MODULE module_shcu_camuwshcu_driver 1
  USE shr_kind_mod,    only: r8 => shr_kind_r8

! Roughly based on convect_shallow_tend in convect_shallow.F90 from CAM
! but tailored for the UW shallow cumulus scheme.

  !Future modifications and important warnings (BSINGH:02/01/2013- Notes from WIG):
  !1. UWShCu is hard-wired for certain moisture variables that could cause trouble 
  !   depending on which MP is used 
  !2. Mixing for rain, snow, and graupel moist vars is commented out. 
  !   For other MP routines that treat this prognostically, we need to implement 
  !   ShCu mixing of these (and other possible) moist species.
  !3. Fractional occurrence of shallow convection is currently not calculated.


  PRIVATE                  !Default to private
  PUBLIC :: &              !Public entities



SUBROUTINE camuwshcu_driver(                                  & 1,17
              ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde                       &
             ,ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme                       &
             ,its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                       &
             ,num_moist, dt                                   &
             ,p, p8w, pi_phy, z, z_at_w, dz8w                 &
             ,t_phy, u_phy, v_phy                             &
             ,moist, qv, qc, qi, qnc, qni                     &
#ifdef WRF_CHEM
             ,chem, chem_opt                                  &
             ,pblh_in, tke_pbl, cldfra, cldfra_old            &
             ,cldfra_old_mp,cldfra_conv, is_CAMMGMP_used      &
             ,cldfrash                                        &
             ,cush_inout, pratesh, snowsh, icwmrsh    &
             ,cmfmc, cmfmc2_inout, rprdsh_inout, cbmf_inout   &
             ,cmfsl, cmflq, dlf, dlf2, evapcsh_inout          &
             ,rliq, rliq2_inout, cubot, cutop                 &
             ,rushten, rvshten, rthshten                      &
             ,rqvshten, rqcshten, rqrshten                    &
             ,rqishten, rqsshten, rqgshten                    &
             ,rqcnshten,rqinshten                             &
             ,ht, shfrc3d,itimestep                           &
! This routine is based on convect_shallow_tend in CAM. It handles the
! mapping of variables from the WRF to the CAM framework for the UW
! shallow convective parameterization.
! Author:, Jan. 2010
  USE module_state_description, only: param_first_scalar, &
                                      p_qc, p_qr, p_qi, p_qs, p_qg, p_qnc, p_qni
  USE module_cam_support,       only: pcols, pver, pcnst =>pcnst_runtime
#ifdef WRF_CHEM
  USE module_cam_support,       only:  cam_mam_aerosols
  USE constituents,             only: cnst_get_ind
  USE physconst,                only: latice,cpair, gravit, latvap
  USE uwshcu,                   only: compute_uwshcu_inv
  USE wv_saturation,            only: fqsatd
#ifdef WRF_CHEM
  use module_state_description,  only: num_chem, param_first_scalar,CBMZ_CAM_MAM3_NOAQ, &
  use module_data_cam_mam_asect, only: lptr_chem_to_q, factconv_chem_to_q
  use module_mp_cammgmp_driver,  only: physics_update, physics_ptend_init

! Subroutine arguments...
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN   ) ::    ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,  &
                               ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,  &
                               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,  &
#ifdef WRF_CHEM
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN   ) ::    chem_opt

  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_moist ), INTENT(IN) :: &
                              moist    !moist tracer array
#ifdef WRF_CHEM
  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), INTENT(INOUT) :: &
                              chem    !moist tracer array

  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN) :: &
                             cldfra, & !cloud fraction
                         cldfra_old, & !previous time step cloud fraction
                      cldfra_old_mp, &
                        cldfra_conv, &
                               dz8w, & !height between layer interface (m)
                                  p, & !pressure at mid-level (Pa)
                                p8w, & !pressure at level interface (Pa)
                             pi_phy, & !exner function, (p0/p)^(R/cpair) (none)
                                 qv, & !water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg-dry air)
                              t_phy, & !temperature (K)
                            tke_pbl, & !turbulent kinetic energy from PBL (m2/s2)
                              u_phy, & !zonal wind component on T points (m/s)
                              v_phy, & !meridional wind component on T points (m/s)
                                  z, & !height above sea level at mid-level (m)
                             z_at_w    !height above sea level at interface (m)

  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: &
                                 qc, & !cloud droplet mixing ratio (kg/kg-dry air)
                                 qi, & !cloud ice crystal mixing ratio (kg/kg-dry air)
                                qnc, & !cloud water  number concentration (#/kg)
                                qni    !cloud ice number concentration (#/kg)

  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN) :: &
                            pblh_in, & !height of PBL (m)
                            ht         !Terrain height (m)

  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(INOUT) :: &
                           cldfrash, & !shallow convective cloud fraction
                              cmfmc, & !deep+shalow cloud fraction (already contains deep part from ZM)
                       cmfmc2_inout, & !shallow cloud fraction
                              cmflq, & !convective flux of total water in energy unit (~units)
                              cmfsl, & !convective flux of liquid water static energy (~units)
                                dlf, & !dq/dt due to export of cloud water (input=deep from ZM, output=deep+shallow)
                      evapcsh_inout, & !output array for evaporation of shallow convection precipitation (kg/kg/s)
                            icwmrsh, & !shallow cumulus in-cloud water mixing ratio (kg/m2)
                       rprdsh_inout, & !dq/dt due to deep(~?) & shallow convective rainout (~units?)
                            rushten, & !UNcoupled zonal wind tend from shallow Cu scheme (m/s2)
                            rvshten, & !UNcoupled meridional wind tend from shallow Cu scheme (m/s2)
                           rthshten, & !UNcoupled potential temperature tendendcy from shallow cu scheme (K/s)
                           rqvshten, & !UNcoupled water vapor mixing ratio tend from shallow Cu scheme (kg/kg/s)
                           rqcshten, & !UNcoupled clod droplet mixing ratio tend from shallow Cu scheme (kg/kg/s)
                           rqrshten, & !UNcoupled raindrop mixing ratio tend from shallow Cu scheme (kg/kg/s)
                           rqishten, & !UNcoupled ice crystal mixing ratio tend from shallow Cu scheme (kg/kg/s)
                           rqsshten, & !UNcoupled snow mixing ratio tend from shallow Cu scheme (kg/kg/s)
                           rqgshten, & !UNcoupled graupel mixing ratio tend from shallow Cu scheme (kg/kg/s)
                          rqcnshten, & !PMA

  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(INOUT) :: &
                         cbmf_inout, & !cloud base mass flux (kg/m2/s)
                              cubot, & !level number of base of convection
                              cutop, & !level number of top of convection
                         cush_inout, & !convective scale height (~units?)
                            pratesh, & !time-step shallow cumulus precip rate at surface (mm/s)
                               rliq, & !vertically-integrated reserved cloud condensate (m/s)
                        rliq2_inout, & !vertically-integrated reserved cloud condensate for shallow (m/s)
                             snowsh    !accumulated convective snow rate at surface for shallow Cu (m/s) ~are these the units we should use for WRF?

                                 dt    !time step (s)

  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT) ::   &
                        dlf2           ! Required by CAMMGMP Microphysics                            
 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT) ::   &
                           shfrc3d     !Shallow cloud fraction

! Local variables...
  !Variables dimensioned for input to CAM routines
  REAL(r8), DIMENSION(pcols, kte, pcnst) ::  &
                             moist8, & !tracer array for CAM routines
                         tnd_tracer    !tracer tendency

  REAL(r8), DIMENSION(pcols, kte+1) ::  &
                              pint8, & !pressure at layer interface (Pa)
                                zi8, & !height above the ground at interfaces (m)
                               tke8, & !turbulent kinetic energy at level interfaces (m2/s2)
                              slflx, & !convective liquid water static energy flux (~units?)
                              qtflx, & !convective total water flux (~units?)
                            flxprec, & ! Shallow convective-scale flux of precip (rain+snow) at interfaces [ kg/m2/s ]
                            flxsnow, & ! Shallow convective-scale flux of snow at interfaces [ kg/m2/s ]
                            cmfmc2     !cloud fraction


  REAL(r8), DIMENSION(pcols, kte) ::  &
                               cld8, & !cloud fraction
                            cldold8, & !previous time step cloud fraction ~should this be just the convective part?
                             cmfdqs, & !convective snow production (~units?)
                            evapcsh, & !evaporation of shallow convection precipitation >= 0. (kg/kg/s)
                           iccmr_uw, & !in-cloud cumulus LWC+IWC (kg/m2)
                           icwmr_uw, & !in-cloud cumulus LWC (kg/m2)
                           icimr_uw, & !in-cloud cumulus IWC (kg/m2)
                              pdel8, & !pressure difference between layer interfaces (Pa)
                           pdeldry8, & !pressure difference between layer interfaces for dry atm (Pa)
                              pmid8, & !pressure at layer middle (Pa)
                                qc2, & !dq/dt due to export of cloud water
                                qh8, & !specific humidity (kg/kg-moist air)
                                qc8, & !cloud liquid water (~units?)
                                qi8, & !cloud ice (~units?)
                              qhtnd, & !specific humidity tendency (kg/kg/s)
                              qctnd, & !cloud water mixing ratio tendency
                              qitnd, & !cloud ice mixing ratio tendency
                             rprdsh, & !dq/dt due to deep(~?) & shallow convective rainout (~units?)
                                 s8, & !dry static energy (J/kg)
                              shfrc, & !shallow cloud fraction
                               stnd, & !heating rate (dry static energy tendency, W/kg)
                                 t8, & !temperature (K)
                                 u8, & !environment zonal wind (m/s)
                               utnd, & !zonal wind tendency (m/s2)
                                 v8, & !environment meridional wind (m/s)
                               vtnd, & !meridional wind tendency (m/s2)
                                zm8    !height between interfaces (m)

  REAL(r8), DIMENSION(pcols, kte) ::  &
                           qcten_det, &
                           qiten_det, &
                          qcnten_det, &
                          qinten_det, &

  REAL(r8), DIMENSION(pcols) ::  &
                               cbmf, & !cloud base mass flux (kg/m2/s)
                               cnb2, & !bottom level of convective activity
                               cnt2, & !top level of convective activity
                               cush, & !convective scale height (~units?)
                               pblh, & !pblh height (m)
                              precc, & !convective precip (rain+snow) at surface for shallow Cu (m/s)
                              rliq2, & !vertically-integrated reserved cloud condensate for shallow (m/s)
                               snow    !convective snow rate at surface (m/s)

  !Other local vars
  REAL(r8) :: ztodt,dum1
  INTEGER :: i, j, k, kflip, m, mp1
  INTEGER :: cnb, cnt      !index of cloud base and top in CAM world (indices decrease with height)
  INTEGER :: lchnk         !chunk identifier, used to map 2-D to 1-D arrays in WRF
  INTEGER :: ncnst         !number of tracers
  INTEGER :: ncol          !number of atmospheric columns in chunk
  CHARACTER(LEN=1000) :: msg

  character*24 :: ptend_name            !ptend%name in CAM5 - used in parameterization
  logical      :: ptend_ls              !ptend%ls   in CAM5 - used for calling physics_update subroutine
  logical      :: ptend_lq(pcnst)       !ptend%lq   in CAM5

  integer :: l, l2
  real(r8) :: state_s(pcols,kte)
  real(r8) :: ptend_s(pcols,kte)                   !Dummy arguments for physics_update call

#ifdef WRF_CHEM
  !BSINGH:02/01/2013: Sanity check for Non-MAM simulations
  if(.NOT.cam_mam_aerosols .AND. chem_opt .NE. 0) then
     write(msg,*)'CAMUWSHACU DRIVER - camuwshcu_driver is valid for only MAM aerosols ', &
     call wrf_error_fatal( msg )

! Initialize...
  ncol  = 1     !chunk size in WRF is 1 since we loop over all columns in a tile
  ncnst = pcnst !
  ztodt = dt
! Map variables to inputs for zm_convr and call it...
! Loop over the points in the tile and treat them each as a CAM chunk.
  ij_loops : do j = jts,jte
     do i = its,ite
        lchnk = (j-jts)*(ite-its+1) + (i-its+1) !1-D index location from the 2-D tile

        !Flip variables on the layer interfaces
        do k = kts,kte+1
           kflip = kte-k+2

           pint8(1,kflip) = p8w(i,k,j)
           zi8(1,kflip)   = z_at_w(i,k,j) - ht(i,j) ! height above the ground at interfaces
        end do

        !Flip variables on the layer middles
        do k = kts,kte
           kflip = kte-k+1
           if(is_CAMMGMP_used) then
              cld8(1,kflip)    = cldfra_old_mp(i,k,j)
              cldold8(1,kflip) = cldfra_conv(i,k,j)
              cld8(1,kflip)    = cldfra(i,k,j)
              cldold8(1,kflip) = cldfra_old(i,k,j)
           if (itimestep .eq. 1) then
             cld8(1,kflip)    = 0._r8
             cldold8(1,kflip) = 0._r8
           end if
           cld8(1,kflip) = min(max((cld8(1,kflip) + cldold8(1,kflip)),0._r8),1._r8)

           pdel8(1,kflip)   = p8w(i,k,j) - p8w(i,k+1,j)
           pmid8(1,kflip)   = p(i,k,j)
           qh8(1,kflip)     = max( qv(i,k,j)/(1. + qv(i,k,j)), 1e-30 ) !values of 0 cause a crash in entropy
           if( present(qc) ) then
              qc8(1,kflip)  = qc(i,k,j)/(1. + qv(i,k,j)) !Convert to moist mix ratio
              qc8(1,kflip)  = 0.
           end if
           if( present(qi) ) then
              qi8(1,kflip)  = qi(i,k,j)/(1. + qv(i,k,j)) !Used in convtran, ditto for conversion
              qi8(1,kflip)  = 0.
           end if
           pdeldry8(1,kflip)= pdel8(1,kflip)*(1._r8 - qh8(1,kflip))
           t8(1,kflip)      = t_phy(i,k,j)
           s8(1,kflip)      = cpair*t8(1,kflip) + gravit*(z(i,k,j)-ht(i,j))
           u8(1,kflip)      = u_phy(i,k,j)
           v8(1,kflip)      = v_phy(i,k,j)
           zm8(1,kflip)     = z(i,k,j)-ht(i,j)
        end do

        !BSINGH - TKE at the interfaces
        do k = kts, kte+1
           kflip = kte - k + 2
           tke8(1,kflip) = tke_pbl(i,k,j)  !Turbulent kinetic energy            
        end do

        !Flip the tracer array -
        !shift tracer dimension down one to remove "blank" index and
        !convert to wet instead of dry mixing ratios.
        do k = kts,kte
           kflip = kte-k+1

           moist8(1,kflip,1:ncnst) = 0.

           moist8(1,kflip,1) = max(0.0_r8,qv(i,k,j)/(1. + qv(i,k,j)))

           call cnst_get_ind( 'CLDLIQ', m )
           moist8(1,kflip,m) = max(0.0_r8,qc(i,k,j)/(1. + qv(i,k,j)))

           call cnst_get_ind( 'CLDICE', m )
           moist8(1,kflip,m) = max(0.0_r8,qi(i,k,j)/(1. + qv(i,k,j)))

           call cnst_get_ind( 'NUMLIQ', m )
           moist8(1,kflip,m) = max(0.0_r8,qnc(i,k,j)/(1. + qv(i,k,j)))

           call cnst_get_ind( 'NUMICE', m )
           moist8(1,kflip,m) = max(0.0_r8,qni(i,k,j)/(1. + qv(i,k,j)))

#ifdef WRF_CHEM
           !Following Do-Loop is obtained from chem/module_cam_mam_aerchem_driver.F 
           do l = param_first_scalar, num_chem
              l2 = lptr_chem_to_q(l)
              if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
                 moist8(1,kflip,l2) = max(0.0_r8,chem(i,k,j,l)*factconv_chem_to_q(l))
              end if
           end do ! l             

        end do

        !Some remapping to get arrays to pass into the routine
        pblh(1) = pblh_in(i,j)
        cush(1) = cush_inout(i,j)
! Main guts of the routine...
! This is a bit inefficient because we are flippling the arrays and they
! will then get flipped back again by compute_uwshcu_inv. We are doing
! this to preserve the CAM code as much as possible for maintenance.
        call compute_uwshcu_inv(                        &
             pcols, pver, ncol, ncnst, ztodt,           &
             pint8, zi8, pmid8, zm8, pdel8,             &
             u8, v8, qh8, qc8, qi8,                     &
             t8, s8, moist8,                            &
             tke8, cld8, cldold8, pblh, cush,           &
             cmfmc2, slflx, qtflx,                      &
             flxprec, flxsnow,                          &
             qhtnd, qctnd, qitnd,                       &
             stnd, utnd, vtnd, tnd_tracer,              &
             rprdsh, cmfdqs, precc, snow,               &
             evapcsh, shfrc, iccmr_UW, icwmr_UW,        &
             icimr_UW, cbmf, qc2, rliq2,                &
             cnt2, cnb2, fqsatd, lchnk, pdeldry8        )
! Map output into WRF-dimensioned arrays...
        cush_inout(i,j) = cush(1)
       do k = kts,kte
           kflip = kte-k+1
            if( t8(1,kflip) > 268.15_r8 ) then
              dum1 = 0.0_r8
            elseif( t8(1,kflip) < 238.15_r8 ) then
              dum1 = 1.0_r8
              dum1 = ( 268.15_r8 - t8(1,kflip) ) / 30._r8
           qcten_det(1,kflip) = qc2(1,kflip) * ( 1._r8 - dum1 )
           qiten_det(1,kflip) = qc2(1,kflip) * dum1 
           qcnten_det(1,kflip) = 3._r8 * (qc2(1,kflip)    * ( 1._r8 - dum1 ) ) / (4._r8*3.14159_r8*(10.e-6_r8**3)*997._r8) 
           qinten_det(1,kflip) = 3._r8 * (qc2(1,kflip)    *  dum1 ) / (4._r8*3.14159_r8*(50.e-6_r8**3)*500._r8)  
           qsten_det(1,kflip)      =  qc2(1,kflip) * dum1 * latice                    ! liquid to ice heating
        end do
        do k = kts,kte
           kflip = kte-k+1
           dlf2(i,k,j)         = qc2(1,kflip)
           shfrc3d(i,k,j)      = shfrc(1,kflip)   ! Required by CAM's wet scavenging -

           !Add shallow reserved cloud condensate to deep reserved cloud condensate
           ! dlf (kg/kg/s, qc in CAM),  rliq done below
           dlf(i,k,j)          = dlf(i,k,j) + qc2(1,kflip)

           evapcsh_inout(i,k,j)= evapcsh(1,kflip)
           icwmrsh(i,k,j)      = icwmr_uw(1,kflip)

           rprdsh(1,kflip)     = rprdsh(1,kflip) + cmfdqs(1,kflip)
           rprdsh_inout(i,k,j) = rprdsh(1,kflip)
           !Not doing rprdtot for now since not yet used by other CAM routines in WRF

           !Tendencies of winds, potential temperature, and moisture
           !fields treated specifically by UW scheme
           rushten(i,k,j)  = utnd(1,kflip)
           rvshten(i,k,j)  = vtnd(1,kflip)
           rthshten(i,k,j) = (stnd(1,kflip)+qsten_det(1,kflip))/cpair/pi_phy(i,k,j)
           rqvshten(i,k,j) = qhtnd(1,kflip)/(1. - qv(i,k,j))
           if( p_qc >= param_first_scalar ) &
                rqcshten(i,k,j) = (qctnd(1,kflip)+qcten_det(1,kflip))/(1. - qv(i,k,j))
           if( p_qi >= param_first_scalar ) &
                rqishten(i,k,j) = (qitnd(1,kflip)+qiten_det(1,kflip))/(1. - qv(i,k,j))

           if( p_qnc >= param_first_scalar ) then
              call cnst_get_ind( 'NUMLIQ', m )
              rqcnshten(i,k,j) = (tnd_tracer(1,kflip,m)+qcnten_det(1,kflip))/(1. - qv(i,k,j))
           if( p_qni >= param_first_scalar ) then
              call cnst_get_ind( 'NUMICE', m )
              rqinshten(i,k,j) = (tnd_tracer(1,kflip,m)+qinten_det(1,kflip))/(1. - qv(i,k,j))
        end do !k-loop to kte              
#ifdef WRF_CHEM
           !BSINGH - update moist8 by physics update call
           !Update chem array and state constituents
           !populate state_s, ptend_s, ptend_ls with dummy values (zeros) for physics update call
           state_s(:,:)  = 0.0_r8
           ptend_s(:,:)  = 0.0_r8
           ptend_ls      = .FALSE.
           ptend_lq(:)   = .TRUE.
           ptend_lq(1:5) = .FALSE.
           ptend_name    = 'convect_shallow'

           call physics_update(lchnk,ztodt,moist8,tnd_tracer,state_s,ptend_s,ptend_name,ptend_lq,ptend_ls,pcnst)
           do k = kts,kte
              kflip = kte-k+1
              do l = param_first_scalar, num_chem
                 l2 = lptr_chem_to_q(l)
                 if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
                    chem(i,k,j,l) = moist8(1,kflip,l2)/factconv_chem_to_q(l)
                 end if
              end do ! l
           end do !k-loop to kte              

        do k = kts,kte+1
           kflip = kte-k+2

           !Convective fluxes of 'sl' and 'qt' in energy unit
           cmfsl(i,k,j) = slflx(1,kflip)
           cmflq(i,k,j) = qtflx(1,kflip)*latvap
           !BSINGH - Storing CMFMC and CMFMC2 at the interfaces
           cmfmc2_inout(i,k,j) = cmfmc2(1,kflip)
           cmfmc(i,k,j)        = cmfmc(i,k,j) + cmfmc2(1,kflip)
        end do !k-loop to kte+1

        !Calculate fractional occurance of shallow convection
        !~Not doing this since it would require adding time averaging ability across output times

        !Rain rate for shallow convection
        pratesh(i,j) = precc(1)*1e3/dt !~this will need changing for adaptive time steps and cudt

        !Get indices of convection top and bottom based on deep+shallow
        !Note: cnt2 and cnb2 have indices decreasing with height, but
        !      cutop and cubot have indicies increasing with height
        kflip = kte - cutop(i,j) + 1
        cnt = kflip
        if( cnt2(1) < kflip ) cnt = cnt2(1)
        cutop(i,j) = kte - cnt + 1

        kflip = kte - cubot(i,j) + 1
        cnb = kflip
        if( cnb2(1) > kflip ) cnb = cnb2(1)
        cubot(i,j) = kte - cnb + 1

        !Add shallow reserved cloud condensate to deep reserved cloud condensate
        !dlf done above, rliq (m/s)
        rliq2_inout(i,j) = rliq2(1)
        rliq(i,j)        = rliq(i,j) + rliq2(1)

     end do
  end do ij_loops
END SUBROUTINE camuwshcu_driver

END MODULE module_shcu_camuwshcu_driver