1 + gamma2 ) * ( gamma1 - gamma2 ) )
      gamma = gamma2 / ( gamma1 + lamda )
      g1g2 = gamma1 + gamma2
      fq = 1.0 / u0
      if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
        alfa = gamma3
        beta = gamma4
        fw = 3.1415927 * f0 * w * exp ( - fq * t0 )
        alfa = 1.0
        beta = 1.0
        fw = 3.1415927 * f0
      x = exp ( - fq * ( t1 - t0 ) )
      z = lamda * lamda - fq * fq
! -- change by Yu Gu, 11/15/01; changed back in 3.5
      if (abs(z).lt.1.e-4) then
       if ( z = 1.e-4
       if ( z = -1.e-4
! -- the following line is commented out in 3.5
!     if(abs(z).le.1.e-4) z = 1.e-4
! -- cgange over
      cadd0 = fw * ( ( gamma1 - fq ) * alfa + &
     &          beta * gamma2 ) / z
      cmin0 = fw * ( ( gamma1 + fq ) * beta + &
     &          alfa * gamma2 ) / z
      cadd1 = cadd0 * x
      cmin1 = cmin0 * x
      end subroutine

      subroutine qccgts ( nv, nv1, ib, asbs, ee, & 3,3
     &                    w1,w2,w3,w,t,u0,f0, &
     &                    lamdan,gamman,caddn,cminn, &
     &                    caddn0,cminn0,aa,bb,expn,g1g2n )
!c **********************************************************************
!c In the solar band  asbs is the surface albedo, while in the infrared
!c band asbs is  blackbody intensity emitted at the surface temperature
!c times surface emissivity.  In this subroutine,  the generalized two-
!c stream is applied to nonhomogeneous atmospheres. ee is the IR surface
!c emissivity. 
!c **********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      integer, intent(in)   :: ib
      real, intent(in)      :: asbs, ee
      real, intent(in), dimension(nv) :: w1, w2, w3, w, t, u0, f0
      real, dimension(nv) :: lamdan, gamman, caddn, cminn,  &
     &                         caddn0, cminn0, aa, bb, expn, g1g2n
      integer :: ibn, k ,k1, k2
      real    :: wn, w1n, t0n, t1n, u0n, f0n, rsfc, ssfc, wm1, wm2
      real, dimension(nv)  :: xn, yn, zn
      real, dimension(nv * 2) :: a, b, c, r, u, gam

      ibn = ib
      do k = 1, nv
        wn = w(k)
        w1n = w1(k)
        if ( k .eq. 1 ) then
          t0n = 0.0
          t0n = t(k-1)
        t1n = t(k)
        u0n = u0(k)
        f0n = f0(k)
        if ( wn .ge. 0.999999 ) then
          wn = 0.999999
        call cfgts ( ib, wn, w1n, t0n, t1n, u0n, f0n, &
       &             lamdan(k), gamman(k), caddn0(k), caddn(k), &
       &             cminn0(k), cminn(k), g1g2n(k) )
        expn(k) = exp ( - lamdan(k) * ( t1n - t0n ) )
        xn(k) = gamman(k) * expn(k)
        yn(k) = ( expn(k) - gamman(k) ) / ( xn(k) - 1.0 )
        zn(k) = ( expn(k) + gamman(k) ) / ( xn(k) + 1.0 )
40    end do
      a(1) = 0.0
      b(1) = xn(1) + 1.0
      c(1) = xn(1) - 1.0
      r(1) = - cminn0(1)
      do k = 1, nv - 1
        k1 = k + k
        k2 = k + k + 1
        a(k1) = 1.0 + xn(k) - yn(k+1) * ( gamman(k) + expn(k) )
        b(k1) = 1.0 - xn(k) - yn(k+1) * ( gamman(k) - expn(k) )
        c(k1) = yn(k+1) * ( 1.0 + xn(k+1) ) - expn(k+1) - gamman(k+1)
        r(k1) = caddn0(k+1) - caddn(k) - yn(k+1) * &
       &      ( cminn0(k+1) - cminn(k) )
        a(k2) = gamman(k) - expn(k) - zn(k) * ( 1.0 - xn(k) )
        b(k2) = -1.0 - xn(k+1) + zn(k) * ( expn(k+1) + gamman(k+1) )
        c(k2) = zn(k) * ( expn(k+1) - gamman(k+1) ) - xn(k+1) + 1.0
        r(k2) = cminn0(k+1) - cminn(k) - zn(k) * &
       &      ( caddn0(k+1) - caddn(k) )
50    end do
      if ( ib .le. mbs ) then
        rsfc = asbs
        ssfc = 3.1415927 * u0(1) * exp(-t(nv)/u0(1)) * rsfc * &
       &       f0(1)
        rsfc = 1.0 - ee
        ssfc = 3.1415927 * asbs
      wm1 = 1.0 - rsfc * gamman(nv)
      wm2 = xn(nv) - rsfc * expn(nv)
      a(nv * 2) = wm1 + wm2
      b(nv * 2) = wm1 - wm2
      c(nv * 2) = 0.0
      r(nv * 2) = rsfc * cminn(nv) - caddn(nv) + ssfc
! test
!      write(0,*) 'a,b,gam=',a, b, gam 
!      write(0,*) 'rsfc,gamman, xn, expn=',rsfc,gamman,xn,expn 
      call tridag ( a, b, c, r, u, gam, nv * 2 )
      do k = 1, nv
        k1 = k + k - 1
        k2 = k + k
        aa(k) = u(k1) + u(k2)
        bb(k) = u(k1) - u(k2)
60    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine tridag ( a, b, c, r, u, gam, n ) 7,2
!c **********************************************************************
!c   | b1 c1 0  ...                |   | u1   |   | r1   |                    
!c   | a2 b2 c2 ...                |   | u2   |   | r2   |                
!c   |          ...                | . | .    | = | .    |
!c   |          ... an-1 bn-1 cn-1 |   | un-1 |   | rn-1 |                    
!c   |              0    an   bn   |   | un   |   | rn   |                
!c This  subroutine solves for  a vector U of length N the tridiagonal
!c linear set given by above equation. A, B, C and R are input vectors
!c and are not modified (Numerical Recipes by Press et al. 1989).
!c **********************************************************************
      implicit none
      integer :: n
      real, dimension(n) :: a, b, c, r, u, gam
      integer :: i, j
      real    :: bet
!      if ( b(1) .eq. 0. ) pause
      if ( b(1) .eq. 0. ) then 
           CALL wrf_error_fatal('subroutine tridag failed. Stop program')  !mchen
! If this happens then you should rewrite your equations as a set of
! order n-1, with u2 trivially eliminated.
      bet = b(1)
      u(1) = r(1) / bet

! Decomposition and forward substitution
      do j = 2, n
        gam(j) = c(j-1) / bet
        bet = b(j) - a(j) * gam(j)
!        if ( bet .eq. 0. ) pause
        if ( bet .eq. 0. ) then
           CALL wrf_error_fatal('subroutine tridag failed. Stop program')  !mchen

! Algorithm fails; see Numerical Recipes.
        u(j) = ( r(j) - a(j) * u(j-1) ) / bet
11    end do
! Backsubstitution
      do j = n - 1, 1, -1
        u(j) = u(j) - gam(j+1) * u(j+1)
12    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine qftsts ( nv, nv1, ib, as_in, u0, f0, & 1,3
     &                    ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt, &
     &                    ffu,ffd )
!c **********************************************************************
!c The generalized two stream approximation for nonhomgeneous atmospheres
!c in  the  solar  wavelengths.  The  input  parameters are those through
!c 'para.file', through argument of 'qftsts' and through common statement
!c 'dfsin' and 'gtslog'.
!c **********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      integer, intent(in) :: ib
      real, intent(in)    :: as_in, u0, f0
      real, intent(in), dimension(nv)  :: ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4, ww, tt
      real, dimension(nv)              :: w1, w2, w3, w, t, u0a, f0a
      real, intent(out), dimension(nv1) :: ffu, ffd
      real, dimension(nv) :: lamdan, gamman, caddn, cminn,  &
     &                         caddn0, cminn0, aa, bb, expn, g1g2n
      integer :: n, m, k, i
      real    :: ee, asbs, fw3, xx, yy(nv)

      n = nv
      m = nv1
      ee = 0.0
      asbs = as_in
      call adjust ( nv,nv1,ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt,w1,w2,w3,w,t )
      do i = 1, n
        u0a(i) = u0
        f0a(i) = f0
5     end do
      call qccgts ( nv,nv1,ib, asbs, ee,  &
     &             w1,w2,w3,w,t,u0a,f0a, &
     &             lamdan,gamman,caddn,cminn, &
     &             caddn0,cminn0,aa,bb,expn,g1g2n )
      fw3 = u0 * 3.1415927 * f0
      do k = 1, nv
        yy(k) = exp(-t(k)/u0)
      xx = aa(1) * expn(1)
      ffu(1) = xx + gamman(1) * bb(1) + caddn0(1)
      ffd(1) = gamman(1) * xx + bb(1) + cminn0(1) + fw3
      do i = 2, m
        k = i - 1
        xx = bb(k) * expn(k)
        ffu(i) = aa(k) + gamman(k) * xx + caddn(k)
        ffd(i) = gamman(k) * aa(k) + xx + cminn(k) + fw3 * yy(k)
10    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine qftits ( nv, nv1, ib, as_in, f0, u0,     &,3
     &                    ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt, &
     &                    ffu,ffd )
!c **********************************************************************
!c The exponential approximation for the Planck function in optical depth
!c is used for the infrared ( Fu, 1991). Since the direct solar radiation
!c source has an exponential function form in terms of optical depth, the
!c formulation of generalized two stream approximation for infrared  wave
!c lengths is the same as that for solar wavelengths. 
!c The generalized two stream approximation for nonhomgeneous atmospheres
!c in the infrared wavelengths.  The  input  parameters are those through
!c 'para.file', through argument of 'qftits' and through common statement
!c 'dfsin', 'gtslog', and 'planci'.
!c **********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      integer, intent(in)    :: ib
      real, intent(in)       :: as_in
      real, dimension(nv)  :: f0, u0
      real, intent(in), dimension(nv)  :: ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4, ww, tt
      real, dimension(nv)              :: w1, w2, w3, w, t, u0a, f0a
      real, intent(out), dimension(nv1) :: ffu, ffd
      real, dimension(nv) :: lamdan, gamman, caddn, cminn,  &
     &                         caddn0, cminn0, aa, bb, expn, g1g2n
      integer :: n, m, k, i
      real    :: asbs, fw3, xx, yy(nv), t0, q1, q2, deltau
      real    :: ee, bf(nv1), bs

      n = nv
      m = nv1
      asbs = bs * ee
      call adjust ( nv,nv1,ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt,w1,w2,w3,w,t ) 
      t0 = 0.0
      do i = 1, n
        q1 = alog ( bf(i+1) / bf(i) )
! -- change by Yu Gu, 11/13/01
        deltau = t(i) -t0
        if (deltau .lt. 1.e-12) deltau = 1.e-12
        q2 = 1.0 / deltau
!         q2 = 1.0 / ( t(i) - t0 )
! --change over

        f0(i) = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - w(i) ) * bf(i)
        if ( abs(q1) .le. 1.0e-10 ) then
          u0(i) = - 1.0e+10 / q2
          u0(i) = - 1.0 / ( q1 * q2 )
        t0 = t(i)
3     end do
      call qccgts ( nv,nv1,ib, asbs, ee,  &
     &              w1,w2,w3,w,t,u0a,f0a, &
     &             lamdan,gamman,caddn,cminn, &
     &             caddn0,cminn0,aa,bb,expn,g1g2n ) 
      xx = aa(1) * expn(1)
      ffu(1) = xx + gamman(1) * bb(1) + caddn0(1)
      ffd(1) = gamman(1) * xx + bb(1) + cminn0(1) 
      do i = 2, m
        k = i - 1
        xx = bb(k) * expn(k)
        ffu(i) = aa(k) + gamman(k) * xx + caddn(k)
        ffd(i) = gamman(k) * aa(k) + xx + cminn(k)
10    end do
      end subroutine

      subroutine qftisf ( nv, nv1, ib, ee, bf, bs, & 1,4
     &                    ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4, ww, tt, &
     &                    ffu, ffd )
!c **********************************************************************
!c In this subroutine, the two- and four- stream combination  scheme  or
!c the source function technique (Toon et al. 1989) is used to calculate
!c the IR radiative fluxes. The exponential approximation for the Planck
!c function in optical depth is used ( Fu, 1991).
!c At IR wavelengths, the two-stream results are not exact in the limit 
!c of no scattering. It also introduces large error in the case of sca-
!c ttering. Since the no-scattering limit is of considerable significance
!c at IR wavelengths, we have used  the source function technique  that
!c would be exact in the limit of the pure absorption and would also en-
!c hance the accuracy of the two-stream approach when scattering occurs
!c in the IR wavelengths.
!c Here, we use nq Gauss points to obtain the fluxes: when nq=2, we use
!c double Gaussian quadrature as in Fu and Liou (1993) for  four-stream
!c approximation; when nq = 3, we use the regular Gauss quadrature  but
!c u1*w1+u2*w2+u3*w3=1.0.
!c **********************************************************************
!# include "para.file"
      USE control_para, only: quadra
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
	  integer, parameter :: nq = 2 
      integer :: ib
      real    :: ee, bf(nv1), bs
      real, dimension(nv) :: ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4, ww, tt
      real, dimension(nv) :: w1, w2, w3, w, t, u0, f0
      real, dimension(nv1) :: ffu, ffd
      real, dimension(nv) :: lamdan, gamman, caddn, cminn, &
                               caddn0, cminn0, aa, bb, expn, g1g2n
      real, dimension(nv) :: fuq1, fuq2, fg, fh, fj, fk
      real, dimension(nv1,nq) :: fiu, fid
      integer :: n, m, i, j, i1
      real    :: ugts1, asbs, t0, q1, q2, deltau, xgy, x, y1, y, z, &
     &           xx, yy, tempugbeta, tempxxp1, tempxxm1, ugbeta
      real    :: alfa(nv+1), beta(nv)
      real    :: fx(nv,nq), fy(nv), fz1(nv,nq), fz2(nv,nq)
      real    :: ug(nq), wg(nq), ugwg(nq)
!c	data ug / 0.238619, 0.661209, 0.932469 /
!c	data wg / 0.467914, 0.360762, 0.171324 /
!c       data ugwg / 0.109475, 0.233886, 0.156639 /
 	data ug / 0.2113248, 0.7886752 /
 	data wg / 0.5, 0.5 /
 	data ugwg / 0.105662, 0.394338 /
      if ( quadra ) then
        ugts1 = 0.57735
        ugts1 = 0.5
      n = nv
      m = nv1
      asbs = bs * ee
      call adjust ( nv,nv1,ww1,ww2,ww3,ww4,ww,tt,w1,w2,w3,w,t ) 
      t0 = 0.0
      do i = 1, n
        q1 = alog ( bf(i+1) / bf(i) )
! -- change by Yu Gu, 11/13/01
        deltau = t(i) -t0
        if (deltau .lt. 1.e-12) deltau = 1.e-12
        q2 = 1.0 / deltau
!          q2 = 1.0 / ( t(i) - t0 )
! --change over

        f0(i) = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - w(i) ) * bf(i)
        if ( abs(q1) .le. 1.0e-10 ) then
          u0(i) = - 1.0e+10 / q2
          u0(i) = - 1.0 / ( q1 * q2 )
        t0 = t(i)
        beta(i) = - 1.0 / u0(i)
      call qccgts ( nv,nv1,ib, asbs, ee,  &
     &             w1,w2,w3,w,t,u0,f0, &
     &             lamdan,gamman,caddn,cminn, &
     &             caddn0,cminn0,aa,bb,expn,g1g2n )
      do i = 1, n
! --- change by Yu Gu, 11/15/01; changed back in 3.5
        xgy = lamdan(i)*lamdan(i) - beta(i) * beta(i)
       if (abs(xgy).lt.1.e-4) then
         if ( xgy = 1.e-4
         if ( xgy = -1.e-4
!      if(abs(xgy).le.1.e-4) xgy = 1.e-4   !mchen
        x = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - w(i) ) * w(i) / xgy
!          x = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - w(i) ) * w(i) / ( lamdan(i) *
!     &         lamdan(i) - beta(i) * beta(i) )
! -- change over

        y1 = w1(i) / 3.0
        y = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - w(i) * y1 )
        z = -y1 * beta(i)
        fuq1(i) = x * ( y - z ) + 1.0 - w(i)
        fuq2(i) = x * ( y + z ) + 1.0 - w(i)
      do i = 1, n + 1
        alfa(i) = 6.2832 * bf(i)
      x = 1.0 / ugts1
      do i = 1, n
        y = gamman(i) * ( x + lamdan(i) )
        z = x - lamdan(i)
        fg(i) = aa(i) * z
        fh(i) = bb(i) * y
        fj(i) = aa(i) * y
        fk(i) = bb(i) * z
      do j = 1, nq
        fid(1,j) = 0.0
      do j = 1, nq
        t0 = 0.0
        do i = 2, nv1
          i1 = i - 1
          fx(i1,j) = exp ( - ( t(i1) - t0 ) / ug(j) )
          fy(i1) = expn(i1)
          xx = lamdan(i1) * ug(j)
! --change by Yu Gu, 12/04/01
          tempugbeta = ug(j) * beta(i1) + 1.0
          tempxxp1 = xx + 1.0
          tempxxm1 = xx - 1.0
          if (tempugbeta.eq.0.) tempugbeta = 1.e-4
          if (tempxxp1.eq.0.) tempxxp1 = 1.e-4
          if (tempxxm1.eq.0.) tempxxm1 = 1.e-4

!        if (tempugbeta.eq.0.) tempugbeta = 0.0001
!        if (tempugbeta.eq.0.) tempugbeta = 1.e-4
! - change over
!           fz1(i1,j) = ( 1.0 - fx(i1,j) * fy(i1) ) / ( xx + 1.0 )
!           fz2(i1,j) = ( fx(i1,j) - fy(i1) ) / ( xx - 1.0 )
          fz1(i1,j) = ( 1.0 - fx(i1,j) * fy(i1) ) / ( tempxxp1 )
          fz2(i1,j) = ( fx(i1,j) - fy(i1) ) / ( tempxxm1 )

          fid(i,j) = fid(i1,j) * fx(i1,j) + fj(i1) * fz1(i1,j) + &
     &                fk(i1) * fz2(i1,j) + &
     &                1.0  / ( tempugbeta ) * &
!     &                1.0  / ( ug(j) * beta(i1) + 1.0 ) *
     &                ( alfa(i) - alfa(i1) * fx(i1,j) ) * fuq2(i1)
!-- test
!        if (abs(fid(i,j)).gt.1000.) then
!               write(0,*) 'i,j,fid=',i,j,fid(i,j)
!               write(0,*) 'tau b4 adjust=',tt 
!               write(0,*) 'tau=',t 
!               write(0,*) 'fx=', fx
!               write(0,*) 'fj=', fj
!               write(0,*) 'fz1=', fz1
!               write(0,*) 'fk=', fk
!               write(0,*) 'fz2=', fz2
!               write(0,*) 'tempugbeta=', tempugbeta 
!               write(0,*) 'ug=', ug 
!               write(0,*) 'beta=', beta 
!               write(0,*) 'alfa=', alfa 
!               write(0,*) 'fuq2=', fuq2 
!         endif

          t0 = t(i1)
      yy = 0.0
      do j = 1, nq
        yy = yy + ugwg(j) * fid(nv1,j)
      xx = yy * ( 1.0 - ee ) * 2.0 + 6.2831854 * ee * bs
      do j = 1, nq
        fiu(nv1,j) = xx
      do j = 1, nq
        do i = nv1 - 1, 1, -1
! -- change by Yu Gu, 11/15/01
          ugbeta = ug(j)*beta(i)
          if (ugbeta.eq.1.) ugbeta = 1.0001
! -- change over

          fiu(i,j) = fiu(i+1,j) * fx(i,j) + fg(i) * fz2(i,j) + &
         &           fh(i) * fz1(i,j) + &
! -- change by Yu Gu, 11/15/01
!     &                1.0 / ( ug(j) * beta(i) - 1.0 ) *
         &           1.0 / ( ugbeta - 1.0 ) * &
! -- change over
         &           ( alfa(i+1) * fx(i,j) - alfa(i) ) * fuq1(i)
!-- test
!        if (abs(fiu(i,j)).gt.1000.) then
!               write(0,*) 'i,j,fiu=',i,j,fiu(i,j)
!               write(0,*) 'fx=', fx
!               write(0,*) 'fg=', fg
!               write(0,*) 'fz1=', fz1
!               write(0,*) 'fh=', fh
!               write(0,*) 'fz2=', fz2
!               write(0,*) 'ugbeta=', ugbeta 
!               write(0,*) 'alfa=', alfa 
!               write(0,*) 'fuq1=', fuq1 
!         endif
      do i = 1, nv1
        ffu(i) = 0.0
        ffd(i) = 0.0
      do i = 1, nv1
        do j = 1, nq
          ffu(i) = ffu(i) + ugwg(j) * fiu(i,j)
          ffd(i) = ffd(i) + ugwg(j) * fid(i,j)
      end subroutine
!c 11/4/95 (end)


      subroutine atau_spline_iaform3(wli,aoti,aotf,wlf,irh,itp) 1,3
	  USE aot_spect_5, wlo2=>wlo
!    USE aot_spect_25, wlo2=>wlo
!	parameter(nsub=5 ,nfuo=15,nwo=nsub*nfuo)
!    common /aot_spect_5/  wlo2(5,15) , hkas(5,15) ,sflx (5,15)
!	parameter(nsub=25,nfuo=15 ,nwo=nsub*nfuo)
!	common /aot_spect_25/ wlo2(25,15) , hkas(25,15) ,sflx (25,15)  !!! Higer resolution Convolution
      implicit none
      integer                    :: irh,itp
      real, dimension(mxat)      :: aoti, wli
      real, dimension(nwo)       :: aoto, wlo
      real, dimension(nsub,nfuo) :: aoto2
      real, dimension(15)        :: aotf, wlf
      integer :: ii, jj, kk, i, j
      real    :: zord

!	wlo = reshape(wlo2,(/nwo/))
      do jj=1,nfuo
        do ii=1,nsub
          wlo(kk) = wlo2(ii,jj)

      call aot_ext &
     &   (aoti,wli,wlo,aoto,irh,itp)

!	aoto2 = reshape(aoto,(/5,15/))
      do jj=1,nfuo
        do ii=1,nsub

      wlf=0.0 ; aotf =0.0
      zord = 0.0
      do j=1,nfuo
        do i = 1,nsub
          wlf(j) =  wlf(j)+  wlo2(i,j) * hkas(i,j)
          aotf(j)= aotf(j)+ aoto2(i,j) * hkas(i,j)
          zord = zord + sflx (i,j)*exp(-aoto2(i,j)) 

!-  WRITE OUT interpolated AOTs
!	do i=1,nwo
!	write(11) d1,d2,wlo(i),aoto(i),float(irec),log(wlo(i)),log(aoto(i)),float(ityp)
!	enddo
!	print'(A6,f10.3, 3i4)','FLUX= ',zord ,nsub,ityp,irh
	end subroutine

      subroutine aot_ext (aotin,wlin,wlo,aoto,irh,ityp) 1,10
      USE control_para, nwin=>n_atau
      USE opac_ext, wlopac=>wl, datopac=>edat
      USE mineral_ext, wlt=>wl, datt=>dat
      USE dalm_ext, wld=>wl, datd=>dat
      implicit none

      integer                   :: irh,ityp
      real ,dimension(mxat)     :: aotin,wlin
!      real ,allocatable,dimension(-100:100) :: aoti,wlix
      real ,dimension(-100:100) :: aoti,wlix
      real ,dimension(nwo)      :: aoto,wlo
      real ,dimension(24)       :: wlp,extp
      integer :: idtl, nes, nel, nb, nwi, iend, i, nq
      integer :: ne = 24
      real :: ext_norm1, ext_norm0

!    common /dalm_ext/    wld(24) ,datd(24,8,3)
!    common /mineral_ext/ wlt(24) ,datt(24,4:8)
!    common /opac_ext/ wlopac(24) ,datopac(24,8,9:18) 
! Wavelength MICRONS
! wlix,aoti = Monotonicly increasing

	  if ( ityp >= 1 .and. ityp <=3 )then ! d'Almedia
	    wlp  = wld
	    extp = datd(1:24,irh,ityp)
	  elseif ( ityp >=4 .and. ityp <= 8) then ! Tegen&Lacis
	    wlp  = wlt
	    extp = datt(1:24,ityp)
	  elseif ( ityp >=9 .and. ityp <= 18) then ! OPAC 
	    wlp  = wlopac
	    if (ityp==10 .or. ityp==12 .or.ityp==13 .or.ityp==18 ) then
	      extp = datopac(1:24,irh,ityp)
	      extp = datopac(1:24,  1,ityp)
           CALL wrf_error_fatal('Bad Aerosol type. Stop program')  !mchen

!     wavelength-dependent parameters
        ! nes=-3; nel=19                 ! 1 chan @ 500nm
        if(wlin(1)<=.325.or.wlin(1)>=.675) &
     &      CALL wrf_error_fatal('OUT OF ALLOWABLE ARANGE. STOP program')  !mchen
        if(idtl==3) nes=nes-1  ! OPAC starts at 0.25um instead of 0.30
        ! print*,'NES NEL',nes,nel,wlin(1)
        if(idtl==1)then         !  >= 2um long d'Almedia
        elseif(idtl==2)then    !  >= 2um long Tegin&Lacis
        elseif(idtl==3)then    !  >= 2um long OPAC

	  nb   = ne+1-nel
	  nwi  = nwin+nel-nes+1
	  iend = nwin+nel
!	print*, icall,'in AOTEXT',nes,iend

!	if ( allocated (aoti) ) deallocate ( aoti )
!	allocate( aoti(nes:iend) )

!	if ( allocated (wlix) ) deallocate ( wlix)
!	allocate(  wlix(nes:iend) )
!	if(icall == 2) stop

	  wlix(1:nwin) =wlin(1:nwin)

      LONGSIDE: do i=1,ne
          ext_norm1=rlnintrp(wlp(i),wlp(i+1),extp(i),extp(i+1), &
         &                                          wlix(nwin))

!	 print*,dy,dx,dx1,yy,ext_norm1
          exit LONGSIDE
      enddo LONGSIDE
!C--- change by Yu Gu
 	 !wlix(nwin+1:nwi) = wlp(nb:ne)
	!aoti(nwin+1:nwi) = aoti(nwin)*(extp(nb:ne)/ext_norm1)
!C-- change over

        ! print*,1,wlix(1),aoti(1)
        SHORTSIDE: do i=1,ne
            ext_norm0= rlnintrp( wlp(i),wlp(i+1), &
     &                 extp(i),extp(i+1),wlix(1))
            ! print*,dy,dx,dx1,yy,ext_norm0
            exit SHORTSIDE
        enddo SHORTSIDE
!	print'(a18,40f7.3)','Wavelength input= ',wlix(nes:iend)
!	print'(a18,40f7.3)','       AOT input= ',aoti(nes:iend)

!	do i=nes,iend
!	write(10) d1,d2,wlix(i),aoti(i),float(irec),log(wlix(i)),log(aoti(i)),float(ityp)
!	enddo

	  call aotspline(nwi,aoti(nes:iend),wlix(nes:iend),nwo,wlo,aoto)

!	print'(a18,500f7.3)','Wavelength Out= ',wlo
!	print'(a18,500f7.3)','       AOT Out= ',aoto

	  end subroutine

      real function rlnintrp(x1,x2,y1,y2, x) 2
      implicit none
      real :: x, x1, x2, y1, y2, dx, dy, dx1, yy
      dx= log(x2) - log(x1)
      dy= log(y2) - log(y1)
      dx1=log(x)  - log(x1)
      yy= (dy/dx) * dx1
      rlnintrp = exp(log(y1)+yy) 
      end function

      subroutine aotspline(nwi,aoti,wli,nwo,wlo,aoto) 1,2
      implicit none
      integer :: nwi, nwo
      real ,dimension(nwi)  :: aoti,wli
      real ,dimension(nwi+1):: xa,ya,y2a
      real ,dimension(nwo)  :: aoto,wlo,aa
      integer :: nwi2, iwo
      real    :: x, y
      real    :: yp1 = 1.0E+32, ypn = 1.0E+32

      xa(1)=log(1.0E-6) !; xa(nwi2)=log(1.0E+6) !TENSION
      ya(1)=0           !; ya(nwi2)= ya(nwi+1)!TENSION      

      call spline(xa,ya,nwi2,yp1,ypn,y2a)

      do iwo = 1,nwo
        call splint(xa,ya,y2a,nwi2,x,y)

      end subroutine

      real function alphav(aot1,aot2,wl1,wl2)
      implicit none
      real :: aot1, aot2, wl1, wl2, ar, wr
      ar= aot1/aot2
      wr= wl1/wl2
      alphav = - log(ar)/ log(wr)
      end function

      SUBROUTINE spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2) 4
      implicit none
      INTEGER :: n
      REAL    :: yp1,ypn,x(n),y(n),y2(n)
      INTEGER :: i,k
      REAL    :: p,qn,sig,un,u(500)
      if ( then
      do i=2,n-1
        u(i)=(6.*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)- &
     &        x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1))/(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))- &
     &        sig*u(i-1))/p
11    end do
      if ( then
      do k=n-1,1,-1
12    end do
!C  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software .

      SUBROUTINE splint(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y) 1,1
      implicit none
      INTEGER :: n
      REAL    :: x,y,xa(n),y2a(n),ya(n)
      INTEGER :: k,khi,klo
      REAL    :: a,b,h
      do while (
      end do
      if (h.eq.0.)  CALL wrf_error_fatal('bad xa input in splint. STOP program')  !mchen
      y=a*ya(klo)+b*ya(khi)+((a**3-a)*y2a(klo)+(b**3-b)*y2a(khi))*(h** &
     &  2)/6.
      END subroutine

!C  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software .

      SUBROUTINE polint(xa,ya,n,x,y,dy),2
      implicit none
      INTEGER :: n
      REAL    :: dy,x,y,xa(n),ya(n)
      INTEGER :: i,m,ns
      REAL    :: den,dif,dift,ho,hp,w,c(10),d(10)
      do i=1,n
        if ( then
11    end do
      do m=1,n-1
        do i=1,n-m
          if(den.eq.0.)  CALL wrf_error_fatal('failure in polint. STOP program')  !mchen
12      end do
        if (2*
13    end do
!C  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software .


      subroutine ql_rh(rh,tl,pl,ql) 1,1
      implicit none
      real :: rh, tl, pl, ql
      real :: es, ws
!      rh (0-100)
!      tl (K)
!      pl (mb)
!      q (g/g)

      rh= ql/ws *100.
      end subroutine

      real function satvap(temp2) 2
      implicit none
      real :: temp2, temp, toot, toto, eilog, tsot,  &
     &        ewlog, ewlog2, ewlog3, ewlog4
      temp = temp2-273.155
      if ( then   !!!! ice saturation
        toot = 273.16 / temp2
        toto = 1 / toot
        eilog = -9.09718 * (toot - 1) - 3.56654 * (log(toot) / &
     &    log(10.)) + .876793 * (1 - toto) + (log(6.1071) / log(10.))
        satvap = 10 ** eilog
        tsot = 373.16 / temp2
        ewlog = -7.90298 * (tsot - 1) + 5.02808 * &
     &             (log(tsot) / log(10.))
        ewlog2 = ewlog - 1.3816e-07 * &
     &             (10 ** (11.344 * (1 - (1 / tsot))) - 1)
        ewlog3 = ewlog2 + .0081328 * &
     &             (10 ** (-3.49149 * (tsot - 1)) - 1)
        ewlog4 = ewlog3 + (log(1013.246) / log(10.))
        satvap = 10 ** ewlog4
      end if
      end function

      subroutine aerosol_init(nv,nv1,pp,pt,ph,po,dz, & 2,15
                              a_tau1,a_ssa1,a_asy1,  &
                              a_tau2,a_ssa2,a_asy2,  &
                              a_wlis,a_taus,aprofs   &
!c                        8/14/95, 4/1/97 , 2/10/2000
!c  **********************************************************************
!c  Subroutine to create aerosol optical properties.  There are several
!c  inputs and 6 outputs.  
!c    a_tau(nwi) :  The input column aerosol optical depth
!c    (real)           (common block "aer_tau" - see header file).
!c    a_wli(nwi) :  Wavelength in microns corresponding to aerosol tau in "a_tau"
!c    aprof(# layers): The input aerosol optical depth profile - LAYERS
!c    (real)           (common block "aer_prof").
!c    itp:       Aerosol type, given in header file rad_0598.h.
!c    ifg:       The table will compute vertical distributions based on
!c    (integer)  relative humidity (see explanation below).  If ifg is
!c               set to 0, each layer will have properties calculated
!c               based on the relative humidity of that layer.  If ifg
!c               is set equal to another integer (1 through the number of
!c               relative humidities given in the block data "aerosol")
!c               the routine will calculate a vertical profile of optical
!c               properties based on the relative humidity corresponding
!c               to the index given.  The indices are: 1: 0%; 2: 50%;
!c               3: 70%; 4: 80%; 5:90%; 6: 95%; 7: 98%; and 8: 99%.
!c               If the number of relative humidities changes, these
!c               numbers will have to be modified.
!c    ivd:       Vertical tau distribution flag.  If set to zero, the 
!c               distribution is based on Jim Spinhirne's marine 
!c               distribution formulation, and no user input is required.  
!c               If set to one, the user's own vertical distribution is 
!c               used, and must be present in the array aprof(nlayers).
!c               NOTE: This vertical distribution is used as a weighting 
!c               factor ONLY, to distribute input column optical depths!
!c    a_ssa, a_ext, a_asy:  Input single-scattering albedos, extinction
!c           coefficients, and asymmetry parameters.  These variables 
       !c           are dimensioned (# of bands, # of relative humidities, &
!c           # of aerosol types). An x or y is appended on these 
!c           variable names: if x, the numbers correspond to the 18 
!c           original bands.  If y, the numbers are for the 10 
!c           sub-intervals in the first shortwave band (.2-.7 microns).  
!c           All of these variables come from the block data statements 
!c           aerosol# (# corresponds to an integer, eg. aerosol1) and 
!c           are in common blocks aer_optx and aer_opty.
!c    nv,mb,pp,pt,ph,dz: number of layers, number of bands, and the
!c           pressure, temperature, humidity and thickness profiles.
!c           These are shared by several subroutines.
!c    OUTPUTS:
       !c    a_tau1,a_ssa1,a_asy1:  The optical depth, single-scattering albedo, &
!c       and asymmetry parameter vertical profiles for 18 bands.  These
!c       are dimensioned (nvx, 18)  These are in the common block
!c       aer_initx, which is shared by the subroutine "aerosolx".  
!c    a_tau2,a_ssa2,a_asy2:  Properties for SW band 1's 10 subintervals.  
!c       These are dimensioned (nvx, 10)  These are in the common block
!c       aer_inity, which is shared by the subroutine "aerosoly".  
!c  **********************************************************************
!c      USE RadParams
!# include "para.file"
      USE control_para
      USE aerosol1
      USE aerosol2
!c	include 'para.file'
!c##      include 'rad_0698.h'
!c	implicit none
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1            
      real, dimension(nv1) :: pp, pt, ph, po
      real    :: dz(nv)
      integer :: iq,mtop,n,m,ict,ix,iy,irh,krh,iac,itp
!      real, dimension(mbx,nrh,naer) :: a_ssax,a_extx,a_asyx
!      real, dimension(mby,nrh,naer) :: a_ssay,a_exty,a_asyy

      real, dimension(nvx)          :: tauxxx
      real, dimension(nvx,mbx,mxac) :: a_tau1,a_ext1,a_ssa1,a_asy1
      real, dimension(nvx,mby,mxac) :: a_tau2,a_ext2,a_ssa2,a_asy2

      real ,dimension(nvx)          :: taux1,taux2,rh,ht,rhp
      real                          :: sumxxx

      real,dimension(mxat)          :: a_wli,a_tau
      real,dimension(nvx)           :: aprof
      real,dimension(nvx,mbx)       :: wvd_x
      real,dimension(nvx,mby)       :: wvd_y

      real :: p1,h1,z,sig,tp
      real :: rhx(nrh) = (/0.,50.,70.,80.,90.,95.,98.,99./)
      real :: wts(4) = (/.23015,.28274,.25172,.23539/)
      real :: tau3(2),tau3y(4)
      real :: aotf(15),wlf(15),sump,rirh
!      real, external :: spinhirne_sig, spinhirne_tau
!      real :: spinhirne_sig, spinhirne_tau

      real,dimension(mxat,mxac) :: a_wlis,a_taus      
      real,dimension(nvx,mxac)  :: aprofs
!c  Initialize.

	  rh     = -9999.
	  a_ssa1 = 0. ; a_ext1 = 0. ; a_asy1 = 0. ; a_tau1 = 0.
	  a_ssa2 = 0. ; a_ext2 = 0. ; a_asy2 = 0. ; a_tau2 = 0.

      if (n_atau<0 .or.n_atau>mxat) CALL wrf_error_fatal('errro in Aerosol Tau / Wavelengths. STOP program')  !mchen 
      if (ifg < 0 .or. ifg > 8) CALL wrf_error_fatal('Error in ifg: Aerosol RH% Flag. STOP program')  !mchen
      AEROSOL_CONSTITUENTS : do iac = 1,mxac
      if (itps(iac).eq.1) then

        a_wli(1:n_atau) = a_wlis(1:n_atau,iac)
        a_tau(1:n_atau) = a_taus(1:n_atau,iac)
        aprof(1:nv) = aprofs(1:nv,iac)
        itp = iac
        if ( itp < 1 .or. itp > naer ) CALL wrf_error_fatal('Error in itp: bad Aerosol type. STOP program')  !mchen
!      print*,'CONSTITUENTS',iac,itp

! FOR Aerosol Optical Properties types that are constant with RH       
        if (itp==1  .or. itp==2 .or. itp==3 .or. &
       &      itp==10 .or. itp==12 .or.itp==13 .or. itp==18 ) then
!!       Has already been filled in Block data 
          do krh=2,8
            a_extx(1:mbx,krh,itp)= a_extx(1:mbx,1,itp)
            a_ssax(1:mbx,krh,itp)= a_ssax(1:mbx,1,itp)
            a_asyx(1:mbx,krh,itp)= a_asyx(1:mbx,1,itp)

            a_exty(1:mby,krh,itp)= a_exty(1:mby,1,itp)
            a_ssay(1:mby,krh,itp)= a_ssay(1:mby,1,itp)
            a_asyy(1:mby,krh,itp)= a_asyy(1:mby,1,itp)

!	if ( ifg .ne.0) print*,'CHECK',ifg,itp,a_ssax(1:mbx,ifg,itp)

!c  ******************************************************************
!c  Calculate heights at center of layer - find highest layer to place
!c  aerosols (15 km) - calculate relative humidities of each layer as
!c  needed.  Values of RH > 99% will be set equal to 99% to make table
!c  lookup easier. "mtop" is the highest aerosol layer.
!c  ******************************************************************
        do while (iq.eq.0 .and.
          if ( then
          call ql_rh(rh(m),tp,p1,h1) 
          if (rh(m).gt.98.9) rh(m)=98.9
          if ((rh(m).lt..01).and.(rh(m).gt.-999.)) rh(m)=0.
        end do

!c  *************************************************************
!c  Calculate vertical distribution of asymmetry, ss albedo and
!c  extinction, based on aerosol type and relative humidity.  
!c  If ifg is not equal to 0, parameters  will corresponds to a 
!c  single RH, as described in header file. Loop 31 deals with 
!c  the 18 original bands, loop 32 with the 10 band 1 subintervals.
!c  *************************************************************
        do m=mtop,nv
          do n=1,mbx
            if (rh(m).eq.-9999.) then
              if (ifg.eq.0) then          ! Dependence on layer RH.
                do while (rh(m).ge.rhx(ict))
                end do
                a_ext1(m,n,iac)=a_extx(n,ict-1,itp)+(rh(m)-rhx(ict-1))/ &
       &   (rhx(ict)-rhx(ict-1))*(a_extx(n,ict,itp)-a_extx(n,ict-1,itp))
                a_ssa1(m,n,iac)=a_ssax(n,ict-1,itp)+(rh(m)-rhx(ict-1))/ &
       &   (rhx(ict)-rhx(ict-1))*(a_ssax(n,ict,itp)-a_ssax(n,ict-1,itp))
                a_asy1(m,n,iac)=a_asyx(n,ict-1,itp)+(rh(m)-rhx(ict-1))/ &
       &   (rhx(ict)-rhx(ict-1))*(a_asyx(n,ict,itp)-a_asyx(n,ict-1,itp))
                rhp(m) = rh(m)
              else                        ! Dependence on prescribed RH.
          end do
          do n=1,mby
            if (rh(m).eq.-9999.) then
              if (ifg.eq.0) then          ! Dependence on layer RH.
                do while (rh(m).ge.rhx(ict))
                end do
                a_ext2(m,n,iac)=a_exty(n,ict-1,itp)+(rh(m)-rhx(ict-1))/ &
       &   (rhx(ict)-rhx(ict-1))*(a_exty(n,ict,itp)-a_exty(n,ict-1,itp))
                a_ssa2(m,n,iac)=a_ssay(n,ict-1,itp)+(rh(m)-rhx(ict-1))/ &
       &   (rhx(ict)-rhx(ict-1))*(a_ssay(n,ict,itp)-a_ssay(n,ict-1,itp))
                a_asy2(m,n,iac)=a_asyy(n,ict-1,itp)+(rh(m)-rhx(ict-1))/ &
       &   (rhx(ict)-rhx(ict-1))*(a_asyy(n,ict,itp)-a_asyy(n,ict-1,itp))
              else                        ! Dependence on prescribed RH.
          end do

        end do

!c  ******************************************************************
!c  Vertical distribution of aerosol optical depths - CAGEX and CERES.
!c       --------------------------------------------------------------
!c       Use Spinhirne's vertical distribution of scattering properties 
!c       to calculate vertical distribution of optical depths.  The  
!c       distribution gives a scattering coefficient ("sig"). Use this,  
!c       along with the single-scattering albedo, to produce an  
!c       RH-dependent extinction coefficient (extx, exty, etc.), from  
!c       which optical depth is calculated (taux, tauy, etc.).  This  
!c       optical depth is summed (sum1, sumy2, sum, etc.) to give  
!c       column tau for weighting purposes.
!c       --------------------------------------------------------------

        select case (ivd) 
        case default
          CALL wrf_error_fatal('ivd : Aerosol Profile flag. STOP program')  !mchen
        case (0)  !! DEFAULT VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION Spinhirne


          do  m=mtop,nv
            sig = spinhirne_sig( ht(m)) 
            tauxxx(m) = spinhirne_tau(sig,a_ssa2(m,9,iac),dz(m)) 
            sumxxx   = sumxxx + tauxxx(m)
!            print*,m,sig,a_ssa2(m,9,iac)

          do m=mtop,nv
            tauxxx(m) = tauxxx(m)  / sumxxx
!!!       aprofs(m,iac) = tauxxx(m) !! See what the Sphinhirne profiles look like

! ----------------------------------------------------------------
        case (1:2)   ! USER'S OWN VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION IVD=1 & 2
          sump =   sum( aprof(mtop:nv) )
          tauxxx(mtop:nv)= aprof(mtop:nv) / sump 

          if(sump.eq.0.) CALL wrf_error_fatal('No VERTICAL Profile OF AEROSOL TAU. STOP program')  !mchen

        end select

!c  ********************************************************************
!c  IAFORM=2
!c  Distribute optical depth spectrally into the first 2 Fu-Liou bands.  
!c  Band 1 will consist of the first 4 MFRSR bands, weighted with 
!c  respect to energy.  Band two will be the fifth MFRSR band. 
!c  Also, distribute optical depths into 4 of the 10 band 1 subintervals.  
!c  Subinterval 7 is directly inserted, since there is one MFRSR 
!c  measurement within the range of this band.  Subintervals 7 and 8 
!c  straddle the .497 micron MFRSR measurement, so interpolated values 
!c  are inserted into these, using .409 and .497 measurements for 7, and 
!c  .497 and .606 for 8.  Subinterval 10 contains two MFRSR measurements, 
!c  so it is filled using an energy-weighted average.  This is all 
!c  hardwired, so we need all of the MFRSR bands (.409, .497, .606, and 
!c  .661) for it to work. (The .855 micron band is also needed, but not 
!c  for this interval distribution.
!c  ********************************************************************

        select case ( iaform )
        case default
          CALL wrf_error_fatal('iaform : Bad value of iaform . STOP program')  !mchen
        case(1)        ! CERES
!! No operations necessary

        case(2)        ! For CAGEX
          tau3(1)=a_tau(1)*wts(1)+a_tau(2)*wts(2)+ &
       &          a_tau(3)*wts(3)+a_tau(4)*wts(4)
          tau3y(1)=a_tau(1)      ! For subinterval 7 of 1st band (.409)
          tau3y(2)=a_tau(1)+.6705*(a_tau(2)-a_tau(1)) ! Subi 8 of band 1
          tau3y(3)=a_tau(2)+.4541*(a_tau(3)-a_tau(2)) ! Subi 9 of band 1
          tau3y(4)=a_tau(3)*.5175+a_tau(4)*.4825      ! Subi 10 of band 1
        case(3)        ! For AOT_SPLINEFIT
          if ( ifg == 0 ) then ! Find Aerosol weighted collumn mean RH index 
            do m =mtop,nv
              rirh = rirh + rhp(m)* tauxxx(m)  !! Aerosol Profile weighted mean RH
!       print*,m,rhp(m),tauxxx(m)

            irh =1
            do ix= 1,7
              if( rirh >= rhx(ix) .and. rirh < rhx(ix+1) ) irh=ix
            if( rirh >= rhx(8) ) irh =8

          else  ! Use assigned RH index
            irh = ifg

! Can't handle ZERO in Log interpolation
          where ( a_tau .lt. 1.0E-20) a_tau = 1.0E-20

          call atau_spline_iaform3(a_wli,a_tau,aotf,wlf,irh,itp)

!      write(22,'(a20,15f8.3)') 'AOT in Fu Bands',aotf(1:15)

!!! ( IAFORM==3) only
          do iy = 1,mby
            wvd_y(mtop:nv,iy)=tauxxx(mtop:nv) &
       &           *a_ext2(mtop:nv,iy,iac)/a_exty(iy,irh,itp)
            sump =   sum( wvd_y(mtop:nv,iy) )
            wvd_y(mtop:nv,iy) =  wvd_y(mtop:nv,iy) /sump

          do ix = 1,mbx
            wvd_x(mtop:nv,ix)=tauxxx(mtop:nv) &
       &           *a_ext1(mtop:nv,ix,iac)/a_extx(ix,irh,itp)
            sump =   sum( wvd_x(mtop:nv,ix) )
            wvd_x(mtop:nv,ix) =  wvd_x(mtop:nv,ix) /sump

        end select

! ----------------------------------------------------------------
!c       Use weighted optical depths  to distribute our input 
!c       column optical depths vertically and spectrally where needed.  
!c       For bands with "measured" input, we simply do the weighting.  
!c       For the remaining bands, we weight according to our vertically 
!c       distributed extinction coefficients (calculated in loop 30), 
!c       which carry all the spectral resolution we need.  a_tau1 is for 
!c       the 18 original bands, a_tau2 is for the 10 band 1 subintervals.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
        VERTICAL : do  m=mtop,nv

          select case ( iaform )
          case(1)       ! For CERES

            a_tau1(m,1,iac)   = a_tau(1) * tauxxx(m)
            a_tau1(m,2:18,iac)= a_tau1(m,1,iac)* &
     &                 a_ext1(m,2:18,iac)/a_ext1(m,1,iac)

            a_tau2(m,9,iac)  = a_tau(1) * tauxxx(m)

            a_tau2(m,1:10,iac)=a_tau2(m,9,iac)* &
     &               a_ext2(m,1:10,iac)/a_ext2(m,9,iac)

          case(2)        ! For CAGEX

            a_tau1(m,1:2,iac) = tau3(1:2) * tauxxx(m)
            a_tau1(m,3:18,iac)=a_tau1(m,2,iac)*  &
     &                a_ext1(m,3:18,iac)/a_ext1(m,2,iac)

            a_tau2(m,7:10,iac) = tau3y(1:4) * tauxxx(m)
            a_tau2(m,1:6,iac)  = a_tau2(m,7,iac)*  &
     &                a_ext2(m,1:6,iac)/a_ext2(m,7,iac)

          case(3)       ! For AOT_SPLINEFIT

!      a_tau2(m,1:10,iac) = aotf(1:10)  * tauxxx(m)
            a_tau2(m,1:10,iac) = aotf(1:10)  * wvd_y(m,1:10)
!      a_tau1(m,1,iac)    = aotf(9)     * tauxxx(m)
            a_tau1(m,1,iac)    = aotf(9)     * wvd_x(m,1)
!      a_tau1(m,2:6,iac)  = aotf(11:15) * tauxxx(m)
            a_tau1(m,2:6,iac)  = aotf(11:15) * wvd_x(m,2:6)
            a_tau1(m,7:18,iac) =a_tau1(m,2,iac)* &
     &                 a_ext1(m,7:18,iac)/a_ext1(m,2,iac)

          end select

!      print'(3I4,2f8.2,16f7.3)', m,iac,itp,dz(m),rh(m),
!     & (wvd_y(m,iy),iy=1,10),(wvd_x(m,ix),ix=1,6)

        enddo VERTICAL

!!!--- Diagnostic Output of Atau
!	do ii=1,10
!	xxx=0
!	 do jj=1,nv
!	 xxx =xxx+ a_tau2(jj,ii,iac)
!	 enddo
!	aotf(ii)=xxx
!	enddo

!	do ii=2,6
!	xxx=0
!	 do jj=1,nv
!	 xxx =xxx+ a_tau1(jj,ii,iac)
!	 enddo
!	aotf(9+ii)=xxx
!	enddo

!	write(22,'(a20,15f8.3)') 'AOT in Fu Bands',aotf(1:15)

      end if

      end subroutine


      subroutine aerosolxy ( nv, nv1, ib,cmode,a_tau1,a_ssa1,a_asy1,    & 1,2
                             a_tau2,a_ssa2,a_asy2,tae,wae,wwae &
!c *********************************************************************
!c                      Modified 2/14/00
       !c tae, wae, and wwae are the optical depth, single scattering albedo, &
!c and expansion coefficients of the phase function ( 1, 2, 3, and 4 )
!c due to the Mie scattering of aerosols for a given layer. 
!c  This subroutine is called for bands 2 - 18 (ib) 
!c  or vis subbands 1-10 (ig)
!c *********************************************************************
!c      USE RadParams
!# include "para.file"
        USE control_para
!c	include 'para.file'
      implicit none
      integer :: nv, nv1
      character*1 :: cmode
      integer     :: i,ib,iac
      real :: x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4
      real ,dimension(nvx,18,mxac) :: a_tau1,a_ssa1,a_asy1
      real ,dimension(nvx,10,mxac) :: a_tau2,a_ssa2,a_asy2
      real :: tae(nvx,mxac), wae(nvx,mxac), wwae(nvx,4,mxac)
      AEROSOL_CONSTITUENTS  : do iac=1,mxac
      if (itps(iac).eq.1) then

        LEVELS : do  i = 1, nv
          select case (cmode)
          case ('x')
            tae(i,iac) = a_tau1(i,ib,iac)
            wae(i,iac) = a_ssa1(i,ib,iac)
            x1         = a_asy1(i,ib,iac)
          case ('y')
            tae(i,iac) = a_tau2(i,ib,iac)
            wae(i,iac) = a_ssa2(i,ib,iac)
            x1         = a_asy2(i,ib,iac)
          end select

          x2 = x1 * x1
          x3 = x2 * x1
          x4 = x3 * x1
          y1 = 3.0 * x1
          y2 = 5.0 * x2
          y3 = 7.0 * x3
          y4 = 9.0 * x4
          wwae(i,1,iac) = y1
          wwae(i,2,iac) = y2
          wwae(i,3,iac) = y3
          wwae(i,4,iac) = y4

        enddo LEVELS
      end if

      end subroutine

      real function spinhirne_sig(ht) 1
      implicit none
      real :: ht
      real :: sig0 = 0.025 , &
     &        a    = 0.4   , &
     &        ap   = 2981.0, &
     &        b    = 1.6   , &
     &        bp   = 2.5   , &
     &        f    = 1.5e-7
      real t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6
         t1=  sig0*(1+a)**2
         t4 = f*(1+ap)**2

         t2 = exp(ht/b)
         t3 = (a+exp(ht/b))**2
         t5 = exp(ht/bp)
         t6 = (a+exp(ht/bp))**2
         spinhirne_sig=t1*t2/t3+t4*t5/t6   ! scattering coefficient
      end function spinhirne_sig

      real function spinhirne_tau(sig,ssa,dz) 1
      implicit none
      real sig, ssa, dz, ext
      ext = sig / ssa
      spinhirne_tau = ext / dz
      end function spinhirne_tau
! ************ end of subroutines **************!


      subroutine o3prof (iprof, kts, kte, p, o3) 2,1

      USE module_ozone
      implicit none

      integer iprof, kts, kte
      integer k, kk, ks, ke
       real p(kts:kte), o3(kts:kte), lp(kts:kte), lpres(np)
!     Statement function 
      real Linear, x1, y1, x2, y2, x
      Linear(x1, y1, x2, y2, x) =  &
            (y1 * (x2 - x) + y2 * (x - x1)) / (x2 - x1)
      do k = 1,np
        lpres(k) = alog(pres(k,iprof))
      do k = kts,kte
        lp(k) = alog(p(k))
      end do

      ks = kts
      ke = kte
      do while (lp(ke).le.lpres(1))
        o3(ke) = Linear (lpres(1), ozone(1,iprof),    &
                         lpres(2), ozone(2,iprof),    &
        if (o3(ke).lt.0.0) o3(ke) = 0.0
        ke = ke - 1
      end do
      do while (lp(ks).ge.lpres(np))
        o3(ks) = Linear (lpres(np), ozone(np,iprof),      &
                         lpres(np-1), ozone(np-1,iprof),  &
        if (o3(ks).lt.0.0) o3(ks) = 0.0
        ks = ks + 1
      end do
      kk = np
      do k = ks, ke
        do while (lp(k).lt.lpres(kk)
          kk = kk - 1
        end do
        o3(k) =  Linear (lpres(kk),   ozone(kk,iprof),    &
                         lpres(kk+1), ozone(kk+1,iprof),  &
      end do
      end subroutine o3prof

END MODULE module_ra_FLG